voolfman · 5 months
Favorite trope:
Local Area Man/Child Hated By EVERYONE. No, there is not a genuinely good reason. Nor is that character a famous person (we're talking at least Chris Pratt levels of recognizability/notoriety). And sometimes, there's not even a reasonable way that SO MANY PEOPLE know what this individual looks like.
It's just such a funny and wild concept. Especially when it's a kid. Like what? Just actual adults all hating this particular child. Since, like, birth. Wild concept.
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felikatze · 1 year
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Russell Seager (End Roll): He's like, 14, and also has killed a lot of people. Instead of getting the death penalty, Russell has been enrolled in a "rehabilitation" program. Every day, Russell delves into a dreamworld meant to inspire him to reform, but instead the sweet facade of people he's killed only inspires guilt and regret..
Why I like this dude: End Roll is like, my first ever true RPGmaker experience. I was definetly too young to understand End Roll, and going back to it when I wasn't too young sure was. Experience. End Roll. Very depressing game. Very good game also. Just like Russell. Russell is also very depressing. His mounting regret is the main focus of the game, and man, it hits. Everything in the dream world is just an extension of his psyche. You bet your ass End Roll had a hand in inspiring Omori. Russell did it before Sunny made it cool (it being throwing people down the stairs)
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Estio (Estio): Ever since he was litte, Estio has had the strange ability to sense the hearts of others. Ostracized from his hometown, Estio is finally fed up with it all and moves out on the day he becomes an adult. But out in the world at large, people pay a different sort of attention to his abilities....
Why I like this dude: Initially the story of Estio feels VERY cinderella (child bullied by siblings only for magical being to grant them new clothes) but then Estio just says "fuck this shit i'm out" and LEAVES. iconic. ALSO. the chapter where estio realizes he can control the hearts of others too and uses it to kill like four people is so fucking amazing it lives in my brain. This poor abused kid gradually becoming more and more selfish at the expense of those he thinks deserves it FUCKS. we stan negative character development. his best friends are a black cat, a gorilla, and a cactus. yes, a cactus. it can talk because it ate his blood.
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neuron461 · 10 months
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visioninteriorista · 11 months
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Cortinas Boho para decorar ambientes
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cyunley · 2 years
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なう(2022/09/25 20:36:28) 今日の晩ごはん!今夜は日中に鶏レバーの 甘辛煮を炊いてたので、夜はチキンステーキを 焼くだけで完成😃👏キャベツとサラダの 副菜も作り置きやから即できた😄 チキンステーキのバジルソースは夏に作った ヤツを冷凍してたのん🪴あと一瓶冷凍庫に 残っている😗 #チキンのジェノベーゼソースステーキ #キャベツのクミンオイル漬け #ブロッコリーと南瓜の辛子マヨサラダ #鶏レバーの甘辛煮 #梨 #ESTIO #スペインの白ワイン #家呑み #おうち居酒屋 #おうちごはん #おうちごはん部 #おうちごはんlover #今日の晩ごはん #TodaysDinner #晩ごはん記録 #献立記録 #てづくりごはん #てづくりごはん365 #cooking #cook365 #タベリー #フーディーテーブル #クッキングラム #キッチングラム #夫婦ごはん #ふたりごはん #豊かな食卓 #ワインスタグラム #ワインのある暮らし #ワインのある食卓 スペインのエスティオ・ブランコ🥂 𓈒𓂂𓏸 1000円でオツリがくる安旨デイリー🍾 リピで3回目の購入ですが値段の割にコクがあり フルーティーでフレッシュさがとても美味😀❣️ そして今日もせなアカン事いっぱいあったのに 何一つと出来へんで後悔だらけの休日😭 来月は連休をもろたから、一日は用事して もう一日はゆっくりダラダラしたい🥺 休日が一日しかないと用事をするか ダラダラするか… どっちをとっても後悔が残る結果となる😭 オカンと暮らしてた時のオカンの有り難さを 身に染みて実感する今日この頃です😢 関係ないけどVRガーデン新潟行きたい🥺 10/2迄やから10/2に行こうかな??? あとマクドの新しい「コク旨すき焼き月見」も 食べたい🥺アレはいつまでやろ🍔??? https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7cTzBPsOb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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empessoa · 6 months
Álvaro de Campos A luz crua do estio prematuro
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A luz crua do estio prematuro
Sai como um grito do ar da primavera...
Meus olhos ardem-me como se viesse da Noite...
Meu cérebro está tonto, como se eu quisesse justiça...
Contra a luz crua todas as formas são silhuetas.
― Álvaro de Campos - Livro de Versos . Fernando Pessoa. (Edição crítica. Introdução, transcrição, organização e notas de Teresa Rita Lopes.) Lisboa: Estampa, 1993. 
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melaly · 1 year
-Algunas personas se vuelven tristes cuando son aún terriblemente jóvenes. Sin motivo especial, parece. Casi como si hubiesen nacido así. Se lastiman más fácilmente, se cansan más pronto, lloran más, y recuerdan más. Y, como digo, se vuelven tristes antes que nadie en el mundo. Lo sé, pues soy uno de ellos.
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pensando-so · 3 months
O interesse se foi a memória adormeceu encontrei a vida no começo naquilo que um dia morreu
enterrei datas e fotos cartas em nome do amor calei dentro de mim a sua voz e o meu rancor
mas nasceu serenidade diante do grande vazio a primavera de dentro superou o completo estio.
Maxwell Santos
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toobluebirdie · 5 months
The Apparition Creature Runes
This post is to organize the thought process the Eden’s Rest discord server went through trying to figure out what the runes in the Apparition drawing really mean.
I hope my explanation is clear enough to follow!
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We went from casually wondering what the runes meant to realizing they spelled nothing, to trying to flip them upside down and realizing they still spelled nothing, to finding a tik tok that led down a new rabbit hole entirely.
The person in this tik tok talks about an article they found about medieval language. SMCEN was written as smœn (which is also written as smoen). 
Here’s the link to the article they were talking about in the tik tok: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43628078 You can only access the article if you have a subscription to jstor, whether through your school or otherwise, but the sample page here has the passage the tik tok is talking about. Trying to figure out the literary jargon hurt my head. It talks about “mamorian” and “mamra” (which come from the same root word) meaning “to be deep in thought about something” or “sleep.” Trying to clear up what the article was saying about “smoen” after that and connect it all together was hard but here’s what i got:
It seems to say that smœn is linked to the word smean, which is a variation of the Old English word smeagan.
From the Wikipedia entry for smeagan ( https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/smeagan#Old_English ):
consider, think about 
examine, scrutinize, question 
These definitions line up with the definition assigned to mamorian. I hope you can follow how my brain made this leap, but this made me feel confident enough to say the jstor article is saying both mamra and smoen mean sleep or at least something similar to it. 
So we have our translation of SMCEN:
The rest is far less confusing. I think.
Now that I knew I should use Smoen as a search term and that it was a medieval word, google helped me a lot more.
I found this book about the Magical Treatise of Solomon:
You can search the book for the word “smoen” and that’s how I found a lot more I could use to find answers.
I found some alternate versions of smoen that helped with searching: Skonin and Skoen
I found that Smoen was a demon linked to the angel Patiel (or Pathiel)
This book also has a whole page of runes, some of which are similar to the Sundowning runes. It’s page 323 of the book if you want to see.
This book has a lot to it, but for the purposes of this rune translation attempt, I moved on.
The book mentioned lots of Greek words and names so I applied that to my search for the meanings of the other runes.
In Greek and Latin the letter j did not exist. “I” was used in place of “J.” So I switched the j in the remaining runes to an i. (AJR -> AIR)
I searched for info on ESIO maybe being a medieval latin word and I found this source: 
(which is from the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources)
It said this: 
estio --> esio
esto (adv.)
esto (adv.)
so i searched for Esto and found this: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/esto 
And that said…
Etymology 1
Form of the verb edō (“I eat”).
(Classical) IPA: /ˈeːs.toː/, [ˈeːs̠t̪oː]
(modern Italianate Ecclesiastical) IPA: /ˈes.to/, [ˈɛst̪o]
second/third-person singular future active imperative of edō
So I think ESIO could mean EAT.
At this point my brain was leaking out of my ears so I gave up thinking. I decided AIR just meant AIR.
Air = Breathe???
And that’s the story of how the discord chat decided it said...
The end?
Eden's Rest friends involved in the making of this monster: @ccsven and @r-e-dax-t-e-d
Here’s @ccsven's drawing where we started trying to figure out wtf that said. And oh man, did we. Did we? I still don’t know.
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the-soft-hoodie · 1 year
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hello everyone! Here I leave the background edits that I used for hellbent! They are VERY old, that's why the style is so strange xd
hola a todos! aquí les dejo los edits de fondo que usé para hellbent! son MUY antiguos por eso el estio tan raro xd
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felikatze · 1 year
gonna talk abt obscure shit again my favorite thing abt the webcomic estio is how it plays on cinderella tropes only to hit you with the "estio is clinically depressed and a bit fucked up actually."
like yeah the start shows him as the poor attic child hated by his peers and family bcuz he can talk to animals which is VERY disney princess of him. and when he ditches it's understandable.
but then it reveals that like. bcuz of the bullying and abuse n empathy mind reading shit he truly does not care for humans at all
like he'll be nice to honest people (honesty as verified by mind-reading) but if you're a piece of shit he'll tell people to kill themselves lmao.
ACTUALLY rlly neat how the comic has that shitty duke go like. "you can read the hearts of animals? just animals? but where is the line to animal drawn? sentience? soul? if you cant answer then you can just read everyone's hearts"
which yeah. tracks. we already knew he can read people too. but then he has to use his powers more for. job security. (we know how it is), and he hates them at first because he can just hear how shitty people are really
but then it introduces honest to god telepathy and the intro is. so benign! he's using telepathy to help a girl understand how to take care of an abused dog. he's helping a man finally get through to his traumatized wife.
then again. where is the line drawn? if he can give people his thoughts, can he give them feelings? impulses?
i'm just rambling at this point but who's gonna stop me. honestly.
his shitty background already establishes a rather. baseline distate for humanity in general and then we have the store lady with the Mood Ring Orb which shows estio's mood as deep black. great sign! and then we have the shitty duke and his shitty son trying to take advantage of estio, so when his life is threatened-
well. turns out he can control people. to make them stab themselves.
and he likes it.
fucking. incredible character development. i geniuenly do love it.
because again!! estio plays on so many princess tropes! he seems like a poor introverted softboy who really needs a hug (he does to be fair) and he's so unassuming at first. and he does do good like rescuing neju and the dog and the guy and his wife.
but he's not naive. at all. after all, he can read minds. how can he be naive if he can hear everyone's true intent? it doesn't matter how lacking his social skills are, there is no ruse he will ever fall for. there's no plot that can escape his notice.
the best character development is just how he learns to love this. it's like. morally not good. but it is banger. what if cinderella told her stepsisters to throw themselves of a bridge.
he's not sad that people died. they wanted to kill him first so they can get bent.
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he just killed four people i'm so proud of him <3
and after that he just goes on being his usual unassuming self except now he is Aware that he wields basically unlimited power over everyone and nobody can force him to do anything ever again
except he's also not used to getting his basic needs met meaning he doesn't really. know how to use this for his benefit outside of "no u"-ing at everyone who wants to harm him. like my guy you can keep the big bed and not have feathers in your soup. it's fine. if you sleep outside again you are going to get fucking hypothermia
the writing is a little heavy-handed sometime but his development slaps. go off king
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allyleetheo · 2 months
Here is a list of Manwha's recommendations. They are sorted into genres, and do not contain any BL/GL, I have a separate list for BL/GL manwha's.
I have not read any of these yet. (I'll be giving them ratings as I read them.)
Compiled by Lis (Blob / s.class.villainess on Tiktok)
You can search https://tinyurl.com/mwreclist for their complete list and ratings.
Note: This list is mostly not up to date with the episode counts, so most of the titles might have more chapters than listed.
🪻total amount of titles: 439
🔁 - Complete works
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Medical Return (100 chapters)
Mercenary Enrollment (76 chapters)
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A Gate Opened on my First Day as a Politician (24 chapters)
Arcane Sniper (73 chapter of ons)
Crimson Karma (118 chapters)🔁
Damn Reincarnation (29 chapters)
Doctor's Rebirth (82 chapters)
Eleceed (210 chapters)
Ending Maker (31 chapters)
Estio (33 chapters)
F-class Destiny Hunter (59 chapters)
Heavenly Demon Instructor (42 chapters)
Heavenly Sword’s Grand Saga (28 chapters)
Hoarding in Hell (39 chapters)
I Stole The First Ranker’s Soul (41 chapters)
Kill the Hero (103 chapters)
Legendary Youngest Son of the Marquis House (43 chapters)
Leveling With The Gods (60 chapters)
Maxed Out Leveling (21 chapters)
Murim Login (52 chapters)
My Daughter is the Final Boss (83 chapters)
Nano Machine (101 chapters)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (171 chapters)
Overbearing Tyrant (33 chapters)
Player Who Can't Level Up (95 chapters)
Ranker's Return (remake) (56 chapters)
Reaper of the Drifting Moon (25 chapters)
Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God (44 chapters)
Return of the 8th class Magician (29 chapters)
Return of the Mount Hua Sect (72 chapters)
Return Of The Shattered Constellation (42 chapters)
Second Life Ranker (116 chapters)
Seoul Station's Necromancer (41 chapters)
Solo Leveling (179 chapters)🔁
Solo Max-Level Newbie (42 chapters)
SSS-Class Gacha Hunter (45 chapters
SSS-Class Revival Hunter (94 chapters)
Standard of Reincarnation (22 chapters)
Star-Fostered Swordmaster (32 chapters)
Talent-Swallowing Magician (30 chapters)
The Advanced Player of The Tutorial Tower (107 chapters)
The Daughter of The Elemental King (105 chapters)
The Frozen Player Returns (50 chapters)
The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years (119 chapters)
The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life (35 chapters)
The Hero Returns (38 chapters)
The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 (50 chapters)
The Newbie is Too Strong (31 chapters)
The Novel's Extra (28 chapters)
The Returner's Magic Should Be Special (192 chapters)
The Return of The Disaster-Class Hero (48 chapters)
The S-classes That I Raised (105 chapters)
The Scholar’s Reincarnation (140 chapters)
The World After the Fall (12 chapters)
Tomb Raider King (308 chapters)
Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good for Nothing (140 chapters)
Trash of the Count's Family (85 chapters)
Tyrant of the Tower Defence Game (82 chapters)
Villain to Kill (61 chapters)
Worthless Regression (25 chapters)
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A Capable Maid (59 chapters)
A Good Day To Be A Dog (93 chapters)🔁
A Happy Ending for the Villains (16 chapters)
A Marriage Alliance for Revenge (43 chapters)
A Most Virtuous Villain (83 chapters)🔁
A Princess's Guide to Saving Dragons (18 chapters)
A Red Knight Does Not Blindly Follow Money (66 chapters)
A Single Round at Romance is Enough! (48 chapters)
A Stepmother’s Märchen (83 chapters)
A Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther (68 chapters)
A Tender Heart: The Story of How I Became a Duke’s Maid (110 chapters)🔁
A Transmigrator's Privilege (65 chapters)🔁
A Villain Demands to Be Loved (70 chapters)🔁
A Villainess Is a Good Match for a Tyrant (104 chapters)🔁
A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom (109 chapters)
Abandoned Wife Has a New Husband (44 chapters)
Adelaide (85 chapters)🔁
Aileen's on Fire! (20 chapters)
An Unseemly Lady (35 chapters)
Aria of the Withered Branch (87 chapters)
Ashtarte (80 chapters)
As You Wish, Prince! (93 chapters)🔁
Baby Squirrel Is Good At Everything (21 chapters)
Becoming The Villain’s Family (43 chapters)
Becoming You (124 chapters)🔁
Beloved by the Male Lead's Nephew (32 chapters)
Beware of The Villainess! (93 chapters)🔁
Birth of a Goddess (199 chapters)
Bloody Sweet (86 chapters)🔁
Carefully Choosing a Husband (31 chapters)
Carrier Falcon Princess (79 chapters)
Cat in the Chrysalis (42 chapters)
Catherine's Key to a Happy Life (25 chapters)
Caught by the Villain (The Villain Discovered my Identity) (110 chapters)
Charlotte Has Five Disciples (124 chapters)
Cheerful Countess Sisters (68 chapters)
Chitra (141 chapters)
Cierra (23 chapters)
Cinderella Disappeared (20 chapters)
Cradle of Heaven (18 chapters)
Crows Like Shiny Things (49 chapters)
Daisy: How to Become the Duke’s Fiancée (98 chapters)
Dear Nemesis (65 chapters)
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess (91 chapters)
Disobey the Duke if You Dare (26 chapters)
Divorce me, Husband! (39 chapters)
Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp (143 chapters)🔁
Don't Hire My Brother Your Highness! (35 chapters)
Dream Lover Strategy Guide (57 chapters)🔁
Empress? Empress! (130 chapters)🔁
Evangeline's Sword (23 chapters)
Everything's Coming Up Roses (23 chapters)
Extras Don’t Want to be Overly Obsessed (56 chapters)
Falling For The Enemy (49 chapters)🔁
Falling into the Deep End (34 chapters)
Father, I Don’t Want This Marriage! (123 chapters)🔁
Flirting with The Villain's Dad (94 chapters)
Follow The Bread Crumbs (70 chapters)🔁
Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money (24 chapters)
For My Derelict Beloved (54 chapters)
For Stella (32 chapters)
Fortune-telling Lady (27 chapters)
From a Knight to a Lady (92 chapters)
Go Away Romeo (36 chapters)
Golden Time (47 chapters)
Happily Ever Afterwards (61 chapters)
Heroine's Shares for Sale (39 chapters)
How Did I Become the Princess? (44 chapters)
Honey, I’m Going On a Strike (54 chapters)
How to Be a Dark Hero’s Daughter (40 chapters)
How to Get My Husband on My Side (57 chapters)
How to Hide the Emperor's Child (78 chapters)
How to Prey on Your Master (72 chapters)
I Abdicate My Title of Empress (23 chapters)
I Adopted the Male Lead (90 chapters)🔁
I am the Precious Daughter of the Greatest Villain in the Fantasy World (45 chapters)
I Became the Tyrant’s Secretary (54 chapters)
I Became the Villainess in a Disastrous Novel (44 chapters)
I Became the Villain’s Mother (63 chapters)
I Became the Wife of the Male Lead (47 chapters)
I Bid You Adieu (101 chapters)
I Can't Keep Up With My Stallion Duke (38 chapters)
I Choose the Emperor Ending (115 chapters)🔁
I Didn’t Mean to Seduce the Male Lead (40 chapters)
I Don’t Love You Anymore (58 chapters)
I Don't Want to Play the Matchmaker! (37 chapters)
I Dream of Health, Wealth and a Long Life (84 chapters)
I Failed to Abandon the Villain (44 chapters)
I Found a Husband When I Picked Up the Male Lead (50 chapters)
I Have No Health (51 chapters)
I Listened to my Husband and Brought in a Lover (21 chapters)
I Raised a Black Dragon (74 chapters)
I Raised My Childhood Friend as a Tyrant (57 chapters)
I Shall Kill that Sweet Devil (79 chapters)
Isnelda (26 chapters)
I Stan The Prince (66 chapters)
I Tamed My Ex-husband's Mad Dog (37 chapters)
I Thought My Time Was Up! (30 chapters)
I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword (34 chapters)
I Was Seduced by the Sick Male Lead (26 chapters)
I Was Tricked Into This Fake Marriage! (107 chapters)🔁
I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead (35 chapters)
I'm Not The Final Boss' Lover! (36 chapters)
I'm the One Who Died, but the Hero Went Crazy (32 chapters)
I've Been Proposed to by a Villain (62 chapters)
If You Touch My Little Brother, You’re All Dead (46 chapters)
Inso's Law (147 chapters)
Into the Light Once Again (48 chapters)
Is It a Fortune or Is It a Woe? (83 chapters)
It Looks Like I’ve Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game (74 chapters)
It Seems I've Transmigrated Somewhere (29 chapters)
It Was All A Mistake (61 chapters)
It’s My Destiny To Be The Hero’s Saviour (33 chapters)
I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life (64 chapters)
I’ll Just Live on as a Villainess (73 chapters)
I'll save this Damned Family! (110 chapters)
I’m a Martial Art Villainess but I’m the Strongest! (72 chapters)
I'm a Villainess, Can I Die? (28 chapters)
I'm Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead (81 chapters)
I’m Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute! (65 chapters)
I’m the Male Lead’s Girl Friend (63 chapters)🔁
I'm the One Who Died, but the Hero Went Crazy (23 chapters)
I'm the Queen in This Life (50 chapters)
Justice for the Villainess (43 chapters)
Just Leave Me Be (80 chapters)
Kill the Villainess (100 chapters)
Lady Beast (113 chapters)
Lady Crystal is a Man (30 chapters)
Let Me Die in Peace! (32 chapters)
Let’s Hide My Younger Brother First (40 chapters)
Leveling Up My Husband to the Max (97 chapters)
Lies Become You (18 chapters)
Like Wind on a Dry Branch (85 chapters)
Lillien of Turin (33 chapters)
Long After The Ending (60 chapters)🔁
Lydia's Great Escape (57 chapters)
Marriage and Sword (39 chapters)
May I kill You, Your Highness? (30 chapters)
Miss Not-So Sidekick (177 chapters)🔁
Miss Time (60 chapters)🔁
More Than You Know (28 chapters)
My Dear Aster (45 chapters)
My Farm by the Palace (65 chapters)
My Husband Hides His Beauty (80 chapters)
My Husband, My Sister, and I (26 chapters)
My Mysterious Nighttime Visitor (10 chapters)
My Red String of Fate (90 chapters)🔁
My Sister Picked Up the Male Lead (59 chapters)
My Warmonger Husband (46 chapters)
Necrobride (37 chapters)
No More Nice Sis (64 chapters)
No Outtakes (38 chapters)
Not Just Anyone Can Become a Villainess (68 chapters)
Nullitas: The Counterfeit Bride (55 chapters)
One Pair Lady (40 chapters)
Only Realised After Losing You (26 chapters)
Ophelia the Oracle Queen (12 chapters)
Please Don't Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store! (36 chapters)
Please Give Me The Pacifier (41 chapters)
Please Marry Me Again, Husband! (36 chapters)
Preventing the Making of a Tyrant (46 chapters)
Princess of the Animals (16 chapters)
Protecting the Witch's Son (38 chapters)
Protect the Knight (53 chapters)
Queen Cecia’s Shorts (80 chapters)
Regina Rena: To the Unforgiven (24 chapters)
Reporting for Duty, Duchess! (48 chapters)
Revenge Wedding (84 chapters)🔁
Rewriting My Tragic Ending (34 chapters)
Rewriting the Villainess (62 chapters)🔁
Roxana (39 chapters)
Royal Marriage (49 chapters)
Run, Meil (50 chapters)🔁
Sacrificed (52 chapters)
Say Ah, the Golden Spoon Is Entering (40 chapters)
Saving My Sweetheart (A Way to Protect the Lovable You) (89 chapters)
Second Life of a Trash Princess (23 chapters)
Secret Lady (43 chapters)
Seven Years Later (36 chapters)
Savor the Taste (59 chapters)🔁
Side Characters Deserve Love too (127 chapters)
So I Married the Abandoned Prince (29 chapters)
Straight to the Red Carpet (40 chapters)
Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid (101 chapters)🔁
Taming the Emperor's Hound (31 chapters)
Taming the Corrupted (45 chapters)
Terrarium Adventure (19 chapters)
The 101st Heroine (71 chapters)🔁
The Accidental Heiress (45 chapters)
The Baby Isn't Yours (29 chapters)
The Beast Emperor and I (26 chapters)
The Beloved Little Princess (96 chapters)
The Black Haired Princess (107 chapters)🔁
The Boutique at 97th Sheldon Street (26 chapters)
The Crown Princess Audition (80 chapters)
The Demonic Contract (64 chapters)
The Destroyer Fell in Love With Me (71 chapters)
The Duchess with an Empty Soul (100 chapters)
The Duchess's 50 Tea Recipes (143 chapters)🔁
The Duke's 99th Bride (24 chapters)
The Duke's Bored Daughter is My Master (57 chapters)
The Duke's Teddy Bear (54 chapters)
The Dungeon’s Dying S-class Lady (24 chapters)
The Empire's Hidden Hope (21 chapters)
The First Night With the Duke (102 chapters)🔁
The Goddess of Healing (159 chapters)🔁
The Golden Forest (55 chapters)
The Golden-Haired Summoner (100 chapters)
The Grand Duchess of the North Was Secretly a Villainess (21 chapters)
The Handsome Male Lead Won't Let Me Log Out! (35 chapters)
The Heroine Is a Man (36 chapters)
The Lady and the Beast (72 chapters)
The Lady I Served Became a Master (79 chapters)
The Lady Tames the Swordmaster (70 chapters)
The Lady Wants to Rest (43 chapters)
The Lady’s Butler (90 chapters)
The Lady’s Law of Survival (61 chapters)
The Little Lady Tames the Leads (22 chapters)
The Little Landlady (22 chapters)
The Maid and the Vampire (76 chapters)🔁
The Matchmaking Baby Princess (51 chapters)
The Millionaire Divorcee (21 chapters)
The Night Without Shadows (60 chapters)
The Noble Pirate (22 chapters)
The Perks of Being a Villainess (45 chapters)
The Precious Sister of The Villainous Grand Duke (69 chapters)
The Princess is Evil (34 chapters)
The Princess's Doll Shop (33 chapters)
The Princess’s Double Life (42 chapters)
The Princess’s Spaceship (85 chapters)🔁
The Protection of Lariensa Gelinus (90 chapters)🔁
The Real Daughter Is Back (21 chapters)
The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke’s Mansion (158 chapters)🔁
The Rebirth of A Tyrannical Empress (103 chapters)
The Remarried Empress (117 chapters)
The Runaway Lead Lives Next Door (41 chapters)
The Second Male Lead is Actually a Girl (16 chapters)
The Stairway of Time (110 chapters)🔁
The Strongest Characters in the World are Obsessed With Me (56 chapters)
The Tyrant Wants To Be Good (32 chapters)
The Tyrant's Sister (121 chapters)
The Tyrant’s Only Perfumer (44 chapters)
The Tyrant's Tranquilizer (37 chapters)
The Villainess Empress’s Attendant (20 chapters)
The Villainess Enters the Game! (18 chapters)
The Villainess Flips The Script! (91 chapters)
The Villainess is a Marionette (54 chapters)
The Villainess Lives Again (95 chapters)
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass (105 chapters)
The Villainess’s Blind Date is too Perfect (29 chapters)
The Villainess's Road to Revenge (20 chapters)
The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Gingerbread House (54 chapters)
The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time (35 chapters)
The Villain’s Savior (87 chapters)🔁
The Viridescent Tiara (69 chapters)
The Wicked Woman's Daughter (38 chapters)
This Girl is a Little Wild (50 chapters)
This Villainess Wants A Divorce! (118 chapters)🔁
This Witch of Mine (58 chapters)🔁
To a Happy Ending for The Tragic Novel (20 chapters)
To Those Who Long for My Destruction (38 chapters)
Tricked into Becoming the Heroine's Stepmother (50 chapters)
Trophy Husband (55 chapters)🔁
Truthfully, They Only Remembered Her (76 chapters)
Under the Oak Tree (50 chapters)
Untouchable Lady (51 chapters)
Valia, Tribute to Shuden (20 chapters)
Villainess For Hire (32 chapters)
Villainess in Love (95 chapters)🔁
Villainess Maker (72 chapters)🔁
Virtues of the Villainess (82 chapters)🔁
Wake Up, Warrior (53 chapters)
Welcome to Sylvia's Garden (20 chapters)
What it Takes To Be A Villainess (163 chapters)🔁
What's Wrong with You, Duke? (133 chapters)🔁
When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-in-law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me (23 chapters)
When The Count's Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married (34 chapters)
When the Villainess Loves (70 chapters)
Why Are You Obsessed with Your Fake Wife? (34 chapters)
Wished You Were Dead (37 chapters)
Your Majesty, I will raise you well in this life (41 chapters)
Your Majesty, Please Spare Me This Time (73 chapters)
Your Throne (126 chapters)
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A Chance At Last (69 chapters)🔁
Act Like You Love Me! (126 chapters)
Bitten Contract (95 chapters)
Eaternal Nocturnal (60 chapters)
Goodbye, In-Law! (75 chapters)🔁
Marry My Husband (66 chapters)🔁
Operation: True Love (70 chapters)
Perfect Marriage Revenge (95 chapters)
Rewriting Our Love Story (62 chapters)🔁
The Time We Were Young (39 chapters)
Villain with a Crush (Pure Villain) (62 chapters)
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200% in Love (62 chapters)🔁
A Morning Kiss at Tiffany's (52 chapters)
A Business Proposal (106 chapters)🔁
A Step Closer to Your Heart (94 chapters)🔁
Before It's Too Late (41 chapters)
Charming You (72 chapters)🔁
Date First, Love Later (46 chapters)
Day by Day (74 chapters)🔁
Daytime Star (77 chapters)🔁
Faking It In Style (75 chapters)
His Devilish New Hire (73 chapters)
Idol House (71 chapters)🔁
Interview with the Crazy Rich (53 chapters)
Love Lies (83 chapters)🔁
Maid for Hire (43 chapters)
Match Made in Hell (45 chapters)
Maybe Meant to Be (79 chapters)
My Boss's Special Request (38 chapters)
My Ex, Client (47 chapters)🔁
My Far Too Tumultuous Marriage (35 chapters)
My Irresistible Ex (100 chapters)🔁
My Sweet Girl (98 chapters)🔁
Nice To Meet You (67 chapters)
One Step Away From Happiness (30 chapters)
Our Secret Alliance (71 chapters)
Painful, but Desirable (73 chapters)🔁
Positively Yours (80 chapters)🔁
Revelation of Youth (51 chapters)
Secretary Out-of-Order (20 chapters)
See You in My 19th Life (85 chapters)
Sixth Sense Kiss (51 chapters)
Substitute Boyfriend (55 chapters)
The Lady with a Mask (55 chapters)🔁
The Losing Streak (40 chapters)🔁
The Omniscient Point Of View Of An Unrequited Love (83 chapters)
The Pharmacy Where the Wolf Howls (77 chapters)🔁
The Second Lead Syndrome (38 chapters)
Two Steps Away (50 chapters)🔁
Unlovable Replacement (84 chapters)
Wedding Impossible (72 chapters)🔁
What's Wrong With Your Online Life? (31 chapters)
When the Day Comes (52 chapters)🔁
Wished You Were Dead (96 chapters)
Writer's Block of Romance (27 chapters)
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From Today On, I’m a Boy (68 chapters)🔁
Ice Lamp - The Chronicles of Kira (74 chapters)🔁
I Work at a Witch's Mansion (36 chapters)🔁
I Became a Doting Father (48 chapters)
Level-Up Doctor (29 chapters)
This Is The Law (44 chapters)
6 notes · View notes
shamera · 3 months
Jan-Feb 2024 Manhwa round-up
it is MARCH so it's two whole months of manhwa that I wanna talk about I'M SO SORRY so here are the top 5 new (to me) manhwa that I read the past two months!
5. Estio
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The story of a boy with the ability to communicate with animals, a power that grows and evolves into something fearsome as he grows up. It's the story of Estio's search for a meaning to his life and his powers, and to understand humanity's place in the world. (This series had me crying over a cactus at 1am, so it's earned it's place on top 5!)
4. The Way to Protect the Female Lead's Older Brother
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The villainess of all time. Roxanna is the reason for 'she can step on me and I will thank her' phrases. Transmigration story, except this time the lead realises that the only way to prevent the bad end is to be a greater villainess than the original character. With an entire villain family to deal with, Roxanna will manipulate, seduce, and kill her way to take them all down and save the character whose death starts the tragic novel she's now living. (Probably discontinued, but good enough to still recommend with the chapters that are out.)
3. Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess
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A 'transmigrated as the villainess' story where the original villainess was merely a victim, and every choice leads to death. Thanks to the system, Penelope knows her only chance of survival is to seduce one of the romance targets before the female lead arrives-- except they're all red flags a hair's breath away from murdering her if she so much as says the wrong thing. Her manipulations and scheming in order to survive, however, is leading her to become a greater villainess than the original ever was, and that might actually be the key to her survival... if she doesn't get murdered by her romance targets first.
2. The Greatest Estate Developer
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A transmigration story where... the mc's past life is relevant?? Lloyd Frontera was meant to be a scummy noble who dies at the beginning of the story as a way for the protagonist Javier Asrahan to leave the family he was serving, but when a modern day civil engineer takes over Lloyd's life, the fantasy world he's now living in is about to get an upgrade! (An absolutely hilarious story with what might be my favourite mc and protag relationship. The ridiculous artwork is a bonus and I look forward to how much more deranged Lloyd can look with each chapter!)
The S-Classes That I Raised
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I started reading this 10am Jan 1st, and I know this because I have liveblogging receipts. I literally wrote 'this one is going to break my heart' and 'BRING IT ON' and then proceeded with 79 reaction comments the first day. When I finished the manhwa, I went straight to the novels and spent the NEXT MONTH AND A HALF reading all 850+ chapters. This series has catapulted it's way to my #1 manhwa in my heart, and I posted a whole powerpoint on why. It's a story about F-ranked hunter Han Yoojin and his S-ranked little brother, Han Yoohyun. It's a story about brothers absolutely doomed by the narrative and their attempts to save each other, even if they have to save the world in the process. It's about the family you choose, and about love (not even the romantic kind) bringing people together, and how people don't need to be strong to be important. It's a story of Yoojin turning back time to save his brother, and then saving a girl who needed help, and then saving a man who needed a friend... and he continues to reach out to people who didn't even know they needed human connection. It's about a doomed world that fears S-ranks as much as they revere them, because people with that kind of power are nothing short of monsters, but they are the only possible way of saving the world. It's about a boy rejected by the world, and his brother who rejected the world to keep him safe. (And later on, it's about a man who was meant to be a protagonist, but even he can't save the world from what's coming.)
Below is: IT DIDN'T MAKE TOP 5, BUT THEY WERE REALLY GOOD! The honorable mentions~
Honorable Mentions (aka they are really good! I read through all the chapters that are out and I now check for weekly updates!!):
How to Live as the Enemy Prince
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MC was the prince of a country that was invaded and conquered for a mysterious time artifact, but after he was killed in battle he finds himself decades in the past as the sickly third prince of the enemy kingdom who was originally murdered before he reached adulthood. His goal was to help his original kingdom by preventing his new brother's ascension to the throne, yet he finds out that in this timeline, the king of his previous kingdom didn't have a younger brother who fought for him, and that the time artifact disappeared when he woke in the new body.
Max-Level Player's 100th Regression
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MC is part of a brutal death game that he's consistently died to, only to realise right before his final regression that the last stage of the game required teammates-- and now he's on a journey not only to survive the game, but the level up the people around him so that they can finally defeat the death game. Almost made top 5 because the art is... hnnnng. So good. Also MC has a cute little brother he's very protective of, and I desperately wanted another story like S-Classes.
My In-Laws are Obsessed with Me
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Genuine Fruits Basket successor, it feels like! After being murdered by her supposed loving family, MC wakes up weeks before her death and throws herself into an contract marriage with a duke powerful enough her family wouldn't dare go against, only to eventually find out that the duke's family has a mysterious and deadly curse-- one that she's immune to (because she's already died from it before), and her immunity sparks hope that perhaps the family curse can be broken after all. Really intriguing plot as it's soon revealed she's not the only one who died and then woke up several weeks in the past, and that there are outsiders who want to make use of the family's curse for their own gains.
The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine
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Set in the same world 300 years after Greatest Estate Developer! A doctor wakes up as a sickly crown prince and the system once again pulls shenanigans where the only way to live is to save lots and lots of people, so he goes to save the novel protagonist who becomes his personal guard! Less than 20 chapters so far, but it's super promising and really funny!
The Newbie is Too Strong!
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A great take on the tower ascension trope and streaming sponsorships-- except rather than the gods watching, it's other players who are watching the progress! After finding out the orphanage he grew up in would only have three more years of funding, MC discovers a series of videos sent to his phone that featured himself in the future challenging the tower and decides that would be the perfect way to make enough money to keep the orphanage going. By the time he's drawn into the tower, he's ready for every challenge-- or so he thinks.
Debut or Die
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Reincarnation idol series with a system! MC wakes up one day three years in the past in someone else's body, with a system that tells him he has to debut as an idol within a year or die! He ends up on an idol show using unconventional thinking to climb his way to the top. Really funny concept with a lead character who has to be the most blank-faced and deadpan debut idol I've ever seen.
Pick Me Up
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What I call 'I got isekai'ed into Raid: Shadow Legends' because that is what it is. MC gets isekai'ed into the mobile gacha game he played where characters stay dead if they die in battle, and now he's a character at the whim of an unseen, unknown 'master' who summons heroes and pushes them to fight-- even killing off characters by 'combining' them with others in order to help one get stronger. He has to survive the game he was playing, and this time without control of anything at all!
I Thought My Time was Up!
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Hilarious. Almost made top five this time! MC is told she has three months to live, and so she proceeds to stop worrying about everything and live her life the way she wants-- and her bucket list includes having a hot boyfriend! Thus begins her utterly shameless and relentless pursuit of a fearsome Duke, winning the hearts of everyone around her with her fearless and go-getter demeanour (which is really just a result of not fearing death at this point).
Tyrant of Tower Defense
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Another 'main character gets isekai'ed into the game he was playing', except with heavy Fear and Hunger and Bloodborne vibes. In a game where the goal was to defend a city against waves of monsters, each level more impossible than the next, the MC is out to discover the secret of the world he's stuck in-- because in his previous life he barely managed to defeat the game with one surviving character, and this time he wants everyone to live. Now he's out to discover just where the invading monsters come from, and why they're here.
Hunter World's Gardener
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In a hunter and dungeons world, the MC is the class 'labourer' which doesn't quite allow him to raid dungeons, and thus he opens up a general store for hunters instead. My slice-of-life pick this month! Finally, a sweet cinnamon roll MC who is 1, not struggling in his life and 2, not being taken advantage of by other people in a way that will later leave them scarred or jaded! Seriously, this series is sweet in every way: a kind MC whose kindness is rewarded in turn, and people around him who genuinely want to help him keep that innocence and ensure no one takes advantage of him! (Another around 20 chapters so far story.)
My Favorite Novel has a Weird Epilogue
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MC is an olympic gold medalist fencer who gets transmigrated into her favourite novel-- except 20 years after the horrible ending! All her favourite characters are dead and gone, and now she's determined to protect the son of her OTP, which means she's definitely going to do the same thing as her favourite character (his mom), and pretend to be a boy in order to be his knight. Again, around 20 chapters, but this is shaping up to be really really funny.
Moon-Painting Alchemist
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Less than 20 chapters so far, and the first bl to make the list! MC is a genius alchemist tasked with creating a spell that would show people their future spouse, but when he finally thought he had it, the spell showed him-- a man? When he fixed the spell again, it showed him a boy the second time-- a boy that he soon meets, who disappears soon after right before he meets the man he saw in his spell-- who hires him to break a complicated curse. (I'd give this one a mature rating for the Duke's dirty mind, lol, but so far it's played off as humorous intrusive thoughts.)
The Tyrant Wants to be Good
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This story led me to tears. About a tyrant queen who woke up at the beginning of her life after she was executed by her country, and rather than revenge and power, she decides that this time she will live her life quietly and learn to be a good person. Starting with her as a young, unloved princess, it really explores how she went down the path she did, and her quiet exhaustion as she examines what originally led her to kill her brother for the throne, and her descent into madness as she took up the crown in the first timeline. This time around, she's resigned to a life without love so long as she doesn't cause the downfall of the people she cares for. (Every scene with her and her brother had me in tears, because he loves her so much but it took her a lifetime and a half to see that.)
The Academy's Undercover Professor
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I had to debate between this series and Estio on the top 5 list, because this one is also very, very good but in a different way. Complicated world-building, factions and politics, with events that will keep you on your toes-- this is almost a Sherlock Holmes-esque story where the intrigue keeps you going and you don't know who is actually who. Set in a fantasy version of Victorian England at a magical academy, the MC is accidentally roped into a role he was never meant for while he investigates criminal organizations and searches for relics that contain a hidden power, all the while being hunted by different knight and police groups.
Series I read that didn't quite cater to me but it doesn't mean that it wouldn't be good for other people (mostly because I really couldn't connect to the main character, but it doesn't mean the story is bad)!
I'm the Queen in This Life
Regressor Instructional Manual
Necromancer Survival
Global Examination
Limited Extra Time
The Villain Discovered My Identity
The Remarried Empress
Third Wheel Strikes Back
Weapon Creator
Seoul Station Druid
Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound
F-Class Destiny Hunter
66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage
Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman
Reporting for Duty, Duchess!
Doom Breaker
Cleric of Decay
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tren-fraszka · 5 months
Candy Hearts 2024
Dear creator,
Thank you for taking your time to check my requests. I know my requests can sound a bit tricky, but please don’t be discouraged. I wish you will have good time writing first and foremost!
My AO3 is Tren, if you wish to check it out. I’m open to treats.
Likes: comedy, angst, casefics, canon compliants, canon divergences, AUs, time loops, bodyswaps, roleswaps, “being hoisted by your own petard” plotlines, snark, pettiness, rivals, enemies to friends to lovers, pining, bed sharing, violence, friendships, and character bonding,
DNW: explicit sex (makeouts and fade to black is okay), A/B/O, mpreg, rape depicted as positive (so no “it’s okay, because the other person enjoyed it/it was what they truly wanted”), trans headcanons, soulmate AUs, stories ending with surrender to fate/destiny, fourth wall breaking in canons where that doesn’t occur, character has cancer or other real-life terminal disease AU, word “queerplatonic”.
Also, I included what ships I’m okay with in each fandom. Please do not include any ships that aren’t canon and I have not allowed in those sections (if you feel really strongly about a ship I haven’t mentioned, you can always ask through mods just in case).
On a separate, but similar note, I’m okay with OCs as long as they don’t overshadow the characters I requested.
Additionally, while I almost never request fanart as possible medium, because I prefer my main gift to be fic, I would be very okay with receiving fanart treats. Also, feel free to peruse my old letters if you get your hands on them. I never stop being interested in fandoms, and if I requested something once I will still want it in the future.
I was down bad for Kafka ever since I first saw her and it’s no surprise that this ship quickly found a way into my heart.
I love Kafka’s manipulative demeanor, but also how she clearly cares about Stelle in her own twisted way. Or is that care also a part of an act? Who can tell? Certainly not Stelle, who is stuck trying to figure out Kafka
I honestly want to see more interactions from those two. Maybe Stelle, bored to death from waiting on Xianzhou’s bureaucracy to let her kick some ass, stumbles on Kafka and decides to try to get some answers from her rather than contacting Express. Will they go on a date, or maybe go on a mission together, or maybe there will briefly make out? Or an extended take on Kafka’s personal mission. So many options!
Or maybe for some reason Stelle gets briefly kidnapped by Kafka, and just because Stelle understands what Stockholm Syndrom is, doesn’t mean it’s easy to resist falling for her captor
What if Kafka broke into Simulated Universe with Silver Wolf’s help and added herself into the code. I’d love a story where Stelle keeps jumping into SU in order to meet virtual Kafka, hoping to gain some understanding of her and maybe getting some nice virtual gifts each time it happens
I also love the dichotomy they have going when it comes to their approch to destiny. Kafka claims to believe in destiny, yet seems to desperately hope for Stelle to prove her wrong in a very contradictory way. Meanwhile the protagonist despite being setup as a pawn in Estio’s plan is clearly carving her own destiny as a Trailblazer and there’s just something really poetic about it. I feel like it’s that aspect of Stelle that makes Kafka smitten with her
Ruan Mei/Stelle
I didn't know I would grow to love Ruan Mei as much as I did, but she ended up really exceeding my expectations.
I love how the main story kinda demysticizes Ruan Mei from the distant genius she heard about to introvert who is hesitant to form honest relationships with others. The roundabout way she goes around to resolving the crisis she caused made me laugh.
I'll gladly take more shenanigans with the anti-truth serum. What if Ruan Mei starts using it to avoid having Stelle confess, since she has no idea how to handle other's affection towards her. Or maybe Ruan Mei assumes the memory lose side effect kicked in when it clearly didn't and Stelle is now keeping up the illusion of losing memories (since she has first-hand experience and stuff), because she's afraid that Ruan Mei will leave if she discovers Stelle has her memories. Or alternatively, the memory lose side effect did kick in and Stelle is now desperately trying to grasp all the affection slipping away from her. Or what if something went wrong during preparations and Ruan Mei accidentally wiped out her memory (or maybe it wasn't an accident?), forcing Stelle to look after her
I'm also up for all the critter shenanigans. Stelle bonding with critters and trying to make Ruan Mei care more for them since it raises the chances of her returning to Hearta Station. Or they start an actual cult. If this event showed something it's that you could make a religion out of Ruan Mei.
It'd also be interesting to see a research taking Ruan Mei down a strange or dark path and her dragging Stelle down with her. We'd already seen how narrow her view becomes when she hyperfocuses on her research. What if she ends up hurting Stelle in the process. Feel free to go dark with this prompt.
AUs and ships
I’d rather avoid setting AUs for this canon, since I feel like it would be hard to replicate the elements that make those ships so fun. I’d however love any canon divergences. I’d love an AU where Kafka is a double agent and has separate identity as Stellaron Hunter and someone on the Express. Or maybe since Kafka has powers affecting mind, there’s some sort of mental link between her and Stelle. What if Stelle starts to regain her memories. For Ruan Mei I think an AU where she starts to tamper more with Simulated Universe would be fun. Maybe something happens to Hearta and Ruan Mei starts to lead the development or it's an AU where it was always her project. Or maybe Ruan Mei's secret project in Herta's lab was something different.
I’d rather characters I requested aren’t shipped with anyone else. I wouldn't want an outright love triangle, but I'm okay with mentions of Stelle potentially having feelings for both women I requested her with. I’m fine with background Bronya/Seel. Feel free to inquire about other background pairings
I’m up to date with manga, feel free to include new development
Akane Ousaki/Hikaru Kouragi
Finally, classic shounen rivals - lesbian version. I’m so glas we are finally here.
Rivalry slowly turning into romance! Becoming closer with every rakugo event that they meet at. Going together (on totally not dates) to rakugo events to watch other performers or maybe visiting places connected to the stories they’re working for inspiration. Would they try to help each other if either of them ran into trouble?
How would a confession look like? Would it be something open, or would one of them slip it between the lines. Would there be pushback about them dating given how traditional rakugo it? I won’t be surprised if there had already been some gay relationships the rakugo community that were an open secret, but what if Akane and Hikaru decide to come in the open about their relationship
AUs and ships
I think a setting change could be pretty fun as long as the element of rivalry stays intact. Different time periods, fantasy AUs, or such could be really interesting for them. Maybe they’re singers now, or bards. I would also be very up for a fastforward to when they’re adults and their rakugo career is in full bloom. How had relationship between them changed? Or has it stayed pretty much the same?
Please don’t ship Akane and Hikaru with anybody else.
I watched both anime seasons, but haven’t read the manga yet. Please don’t spoil developments that weren’t yet in anime.
Chiyoda Momo/Yoshida “Shamiko” Yuuko
Do I even need to explain? Those two are just perfect together - a depressed magical girl finding love and acceptance with very clumsy demon who makes the dark side look way more tempting than it ever should have been.
I’m definitely here for both Shamiko trying to pull Momo out of depression through her “evil” schemes and for some more serious plot. Whether it be cute moments of bonding or Shamiko proving her worth when her friends or family are in danger, I’m here for it.
I would be up to more outings of those two. Maybe they go to aquarium or movies? Or maybe Momo requires more mental support and has Shamiko dive into her dreams (this time consensually) to help her deal with some sort of bad memory or recurring nightmare. What if some rouge demon or magical girl came into town and started causing trouble? How would our duo resolve it? Are there more secrets left behind by Momo’s sister than need to be solved?
Chiyoda Momo/Yoshida “Shamiko” Yuuko/Lico
I really loved the addition of Lico to the cast. She’s such an chaos element, because at one moment she’s extremly useful and the second she’ll be trying to spike your food with suspicious herbs. Just 100% trickster fox and I love her for that.
I found her relationship with both Shamiko and Momo extremely compelling. She’s a bit of a cunning senpai for Shamiko, obviously happy to teach her, but definitely not above a harmless prank here and there. On the other hand, there’s Momo, who visibly reminds Lico of her bad experiencess in the past, but at the same time she’s very willing to help Momo, but not without being very snarky about it and pranking her like there’s no tomorrow. I feel like that complex relationship between the characters is so good.
I would be curious to explore Lico’s point of view when it comes to Momo’s descent to the dark side. Is that the reason why she warmed up to Momo despite her bad experiences? Does she have some specific hangups that she needs to work through before she can actually enter the relationship? Does Lico want to influence Shamiko’s development as a demon in some way, or is she satisfied helping her along on the path Shamiko choose herself? Does she try to teach Shamiko some of her magic? What if Lico engaged in some pranking that got out of hand and now is desperately trying to hide the truth from Shamiko and Momo by creating a fake villain?
AUs and ships
I don’t want any setting changes, but would very much enjoy other AU shenanigans. What if Sakura was still around and trying to play a matchmaker? What if something goes wrong when Shamiko dives into Momo’s dream and they end up bodyswapping? What if Momo also started working in the cafe? Time loop could be very fun for this fandom.
There are no other relationships I’d be interested in that come to my mind, but, as always, feel free to ask me through the mods about secondary pairings you may want to add to the story
I’m up to date with anime and read the first 3 volumes of manga.
Oliver Horn/Pete Reston
I just love how tropey “my roommate has magically changed gender and now I’m helping him keep it a secret” is. The moment I saw it I was sold. Especially, given that Oliver has plenty secrets of his own.
Also, the setting being just edgy Hogwart with swords is so good. I love how dangerous Kimberly is, and how well it captures the charm of magic with the madness of people who end up pursuing it too farm and the system that encourages them to do just that.
Oliver is teaching Pete swordfighting which is such a good opportunity for extra bodily contact with helping him adjust his stance and such. I’d love to see Pete getting distracted, while Oliver is just doing his best to be hundred percent professional teacher and try to ignore his feelings. Extra points for accidental sword-related double entendres.
I’d also love an exploraion on how much changes about their cohabitation. Pete mentions wanting to set a curtain, but is it the only change that happens? If there are other changes, what prompts them? Are some changes only applicable to when he’s a woman and get removed if he turns back to his original gender (since it’s mentioned that reversi can change between genders)? Are there situations where Oliver has to help Pete protect his secret? How does he go about it?
AUs and ships
I’d prefer no setting changes, I just really, really love the idea of Kimberly as this edgy take on Hogwart. Though as always I’d be open to canon divergences. Maybe Pete catches a hint of Oliver’s secret and tries to carefully figure out what’s going on. How would he react if he learned of his revenge? Would he try to stop Oliver?
I’m fine with mentions of Oliver’s fascination with Nanao (and Pete potentially feeling jealous of Oliver giving her attention), but I don’t want an outright love triangle
Mordred (Fate Series)/Stelle (Honkai: Star Rail)
I feel like those two would be just perfect for each other, both being artificial humans caught in schemes of other people and just trying to find their place in life as they go.
I’m fine both with the idea of Mordred becoming incarnated and joining the Express crew or Stelle summoning Mordred during Holy Grail War (or contracting her some other way). I’m fine both with using already existing Holy Grail War as a setting or creating a new one for purposes of the story. Also feel free to go as deep or as shallow with Fate lore as you want. I just want to see fun interactions between Stelle and Mordred, so I’m fine with whatever amount of worldbuilding works with you as a writer
I feel like those two would have amazing dynamic, quickly hitting it off and enabling each other. They’d also work really well as a battle duo, dishing out damage left and right. They’d be incredible Master and Servant duo or partners depending on which setting you chose. I would also love to see how they’d deal with the main thing that sets them apart—the fact that Mordred had already lived her life and made her mistakes, while Stelle is still trying to figure stuff out, not remembering her past and still being caught in other people’s schemes.
If you chose to focus on HSR setting I’m fine both with following already existing stories, or some original adventure. Maybe Stelle and Mordred decide to engage in some bounty hunting for some quick cash. Or they go sightseeing and end up wrapped into some kind of trouble.
I have some idea of pretty much all Fate series officially translated into English (I’ve only seen the OVA for Fate/Strange Fake, since I wanted to wait for anime adaptation, so if you want to use characters from it, please elaborate a bit more on who they are), but other than that I should be good for any existing Fate characters you want to use.
I’m fine with story based on either anime or manga, I’m caught up with both.
Jinguuji Tsukasa/Tachibana Hinata
Childhood friends who are practically inseparable and strongly dependent on each other? That’s already perfect, but now throw into it a crazy goddess who isekais both of them, turns one of them into a girl, throws an unspecified curse, and forces those two to confront the fact that their feelings for each other might go beyond friendship? That’s beyond perfect. That’s galaxy brain and I want more of that mishmash of tropes.
I’m all about everyday interactions and weird rpg shenanigans they get into, so you can never go wrong with leaning into it. But for something else: What if at some point one of them got returned back to their original world? How would the other cope? Would they be able to establish communication between the two worlds? How would they go about reuniting?
I would love to see them taking their relationship a step further. I crave all the awkwardness that’s going to come with those two idiots trying to figure out how to admit their feelings to each other. And the inevitable defeat of any villains who get in the way of them having a moment. Will Jinguuji and Tachibana try to go on a date with a disasterous results? Will Jinguuji desperately try to find a dating manual in another world? And will they be able to enjoy a romantic moment without “CHARMED” status ruining it?
I also love the new development in manga with Love Goddess reappearing and messing things up even more. I’d absolutely love if you delved into those new changes!
Feel free to include any other characters, they are a colorful bunch. Though if you want a suggestion, I’m very partial to Schwartz and Shen
AUs and ships
I don’t want setting changes, though I would enjoy seeing a different spin on how those two dorks get isekaied and under what circumstances they end up inflicting the wrath of Goddess of Love. Or I would love an AU where the goddess doesn’t succeed in her first killing attempt, so she keeps trying to isekai Tachibana and Jinguuji keeps foiling her plans every time (or maybe he fails at some point?). What if the curse placed by the goddess manifests in some other ridiculous ways? What if Shwartz wormed his way into the protagonists’ party and third-wheeled like only he can?
Feel free to include any one-sided crushes from canon.
I’m caught up with the manga, feel free to incorporate new developments. I love the wide scoop of this series and that it really feels like a realized world.
Something goes wrong on the Away Mission is a prompt applicable to all the relationships. The relationships don’t have to end happily, especially if the story is set on Aftokrator.
Hyuse/Jin Yuuichi
I love that Jin’s endearment towards Hyuse is equally proportional to Hyuse’s grudge towards him. However, at the same time they are extremely alike in their whole-hearted dedication to their respective homeplanets. Due to that any sort of romantic relationship between them would require them to compromise the values they hold dear.
Jin as Aftokrator’s prisoner of war, because the idea of a scenario opposite to what happned in the canon is really fascinating to me. How would Hyuse treat his captive? Would Jin be able to manipulate Aftokrator’s politics to his advantage through Hyuse?
For something closer to Earth, I would love to see any shenanigans connected to Hyuse having to tolerate Jin’s presence. Does he act petty in small ways? Does Jin use his foresight to sabotage Hyuse, escalating their conflict into a full out prank war? How badly do Jin's attempt at teaching Hyuse chores or human culture go?
Jin Yuuichi/Miwa Shuuji
Their relationship is so fascinating, given how differently they chose to deal with their trauma regarding losing someone important to them to Neighbors. I’d be fine with both a look into their relationship when Miwa was still very against Neighbors or now futher into the story when he has mellowed down a bit about it.
Some sort of mission goes wrong and they end up having to work together. Or maybe something happens deepening the divide between the Border’s factions making it more difficult for Jin and Miwa to reconcile their feelings for each other with what they believe in. Or Jin gets hurt/kidnapped and Miwa has to struggle with both his feelings and how difficult it is to protect people without Jin’s support
Hyuse/Miwa Shuuji
Two idiots coming from the opposite sides of conflict, having to overcome their strong nationalistic tendencies to meet somewhere in the middle and kiss.
I love the idea of Miwa monitoring Hyuse when he sees him in the Border, because he’s an enemy. What if Jin roped Miwa into helping mantain Hyuse’s cover story. What if they bonded over their shared dislike of Jin. I’d also love a scenario where Miwa squad didn’t know that Hyuse is a Neighbor and interacted with him normally (while Hyuse was under assumption that they obviously know and are just helping maintain his cover). What if Miwa was taking part in the away mission alongside Hyuse?
AUs and ships
I don’t want any setting changes, but I would be okay with any roleswaps. What if Jin was an Aftokrator’s Neighbor and Hyuse was an actual Canadian? Or maybe Hyuse was the friendly Neighbor that Mikumo meet at the beginning of the story. It would also be fun if teams were different. Or different characters’ having different side effects. Someone being caught in a timeloop during the Aftokrator’s invansion would be extremely interesting (or other interesting point in canon).
On top of my head the only extra pairing I’d be fine with would be Ema/Chika. Please inquire about other pairings through mods, there are just too many character’s for me to remember all the ships. I’d rather the requested characters didn’t end up in an outright love traingle, but I'm fine with acknowledging them potentially having feelings
I’m only playing on NA server. Please don’t include spoilers for what happened on JP servers.
Okada Izou | Assassin/Sakamoto Ryouma | Rider
I love that the first we see of their relationship is Okada being absolutely pissed about Ryoma betraying him and leaving to die, and Ryoma being like “that’s fair”, and letting himself get stabbed because he has absolute confidence that Okada doesn’t actually want to kill him. If that’s not great ship material I don’t know what is.
I love how thin the line between Ryoma caring about Okada and manipulating him into doing what he wants is. And that Okada is aware of it, but at same time he’s completely unable to let go despite constantly proclaiming that he won’t get tricked again. And yet he gets tricked. Every. Single. Time.
I would love both some shenanigans in Chaldea, as well as a look into their lives before they became Heroic Spirits. I’m not very versed in history of Japan though, so while I’d love a more history based story please assume you are telling it to someone who needs a quick history lesson at the same time. For Chaldea shenanigans I would enjoy Okada picking up fight with everyone who catches his attention and then inevitably getting his ass kicked, because he’s used to being a big fish in small pond, while Ryoma tries to make sure he doesn’t kill himself in the process. Or helps him get along with other Heroic Spirits. I would love to see Okada being pacified with some food. Maybe discovering liking for a dish he had never tried before.
Inclusions of Oryou is welcome, and you are free to make it a threesome. Just please don’t forget to include some flirty Ryoma and Okada interactions.
Saitou Hajime | Saber/Yamanami Keisuke | Saber
What is with GudaGuda and introducing great m/m ships?! We will never know. But what I do know is that Saito being very protective of Yamanami all through the event really got to my shipper soul. Everyone was giving Yamanami shit about being the traitor and what did Saito do? Make sure that this time Yamanami wouldn’t be alone when traitoring and if it isn’t a basis for a ship, I don’t know what is.
I would love both some shenanigans in Chaldea, as well as a look into their lives before they became Heroic Spirits. I’m not very versed in history of Japan though, so while I’d love a more history based story please assume you are telling it to someone who needs a quick history lesson at the same time. I obviously don’t want any references to how Yamanami is going to join Chaldea in the future, but the fifth GudaGuda event already gives a pretty good idea about how he interacts with others. I’d enjoy seeing a Shinsengumi outing where they try to ease Yamanami into being a part of their group again and Saito quietly supporting it. But I would also love to see Yamanami reciprocating that kindness by seeing through Saito’s facade and being there when he needs it.
Amakusa Shirou Tokisada | Ruler/Semiramis | Assassin
I feel in love with this ship when watching Fate/Apocrypha and I’m living with all the content FGO is giving for them. Truly, Ancient Babylonian Ruler/Priest is a winning formula for Fate ships.
I love how much those two contrast, yet fit each other. And how well they understand both the virtues and vices of the other. I’d love to see valentine events after the first one where Semiramis got introduced. Are they similar, or does the way they celebrate change? Is there a return gift on White Day?
I greatly enjoy that Amakusa is pretty much a kindergarten caretaker who works himself to the bone when he isn’t the biggest Holy Grail craving menance to happen to Chaldea. I would enjoy seeing either side of him, whether it be Semiramis indirectly helping Amakusa regarding the children or foiling his attempts to get the Grails. I would also love any totally-not-dates involving those two.
General prompts for all the requested relationships: I’d love mission gone wrong. Maybe they Rayshift with Master (I’m fine with both male and female Master for this request) but end up stranded during the mission. Or they have to camp somewhere and it results in a lot of bickering. Or the characters unsuccessfully try to stealth.
AUs and ships
I don’t want setting AUs for this canon unless you want to explore alternate history takes, since that’s the type of content I’ll eat with a spoon.
Please inquire through mods if you want to include other ships, because there’s too many characters to consider
Zheng Chenggong/Zhou Yu | Archer
A Master and Servant duo that was gone too quickly. I'd love an alternate version of events where they stick around for longer (or even just snapshot of what if Zhou Yu survived for longer).
I'd also ve very okay with some look into their lives during the Waxing Moon Ritual. They had a very interesting relationship of mutual respect and I'm kinda interested in seeing how it would reflect on them becoming even closer
Miyamoto Musashi | Berserker & Zheng Chenggong
Miyamoto Musashi | Berserker/Zheng Chenggong
Since the game was hinting very strongly that Musashi's Master might get eliminated early (or resign from Holy Grail War to protect her life) I started speculating that maybe she and Chenggong would end up working together as a Master and Servant duo since they had a lot of interactions together. It didn't happen, but I kinda want to see that version of events now, where after losing Archer, Chenggong ends up contracting Musashi who became Masterless. Fell very free to combine this prompt with my Archer/Chenggong request, and have Chenggong internally suffer because he formed a contract with different Servant.
Alternatively I'm fine with more canon typical shenanigans. Plans going astray because Musashi keeps rushing forward. Or a patrol that ends up with her getting distracted by shops or events. Those two had such fun interactions with Chenggong trying to be tactical, but always getting caught in Musashi's chaotic tempo.
Or maybe Musashi visits Chenggong to cheer him up after he lost Archer, because she would never pass an opportunity for drinking. And if she cheers him up while she's getting plastered then all the better.
AUs and ships
Feel free to go wild with swapping Servants, putting in different ones, or changing the course of the Waxing Moon Ritual. I'd rather the majority of the main Servants were still Japanese, since I liked the theme, but you don't have to stick to it for stray Servants. I also feel like my timeloop like would be very relevant here with Chenggong potentially trying to find a way to have Archer survive the loop or maybe he just gives up and tries to make the most of that final neverending day they have together
I lowkey ship Iori/Saber (but don't let that stop you from potentially yeeting Saber out for some fun alternatives if you do go for Servantswaps). Also for Saber I'd prefer they/them pronouns in general, but if a character canonically addresses Saber with a specific pronoun then please stick to it
Ivy & Oguto
I really loved the relationship between those two and kinda hoped that Ivy would stay longer in Latome. Which is why I'm hoping to read some more about Ivy and Oguto
I'm always up for Oguto protecting Ivy. Maybe someone from Latomi comes and tries to take Ivy away and Oguto steps in to stop them. Or there's some other trouble that Ivy gets dragged into
I'd also love if someone noticed Adandara again, which resulted in more attempts to hunt her, while Ivy was desperately, but subtly trying to discourage Oguto from searching. On that note I love both Adandara and Sora, and would be very happy to see them included.
If you go for a story where Ivy stays for a longer time at Latome I'd be excited to see her finally trusting Oguto with her secrets.
AUs and ships
I'd prefer no setting changes. Though I would be very okay with an AU where Ivy stays for a few years in Latome with Oguto. I don't necessarily want her to give up her dream of travelling, but I think that waiting until she's at least a bit older would be a good compromise. I would also be very okay with Oguto adopting Ivy if she does decide to stay for a longer time in the village. I assume it would initially happen for legal reasons (like making sure she can't be forced to return to Latomi), but Oguto would quickly decide to become an actual parent to her
I lowkey ship Oguto and Verivera
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cyunley · 2 years
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𖠿𖥧𖥣。𖠿 .゜ 今日の晩ごはん!久しぶりにハコネーゼ以外の パスタを食べた😁庭のバジルがえー感じに 茂ってきて旦那がバジルソースを作ったので ジェノベーゼパスタ🍝🪴✨ お取寄せしたブラータは残り少なくなって きたので1個を旦那と半分こ😅 トリュフ塩をかけて頂きました😋 #茄子とベーコンのジェノベーゼパスタ #アボカドとトマトのブラータチーズサラダ #花畑牧場のブラータチーズ #幻の生モッツァレラチーズ #ジャガイモのポタージュ #スペインの白ワイン #ESTIO #家呑み #おうち居酒屋 #おうちごはん #おうちごはん部 #おうちごはんlover #今日の晩ごはん #TodaysDinner #晩ごはん記録 #献立記録 #てづくりごはん #てづくりごはん365 #cooking #cook365 #タベリー #フーディーテーブル #クッキングラム #キッチングラム #夫婦ごはん #ふたりごはん #豊かな食卓 #cyuley作ディナー #cyuley 今日も真夏日やたけど30℃🌡体感では 35度くらいに感じたんやが🥵やっぱり新潟の 夏は湿度が半端なくて超不快😵‍💫奈良おった時は 同じ30℃超えでもこんなにベタベタせんかった🥺 湿度の差だけでこんなにも体感が変わるんかと… 冬より夏のが断然マシやたけど昨今の殺人級の この暑さでは冬のがマシかもしれへんなぁ😮‍💨 なう(2022/07/02 20:42:02) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfgjXP1PTL2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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falangesdovento · 9 months
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Pela verdade, pelo riso, pela luz, pela beleza,
Pelas aves que voam no olhar de uma criança,
Pela limpeza do vento, pelos atos de pureza,
Pela alegria, pelo vinho, pela música, pela dança,
Pela branda melodia do rumor dos regatos,
Pelo fulgor do estio, pelo azul do claro dia,
Pelas flores que esmaltam os campos, pelo sossego dos pastos,
Pela exatidão das rosas, pela Sabedoria,
Pelas pérolas que gotejam dos olhos dos amantes,
Pelos prodígios que são verdadeiros nos sonhos,
Pelo amor, pela liberdade, pelas coisas radiantes,
Pelos aromas maduros de suaves outonos,
Pela futura manhã dos grandes transparentes,
Pelas entranhas maternas e fecundas da terra,
Pelas lágrimas das mães a quem nuvens sangrentas
Arrebatam os filhos para a torpeza da guerra,
Eu te conjuro ó paz, eu te invoco ó benigna,
Ó Santa, ó talismã contra a indústria feroz.
Com tuas mãos que abatem as bandeiras da ira,
Com o teu esconjuro da bomba e do algoz,
Abre as portas da História,
deixa passar a Vida!
Natália Correia
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