#Fowler&039;s Dictionary of Modern English Usage
gramrgednangel · 2 years
National Grammar Day 2023
Martha Brockenbrough started this particular grammar ball rolling back in 2008. Because the date, March 4, is also rendered March 4th in certain circumstances, it is not only a date but an imperative with a homophone for “fourth”: March forth! It was (and presumably still is) her intention that people fond of grammar would take the day to celebrate the joys of “good grammar” (as she called it)…
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gramrgednangel · 3 years
Split infinitives: Not wrong, sometimes preferable
Split infinitives: Not wrong, sometimes preferable
I saw a generalization early this morning that got my dander up. The writer stated that “almost every style guide” says to avoid the split infinitive. To put it bluntly, that’s wrong; it’s a misrepresentation of what they actually say. That the post went on to explain and clarify doesn’t much matter when what people will remember is that initial statement: “Almost every style guide” says not to…
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