#Finally Scored A Job Interview with a company I've been trying to get one for almost a year
Bittersweet Week, The Good News/Bad News 50/50 Type Of Week
I'll start with The Bad News First. I think I first heard of My now Late Aunt's Lung Cancer Diagnosis a few days before or after Christmas. She went in and found out she had Stage 4 Lung Cancer. It was caught way too late which is why she didn't want to bother with chemo or be in hospice. I don't think she was in pain or was for long and she passed yesterday. I have no idea about funeral arrangements yet.
So Some Good News ss, I Have A Job Interview on Friday. It's With Another Doggie DayCare Company. Don't get me wrong, I Love where I currently work, but Unfortunately, My Manager Is Just Suddenly Randomly Scheduling Me On Slow Days, Cuts My Hours. It also now is interfering with some already made plans. I was Supposed To Be Off Yesterday, but She Schedules Me To Come In, I Had To Reschedule A Doctor's Appointment I Had For Yesterday, Moved it To Today. Guess What Happens? I Get Told I Don't Need To Come In. I'm Pissed, I also now don't see why I should bother to make plans or schedule appointments for supposed days off. I also want to tell her, just schedule me to only work Thursday and Friday Mornings. If she needs me to come in for the afternoon alert me at 10:00 AM. I still need to tell her, that I might be getting a new job, and that my availability is about to change.
This interview is a 3 Part Type, I'm just hoping I Get Hired. I've Been Trying Since February 2022 to work here. I put in an application around the End of November. Both Physical and Electronic Submission The HR person who does the hiring got sick. I even sent the company a message on Facebook messager expressing my interest. They took note when they placed the hiring announcement on Indeed again a Week and Half Ago, and I resubmitted my Application twice. I got the call back on Monday. Just anxious for tomorrow and that I get to pass on Part 2-3 of the interview.
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
hi love if you don’t mind can you go in more detail about the time you entered the void and manifested your job? what was your mindset like before you entered? what do you think helped you enter? i’m in my 20s as well and really want to at least get my dream job first of all things and then i feel like i could finally relax you know? :( so your help would be greatly appreciated🥹
also i think your followers are really nice and mature so when i do tap in, i wouldn’t mind affirming (everyone who likes my success story and has good intentions will enter roe)
sure! let's see if I can remember as many details as possible— it was a couple days after I had my job interview, I had already been affirmin' my ass off that that job was mine and no one could take it from me— on this particular day, I think it was a Sunday. the lady who interviewed me said I would get my answer on the followin' Wednesday, and god that stressed me out, but I still kept affirmin'. on that day, I felt an extreme sense of drowsiness and so I had went to try and sleep in my bed. I already knew about SATs and whatever so I thought I could just affirm as I go to sleep, which I did. I was 'asleep' but I was still repeating my affirmations over and over, only focusin' on them while I was physically tossing and turning. Since I was tryna sleep, my eyes were already closed and it was silent in my room so ig I just didn't care about my surroundings. I do, however, remember that at some point I was affirmin' and was fully aware of my affirmations but then somethin' changed inside me and I was like 'Its done, nothing more for me to do, I don't wanna stress over this anymore. I can't sleep so, might as well just go back downstairs.' Then I opened my eyes and got up, feeling my stress about everything completely gone.
I went downstairs, right as my ma sat down after gettin' a package off the porch and that's when she gave me my new phone. (I still live with my family, yes, but only bc california is a dirt bag ofc) And I kid ya not, a couple minutes after I opened up the box with my new phone in it, I got a congratulations email from the lady who interviewed me, as well as the offer letter on my old phone. I freaked out afterwards bc I was like, ain't no way??? She said she'd send me somethin' on WEDNESDAY?? It's SUNDAY. I even told my ma and she was excited, then I was like-- I really manifested this??? After an entire year of being unemployed despite havin' my degree, and forcin' myself to work at Amazon and FedEx just to have a lil' change to call my own... I finally scored the job I WANT.
The best advice I could give you tbh is that ya should make robotic affirmin', the list method, and the ten minute method yer best friend. I did not have a good outlook on employment until I settled down and decided to change my thinkin' and god I was still stressed as fuck even when I affirmin'. I've never been good at talkin' to strangers, especially on the phone or on video call, but I affirmed right up until the interview started that the job would be mine no matter what and I was completely calm. Now, I am a step closer to my dream job. (I'm a substitute teacher currently workin' towards my credentials to be a full-time teacher in case ya were wonderin', the company I work for also provides grants to pay for the schooling needed to get credentialed which is such a big fuckin' bonus)
and yes, they definitely all are amazin' people, I never expected to have such a positive lil' community of followers but I am grateful to them, for sure.
bUt, okay, lemme stop ramblin' here's what I wantcha to do anonnie— I want ya to make yerself a list, title it whatever ya want to call the list, and fill that list with affirmations, askformations, statements, new beliefs, whatever ya want. could include anything ya want, details about the job ya want, how much money ya wanna make, how ya want the bosses to treat ya, what kinda work environment ya want, whatever, and then I want ya to include some self-concept affirmations, as well as some affirmations about the void (whatever feels natural for you), ah and some manifestation affirmations too. make it however long or short ya want, doesn't matter. once ya have that, read it over as many times as ya want and then throughout the day, whenever ya can, I want ya to robotically affirm that you've got everything on [name of yer list], say this whenever ya can, and especially when ya start thinkin' negative about whatever you desire or whenever ya feel like you're about spiral. affirm this through everything and anything, affirm if ya can't help but cry, affirm when yer angry, affirm when yer happy, just keep affirmin.'
as long as ya keep this up and correct yer thoughts, you'll have guaranteed movement in yer life, that's the law. even in false hope, whatever is repeated shall harden into fact.
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