#Fictional character crushes I had while growing up
alunaloverworld · 1 month
Fictional character crushes I had while growing up Part 1
These are the lists of character crushes I had while growing up and explanation:
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Shou from Pretty rhythm aurora dream and dear my future
Shou, I had a crush on him in the first pretty rhythm series before the sequel and I like him because he likes a girl who does things unexpectantly even though he has a short temper, that is his flaw. He's also a great fashion designer of Prism Stone because his design outfits for girls are unique and trendy to wear.
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Syaoran Li from Cardcaptor Sakura
Syaoran Li was more of a tsunder character type but he was shy and mellowed down to be kinder which I love about him even though he was jerk to Sakura at the beginning, I did grow to love when he becomes kind to Sakura which change him every time she does something to him and cause him to blush.
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Tsubasa Li and Syaoran Li from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Syaoran Li reminds me from Cardcaptor Sakura only this time he's kinder, brave, and cares about other people minus the tsundere. While Tsusbasa Li is the same as Li Syaoran but the only difference is he can't protect those he cares about like his parents or his clones, but he still had Syaroan Li's personality minus the tsundere.
Tom MCcavity from Olivia series
I had a crush on Tom Mccavity because he was a jockster and is an optimist and always care for his friends which is why I like him.
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Luke Triton from Professor Layton
The moment I saw Luke Triton in the Katrielle Layton anime series that he grows up into an adult, I fell in love with him because of his looks and has grown from his childhood days with Professor Layton being mature and more gentlemen like. 
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Jimmy/Kenta from Pokémon Legend of Thunder
Jimmy or Kenta I had a crush on him because he was a Pokemon trainer who wanted to help his hometown but he also helped a legendary Pokemon called Raikou which I like about him. He had a personality that is good because he wanted to help people and Pokemon, a bit like Ash but not a chosen one way.
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Ash Ketchum/Satoshi from Pokémon
I had a crush on Ash Ketchum during the advanced generation because he is brave, kind, selfless, determined, optimistic, and naïve but when it came to the black and white series he was a laughing stock and more like he forgot things he went through all his journey. Satoshi from XYZ what made me like him more and he was great. But as I grew up I loathe him and admire him now. I loathe him because he could not win a single Pokémon league and I admire him because he was kind to his friends and Pokémon as well as determined to win.  But after finding out he won a Pokemon league, I admired him, and my crush for him hadn't grown much except it was gone when I grew older.
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Peeta Mellark from Hunger Games
I had a crush on Peeta Mellark because of Katniss telling the readers she was in love with him making me fall in love with him as well but in a crushy way. Peeta is kind, likeable, charming, generous, selfless because of love, peaceful, gentle, good sense of humour, emotional as he can cry and has a temper. Peeta is sadly taken and married and wish I had a date with him and marry him off as well but he is meant to be with Katniss.
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Sekai Kamiki from Gundam Build Fighter Try
I had a crush on Sekai Kamiki because of his fiery temper to compete in the gundam competition and the fact that he is in a love triangle between two characters from the show that has feelings towards him. Yeah he is new to gundam, but he learns how to build one and make one of his own making him interesting.
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Dillon from Power Ranger RPM
I had a crush on Dillon because he was a mysterious guy who has a past that he couldn't remember and the fact that he is a cool brooding ranger making him an interesting power ranger. Also, the fact that he helps his fellow rangers even if he doesn't know his past, he will still help which is why I like him. Dillon is sadly taken by Summer the yellow ranger.
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Phill Diffy from Phill of the future
I had a crush on Phill because of his interest in past technology as well as how past of the modern world works but he's such a dork that I love him, though I admit he is taken as well.
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Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom
Danny he is a typical teenager who is a hero who saves the world by stopping ghosts coming from other world and transferring them back to the ghost world, yes he's a stoner who wants to become an astronaut but I like the fact that he takes cares of his friends and family. I had a crush on him on how he treats family and friends and he's good with them.
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Kashino Makoto from Yumeiro Patissiere
I don't know why I end up having crushes on Tsunderes but damn Kashino was a fine guy even when he was a tsundere towards Ichigo which is why I had a crush on him because he is willing to help people who want to learn how to make cakes and have the same dream as him which is to become a patisseiere. Plus I like the fact that he was a blushing mess towards Ichigo which is why I had a crush on him. Kashino is taken and is married towards Ichigo so my dream of having him is zero.
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Eugeo from Sword Art Online Alicization
Eugeo, oh I had a crush on him because of his kind personality and the fact that he was the best boy who is calm and collective and not ahead of himself which is why I love him.
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Kirito/Kazuto Kirigaya from Sword Art Online
Kirito from SAO I had a crush on him because of how he is kind, yet a crybaby but still thinks of loved ones even when they're in danger, he would help them and try to get them to safely as possible. Kirito is taken as well because he's with Asuna who can cook.
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Watase Aoba from Buddy Complex
Aoba, he was stupid sometimes but heroic nonetheless and always seem to be positive even when something happened to him that seems dangerous he would always head on be courageous which I is why I had a crush on him. Okay besides his good looks his personality wise was the best though he is with Hinata at the end of the show which I wish I could have him but he's taken.
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Brandon Robert from Dork Diaries
I had a crush on Brandon because he was kind, didn't care about the popularity and always like photography taking pictures for the journalism and even musically talent.
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Kakeru Kogure from Onegai my melody
Okay Kakeru I can explain, he is cocky and teases but he learns his mistake and tries to be friendly towards girls and nice to them and treat them gifts even though he was a bully. I had a crush on him because he was kinder and learn from his mistakes.
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Luke Smith from The Sarah Jane Adventures
Luke, i had a crush on him not only based on his looks but his personality where he is intelligent, smart, helpful, supportive towards his friends and family and never fears his fears which is why I like him. But then I found out on an article he is gay, so that's over and done with.
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Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond
I got a crush on Terry because he was a loner and he's always stopping the bad guys in gothan city and I was attracted him because he was mysterious and a bad boy I guess. I even like when he wore the bat suit, but damn he was good looking.
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Cayenne from Lady Jewelpet
Cayenne I had a crush on him because of how kind and caring he is towards Momona and the fact that he gets teased and blushed about by his friends of his feelings towards Momona which is why I had a crush on him.
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Tim Goodman from Detective Pikachu
When Tim Goodman showed up in Detective Pikachu Returns he looked like he had a glow up which made him handsome from the first game of Detective Pikachu and I liked his hair style and his iconic hoodie but he's still sarcastic which I like and he is willing to help Pokemon in need while on the case even when trying to find his father.
Kokouda Koji from Yes Precure 5
I had a crush on Kokouda Koji because he is handsome, and kind, always helping people to learn and become better of themselves which is why I like him. It's not only his good looks but damn he can always be savior towards a precure like Nozomi.
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Aladdin from Aladdin
I got a crush on Aladdin when I was a child because I thought of him as someone who can fall in love with a relationship even despite himself being a thieve. He has charm which I like about him and is confident in himself.
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Robert Philip from Enchanted
Okay don't get me started Robert Philip, yes I know he is a grumpy old man that talks about reality instead of fairytales but I admit he does help Giselle out from eating the apple and remembering details from fairytales despite being a damsel in distress kind of guy which is why I had a crush on him besides his good looks. He does show he cares which I like about.
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Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty
Prince Philip has a good singing voice which is why I had a crush on him also his good looks. Personality-wise wise he is heroic and courageous which by the way is the trait I always like when it comes to characters.
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Albedo from Genshin Impact
Albedo because of his ability to use a harp as a musical talent and talk things that I cant seem to understand about the world in genshin impact and doing research and able to use magic that is light I think and him being good looking.
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Aiden from Barbie magic pegasus
Aiden is a sassy guy who would savagely burn your comment if you say something that burns which I like about him even though he has a rough past not able to give money back to his dad, he still cares barbie who was in magic pegasus the blond one. He's even courageous and I would say he is the best barbie crush I had of him.
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