#Frankie's Casual Pixel Shack
frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Another Casual Pixel Shack done! Here is the roundup of all entries I could find so far. We worked with screenshots from the strange NES gem Monster Party!
Here is the sprite sheet I provided, from the very memorable middle point of the first level!
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The idea was to either edit either of these, redraw them, or do something else!
For my part, I decided to try animating a proper spooky transition between the two states of the graphics. Then of course I made the spooky version a little bit spookier!
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(just imagine the tree is screaming and never stops) I cheated quite a bit with colors here, but it was fun to draw a real meaty texture like that.
Whooops! Spooky! More of the entries are after the jump:
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Jacob J. Ritz (@UltraJDude) redrew the scene with a style inspired of Zdzisław Beksiński! We were just talking about his work on stream too, for an unrelated reason, and bam, he shows up and posts this! We got Beksinski on the mind... I suppose we<’re in a Beksinski kind of time.
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Axolotine (@AxolotineArt) made a really nice redraw here, the new tiles are very sleek, with those nice white highlights. Love that style. Makes me want to play the game! And the face is legit spooky, too!
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Lurdiak’s (@tweeterisawful) entry is EXTREMELY CURSED. Instead of a bloody nightmare world, the level transforms into the much more horrifying world of Online. Horrifying.
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Gabriel Harju (@Gabriel_Harju) has zeroed in on what everybody was thinking but was TOO AFRAID to SAY: that tree sure god dang looks a bit like that one cactus enemy from them final fantasies that does that one attack that deals 1000 dmg, huh! Well there you go, now its on the table.
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And finally, Scarodactyl (@Scarodactyl) has made a real nice and fluid animation inspired by one of the games’ many bosses, the one where you need to just wait and watch it do the whole dance to win the fight. Did I mention Monster Party is good? Folks, its good.
And that’s it for this weeks roundup! Next week, we’ll be working with art assets from Heroes Of The Lance for the NES. A really janky D&D-ish side scrolling game that looks absolutely awful! Feelin inspired yet?
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Here we are! Pixel Shack Roundup!
We ended the Castlevania 3 Pixel Shacks with the dracula battle! I had some fun with dracula’s second form.
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Took just 3 hours! Though its really messy.
More entries after the jump!
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Gharju drew Dracula mid bat transformation!
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UltraJDude drew a giant megadracula!
Here is another roundup for the previous week! The level was the Outer Wall area. 
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I had some fun with the big waterfall room!
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Gharju drew a big weird naked man!
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Gozuforce drew a bathhouse!
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Here is the casual pixel shack roundup for Earthbound!
This was the spritesheet we used:
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A big collection of earthbound monsters!
Here was my own entry, the Romanticore:
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Very suave!
More entries are after the jump:
Gabriel Harju has made several entries! Here they are:
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This one is based on the Territorial Oak, Bad Buffalo and Master Belch.
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This one is from the Ego Orbs and Territorial Oak. 
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And this one was made from only backgrounds!
LandsharkRAWR made these two, a shifty looking fish and a jolly parrot:
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And finally, Jacob J Ritz made this abomination inspired of Deltarune Chapter 2!
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Here are this weeks' entries to the Casual Pixel Shack! We worked with classic NES gem The Guardian Legend, a really interesting combining both dungeon exploration and scrolling shooter segments.
Here is the spritesheet we used:
My entry was this, I played around with tiles some more, it was a lot of fun!
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More entries are after the jump:
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LandsharkRawr modified the skull boss into an undead dragon monster!
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Gabriel Harju transformed the scene into an underwater one by playing with the palette, and added conic shell for the player to investigate!
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Jacob J. Ritz transformed The Guardian Legend into The Midnight Station !
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And Scarodactyl has animated the monsters eyes into something real gnarly! Or perhaps something looking around with boundless child-like curiosity and wonder.
Thanks to everyone who participated! Next week, we will work with a screenshot from Wizardry 6!
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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It’s time for the Casual Pixel Shack roundup!
The game this weekend was Heroes of the Lance for the NES! 
Here was the spritesheet, as a reminder. We could either focus on portraits or on the game screen, whichever inspired you the most!
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Here was my entry:
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I made a portrait for the troll enemy in the game. This time I followed the NES restrictions much more closely. 3 colors + black for each 16x16 tile, and 4 color sets maximum. Was tricky, but a lot of fun!
More entries are after the jump!
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Here was Jacob J. Ritz’s entry, He drew a scene from a one-shot tabletop game campaign in the style of the game!
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LandsharkRAWR drew Rees, one of his characters from a D&D game I ran a while back!
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Boxhead redrew the screenshot in a more goofy, cartoony style!
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June Flower drew a scene inspired of the games first screen, in a new style and with all-new characters!
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And finally, Gharju drew a new portrait image, with this odd floating-torso man holding a chain!
Thanks to everyone who took part. Next week, I will be posting the spritesheet on Friday night, and I will stream my entry on Saturday.
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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The next Pixel Shack is upon us! Today, we will be playing around with monster sprites from the original Final Fantasy on the NES!
Everyone is welcome, all skill levels! You can edit a monster, make a collage from other parts, redraw one of them in your style, or maybe try to draw a new one, mimicking the games’ own style. It’s all good!
You can follow the games palette limitations if you like, but you don’t have to! I do recommend trying that though, its a lot of fun.
Here is the sprite sheet you can use. I put together a bunch of sample monsters from the game. Feel free to pilfer parts from them, or just use them as style inspiration, or maybe even a starting point to edit into a monster of your own. I also added various battle backgrounds and player character sprites if you want to customize the whole screen a bit more:
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(Tumblr might crush this image down to a blurry mess. if so, get the file from this link below instead:)
Tonight at 8pm EST, I will be broadcasting my own entries on twitch here:  https://www.twitch.tv/frankiepixelshow
I think I will be redrawing the four fiends in my own style, but sticking to the games’ color restrictions ( 3 colors + black per 8x8 tile ). I might even animate them maybe, who knows? I had a lot of fun with those restrictions last week for the Sweet Home pixel shack:
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I will be making a little roundup post collecting all entries I can find by monday night. Have fun!
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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This weekends’ Casual Pixel Shack is with EARTHBOUND!
Here is the sprite sheet:
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If tumblr messes up the image, get it on imgur here:  https://imgur.com/gallery/ri9AUDH
Draw a new Earthbound monster, or maybe remix an existing one, combine a few monsters together.... make it your own! 
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Here is the roundup for the pixel shack! This week, we worked with a screenshot from Deltarune chapter 1!
Here was the starting screenshot:
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Here was my entry!
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A simple redraw, with the characters a bit bigger. Was fun!
More entries after the jump.
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Catboyking also redrew the scene, but with only Kris and Ralsei! Love those detailed trees!
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LandsharkRawr added a large character, and gave both Ralsei and Suzie a class change! I love little knight Ralsei.
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Sleepyburr made some edits of other game assets to rebuild the scene!
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And Gharju redrew the cast as a trio of ne’er-do-wells!
Thanks for everyone who participated!
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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For october, every weekend for the Casual Pixel Shack, we will be working with my favorite NES game, CASTLEVANIA 3: DRACULA's CURSE! It’s no #CasualPixelShack - no... its a SPOOKY PIXEL CASTLE!
Here is the first sprite sheet, screens from the first level, the village of Wallachia.
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If tumblr messes it up, here is the imgur link: https://imgur.com/gallery/vK4JALk
Pick a screen, then you may edit, transform, redraw or re-imagine it. Make it your own! I will work on my own entry on Twitch sunday night. I will compile entries I can find monday!
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Here is the roundup of last weekend’s Casual Pixel Shack! The game was A Nightmare On Elm Street for the NES! I provided this set of screenshots and assets for people to edit or redraw:
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And here is my own entry!
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I remade one of the houses into a spooky nightmare freddy version! Didnt have as much time for it this weekend, so its a bit sketchy, but it was still a lot of fun.
The other entries are after the jump:
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Gharju also went for a Nightmare Freddy idea! He drew this before mine, too! That is a pretty good pixel freddy face there.
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Gozuforce made a custom spooky building partially from sections of the others, and there is a ghostly figure at the entrance, too!
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Scarodactyl treats us to another dancing animation, but this time a whole house joins in.
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Jacob J. Ritz was inspired by Scarodactyl’s entry and added more characters to the shot! This is our first collab entry to a pixel shack, I think! Woa Woa!
Thanks to everyone who participated!
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Here comes the third spritesheet for the Castlevania 3 event for october!
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It is based on the Outer Walls level, one of the largest ones in the game! I cut up various rooms down to their minimum to show off all the tiles I can.
Heres the imgur link in case the image above is blurry:
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Time for another Casual Pixel Shack roundup!
To start, here is the spritesheet we used:
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We had four possible screenshots to use.
Here is my entry:
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I tweaked Screenshot C and added in a big demon! I think I captured the Demon vibe from those games with it. I followed the NES palette restrictions on the demon itself, but the screen as a whole has too many color palettes to work. Was a lot of fun though!
More entries after the jump.
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Gharju added a treehouse to the first screenshot, and a bird too.
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He also drew this mossy two-headed skeleton onto Screenshot 3!
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Gozuforce made some edits to screenshot 4, making the player into a skeleton and adding a monster.
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LandsharkRawr worked from the same base sprite, but added a very different monster, a gargoyle creature! Very detailed, I like the colors on the metallic parts.
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Jacob J. Ritz redrew Screenshot 2 in a completely different style, imagining a 2-player coop platformer with muscle dudes exploring a pyramid.
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And Jujumagicdude made this wide mockup tying together screenshots 2 and 4, adding a demonic boss monster at the end.
Thank you for everyone who participated!
Scarodactyl has also submitted an entry for last week’s pixel shack for Heroes of the Lance:
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With some really fun dancin between a dwarf and a troll. Smooth....
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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This week’s Casual Pixel Shack is with A Nightmare On Elm Street for the NES!  All skill levels welcome! Take one of the screenshots or assets below and edit, tweak, redraw or reimagine it, make it your own!
Here is the sprite sheet:
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If Tumblr messes up the image, get it here: https://imgur.com/gallery/tzGMtyZ
I really like the look of the houses in this game, theyre the most striking image. I will probably be working from one of them for my own entry.
Good luck! I will be streaming my entry on Saturday night at 7pm EST, check the twitch channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/frankiepixelshow 
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Time for the Pixel Castle roundup! The first week of Castlevania 3 October, where we used assets from the first level, The Village of Wallachia!
Here was the spritesheet we used:
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And here was my entry:
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I mocked up a location from segments of the screenshots, added a lot of tweaks, then made my own version of Trevor Belmont and added a demon enemy!
More entries after the jump!
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Landshark made this entry, added some spooky scarecrows and a gargoyle to the first screen, and a big spooky demon silhouette in the back.
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Gharju made a skeleton gardener working at a graveyard, along with a little groundskeepers shack.
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And JMan  still has deltarune on the mind, added Kris and Suzy to the boss fight against the Skeleton King!
Thanks to everyone who took part so far, we will be working with another level next week!
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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This week's CASUAL PIXEL SHACK is upon us! Tonight, we are working with classic NES gem, The Guardian Legend! Here is tonight's sprite sheet:
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(If the image above is blurry, grab the file on IMGUR below:
All skill levels welcome! Remix, redraw, edit, tweak or create something from one of these three screens, or from one of the monsters, or a combination of em. You can start any time. I will stream my attempts on my twitch channel tonight at 7pm EST, tune in here: https://www.twitch.tv/frankiepixelshow
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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Here is the roundup for the Wizardry 6 Casual Pixel Shack!
The original game uses the CGA 16-color palette with no further special restrictions (as far as I know?). 
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For my entry, I animated a basilisk-like monster. I did not stick to the games art style at all, though! Only kept the color palette.
More entries are after the jump!
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LandsharkRawr drew some rat people. The idea started out as a Rat King disguised as an adventuring party, but they could only fully detail one of the rats. This gave us an idea for an encounter in Malison...
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Gabriel Harju made a rat man too, this one by editing the dragon sprite from the game with colors from the rat enemy sprite. Really stuck to the game’s own style here, this one could have been straight from the game.
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June Flower completely remade the games screen in their own style! A really thorough piece of work there, I especially like the inventory, the shiny colored font and the minimap display.
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Kilohomeboy drew a Beerholder! Fantastic. And it is convincingly fitting the games art style as well!
Zachary Klegon also submitted a few new entries for previous Pixel Shacks:
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Here is one from the Zelda 2 shack, with a church-like battle scene with stained glass windows,
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And a spooky grinning face for the Guardian Legend shack, which gives me some yume nikki vibes for some reason, maybe its the two-tone white hands?
That is it for this week, shacksters! Thanks to everyone who participated! Next week... I’m not sure yet! Maybe something from a beat-em-up game? Maybe...
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