charlottes-weeb · 3 years
Current State of Affairs: Time for Systemic Change
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I’ll admit I was a little hesitant at first to broach this subject because of how massively polarizing it is. But in reality, that’s why we should be discussing it. If we don’t, nothing changes. In May of last year a man was murdered by police. By now we’re inundated with the graphic sidewalk and body cam footage, and the lengthy court proceedings that followed a year later. I don’t believe I need to recap any of the events.
Here is a telling indicator of the turbulence of current American culture: on January 6th a mob of - let’s call things what they are: domestic terrorists - converged on the capitol in protest of Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential defeat. They broke things, they stole a podium, they waved different flags (confederate included), and they clashed with and assaulted security officers. Let’s have a peek at how they were treated, shall we? 
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It seems like the officer in this photo kept a pretty cool head in the face of... whatever the guy on the right is doing. Reciting lines from Dances With Wolves, maybe? Notice anything about them? White guys across the board. Every one of these people got to go home. And yet in May of 2020, a Black man allegedly paid for his purchases at a gas station with a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill, and now we’re discussing his story posthumously. I’m pressed to think of a metaphor that does a better job of expressing the inequality that permeates all of this.
Again, I don’t believe we need a retelling of all the gory details, but everything was skewed from the beginning. The defense’s entire case relied upon convincing the jury - and the world - that the man who had been killed was simply a criminal, or on drugs, or (huge stretch coming up here) died of natural causes. That’s how we’re trained by the media to see Black and PoC community members. And what’s more, you could hardly spend any time at all online in the aftermath, scrolling through Twitter or Facebook, without seeing things about how “innocent people have nothing to fear” and “back the blue,” etc. And as heartbreaking as it is to see, this is hardly an isolated incident. In the last few years alone, we’ve seen examples that would indicate that as a Black person or person of color, one can’t even go the store for a pack of Skittles, walk through a park, forget to use a turn signal, or in some cases literally be asleep in their own bed, without fear of sharing Mr. Floyd’s fate, and then having the incident publicly defended. It’s unthinkable and indefensible. If this is the world many people truly intend to propose, then stop the ride because the rest of us want off.
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And in this image we see a pivotal moment. The man responsible (importantly: one of the men responsible) is led away in handcuffs after a long-awaited verdict: guilty. I’ll be brief. This was the correct verdict, plain and simple. It is my utmost hope that by it, the Floyd family can find some semblance of peace, and Black and PoC communities at large may have an overdue indication that progress is happening and they will not be forgotten.
But I also hope that we remain focused on what’s most important - this is only one man. What’s truly broken is the system that employed, informed, and trained him. Of course, an overdue thing happened here, and I in no way wish to cheapen it. But it has to mean something with more longevity than a man. It’s my hope that those who, like me, agree with this guilty verdict, temper their celebrations in light of the fact that a battle has been won, but not yet the war. At the end of the day we still have on our hands one man dead and another awaiting sentencing. This man’s arrest is a display of accountability, but justice has to be farther-reaching. If we want to see real systemic change, we need to get at the real root of problem. Critically reshape the ways in which minority communities are represented in the media, and address disproportionate law enforcement responses between Caucasian and Black and PoC citizens.
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saucyboulette · 4 years
Given women teams have less players than men teams and the final8 is very short (3 games in 8 or 9 days), I'm glad for players health that they took this decision even if it's unfair. And maybe 6 more players is too many. Sure I would prefer teams to have enough players to play or to agreed with players for 2/3 months extension contracts ... but that's not the case rn so if it prevents some injuries ...
No, they should’ve just cancelled the whole competition at that point because this decision is not fair. Just look at Lyon like... they extended their original players AND will have their new signings. It’s not ok.
3 notes · View notes
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8强大戰-俄羅斯🇷🇺vs克羅地亞 #worldcup2018 #final8 #格仔軍團 #羅宋 #羅宋湯 #格仔枱布 #rusvscro
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devenirmilliardaire · 3 years
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Ronaldo (Brésil) : « Le Portugal est un excellent choix pour le Final 8 » Foot - C1 https://tinyurl.com/yfwvo4qo Ronaldo (Brésil) jette son dévolu sur L... #Brésil #C1 #choix #excellent #Final8 #Foot #FOOTBALL #Portugal #Ronaldo #Sports
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sportskafunel · 3 years
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Ronaldo (Brésil) : « Le Portugal est un excellent choix pour le Final 8 » Foot - C1 https://tinyurl.com/yewh8puu Ronaldo (Brésil) jette son dévolu sur L... #Brésil #C1 #choix #excellent #Final8 #Foot #FOOTBALL #Portugal #Ronaldo #Sports
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buzzkafunel · 3 years
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Ronaldo (Brésil) : « Le Portugal est un excellent choix pour le Final 8 » Foot - C1 https://tinyurl.com/yzkzexxm Ronaldo (Brésil) jette son dévolu sur L... #Brésil #C1 #choix #excellent #Final8 #Foot #FOOTBALL #Portugal #Ronaldo #Sports
0 notes
kafunel · 3 years
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Ronaldo (Brésil) : « Le Portugal est un excellent choix pour le Final 8 » Foot - C1 https://tinyurl.com/ykxs9t5y Ronaldo (Brésil) jette son dévolu sur L... #Brésil #C1 #choix #excellent #Final8 #Foot #FOOTBALL #Portugal #Ronaldo #Sports
0 notes
spoilersgr · 4 years
Δείτε την Πέμπτη 01/10 τον αγώνα AEK - Νίμπουργκ σε live streaming. Η ΑΕΚ υποδέχεται σήμερα Πέμπτη τη Νίμπουργκ για το Final8 του Basketball Champions League. Στόχος της είναι να φθάσει στον τελικό και γιατί όχι να κατακτήσει τον τίτλο για δεύτερη φορά στην ιστορία της. Έγινε η συνέντευξη τύπου για τον αγώνα και μίλησε ο αργηχός της ομάδας, Νίκος Ζήσης, καθώς και ο προπονητής Ηλίας Παπαθεοδώρου. Ο Νίκος Ζήσης σημείωσε πως ολόκληρη η ομάδα θέλει να κάνει περήφανους τους οπαδούς της που την στηρίζουν ενώ στάθηκε και στην ψυχολογία των παικτών που παίζουν σε άδειο γήπεδο. Συγκεκριμένα αναφέρει: «Είναι δύσκολο για όλους τους παίκτες να παίξουν σε άδειο γήπεδο. Όπως είχα πει είναι καλύτερο να παίξεις μπροστά σε κόσμο του αντιπάλου. Αυτό σε κάνει πιο συγκεντρωμένο και σου δίνει μεγαλύτερο κίνητρο για το παιχνίδι. Έχουμε μια μικρή εμπειρία από τον Μάρτιο, γιατί παίξαμε κάποια σημαντικά παιχνίδια χωρίς κόσμο, όπως και τα πρώτα επίσημα παιχνίδια της φετινής σεζόν Είμαστε χαρούμενοι που θα ανταγωνιστούμε ομάδες σε υψηλό επίπεδο, δεν σκεφτόμαστε πως δεν θα έχουμε κόσμο. Αυτό που είναι στο μυαλό μας είναι ένα σημαντικό παιχνίδι κόντρα σε μια πολύ καλή ομάδα». Επίσης μίλησε για τη σημασία που ��χει ο προημιτελικός για την συνολική πορεία της ΑΕΚ στο Final 8: «Όταν παίζεις αυτού του είδους τις διοργανώσεις το πιο σημαντικό παιχνίδι είναι το πρώτο. Ξέρουμε τη Νίμπουργκ την αναλύουμε τις τελευταίες μέρες. Έχουμε και εμπειρία από προηγούμενα χρόνια. Είναι μια πολύ καλή ομάδα με τον ίδιο προπονητή τα τελευταία χρόνια. Έχει παίκτες που ξέρουν πολύ καλά το παιχνίδι. Έχει παίκτες που αποτελούν μεγάλο κομμάτι της εθνικής Τσεχίας που είδαμε πόσο καλά πήγε στο πρόσφατο Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο. Έχουμε μεγάλο σεβασμό γι αυτούς. Πρέπει να παίξουμε συγκεντρωμένα και πειθαρχημένα για να δώσουμε την ευκαιρία στον εαυτό μας να κερδίσουμε τον αγώνα. https://twitter.com/aekbcgr/status/1311033564784451587?s=20 Live Streaming για τον αγώνα AEK - Νίμπουργκ την Πέμπτη 01/10 Οι φίλαθλοι του μπάσκετ θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να δουν τον αγώνα AEK - Νίμπουργκ την Πέμπτη 01/10 , στις 18:30, τόσο τηλεοπτικά όσο και μέσω live streaming. ΔΕΙΤΕ ΤΟΝ ΑΓΩΝΑ ΕΔΩ
0 notes
krankgolf-blog1 · 5 years
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Who. Will. Win. It. All???
• • •
#TeamKrank members Justin James, Tim Burke, Kyle Berkshire and Martin Borgmeier go head to head in the final 8 of the Atlantic City Boardwalk Bash LIVE on @golfchannel tomorrow 6pm ET 🔥
Comment with your guesses below 👇🏻
@justinjamesgolf @timburkegolf @kyleberkshire @fullbeardlongdrives @worldlongdrive @fujikuragolf @hooey_golf @flightscopegolf @volvikgolf #winning #final8 #liveshow #krankitup #bombsaway
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[GET] Auto Profit Funnels Pro DOWNLOAD
New Post has been published on http://getblackhatdownload.com/get-auto-profit-funnels-pro-download/
[GET] Auto Profit Funnels Pro DOWNLOAD
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New Breakthrough Software Creates Highly Profitable Digital 
Products & Sales Funnels With Just A Few Clicks Of Your Mouse…
Super Simple Newbie-Friendly System Creates 100% Done-For-You Sales Funnels In Minutes!
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100% Newbie Friendly Cloud Based Web App
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Never Before Seen Technology Creates Profitable Digital Product Funnels
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Access To An Exclusive Library of Hundreds of Digital Products
Gain Instant Online Authority With These Funnels
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Auto Profit Funnels is compatible with all platforms and browsers
NOTHING To Download or Install
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If You Want To
Make Money Online
You Need A Product Of Your Own And A Sales Funnel That Converts…
That sounds great, but if you’ve ever tried to create your own sales funnel, you quickly discovered it’s not as easy as everyone makes it seem…
It’s not easy… far from it!
Unfortunately, most people get stuck, they get frustrated, and they ultimately give up because creating a product and then setting up a sales funnel takes time… and some skill.
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If You Want To Create A Profitable Sales Funnel, You Have To Do Things Like…
Design a squeeze page that turns visitors into subscribers
Create a winning product to give away to people that opt-in to your list
Setup a sales page for your new subscribers that will actually make you money
And, put everything together into a sales funnel that works seamlessly
Unfortunately, If You’re Struggling To Make Money Online Or Just Starting Out, It’s Easy To Get Overwhelmed With All Of This…
…and most people, just don’t have all the skills needed to get results.
Think about it…
To create a successful funnel that actually makes you money…
…you’d need copywriting skills, design skills, product creation skills, and general technical skills to get everything setup and working the right way.
Most people either try to figure all of this out on their own or they end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on outsourcing…
Just Look At How Much It Would Cost You
To Outsource The Creation Of A Sales Funnel
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Assuming you hire a pro copywriter and designer, this is the average amount of money you’ll spend on a ‘done for you,’ custom funnel…
Squeeze Page That Converts Visitors To Opt-Ins
Giveaway Product That People Will Be Interested In Getting
Backend Product That People Will Buy
Sales Page That Converts Your Subscribers Into Paying Customers
Total Cost To Outsource Everything…
(Beware! It Takes A Lot Of $7-$17 Sales To Simply Cover Your Costs And Breakeven)
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But what if you don’t have 
that kind of time or money?
A lot of people out there don’t.
And even if you do, surely there’s a better way?
An easier way?
The good news is there is NOW!
The good news is there is NOW!
We’ve created the ultimate ‘point and click’ software tool that makes creating products and creating funnels 100% newbie-friendly.
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Auto Profit Funnels is a COMPLETE, all-in-one, ‘done for you’ system designed to finally make it simple for you to generate leads and sale…
Even if you have no technical skills and you’re a total newbie!
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100% Newbie Friendly Cloud Based Web App
Nothing To Download – Hosted Securely Online
Never Before Seen Technology Creates Profitable Digital Product Funnels
Chose From Library of Done-For-You Products
Use The App To Create Your Very Own Digital Product 
Access To An Exclusive Library of Hundreds of Digital Products
Use These Funnels & Products To Gain Instant Online Authority
Build You List Whilst Driving Profits
No Website, List or Existing Products Required
No ‘Tech’ Skills Required – Training Included
Create Squeeze Pages, Complete Products, And Entire Sales Funnels With A Few Mouse Clicks
100% Done For-You Solution
1-Click Autoresponder Integration
Integrate With PayPal For Instant Payments!
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Auto Profit Funnels Is Like Getting
3 Software Tools All Bundled Into 1
Part #1
Squeeze Page Builder
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Create stunning squeeze pages with just a click of your mouse
Choose from multiple designs and layouts
Cheaper & easier to use than most other tools that cost $27-$97 per month
1-Click integration with Aweber, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and more
Part #2
Digital Product Creator
With a mouse click, you’ll have a ready-to-go product of your own that
people will gladly give-up their email for to get their hands on
Done-For-You digital product creation
Create your product through a variety of methods
Select articles in our own massive database that you want automatically turned into an ebook
Choose a ready-to-go product from our ‘done for you’ database of products
Create product direct from URL link or copy & paste articles into the software
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Part #3
‘Done For You’ Sales Funnel Maker
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Once you’ve created your product or selected a product from the database, you can then build your funnel
After the initial opt-in your traffic will then be redirected to a high converting sales page 
The sales page will automatically be linked to you, so when someone buys, YOU get t0 keep 100% of the profit
This is 100% ‘done for you’ so you can have your very own profitable sales funnel with a high-quality product for sale up-and-running in a matter of minutes
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Choose An Option Below Now To Get Auto Profit Funnels At A Big Discount…
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It Takes Just a Few Simple Steps To Start Generating Leads & Sales With
Auto Profit Funnels
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Choose Products for Your Funnel
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Add your PayPal information
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Just One
Click To Publish It
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Profit From Your New Funnel!
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When Someone Purchases Products In Your Funnel, Your Get PAID & The Buyer Is Added To Your Autoresponder!
You Could Even Add Your Funnel To An Affiliate Network To Generate 
Sales And Track Stats.  Your Affiliate Funnels Are Compatible 
With The Following Networks:
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Once you’ve got your own funnel online, you can quickly and easily start to build your email list and generate sales and commissions.
You can use the funnels inside Auto Profit Funnels purely to build your list and giveaway products for free, or to build your list and make a profit by selling products to these people once they have opted in.
Either way, with the list you will build, you’ll be in a position to follow up with your subscribers to sell affiliate products. 
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[GET] Auto Profit Funnels Pro DOWNLOAD
Auto Profit Funnels Is Also Compatible With All Major 
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Use Auto Profit Funnels To Create Super Simple High Converting Affiliate Funnels…
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Create High Converting Affiliate Funnest Fast & Easy!
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Drive Targeted Traffic To Your New Funnels With Our Underground Traffic Strategies!
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All Funnels Are SEO Optmizied and Mobile Responsive
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Build Your List By Giving Away Free Products In These Done-For-You Funnels
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Use Your Funnels To Promote All Kinds Of Products In Various Niches
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No Monthly Fees & Everything Hosted Securely On OUR Servers!
What Auto Profit Funnels 
Will Do For You…
Create a winning squeeze page that builds your list on autopilot with just a few mouse clicks
Choose from ‘ready to go’ giveaway products in our database or have Auto Profit Funnels create one for you with a few clicks
No content-creation required – Auto Profit Funnels does everything for you
Softwares integrates with all major autoresponders to help you build your list
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Simply add your payment information and Auto Profit Funnels adds the sales page to the backend of your funnel for easy affiliate commissions
If you want to add your own product and sales page to the funnel, it’s as easy as adding a URL inside the software
Sales funnel is completely seamless and Auto Profit Funnels does everything for you with the click of your mouse
Remember, this is a 100% cloud-based, all-in-one solution with no technical skills or prior experience of any kind required
Have Your 1st Ever Highly Profitable Sales Funnel With
A Brand New Product Up-And-Running In Minutes…
The Key To Success Online Is Having Multiple Sales Funnels That Convert!
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You’ve probably heard by now, that you need a sales funnel if you want to make real money online and it’s true… you do.
When you have a sales funnel instead of just a simple sales page, you will 2X or even 3x your results overnight…
And the more sales funnels you have online, the faster you’ll build your list and the faster your online business will succeed.
Just Look At This For An Example…
Results With A
Sales Page
These are the results from selling a singular product online without a sales funnel
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Results With A
Sales Funnel
Once we added multiple products through our sales funnel, the earnings increased.
Take A Look At One Of The Funnels
Created With The Auto Profit Funnels
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Auto Profit Funnels Is The Ultimate Tool To Help You Build You List By Giving Away FREE Products!  Once Someone Has Opted-In They Will Be Displayed The Sales Page Of a Product Where You Get To Keep 100% of the Profit!
Compatible With All Major Autoresponders
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You Could Even Add Your Funnel To An Affiliate Network To Generate  Sales And 
Track Stats. Your Affiliate Funnels Are Compatible  With The Following Networks:
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Choose From Hundreds Of Quality Products
To Start Your Funnel Including:
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Video Training
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Graphic Packs
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WordPress Themes & Plugins
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Look What People Have To Say
About Auto Profit Funnels…
Auto Profit Funnels is a complete game-changer! It’s perfect for newbies and experienced marketers.  Once you’re on the inside you can create your first digital product, then build a complete sales funnel around it.  
I love the fact that once my sales funnel was created (Within a few minutes) I could then list it on JVZoo or WarriorPlus for additional traffic, leads an sales.  
I highly recommend this to anyone looking to save time and generate more leads and sales into their online business. 
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Brendan Mace
Internet Marketer
Here’s Why You Need To Start Using
Sales Funnels
To Generate Leads & Sales FAST!
By definition, a sales funnel is the ideal process that your customers go through as they move from being someone who could potentially be a customer to an actual one.
A sales funnel is simply a type of marketing system. The goal of this system is to guide your customers as they make the transition from prospect to lead and then on to customer and finally to repeat buyer. 
Imagine the sales funnel similar to an ordinary funnel, just as an ordinary household funnel is used to avoid spilling or wasting valuable contents, a sales funnel is designed to help you maximize your resources and ensure you cultivate the most sales possible.
From the first time your prospect hears about you until the moment he buys from you, he passes through different stages of your sales funnel.
This journey might differ from one prospect to the next depending on your buying personas, your niche and the types of products and services you sell.
In general, these are the four main stages of an online sales funnel:
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Awareness – The prospect learns about your existing solution, product or service. He might also become aware of his problem that he needs to solve and the possible ways to deal with it.  This is when he visits your website for the first time, which he found from an ad, Google search, a post shared on social media or another traffic source.
Interest – The prospect is actively looking for solutions to his problems and ways to achieve his goals.  He searches for solutions on Google.  This is when you can attract him with some great content.  Now is the time when he expresses his interest in your product or a service. He follows you on social media and subscribes to your list.
Decision – The prospect is making the decision that he wants to take advantage of your solution.  He’s paying more attention to what you offer, including different packages and options, so he can make the final decision to purchase.  This is when sales offers are made by using sales pages.
Action – The prospect is becoming a customer by finalizing the deal with you.
Have Your 1st Ever Highly Profitable Sales Funnel With
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[GET] Auto Profit Funnels Pro DOWNLOAD
Generating Leads & Sales With Sales Funnels Has Never Been Easier…
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 No Technical 
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No More 
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Create Your Own Sales Funnel In Minutes!
Watch Us Create An Entire Sales Funnel With The Initial Landing Page, PayPal Payment Page and Upsell Sales Page In Just a Few Seconds….
It Really Does Only Take a Few Minutes!
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Digital Product Marketers
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Brick & Mortar Businesses
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Digital Agency Owners
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eCom Store
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[GET] Auto Profit Funnels Pro DOWNLOAD
Look What People Have To Say
About Auto Profit Funnels…
Auto Profit Funnels is a breath of fresh air. It’s the easiest software online to help you build your first digital product funnel. You can either start your funnel with a product from the database or use the app to create a product in just a few minutes. 
 Integrations are fantastic, and this is an awesome tool that has helped me build my email list with ease!
This software gets FIVE STARS!
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Kelly Marshall
Internet Marketer
What You Get Today…
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Auto Profit Funnels Cloud Based App
This cloud-based software makes creating squeeze pages, info products, and entire sales funnels as easy as clicking your mouse. 
Create funnels and digitial products with zero-hassle.
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‘Quick Start’ Video Training
Even though Auto Profit Funnels is easy for anyone to use and 100% newbie-friendly, we’re also including a step-by-step, ‘Quick Start’ Video Training to make sure you get up and running and start making money right away.
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Top Notch Support
Again, Auto Profit Funnels is easy, and because the dashboard is simple and intuitive, support will be the last thing you need. But, if you have a question or need help, we’re here for you!
Our support is based in the USA!
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You’d Normally Invest
Thousands Of Dollars
To Create Sales Funnels Like These…
And even if you’re willing spend thousands…
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…which can easily take weeks!
Auto Profit Funnels takes just minutes, and you can create multiple ‘done for you’ sales funnels with a few clicks of your mouse…
Although we could easily charge $97 per month for this easy-to-use, money-making software…
…and you would quickly make your money back and then some with your very first sales funnel…
When you choose an option below now, you won’t invest anywhere near that…
For a very limited time, we’ve SLASHED the price, and you can get your hands on Auto Profit Funnels for a low, one-time investment…
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Get Money-Making Bonuses Valued At $9,997 For FREE
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Join our customers only webinar where we reveal our secret 3 step formula that has enabled us generate multiple six figures online per month with the help of social media, free traffic & Auto Profit Funnels.
This is a complete game changer and you need be on this live call.
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Over the years we have released many award winning information products and we’re going to give you full access to our product vault so that you can give them away to help you build your email list.  
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Yes that’s right! We’ve bundled a group of amazing cool bonuses together that have helped our businesses over the years and are giving to you in one big box! There wasn’t enough space on the page to detail them all, so instead it’s going to be a little mysterious, but we know you’re going to love them.
You Have No Risk With Our 30 Day
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We don’t want anything to hold you back from getting your hands on this right now.
This is an easy-to-use software tool that ELIMINATES everything that’s complicated about making money online.
Sure, you could outsource all this, but you’ll instantly save you countless hours and thousands of dollars when compared with outsourcing all of this.
To make it easy for you to see just how powerful Auto Profit Funnel is, we’re giving you 30 days to use this and make sure it’s for you with NO risk.
If for any reason you’re not satisfied with this, all you have to do is send us an email, and we’ll get you a prompt refund…
The only way you can lose is if you miss out on this right now…
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Click The Button Below For No Risk, Instant Access To Auto Profit Funnels…
[GET] Auto Profit Funnels Pro DOWNLOAD
Choose From These Two Awesome
Software Versions
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Access To The Auto Profit Funnels App
Newbie Friendly One-Click Product Creation
Newbie Friendly Simple Lead Generation Process
Create Digital Information Products In Under 60 Seconds
Newbie Friendly One-Click Sales Funnel Creation
Create Your Own Product OR Select One From The Library
Lite Version Allows You To Create TEN Sales Funnels Per Month
Use These Funnels To Gain INSTANT Online Authority
No Need To Pay For Sales Funnel Creation Work Again
No Need To Pay Copywriters Ever Again
No Need To Pay For Expensive Design Work
No Need For Any More Expensive Tools or Softwares
Your Digital Products Hosted On OUR Server
Your Digital Funnels Hosted On OUR Server
YOUR Affiliate Links STUFFED Inside Your Finished Product
YOUR Affiliate Links STUFFED Inside Your Finished Sales Funnels
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Zero Tech Skills Required
NO Website Required
Chance To Get FREE Viral Traffic With Your Funnels
List Building On Steroids! – Just Send Traffic!
Make Money With Your Digital Product
24/7 Access To Auto Profit Funnels
Customer Support From Our US Based Support Team
Works With:
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devenirmilliardaire · 3 years
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Ronaldo (Brésil) : « Le Portugal est un excellent choix pour le Final 8 » Foot - C1 https://tinyurl.com/ye2f5toj Ronaldo (Brésil) jette son dévolu sur L... #Brésil #C1 #choix #excellent #Final8 #Foot #FOOTBALL #Portugal #Ronaldo #Sports
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sportskafunel · 3 years
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Ronaldo (Brésil) : « Le Portugal est un excellent choix pour le Final 8 » Foot - C1 https://tinyurl.com/yedkxxn6 Ronaldo (Brésil) jette son dévolu sur L... #Brésil #C1 #choix #excellent #Final8 #Foot #FOOTBALL #Portugal #Ronaldo #Sports
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buzzkafunel · 3 years
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Ronaldo (Brésil) : « Le Portugal est un excellent choix pour le Final 8 » Foot - C1 https://tinyurl.com/yky7lda4 Ronaldo (Brésil) jette son dévolu sur L... #Brésil #C1 #choix #excellent #Final8 #Foot #FOOTBALL #Portugal #Ronaldo #Sports
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kafunel · 3 years
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Ronaldo (Brésil) : « Le Portugal est un excellent choix pour le Final 8 » Foot - C1 https://tinyurl.com/yzeunk3w Ronaldo (Brésil) jette son dévolu sur L... #Brésil #C1 #choix #excellent #Final8 #Foot #FOOTBALL #Portugal #Ronaldo #Sports
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