#Farmmafia Papyrus
Can u do this for Harvest, Corn, Crop, and Field plz? How would they be with someone like this?
S/O is very physically affectionate. Hugs and hand holding and snuggles and smooches lots. Sleepy cuddles at night r a must. Doesn't let anyone else but him touch, not even friends. Touch means a lot to them.
This was a very interesting one to me! I hope you like this :)
Corn: At first he thinks that it's just really sweet, but then he notices the fact that you don't let anyone else do it. That makes him feel... it makes him feel really good about himself. Sometimes he feels a little nervous about cuddling with you though! There are a few reasons on why, but the biggest one is the fact that his strength is hard for him to control at times. Just praise him and tell him that it would be alright and he'll calm down slowly.
Harvest: It embarrasses him at first, honestly. He loves the attention and affection that you give him, but he just needs to get used to it which he would after a while. One of his favorite things to do is brush your hair back and kiss your forehead. Once he realizes that you don't let anyone else touch you, he asks about it and if you explain how much touch means to you? He's going to need a moment to stop himself from crying.
Field: Funnily enough, Field doesn't really like people touching him much either. At first, he would most likely tell you to stop or move away... when he finds out what touch means to you, he would most likely start to lean into the touches instead of away and even starts to do the cuddling! He likes to kiss your hands a lot...
Crop: I'mma be honest, he doesn't even realize. He loves your attention and he likes how cute you are.
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It rains money, how do they react? Mostly the mafia boys and whoever else?
my mafia people! :D
it's been so long.
Wiseguy: "Huh… would you look at that" he says, mostly to himself, staring up at the sky from where he was standing. Coins raining down and bills falling slowly. There were so many people out and about getting it… he shuts the door. He can't handle the loud amount of sound that the coins would cause, and honestly, he doesn't even really need the money.
Bones: It was like they knew that it was coming because they set something up in the backyard that would catch the coins and dollar bills. By the end of the storm, they have over 300 dollars! They're not sharing -w-
Clip: "Okay! What the shit?" he asks, holding out his arms in front of him. He just left to go to the store and now it's raining, but there was money instead of water? He reaches out, catching one of the bills, a pretty high number… he looks around and shakes his head, starting to walk home quickly while holding his umbrella above his head but upside down to catch the money. He'll keep it for stuff later or give it to G or his brother. Screw it. This was… weird.
Boss: He is so happy. He goes out and literally will pick up any bills that he sees that are higher than 20 dollars. He then takes that money to an animal shelter to donate it.
Books: He wants to study it! Why is it raining money? Is it falling from a plane? That's the only way he could explain it without it being strange. He doesn't even think about collecting it.
Crank: "Ha" he says, staring out with a relaxed smile on his face. That's damn near crazy right there… he puts a bucket outside to catch the money and then checks on it later and he was confused on where the bucket of money came from. High brain is dumb brain.
G: G's best damn life right there! Best day ever. He's outside collecting the money from off the floor and has his brother out there to help him collect as much as he can as well. He brings in all the money that he collected and puts it in his normal hiding spot after counting it out. He's purring so dang loud right now and is gonna be in a good mood for the rest of the day.
Juice: He's normally having to help his brother collect as much money as he could. He was really excited cause he knew that that means that his brother is gonna be in a VERY good mood.
Field: He stares out at the field that was getting covered with the money and coins, a little unsure how to feel about all of this. He looks over his shoulder, "Hey, Crop, remember when ya said money don't grow on trees? It's startin' to fall from the sky" Crop makes a sound of disapproval making him laugh and he goes outside to start to collect it off the floor. Can't just ignore it, that could damage the plants and money was nice.
Crop: Crop was in town when it happened, and he got hit in the head by a coin that came flying down at him. He looked around, quickly, thinking someone attacked him but then other stuff started to fall. He pushed himself under a covering and watched. He held out a bag to get filled up and he made quite a pretty penny!
Diva: He's shocked and confused? What the hell? How is this happening? After questioning it for a few seconds, he shakes his head and grabs his umbrella and goes outside to collect some. Hey, why wouldn't he?
Charm: He'll watch for a little while, then ask a few friends to help him collect as much money as he could! Nobody can really say no to him, so he gets the most money out of everyone, most likely.
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Can u do this for Stretch, Blueberry, Field, Crop, Corn, Harvest, Alpha, King, Lord, and Mutt? How they'd react:
They tell their baby/toddler 'no' for the first time. The kid cries and it's like their little heart just got broke. It's super sad and pitiful.
This was fun! Thank you for asking :)
Stretch: He has such a hard time telling his babybones no, so seeing them start to cry like that makes him feel even worse, “Aw man…” he mumbles and sighs, grabbing his babybones in a hug, “I’m sorry I’m sorry, okay fine, we can do whatever you want just please stop crying.” He wipes away their tears, feeling like he would start crying himself. I’m sorry, you would have to be the stern parent with him most likely haha. 
Blueberry: He crosses his arms, looking at the babybones while trying to keep himself calm. “Y/b/n… you need to calm down. I sometimes have to say no.” he felt bad that they were crying but he wasn’t allowed to give them everything they ever wanted! If he has to be the bad guy, he will… though he isn’t happy about it. 
Field: “Stop crying.” He tells them, “If you’re going to cry every time I tell you no, you’ll run out of tears before I run out of air. You’ll have to deal with not gettin’ everythin’ you want in your life, kid.” He would then walk off to get back to work. He isn’t being mean to be mean, that’s just how he treats most people, and… yeah, he really doesn’t want kids ^^’
Crop: Crop would sit in his chair, wait for them to stop crying, and pat the top of their head, “You have to get used to being told no, sweetheart.” He lifts them up and sets them on his lap then starts to push himself. He isn’t going to allow himself to feel bad for them crying about being told no. They have to get used to it. 
Corn: Corn would sigh and scoop them up in his arms, “Aw sugarplum, calm down, I’m sorry I gotta tell you no but sometimes it’s needed. I ain’t the type to say no too often, you know that” He boops their nose gently and wipes away the tears. If they keep crying every time he says no, he might be a little less nice about it and more stern but right now, he wanted to be soft.
Harvest: If they do it too often and have a tantrum, he might just give them a spanking, to be honest. If it’s just a rare little cry here and there, he understands and he wouldn’t be too upset. It’s only if they try to be a brat will he do any type of punishment. 
Alpha: “Ha, baby.” He pats the top of their head and walks off. He doesn’t really care that they’re crying, he said no and they have to get used to that. 
King: She might act like she doesn’t care at first, but the crying gets to her and she would hug her babybones, “I’m sorry! You can have whatever you want.” and she doesn’t see it as a loss at all! The babybones grows up to be pretty spoiled rotten, honestly. 
Lord: It really depends on the day. He would most likely be VERY stern, if the babybones can’t handle being told no, then that’s their problem. They will be told no in the real world and they can’t just cry about it… he would comfort them, of course. 
Mutt: They would start crying too -w-
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🌋 (short temper?) for your mafia boys
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Wiseguy: A slow burn of anger. It takes a lot to get him angry and when it finally happens, it's scary.
Bones: They try their best to never get angry. The only one who has really seen it first hand was Boss and he says it's the most scary thing in the world.
Clip: He tries to not get angry that often but, you know, he does. He has a short temper.
Boss: The shortest of tempers.
Books: Because of how strong he is, he can't allow himself to lose his temper. He tries to keep himself calm all the time.
Crank: Depends? Normally he's pretty good with that but sometimes he will lash out easily.
Envy: He is not the best with anger, but he normally doesn't react in anger but you could just sense it.
Pride: Slow burn anger for sure.
Calmaity: They don't get angry that often at all. At least, they try not to.
Tragedy: His temper is strange. Sometimes slow boil and other times, it's like a hair thin line. It really depends on the day and how he feels.
Field: His anger is secret. If he gets mad, he'll try to keep it to himself unless it's caused by something big.
Crop: Slow boil. A SHOCKING level of slowness to his anger but he's very dangerous when mad angry enough.
Diva: Slow boil even when he's angry but he's planning murders and ways to ruin that person's life.
Charm: He doesn't get angry that often :3
Oath: It tries to not get angry but sometimes it can't help itself and will lose its temper.
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Can you do Field, Crop, Corn, Harvest, Sheep, Duster, and Alpha for this ask please?
A wild Karen starts crap with his s/o, and it turns physical. Karen starts it all, but when s/o pushes Karen away, Karen yells 'help! I've been attacked!'.
I'm so happy to get asks for these fellas :)
Field: The annoyance Field felt was, luckily, kept under control and he flexed his fingers, "Attacked, huh?" he raises his hand, using his magic to fling her backwards against the wall. He has connections with the police, and a lot of money. He could get it under control, plus he's just a simple farm boy! He'd hurt nobody(he'll bribe the store owner to give him the video recording)
Crop: Crop was a skeleton monster who had to use a wheelchair to get around, his legs got damaged during a mafia job, one of the biggest reasons on why they left the family. So, you know, I think anyone would see that her saying you two 'attacked' her was a damn lie. Not that he couldn't, he could easily kill her, but what happened was she tried to push his chair out of the way and then argued with Y/n and pushed them then Y/n pushed her back to get her away from Crop.
Corn: Ugh, this is why he never leaves his farm... he reaches over, grabbing his datemate and does a short cut to go to a different part of the store. He just wants to get the stuff and be able to get out of here. Plz ;n;
Harvest: "You're about to get attacked if you don't start leavin' us alone" He says, while pulling his sleeves up taking a few steps closer but stopped when his datemate grabbed his arm, pulling him back, "No, don't, if she gets the cops called, I don't want them to see you attacking her on camera" Harvest looks down at you, then at the lady, and huffs squinting at her. He's ready to throw hands.
Sheep: "Why I oughta-!" he tugs his shirt sleeve up over his arms, stepping forward but you were able to grab his arms, lifting him up off the ground so he couldn't attack the woman. "You started it! If y'all don't get outta here I'm gonna throw you out myself!" he kicks his legs, trying to hit her. Nobody is gonna take her side, Sheep is very well known in this area as a good boy who gives people discounts on veggies and fruits, and he never starts anything.
Duster: Duster would be the one to step in front of you, looking bothered, "Ey ey, no, don't go pushin' my datemate and act like you weren't the one that started it" and if she tried to attack him, he would grab her with his magic and lift her away and tell someone to call the cops.
Alpha: He teleports away with the karen, then comes back alone. He won't tell you where he took her.
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Can u do this for Field, Corn, and Alpha? How they'd react?
S/O is the sleepy and cuddly drunk. They're the type who just wants to cuddle and sleep, but if they're moved or put to bed by themself, they get super emotional. 'y u leave?🥺☹️' and may cry some. Other than that, they'll be chill and quiet.
Hehe okay, sure :)
Let's go!
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Field: he would look at you, with the softest look in his eyes, and chuckles shaking his head "You silly little weirdo…" he coos, and scoops you up in his arms, holding you against his body, and walks to their shared bedroom. He lays down on the bed, holding you on his lap, and starts to pull his fingers through your hair. He doesn't mind hugging and cuddling, if anything, he loves doing that! He would never leave you alone unless, you know, he had work to do but at the moment, he was totally open to do it. Crop could deal with stuff by himself for a little while, couldn't he?
Corn: He would look over at you with wide eyes, a little shocked that you're drunk, and walk over to where you were "Y/n, ya ain't supposed ta be out here when you're like that, you're gonna get yourself hurt" he leads you back into the house, setting you down onto the couch and goes to get you a glass of water "Gosh, Harvest's gonna be real sore that ya got into his drinks. I told ya that you shouldn't be doin' somethin' like that, dear" He could hear them whining and whimpering about him leaving and when he went back in, they looked like they were about to cry, making him sigh, and he walks over sitting beside them and gets them to drink some, mumbling under his breath.
Alpha: Honestly, Alpha might tease you about it. "Aww, do you want some cuddles, Y/n? Come on, you gotta tell me what you want~" he coos. He might even start to leave but if you start to cry, he'll roll his eyes and get into the bed with you, mumbling to stop being such a baby about it. He does hold you, even if it makes him a little uncomfortable... you're his datemate, and he knows that you wouldn't hurt him.
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Ooh! Can u do Alpha, Field, Mutt, Corn, Harvest, Nightmare, Passive, Deep, Killer, and Cosmos with a s/o whos got blonde hair long as Rapunzels from Tangled? It glows and heals too.
Sure! These were a lot of fun to write, so thank you :D
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Alpha: Why? Why do you have so much hair? What the heck? He couldn't help but feel a little confused about it. When he learned that it glowed and gave you powers, he's even MORE confused. How did you get these powers? He thought that magic in humans died out years ago!
Field: Well, come on, you gotta wrap that all up. He'll put it up in a braid for you to stay out of your face while mumbling and grumbling. Humans and their hair, what the hell is it so long for? He didn't care about the magic and all that, more just how long it took you to brush it and that it's way too much hair to deal with when they're trying to sleep together.
Mutt: ...can they play with it? They'll help you brush your hair if you want! They don't get bored all that easily when they have something to do with their hands, so they'll be helping you out with that and they'll even try to learn how to do some braids and stuff, even if they might get a little overwhelmed with all the different types. They like that you're both healing magic users! Yeah yeah, that's the only magic that they're really all that good at anymore(they do have fighting stuff, but it damages them too and blah)
Corn: You'd, uh, gotta be careful on his farm. It's real dirty and dangerous to have such long hair, it could get caught in the machines or something. He suggests for you to put it in a braid or something whenever you come around. But the healing sure does come in handy! He won't go out of his way to ask you to heal him if he ever gets hurt, but you probably would anyway. You two both have powers unlike others, he thinks that's pretty swell.
Harvest: Nope. He doesn't like that not one little bit! That's real dangerous, it's gonna get caught in something on his farm. You ain't coming onto his farm until you got that all tied up in a bun or something. He don't care about the healing and stuff unless it's REALLY important.
Nightmare: Well... your hair will sometimes get caught up in his goop, and he feels a bit strange about that. It's kind of gross. Killer hates you because of how long your hair is, it always makes him feel bothered so Nightmare kind of likes that. Your ability to heal is very good for him and his team! Though mostly his team. Don't ask him to style your hair for you, his goop would get in it and that would be gross.
Passive: He thinks that you're the prettiest thing in the world. He loves your hair, likes to brush it, and finds the glow really pretty but... he also is sad. You and Dream look like you would be perfect together, but you're just... you're stuck with him. A lot of the time he would ask if you're really happy with him, or if you're just being with him to make him feel good about himself? He also likes to put your hair in a lot of different styles! Good luck getting him to stop playing with your hair lol.(he'll stop if you want him to)
Deep: As unexpected as it is, he loves it. He likes seeing the glow because he finds it so pretty! You're like the sun in his darkest area... though you SORT of remind him of his brother, and that makes him feel just a tiny bit odd. He likes seeing you swim and then use your powers to make your hair glow because it draws his attention so much. He'll follow you around and protect you from anything that might try to hurt you. It's really cute, tbh.
Killer: Sorry... no... no. He won't date someone with hair that long. I don't think he would even want to be near that kind of person.
Cosmos: I feel like his nickname for you would be his sun! He thinks that you're really pretty and sometimes he likes to brush your hair... does think that it gets in the way sometimes haha.
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Can this be for Field, Alpha, Red, Lord, King, and Corn? What he'd do?
His pregnant s/o is stubborn and through the pregnancy they make it very clear, no hospitals, no midwife, no medicine, no nothing. They want a home birth, and absolutely do not want to be messed with, even n life or death, they'll have to be dragged and they will argue the whole time n pain. The nurses at the hospital, if it comes to it, tell him it's normal for them to be arguing and irritated and stressed and not to take it to heart. After tho, home or if they got dragged, theyll fall in love with the baby instantly and adore them, and they'll love on him lots too, very sweet and affectionate.
A good ask. I hope you like this :3
Field: Field cannot go to the hospital. If he notices that something is starting to go bad with their pregnancy then he'll take care of them and use his magic to heal them but they're going to be having a home birth. Hospitals are… not something that he likes.
Alpha: Alpha loves you, but if you're going to argue with him about it and all that, then he's gonna let you do whatever you wanna do. If you want a home birth he'll give you a home birth. He has a monster with healing magic on call if needed, and he'll stay with you to make sure that nothing happens.
Red: Red understands wanting to do a home birth, he hated hospitals! They freaked him out; they were way too clean and it felt… bad there. Too much death, he could feel it. Yet when the stuff starts to happen and he realizes that they need to go to the hospital, he will argue with them about it. He understands that it's their body, they should get to do whatever they want, but he isn't going to let them end up dying just because they're stubborn! So he takes them to the hospital and will listen to them argue and shout at him, taking it all with a silent voice. He's used to people shouting at him like that, Edge does it a lot. But when they get home and they smother him in affection as well as their twin babybones? Yeah…. yeah, he's really happy.
Lord: Even if his partner argues with him, he is going to point out reasons on why that's not a good idea. They normally could handle it, but at the moment, something seemed to go wrong so he isn't going to just let them end up dying if he could fix it. So yes, he would force them to go to the hospital while listening to them whine and complain. He isn't going to feel bad for forcing them to go to the hospital instead of dying! When they get home with the babybones, Lord will 'kiss' the top of their head. "I hope you won't stay mad at me for keeping you alive" he did that JUST to prove a point.
King: He gets offended and argues with them at first, then huffs and complains to Alpha who just sighs and telports them all to the hospital then walks off. "Deal with it" He would tell his brother. He tries his best to not argue with Y/n, he knows that they're going through a lot but he can't help it! They kept saying that they wanted to be alone with the birthing, no help or anything! He literally will have a panic attack and cry, telling them that he's scared about them dying and then he would have to either raise a babybones alone or he would lose them both. He WILL break down.
Corn: Corn doesn't really care if his S/o is arguing with him. He wanted to do a home birth too, they're good and all, he didn't really like hospitals all that much but he knows that if the baby dies then his S/o would blame themselves and if they died he… didn't know what he would do so he just scoops them up and drives them to the nearest hospital that would take monsters. He'll hold their hand and let them shout and be rude to him all they want; he knows that they're going through a lot of pain. By the end of it, they have two babybones! One with orange eyeshines and the other with bright green. Corn loves them both and he loves seeing how happy they are holding them both… he's kinda worried to hold them though, to be honest, cause of how tiny they are!
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How does your oc react to being told that they're loved by a loved one?
Thank you for the ask :3 it was really nice to write. I like simple asks like this sometimes lol
Fae: Fae perks up and looks at you, tilting his head to the side, then smiles and puts his hands together “Why thank you! I love you too!” he scoops you up in his arms, spinning around laughing as he peppers kisses over your face. He loves hearing that you love him. He smelled like strawberries!
Burn: Burn looks down at you listening to what you said, and it made it very happy! It leans over and nuzzled into you, letting out happy purrs to show that you made it very happy and pleased. It always liked hearing that sorta thing.
Pollux: “Oh! Y...Yes! Of course you do, I am very loving and you ah...” he doesn't say anything for a few seconds, his cheeks a bright red color then he huffs “Be quiet!” he turns away, crossing his arms over his chest, hiding his lower face into his scarf. Ha, you got him embarrassed.
Field: He would let out a little hum sound, then smile and pet the top of your head. “Thanks sweetheart, love ya too” and he goes back to work. Was pretty out of nowhere, don't you think?
Alpha: “Wow thanks” Alpha responds, poking your cheek. He really doesn't know how else to answer that... it was pretty sudden, don't you think?
Leader: He jumps and looks at you with big eyes, just sorta shocked then he clears his throat “Yes! I know, I am amazing and very easily able to be loved, but thank you. I, as the royal guard leader, will accept that and say ah... thank you” he was going to keep talking, but stops, and hurries off. “working!!” he jumps through the door, boots first.
Desire: “Love?” he looks over at you, and puts his hand to his chest “Y/n! Do not say such... scandalous things while in public” he turns his head away, letting out a little huff. If you were listening close... he was purring.
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Can you do Field, Crop, Corn, Harvest, Sheep, Duster, and Alpha for this ask please?
S/O has a crazy fear of bugs and he hears them randomly do a blood curtling scream and a loud crash from the next room, nothing's broken but they're in the table peterfied, they point to the ground.... All that fuss over a small roach. 'help! Get it out!'
How do those guys react?
Person got so scared they clipped into the table.
Field: he stares down at the little bug, then over at you, tilting his head to the side, "You're gonna wake up Crop with all that shoutin' sweet thing" He steps forward, stepping on the bug and twists his foot a little. "There, dead, now get offa the table, I gotta wash that"
Crop: When he heard the scream and crash, he thought that someone broke in. He scrambled, having to get into his chair and hurries over to where you were. When he saw that it was just the bug though? He squints at you, silent for a few seconds. "...Don't scream about bugs" He mutters. He gets the bug and tosses it outside but he's on edge for the rest of the day.
Corn: He jumps hearing the scream from where he was picking fruits, causing him to tighten his grip a little too much and crushes the fruit but he hurries down, and heads inside, "What's goin' on? What's happenin'?" he saw you on the table, and the bug, making him pause then laugh, "Geez sugarcube, you dang near gave me a heart attack!" he reaches down, catching the bug in his hands, "This lil thing makin' you scream like that? I'll take it out" he walks off to put the bug outside. You make him wash his hands.
Harvest: He was sleeping on the couch, something he didn't do often, so when he heard you scream, he jumps and falls off the couch. He grabs a broom, running in quickly moving it around, "Who's there?!" he looks over, seeing you on the table, then the bug and he realizes that he didn't have his gun but a broom... well that's good! He huffs and starts to brush the bug out to the door. "Gosh darn bugs breakin' in, makin' my datemate give me a damn heart attack" You better give him kisses. He ain't happy.
Sheep: He was cleaning, sweeping up, so when he heard the shout he jumps, tightening his grip on the broom and heard a crack. He looks down at the wood oh... oh no. Shit. He shakes his head and drops it on the ground figuring he'd come back for that later! He runs in, "Pumpkin! What's wrong?" When he saw you pointing at the bug and said that he makes a small sound, "Oh-" He nods and scoops the bug up into a glass and walks over to set it outside.
Duster: haha! Sorry guys, he's scared of bugs too. You're gonna have to deal with it or call Sheep.
Alpha: when he heard the scream and bang, he already knew what was going on. He sighs and walks in, holding his hands in his pockets and looks around then saw where the bug was. He steps on the bug before you could say anything, and holds out his arms, "Come on" jump into his arms. He's not normally that open with touches! :D
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Is Field, Corn, and Alpha ticklish?
How would they be with a s/o who is VERY ticklish?
Field: WARNING DO NOT TICKLE THIS BOY! Field is the second most ticklish in my cast(other than Stretch) and he will get violent. He will bite you.
Corn: He's not really ticklish at all! Which is so annoying. He likes to tickle you sometimes by just poking you where you're ticklish at. He mostly does it when you're distracted and he's trying to get your attention and you don't answer him when he calls your name.
Alpha: Alpha is a little ticklish, mostly on his ribs, but he hates being touched and his ribs are a sensitive place for him to be touched at so if you try, he would most likely smack your hand away and give you a stern look. All of the joking on his face is gone by then, and if you keep trying he's going to teleport away and you won't see him for a little. He doesn't explain why he dislikes it.
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Undertale Asks
If you have any questions for any of the undertale guys or AU’S just tell me! I’m real excited to get this started and going >w<
I made a kofi!
The ones that I write for, the aus, are under the cut cause it’s long.
Undertale- Sans, Papyrus
Underswap- Blueberry, Stretch
Underfell- Red, Edge
Horrortale- Axe, Noodle
Fellswap- Lord, Mutt
Swapfell- King, Alpha
Fellswap Pink- Overlord and Pup
Swapfell Emerald- Commander and Hound
Fellswap Gold- Chief and Wolf
Swapfell Silver- Royal and Fang
Fellswap White- Prince and Canine
Swapfell Rainbow- Leader and Beast
Fellswap Sugar- Grandeur and Behemoth
Swapfell Spice- Tycoon and Brute
Fellswap Sky- Cloud and Bat
Swapfell Wood- Superior and Exo
Fellswap Night- Brilliance and Werewolf
Swapfell Day- Vivid and Lycan
Fellswap Kindness- Ruler and Pooch
Swapfell Justice- Sheriff and K9
Fellswap Steam- Crowned and Whelp
Swapfell Tears- Dynast and Mongrel
Fellswapkiller Pink- Rebel
Swapfelldust Emerald- Shards
Horrorfellswap- Regicide and Cur
Fellswap Fire: Luce and Hellhound
Swapfell Freeze: Baron and Pawls
Fellswap Blush: Palace and Cad
Swapfell Rose: Duke and Bull
Fellswap Anchor: Captain and Dogfish
Swapfell Ocean: Regent and Coyote
Outertale- Cosmos, Galaxy
Dreamtale- Nightmare Sans, Dream Sans, Passive
Horrordream- Oxi and Sleeper
Dreamfell- Coma and Gloom
Mafiatale- Wiseguy and Bones
Mafiafell- Clip and Boss
Mafiaswap- Books and Crank
Dreammafia- Envy and Pride
Killermafia- Calamity
Dustmafia- Tragedy
Errormafia- Crisis
XMafia- Misfortune
Horrormafia: Scourge
Farmmafia- Field and Crop
Lustmafia- Diva and Charm
Inkmafia: Vibrant
Farmtale- Corn and Harvest
Farmswap: Sheep and Duster
Farmkiller: Shot
Farmdust: Soil
Echoflower Sans- Repeat. 
Underlust- Lover and Hearts.
Unlust Sans- Heartbreak
Lustswap- Beau and Dreamboat
Reapertale- Reap
Dreamspirit: David and Wraith
Tubetale: Screen and Keys
Merkiller- Mimic
Merdust- Ringer
Horrordragon- Burn
Killerdragon- Arman
Dustdragon- Levi
Dreamdragon- Chua and Dracul
Swaplust: Maiden and Vestal
Lust!Ink: Eros
Lust!Error: Aphro
Lust!Geno: Venus
Killerlust- Cuddles
Outerlust- Astra and Alioth
Sugartale: Sugar and Sweetie
Dancetale- Hop and Sway
Dancefell- Stomper and Jazz
Danceswap- Flamenco and Uprock
Outerdance- Ballet and Taps
Dancelust- Waltz and Boogie
Ink and Error Swap- Drain and Glitchy
Freshdust- Fairy
Inkkiller- Splat
Unfresh Sans- Rad
Fresh Ink
Dusttale- Dusty
Dustswap- Powder
Dustlust: Cupid
Swapdust- Fragment
Outerdust- Stardust
Outerkiller- Shooting Star
Aftertale- Echo
Yandere Swap Sans- Yanberry
Merlust- Pinks
Lustfell- Passion and Desire
Horrorfell- Feral and Sharp
Horrorfarm- Oak and Sunflower
Outerhorror- Supernova and Sunspot
Horrorswap- Snackers and Butcher
Foresthorror- Timber
Foresthorrorswap- Bark
Horrorflower- Bud and Vine
Forestlust: Strawberry
Horrormer- Chum
Outerhorrorswap- Rigel and Vega
Dreammer- Light and Deep
Dreamswap- Daydream, Delusion
Dreamswap Killer- Mur
Outerdream- Solar, Nightfall
Dreamtale Two: Trance and Oblivion
Mothtale- Sunset
Mothfell- Scarlet 
Horrormoth- Leopard
Mothlust- Rosy
Mothkiller- Shadow
Aftermoth- Lace
Dreammoth: Lamp and Shade
Dustmoth- Luna
Outermoth: Moonshine
Outerkillermoth: Lunar
Outerdustmoth: Moondust
Swapfellmoth- Droplets
Farmmoth- Leaf
Crossmoth- Halfa
Fellswapmoth- Vio
Frozentale: Chills and Shiver
Swapkiller- Slay
Farmlust- Nymph and Fae 
Pastryverse: Sprinkles, Crumble, Sticky, Mallow.
Outermer: Cielo and Comet 
Outerhorrormer: Badar
Soultale: Soul
Dustfell: Chains
Swapdream: Moonlight and Suns
Underfreak: Breaker and Undertaker
Dustkiller: Corpse
Errormer: Inker
Inkmer: Angel
Nightmare!Papyrus: Bane
Error!Papyrus: Defect
Nightmare Blueberry Fusion:  Paradox
Dream and Axe Fusion: Fever
Dreamact: Fable and Thorn
Star Sans Fusion: Starshot
Bad Sanses Fusion: Guts
Murder Time Trio Fusion: Mask
mutt and oxi fusion: Bubby
Ruler and Screen fusion: Acid Bunny
boulder and mallow fusion: Charmer
Mallow and Shimmer fusion: Vegas
Yanberry and swap fusion: Punch
Theo and Sprinkles fusion: Baker
Prince and Calamity fusion: Blank
Dream and Nightmare Fusion: Tranquility
any questions are fine, but if I don’t like it, I most likely won’t answer but I most likely will. No smut, sorry :( 
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