achaotichuman · 3 months
Feyre: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter A. Lucien: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory. Tamlin: Fuck you.
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shi-daisy · 2 months
Just a Nightmare
Day 4 of the best boy's week and while I was planning for smut, my brain refused to cooperate. So we're having a bit of fluff with he ebst throuple and basically what I like to imagine as the true end whenever the rest of the books give me the ick. (Acotar is a stand alone, fight me!) Hope you like!
Tamlin Week 2024- Day 4- Happily Ever After
Just a Nightmare
Tamlin woke up woth a gasp to the sound of lighting. The lights went on and it took him a moment to recognize the room. It wasn't torn apart and he wasn't alone. Lucien and Feyre slept at each of his sides.
"Tam? Are you okay?"
Lucien, his beloved Lucien was okay and here with him instead of running away from him after he lost his sanity and turned on the one man who he'd swore to never fail.
Feyre was slowly waking up, her hands weren't marred by black Night tattoos that drove his anxiety up and proved to be mating marks made by his worst enemy. Just what had happened?
"I...think so? I had a bad nightmare."
"You look pale. What did you dream about?"
What could he say? That he dreamt the pair left him for the Night Court and Feyre was mated to their worst enemy. That he dreamt he hurt them both so badly he was left alone here with ruble, vines, and wilted flowers? That he dreamt his dear wife was still marked but now in both arms rather than the one bargain they broke long ago, or that Lucien had been put through hell and he'd been unable to save him the pain?
Tamlin chose to convey all of that in just one sentence, one that also shared his biggest fear. "I dreamt I lost you."
Feyre and Lucien looked at eachother and then at him. "That's never going to happen. Tam, the court is rebuilt, we survived Amarantha, we survived Night and we are finally happy. Nothing will tear us away from you. We love you."
"Feyre is right. Whatever you saw...It was just a nightmare. We're here, and we love you more than anything."
That was all he needed to be at peace again.
"I love you too." He said sweetly.
Feyre kissed him, then Lucien, afterward the throuple settled back down into their bed, both Feyre and Lucien held onto him as they went back to sleep.
Just having their presence alone was enough to make him forget that awful nightmare. There was nothing to fear with his Court prospering and his beloveds by his side. With the sound of rain outside he soon fell back asleep, relishing in the happy end he never thought he'd have.
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foxcort · 1 year
howl’s moving castle but it’s feyre as sophie, tamlin as howl and lucien as calcifer
rhys/and as the witch of the wastes because they both wear black and he too has a crush on tamlin/howl
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tamlinweek · 1 year
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achaotichuman · 3 months
Feyre: Lucien, Tamlin, I love y’all and all, but can I ask what in the hell are you doing? Lucien, trying to stabilize a tower of folding chairs that Tamlin is sitting atop: Oh nothing much. Tamlin: I love you too :)
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achaotichuman · 3 months
Lucien: We're having a baby. Feyre: Oh, congradu- Tamlin, slamming adoption papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.
Incorrect Quote Generator
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achaotichuman · 3 months
Lucien, reading the newspaper: Huh. Did you know Nickelodeon opened a hotel? Feyre: Yeah, I went there once. There was a dead squirrel in the pool and I made Tamlin cry by telling him it was the real Sandy.
Incorrect Quote Generator
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shi-daisy · 2 months
Spring Beast and Silver Queen
Day 6 and here we have the second otp! Like Tamcien (or Feylincien) and Neris own my heart but Neslin has so much potential that I wouldn't mind them being endgame in a Canon. So here's a little oneshot for them with some Fairytale tropes. Hope you like!
Tamlin Week 2024- Day 6- Fairy Tale AU
Spring Beast & Silver Queen
Nesta walked onto the decayed manor, it was just as destroyed as the rest of the court.
Lucien might be the only one to come here out of genuine care, but if the mild mannered redhead couldn't do more than this that meant the High Lord was all but dead inside. She understood. Nesta felt the same way.
She found Tamlin sleeping. The male was in his beast form, like that day when he came to their cottage and took her sister. There were times she wished that hadn't happened. Now, she just wished she'd ran when she had the chance.
It didn't matter anymore. It was either Spring or a lock up on Night, and she'd take her chances with the wilted flowers.
Nesta came into the room slowly. A bird that slept on Tamlin's mane woke up, and left out the window, sparing her one last glance.
She kneeled on the floor and gently patted the man. He was alive, just deeply asleep, and he looked so very weak.
'Guess they've broken us both.' She thought.
Who had once been a monster to her now looked so very defenseless and sad Nesta felt compelled to be kind. Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad, at least Tamlin wouldn't bother her about her drinking if the empty wine bottles were any indication.
She didn't know why, but Nesta decided to plant a soft kiss on the beasts forhead, and wait for him to wake. Nesta didn't have to wait long.
Tamlin turned from beast to fae form in a flash, and when his emerald eyes fell on her their bond snapped.
A deep silence fell upon the room as he sat up and stared at Nesta who was equally surprised and stunned.
"I...Think you know what this means."
"Wait! Why are you here, Lady Nesta? Is this another strange dream?"
"Afraid not. I'll explain."
She told him of her downward spiral, of her sister's betrayal and the choice she was given. It nearly made his magic spiral in a rage.
"Stay here I'd that's what you want. I swear I shall protect you." Tamlin managed to say.
"...What about the bond?"
"If you keep it, they cannot take you away. Once we're certain they won't hurt you, then you may do as you wish with it."
It hurt to say, to denounce something he'd once wanted, despite knowing of it worst sides thanks to his parents, and yet...he wanted to prioritize Nesta's free will. It was clear she needed it.
Especially when her frown turned into a slight smile. "I appreciate it."
Baby steps, in time they could be friends.
Lucien had come to visit. After she explained the situation the redhead not only returned to stay with his partners but he cut off all ties to Night.
"We will help you rebuild this court!"
That was all they needed to let the Band of Exiles become part of the Spring council.
The Spring Library was a marvel after it was cleaned and she took to devouring every book she could. It helped fix the court and bring back the population.
In a few months things were already looking up, and Tamlin wouldn't stop thanking her. "Lucien did most of the administrative work. Vassa is in charge of diplomacy and Jurian is training the sentries. Why are you thanking me too?"
"Because if you hadn't arrived that day. I wouldn't be here right now. Your silver flame is what kept me holding on and made me rebuild what I shouldn't have left crumble. Thank you."
His gentle hand on hers gave her pause. Despite the slow friendship they'd cultivated and the bond that kept her safe, sometimes Nesta doubted a man like him could want her if it wasn't because of the mating bond. Still, she didn't want to break it. Her safety was at stake but also...she didn't want to hurt Tamlin further.
Nesta felt a tear slide down her cheek, but it was soon wiped away as Tamlin kissed her forehead. "You don't have to say anything. If I have to wait forever I shall. You're worth waiting for."
Worth. She hadn't heard that from anyone.
"There's a lot I still must deal with, but when I do. I'm certain you'll be who I want to spend my time with."
"I'm honored to hear that."
Tamlin often thought that beyond any person music would remain his ultimate love. Perhaps that would've been right, as he played his fiddle before the Calanmai celebrations and everyone danced with joy.
Then she stepped into the scene wearing the long sleeved silver dress he'd gotten for her and the glass shoes he'd seen her eyeing at the boutique.
Nesta was a delightful dancer. He knew she loved music as much as he did when she organized all his sheets and instruments with great care, probably more than the books.
Nesta danced beautifully for him, and he didn't remember the last time he'd played that well. By the time the song ended and she stopped dancing, Tamlin had picked her up in his arms and they shared a kiss.
"I love you." Nesta said, and he couldn't help but cry.
"I love you too."
No other Calanmai had left him as breathless and full of joy
Eventually they came for her a little over week after their bond was sealed and their frenzy over.
Nesta nearly barbecued the entire inner circle when they tried to get close to Tamlin. He'd wrapped them in thorned vines.
"We are mated. We are happy. We won't bend to you if you're trying to get the crown. Leave!" He said.
Cassian glared at her and Nesta regarded him with indifference, she had the man of her dreams right by her side and wore a crown of roses rather than chains of stars. The only ones she'd mourn for were her sisters, but she was free and she wouldn't apologize for it. Let the. Make their choice for themselves.
And they did. Because when shadows took her to the House of Wind and she was locked in its tower, Nesta could hear a battle far away in the Velaris palace. By now she'd realized Morrigan was the traitor and that Feyre had joined her, but she couldn't wait for them to rescue her. She had to get out herself.
Rhysand had brought her back to fight for Night's side. She wouldn't and so he locked her up. But he forgot she had power and she had read enough to figure out the end of the tale.
Nesta used her power to create thin threads of silver. They grew from her hair and she made sure to tie them onto the balcony rails. It wasn't enough to reach the ground safely, but she wouldn't need to. She saw a figure of green and was aware he High Lord came to save her.
With rope of hair in hand she jumped from the balcony of the tower and safely mounted Tamlin, who was now a dragon.
"My silver flower"
"My fiddler lord."
They flew away as the Obsidian castle in the distance was swallowed up a black hole in the sky. Both of them were worried until the event passed and the castle was nothing but rubble left away.
After landing they spotted Lucien in the distance with the healers. She saw Feyre and Mor with them, out cold but alive.
Tamlin and Nesta both breathed a sigh of relief. Then they looked at eachother. Nesta smiled at the sight of her mate, her beloved and the man who'd come to her rescue.
Tamlin pulled her close, holding his savior, his queen and his beloved.
Nesta kissed him, using words he'd once said to someone else yet were never returned until now. "I love you, thorns & all."
"And love you, my queen Nesta Acheron."
Two birds flew over them as they shared a kiss, into their happily ever after.
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