#Frances B. Titchener
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Good day I'm Elena and here's an interesting announcement:
"The Cambridge Companion to Plutarch"
by Frances B. Titchener and Alexei V. Zadorojnyi (Editors)
Cambridge University Press, 2023
Paperback edition!
More infos 🔗 https://bit.ly/3H63FIk
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 Allied PSY140 full course
Allied PSY140 full course all discussions all check understanding and all homework
 1  Going to the shopping mall and watching people’s behavior is an example of:
a  descriptive research
b  inferential research
c  experimental research
d  variegated research
Hint: p  26
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
02  Which psychologist founded France’s first psychology laboratory and was a pioneer in intelligence testing?
a  René Descartes
b  Alfred Binet
c  Edward Titchener
d  Inez Prosser
Hint: p  10
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2A:Identify and compare historical views of psychology
3  What does psychology have in common with all other sciences?
a  It is based on Plato’s methods
b  It offers proof of theoretical truths
c  It uses rigorous methods of observation
d  It directly measures thought processes
Hint: p  2
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1A:Identify the goals of psychology
04  In psychology, the words describe, predict, understand, and influence relate to:
a  descriptive methods
b  correlational methods
c  areas of psychology
d  the goals of psychology
Hint: p  3
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1A:Identify the goals of psychology
5  Interviews and questionnaires are techniques that are used in ______ research
a  placebo
b  survey
c  clinical
d  naturalistic observation
Hint: p  27
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
06  In a formal experiment, the variable that the experimenter measures is the ________ variable
a  independent
b  dependent
c  basic
d  control
Hint: p  33
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
07  The term “conditioning” as used by Ivan Pavlov is another term for:
a  instinct
b  learning
c  introspection
d  maturation
Hint: p  8
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1A:Identify the goals of psychology
8  Which of the following is a key term in the definition of psychology?
a  Behavior
b  Habit
c  Introspection
d  Induction
Hint: p  2
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1A:Identify the goals of psychology
9  The launching of psychology as a separate field is usually credited to have occurred during the ______
a  1500s
b  1800s
c  1900s
d  1700s
Hint:pp  4-5
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2A:Identify and compare historical views of psychology
10  Another name for the bell-shaped curve in statistics is the:
a  scatterplot
b  standard deviation
c  box plot
d  normal distribution
Hint: p  37
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
11  Which variable depends upon the effects of the independent variable?
a  Dependent
b  Manipulation
c  Control
d  Placebo
Hint: p  33
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
12  In psychology, William James was highly influential in developing the school of thought known as:
a  psychoanalysis
b  Gestalt psychology
c  structuralism
d  functionalism
Hint: p  6
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2A:Identify and compare historical views of psychology
13  Rather than study the entire population of one group, you decide to focus on a subset of the group  This subset or subgroup is called a(n):
a  hypothesis
b  sample
c  presentation
d  assimilation
Hint: p  26
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
14  In formal experiments, the experimental group is the ______ group and the control group is the ______ group
a  inactive; inactive
b  inactive; active
c  active; active
d  active; inactive
Hint: p  34
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
15  What was the main contribution of Hermann Ebbinghaus to psychology?
a  He demonstrated that mental elements were more important than the concept of Gestalt
b  He established the first scientific laboratory for the study of conscious processes
c  He emphasized that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
d  He demonstrated that carefully controlled experimentation can be conducted
Hint: p  7
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2A:Identify and compare historical views of psychology
16  Given a list of numbers organized from the smallest to the largest, the number that divides the list of numbers exactly in half is called the:
a  average
b  mean
c  median
d  middle point
Hint: p  36
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
17  What differentiated Sigmund Freud from most of the other influential founders of psychology?
a  Freud was the only founder from a European country
b  Freud was trained as a philosopher and teacher
c  Freud was interested in the conscious mind
d  Freud was a physician and treated psychological problems
Hint: p  9
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2A:Identify and compare historical views of psychology
18  A prediction based on a theory is known as a:
a  constant
b  hypothesis
c  law
d  variable
Hint: p  26
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
19  A(n) ______ is a tentative explanation of the facts, findings, and relationship in any of the sciences
a  edict
b  theory
c  law
d  declaration
Hint: p  3
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
20  The dependent variable is called the dependent variable because its value ______ other parts of the experiment
a  is constant compared to
b  is related to
c  is the opposite of
d  depends on
Hint: p  33
SLO4:Discuss the major concepts, theories, and historical trends in psychology
LO4A:Explain and apply research methods
allied psy140 module 2 check your understanding 2015
Question Points
1  From an evolutionary perspective, a woman selects a particular man for mating because the man will:
a  help their offspring survive
b  have low social status
c  possess limited resources
d  be sociable in groups
Hint: p  113
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2B:Evaluate environmental influences on psychological development
2  Which of the following is a criticism of evolutionary theory?
a  Gender differences are not explained well
b  Evolutionary theory can never be tested
c  Parental investment is not included in evolutionary theory
d  Evolutionary theory does not address mating preferences
Hint: p  113
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2B:Evaluate environmental influences on psychological development
03  Which of the following is true regarding inheritance and behavior?
a  Behaviors that are inherited often skip a generation
b  Humans do not inherit specific patterns of behavior
c  Humans inherit behavior based on animal development
d  Humans are only capable of inheriting very specific behaviors
Hint: p  91
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2B:Evaluate environmental influences on psychological development
04  Men’s greater physical strength, according to social-role theory, has led men to develop which particular trait?
a  Assertiveness
b  Cooperativeness
c  Submissiveness
d  Sociability
Hint: p  114
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
5  Natural selection is also known as:
a  genetic fitness
b  Darwinian wholeness
c  genetic variations of traits
d  survival of the fittest
Hint: p  111
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
6  Cultures that emphasize the well-being of the family and the larger culture are considered to be:
a  collectivistic
b  modernistic
c  individualistic
d  culturally diverse
Hint: p  102
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2B:Evaluate environmental influences on psychological development
7  There is evidence that the left hemisphere is involved in processing ________ and the right hemisphere is involved in processing ________
a  positive emotions; negative emotions
b  emotional reactions; abstract thought
c  spatial information; complex language
d  spoken language; language production
Hint: p  71
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
08  Which subpart of the brain is located at the rear base of the skull?
a  Forebrain
b  Corpus callosum
c  Midbrain
d  Hindbrain
Hint: p  61
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
9  Damage to the hippocampus would most likely impair:
a  autonomic functioning
b  disease resistance
c  sexual functioning
d  memory formation
Hint: p  63
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
10  What part of the brain controls conscious experience and intelligence?
a  Cerebral cortex
b  Cingulate cortex
c  Hippocampus
d  Limbic system
Hint: p  64
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
11  Cultures that emphasize the importance of individual rights, goals, and accomplishments are considered to be:
a  collectivistic
b  modernistic
c  individualistic
d  culturally diverse
Hint: p  100
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2B:Evaluate environmental influences on psychological development
12  Small branches that extend from the neuron cell body and spread like miniature tree roots are called:
a  ganglia
b  synaptic knobs
c  axons
d  dendrites
Hint: p  49
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
13  Approximately how many neurons compose the nervous system?
a  20 to 50 thousand
b  100 million
c  5 billion
d  100 billion
Hint: p  50
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
014  From childhood through adulthood, the ______ increases in size and becomes larger in women than men
a  hypothalamus
b  hippocampus
c  amygdala
d  thalamus
Hint: p  109
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2B:Evaluate environmental influences on psychological development
015  According to social-role theory, today’s gender differences exist because of:
a  generational mutations
b  individual goal-setting
c  genetic programming
d  social pressures
Hint: p  114
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
16  If you believe that gender differences are a result of different opportunities, challenges, experiences, and restrictions, then you hold to the ______ theory of gender differences
a  Freudian
b  neo-behavioristic
c  social-role
d  evolutionary
Hint: p  114
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2B:Evaluate environmental influences on psychological development
017  From childhood through adulthood, the ______ increases in size and becomes larger in men than women
a  amygdala
b  hippocampus
c  hypothalamus
d  thalamus
Hint: p  109
SLO2:Describe the complexity of cultural diversity
LO2B:Evaluate environmental influences on psychological development
18  Regarding brain function, the term plasticity refers to the phenomenon of when the cortex is damaged:
a  it bounces around inside the skull like a plastic, bouncing ball
b  it shrinks to a smaller size and becomes hard like plastic
c  doctors can stretch other areas of the brain to cover the damaged area
d  other areas of the brain can take over the functions of the damaged area
Hint: p  73
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
19  What is the relationship between a nerve and a neuron?
a  Nerves are part of the sympathetic system; neurons are part of the parasympathetic system
b  A nerve follows an afferent pathway and a neuron follows an efferent pathway
c  The term “nerve” is the plural for neurons found within the brain
d  A nerve is a bundle of long neurons outside the brain and spinal cord
Hint: pp  49-50
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
20  A common way of classifying the brain is to divide it into three major parts  What are they?
a  Medulla, midbrain, forebrain
b  Midbrain, hindbrain, cerebellum
c  Hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain
d  Medulla, cerebrum, cerebellum
Hint: p  61
SLO1:Apply psychological principles to current issues
LO1B:Explain the biological components of psychological function
allied psy140 module 3 check your understanding 2015
Directions:Read the prompts below and write your answer  The response to each question should be at least two paragraphs in length  Each paragraph must be five to seven sentences in length
1  Describe how each of the sense organs receives information from the external environment
2  List and distinguish the different states of consciousness
3  How is the brain structured and specialized?
4  Describe the variable ways that drugs affect consciousness and their neurochemical properties
5  Compare and contrast nightmares and night terrors  Identify which one occurs during REM sleep and which one occurs during phases of non-REM sleep
6  Why do millions of people abuse drugs despite the publicity regarding the harmful effects of drug abuse?
7  Our society makes a distinction between drugs such as alcohol and caffeine, which are legal to use, and others, such as marijuana and cocaine, that are not  Does this distinction make sense?
allied psy140 module 4 check your understanding 2015
Question Points
1  Synaptic facilitation is a term that describes the process of synapses:
a  destroying other synapses to explain forgetting
b  creating new glial cells to make room for more memories
c  changing the brain to form new memories
d  modifying existing engrams leading to false memories
2  Pavlov found that a neutral stimulus was more likely to produce dogs to salivate if the stimulus:
a  was delivered on a variable interval schedule
b  positively reinforced salivation
c  and food were frequently associated
d  followed the salivation by one second
3  In Pavlov’s classic studies with dogs and digestion, what was the response that Pavlov measured?
a  Amount of food presented
b  Footsteps in the laboratory
c  Sound of a metronome
d  Amount of salivation
4  A student comes to college and is extremely anxious about doing poorly and flunking out  To calm her fears, the student studies hard and receives all A’s the first semester  This student has been:
a  positively reinforced
b  negatively reinforced
c  classically conditioned
d  vicariously punished
5  The study of “Little Albert” is a famous example of the study of learned that was conducted by:
a  Pavlov
b  Watson
c  Thorndike
d  Bandura
6  If you are going to use punishment, which of the following would be recommendations based on psychological research?
a  Do not use physical punishment
b  Punish behavior after a time delay
c  Only deliver half the punishment necessary
d  Punish the person, not the behavior
7  An associative network of beliefs, knowledge, and expectations is known as a:
a  register
b  schema
c  hybrid
d  collection
8  According to the spreading activation model of memory, which memories would be easiest to remember?
a  Memories that are pleasant rather than emotionally negative
b  Memories that are closely associated with the memory cue
c  Memories that contrast strongly with one’s expectations
d  Memories that are learned early in life
9  When a false memory occurs, this means that:
a  memory for the real episode has been falsified
b  true memories have already been repressed
c  someone is lying about what actually happened
d  something is remembered that never happened
10  In classical conditioning, an unlearned, inborn reaction to an unconditioned stimulus is a(n):
a  unconditioned stimulus
b  conditioned stimulus
c  unconditioned response
d  conditioned response
11  A fleck of dust or dirt in your eye automatically causes the eye to produce tears to wash out the dirt  If this was part of a classical conditioning experiment, the fleck of dust or dirt would be labeled as the:
a  unconditioned stimulus
b  unconditioned response
c  conditioned stimulus
d  conditioned response
12  The theory of memory that suggests that the basis of learning and memory is due to unique patterns of neuronal activity causing changes in synapses to occur is known as:
a  spreading activation
b  retrograde association
c  psychogenic fugue
d  synaptic facilitation
13  The notion that a person would forget something because that memory would be threatening to the individual in some way is known as the theory of:
a  motivated forgetting
b  spreading networks
c  associative nodes
d  synaptic terminations
14  In psychological research, the idea of informed consent is that participants:
a  have a right to know the results of the study after it is complete
b  need to be aware of the risks and benefits of participating in research
c  should not be pressured into participating in a research experiment
d  can expect the researchers to keep the outcomes of the study confidential
15  One of the criticisms against the research on motivated forgetting is that:
a  stressful events can cause forgetting by biological means
b  case studies of motivated forgetting involved ordinary life events
c  adults frequently fail to report traumatic childhood experiences
d  the concept contradicts well-established principles of Freudian psychoanalysis
16  Slot machines are set to pay off on the average of once in every 1,000,000 plays  This is an example of a ______ schedule of reinforcement
a  variable-ratio
b  fixed-ratio
c  variable-interval
d  fixed-interval
17  When people forget, they are not only distorting information, but may also be remembering events that never occurred  This is consistent with the idea of:
a  false memories
b  new memories
c  associative memory
d  congruent memory
18  Learning is defined as a _______ change in behavior due to _______
a  temporary; experience
b  biological; reinforcement
c  relatively permanent; experience
d  biological; maturation
19  Simple forms of learning, such as classical conditioning of the gill withdrawal reflex in the sea snail, appear to physically take place:
a  in the creature’s hippocampus
b  only in creatures without a brain
c  at the synaptic level
d  outside of the nervous system
20  Korsakoff’s syndrome patients sometimes experience both anterograde and retrograde amnesia  This syndrome is caused by:
a  the lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin
b  lack of oxygen during stressful events
c  traumatic brain injury and blood loss
d  vitamin loss due to the diet of chronic alcoholics
allied psy140 module 5 check your understanding 2015
Question Points
1  A gosling’s inborn tendency to follow anything that moves just after hatching is an example of a type of learning called:
a  stimulus generalization
b  one-trial learning
c  observational learning
d  imprinting
2  During middle adulthood people often:
a  settle into less activity
b  reevaluate goals and directions
c  avoid changes
d  become more concerned with gender roles
3  Which of the following statistics describes the spread of a series of numbers?
a  Mode
b  Standard deviation
c  Midpoint
d  Mean
4  If a cognitive psychologist were to tell you that you have a mental set, what would she mean?
a  You would have more success in problem solving if you were sitting
b  You only possess two of the three mental operations of the set
c  You are solving similar problems in the same, habitual way
d  You are incapable of using heuristic reasoning—your mental set is fixed
5  The first time a child possesses the ability of conservation occurs during the ______ stage of cognitive development
a  concrete operations
b  sensorimotor
c  preoperational
d  formal operations
6  The term “maturation” refers to systematic changes of the body brought about by:
a  environment
b  learning
c  physical growth
d  nurture
7  If you are a ______ thinker, you are more easily able to break out of mental sets and think in very creative ways
a  divergent
b  convergent
c  concurrent
d  divested
8  Most psychologists believe the roles of nature and nurture:
a  are equal across many aspects of development
b  vary in importance
c  combine to form our behavior but not our thoughts
d  combine to influence behavior and our thoughts
9  The term ______ describes the use of oversimplified logic by adolescents
a  pseudostupidity
b  psychoneurotic
c  prepuberic
d  preadolescent
10  The first person to develop a useful measure of intelligence was:
a  Guilford
b  Binet
c  Thurstone
d  Wechsler
11  Why do we need to be cautious about concluding that people are more intelligent than they used to be?
a  Younger people may be more familiar with the types of problems tested
b  The test items used have actually become easier
c  The tests do not measure fluid intelligence
d  Old people have better fluid intelligence than young people
12  n Wallas’s problem-solving sequence, ______ refers to the initial attempt to formulate the problem, recall relevant facts, and begin to consider possible solutions
a  incubation
b  preparation
c  illumination
d  verification
13  Which of the following is a key psychological variable of happy aging?
a  Lowering activity levels
b  Involuntary retirement
c  Enjoying drinking and smoking
d  Ignoring myths about old age
14  We tend to use certain steps in the solution of a problem  Before we can understand the elements of a problem, we must _______ the problem
a  formulate
b  generate
c  analyze
d  evaluate
015  According to Köhlberg, higher levels of moral development reflect an increase in:
a  understanding rules and laws
b  concern over the ethics of a person’s actions
c  the consequences of a person’s actions
d  doing what society thinks is right
16  The cognitive stage lasting from about 2 years old to 7 years old is known as the _______ stage
a  sensorimotor
b  preoperationa
c  concrete operational
d  formal operational
17  Piaget’s use of the term egocentric means that the child:
a  cannot see things from another’s perspective
b  is very selfish at a particular age
c  lacks the power of reversibility
d  only has thoughts about themselves
18  If a research finding is said to be statistically significant, this means that the research finding is unlikely to:
a  have been measured via random assignment
b  occur by random chance alone
c  be replicated under laboratory conditions
d  be practically significant in real life
19  Along with IQ, giftedness is also associated with:
a  expertise
b  creativity
c  convergent thinking
d  crystallized intelligence
20  Developmental psychology is best described as a study of:
a  the physical human growth process
b  how people become individuals
c  how the environment shapes human beings
d  changes in behavior across the entire life span
allied psy140 module 6 check your understanding 2015
Directions:Read the prompts below and write your answer  The response to each question should be at least two paragraphs in length  Each paragraph must be five to seven sentences in length
1  Define motivation and emotion
2  Explain the biological and psychological aspects of both motivation and emotion
3  What are the levels in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
4  Define sex, gender, sexuality, and sexual orientation
5  What are examples of external and internal (social and biological) factors that affect gender identity and sexual orientation?
6  Describe Solomon’s opponent-process theory of motivation and analyze his explanation of craving diverse things, such as parachute jumping, drugs, and dysfunctional lovers
7  Identify and summarize the principles behind the different personality theories
8  How are personality types and disorders assessed?
allied psy140 module 7 check your understanding 2015
Question Points
1  Which hypothesis states that abnormal behavior is similar to normal behavior but is a more severe and harmful form of it?
a  Continuity hypothesis
b  Psychoanalytic hypothesis
c  Discontinuity hypothesis
d  Medical hypothesis
2  Actions, thoughts, and feelings that are harmful to yourself or others defines ______ behavior
a  abnormal
b  violent
c  atypical
d  aberrant
3  In defining hyperactivity-impulsivity, which of the following would qualify as a characteristic of hyperactivity-impulsivity?
a  Often remains seated in times of distraction
b  Rarely talks excessively
c  Knows the answers but never blurts them out
d  Often leaves seat when should remain seated
4  How does prior experience with stress influence our ability to deal with future stress?
a  Eventually all possible stressful events are experiences, causing no more stress
b  Each stressful event is handled uniquely, with no influence from past events
c  The more previous experience with stress, the better future stress is handled
d  The more stress accumulates overall, the worse the reaction to future stress
5  The last stage of the general adaptation syndrome is:
a  alarm
b  resistance
c  exhaustion
d  plateau
6  Married persons, compared to people who are single in their adult years:
a  have the same levels of health
b  have lowered levels of benefits compared to single persons
c  experience happier but not healthier lives
d  have greater health benefits
7  The first step in responding to stress is often the production of hormones and the mobilization of bodily resources  This first stage is referred to as the:
a  avoidance reaction stage
b  resistance stage
c  alarm reaction stage
d  adjustment phase
8  Why is it so difficult to define abnormal behavior?
a  Psychologists have no standardized diagnostic criteria
b  Abnormal behaviors are rarely clearly distinguishable
c  Diagnosis involves subjective judgments
d  Supernatural components are involved
9  An individual who is described as having “blunted affect” would most likely:
a  have an obsessive-compulsive disorder
b  have a phobic disorder
c  find little enjoyment in life
d  be experiencing a manic episode
10  In the DSM-IV-TR, personality disorders are known as Axis ______ disorders
a  II
b  I
c  III
d  IV
11  The good news about major depression is that it is episodic, meaning that:
a  it doesn’t get worse over time
b  it is treatable with medication
c  for many people it goes away
d  certain types of memories are lost
12  In the DSM-IV-TR system, there are five:
a  personality traits
b  problems
c  diagnoses
d  axes
13  According to research, women’s reactions to stress tend to be more:
a  fight or flight
b  out of sight, out of mind
c  tend and befriend
d  stress and storm
14  A stressful event can be perceived as less stressful if you believe you:
a  strongly believe in religion
b  have a solution to the problem
c  cannot predict the stress
d  have control over the stress
15  High levels of depression are ______ among individuals undergoing stress
a  uncommon
b  common
c  rare
d  nonexistent
16  Attempts to deal with the source of stress or to control our reactions to it, or both, describe:
a  the alarm reaction
b  exhaustion
c  coping
d  frustration
17  Upsetting emotions and depression may affect the immune system by:
a  reducing the body’s resistance to disease
b  increasing the resistance of the autonomic nervous system
c  reducing the response time of a person’s general adaptation response
d  increasing tolerance to microstressors
18  Which of the following is a characteristic of inattention?
a  Rarely forgetful
b  Frequent interruptions
c  Excessive talking
d  Often disorganized
19  Abnormal behavior is defined in terms of ______ rather than _______
a  rarity; commonness
b  the law; the psychologist
c  harm; unusualness
d  unusualness; legally
20  Based on research findings, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder always begins:
a  because of parents
b  with drug use
c  in childhood
d  as paranoia
allied psy140 module 8 check your understanding 2015
Question Points
1  The individual who joins a lynch mob or a vigilante group almost never has a previous history of violent behavior  This fact demonstrates the powerful effects of:
a  the diffusion of responsibility
b  latent aggressive tendencies in people
c  group actions upon individuals’ behavior
d  dispositional attributions
2  Today, the focus of educational psychology is primarily on:
a  curriculum change
b  redesigning classrooms
c  improving new technologies
d  educating slow learners
3  In Milgram’s classic obedience to authority study, how many participants completed the study by giving the highest levels of “shocks” available to give?
a  75%
b  65%
c  85%
d  95%
4  Which of the following is a characteristic of all personality disorders?
a  The disorders do not bother the person who has them
b  The disorders are difficult to treat
c  The disorders begin in mid-adulthood
d  The disorders do not bother other people
5  If your friend has an unrealistic sense of self-importance, is preoccupied with her fantasies of self-success, requires constant praise and attention, exploits others, and feels entitled to special consideration, then she most likely possesses ______ personality disorder
a  schizotypal
b  dependent
c  histronic
d  narcissistic
6  The goal of human factors engineering is to make machines:
a  that use the fewest possible parts
b  more easily operated by humans
c  in the least expensive way
d  that need to be replaced within 5 years
7  If your friend exhibits a high degree of suspiciousness and mistrust of others, extreme irritability, and coldness, then he would most likely possess ______ personality disorder
a  avoidant
b  borderline
c  paranoid
d  histronic
8  The technique from persuasion called ______ means that a person makes a small request first to get you to agree, then makes a larger request second
a  foot-in-the-door
b  door-in-the-face
c  obedience to authority
d  bait-and-switch
9  The desire to have someone near to you and feelings of deep, caring affection for a person are traits of ________ love
a  passionate
b  eros
c  romantic
d  companionate
10  In terms of conviction rates, those who are ________ are convicted more often than those who are ________
a  rich; poor
b  unattractive; attractive
c  high-status; low-status
d  short; tall
11  In the research based on dorm rooms, there is clear evidence for the use of the ______ approach for many psychological reasons
a  connector
b  single-corridor
c  landscape
d  suite-design
12  Regarding social loafing, the ______ the group, the more each member of the group is likely to ______ their individual contributions to the group
a  more diverse; increase
b  smaller; reduce
c  larger; increase
d  larger; reduce
13  What is most likely to change when behavior and attitudes are inconsistent?
a  Attitudes will often follow behavior
b  Behavior will generally change to match attitudes
c  Behaviors will generally change in the direction of the attitude and the attitude, will change in the direction of the behavior
d  Neither will change in most persons
14  In a classic study, Sherif and colleagues showed that prejudice can arise between randomly divided students  This study demonstrated an explanation for prejudice called:
a  unrealized conflict
b  groupthink
c  us versus them
d  deindividuation
15  Generally speaking, we tend to be more attracted to:
a  non-attractive people than attractive people
b  liberals rather than conservatives
c  non-religious people than religious people
d  competent people than non-competent people
16  The ______ a measure predicts ______ job performance, the less biased it is against ethnic minority groups
a  worse; past
b  better; future
c  better; past
d  worse; future
17  In a study of gender and leadership, women tended to be more ________ than men
a  masculine
b  task-oriented
c  democratic
d  effective
18  Those psychologists who typically work with businesses are generally known as ______ psychologists
a  industrial-organizational
b  social
c  development
d  health
19  When an employee contributes to the social welfare of the organization by cooperating and helping other employees or going beyond the call of duty to help the organization, this is an example of:
a  simulated management task follow-through
b  structured interview predictability
c  in-basket success
d  organizational citizenship
20  Highly cohesive groups often think in ways that foster unanimous agreement rather than critical evaluation  This tendency is known as:
a  collective behavior
b  social facilitation
c  groupthink
d  forced compliance
Answer the following in a Word document that is a minimum of 2 pages in length:
Respond to the prompt below  Follow APA guidelines and include a title page, citations, and references  Please utilize LIRN to help you get started with your search  You may visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
Choose three concepts from Module 6 that you have found most interesting  Your submission must be at least 2 pages in length  Complete the following:
1  Describe each concept
2  Explain the application each has to modern psychology or ‘real life ’
Classical and Operant Conditioning
This activity gives you the opportunity to try both classical and operant conditioning for yourself  You can use these forms of conditioning on a pet, a family member, or a friend  Please use them for only positive purposes and list what you did for each, how you did it, and what you found  Please be careful to note the differences between these conditioning methods and use correct terms in your descriptions
Document your findings in a2 to3 page paper  Address the following:
1  Classical Conditioning Scenario
2  Unconditioned Stimulus
3  Unconditioned Response
4  Conditioned Stimulus or Conditioned Response
5  Operant Conditioning Scenario or Reinforcer
6  Which of the two was a more successful conditioning method? Explain
Respond to the prompt below  Follow APA guidelines and include a title page, citations, and references  Please utilize LIRN to help you get started with your search  You may visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
Choose three concepts from Module 4 that you have found most interesting  Your submission must be at least 2 pages in length  Complete the following:
1  Describe each concept
2  Explain the application each has to modern psychology or ‘real life ’
Respond to the prompt below  Follow APA guidelines and include a title page, citations, and references  Please utilize LIRN to help you get started with your search  You may visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
Choose three concepts from Module 5 that you found most interesting  Your submission must be at least 2 pages in length  Complete the following:
1  Describe each concept
2  Explain the application each has to modern psychology or ‘real life ’
Media Observation
Choose a TV program that a child may typically view  Watch the program and record the number of violent or harmful acts  Do the media give us a reasonable image of the level of violence in the world? Who is most likely to be the victim of violence in the media?
Observe and record the commercials  What are the underlying messages portrayed in the commercials? Provide examples to support your assertions  Do the media cause sexism or do the media just report the sexism in the real world  Fully explain your response and provide examples to support your position
Prepare your responses in a 2 to 3 page Word document in APA format
Respond to the prompt below  Follow APA guidelines and include a title page, citations, and references  Please utilize LIRN to help you get started with your search  You may visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
Choose three concepts from Module 2 that you have found most interesting  Your submission must be at least 2 pages in length  Complete the following:
1  Describe each concept
2  Explain the application each has to modern psychology or ‘real life ’
Dreams and Meditation
1  One of the most interesting portions of Chapter 5 deals with Freud and his interpretation of dreams  Here is your chance to be Freud  Briefly describe one of your dreams and then do a Freudian interpretation of your dream  Make sure to include the following aspects:
1  Brief Description of the Dream
2  Manifest Content of the Dream
3  Latent Content of the Dream
4  What is your impression of the dream? Why is dream analysis controversial?
2  In addition to dreams, the text also introduced meditation  The practice, although an ancient exercise, is recently gaining rise in popularity and acceptance in the United States  Scientific research is growing supporting the profound benefits of meditation on stress reduction and wellness  Search online, or other source, for a description or example of a short ‘beginners’ meditation  Practice the meditation for at least three days  Describe the meditation and journal your experience  For example: Was it frustrating? Relaxing? Easy? Difficult? What potential benefits does meditation have in your life? Why meditation is not more widely utilized among Americans as part of their wellness routine?
Present your responses to1  and2  in a document that is at least two pages in length  Incorporate APA formatting and references
Respond to the prompt below  Follow APA guidelines and include a title page, citations, and references  Please utilize LIRN to help you get started with your search  You may visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
Choose three concepts from Module 3 that you have found most interesting  Your submission must be at least 2 pages in length  Complete the following:
1  Describe each concept
2  Explain the application each has to modern psychology or ‘real life ’
A client goes to a psychotherapist seeking help for an incapacitating phobia toward almost all members of the opposite sex  Describe what the therapeutic approach might be like if the therapist is a:
1  psychoanalyst
2  client-centered therapist
3  behavior therapist
4  Gestalt therapist
5  cognitive therapist
Complete the assignment in a 2 to 3 page document, including at least two references  Please utilize LIRN to help you get started with your search  You may visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
Respond to the prompt below  Follow APA guidelines and include a title page, citations, and references  Please utilize LIRN to help you get started with your search  You may visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
Review each module of the course and choose four concepts from each module that you view as most important, then complete the following
1  Define and explain why you view each concept as important
2  Explain and provide an example illustrating each concept applied in ‘real life ’
3  Discuss and evaluate the strengths and weakness associate with each concept as it relates (or does not relate) to the life of an average American adult
Be sure to provide support for your assertions  Your submission must be at least 5 pages in length  Include at least four references
This activity will help you to better understand how people use defense mechanisms on a daily basis as a coping strategy  Define the following defense mechanisms and provide examples of how you or someone you know has used each of these in the recent past
1.     Displacement
2.     Sublimation
3.     Project Reaction Formation
4.     Regression
5.     Rationalization
6.     Repression
7.     Denial
8.     Intellectualization
Respond to the prompt below  Follow APA guidelines and include a title page, citations, and references  Please utilize LIRN to help you get started with your search  You may visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully
Choose three concepts from Module 7 that you have found most interesting  Your submission must be at least 2 pages in length  Complete the following:
1  Describe each concept
2  Explain the application each has to modern psychology or ‘real life ’
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