#For example I would section and brush my hair 100 strokes each every night or someone I loved would die
Headcannon that Jason Grace has OCD.
He's terrified of people leaving him.
He believes that if he breaks any rules or promises, people will die.
But what if it isn't just promises?
What if he steps on a crack in a street?
What if he doesn't swing his sword 12 times before breakfast?
What if he doesn't chew his food 23 times before swallowing it?
He has to do the cabin checks of course but he has to do them in alphabetical order.
He can't leave a room without tapping every window.
Because if not something bad will happen.
And it'll be all his fault.
He has to do these things, he has to do them and they have to be done perfectly.
If not or he's interrupted he will have to start from the beginning until its perfect.
If he doesn't he ends up having severe panic attacks, not able to do anything but that task over and over until he passes out from exhaustion, dehydration etc.
Because nothing else will matter but fixing his mistake.
No matter what it costs him.
No one gets it, not even the seven but unlike those in Camp Jupiter who often mocked him or fed into his anxiety, these guys try to help as much as they can.
Asking questions without demeaning or insulting him.
They learned the hard way if they tried to stop Jason or question why he does these things.
It doesn't make sense to them but that's okay.
It doesn't have to.
Percy even asks if he can join Jason on his evening patrols.
Which Jason does every night, he has a strict schedule.
It takes him a while to open up but no one pushes him to do so.
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