#Feli's Blorbo Brawl
felikatze · 1 year
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Oliver (Ni No Kuni): After his mother dies of a heart attack, Oliver discovers that the doll she left him was actually a magical fairy, awakened by his tears. The doll, Mr. Drippy, tells him of a way to save his mother; if he journeys to another world, and saves her soulmate, a person sharing her soul, from the 'Dark Djinn' Shadar, she may just revive. So Oliver sets out on a magical adventure as 'the Pure Hearted One', the boy with the ability to mend broken hearts.
Why I like this dude: NNK in general is very precious to me. Oliver's magical journey is a great exploration of grief, denial, and escapism. A lot of it is Oliver having to be brave and learning how to cope. He's just a little guy, and he makes a lot of friends, and he helps others cope with their losses and they help him with his. It's very touching. Even after discovering that his mother can't be saved after all, his journey has been in vain, he continues anyway, because there's others he can still save. BUT by god you HAVE to control Oliver in battle otherwise his AI will instantly kill him by whacking enemies with a stick and getting punted for it.
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Geo Stellar (Megaman Star Force): Ever since his father's disappearance, Geo has been a shut-in. Lethargic and with no friends, he only finds solace in the stars. On one such stargazing night, an alien by the name Omega-Xis, or Mega for short, drops into Geo's transceiver. Now with the ability to fuse with Mega to become Megaman, Geo can traverse the digital world, fight of bugs, and stop the aliens on Mega's trail for a mysterious object called the "Andromeda Key." Maybe with this power, he'll unravel the mystery of his father's disappearance into space...
Why I like this dude: Megaman Star Force is an exploration of depression made kid friendly. Geo is, without a doubt, depressed as all hell for most of the game. His classmates keep barging in on him to get him to go to school, but all he cares about is SPACE. But Mega needles him into going out, into interacting with others (and also life-threatening situations), and Geo is still withdrawn by the end of it, but he's a little braver, a little friendlier, and he wants to keep living. Like, explaining depression to 8 year olds. It's really touching to know this character exists?
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felikatze · 1 year
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Yan (Library of Ruina): Yan is a messenger of the Index, one of the organizations ruling the City's backstreets. As messenger, he is tasked with doling out prophecies to the people under the Index' protection, no matter how grim. Prophecies range from not using your left hand to killing your wife; and not following means death. Yan grows more and more upset with the predetermined nature of it all, and vows to undermine his own prophecies. Only to discover that his rebellion was also accounted for.
Why I like this dude: LoR has some Baller side stories and this is my favorite. He's like, the inverse of a jrpg protagonist. He's trying to outwit fate and it is not working. Also, the nature of the Index' prophecies are also actually the exact brand of predeterminism i ascribe to! Neat! A big factor in his blorbo ness is his boss theme, Children of the City by Mili. I've written a whole analysis on how it relates to him and implies Lots of stuff abt him and i'm not gonna recite it all here. It's implied the Index made him kill his family. Yay.
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Felix Honikker (Hello Charlotte): Felix is one of the inhabitants of The House, where Charlotte Wiltshire lives with her other friends. As such, he's dragged along Charlotte's first adventure into a world inside a TV, where fun things happen, like Felix getting decapitated. But it's fine. I am entirely unsure how to summarize Hello Charlotte. Does Felix even really exist? Well. He's also the nephew of a mad scientist and dissects people sometimes. What a great hobby.
Why I like this dude: it's been years since i was into hello charlotte but. look at me. my name is felix. do you know why that is? he's why. he is why my name is felix. there's a door in the game only people w an X in their name can go through and little me thought "wow! my name has an x in it! just like felix!" so i thought abt my given name in tandem w the name felix for. many years. he's also just a huge grump and i find that endearing. he's so fed up with everything happening but felix honey. your world is a metaphor. everything is esoteric. get with the program.
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felikatze · 1 year
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Dimitri (Parties Are For Losers): Dimitri is a mutant with telekinetic powers on the run from The Government. He eventually ends up in the company of Anya, a rambunctious young girl with a sense of adventure, and Olya, the totally legit office worker who has no connection to the The Government, promise. After the girl he escaped with ends up captured, he's not keen to follow her footsteps.
Why I like this dude: on god. my prediliction for silver the hedgehog. however, his focus song, Comfort Zone, is a certified banger that expands on his character so much. In Anya's song, Punch It, Punk!, he seems like. Normal. Innocent, even, aided by his baby face. But Comfort Zone shows that he's actually really selfish- not even escaping with the other mutant Katya because he cared for her in any way, but because he knew they were gonna kill him and she was his ticket out. It's seen especially when he ditches her after. Complexity! Woo!
Leon Stamatis (Greater Boston): The story starts when Leon dies on a rollercoaster. Not because of any accident, but because he decided to. It was too unpredictable, see, and Leon was a very orderly man. Now as a ghost, Leon watches as the lives of his friends and family spiral wildly out of the control in many ways. His friend's shitty new job, his sister's downfall into domestic terrorism, and his brother's discovery of Atlantis- since Leon keeps commenting on all these events, the narrator quits. Good luck bucko, you're the narrator now.
Why I like this dude: I haven't finished everything there is of Greater Boston yet, but by god, it's good. Leon is so meta. He made the narrator ragequit. And as he narrates, he's forced to understand how the story works. He can't just comment freely, he's forced to convey what the story needs him to. Sometimes that means narrating the PoV of his sister's shitty new boss when she's right there. He has to understand that it needs to be from this perspective. He's lacking in context in death as he did life, and finally comprehending the order of chaos.
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felikatze · 1 year
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Ross (Senyuu.): A soldier sent to accompany Hero Descendant No.45, Alba, on his quest to stop the demon lord. 100% a parody of Cloud Strife. Also an extreme sadist. Also secretly the hero Alba is supposed to be descended from. Also a virgin.
Why I like this dude: Senyuu is a comedy and Ross is very funny. What can I say. My favorite senyuu joke of all time is super early on when Ross bought a knife specifically to stab Alba with and then acted like a tsundere when Alba rejected the "gift." He's just a riot.
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Haruto (18if): A boy who's found himself trapped inside a dream world, unable to wake up. Tasked by a scientist to wake the various Witches, girls trapped in the same dream, he hopes waking them might wake him eventually.
Why I like this dude: I watched 18if when i had a fever and hit "random" on an anime website. Some episodes were amazing (ep3 made me sob), some episodes were garbage (ep9 infuriates me). The show does manage to hint at a complex background for Haruto (how'd he end up in the dream world?) as well as giving him subtly delivering character (like implying he felt isolated in the real world, and wants to help the witches out of wish-fulfillment, out of the hope somebody would've helped him, only to shy away when a witch tries to reciprocate). Only 18if's final episodes completely drop the ball and shaft him in the finale in favor of cheap gags and then he dies. That's one way to ensure 18if stuck in my memory forever!
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felikatze · 1 year
Rudyard & Antigone (Wooden Overcoats): These two depressing siblings run a funeral home on the island of Piffling. It used to be the only one. It isn't anymore. With the arrival of the new undertaker Eric Chapman, the two try everything in their power to undermine their competitor. Well, mainly Rudyard does. Antigone is in love with (disdainful voice) Chapman, which she is very mad about.
Why I like these guys: They're just hilarious. Rudyard is a sad little angry man and everybody hates him. Antigone was diagnosed with depression at birth. Wooden Overcoats is a great comedy with sincere moments. Besides the joking at their expense, their character growth is notable, too. Over the course of the series, it becomes apparent running the funeral home is only dragging them down. As the two find their own passions, they become actually likable to others. It's incredible. I love when comedies make me cry sometimes.
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Stocke & Eruca (Radiant Historia): Stocke is a secret agent in the service of the technological nation of Allistel. Eruca is the princess of Granorg. The two nations are at war. When Stocke is ordered to assassinate Eruca, he quickly discovers that more is afoot. Eruca, meanwhile, vows to bring peace to all to make up for the death of her brother. Between government conspiracies and Stocke's time travel shenanigans, you can see where this plot twist is going...
Why I like these guys: they make me so insane. the foreshadowing in radiant historia is RIDICULOUS it's a masterpiece. Eruca gets super sad about her brother's death and looks at Stocke like. you sure do look like him. Stocke meanwhile called the royal family barbaric for their dark magic rituals and one time used Eruca's bros name as an alias. Eruca also uses GUNS. that's her weapon. Stocke is a fencer but Eruca shoots people. They r sooo tragic siblings and it makes me insane. Eruca sold her soul to save him. Stocke doesn't even remember. Fucked up shit!! I love it!! Did I mention that Radiant Historia is abt time travel yet? That owns.
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felikatze · 1 year
While traveling through new lands, Adol and Kanata meet at a harvest festival. The two hit it off immediatly and swap stories about their various adventures, one party excited, the other filled with second-hand anxiety. It all goes well, until they meet a strange woman in a wolf costume challenging them to apple bobbing.
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Who will win? Two adventurers or a dragon in wolf's clothing?
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felikatze · 1 year
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Russell Seager (End Roll): He's like, 14, and also has killed a lot of people. Instead of getting the death penalty, Russell has been enrolled in a "rehabilitation" program. Every day, Russell delves into a dreamworld meant to inspire him to reform, but instead the sweet facade of people he's killed only inspires guilt and regret..
Why I like this dude: End Roll is like, my first ever true RPGmaker experience. I was definetly too young to understand End Roll, and going back to it when I wasn't too young sure was. Experience. End Roll. Very depressing game. Very good game also. Just like Russell. Russell is also very depressing. His mounting regret is the main focus of the game, and man, it hits. Everything in the dream world is just an extension of his psyche. You bet your ass End Roll had a hand in inspiring Omori. Russell did it before Sunny made it cool (it being throwing people down the stairs)
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Estio (Estio): Ever since he was litte, Estio has had the strange ability to sense the hearts of others. Ostracized from his hometown, Estio is finally fed up with it all and moves out on the day he becomes an adult. But out in the world at large, people pay a different sort of attention to his abilities....
Why I like this dude: Initially the story of Estio feels VERY cinderella (child bullied by siblings only for magical being to grant them new clothes) but then Estio just says "fuck this shit i'm out" and LEAVES. iconic. ALSO. the chapter where estio realizes he can control the hearts of others too and uses it to kill like four people is so fucking amazing it lives in my brain. This poor abused kid gradually becoming more and more selfish at the expense of those he thinks deserves it FUCKS. we stan negative character development. his best friends are a black cat, a gorilla, and a cactus. yes, a cactus. it can talk because it ate his blood.
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felikatze · 1 year
i love tournament brackets. i love submitting my favorite guys. but you know what? I don't like it when my guys lose. So I propose a tournament where ALL guys are MY guys.
rules are added and subtracted at my discretion
there are no submissions. handpicked only.
one entry per fandom. if multiple blorbos qualify for one fandom, they enter together
no fandom i deem "too popular." this is blorbos that belong to me and maybe like 3 other people max.
there are 64 contestants.
brackets start whenever i get to it and are open for as long as i decide on a whim
the tiebreaker grima clause: in the case a tie occurs, there will be a three way rematch against grima. the version of grima is selected at random. this clause proceeds until i run out of grimas.
now it is up to YOU to decide which of my little meow meows is the best, even if you've never heard of these guys! and if you HAVE, you probably did because I was talking about them.
Or you have the same interests as me, in which case, ily.
i am not telling you source materials at this point in time.
Teobaldo Leonhart vs The Obituary Writer WINNER: Teo
Tora vs Rivka WINNER: Rivka
Millard vs Doug Eiffel & Hera WINNER: Millard
Camo vs Otus WINNER: Otus
Ayin & Carmen vs Ces & Sel WINNER: Ayin & Carmen
Yamato Hotsuin vs Prince Dreambert TIEBREAKER: Yamato & Dreambert vs The Creation WINNER: The Creation
Russel Seager vs Estio WINNER: Russel Seager
Ross vs Haruto WINNER: Ross
Allen vs Perry WINNER: Perry
Melissa Foddebrat vs Scarlet WINNER: Scarlet
Iruma Suzuki, Clara Valac, Alice Asmodeus vs Tali, Rose, Catt WINNER: Iruma, Clara, Alice
Rudyard & Antigone Funn vs Stocke & Eruca WINNER: Rudyard and Antigone
Christo vs Mao WINNER: Christo
Oliver vs Geo Stellar WINNER: Oliver
Yan vs Felix Honikker WINNER: Felix
Eni Voraformia vs Cain WINNER: Cain
Etranger vs Nagyunn WINNER: Nagyunn
Adol Christin vs Kanata Kanbara TIEBREAKER: Adol & Kanata vs Fall F!Grima
Yellow vs Rider WINNER: Yellow
Outboxer & Yellow Tempest vs William G. Maryblood WINNER: Will
Mary vs Lumie WINNER: Lumie
Dimitri vs Leon Stamatis WINNER: Dimitri
Remme vs Valier / Reinhardt
Jack vs Hikari
Victor Vale vs Brane & Retina
Ii-chan vs the Janitor
Melia vs Serenoa Wolfort & Frederica Aesfrost
Nero vs Pastille
Riley vs Soma Cruz
Ashe Bradley & Noel Levine vs Copen Kamizono
Parona vs Mihui Yang
Polka Shinomiya / Corpse God vs Kim Gong-ja
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felikatze · 1 year
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Etranger (Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman): This sardonic toddler has arrived on Bizarro Earth to show the unlosing ranger how it's done! Between endlessly making fun of him and occasionally giving useful tips, Etranger is here to train the wannabe ranger so he can defeat Darkdeath Evilman and save the Super Baby, a baby prophecised to have unlimited power and save the world. These powers happen to include astral projection. Yes, I meant "toddler" literally.
Why I like this dude: Absolute bastard child. It's so funny. Your companions in this game are a dead guy and a baby. The baby keeps making fun of the dead guy and you just kinda wanna Survive this ordeal. The character combination of sheer and total arrogance because her appearance is heralded in prophecy and clueless about how anything works because she was just born this year is ridiculous. ZHP formed the backbone of my self-confidence for a CONSIDERABLE chunk of time so Etranger is in part responsible for the glorious being hosting this tournament today. Thank you Etranger.
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Nagyunn (The Ember Knight): After his twin brother Najin is killed right before his eyes, Nagyunn vows revenge against the mysterious Masked Bandits, by taking up Najin's name and uncovering the truth. Pretending to be Najin is no easy feat; for one, Nagyunn was hated by all, where Najin was adored. For another, Najin was a once-in-a-century knight prodigy. Nagyunn has no physical skills whatsoever. With nothing but his wits and a talent for pretending, Nagyunn has to keep up the charade while solving his brother's murder.
Why I like this dude: god i love protags who lie. i love identity shenanigans. Nagyunn gives up on all his dreams to avenge Najin. He pretends Nagyunn was killed instead and NOBODY grieves him. How fucked up is that. To still be alive and know the only person who'd miss you is dead in your grave. The sheer mindgames throughout the entire comic. And the recent arc where Nagyunn just ARGHRGR. Love this dude. He has no skills besides Bold Faced Lying so every confrontation is one elaborate series of deception checks. It's great. Go read The Ember Knight, out now for free on webtoon.
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felikatze · 1 year
Our two tie-ers find themselves deep within the labyrinth of Thabes, a ruined city of lost magic... At the end of their path, they come upon sealed door, a foreboding presence lurking behind it...
Inside, they find: THE CREATION.
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It is a dragonlike being, made of blood and magic and possibly bugs. The result of the mad alchemist Forneus' pursuit of a perfect being; only for it to slay him just as he intended to slay it, for fear of its power.
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It is up to YOU to ensure Yamato & Dreambert defeat SoV's super boss, and advance to the next round,,,, together! Dreams & Demons against the breath of despair!
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felikatze · 1 year
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Yellow (Pokemon Adventures): The new champion Red has disappeared, and his Pikachu arrived injured in Oak's lab. When a child named Yellow appears claiming to be Red's friend, Oak entrusts Pika to them and sends them off with an upgraded Pokedex to unravel Red's disappearance and its connection to the Elite Four.
Why I like this dude: Peak gender ambiguity. Yeah yeah they totally had to pretend to be a boy for their safety. They're also very cute and I love their hat. They can talk to pokemon. They one-v-one lance in the final showdown and it's very cool. I love the RGBY arcs of pokespe. They start off naive, but their desire to help and heal pokemon hardens off into a stern determination to do right. Cool kid.
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Rider (Monster Hunter Stories 2): As the grandson of the hero Red, the nameless Rider dreams of becoming, well, a Rider, someone who tames and raises Monsters. But when a mysterious red light sends local monsters into a frenzy and they obtain the egg of the herald of ruin, Raze-Wing Ratha, they find themself in over their head.
Why I like this dude: MHS2 is a MASTERCLASS in silent protagonists. Rider's struggle to take care and understand Ratha, their wavering between fear and trust is all conveyed without a single word. Though Navirou and Ena serve as the plot's mouthpieces, that emotional journey is entirely their own. It's conveyed so so well. I love them. MHS1's Rider I already adore, but this one takes the cake. No words, no sign language or writing, yet they are still understood by their friends and by Ratha. Also my Rider is a pink catboy and to see Kyle crushing on them is hilarious.
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felikatze · 1 year
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Eni Voraformia (Devil's Double): Fleeing his home after his mother stabbed him, Eni runs into Jay, a shapeshifting dragon. Since his mother's sicced some knights to 'retrieve' him, he takes the chance and tags along with the wanted criminal, especially since Jay took the form of the Glass Princess for funsies. Now if Eni can keep his own connection to that very missing princess secret as long as possible, just long enough to escape somewhere his immortal queen of a mother can't find him...
Why I like this dude: that's right, fuckers! that's my OC! he's transgender. he's a total mess. he doesn't have a finalized design. He used to be a total doormat, and now he's plotting matricide! what character development! i greatly enjoy making him suffer, and his garbage romance with jay, because jay is also a mess, and they make each other worse. forcing jay to protect him is his basically first selfish act and helping eni is jay's first selfless one so they have complimentary arcs <3 i like doing that it's fun
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Cain (Pokemon Reborn): When the protagonist sets out on their pokemon journey in the Reborn region, they encounter Cain, a trainer looking for a fresh start. He's lighthearted, flirty, but fundamentally kind. As well as running away from his past. There's a reason he wants a fresh start, so please ignore his family as well as his status as the former poison type gym leader, and let's go beat up bad guys instead.
Why I like this dude: listen man i have a thing for purple gay people in video games. He's initially just a fun character but the game does peel away at that by revealing his whole family situation. His sister hates his guts for leaving her to be gym leader instead, his parents want to Have A Talk, and he is EVADING those serious moments like a champ. He also has cute moments, like adopting a popplio he finds poisoned, and it becomes basically his signature mon! That's adorable!
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felikatze · 1 year
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Christo (Disgaea 5): The totally legit Overlord of A Certain Giant Netherworld, and NOT an angel in disguise! He's the main healer of the rebel army taking on Void Dark, definetly not because his angelic coworkers hated him so much they banished him to the demon realm. No sir.
Why I like this dude: the funniest bitch in disgaea 5. He thinks he's soo smart and such hot shit. He's not. It's even better that he's implied to be teenage bitch lamington from disgaea 1, cuz lamington preaches peace and love on planet earth. Christo wants to hit everyone with a chair. Everyone has figured out he's an angel by now, but have decided not to tell him to spare his feelings. Incredible.
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Mao (Disgaea 3): The No. 1 honor student of Evil Academy, and the principal's son. Mao is the Best at Being Bad there is, he's got the grades to prove it. In order to fulfill his goal of defeating his father, he steals the title of the hero fanboy Almaz. When that's not enough for his goal, Mao and Almaz set out to make Mao into a true hero, which clashes with the whole "best at being bad" thing,,,,
Why I like this dude: the funniest bitch in disgaea 3. i love his silly evil laugh. He gets the disgaea protag typical "rude teenage boy to friend haver" arc but i particularly like his ridiculous dynamic with Almaz. Was tempted to enter em together, but Mao won out, in the end. He's like. An honor student at evil school. A mad scientist. Wildly patricidal for contrived reasons. A walking oxymoron. A sweaty gamer. MWAHAHAHAH
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felikatze · 1 year
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Yamato Hotsuin (Devil Survivor 2): The young leader of JP's, an organization dedicated to combating the supernatural. When aliens attack Tokyo, they're the first to fend them off using demons. Yamato is a stern meritocratist, who shows little respect for all he deems useless. Absolutely head over heels for the protagonist.
Why I like this dude: I had the biggest fucking crush on him when i was 16 (Feli that was only 2.5 years ago- SHUT UP). Like. My god. (<- he picked the meritocracy ending exclusively because of this). Also Yamato is so fucking gay. he is SO gay. he is SO homosexual for the bunny boy protagonist when he's just a little hater to everybody else. I still love him. I don't know why he's not wearing shoes in his official render.
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Prince Dreambert (Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros.): Dreambert is prince of the Pi'llo, pillow-shaped people with the ability to traverse dreams, and share that ability with all who sleep on them. When Mario & Luigi freed him from the petrifying curse that wiped his people out, he teams up with them to free the rest of the Pi'llo from their curse and finally defeat the bat-shaped villain Antasma who cast it upon them.
Why I like this dude: I was obsessed w him when the game came out. I was (looks at wiki), 10 years old at the time. So like, baby crush. Yah. (This is why he's up against Yamato). I think he's neat and he looks funny. Best M&L sidekick.
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felikatze · 1 year
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Camo (Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure): He's kind of just like... a leaf lizard? He throws melons at people? I don't know. Does he have lore?
Why I like this dude: Was obsessed w him as a kid. Spamming melons wrecks shit in pvp. I still have a drawing of him pinned to my wall.
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Otus (Owlboy): Otus is a mute owl from the village of Vellie. He's rather shy as a result, and only his friend Geddie manages to draw him out of his shell. Though Otus struggles greatly, with the help of his friends, he can save Vellie and even the world!
Why I like this dude: He's just kinda neat. Owlboy was short n fun and Otus was sweet.
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felikatze · 1 year
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Adol Christin (Ys series): Adol is a guy obsessed with adventure and an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the wrong time. The Ys series follows his chronicles throughout the various lands of Fantasy Europe, as Adol fights gods, makes friends, and attempts to satisfy his endless wanderlust.
Why I like this dude: Insane little bumper car of a man. Don't let his silent protagonist tendencies fool you; this man is insane. Just a pure adrenaline junkie. Also vehemently aro. To me. He could never get a girlfriend (or a boyfriend, if Ys9 is anything to go by), because Adventure Comes First. His bff dogi has just learned to accept this. The way he just Lights Up at any hint of excitement in Ys9 is just adorable, man. Ignore how often I've reblogged art of him in a maid outfit.
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Kanata Kanbara (Disciple of the Lich: Or How I Was Cursed by the Gods and Dropped Into the Abyss): Kanata has been chosen by the gods to be isekai'd. When he implies he'd rather continue on Earth with his cat, though, the gods retaliate by dropping him into Cocytus, the deepest and most dangerous dungeon of all, in order to turn his demise into a quick horror flick. He survives only through the help of the Lich Lunaere, who has no ulterior motives in training him beyond belief and just wants him to be prepared for how much more dangerous the outside world is than the abyss. yeah.
Why I like this dude: LNs can have a problem where they "run out of premise." When Kanata escapes the abyss halfway through volume 1, i was afraid. i was then incredibly delighted when it turns out Lunaere's training broke his damn brain. He's constantly afraid of something dangerous popping up because Lunaere trained him in the Demon Hell Dimension, and through sheer happenstance (i.e: the gods trying to kill him for his impudence), his fear keeps getting validated. He aquires both a student who he immediatly inflicts his new Lunaere-isms on (she is a normal person and terrified to leave), as well as a god-like homonculus daughter he has to be responsible for. It's fucking great. A polite young man who has undoubtedly broken under his circumstances but soldiers on anyway.
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