#Fharniza G. Salih PEC 1-A
xaleefhar · 2 years
Task 2: Frequency Distribution Table
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xaleefhar · 2 years
Task 1: Designing and Developing Assessments
Assessments literacy involves understanding how assesstments are made, what type of assessments answer what questions, and how the data from assessments can be used to hell teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders make decision about teaching and learning.
In this blog, we’ll know the characteristics of quality assessment tools and the different types of teacher-made tests. This also includes the learning target, assessment methods and assessment tools development.
#Task 1 - Designing and Developing Assessments
#Introduction of Topic
Fharniza G. Salih PEC 1-A
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xaleefhar · 2 years
Discovering and Learning is a helpful way to improve and expand our ability and learning skills.
This course focuses on the principles development and utilization to conventional assessment tools to improve the teaching and learning process.
Assessment is the process on determining the learning process of the learners. It has a vital role in the process of learning and motivation. It also aims to identify and provide data or information about the progress of the learners. Assessment is an integral part of instruction because it determines wether or not the goals of education are being met.
Principles of assessment also serves as a guidelines that helps students to ensure that the teaching mode or strategies is effective, useful and appropriate. 
By assessing the learners using the 3 Types of assessment is a great way to be to able identify and measure the effectiveness of teaching methods. The 3 Types of Assessment is The Assesment as Learning, The Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning. 
Applying this 3 types of assessment and by the guidance of principles of educational assessment, Teachers will able to know on what students have learned in their lessons and also on what particular subjects and what reasons that the students haven’t met the standard grade or get a low grade. Teachers determine the weaknesses and strengths of their students in their learning process. Also Teachers may ask themselves if they really teach what the students supposed to be learned. 
So, in this matter, teachers begin to understand and provide the efficient and effective teaching strategies to help the learners enhanced their learning skills and produced a quality education.
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