frnwhcom · 8 months
A Calgary woman, Sharilyn Gagnon, tragically lost her life in a brutal act of domestic violence. Her family is now expressing frustration with the judicial system, fearing that the perpetrator may reoffend.
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dailyintimidations · 10 years
"I think you're the real deal".
I have to get over myself. I'm twenty-two and I am still relentlessly striving for my mother's approval. I only have one question left; "why?" I kind of love my job; although it's not substantial, I make enough to get by. Where else, with an unrelated degree, could I be a manager, a team builder and a wedding planner? I was laughing with the owner's nephew today, telling him how I'm a "fake" wedding planner and event coordinator. He stops me in my tracks and says; "I don't think you're fake, I think you're the real deal." I don't know why that meant so much to me, but it really did. I can't help but feel a little resentful that my mom doesn't really acknowledge that I do a lot. She praises my sister a lot (and I would too, I honestly have no idea how she can handle the pressure of being a personal support worker), but sometimes a little positive push would be nice. Why is it that strangers or mere acquaintances can say something so personally meaningful to me, but my own family doesn't? Meh, I have to stop obsessing about this and take the kudos when I can.
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