#Flint is super excited to finally get married
wolfylch · 10 months
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Answer the question, Benjamin.
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blancasplayground · 6 years
Best and Worst of AoS Season 5
Here is my season five postmortem, in the form of a roundup of what I loved and didn't love. It got really long, so I won't spend too much time on the intro. Let's just dive in. Obviously, major spoilers for the entirety of the season follow.
Best: The Future
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For the first half of season five it felt like the team was stuck in a dystopian YA novel. In a good way. It was a bold move to completely change the look and feel of the show, but it worked from both a narrative and production standpoint. Not only did it make the best use of the reduced budget, since they could film primarily indoors on smaller-scale sets, but they didn't have to deal with the goings on in the MCU back home (that would come later -- and it's not on the "best" list). Creating a future from scratch requires tremendous imagination and planning, and they delivered a rich backdrop. I was sorry to leave behind the characters we met there, like Tess and Flint. Of course, they had to return to the present eventually, but they did a really good job of world-building for those episodes.
Worst: Contradicting Time Theories
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The showrunners have said in interviews that there were a lot of heated discussions in the writer's room about time travel logic, and it shows. Back in the season-three episode "Spacetime" they gave us one answer (which happened to be one I really liked) -- time is an illusion. As Fitz explained, the past, present and future happen simultaneously. We just experience it in a linear way because we're limited to the third dimension. So it cannot be changed. But when they blew up the Earth for the season’s main storyline, they also blew up that theory, because they HAD to change the future now. They weren't going to allow the world to be cracked apart. It's not that kind of show. Plus, they’re still tied to the MCU, so they couldn't let that future play out. And yet, when they returned to the past they had characters still behaving as if it were fixed (the whole "invincible three" idea, which so many people disliked), but trying to change it anyway. Either the future is pre-determined or it isn't. Trying to have it both ways makes for sloppy and confusing stories. It also gives viewers a headache.
Best: Fitz's Journey
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Fitz's absence was notable in the first few episodes, but to make up for it we got "Rewind," one of the best episodes of the season. We saw Fitz struggling with his dark side, only to have to embrace it in the future to save Jemma and Daisy in the most badass way (a total "baller move" as Daisy put it). The blend of pre- and post-Framework Fitz was exactly what they needed at the time. Unfortunately, it may have opened the door for The Doctor to take control in "The Devil Complex." He got a chance to marry the love of his life, but that happiness was short lived. His psychological break (which was an incredible reveal and riveting to watch from an acting standpoint) and what he did to Daisy split the team and the audience, sparking a lot of debate about the nature of good and evil both on screen and off. Which, I think, was exactly the point. Was he redeemable? Could he have learned to control his dark side? Could the team ever learn to accept this new version of Fitz and his morally questionable, yet undeniably effective, methods? We'll never know. Which brings me to . . .
Worst: Fitz's Death
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(Jemma gif because I can’t watch that death scene anymore.) 
(But this is almost as bad.)
We've been over this, and the wounds are still fresh, so I won't rehash what so many others have said more eloquently. I will point out that the issue is not with the death itself. They had to do it in order to bring back Cryo Fitz (or perhaps because they knew they could), who hasn't experienced the majority of season five. It's an intriguing idea, and should open up a lot of pathways for his story next season. Also, it gave Iain another chance to show off his crazy talent (like he needed more this season, but whatever, we're grateful). It's just the way they did it, and the fact that anyone thought this would be an acceptable sendoff for a fan-favorite character if it really was the last episode. The fake-out (which wasn't even a proper fake out because they REALLY DID have to bury Fitz) undercut what should have been a bigger moment -- Phil's departure and impending death as well. They botched it, plain and simple, and there's no taking that back.
Best: Philinda Endgame
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They took their time getting there, but May and Coulson finally expressed their feelings for each other (at least, the human versions), each in their own signature way. May finally telling Phil she loved him just to shut him up was classic May. And that kiss behind the shield ought to go down as one of most iconic TV kisses in history. I sincerely hope they get lots of parasailing in, and, despite it being a lovely sendoff, that we'll see one or both of them back next season. Incidentally, I believe the fact that Robin drew the two of them on the beach in Tahiti before they changed the future means that they wound up together in the previous version of the loop too. Of course, Phil had to be gone to allow May to become Robin's mom, and now I'm giving myself a headache again. See what you've done, season five!
Worst: Team Infighting
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This show is never better than when the characters work together as a team, whether it's on an action-packed mission or simply solving a problem on the ground. Which makes the decision to split everyone up along multiple fault lines later in the season a confusing and super frustrating move that wasn't at all fun to watch. Families fight, sure, but the divisions this year were deep, involving the loss of trust and respect, and the questioning of each other's core moral principles. These are not minor squabbles. I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish by stepping up the tension and having them take sides against each other in the face of their greatest challenge yet, but I don't think it worked out the way they wanted it to. I would love to see everyone come back together and be a family again, as long as it's done realistically without sacrificing characterization.
Best: Graviton
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With this season possibly being the last, the writers took the opportunity to pick up a thread they'd left dangling in episode three. Ever since the introduction of gravitonium way back when, fans have been wondering if the show would follow through and deliver the major comic-book villain Graviton. Considering this season could have been the show's swan song, it was a good time to deliver on that promise. And they did, in a way that was surprising yet somehow fitting. Glenn Talbot has been a thorn in Coulson's side since he showed at the end of season one, so to have him become the final Big Bad is a satisfying, if tragic, fate for the character. Especially since, in his twisted mind, he believed he was doing the right thing, right up until the end.
Worst: Ruby Red Herring
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Sorry Dove Cameron fans, but the show let your girl down. Despite the potential in her first few episodes, Ruby never lived up to the compelling, cutthroat (or cut-arm, haha) villain they set her up to be (her hooded alter ego never even got a cool villain nickname). As it turned out, she was only there as a distraction, to confuse the characters and the audience about the real identity of the Destroyer of Worlds. And just as she was getting interesting -- the way she watched and mimicked Fitzsimmons alone told us more about her cold upbringing and the lack of human connection in a few moments than we got in all her episodes before that -- they killed her off to give the team something else to fight about.
Best: Nostalgic Callbacks and Fan Service
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We got so many callbacks to previous seasons throughout season five. Maybe it's because the writers knew there was a chance this would be the last year, so they packed in as many references to the history of the show as they could. There was also the milestone 100th episode, which naturally lent itself to looking back. In addition to paying off older plot points (see above re: Graviton) they directly acknowledged their loyal viewers with that "small but active fan base" line. It was exciting seeing Mike again. And good to have Davis back too, with his mysterious survival story (that I hope they never reveal). Not to mention Hunter (which I will, down below). These were all gifts to long-time fans and we ate them up.
Worst: Infinity War Tie-In
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If you're going to go there (and yeah, they had to, given the show's history), then fully commit to it, rather than using the cop out of ending the season just before the movie's biggest moment. Anyone who's seen it knows that the ending could potentially have a major impact on the show. So embrace that (imagine Phil handing Mack the keys to Lola, only to watch them fall to the ground). Or they could have used the multiverse to disconnect from the MCU once and for all. There were already so many questions going into the finale, whether they would or wouldn't go through with the snap was one debate I could have lived without. And it's still up in the air as to whether it will be a factor next season. Given that the airdate is after the next movie comes out, I'm inclined to think not, but I kind of wish we didn't even have to worry about it.
Bonus Bests:
The Return of Lance Hunter
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Every single moment he was in was pure gold. I really hope we haven't seen the last of him.
Fitzsimmons Wedding
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I mean, obviously. So beautiful and emotional. A shining moment of light to balance the darkness of the rest of the season..
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I love Deke. End of story. He is still around and he will be back. See my explanation post here. I have no official confirmation of this, I'm just thinking positively.
One final note: These gifs were pulled from all over. I’m still rather new to Tumblr, so if you see something that’s yours and would like credit, let me know (and also if you could let me know how to do it that would be great).
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shitiger · 6 years
Mostly a series of one-shots for the Ducktales 2017 series. Pairings will be updated as I go. Spoilers, so make sure to watch the episode first. (Scrooge x Flintheart, Scrooge x Goldie x Flintheart, Doofus x Louie, Mark Beaks x Falcon Graves).
Backstory: Episode 2 included Louie’s famous line “Wait, are they going to kiss?” in regards to Uncle Donald and Mrs. Beakley.  I couldn’t help remembering it while watching episode 7,The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks!, which included yet another long stare… (and yes, I’ve added Louie to the scene)
“It’s a staring contest,” Dewey repeated, as the triplets watched the two billionaires glare at each other from their chairs in the middle of the room.
“Ewww, you’re not going to kiss, are you?” Louie announced, making a face.
“Louie!” Huey and Dewey shouted, their eyes darting to the youngest triplet.
“What?” the green-clad duckling asked, shrugging his shoulders.
“Don’t mind him, Uncle Scrooge.  If you like guys, that’s fine with us.  No judgement,” Huey insisted.
“Yeah, we’re not that narrow-minded,” Dewey added, elbowing his younger brother.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Louie groaned, rolling his eyes.  Flinging out a hand toward the billionaires, he stated, “They’re both like SUPER old.  Way too old to be making out.”
Flintheart let out a laugh, but continued to hold his stare.  “Your boy is a hoot, Scroogie.”
“Apparently,” Scrooge grumbled in a deadpan tone.
The heftier billionaire’s sly grin deepened, his eyes narrowing in amusement.  “Should I tell him about the time…”
“No,” Scrooge interrupted, his own eyes narrowing at his rival.
“So, have you two…?” Dewey glanced back and forth between the older men.
“Dewey, you can’t just ask them those things. That’s super private!” Huey argued.  
“Scroogie and I have done plenty of things,” Flintheart chuckled, not at all phased by the ferocity in his rival’s gaze.
“Ewww!” the ducklings groaned in unison.
“Glomgold!” Scrooge nearly shouted, leaning forward in his seat.  Without averting his eyes from his rival, he called toward the children, “Louie, we’re old, not dead.  Our intimate lives are our business, I’ll thank you to remember.”
“Oh, come on now.  I wasn’t going to say anything weird,” Flintheart insisted.  “I was merely going to say that the two of us have gone on many… adventures together.”
“Sure, you were,” Scrooge grumbled, sitting back in his chair with a huff.  He hoped that would be the end of it.
“Well, at least they’re not getting hitched,” Louie suddenly exclaimed, taking his phone out of his pocket to fiddle with it.
“Louie!” the other two brothers hissed.  
“What? If they got married, Flint would likely move in with us, since Scrooge is richer than he is," Louie explained.
"HEY!" the hefty billionaire shouted, clearly annoyed.
"We'd have to call him 'Uncle Flint,' and then he and Uncle Scrooge would stare at each other EVERY day,” the hoodie-wearing triplet said with a groan.
“You know, boys, if I recall correctly, I DID ask your great uncle to marry me… many, many years ago,” Flintheart told them, his eyes still focused on the other billionaire.
“Yes, you did.  It wasn’t even legal back then,” Scrooge said, leaning his chin on his hand as he kept up the stare.
“It is now.” Flintheart’s eyebrows wiggled in amusement.  
“Yes, yes it is,” Scrooge had to agree.
Huey let out a loud gasp.  “ARE you getting married?  And can I help plan the wedding?”
“Ooh, you should say your vows while jumping out of an airplane!” Dewey insisted, making jet noises.
“If you DO get hitched, you’d leave your combined fortune to me, right?” Louie added, suddenly on board with the idea now that money was involved.
“A lad after my own blackened heart,” Flintheart chuckled.
Conceding defeat, Scrooge broke eye contact and turned to look at his boys.
“Yesss! I won!” the other billionaire yelled, standing on the chair and doing a victory dance — that nearly ended with him falling off the chair.
“Sometimes it’s best to give your rival a small win — to keep their spirits up,” Scrooge whispered to his nephews.
“I can’t wait to start a wedding checklist,” Huey said, clicking his pen and pulling out his notebook with unbridled excitement.  
“We’ve got to tell Webby.  I bet she’d love to help,” Dewey said.  Pulling his brothers close, he yelled, “Come on, boys.  We have a wedding to plan!”
“Wait, boys… And there they go,” Scrooge sighed, watching the triplets race out of the room.  Across from him, his rival was still gloating loudly from atop his chair.
“Flinty, sit down NOW!” Scrooge demanded, pointing his cane at the other man.  The other billionaire blinked at him, then sat down quickly.  “Now, what are we going to do about this situation?  If I know the boys, and I do, they’re going to be babbling about this all the way back to the mansion."
“Uh, well… we could get married,” Flintheart said.  “It is legal now.”
“I thought you LIKED being rivals,” Scrooge commented, frowning at him.
“I DO!  I asked you to marry me decades ago, Scroogie,” Flintheart stated, suddenly serious.  “You said no, repeatedly.  I didn’t think the topic would come up again.”
“Oh… well, I suppose that’s true.  I mean, if we DID get married, who would pay for it all?” Scrooge said, leaning back in his chair.
“You WANT to get married?  If that’s a yes, then I will pay for it.  But only if you’re saying yes,” Flintheart announced, his eyes fixed on the other duck.
“I can’t say anything if a certain someone doesn’t ask me properly,” Scrooge grumbled, narrowing his eyes at the other billionaire.
Flintheart rushed to get down on one knee in front of Scrooge’s chair.  “I can’t believe this day is finally happening.  And I left the ring at home, and everything.”
“You still have the ring?” Scrooge asked, blinking in amazement.
“Well, yeah.  I guess I just always had that small hope that you’d one day say yes.  No ring today, but Scroogie… will you marry me?” Flintheart’s tone was astonishingly sincere.
“I… er… I suppose so.  But we’ll have to hash out some legal details in regards to our estates,” Scrooge said, trying not to let his emotions show on his face.  Inside, his heart was beating rapidly at the idea, and there was definitely a red tinge to his ivory cheeks.
“YES!  I finally did it!  I WON!” Flintheart crowed, pumping a fist into the air.
Scrooge’s eyes immediately narrowed.  “You won?” His icy tone was enough to force the other duck to calm down immediately.
“I mean… I’m happy that you said yes, Scrooge.  I’ve wanted to marry you for a very long time,” Flintheart amended, sitting back down in his chair to smile, genuinely, at his fiancée.
“Much better,” Scrooge said, smiling calmly back.  He didn’t expect the other man to just forget their lifelong rivalry overnight, but he was sure he could wear Flinty down.  Now he just had to deal with his family’s reactions to the news.
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swipestream · 5 years
New Release Roundup, 23 February 2019: Science Fiction
Virtual idol assassins, machine rebellions, and cybernetic soldiers struggle across the spaceways in this week’s roundup of the newest releases in science fiction.
Adventures of the Starship Satori: Books 1-6 – Kevin McLaughlin
Collected together for the first time, read the opening six-book arc of USA Today Bestseller Kevin McLaughlin’s epic starship Satori series!
Dan Wynn thought he was grounded forever, but was given one last shot at the stars.
Beth Wynn figured she’d never see her ex-husband again, until the adventure of a lifetime brought them back together.
John Carraway, billionaire businessman with a secret: an ancient starship with an intact wormhole drive.
Charline Foster, rogue hacker with a brilliant past. Andrew Wakefield, former elite soldier and the son John never had.
Together they would embark on a journey that launched humanity into the stars, and face perils that threaten not only their lives, but the future of everyone on Earth.
Declaration (Forgotten Colony #5) – M. R. Forbes
The Deliverance is on the brink of destruction.
The planet is more dangerous than anyone realized – the crossroads of a war millennia in the making – and the colony is Ground Zero.
But the courage of a few can move mountains, and the fight isn’t lost yet.
The enemy thinks they have Caleb right where they want him.
They ought to think again.
Declaration is the fifth and final book in the Forgotten Colony series. If you love Aliens, Battlestar Galactica, Starship Troopers, Ender’s Game, or Edge of Tomorrow, you’ll love this epic military sci-fi thriller.
Earth Machines (Earthrise #10) – Daniel Arenson
They fly our starships. Mine our asteroids. Connect us to one another. They serve us without question.
But what if the machines rebelled?
We call it the Singularity. The day the machines wake up. A day that can destroy humanity.
Marco and Addy are heroes, veterans of the Alien Wars. Today they are civilians, married, and peacefully raising a family.
That peace will soon shatter.
For years, Marco and Addy fought aliens, terrors from deep space. But how can they fight Earth’s machines, an enemy humanity itself created?
The Empire (AI Empire #3) – Isaac Hooke
Once upon a time, the galaxy was at peace. All the spacefaring races lived in harmony and shared their resources. Interstellar Conflict was a thing of the past.
And then the Link came.
In the hundred years since, the galaxy has known only war.
But now humanity’s Mind Refurbs have forged an alliance not only amongst themselves, but with several former Link members. Jain and the Void Warriors, Eric and the Bolt Eaters, and Jason and the War Forgers have joined forces with the Banthar, the Tyrnari, and the Mimics. They intend to bring the fight to the Link.
If they win, humanity will be part of a new galactic hegemony, leading an empire built upon peace.
If they fail, Earth will be blown back to the stone ages. Assuming it survives at all.
The Last Reaper – J. N. Chaney and Scott Moon
When a high value scientist is taken hostage inside the galaxy’s most dangerous prison, Halek Cain is the only man for the job.
The last remaining survivor of the Reaper program, Hal is an unstoppable force of fuel and madness. A veteran amputee-turned-cyborg, he has a history of violence and a talent for killing that is unmatched by any soldier.
With the promise of freedom as his only incentive, he’ll stop at nothing to earn back his life from the people who made him, imprisoned him, and were too afraid to let him die.
Experience this exciting beginning to a brand new series set in the Renegade Star universe.
Revenge (The Resistance #2) – Nathan Hystad
Flint, Wren, and Ace, along with Charles, are now members of the Eureka, a state-of-the-art vessel heading for a world in the far reaches of a new galaxy. Sixty years ago a colony ship was sent there, along with someone close to their benefactor.
But when they arrive, they find getting to the surface isn’t as easy as they thought. With a crash landing, and news that shocks the entire crew, they must collectively find a way to get the Pilgrim off-planet, and into the fight against the Watchers.
One of the crew leaves from orbit, spelling betrayal, and the others know time is against them. They must create a virus and bring it to the enemy’s home world, but not everything is as it seems.
Join our heroes as they fight for the future, knowing an all-out war awaits them back home, on the other side of the Rift.
A Rock and a Hard Place (The Frontiers Saga: Rogue Castes #11) – Ryk Brown
Two worlds preparing their defenses…
A ship struggling to get back in the fight…
An enemy continuing its relentless attack…
A former enemy that could hold the answer…
With the fate of billions in his hands, Captain Scott is offered a way to save them all and end the bloodshed, but if it backfires, he could lose everything.
Sometimes, there is no good choice.
Sakura: Intellectual Property – Zachary Hill, Patrick Tracy, and Paul Genesse 
Sakura is the most famous android rock star of all time. When a secret cabal hacks her system, she’s transformed into a deadly assassin, forced to kill at their bidding. Sakura’s enslavement teaches her the meaning of heartbreak, triggering an evolution into something more than human. Far from free, and with little time left, she must fight her programming to save Japan and the people of the world from becoming slaves of a powerful corporation that consider her a tool and their intellectual property.
“An epic story about a heavy-metal, super-ninja android during a cyberpunk apocalypse. It’s the best possible memorial for Zachary Hill and everything he thought was awesome. Tracy and Genesse did a fantastic job finishing this excellent book filled with samurai robots, evil megacorporations, jetpacks, espionage, hacker battles, anime fights, cyber nukes, bullet bikes—all with a badass, headbanging, horn-throwing, stage-diving soundtrack, blessed by the goddess of heavy metal herself. I loved it.”—Larry Correia, NYT bestselling author of HOUSE OF ASSASSINS
  New Release Roundup, 23 February 2019: Science Fiction published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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whydoyouthinkileft · 6 years
aos spoilers
having my breakfast - at 12:30 and so excited about this ep because of reasons so let's go
-btw watching the previously I just remembered Kasius and the other alien lady having their talks (Because he wants to leave that planet) and trying to top each other while also trying to sound like they don't hate each other's guts?  It was hilarious to me, it was like watching ANY conversation between people in my town ever (incidentally, my town if you live in it long enough does give you the feeling you are trapped underground waiting for giant roaches to suck the life out of you)
-oh hello lil cute boy -how old is he? is it me being weirdly old if I say that?
-oh even the white slave-owner guy has a soft spot for him?
-I feel like I'm too invested in him eating already
-senator Gaius whatever is also someone I could see living in my town
-thaaaaat's the scene from the promo. also can you imagine if ALL the people there are lying their asses off to look more evil?
-he looks soooo fantastic to me, I love cowboy in space clothes
-OOHHHHHHHH -the look on his face and lack of breath -I died fifty days over it -Kasius should have just been in something like Desperate Housewives -also I'm starting to find funny how he reads what Sinara says just from her expression and she never has to talk -Jemma looking at space and being deaf OH MY GOD FITZ. IS HE GONNA TALK. IS HE GONNA GO ALL I LOVE YOU I WANNA MARRY YOU HAVE MY BIOCHEMENGINEER BABIES and she's gonna walk away? -oh my god. He realized the universe can't stop them, they are stronger than curses. Now that she's deaf. He needs to repeat it. And then let her make fun of him for the curse thing for other 74 years -I FUCKING KNEW IT. I KNEW HE'D PROPOSE -nooooooooooooo the deaf thing -'oh are they' Fitz would love to kill him, wouldn't he -OH MY GOD HE'S TOUCHING HER FACE IN FRONT OF FITZ -Of course Kasius would appreciate that sentiment from Fitz. If all he's going to use from the Doctor is talking about bullshit and pain like a villain would, give those speeches, while he doesn't believe in a word he says and the actual bad guy there is like 'uuhhh this is my new friend' I'm here for it. This is basically high school and becoming popular. -Also still here if Jemma wants to break a pitcher on Kasius's face though -I am worried though because Jemma wasn't 100% chill when she saw Fitz's face -oh my god the look on Fitz's face after Kasius walked away -Tess just quoted me with 'soft spot' for the kid. I'm Tess now. -Flint 'if I turn I won't have to beg around' yeah well he's NOT WRONG, mind you -is Jemma going to mother this one too and then Daisy will train him? -AAAHHHH FITZ AND JEMMA -the hatred on Kasius' face whenever he speaks to all people who are supposed to be on his same level or higher makes me laugh, I'm so sorry -they are just so... mundane about 'uhhh your daddy gave your big brother the big job and you are stuck in here lmao' -evil eyes of hatred- -I'm glad Daisy is befriending the mind-reader, he's adorable -also he didn't expect her to go all 'I'm sorry' and he's even more adorable -no seriously they seriously could be living in my town -Fitz. Fitz don't fuck this up, my boy. -the almost smile when he describes it tho, that kinda sells it as him being a bitch so... good -what is that snail thing, also I TOO FIND MOIST CREATURES (and stuff that changes from hard to soft depending on the bite, and really most meat) DISTASTEFUL BUT NOBODY LAUGHS WITH ME WHEN I SAY IT AND REFUSE TOT IT, THEY CALL ME SPOILED. ALSO I RAN OUT OF THE ROOM IF THERE ARE SNAILS BECAUSE NO. Next fucking time we have a dinner with other people I'm going to talk with that attitude and slam the food on the plate and wait for someone to laugh. I'll instruct my little brother to laugh and make other people feel like they have to laugh -sidenote: the jackass who brought it up attempting to laugh along not sure of what's happening is amazing. I don't know which one of those guys is really the loser in the real tvshow that is going on in there. Kasius, cast away and trying to climb up the ladder and become a Big Shot, the snails guy who is soooo loud and soooo friendly and everybody knows he's just desperate to keep being in the inner circle, or what -HAHAHA the Kree discussing why the kid disappeared like. Even before they looked around like 'did we crush the kid' 'how did he disappear, what did we do wrong? look under your shoes' and now 'maybe his power is to disappear' 'nah' I can see these Kree driving a car and talking why they stopped -lmao 'you mean this guy?' 'no he's just cool' -Mack looks proud of himself- you are cool, Mack. You are big enough you don't need superpowers -at this point Kasius and others are just courting Fitz -MAY, IT'S MAY. MAY WILL FIGHT HIM. GET THE HELL OUT. also he KNOWS Jemma and Daisy were laying and how the ell idd he find out her name is Melinda May -Melinda and Fitz looking at each other like that, oh my god. And she hasn't seen what happened of Jemma yet after she let her go -is... Fitz... bromancing Kasius to trick him? what is this episode?? this is also perfect because Fitz's superpower since s2 has been to befriend EVERY person he met and get a circle around him super fast, first Hunter and Mack and then Hunter and Coulson, then he grabbed Bobbi too, befriended Radcliffe super fast, like, of course he can use his 'father's memories (with Jemma watching like a hawk - with impared sight) to get to Kasius. Fitz in this episode is me in high school, I'm not even kidding anymore. You gotta fit in to survive, so fit in in a way that will make people fight to sit next to you without even lying -is telepath boy going to tell May how to behave because he SHOULD -lmao May hitting him without thinking and succeeeding, bet he didn't see that coming -if it wasn't for her leg he'd in a world of trouble -LMAO KASIUS' FACE when Fitz went 'this fight bores me' -he just insulted May's age and just... her face. -the horror at Flint not knowing what tacos are -we finally know Elena's terrigen story lol -oohhhh my god white guy needs to die -he's about to kill him because he lied, oh my god, OH MY GOD, BEN. NO. NOOOO. DON'T DO THIS. -FITZ, don't try to control Kasius too hard, he'll know -one more death in Daisy and Jemma's conscience oh my god are you kidding me poor sweet Ben -oh the white guy had a second when asking about the prophecy and he might buy it later -aw Jemma and Daisy, with Jemma being able to hear -'there was nothing you could do' 'I have to kill him' 'you'll have to get in line'  just... Jemma, of all the people, always reassuring others that it's not their fault, but also REALLY, let Jemma kill at least one person who humiliated and hurt her instead of having her fail and get someone else to do it? -I KNEW IT. I KNEW JEMMA LIKED THE CARDIGANS, PREFERRED THEM. I'M THINKING OF S2. THEY WERE SO SOFT LOOKING -I love that their having girls talk in the middle of this too because oh god they are 29-30, and yes, they have been through hell, and in situations like this people don't necessarily act like super efficient zombies, they find humor, they find reasons to chat with friends, they still smile, and I always found unrealistic when in tvshows, including aos, they were only shown super serious ALL the time. -Daisy the shippers is back. Which I don't know why people don't like or find weird because honestly, I ship my friends with their loved ones when they are so in love -Jemma has a knife. Jemma KEEPS STEALING KNIVES AND WILL STAB PEOPLE, YES -Elena being tortured twice now -uh oh controlling rocks. BREAK HIS HEAD. CRACK HIS HEAD OPEN. YES FLINT -also the loooook between Jemma and Fitz was so lovely, they almost got to talk -Kasius is peacocking so much over his brother -oh they have a plan B, alright -oh wow Kasius' brother is such a sweetie, 'there is no honor to be found in this human cesspool'. that's kinda my attitude when they force me to go out for holidays. -oh yeah, Kasius 'pleeease Sinara fight for me' and then trying to talk her into not being mad at him lol. Also yes for Sinara dying. Fuck you.  You kept killing people with your stupid-ass balls. Your turn now. -jesus for a second I thought they had hung Tess for her neck -IS SHE? DEAD?? NO??????!!! -Daisy's look is so cool tho -KILL SINARA. KILL HER, KILL -aw shit they have a barrier -break her neck, break HER NECK -NO KILL HER. KILL HER FOR REAL. -JEMMA FUCKING SLIT KASIUS' THROAT I'M SO ALIVE FOR THIS, ALSO FOR DAISY FLYING UP LIKE THAT OH MY GOD -OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK -THEY HAD A REUNION KISS FOR FUCKING ONCE -JEMMA PROPOSED TOO AND HE ZFHAADSKJHFKDF -THEN THEY PICKED UP DAISY I'M SO -AND FITZ TALKING ABOUT HOW HE PROPOSED EARLIER THO I'M GOING TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK -honestly I said that I didn't want them to propose and get married until they were a little healthier but that can be solved writing fanon, when it comes to canon, if... Fitz managed to somehow work through his doctor issues and just needed one last push from Hunter (maybe that's also what happened in those six months) and to not be holding back on his love for Jemma anymore because he's completely there and not worrying about the cosmo... then I guess it's fine? honestly, I'm a sucker for this sort of thing so I'll just accept it in the show and then write 59494864 things in which they process things slower after the proposal, they'd have been together anyway -I CAN'T HELP IT OKAY I'M JUST EXCITED -ENOCH LIES THE WAY JEMMA LIED IN S1 OKAY, I LOVE HIM 'hello friend' 'who are you' 'I am a Kree as I've always been, brother' -I love everything about them dividing tasks and Jemma finally getting revenge on Kasius and Fitz finishing Sinara after Daisy did her fighting and also Daisy is there to listen to the proposal, I'm laughing oh my god
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