catiuapavel · 1 year
Xapan Illudas' death quotes
CH2 Lawful
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CH3 Lawful
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Maybe it's because he's part of my bottom tier characters ranking, that all I can give him is "well he's got more going on than Bayin and Folcurt" (the bar is on the ground, I know) but these do nothing to me. They get a "mh" out of me, at best. Maybe I was expecting something a little more brash and vulgar. But they're very... milquetoast.
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gameguides · 2 years
Tactics Ogre Reborn Recruitment Guide
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Welcome to our Tactics Ogre Reborn Recruitment Guide. This is a semi-spoiler free guide on how to recruit every character in the game. (this is based on the PSP version of the game, we still don't know if there's new characters to recruit). We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Tactics Ogre Reborn game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let's take you to our Tactics Ogre Reborn guide. #TacticsOgreReborn
Tactics Ogre Reborn Recruitment Guide
This is a semi-spoiler free guide on how to recruit every character in the game. (this is based on the PSP version of the game, we still don't know if there's new characters to recruit)! CHARACTER AVAILABILITY CHART Certain characters are only available on certain routes through the game. Avoiding spoilers, the choice between Lawful and Chaotic occurs at the end of Chapter 1: follow orders for Lawful, or disobey them for Chaotic. At the end of the Chaotic Chapter 2, you'll receive another offer: accept it for Neutral, or decline to stay on Chaotic. Depending on what you select for these decisions, a certain set of characters will be available for you to recruit. 1, 2, 3, etc. = available on this route (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic) in this chapter P = available postgame, during the Coda - = unavailable on this route NameLNCArycelle322Azelstan444Bayin-22Berda the Younger444Canopus111Catiua444Cerya-43Chamos-3-Cistina-22Cressida--4Denam111Deneb444Dievold-3-Donnalto111Ehlrig-4-Felicia111Folcurt-22Ganpp444Gildas3-3Hobyrim333IuriaPP*PJeunan3--LanselotPPPLindl444Mirdyn333Obda the Younger444Ocionne4--Oelias-3-Olivya444Ozma4--Phaesta-3-Ravness3--Rudlum444Sara111Sherri444Tamuz-3-Voltare111Xapan2--Vyce3--WarrenPPP * = Iuria can only be recruited with Gildas in your army. If he is in your army, even if he is dead in the Warren Report (thanks to World), she is still recruitable, since the Coda is a bit more relaxed on that score than the main game. CHAOTIC PLAYTHROUGH - Tactics Ogre Reborn Recruitment Guide - CH1, Tynemouth Hill: Recruit Canopus - CH1, Krysaro: Save Donnalto to recruit him, Sara and Voltare; alternately - you can let him die to recruit Felicia in his place - CH1, Balmamusa: Refuse to participate in the Balmamusa massacre to begin the - Chaotic route - CH2, Xeod Moors: Save Arycelle and she will join you as a guest; keep her - alive until Tynemouth Hill, and you can recruit her - CH2, Krysaro: Agree to help Folcurt and keep him alive until Boed Fortress - CH2, Qadriga Fortress: Save Bayin and agree to go to Ndamsa Fortress after - Cistina; keep him alive until Boed Fortress - CH2, Boed Fortress: Invite Cistina to join you and you can recruit her, - Bayin and Folcurt - CH2, Almorica Castle: Refuse to rejoin Leonar to enter the Chaotic route - CH3, Almorica Castle: Recruit Mirdyn - CH3, Boed Fortress: Save Cerya from Oz - CH3, Krysaro: Before going to Port Asyton, talk to Leonar in Krysaro - CH3, Qadriga Fortress: Save Phaesta, Chamos and Tamuz to recruit them and Hobyrim - CH3, Port Asyton: Save Oelias and Dievold to recruit them - CH4, Brigantys Castle: Recruit Olivya - CH4, Port Omish: After reading about Port Omish, save Diego there - CH4, Balmamusa: Save Oelias - CH4, Qadriga Fortress: Defeat Dievold - CH4, Golyat: Save Cressida; if your Galgastani Chaos Frame is high enough, you can recruit her (see above) - CH4, Hagia Banhamuba: Reduce Sherri to - CH4, Balmamusa: After returning to Coritanae, go to Balmamusa when it's raining and Olivya has moderately high loyalty to recruit Sherri - CH4: Read about the Pirate's Graveyard and visit it, then read about the Pirate Azelstan in the Warren Report - CH4, Port Omish: See scene with Azelstan - CH4, Qadriga Fortress: See scene for Azelstan recruitment - CH4, Barnicia Castle: Don't kill Catiua if she's in the battle, and afterwards answer her appropriately to recruit her (see above) - CH4, Port Omish: Save Azelstan - CH4, Pirate's Graveyard (Crystal Halls): Keep Azelstan alive to recruit him - CH4, Grimsby: Read about the fortresses, then save Lindl to recruit him - CH4, Neimrahava Wood: Read about the bandits after saving Lindl, then reduce Ganpp to - CH4, Palace of the Dead (Floor 2): Save Rudlum to recruit him - CODA: Read about Iuria in the Warren Report - CODA, Port Omish: Meet Iuria and escape the battle; read about her in the Warren Report, close the Report, then reopen it and read about her again - CODA, Pirate's Graveyard (Into the Darkness): Battle to the end of the - Pirate's Graveyard to recruit Iuria - CH1, Tynemouth Hill: Recruit Canopus - CH1, Krysaro: Save Donnalto to recruit him, Sara and Voltare; alternately you can let him die to recruit Felicia in his place - CH1, Balmamusa: Refuse to participate in the Balmamusa massacre to begin the Chaotic route - CH2, Xeod Moors: Save Arycelle and she will join you as a guest; keep her - alive until Tynemouth Hill, and you can recruit her - CH2, Krysaro: Agree to help Folcurt and keep him alive until Boed Fortress - CH2, Qadriga Fortress: Save Bayin and agree to go to Ndamsa Fortress after - Cistina; keep him alive until Boed Fortress - CH2, Boed Fortress: Invite Cistina to join you and you can recruit her, Bayin and Folcurt - CH2, Almorica Castle: Agree to rejoin Leonar for the Neutral route - CH3, Bahanna Highlands: Save Hobyrim to recruit him - CH3, Almorica Castle: Recruit Mirdyn and Gildas - CH3, Boed Fortress: Save Cerya from Oz to recruit her - CH4, Brigantys Castle: Recruit Olivya - CH4, Qadriga Fortress: Read about the pirates at Qadriga in the Report, then tell Ehlrig "X" to recruit him and Cerya - CH4, Port Omish: After reading about Port Omish, save Diego there - CH4, Hagia Banhamuba: Reduce Sherri to - CH4, Balmamusa: After returning to Coritanae, go to Balmamusa when it's raining and Olivya has decently high loyalty to recruit Sherri - CH4: Read about the Pirate's Graveyard and visit it, then read about the Pirate Azelstan in the Warren Report - CH4, Port Omish: See scene with Azelstan - CH4, Qadriga Fortress: See scene for Azelstan recruitment - CH4, Barnicia Castle: Don't kill Catiua if she's in the battle, and afterwards answer her propriately to recruit her (see above) - CH4, Port Omish: Save Azelstan - CH4, Pirate's Graveyard (Crystal Halls): Keep Azelstan alive to recruit him - CH4, Grimsby: Read about the fortresses, then save Lindl to recruit him - CH4, Neimrahava Wood: Read about the bandits after saving Lindl, then - reduce Ganpp to - CH4, Palace of the Dead (Floor 2): Save Rudlum to recruit him - CODA: Read about Iuria in the Warren Report - CODA, Port Omish: Meet Iuria and escape the battle; read about her in the Warren Report, close the Report, then reopen it and read about her again - CODA, Pirate's Graveyard (Into the Darkness): Battle to the end of the Pirate's Graveyard to recruit Iuria - CH1, Tynemouth Hill: Recruit Canopus - CH1, Krysaro: Save Donnalto to recruit him, Sara and Voltare; alternately you can let him die to recruit Felicia in his place - CH1, Balmamusa: Agree to participate in the Balmamusa massacre to begin the Lawful route; keep Ravness alive in the ensuing battle - CH2, Rhea Boum Aqueduct: After the Aqueduct battle, read about Ravness' capture in the Warren Report - CH2, Reisan Way: Save Ravness - CH2, Qadriga Fortress: Save Xapan, and he will join as a guest - CH2, Almorica Castle: Xapan will offer to join; recruit him or not (you will get another chance in Chapter 4 if you turn him down) - CH2, Arkhaiopolis of Rhime: Don't kill Arycelle in the battle - CH3, Brigantys Castle: When asked whether the Galgastani are the enemy, answer "How could they be?" to recruit Jeunan - CH3, Bahanna Highlands: Save Ravness to recruit her - CH3, Almorica Castle: Recruit Vyce, Arycelle, Mirdyn and Gildas - CH3, Arkhaiopolis of Rhime: Keep Hobyrim alive in the battle against Ozma to recruit him - CH4, Brigantys Castle: Recruit Olivya - CH4: Read about the rift in the Dark Knights in the Warren Report - CH4, Port Omish: After reading about Port Omish, save Diego there - CH4, Hagia Banhamuba: Reduce Sherri to - CH4, Balmamusa: After returning to Coritanae, go to Balmamusa when it's raining and Olivya has moderately high loyalty to recruit Sherri - CH4: Read about the Pirate's Graveyard and visit it, then read about the Pirate Azelstan in the Warren Report - CH4, Port Omish: See scene with Azelstan - CH4, Qadriga Fortress: See scene for Azelstan recruitment - CH4, Krysaro: Bring Hobyrim into the battle with loyalty 50 and tell Ozma of his identity; bring Ozma down to - CH4, Golyat: If you didn't recruit Xapan earlier, reduce him to critical HP to recruit him - CH4, Barnicia Castle: Don't kill Catiua if she's in the battle, and afterwards answer her appropriately to recruit her (see above) - CH4, Port Omish: Save Azelstan - CH4, Pirate's Graveyard (Crystal Halls): Keep Azelstan alive to recruit him - CH4, Grimsby: Read about the fortresses, then save Lindl to recruit him - CH4, Neimrahava Wood: Read about the bandits after saving Lindl, then reduce Ganpp to - CH4, Vasque: Meet Reymos and Ocionne - CH4, Lhazan Fortress (Within the Fortress): Save Ocionne and let her, Denam and Jeunan complete their conversation (see above) to recruit her - CH4, Palace of the Dead (Floor 2): Save Rudlum to recruit him - CODA: Read about Iuria in the Warren Report - CODA, Port Omish: Meet Iuria and escape the battle; read about her in the Warren Report, close the Report, then reopen it and read about her again - CODA, Pirate's Graveyard (Into the Darkness): Battle to the end of the - Pirate's Graveyard to recruit Iuria - Status: Unique - Initial class: Witch OR Wicce - Unique classes: Wicce, Shaman - Alignment: C - Available routes: All Read the full article
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adalheidis · 2 years
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Ogre Battle requests
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endeavorsreward · 7 years
Excerpt (Bk. I, Ch. 2)
Delita placed one hand on the crystal shard dividing his former opponent's face and sighed as a rush of warm energy filled him, a slow build that rolled down his arm and into his aching torso. Carefully, Dorothea let him stand on his own, and he straightened, looking at Ramza, who was watching another crystal as it shattered to pieces in the open air.
“Honest work would see them die old in bed, yet they choose instead this early grave. Why persist in such folly?”
“Fairness, 'twas nearly our own graves,” mumbled Cuthbert.
Delita said nothing.
Ramza handed him the object. Still warm through his glove, a curled-over piece of slag. There were splintered bits of wood around one end that hadn't quite burned away. His thumb ran across its bubbled edges and he shook his head.
“We should show this to Lord Brother,” Ramza offered lamely, and Delita nodded without looking at him. He wasn't thinking about how close to death he came; he was thinking about the men he'd helped to slay.
“I know not what that was, but I think it queer that bandits would have such a tool we did not know.” Osric sounded tired, though he'd fared perhaps best out of all of them. “Mayhap they were Corpse Brigade for true.”
“Ser Folcurt's men arrive soon, and they'd know.” Ramza was rotating his shoulder around. The movement seemed to be fully restored. Delita wished he knew if the hollow pit in his stomach came from the wound or elsewhere.
Nicholina sat down, let her feet drop into the canal water. Her shoulders were jerky in their rise and fall. Ramza approached her, but she waved him away. Cuthbert and Dorothea were speaking together in low tones a few feet away. Delita sighed.
“Ramza, I...”
There was a rumble down the way, and hands went to weapons before realizing that it was quite literally the cavalry arriving. Seven men and women on birdback, with four diverting down a crossing thoroughfare in the final approach. When the other three arrived, the lead pulled up sharply on the reins and the chocobo turned into a halt with precision. Well-trained birds. He couldn't help look them over, judge their plumage and the grooves in their beaks where they chomped the bit. Well-tended birds as well.
His late admission to the Akademy had brought expectations on his part that he'd be charged with tending mounts. He'd been too young to learn at his father's side, but he could not help but share his fascinations—his last link to his first family. But he also knew he had a head for more complicated matters, and neither father he'd had would abide by wasted talent: a rare thing they'd held in common.
“Who is the squire-command?” asked the lead knight, and Ramza placed a hand on Osric's shoulder before he could speak.
“I am in command, ser, but that title is to be bestowed on the morrow.”
The other knight surveyed the damage, the corpses. His face was visible, but still hard to discern from the scars. “Still cadets? A credit to the Akademy, then.”
The lead was a covered in such heavy plate he looked like an ingot. “I'll inform your instructors that you performed your duty.” He removed his helmet—he was bland but hard-faced, the sort of knight you'd sketch if you had none particular in mind. “Voltare Montrose of the twin villages Sezhun and Caernag.” He shook Ramza's hand. “With me here is Sara Ostvald and Tamuz Fedorenko. We serve proudly Ser Zalbaag under command of Ser Folcurt.”
The archer, Sara, shifted on her mount to regard Ramza. Less armored to leave free shoulders, she was lovely in an undelicate way. “Voltare, did you not notice? We have here kin of the Knight Devout!”
Ramza shifted uncomfortably as all eyes turned on him—even those who already well-knew his relation. “I... serve the Crown, as do we all.”
Voltare chuckled. “Well said. You follow in your family's footsteps.” Ramza was turning red. Thankfully, Osric moved to rescue him, if for different reasons.
“Well met, ser—I commend your own work in funneling the brigands to us.” Osric crossed his arms, clearly unable to bear Ramza receiving all the credit.
“Lord Wineburg?” Tamuz scrunched his face. “I say, who else is out here boxing ears this eve? Has the High Confessor a son we don't know learning the sword as well?” Cuthbert gasped at the suggestion. To be contrary, Delita did the most commoner thing he could think of in the instant, and spit roughly to one side. Ser Voltare frowned.
“Yes, well. We must reconnoiter with the other companies. Will you stay stationed and await the black wagons? They will take your report.”
“Of course,” offered Ramza, and Voltare nodded, spurring his chocobo. As the trio rode further into town, he gave Delita a dirty look. He smiled and shrugged.
“You've been acknowledged, Ramza!” Dorothea clapped happily. “You follow your brother's footsteps!”
“Indeed,” he weakly offered, and went to find a crate to sit on. The sun was setting, and the chill was rising.
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draining-faces · 4 years
Tactics Ogre LUCT (Saturn) voice acting and subs - Chapter 2 Chaos
The chapter starts off voiced. The siblings and Canopus hiding out in Port Asyton.
Next, Vyce’s ambush at Tynemouth Hill.
Then, after rescuing Folcurt and Bayin, meeting Cerya and the Valerian Liberation Front.
Cistina is missing, so I must've let her die in Chapter 1 (I actually don't remember). Folcurt speaks instead, and he is livid.
...And that's it for Ch. 2 Chaos. The end of the chapter (confrontation with Vyce, and chaos/neutral defining decision) isn't voiced.
And no, Balbatos’ execution isn’t voiced either. He’s the only clan leader without a voice actor. You suck, Balbatos.
Here's the upcoming queue. I'm gonna lock myself in to doing the whole game.
Chapter 3 Neutral
A measly 3 voiced scenes, and I've done 1 already (Catiua and Lanselot)
Chapter 3 Chaos
9 (!!) voiced scenes, so I'll post this one in parts.
Chapter 4
14 voiced scenes. Includes all the mandatory story ones, but not 100% of the optional sidequest ones.
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Tactics Ogre: One Vision (mod)
As far as I know, One Vision is the only mod for the PSP version of Tactics Ogre.  The intent behind the mod was to balance things, make the OP things less so, change things around, make the game different but not change it at its core.  This review covers v0.91a, the latest version available when I started playing again.  There's now a v0.92 available as of August 15 2018, so that's worth consideration.  Download is available here. 
The first biggest change is that characters in battle no longer get 0.1 added to all stats when the class they're in levels up.  Instead, classes confer a percentage of given stats at each level regardless of their taking the field or not.  So if you have a character class change to a Lv20 Dragoon, they would have comparable stats to one who was a Dragoon from level one. 
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A screenshot of the patchnotes, but this is still a good guide to follow.
Hired generics also are set to randomly be set under four different base stat distributions, for frontline fighters with lots of STR and VIT, archers with lots of DEX and AGI, mages with lots of INT and MND, and all-rounders.  You have to look at the blue bars on the hiring screen to tell what archetype they fit into, and they change each time you enter the screen too. 
Magic changed substantially too.  You're no longer able to use grimoires during battle, so you can't have your Warrior throw out Exorcisms when your Cleric is busy.  If you want magic, you actually need to field people that naturally use it instead of stocking up on one-shot spells.  Instill spells are now learnable Skills that cost TP and quite often I'd get an Instill off after moving and attacking someone instead of sacrificing my attack to power up.  Elemental magic now inflicts Averse of the opposite element so it's possible to set up elemental volleyball combos with two mages.  Reagents are no longer used and use MP/TP/sometimes HP to fuel them instead, though the buffing Ninjitsu still requires them plus a pittance of TP. 
Healing got buffed.  It now scales slightly with MND but it also heals a percentage of the target's maxHP as a secondary effect, but this won't happen when using heals to hurt the undead.  This makes enemy Clerics straight goddamned bats because they can and will undo a lot of the damage you're dealing to the enemy leader and several fights field one or two in the very back.  Enemies still have a ton of HP so enemy healers are priority one...or you can trick their AI and beat the crap out of another enemy in range so they heal that one instead.  I seriously exploited this several times since rushing Hawkmen to deal with them was potentially fatal for my guys.  Knights lost the ability to heal too so thankfully all of the enemy leader Knights won't tank and heal all the hurt you'll bring.
Oh, and resurrect magic no longer exists as far as I found.  You can save someone from death with two new items, the Lifeline Gem that Shiftstones them from the field (but never to return), or the Lifeline Gem that revives the ally and restores their HP, but removes the user instead so you're still permanently down one ally for that fight. 
Magic availability got shuffled around too.  Wizards and Spellblades get access to missile spells, but Warlocks can only use indirect magic.  Draconic Magic now uses the caster's weapon power in the damage formula and I often had it dealing the most damage between plain elemental magic and using the weapon normally. 
Items got the biggest change.  Gear is now normalized and every class of weapon or armor now does the same thing with higher tiers having better stats.  So 2H Swords all deal damage with a chance to inflict Stagger, and they give a bonus to AGIL, so late-game ones would do more damage and give more bonus stats--weight and RT stay consistent.  Armor is split between cloth/caster, light, and heavy.  Light armors boost evasion, while heavy armors boost HP and VIT for soaking up damage.  Ranged weapons have much higher RT values across the board, to make up for their users not moving as often as your frontliners.  
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The Cutlass, Khora, and Damasc Sword are all the same weapon, but their stats are different.  I didn’t mess with crafted weapons but I imagine they break the ‘same thing, better stats’ pattern.  
Crafting got overhauled, so instead of getting +1 gear that's clearly better than the original, you get sidegrades.  2H Sword sidegrades are heavier and more damaging, but come with an AGIL penalty, Hammers have a high change to knock a target back, Cudgels trade caster bonuses for bonuses fighters would enjoy, Fists damage the target's MP as well as HP, and so on.  Armor is a bit different, such as light armor getting a slightly heavier and more protective version to heavy armor getting even heavier and tanky.  Some caster armor is different, like the standard Wizard Hat's sidegrade having a sharp RES penalty but innate Absorb MP.  Crafting also doesn't require anywhere near the dumb number of steps like the original game--Wootz Steel for example can be done in one step and crafting is intended to be 100% successful (but it wasn’t in the early chapters for me, so possibly a bug) too. 
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Purified Ore isn’t very cheap, but it beats repetitive stress injury. 
And of course Skills got changed around quite a bit.  Fortify, Strengthen, and the other +stat skills are entirely gone (though enemies currently have dummied-out versions applied), Instills are skills as said above, skills that level up by use do so much faster now (I got Steal up to 2 before the end of the game, even), racial skills are now changed around so you can't stick Anatomy on everyone now (so demihumans have a use for your team), and activateable skills were either changed in function or swapped around between classes.  Some skills like Bash or Counterhit or Field Alchemy had entire tiers removed, so Bash/Counter start at 50% and Field Alchemy I grants you use of most items instead of slowly unlocking them through the four tiers.  Status Effect resist skills are gone and -Proofs unlock much earlier, and they allow you to cast a 'free' single-target cleanse against that type too.  You'll generally have more SP than normal since you're not dumping them into +stat skills. 
Finishers were balanced and Brimstone Hail is no longer the be-all end-all it was in the original.  Each one inflicts a status effect or hits twice, and accuracy or damage is determined by current TP. 
And there's a bunch of other small mechanical changes like changes to RT, cost, range, area of effect, and so on.  Many things have new names now too. 
Some character sprites were changed.  Catiua now wears blue pants, Vyce has a red coat on Chaos/Neutral, Folcurt has a new sprite, Sara and Donalto have different portraits and have permanent sprites like unique characters, Tamuz was made into an interesting hybrid Hawkman that has access to Orc classes and he ended up being a pivotal part of my team as a Juggernaut.  Templar Knights were given distinctive colors so you could see at a glance what they were capable of--red Templars were either Wizards or Warlocks so could cast magic, green were Archers or Fusiliers, so they could snipe you, blue with a black collar was Cleric so kill them first, etc.  Given how many you have to go through in the last part of the game, having this kind of information is extremely helpful so you don't need to keep checking all of the identical mooks to see who's dangerous and who is easy pickings. 
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Please brain enemies with your giant hammer, flying heavy armor man.  He can get Battering Ram to ignore Rampart Aura, but flying units kinda do that already. 
I think the difficulty as a whole was increased somewhat, mostly at the start when you have terrible gear and skills.  For example, the very first real battle has Canopus join you as a guest...and he died my first time in that fight.  Uh.  Canopus, the gamebreaker, died in an easy fight.  I wound up making Denam a Cleric and fielded a second one and I still had quite a few incaps.  No deaths, but I had to use the Chariot more than a few times because things went south fast.  The Chapter 2 Chaos fight against Vyce 1v1 wasn't bad with Cleric Denam, mostly because I used whatever to inflict Falsestrike and gave myself Truestrike, so I could whittle him down.  The Chapter 3 Neutral fight to save Cerya was made easier by her being given armor and leggings, but I had more trouble with actually killing Oz than keeping her alive (since you can use Lifeline Gems to ensure your guest lives).  That was one of the instances where I had to grind. 
I don't really have anything negative to say about the mod.  I had to grind a bit and that was off-putting, but I think that was what killed my interest in the original game.  The changelog is set up logically, but there's no rolling "this is everything that's different as of this moment" sort of list, so you kinda have to read from the bottom-up to get an idea of how many changes there are.  And there are a lot.  The PDF changelog is 67 pages long and 65 of them are patch notes, though not all of them are full pages.  Still, there's been a lot of work done on this mod and it really shows.  And it's not even done.  It is kinda annoying to have to actively overwrite your own memory of "oh, well X is different than what I read a few minutes ago" while you read, though. 
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This isn’t a change that the mod made (as far as I know there’s no text alterations) but this is something that happened while I was going through a second route and I never knew this was possible. 
The changes to gear kind of makes new tiers unlocking less exciting, not that they really were much in the original.  Every standard upgrade does more than the prior one, but I don't really think it's a negative.  The author has also tried to use the crafting system to give direct upgrades to some items that have big gaps between levels so that does help to keep things feeling consistent.  I felt the light helmets gap between Circlet and Damasc Helm was pretty wide but that's something that can be addressed later.  At least the system is otherwise pretty consistent instead of having one item increasing one set of stats and the next iteration increases something else. 
One Vision is definitely worth a look if you're kind of tired of standard Tactics Ogre.  I think it does a fine job of cutting off the chaff and streamlining things, but you should take some time to look over the extensive changelogs so you're not going to get your ass handed to you when the tried-and-true tricks of old cease to work.  I'd suggest downloading a save that has classes maxed and so on so you can get a preview of all of the differences, if spoilers are no problem for you. 
I honestly feel like trying a for-fun run where Denam only has monster allies for some reason now... 
Edit:  Hi, I’m an idiot and I guess I thought it was the same name as the Deus Ex mod, but nope!  I fixed the name here almost a month after the fact. 
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catiuapavel · 1 year
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I did a Tactics Ogre blorbo tier list some days ago and looked at it again today to just nod at my own bias.
They're more or less ordered through the tier themselves but listen it's impossible for me to tell you who I like the most between Oz, Ozma and Andoras or whether I care less about Mannaflora or less about Gilbald so it's very approximative. They're also bound to move around from one day to the other.
Characters from the "They're fine tier" can still be characters I will obsess over the entire day and move to the "I like them" tier temporarily. I can turn into Xaebos' only fan when I square up with him (especially on Neutral route).
I have to precise two things: the generic knight is Hektor (in spite of new portraits and all, it's written on his shield) and I really don't hate Xapan/Folcurt/Bayin (However, Bayin hates me, just so we're clear).
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catiuapavel · 2 years
catiua for the ask meme? (or dark lans if she’s been asked)
Why I like them
Catiua has been living in my head-rent free for a decade now. It’s safe to say I don’t just like her. I’m obsessed. I think she’s an incredibly interesting and moving character. There is just a lot to her from her insecurities, to her moral stances without neglecting her genuine qualities.
You can feel that there was a commitment to writing a flawed woman in a way that never felt degrading or even evil. Reading dev team interviews where she’s mentioned has solidified this opinion this was done with a lot of care.
Also, she’s the perfect example of a hypocritical character. She will preach one thing and does the opposite when it suits her. And the text makes this extremely obvious she’s pulling a “do as I say, not as I do” on the regular on you through direct parallels and through other characters (well mostly Vyce or Denam) raising some questions.
She isn’t even a bad person (though unpleasant is a different matter), she can be compassionate, composed and wise just as often as she can be cruel or cold, emotionally needy or self-centered. 
In fact she’ll often be compassionate if the situation allows it. One of the clearest examples of it is how she treats Cistina in Chapter 1 when you first encounter her in contrast to how she treats her on Chaos Route Chapter 2 when Folcurt urges you to help him rescue her from pirates. In Chapter 1, Catiua meets Cistina right after the duke has been rescued and the situation has taken a good turn for the Resistance. They’re accompanied by Leonar who seems to be a trustable and apt knight. Her situation is relatively comfortable and safe at this point. Catiua urges Denam to help Cistina and states that she believes Cistina’s plight is not entirely different than theirs. In Chapter 2, Denam and Catiua are hunted down by the Duke’s men and the only thing in her mind is taking a ship out of the islands.  Catiua isn’t being a spiteful person there, she’s extended a compassionate hand toward Cistina in the past. It’s just that her compassion has realistic limits and she’s being selfish because her survival and her comfort depend on it.
Similarly she’s a sybil and deals in healing magic and she’s got the diplomatic behaviour that comes with the job... Except when her patience has ran out or she feels it’d benefit her, she’s swift to suggest violence over discussion. She very much mirrors Lanselot (Tartaros) in this regard and it’s not too surprising she’d come to an understanding with him.
I also really like that the game purposely holds you back from understanding her and you’re bound to ask yourself why she’s behaving like this until key scenes (mostly Lanselot meeting her in Golyat and her two scene variants in Barnicia) lets you in on what’s troubling her.
Why I don’t
It’s less a dislike rather something that’s lacking: I honestly wish Princess route had had a deeper insight on how she deals with her responsibilities and how this role impacts her... There is a handful of conversations on the route that go in this diection (mostly the one where she states her admiration of Lanselot’s methods) That would have required this route to take a different direction though. There was a lingering disappointment when I finished the game on all routes because I’d have liked to seen a stronger variant to the usual route.
That being said, I think CODA addresses this and does show Catiua’s convictions as a ruler and how she intends to tread with Lodis and Xenobia. It also depicts her as brave and courageous until the first battle of The Twelve Knights and you realize the vulnerability is very much still there, buried behind a responsible façade.
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It’s a shame that the episodes are more of a “what if” and this writing wasn’t part of main storyline but it still gave a solid insight into her character that Princess route didn’t engage with and that alone is why people should play through them.
More to come for “A wish” because these answers are bound to be linked.
Favorite scene(s)
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This scene not only has two big variants as well as multiple smaller variants in dialogue (for the miserable outcome) which adds a level of detail to it which is incredible.
Catiua’s death is the miserable but suited outcome to the negative arc her abandonment issues pushed her onto and eventually Lanselot, whom she had projected so much onto, abandoning her really seals the deal. This is one of the most memorable and troubling video game scenes to me.
On the other hand, the only way Denam convinces her not to stab herself is by telling her about Prancet’s last words, which were an affirmation that he did love her as his daughter, something Catiua had convinced herself was untrue (that’s the start of all of her problems in fact). It’s a beautiful scene about a foster family’s bonds.
Favorite line
Bear with me but these quotes absolutely work together in my mind.
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There is also a sharp irony in how Catiua uses others when she herself despises the idea of being used. It’s doubly ironical that she allows Lanselot to do it because... well at the very least, he’s being honest about it and she feels she’s still in control.
Favorite outfit
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Iconic. Timeless. Unrivalled.
So. This is incredibly miserable. But Catiua knows exactly he’s using her but there is a sense of truth about it so she’s convinced herself it’s enough. She projects a desire for affection and protection onto him which is incredibly misplaced and doing wonders for her abandonment issues (😬). Everything he offers her is completely illusionary and she knows it which is bound to lead her straight into a disastrous end.
Catiua/Denam, complicated but undeniable bond.
Head Canon
Listen I like to think that Vyce trained her in swordfighting after the torching and ultimately, I believe Lanselot also did (and she’s much more confident with wielding a blade by then).
By the time she’s ascending, she probably enjoys a little sparring match with Denam too.
Unpopular opinion
Please with Reborn coming out, I have my work cut out for me.
An unpopular opinion I have is, and I’m completely right with it, is that people are committed to misunderstanding her, even when the text contradicts their statement. This is often the case in regard to Prancet and how she feels about him. Catiua does not hate Prancet, she resents him because she believes he’s been lying to her for his own gain (which is a complete misinterpretation of why he’s omitting the truth on her part). There is a reason players are led to believe she does but eventually, if you’ve gone through her recruitment scene and you’re still holding on to the belief she’s a bad daughter and a bitch for “hating her father” you’re just refusing to aknowledge you were mistaken. Catiua did absolutely love him and wanted him to love her, and she resented him because she thought he did not think of her as a daughter (yes she did create that problem herself).
A wish
Back to the whole Princess route. What I really wanted and what they almost did was a full-fledged route (as indicated by interviews when the remake came out). I understand budget may not have allowed it at the time of the PSP remake but with Reborn, they could have cut down the dreadful English dub and done that instead.
If I had my way, Princess route would be sharply different from Lord route and would have two endings - the one we know and a much more grim ending regarding the ramifications of a collaboration with Lodis.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
With Reborn coming out, all my “oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen” ideas are centered about reading terrible takes about Catiua on a daily basis.
5 words to best describe them
Hypocritical, selfish, stirring, difficult (to deal with mostly), self-aware
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catiuapavel · 1 year
Bayin and Folcurt’s death quotes
I don’t make it a secret Bayin and Folcurt are my least favourite Tactics Ogre characters (well them and xapan), not because of their personality, just out of lack of interest. For my defense, they don’t give me much to work with. Games with large casts often struggle to define characters out of a few select main ones in a meaningful way (not simply through giving a list of quirks but by giving you an insight on how they interact with the narrative and how the story resonates through them). However Tactics Ogre really does an outstanding job with characters who join very early and aren’t centerpiece to the game, even though you could lose them at any point. Bayin and Folcurt really stand out as the exception to this.
So in my desperation to get a crumb of personality from these two I’ve gone and killed them on every route and chapter to see how their last words would differ.
Folcurt - CH2 Chaos
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Folcurt - CH3 Chaos
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Folcurt - CH3 Neutral
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Folcurt - CH4
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Folcurt - CODA
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So his chapter 4 quote is his main personality trait on display (his probably-unreciprocated feelings for Cistina) but I have to say his Neutral route quote shows a surprising weariness. 
Bayin - CH2 Chaos
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Bayin - CH3 Chaos
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Bayin - CH3 Neutral
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Bayin - CH4
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Bayin - CODA
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All of Bayin’s death quotes fit together very nicely, except for Neutral route. Cistina, Bayin and Folcurt all get a drop in loyalty if you pick Neutral route and it’s good to see he holds it against him with his dying breath (likewise Folcurt’s leads me to think he’s hurting from having to compromise his ideals by following Denam on Neutral route... at least that’s what I’d infer if I wanted to give a bit more character).
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adalheidis · 2 years
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6 Fanarts - Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle special
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endeavorsreward · 7 years
Excerpt (Bk. I, Ch. 2)
1996 OV / 1233 ZA
Month of Scorpio
Ramza Beoulve, age sixteen, was leaning against a column in the meeting hall of the Royal Military Akademy at Gariland, watching his class gossip like scullery maids.
“Another wain was struck last night on its way to Eagrose.”
“The Corpse Brigade again?”
Ramza sighed and looked down at his feet. They should not even be gathered there. Drills had been interrupted by an immediate summons, and already some three score of them were assembled here, pulling each other's hair and tugging on breeches, whispering furtive theories when answers would only come in but minutes.
They were all between fifteen and twenty, two-thirds men, and largely noble. The Royal Akademy was the most respected training school in Ivalice, where the scions of western nobility were trained in chivalry and the ways of combat. Squires all, knights apprentice, after years of boarded living, and still children all as well, as they showed at the slightest disruption in routine. His brothers would be disappointed, and so Ramza attempted his best to look stately and prepared.
An outside observer might note his features, at least, did not betray him: blond hair pulled back neatly in a tail to reveal his noble brow and chin, showing even now through the last remnants of babyfat; he was lean and androgynous, and his eyes were kind, but his posture rigid and controlled like an animal's—or, indeed, like that of a knight of the Northern Sky. He had but a single, errant lock of hair out of place, one he'd never been able to tame for long.
The young man on his haunches beside him, however, felt no similar compunction to present. Delita Heiral was mending a glove with needle and thread, watching the clucking hens with interest. It was in principle the responsibility of each squire to care for their own kit; though Ramza hadn't the skill with a needle that Delita had, and he often did the sewing for them both. Delita's eyes bore an intense stare that Ramza knew well—he'd already made his conclusions, and was now taking in what he heard, weighing in the opinions of others he respected less to test against his theories.
He'd had a great many years to know that look, because Ramza and Delita had grown up near as brothers might, within the same home.
“Ramza? What think you of all this?” A woman one year his junior with her long blonde hair tied back beneath the blue kerchief of a field al-chemist approached, head all but bowed, her hands playing with the heavy bag tied 'round her waist, which held her implements of healing. Her face was the bright red of tomato plants. “Could the Corpse Brigade really have reached Gallionne?”
He grunted. His elder brother Zalbaag, who led the Order of the Northern Sky, had muttered as much across the table at shared dinner last. Banditry was to be expected of Dorter and eastward into Lesalia, where peasants toiled harder and the palace could be seen above the horizon, but Gallionne, the emerald of Ivalice?
Another squire, this one male, approached also to her side, arms crossed. He was fit of body but fat in the face, like a baby riding on a man's shoulders. This one's name he could recall: Cuthbert Fawkes, a third son like himself, though Ramza suspected Cuthbert's blood at least was true. The young man actually gave Delita a sort of half-nod before addressing Ramza and the young chemist. “I hear that the deserts are less patrolled and more wild.” This one was wincing, and Ramza could see in him already the Fear, the quake that the knights of Gariland had attempted to drill out of one and all.
Ramza sighed. Most of the incidents of the past six months were believed to be the work of a company of felons and former sellswords known as the Corpse Brigade.  It was oft said the only good brigand was a dead brigand, and the Order of the Northern Sky would like naught more than to see the Brigade made corpses for true. But as yet, it was all the knighthood could do to keep the outlaws in check.
“I do wonder where all this leads.” He looked to Delita. “What do you make of this?”
Delita hesitated, looking at the other two students, as though they'd silence him. But when he saw they merely awaited his opinion, He took the needle from his teeth and licked his lips. Delita was not an unattractive boy, but he had none of Ramza's strong countenance; his eyes were slightly sunken and his skin not nearly so fair. He was already at sixteen a man of little sleep and too many thoughts. And unlike many at Gariland, his hands were callused from work. “I'm not sure. I have my guesses, but...”
Ramza frowned. “I'm listening.”
“I think Duke Larg is coming to Gariland.”
Their liege lord? “Duke Larg? Why?”
Delita shook his head. “Not just the duke. The Marquis Elmdore de Limberry, too.”
The other two squires were now looking at them both with open mouths, and Ramza rubbed at his eye. He'd known Delita long enough to assume he was correct, but he couldn't imagine how the man had come to this knowledge. “That's the first I've heard of it. This has not the sound of a state visit.” Limberry was the literal other side of Ivalice, at the border with Zelmonia, and the Marquis was well known as a figure that was... larger than life, as they say. Cuthbert looked to the girl, as if she could corroborate any of this, but she just kept looking at Ramza, as though it had been his supposition in the first place. He was not altogether comfortable with the awe she was directing at him.
Delita, on the other hand, was now looking at something else, some collection of boys on the other side of the crowd. “All of Ivalice is in turmoil. The Order's supposed to be keeping things under control, but the fact is, they number too few.”
This he knew, had even just been thinking, but the way Delita said it... “And they mean to bolster their numbers with us?”
The crowd parted and three boys approached their group. Ramza recognized the one at the vanguard, Gembert Rickeman, a second son whose grandfather had attended Denamda IV and had fallen out of favor from making a particularly vulgar bon mot at the new queen's expense within earshot of the wrong viscount. He was eyeing up Delita like a roast laid at the table's head. Delita stood, and Ramza turned to the other two squires. “Perhaps we may continue this later.”
The girl stepped back at his prompting, but Cuthbert was fixed in place and shuddering. A poor cadet, this one.
Delita turned his back on the looming Gembert and indicated the chemist, who was rejoining a group of friends to one corner. “I think you've an admirer.”
“I suspect I haven't.” Ramza sniffed, keeping one eye over Delita's shoulder and the sputtering Gembert. “Lord Brother may, however.”
“Ah, so you did know!” Delita grinned. “I admit to being impressed. You never seem to know what's going on with anybody.”
“I... wait, what?” He looked away from Gembert, back to the girl. “Who was that?”
“Her name is... hm...” Delita made a vague motion with his hand, as though pulling the name from the aether. “Dorothea Ingram! That was what it was. She was but knee-high, I think, when our Zalbaag helped end the Siege of Limberry—speaking of the devils—and I believe he made quite an impression on her! Indeed, I hear he may well have personally...” Cuthbert twitched, and Delita sidestepped just as a punch Gembert was throwing at the back of his head was about to connect. Ramza crossed his arms as the oaf hurtled forward fist-first at his own face. Gembert squeaked and tried to correct before dishonoring his entire family, falling onto his arse in front of his entire Akademy class to uproarious laughter.
As Gembert's two henchmen picked him up from the floor, Ramza gave Delita a wry look. “A cruel jape.”
Delita shrugged and grinned. “I trusted in your martial prowess, ere it did connect.”
Gembert, for his part, had not yet had enough, however. He leaned in close and snarled in Delita's face. “My shame at nearly striking a son of House Beoulve is nothing compared to the shame of Gariland, for letting standards fall so low to admit a stablehand as candidate for knighthood.”
Ramza grabbed Gembert's shoulder and jerked it towards him. “Delita is of House Beoulve, Rickeman, or are you to tell us that the word of my father is false?”
Cuthbert made a sound like merp and went cross-eyed.
Gembert shrugged off Ramza's grip. “Perhaps it's true, then, what they say, in that masters in time resemble their pets, Ramza. As your half-common blood beats faster through your heart by the day.”
A few people gasped. Dorothea, who was not so far from the confrontation—and indeed had returned closer as it had grown heated—was about to lunge in herself to confront the boor when Cuthbert suddenly found himself, taking her gently by the arms and rotating her away. Maybe there was yet hope for him.
Ramza, though, found his fists tightening. He could easily outmatch Gembert in swordplay, and there were near sixty witnesses to the offense. But then, rescue came from an unlikely source.
“Really, Gembert, how droll.” A tall man a few years Ramza's senior, unaccountably pretty, tracing a finger down his own cheek, appeared from nowhere at all, humming to himself. “How much further can you embarrass yourself? I'd say before your peers, but you and I both know that you haven't had peers in these halls in at least a decade or more, hm?”
Ramza cast a glance at Delita, who looked sick. They'd been saved by Osric Wineburg.
As the story went:
The Wineburgs were a high noble family of Lesalia through much of the Fifty Years War, with Osric's own grandfather serving with distinction, most notably in the Battle of Warjilis, when Ordallian ships had rounded Cape Ripoli and discharged invaders in the dead of night with a mind to occupying the church seat in Lionel.
They were, of many generations back, from Romandan stock, but had been loyal Ivalicians for so long that it had been of no concern until Osric's father, who had a barony in Grogh Heights, had been of a mind to entreat the Romandans to unseat Ondoria III in hopes of elevating his own station, and had passed messages covert to very distant cousins across the Rhana Strait. But Osric's mother had been loyal to the crown, and had done the unthinkable, cutting the man's throat in bed. By all rights, they had together doomed their house, and she had thrown herself at Ondoria's feet and begged mercy only for her infant son. Ondoria, who had been healthier then, had dismissed Osric's mother from the court immediately; he'd then mumbled offhand to the attendant Dukes Larg and Goltanna that in truth, he'd taken the woman to bed himself a year or two previous, and that the child was likely his own. Rumor told that Queen Louveria, who had sat to his side, had rolled her eyes openly.
Not a man nor woman in Ivalice believed the king. But it had saved the Wineburg name. Osric's mother, who had slain her husband, was sent gently off to a nunnery to live out her days, and Osric was treated with the due respect of a royal bastard. He'd never be in line for succession, of course, but he had traded off the name of the king ever since. If the Beoulves were, in a sense, royalty of Ivalice in all but name, Osric Wineburg was the exact opposite. And similiarly inverse, Osric had all the attendant arrogance without the Beoulve deeds to back them.
Ramza hated him; Delita hated him more.
Osric clapped Ramza on the shoulder as Gembert stalked off to find some other lesser noble to sneer at; Ramza didn't look him in the eye.
“Men like Rickeman don't understand, Ramza. You must take pity on them.” He chuckled. “After all, Heiral here would understand better than anyone—a chocobo you ride into battle, you can't help but view fondly. And they, too, shall serve, until they're put out to pasture.” Before Ramza could offer a retort, however, a knight at the hall's entrance clapped his sword against his shield.
“Form up!”
And so the cadets of Gariland gathered into even parallel lines, standing at attention, as their instructor entered and took the podium at the room's head. Master Bordam Darlavon took in the sight of the assembled students and nodded. The whole class breathed in...
“There comes in every man's time a moment, a call to be answered...”
...And everyone let that air go out at the same time. Ramza's shoulders slumped. Delita's head sagged. He could see Cuthbert's face collapse. Someone even let out a moan.
Master Darlavon was not known, to put it mildly, for being concise.
“...as, indeed, so, with great alacrity, our fathers stood upon the...”
He had served in the war, yes—commissioned as aide-de-camp for a single tour of duty, he had seen little combat. He was perhaps well versed in matters historickal and theoretickal but was not what one might call a leader of men.
“...as even peace might try a soul, when weighed against the ambition of...”
Ramza turned his head as much as might be not considered disrespectful of his instructor's attention, and found Dorothea, who was staring right at him. He snapped his gaze forward again with a wince.
“...bravery instead of the heart, each of we sons of Ivalice...”
If Duke Larg and the Marquis were in Gallionne, they were likely meeting with Ramza's eldest brother Dycedarg, who was the Duke's closest friend and advisor. They were moving history as if a lever, with the Beoulve name as a great fulcrum. Ramza, meanwhile, was here. What was he yet doing to honor his father's will?
“...bonds of fire and blood forged today will serve you in statesmanhood...”
He looked again to Delita, who was brother enough as well. When Delita and his sister's parents had died, his father Barbaneth had taken them into his fold without a second thought. Their origin hadn't mattered to him, and it had never mattered to Ramza, either. Men like Gembert Rickeman merely struck where they thought their betters were weakest, that was all.
“...to remember these times as the greatest you'll ever have...”
And so on and again and again and so on, for a quarter-hour or more, until even Darlavon was starting to nod off at the dais, and someone at the hall's entrance cleared his throat.
“Hm?” Darlavon blinked, then seemed to realize that this had been an urgent summons in some epoch past. “Your full attention to a knight of the realm with full honors, Ser Folcurt Reeda Lynde.”
A man in armor with gold plate and filigree walked up the aisle between the cadets. Ramrod straight in posture, gleaming in refracted sunlight, with the strong set jawline of a most chivalric tradition. This was Lord Brother Zalbaag's most trusted and celebrated lieutenant. He gave Ramza the slightest of curt nods as he passed, and Ramza felt the eyes of five dozen cadets upon him.
Ser Folcurt very tenderly extricated Master Darlavon from his death-grip upon the podium, and leaned in to address the flock.
“The Order of the Northern Sky has an assignment for its knights apprentice.” A half-breath for the import to sink in, and then, before they could begin to react: “As I'm sure you're already aware, the number of brigands roaming Gallionne is on the rise. Among them, the Corpse Brigade... a seditious lot with a grudge against the Crown. Rogues such as they must be dealt with. The Order has been commanded to undertake an operation to eliminate the Brigade—an operation of a grand scale.” He held up his hand. “We will not be acting alone. The Order will be joined by, among others, His Excellency Duke Larg's royal guard, stationed at Eagrose. This will leave Eagrose Castle undermanned. Your task will be to proceed there, and support us from the rear by bolstering its defenses.”
There was the softest murmur as the cadets began to take in the responsibility of protecting their Liege Lord and the people of Eagrose Castle. Delita looked back towards him, and Ramza's lips set. Yes, Delita, you were right, you are always right... A knight came jogging up to the podium, a junior, with one hand on the pommel of her sword, and Ser Folcurt stepped down to listen to her whisper. He responded with a few quiet words, and she dashed right back out. He looked to the crowd.
“The time to take up arms is upon you, young apprentices!” He slapped his gauntleted hand once against the podium, out of emphasis rather than emotion. “I've just received word that a band of thieves routed by our knights flees here to Gariland, seeking refuge. We will move to stop them, and finish the task of our brothers. You, young apprentices, will accompany us. This is but a squall before the storm of battle. Prepare yourselves at once! Dismissed!”
Wait, battle here?
The cadets began to scatter. Some moved with purpose; others with panic. Someone bowled Cuthbert Fawkes over in a dash for the door, and Ramza had to catch him before he spilled out, got trampled in the rush. Delita came up to them both, and he looked stunned. There would be fighting in the streets of Gariland, and it would happen that day.
“I...” Cuthbert croaked out, but then stopped. Ramza nodded. It was fine to feel it, the Fear—Ramza felt it, Delita felt it—but there need be no words, for they'd serve nothing.
Knights stationed outside were shouting out assignments and postings, forming companies on the spot of green cadets. Ramza was about to join them, when a shadow fell over them and Ser Folcurt was there.
“Ramza Beoulve.”
“Ser Folcurt.” He bowed slightly, but Folcurt waved it off.
“Ser Zalbaag expects great things to come of you.” They all walked towards the door together. “I'm personally stationing you at the cadet vanguard. Choose your men and position yourselves in the east side of town, the merchant's quarter. Do you know where in that area is best?”
Ramza nodded slowly. “Down the way from Darbinian's Smithy, the streets funnel and then split where the river becomes a small canal; we can winnow them there.” He glanced to Delita for confirmation, who nodded—his thoughts exactly. Good.
Ser Folcurt actually smiled. “Good man. Get your unit out there; you have a few hours before they reach the city.” He headed towards the other knights. “Good luck. May we all live another day.”
Cuthbert grabbed his own face and started exhaling rapidly. “I don't know if I'm ready.”
Ramza nodded, took the man's arm. “I can swear to keep you safe, or you can find a group farther from the vanguard, it's your choice.” They had not been given formal companies yet, nobody had been promoted to squire-command. This was Ser Folcurt making a rapid judgment call. He wasn't concerned, so Ramza tried not to be, either. They weren't herding a stampede, this was a band of thieves being run to ground. Likely the knight had thought this practical training. He looked to Delita. “How do you fare?”
“I find it peculiar.” Delita was rubbing his chin. “The summons was all-class and urgent, but no mages in training were in attendance.”
“Oh... that's simple enough.” Cuthbert rubbed at his arm, from where Ramza had held him. “They're too difficult to rouse. Meditations and the like. Before they announced the thieves, they likely intended to inform them as their sessions finished.”
“But that means,” Delita said slowly, “the mages are not yet assigned to companies.”
He frowned. “You don't know any mages.
“Indeed I do not,” Delita allowed, “But we know of one.”
Ramza groaned. “Tell me, Delita, you do not mean who I think.”
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endeavorsreward · 8 years
Why not just post to FF.Net / AO3?
It’s the most obvious question, right? “If you’re doing an adaptation of a video game as a novel, why not just post it to a site that hosts that sort of thing and let people who’d care about that kind of thing read it?”
Ordinarily, I would. I’d get feedback, or I wouldn’t, and I’d keep writing it, or I wouldn’t, and that’d be that. No dramatics.
Unfortunately, since this is my hobby pursuit, and one which I might as well state I do partly as a means of managing my own anxiety, I set my own rules for the endeavor, which as established are liable to get people very upset with me if I posted the work as I’ve written it.
The rules I established for this adaptation are as follows below. Some of these, I’ll likely get into at some later date, my methodology, but it’s the final rule that matters.
1.) Make the work more diverse than the original, even if that means including added bigotries to the setting at times--provided that those bigotries are in service of political points similar to those established by the original game (ie, adding more people of color to Ivalice does not mean that there have to be racists, by any means, but because FFT’s first chapter was about confronting privilege, toxic attitudes can be introduced in order to be battled - we already new Barrington was racist, as well as the other things he was).
2.) Tactics Ogre’s world and characters to fill in the empty spaces and uncast roles prompted by an adaptation, provided that they are used in the spirit of their original incarnations and do not change the plot of Final Fantasy Tactics, only the subplots we do not see in the game. (ie, Ser Folcurt appears early in the Northern Sky, which makes sense, but Canopus cannot appear in Ramza’s era and Denam, say, cannot alter the course of events as affects Ramza).
3.) The crossover cameo list can be bulked up to no more than seven, including the three that already existed in the PSP edition of the game. One character per title only. There needs to be a good reason for doing it. A limited number of “Aerith” style same-name-same-faces are allowed within reason, because a precedent has been set (I’m not going to get into this yet).
4.) The work is explicitly an adaptation, rather than a straight novelization, and so minor details can be altered slightly in service of a better novel, so long as everything that actually matters is unchanged - specifically, gameplay details matter less than story details (ie, in Ramza and Delita’s first battle as cadets in Gariland, one of their fellow cadets is a mage, despite this being impossible in gameplay - this does not impact the story in an appreciable way and makes various things more interesting to read).
5.) This is not a professional work. There’s no need to write something that somebody else has already written well. Steal wholesale, credit everyone appropriately in the afterword. Edit to better match your writing style, but if a work of fan fiction can quote every single line of an original work, it can damned well quote every single line of a fan work by the same logic.
And that’s the one that’d get me driven right out of AO3 or wherever people post their fiction these days. I have, without guilt, stolen entire fanfics from dozens of authors and put their entire texts into my adaptation wholesale, with the most minor of edits. I have a document I’ve been using to keep track of everyone I steal from, with their names and links to credit them properly - I am not a monster and I am not a plagiarist - but what’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander, if you get me. Indeed, were I to post the finished novel to AO3′s archive, it would basically supplant the archive, as I’ve stolen from nearly everyone.
As an artistic exercise for me alone, there’s no sin in this, and I’d argue pretty strongly that as “fan fiction,” fair is quite fair. But courtesy is a thing that exists. And thus, I am where I am now, posting excerpts that solely contain my own words, and speaking largely to myself. For this work as written has no home anywhere.
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