emeraldprince · 8 years
Strange First Impression
I Feel Weird, Like Tumblr Feels Empty
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sarahwitt17-blog · 9 years
Sarah Sukar - Week two prompt
The definition of transnational that resonated the most with me was embodied in the word diaspora. This term, along with migration was mentioned exclusively throughout Kaplan reading and seemed to capture the sense of  multiculturalism and lack of borders that trans-nationalism brings about. 
An example of this that is related to sexuality is the process of migration to the United States, Europe, and other metropolitan locations by refugees seeking asylum. For these migrants, it provides a change from oppression to freedom. As the Kaplan reading mentions, “They abandon their homes and/or patriarchal families or violent, abusive situations to come to the modern metropolis, where they can express their true nature as sexual identity in a state of freedom” (pg. 670). 
This example resonates with the term diaspora because it provides a system where migration is instituted from a persons homeland; in this case, in pursuit of sexual freedom. In a state of oppression where the expression of ones sexual identity is looked down upon, diaspora and trans-nationalism provide a sense of relief. 
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