#Famerpg Event: Music Event
koyoosei-blog · 8 years
She had lost.
          The moment his first song ended, she knew. The crowd was screaming the same amount, but... Metta was sparkling. The backstage area was practically covered in glitter, and half the staff was doused in it as well. But... He was one step ahead of her. The emotions in his music, the way his entire outfit captured the audience and brought together the entire stage... Metta was in his element, wasn’t he? The stage was all his. Every inch of that crowd belonged to him. 
                   And she had lost.
          She felt tears rolling down her cheek, but she quickly wiped them away. She was so frustrated. All this time preparing, dancing as hard as she could and nearly straining her vocal cords... She had lost. To someone much, much more strong than she was. And it made her chest hurt even more. Her heat was beating fast s her emotions began to overwhelm her. No wonder he took the duet, she thought to herself, It just added to his sparkle, didn’t it?
          She looked at her manager, who was talking to some of the staff members. She didn’t want to interrupt. She sat there, finishing off her small can of oxygen and setting it to her side. As she regained her own breath, she clutched her fists in anger. Her manager glanced at her, bending down and asking if she was okay. All she did was nod, asking for some water. He was on his last song. As the crowd grew more and more passionate, the more she started to cry. This was too much for her. There was no way she could beat him. He would always be one step ahead.
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foolsdiamxnd-blog · 8 years
The moment had finally arrived, the moment that he had been planning for the last month. Its not like he hasn’t performed before (he performed at least 5 times to promote himself), but so much rode on this performance he couldn’t help but feel nervous. He needed this to be perfect.
The stage was decorated to be the techno-pop aesthetic that most of Minato’s songs had. He had a matching outfit, one that popped enough for him to be the center of attention but still fit with the aesthetic. He opened with his first hit as he walked through the entrance that the parting stairs made. He listened to the cheers of the crowd, soaking in this moment. This is what he lived for, and he was going to give it his all.
And that’s what he did.
He sang his heart out, interacting with the crowd whenever he could. He loved how they sang along without hesitation (which could party be attributed to him, he forgets what happens when he sings when he performs) and loved how much they cheered after every song. They all had on the light-up bracelets he had for sale, and they were coordinated with the stage lights to glow, flash, and change color together. It immersed them in it, and it made the whole thing so much more surreal.
The concert went on like it was supposed to, with him performing all of his most popular songs. He didn’t do any costume changes so he could spend as much time as he could singing to the crowd. Of course, there were moments where he’d talk to the crowd to get his stamina up for the next set, but there weren’t any long breaks. He was able to pump them up, get them excited for the next song, so he was slightly saddened when the last song for this show came up. He was always saddened by ends, but it just meant that the next show had to pick right up where the last left off.
He would have done this song for an encore, but since today he had a specific time slot, he did this as the finale. It was his most popular song, the one that got him noticed by everyone. So when the first notes played, and everyone erupted into cheers, he felt the reason why Adamas had done the IGE’s, why they had done it so soon after such a big tragedy.They did it for this, for these big concerts and shows and games.
They did it so everyone could feel alive again.
That song was the best performance he had in a while. Not only did he perfectly hit every note and step, but he did with a new sense of life, a new sense of purpose. This was the reason he was born, and this was the reason he lived. And he loved how it felt to be doing so much for all of these people.
So when he stepped off the stage, he finally felt excited again, excited to be doing this, excited to be excited after the gala.
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koyoosei-blog · 8 years
      She had moved back down to the main stage after some water and deep breaths. There was about 15 minutes left in her show... then, it meant it was time! She took a deep breath, before smiling back at the audience.
          “Thank you, everyone!” She spoke into the microphone, still a bit out of breath. “It felt so good to move like that after so long... Being cooped up in a building isn’t all that fun!” She joked through her monologue as the audience laughed alongside her. “However, I got to have some fun with lots of the other idols! They’re all super talented, and it’s so much fun to observe them up close. What’s even more exciting--”
      The crowd screamed, as they were supposed to. From stage right, out walked the key to her performance. The super idol himself, Mettaton. Ena acted surprised. However, this was their plan. To make sure they both had the best performances, and the best finish and opening.
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          “Metta, what are you doing?” She asked, smiling.          “Your show doesn’t star for a few more minutes...!”
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koyoosei-blog · 8 years
          “Oh, I wonder if I'll be able to say it when we meet in a dream…”
     The lights surrounding the stage came to life quickly, turning directly onto the performer. As the opening melody played, the crowd’s roar grew louder and louder as they quickly realized who was standing before them. 
                                        Aelton’s Starlit Fairy, Ena. 
     Returning finally after months of darkness and uncertainty. As the melody blared, she made her way down the steps, the crowds’ faces growing clearer and clearer. Practically screaming their heads off as their doll-like princess had finally returned to where she belonged. On the stage, shining like a brilliant star in the oncoming night sky. Twinkling as to beckon the people back home. Full of life once more, even if the only thing keeping her from collapsing at that moment were plenty of drugs. No one could tell. Her smile was dazzling as she quickly pulled the attention back to her.
     Her foot touched the main stage, as she continued on with the rest of the song, dancing and singing with all the feelings she had held back for nearly six months. For the crowd, today was a moment they had to never forget. Because Ena was going to come back stronger than ever, ready to face the people who stood in her way. The crowd quickly fell into her rhythm, into her world. The world of modern fairytales, songs of love and tragedy, and the storyteller who couldn’t stop them from awaiting what was next. As the last note hit of her first song, she stopped center stage, turning to face the main monitors. The lights fell again as her next melody came drifting in. Her first major single began to play, the crowd even more into it than they were for the first song.
          “The goddess of fate took notice of me...          "What an adorable baby... I know! Let's            cast a spell on her for fun."
     The crowd sang along with her as she told her first tale, the monitors flashing beautiful imagery. The visual storybook, the pages being turned by her song. The mood had changed, and now, it was all in her control. She subconsciously thanked her manager for giving her such strict vocal lessons. None of this would have been possible if it were not for him and his pure dedication. From the moment she was abandoned, like a knight in sparkling silver armor, carried her away and never left her side since. If this performance was dedicated to anyone, it would be him, and the four years he had spent wasting his own life for someone like her.
           “... Did you see that? The spell that was just           like a bad dream... See? It looks like it's just           been broken.”
     The crowd cheered louder than before, as she finished her second song. She was out of breath. Everything hurt as she felt like she could collapse at any moment. But, she felt strong. Powerful. Alive. Ena wasn’t born to do anything else in this world. Moments like this, as the lights on the stage shone on her and only her, reminded her of that. She was born to sing. To tell stories weaved into lyrics by masterful artists, ready to change the world with their songs. Ena was born to be their messenger. To deliver these songs and have their messages be heard by the masses. Taking her first bow, she smiled.
           “Everyone, thank you! I promise I won’t           stay away that long again, okay?”
     The crowd screamed. Chanting her name like she was their queen. She chuckled, tucking her hair back behind her ear as she began to tell stories as if she had never left. Dumb stories that, for some reason, were more interesting as she wore her stage clothes and stood, drenched in sweat, laughing about them herself in front of hundreds of thousands of people.
     One more laugh before she smiled, holding her mic back up to her mouth.
          “Then, shall we continue?”
The next song began to blast over the speakers as the lighting changed into a dark red and purple mixture. Again, the mood shifted. From one of a warm story, to a dark tale of a young girl’s sensual and sexual love.
            “A constantly longing Cinderella,           I'll run away in nothing but my uniform            Magic, please stop the time            Else we'll be disturbed by villains.”
Her story turned to the next page as she went back up the steps, the crowd roaring, singing along once more. She stood on the secondary stage, staring out as she sang the bridge. Clicking her vocal training on, she began to sing the final verse.
          “It seems that the lying Cinderella          Was eaten by a wolf          What should I do? At this rate          I too will end up being eaten one day         Please come and save me before that happens.” 
     She hit the final note as the stage went black, her audience almost worn out from all the screaming. She took a moment to breathe as the crowd calmed. The lights changed to a deep red. One more song debut before her finale. She took a deep breath. 
          “Love or self, you have to choose - is it I, or is it you?         "Very well, the choice is yours" - and with your glimpse...”
     The story played on, her vocals staying sharp the entire time. She was tired. She could barely move. But... she had to continue singing. For her audience, she had to continue singing. Even if it felt as if her heart was about explode, she needed to prove her worth in this world. Ena, Aelton’s Starlit Fairy, would not quit so easily.
             “If this world's a loveless one, and we're to keep living on,           There's nowhere for us two to be, not anywhere that I can see           So then, I wonder - does our choice come down to this:           Does our "egoselfishness" make it exist?“
        She hit her last note, the stage going entirely black. The audience’s moods, however, she could feel them, pulsating with energy. After Sayaka and Gara’s amazing performances, she knew she couldn’t stop. They were continuing to push as the night stars began to sparkle in the night sky.
                                    To be cont.
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umeboshii-blog1 · 8 years
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WHEN: July 15th, 2016, 12pm EST - 11pm EST WHERE: Montry Island (Ferries begin service at 10am for the public) PARTICIPATING BRANCHES: Music
The Music department holds an all day all night music festival on Adamas’ private island. Each idol is given a stage - they choose how to decorate, how the lights work, what outfits they wear, etc. with the help of their manager. Tickets for the festival are sold in advance for all the events. Armed guards are by the entrance of each stage counting the number of people who attend each concert. There is also merchandise being sold of each idol. The number of guests plus each item of merch sold (each idol gets 10,000 pieces of merchandise. They can do any type of merch, but have to stick to the 10,000 item maximum), The manager gets to choose what is sold plus online viewership plus online votes determine the winner. All concerts are streamed live.
Event Tag: Famerpg Event: Music Event
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