#For all Nick knew. DiMA had kidnapped a young woman from the Commonwealth and was holding her hostage in his basement.
Nick and Jasmine: (Listening to DiMA explain his origins with Nick and the Institute)
Nick: (Had pulled Jazzy behind him as soon as he saw DiMA and is listening with his jaw set firm) “If I were you’re brother I’d remember!”
Jasmine: (Remaining hidden without protest, holding onto Nicks coat as she quietly observes)
DiMA: (Somberly) “That’s where you’d be wrong. This happened over a century ago. There’s… There’s only so much memory that can fit into the prototype brains we have-…”
Nick: (Gruffly as he straightens up) “Hmpth! I’ve heard enough!”
Jasmine: (Tenses and grips his coat tighter)
Chase: (Steps a little closer from the shadows, ready just in case)
Faraday: (Nervously watches on from behind the glass)
DiMA: (Sadly blinks) “Nick, I don’t need you to believe me. I’m just glad to see you again. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here… As for young Kasumi, you can usually find her working in the basement.”
Jasmine: (Peeps around Nick with wide eyes at the unfamiliar synth, a little unsettled by the basement comment)
DiMA: (Finally takes notice of the teen for the first time and smiles warmly) “Oh, hello! I did not see you standing there before, what is your name-?”
Nick: (Protective Dad energy) “She’s none of your concern!” (Pulls his daughter to his side with his arm tightly wrapped around her)
DiMA: (Shrinks back a little at the growl) “Ah- I see…”
Jasmine: (Remaining silent while still holding her Dads coat)
Nick: (Huffs) “Now if you’ll excuse us, we have places to be and a job to finish.” (Marches off to the basement with his daughter held close)
DiMA: (Watches them leave) “Alright then…” :(
Chase and Faraday: “How dare U!” >:(
(To be fair though, DiMA kinda had free-candy-and-white-van energy)
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