#Frank Winterstein
gatutor · 1 year
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Elke Sommer-Robert Stack "Los corrompidos" (Die hölle von Macao) 1967, de James Hill, Frank Winterstein.
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sala66 · 6 years
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Los Corrompidos (Die Hölle von Macao), de Frank Winterstein, 1967
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the-penny-dreadfuls · 6 years
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Appearances can be deceiving. At first glance Elizabeth Duncan looks like any other kindly grandmother. However, she was the conniving master mind behind the brutal murder of Olga Duncan, her daughter-in-law. Olga, who was seven months pregnant at the time, vanished without a trace in November of 1958. The story of the missing, pretty mother-to-be quickly gripped headlines. What came next was a tale far more harrowing and bizarre than both investigators and the public could have imagined.
Elizabeth Duncan had an unruly appetite for men. She had up to eight husbands, and was always looking for a new relationship to slide into. Even when she was in the courtoom, waiting for her fate to be decided, Elizabeth was trying to flirt with officers. The relationship she had with her son, Frank, would be categorized as obsessive. Some would call it unnatural, as it was believed that Frank and Elizabeth were involved in an incestuous relationship. Out of her five children Elizabeth openly admitted that Frank was her favorite, and did everything she could to make sure he would never leave her. At one point she had tried to commit suicide in an attempt to guilt her son into staying with her. This, however, would prove to be a disastrous mistake. While paying a visit to the hospital, Frank met the young and beautiful nurse named Olga Kupczyk, who was tending to his recovering mother. Frank was smitten.
Although the young couple did marry, they rarely lived together. Frank had yet to fully break away from his mother’s grip. Instead, he bounced between her house and the apartment Olga was living at. They tried to keep Olga’s current residence hidden from Elizabeth, as the new bride already had to move several times because of her mother-in-law’s constant threats. The tumultuous relationship between the two women was well known. In letters exchanged with her family and friends, Olga wrote about her struggles with her controlling mother-in-law. The situation had become so bad that Elizabeth was even threatening Olga’s life. Elizabeth herself was open about her contempt towards the young woman. At one point she told the manager of the apartment complex where Olga was living that she would “kill her, if it’s the last thing I do.”
Police uncovered a peculiar piece of evidence while investigating Olga Duncan’s disappearance. They had uncovered a document stating that the couple’s marriage had recently been annulled. When asked about this, Frank told investigators he had no idea what they were talking about. They would discover that Elizabeth had hired a twenty-five year old man named Ralph Winterstein to pose as her son in court and secure the annulment. Elizabeth was arrested and charged with forgery and falsifying a legal document. Frank stood by her in court. They entered the courtroom, walking hand in hand. His devotion to his mother would not allow him to even consider she had anything to do with his wife’s disappearance, or at least not anything sinister. Frank believed that Elizabeth had been roped into some seedy business and was being blackmailed with the disappearance of her daughter-in-law. He told investigators about a suspicious moment he shared with his mother when Elizabeth was frantically writing a check. She told her son that she was being blackmailed. This would lead police to twenty-five year old Augustine Baldonado and Luis Moya, aged twenty-two.
Nearly a month after Olga was last seen, Baldonado made his confession and lead police to the missing woman’s body. He, along with Moya, had been hired by Elizabeth Duncan to kill her daughter-in-law. They would be paid $3,000 for the deed. Moya lured Olga from her home at 11:00 P.M. night after he knocked on her door and told her that her husband was outside, drunk and needing help to get back inside. The mother-to-be followed Moya out to the car where he then struck her on the back of her head with his pistol. Then Baldonado, who was posing as Frank, pulled her into the car. Olga was stunned, but she was not ready to go down without a fight. With both hers and her child’s life at stake, she fought back against her assailants, kicking and screaming wildly in attempt to break free. The two men would have to beat her into unconsciousness for Olga to finally go quiet. They bound her hands together, and then drove off to a remote area in Carpinteria, California. When they reached their final destination, Baldonado and Moya continued their savage beatings. Each took a turn at trying to strangle Olga as well. When they believed she had died, the men then dug a shallow grave using only their hands. Neither the strangulation nor the beatings would be what killed ultimately killed Olga. Dirt within her lungs showed that the pregnant woman was still alive when she was placed in her grave by a drainage ditch. In the end Olga Duncan died of suffocation. She was thirty years old.
Elizabeth Duncan, Augustine Baldonado, and Luis Moya were charged with the murder of Olga Duncan. All three would plead not guilty by reasons of insanity. These claims would be proven false by professionals. Each defendant was found guilty and were sentenced to death. Despite all of the evidence pointing to Elizabeth’s guilt, Frank Duncan stood by his mother until the bitter end. He fought for her freedom up until the day she was to be executed. On August 8th, 1982 Elizabeth Duncan was sent to a gas chamber for her execution. As she was being lead in, Elizabeth looked around and noticed that her devoted son was not there to witness her final moments. Her last recorded words were, “Where’s Frank?”
Photos: Elizabeth Duncan in court (Top) Olga Duncan (Bottom Left) Frank and Elizabeth Duncan during her trial (Bottom Right)
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/sentencing-their-dog-to-death-how-the-anti-vax-movement-spread-to-pets-society/
'Sentencing their dog to death': how the anti-vax movement spread to pets | Society
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Sam Kovac can’t say for sure what prompted it, but in the past few weeks the Sydney veterinarian has been faced with the same alarming, beguiling question over and over: “Will this vaccination give my dog autism?”
“It’s actually ridiculous. I mean you hear chatter over the years, but just in these last few weeks it’s really, really ramped up,” he tells Guardian Australia.
“Most of the time people are OK, they’re not staunchly against it once you tell them the science and the statistics [but] we have had people walk out in hysteria, saying that there is absolutely no way their dog is getting [vaccinated] because they believe it causes auto-immune diseases or, specifically, autism.”
Kovac is so perturbed by the trend that he felt moved to speak out about it in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph this week, saying he didn’t believe anti-vaxxers deserved to have animals as pets if they were willing to put them at risk of diseases such as canine parvovirus.
“They are sentencing their dog to death from one of the most shocking, horrible viruses you can imagine,” he says.
“If a disease as contagious, as horrific and with a high mortality rate as parvovirus existed for humans, this conversation would be so different.”
Vaccinations do not cause autism in dogs or humans. But there is an important distinction: there is no such thing as autism in dogs.
“Well, there are certainly no recorded cases of animals with the condition that I know of,” Kovac says. “And there is no diagnostic test to check for it in dogs or cats anyway.”
The amplification of the anti-vaccination movement in online communities and its association with the rise of populism and anti-establishment politics has been well documented.
This year the World Health Organisation included “vaccine hesitancy” among its 10 biggest threats to global health, pointing to a 30% increase in the number of cases of measles worldwide and a “resurgence” of the disease in countries that were close to eliminating it.
In March, the head of Britain’s National Health Service, Simon Stevens, blamed “fake news” by “vaccination deniers” on social media for a tripling in measles cases in the UK in 2018. In December a Guardian investigation pointed to the way populist rightwing politicians in Europe and the US were capitalising on the mistrust of vaccine science.
In 2015 Donald Trump wrongly linked vaccination schedules to autism in a debate during the Republican primaries, while in Australia One Nation leader Pauline Hanson was forced to apologise in 2017 after she asserted that the government’s vaccination policies amounted to blackmail.
But are our four-legged friends really the latest front in the anti-vaccination movement’s war?
Naomi Smith, a sociologist from the Federation University in Victoria, has published research mapping out the anti-vaccination movement’s presence on social media by trawling through hundreds of thousands of posts and comments on popular anti-vaccination Facebook pages.
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A dog in India receives a vaccination. Photograph: Noah Seelam/AFP/Getty Images
The anti-vaccination movement was not born with social media, but Smith’s research highlights the role social media plays in fostering and amplifying its conspiracy theories.
Did they talk about dogs, though?
“Well, no, they didn’t, but what was really interesting is that after we published I got emails from vets saying we have seen this in our space too,” she tells Guardian Australia.
“So it didn’t come up in our data but it’s definitely something I’ve heard about since, because people have approached me about it.”
Most concerning was an email from an equine veterinarian in Queensland, who told Smith he continually faced reluctance from anti-vaxxers opposed to the Hendra virus vaccine.
The Hendra vaccine is not without critics – last year horse owners from New South Wales and Queensland launched a class action against the pharmaceutical company responsible for developing it, claiming it did not provide adequate warnings about potential side effects. But Paula Parker, the president of the Australian Veterinary Association, believes much of the opposition to the virus is based on “bad-faith” arguments.
“There are unfortunately some people making bad-faith arguments about Hendra, and some who get into internet rabbit holes and come out misinformed, it’s heartbreaking to us because it’s an amazing vaccine for a disease which is life-threatening to horses and humans,” Parker says.
She too is aware of a broader reluctance among a small number of pet owners to vaccinate, and sees a link with the flourishing market for “holistic” animal care, which she says “anecdotally seem to breed some reluctance to vaccinations or other conventional treatments”.
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A horse on a property in Queensland is given the Hendra virus vaccination. The fatal disease is also a threat to humans. Photograph: Dan Peled/AAP
“There are some complementary therapies like acupuncture which are helpful adjuncts to conventional medicine, [but] the difficult part with homeopathy is there is no regulation in that space,” she says.
“Most of them don’t cause harm, they’re just not effective, but the biggest worry is that pet owners seek out that kind of care and delay a diagnosis and required treatment.”
For Smith, too, there is a clear link between the so-called wellness industry and the spread of anti-vaccination messaging.
“What’s super interesting about the wellness movement, or industry, is that anyone can talk about it, you don’t have to have any kind of credentials, and it seems to be that those conversations naturally lead to a suspicion of established bio-medical practices,” she says.
Smith points to the example of Taylor Winterstein, wife of the Penrith Panthers NRL player Frank Winterstein, who claims vaccines cause allergies and believes parents are being “bullied” by GPs who “pressure” them to give their children vaccinations.
The Daily Telegraph reported last month that Winterstein was charging $200 for “informative” workshops, teaching other parents about her views.
Winterstein told the paper she had “never once said not to vaccinate”, but added: “Vaccines are not safe and effective for everyone, a ‘one size fits all’ schedule does not fit all bio-individual children and where there is risk there must always be choice.”
Smith is critical of that approach: “You’ve got footballers’ wives holding anti-vaccination seminars and their credentials are essentially being very good looking, which somehow means they’re speaking to some deeper truth that they understand what it is to be healthy,” she says.
“We’re very food- and diet-obsessed in this culture and people are constantly looking for advice about how to be healthy, which is fine, but that’s not all that these people are selling.”
That the anti-vaccination movement would turn its attention to animals is unsurprising to Smith.
“This attitude towards, I say this in quotation marks, ‘bodily and dietary purity’, is being translated by people into their pets because we view pets as part of the family now,” she says.
“So if you’re taking on the attitude that you’re going to keep your family, again, quote-unquote, ‘safe’, why wouldn’t you extend it to your dog too?”
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07-15 PERTH, AUSTRALIA - JULY 01: Frank Winterstein of the Sea Eagles spins out of a tackle by James Gavet and Simon Mannering of the Warriors during the round 17 NRL match between the Manly Sea ... http://dlvr.it/PVjt4Q
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compare-wp10 · 5 years
Anti-vaxxer footy WAG blames Samoa for measles outbreak | Daily
Taylor Winterstein, the Australian wife of Samoan rugby league player Frank Winterstein, is campaigning against compulsory immunisation in the Pacific Island nation.
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desperatetlmes · 5 years
NRL wag Taylor Winterstein cancels anti-vax seminars amid backlash over her bogus claims
The wife of NRL Panthers star Frank Winterstein has cancelled overseas anti-vaccination seminars amid backlash her teachings could 'wipe out the population of Samoa '. Taylor Winterstein, who proudly does not immunise her kids Ziggy and Hendrix, has ... from Google Alert - health http://bit.ly/2Q8y8cU
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hittveu · 5 years
Zu einer eindrucksvollen Präsentation des bergmännischen Brauchtums gestaltete sich die Abschlussbergparade des Sächsischen Landesverbandes der Bergmanns-, Hütten- und Knappenvereine e.V. am 23. Dezember 2018 in der Berg- und Adam-Ries-Stadt Annaberg-Buchholz. Rund 1.100 Trachtenträger boten in der Stadt ein eindrucksvolles Bild und sorgten für echtes Gänsehaut-Flair. Angeführt von Mitgliedern des Bundes- und Landesvorstandes der deutschen Bergmanns-, Hütten- und Knappenvereine, der sächsischen Landesstandarte, der gastgebenden Bergknapp- und Brüderschaft „Glück auf” Frohnau/Annaberg-Buchholz e.V. sowie dem Bergmusikkorps „Frisch Glück“ Annaberg-Buchholz e.V. bewegte sich die Bergparade vom Busbahnhof über die Wolkensteiner Straße, den Annaberger Markt zum Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater, zurück zum Markt und hinauf zur Annenkirche. Neben zahlreichen sächsischen Bergmannsvereinen beteiligten sich wiederum Gastvereine aus anderen Bergbauregionen sowie aus der Tschechischen Republik an der Parade. Den glanzvollen Schlusspunkt setzte das große Bergkonzert an der berühmten Annenkirche. Es wurde diesmal von neun Bergkapellen und etwa 300 Bergmusikern musikalisch ausgestaltet. Als prominente Gäste begrüßten der Annaberg-Buchholzer Oberbürgermeister Rolf Schmidt und der Sächsische Landesverband der Bergmanns-, Hütten- und Knappenvereine u.a. die Sächsischen Staatsminister Martin Dulig und Barbara Klepsch, Landrat Frank Vogel sowie den Oberbürgermeister der Annaberg-Buchholzer Partnerstadt Weiden, Kurt Seggewiß.
OB Rolf Schmidt: Neu auf bergmännische Werte besinnen
Angesichts der Lage im Land und in der Welt mahnte OB Rolf Schmidt in seiner Ansprache, sich wieder ganz neu auf die inneren Werte der Berglaute zu besinnen. Gegenseitige Wertschätzung, Achtung und Respekt, Vertrauen und Solidarität seien wie vor Jahrhunderten auch in der Gegenwart überlebensnotwendig. Das gelte für das Zusammenleben in den Familien genauso wie für das Miteinander in Dörfern und Städten, Regionen und Ländern sowie in der ganzen Welt. Menschliche Wärme dürfe nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit die Herzen der Menschen erreichen. Wörtlich sagte er u.a.: „Ich wünsche ich mir, dass das Licht, das in der Advents- und Weihnachtszeit Bergmänner und Engel, Pyramiden und Schwibbögen zum Leuchten bringt, weit ins Land hinaus strahlt, die Herzen der Menschen erreicht und sie positiv verändert.“
Die Besucherresonanz der Bergparade in Annaberg-Buchholz war enorm. Weit über 20.000 Gäste erlebten in diesem Jahr dieses Glanzlicht bergbaulicher Brauchtumspflege. Insgesamt war sie eine eindrucksvolle Reverenz an die erzgebirgisch-sächsische Bergbaugeschichte und -gegenwart. In Annaberg-Buchholz versteht man das als Zeichen besonderer Wertschätzung durch bergmännische Traditionsvereine und ist dafür sehr dankbar. Das MDR-Fernsehen nahm das Ereignis am 23. Dezember 2018 in Annaberg-Buchholz zum Anlass für die große Fernsehsendung „Adventszauber – Bergparaden und Lichterglanz im Erzgebirge“, die von 15.45 bis 16.55 Uhr zu sehen war.
Die Tradition der Bergparaden und Bergaufzüge im Erzgebirge ist ein fester Bestandteil sächsisch-erzgebirgischer Kultur. Im Jahr 2016 wurden die sächsischen Bergparaden durch die Kultusministerkonferenz in das Verzeichnis des immateriellen Kulturerbes in Deutschland aufgenommen. Träger der Bergparaden ist im Freistaat der Sächsische Landesverband im Bund deutscher Bergmanns-, Hütten- und Knappenvereine e.V..
Reverenz an Silberstadt – lebendige Traditionspflege – aktiver Bergbau
In der Berg- und Adam-Ries-Stadt Annaberg-Buchholz ist der Atem einer über fünfhundertjährigen Bergbaugeschichte noch heute in vielfältiger Weise spürbar. Lebendige Brauchtums- und Traditionspflege prägt das städtische und kulturelle Leben. Als wahrscheinlich einzige Stadt in Deutschland besteht in Annaberg-Buchholz die Chance, gleich in vier bedeutende Gruben des 16. Jahrhunderts einzufahren. Heute werden sie als Besucherbergwerke von drei engagierten Vereinen und der Stadt betrieben. Der „Dorotheastolln” stellt die ertragreichste, der „Markus-Röhling-Stolln” die tiefste und die Grube „St. Briccius“ die älteste Fundstätte des Annaberger Grubenreviers dar. Das Besucherbergwerk „Im Gößner”  lädt mitten in der historischen Altstadt, im Hof des Erzgebirgsmuseums dazu ein, zu den bergbaulichen und monetären Wurzeln der Stadt vorzudringen.
Die St. Annenkirche birgt mit dem berühmten Bergaltar von Hans Hesse (1521) die früheste Darstellung der Technologie des Silberbergbaus in Sachsen und der Frohnauer Hammer – einst städtische Münze und Bergschmiede – repräsentiert das erste technische Denkmal der Bergbau- und Industriegeschichte in Sachsen. In der „Schatzkammer der Rechenkunst“, kann die Wirkungsstätte des berühmten Bergbeamten und Rechenmeisters Adam Ries in Augenschein genommen werden, der von 1522/23 bis zu seinem Tod 1559 in Annaberg wirkte.
Die Bergkirche St. Marien im Annaberger Stadtzentrum ist die einzige knappschaftliche Sonderkirche Sachsens. Von 1502 bis 1511 wurde ihr Bau ausschließlich mit Geldern der Bergknappschaft finanziert. Bis ins 19. Jahrhundert bezahlte die Knappschaft ihre Bergprediger selbst. Heute beherbergt die Kirche das berühmte Holzkunstwerk „Bergmännische Krippe“ mit 32 meisterhaft geschnitzten Großfiguren.
Die Manufaktur der Träume lädt dazu ein, bergmännische Kultur kennen zu lernen. Die Bergparade August des Starken von 1719 im Miniaturformat, Buckel- und Flaschenbergwerke, zahlreiche geschnitzte Bergleute, Miniaturbergwerke sowie ein Kastenbergwerk mit dem Motiv des berühmten Annaberger Bergaltars zeigen in vielfältiger Weise erzgebirgisch-sächsische Bergbau- und Volkskunstgeschichte.
Darüber hinaus gibt es mit der Bergknapp- und Brüderschaft „Glück auf” Frohnau e.V., dem Bergmusikkorps „Frisch Glück“ Annaberg-Buchholz/Frohnau e.V., sowie den Vereinen „Altbergbau Markus-Röhling-Stolln Frohnau e.V., „IG Altbergbau Dorothea Stollen Himmlisch Heer e.V.“ und der „Gewerkschaft St. Briccius e.V.“ aktive Interessengemeinschaften, die sich die bergmännische Traditionspflege und die Bewahrung bergmännischer Sachzeugen auf die Fahne geschrieben haben.
Im Jahr 2013 begann erneut der aktive Bergbau im Erzgebirge. Südlich von Annaberg-Buchholz, in Niederschlag bei Bärenstein, werden Fluss- bzw. Schwerspat abgebaut, begehrte Rohstoffe in der Bohr- und Röntgentechnik, für Teflon und Gore-Tex sowie die Automobilindustrie. Hauer und Steiger werden künftig nicht mehr nur als Mitglieder von Bergparaden zu sehen sein, sondern für die Arbeit unter Tage ganz konkret benötigt. Geschätzte drei Millionen Tonnen Spat liegen in Niederschlag, Arbeit für etwa 30 Jahre. Außerdem werden gegenwärtig im Erzgebirge mehrere Lagerstätten für andere Minerale, Erze und Metalle erkundet.
Quelle: Stadt Annaberg-Buchholz, Matthias Förster
Lebendige Bergmannstradition in Annaberg-Buchholz Eindrucksvolle Abschlussbergparade im Advent am 23. Dezember 2018 Zu einer eindrucksvollen Präsentation des bergmännischen Brauchtums gestaltete sich die Abschlussbergparade des Sächsischen Landesverbandes der Bergmanns-, Hütten- und Knappenvereine e.V.
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theseaeaglelives · 6 years
Round 20
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Thankfully, the Sea Eagle has been away  for the past 3 weeks and has missed recent debacles. Notwithstanding, as only he can the Sea Eagle reports as follows.
Manly Sea Eagles    13
Defeated by.
FWRCL Storm     14
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Manly dominated this match for most of it but as has been the case in most tight games this year ultimately succumbed to the despised arch enemy. Prevailing in close matches is an artform one which Bellamy coached teams excel and unfortunately for Manly, Barrett coached teams are left wanting.
The effort was certainly there but at the end of the day this counts for nothing if you don’t get the chocolates.
Manly Sea Eagles    24
Humiliated by.
Sydney Roosters     56
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This was a debacle of the highest order, and thankfully the Sea Eagle was not around to see it. Not surprisingly, trailing 34-0 at half time the Manly team were booed off by the small but enthusiastic local crowd. Exacerbating the humiliation was the fact that this game was played in front of Manly old boys and one can only imagine what the likes of Randall, Krillich, Eadie etc were thinking when having to watch first hand the dribble offered up to them in this fixture. Again, not surprising it is understood that a public apology was issued by Coach Barrett at the post-match function.
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After the loss, Coach Barrett was reported to say that it was like men playing boys. Seriously, Manly have 3 current State of Origin players (Bros Trbojevic and Cherry Baby), NZ rep enforcer Marty Taupau and the usual offering of 100kg plus Polynesian boppers. This is the NRL and no excuses are accepted. If you want to see men play boys go to your local park and watch an under 12 game where 80kg Polynesians run rampant over their unfortunate (non-polynesian) 40kg opponents
Manly Sea Eagles    24
Defeated by.
Penrith Panthers      28
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The great Vince Lombardi (NFL equivalent of Jack Gibson) once said “Winning is a habit – unfortunately so is losing” For this Manly team the later is true, so true. Manly dominated this game and had the Panthers on toast leading 24-6 with only 15 minutes to play. As it panned out Manly lost the unlosable as the Panthers racked up 22 unanswered points in 7 minutes to put Manly to the sword.
According to NRL statisticians this is the biggest comeback (with so little time remaining) in 110 years of rugby league, another unwanted record for this current hapless Manly outfit. The loss also marks the 6th loss at home this year for Manly, with Lottoland (formerly Brookvale) now more a sand castle than a fortress.
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After this loss, a few things need to be said.
Firstly, the statements of the Coach Trent Barret as reported in the Sunday Telegraph. His use of the words to the effect of “they worked their backsides off” and “they didn’t deserve to lose that” are troubling.
It is a Super Coach Jack Gibson truism that coaches never should use the word “they” when referring to the team. The only word is “we”.  The word “They” suggests the coach does not see himself as part of the team. It is particularly bad when the term is used after a humiliating loss, as occurred in this fixture.
Next, there is the issue of star player Jake Trbojevic earlier in the week, suggesting the blame on Manly’s current woes, should not be directed to the coach. Of course, it is admirable that this fine player and local junior would support the coach. It truly shows his acceptance of the concept the that the coach and the team are in it together. Regrettably though, the fact remains that Coach Barrett:
- has never won a premiership;
- was a very large part of some of the greatest St George chokes in the early 2st century;
- has now presided over a Manly side that is threatening to get it first ever wooden spoon in its entire proud history; and
- has now been the first coach to lose 6 successive home games since the club’s inaugural year in 1947 (a year bearing in mind that Manly DID NOT GET THE SPOON).
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It is remarkable Coach Barrett was re-signed last year (or in-fact signed in the first place). It is even more remarkable he has lasted as long as he has this year.
The Sea Eagle lays the blame for this entre debacle squarely at Coach Barrett’s feet. He is the head man. He wears the responsibility for all of it.
Then of course, we had this week’s player revelations that they were going to have a good old-fashioned honesty session to talk about what is what. Given Manly gave up an 18-point lead with 13 minutes to go, it is fairly clear that strategy did no work very well.
With this in mind the Sea Eagle has decided to have his own player honesty session, with all 17 who took the field in this fixture.
Tom Trbojevic
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: You are a fine player, proven at origin level and a local junior. Every time you go up in class you rise to the occasion. The Sea Eagle apologises to you on behalf of all Manly fans that you are forced to play with this rabble week in week out.
Jorge Taufua
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Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: Mate give it away. You are too slow for the wing, weak under the high ball, lack any sort of athletic ability required of the modern-day winger, and for whatever reason, no one has decided to put your bulky frame into the forwards. Your services are no longer required.
Moses Suli
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: You may be a first grader one day. But not now. It’s not your fault, but there it is. You should be in reserve grade.
Brian Kelly
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: You are becoming a first grader. But the jibberers around you are not helping your cause. You should be retained but only by the skin of your teeth.
Brad Parker
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: You are not a first grader. Your services are no longer required.
Dylan Walker
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: You are premiership winner, which in this team is in short supply. That is the only reason you should be retained. You need to lift your game. The Sea Eagle accepts you should be in the centres, but poor player retention by the Coach in not having a regular and qualified 5/8 has seen you not play in your preferred position.
Daly Cherry-Evans (c)
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Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: Your CV is rolled gold and is unrivalled apart from the immortals. Premiership winner. Clive Churchill medallist in 2013 from a losing team. Origin player for Queensland and arguably man of the match in game 3 for 2018. The most expensive player in the team, and one of the most expensive in the NRL. Contract negation is your ultimate skill. As there is 5 years to go on your current deal, and given it is unlikely any other club would pay more then $200k a year to take you on, Manly have no choice than to keep you. Your ability is undoubted, particularly in the big games where you always perform, but you cannot be the main man. You need talent around you to shine.
Addin Fonua-Blake
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: Your contract should be terminated.
Manase Fainu
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment:  You may be a first grader one day. But not now. It’s not your fault, but there it is. You should be in reserve grade
Taniela Pasaka
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment:  You may be a first grader one day. But not now. It’s not your fault, but there it is. You should be in reserve grade.
Joel Thompson
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: Your contract should be terminated. If you were ever to going to shine, you would have done so by now.
  Shaun Lane
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: Your contract should be terminated. If you were ever to going to shine, you would have done so by now. Thankfully you are off to the Eels next year – good luck!!
  Jake Trbojevic
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment:  You are a fine player, proven at Origin level and a local junior. Every time you go up in class you rise to the occasion. The Sea Eagle apologies to you on behalf of all Manly fans that you are forced to play with this rabble week in week out.
Martin Taupau,
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: Your contract should be terminated. You are far too inconsistent. Your best is good. But there are too many times when you are not there when needed.
Trent Hodkinson,
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: You are no longer up to first grade standard and your contract should be terminated. Your time has come and gone. At least you started at Origin and won a series for NSW. Be happy with that.
Kelepi Tanginoa,
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: You are not up to first grade standard and your contract should be terminated.
Frank Winterstein
Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: You are not up to first grade standard and your contract should be terminated.
 Coach Trent Barrett:
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Sea Eagle Honesty Session Comment: Your contract should be terminated. It should never have been extended in the first place (or initially signed). You may be a good bloke and a good coach at another club, but you are not a Manly man and have no place at this club.
You have managed to eliminate all Manly influences from the football staff, and most of the team, and look where the team is at now.
If Manly get the spoon, such a shameful event will or should require you to stand in the centre of Brookvale Oval and answer each and every question from the fans as to why it occurred. You should also be handed a wooden spoon yourself, to commemorate the occasion.
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Refer above
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gatutor · 3 years
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Elke Sommer-Robert Stack "Los corrompidos" (Die hölle von Macao) 1967, de James Hill, Frank Winterstein.
26 notes · View notes
gatutor · 3 years
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Wolfgang Lukschy-Senta Berger "Sherlock Holmes y el collar de la muerte" (Sherlock Holmes und das Halsband des Todes) 1962, de Terence Fisher, Frank Winterstein.
11 notes · View notes
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12-25 CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 11: Frank Winterstein of Samoa is tackled by Oscar Thomas of Scotland during the 2017 Rugby League World Cup match between Samoa and Scotland at Barlow Park on ... http://dlvr.it/Q7ZWhT
0 notes
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12-24 CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 11: Frank Winterstein of Samoa is tackled by Oscar Thomas of Scotland during the 2017 Rugby League World Cup match between Samoa and Scotland at Barlow Park on ... http://dlvr.it/Q7Sm6J
0 notes
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12-22 CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 11: Frank Winterstein of Samoa is tackled by Oscar Thomas of Scotland during the 2017 Rugby League World Cup match between Samoa and Scotland at Barlow Park on ... http://dlvr.it/Q7CQ2F
0 notes
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12-17 CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 11: Frank Winterstein of Samoa is tackled by Oscar Thomas of Scotland during the 2017 Rugby League World Cup match between Samoa and Scotland at Barlow Park on ... http://dlvr.it/Q6JvwN
0 notes