#Friend's Event: Flayed Paladin
entitytcken-a · 2 years
🕹️Max didn’t like the fact that she could see in the one place that had taken away her ability to see. She didn’t like the fact that she was here once again, she honestly thought this was a nightmare. However she knew deep down... it wasn’t. Biting the inside of her cheek, she began to carefully make her way through- avoiding the vines and such. However what surprised her, was the fact that Mike was here. Shoving her surprise down, she began to make her way towards him.
She hissed his name quietly, trying to get his attention yet he didn’t move. Was he really ignoring her right now? Her brow furrowing as she pursed her lips, she carefully made her way towards him. Reaching out, she grabbed his arm as she came to a stop behind him. Something wasn’t right... Especially the chill that just went down her spine at how... cold Mike felt.
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wilchur · 5 months
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How many references of the same damn character can I make before I get bored?
Some design and related rambles below because I'm in A Mood
There's uhh, selfharm mentions in there on top of the typical Durge shit. Just in case anyone needs a heads up.
I keep tweaking his design every time I draw him, but I think I'm decently happy with it now? It's mainly the burn scar that has been annoying me because I both want it to unique but still somewhat fit the game texture..
I wish I knew how to mess with texture maps to make him custom ones so that all the scars in game match The Lore, but ughh learning that is way too much work.
The scar run down so far:
THE BURN SCAR is a souvenir from Cania. It covers almost the entire upper left half of his body, but on his arm it ends abruptly at the elbow because the explosion that caused it took off his whole forearm so the limb is "brand new" and therefore, scarless.
Yes, he can regrow limbs like an axolotl. However here, I think healing magic was involved too. Just because of how extensive the damage was. I'm imagining his forearm blown off and what's left of his arm charred nearly to the bone. Same with his face, his cheek was definitely gone. An absolutely terrifying image and one that's for sure seared into Gortash's brain forever.
THE VIVISECTION SCAR is Kressa's work of course, but its shape is pretty atypical for how most of the fandom does Durge's scars. The arms of the Y incision don't extend towards his shoulders and go underneath his pectorals instead. It's mostly because his organs have fuck all to do with the tadpole Kressa was studying so I headcanon those experiments to have been done purely for sexual gratification, not scientific at all. Which makes cracking open his ribcage feel like too much of a hassle to me, she can still get in there for a rummage through his stomach after all.
THE SMALL STOMACH AND CHEST SCARS are all stab wounds. I like to think they would've healed fully long ago, but Ezra subconsciously keeps that from happening because they're like mementos to him. It was... a religious/masochism thing between him and Helena. A tad messed up, but he liked her a lot okay.
THE THIGH SCARS are self inflicted. Some are cuts, some poor, frenzied attempts at flaying the skin off to maximise the pain. They start to fade and heal post tadpole because he forgot about the habit thanks to the orinbotomy, but he used to pretty much selfharm his emotions away. Sad? Pain. Affectionate? Pain. Guilty? Nothing some more pain can't fix! It started in his youth when selfharm was his only way to get some clarity of mind when the Urge started to muddy his thoughts and it escalated from there to using it for everything.
THE HAND SCAR is also of the self inflicted kind, but that one is really old. He was around 12 when he stabbed his hand out of fear that if he didn't use the knife he was given to hurt himself, he was going to cause harm to someone else. It was pretty soon after killing his foster parents so the panic was understandable, got him banned from the kitchen for years tho. The scar never faded completely because he was really weak and sickly as a kid due to not feeding the Urge, which messed with his healing abilities (amongst other things) making it stick.
THE HEART SCAR is an another old one. It's from the wound he was killed with when he transformed into the Slayer for the first time. It's symbolic and one of those scars that don't heal because he doesn't want them to. It marks the death of the person he was before Bhaal and serves as a reminder of that whole event. The paladin who killed him (a close friend and mentor actually so that's fun) ran him straight through with a sword so there's a matching scar on his back too.
Those have all pretty much always been there and the only change is the lore of the stab wound scars, though. I just felt like talking about them because I like giving those things A Story.
And since I'm already babbling, I also added some stuff!
He didn't use to have his nails painted post nautiloid, but I had the bright idea of Shadowheart seeing the remnants of chipped off nail polish and because of that offering to do them for him at some point. Probably not until act 3 when they finally reach civilization, but still!
I once mentioned in passing that he collects rings and never implemented that into his design, but here it is now! It's mostly a case of him feeling like he should wear a ring out of habit and ending up going a bit ham with it.
Old wedding band mark :) only sticks around for a bit post nautiloid and eventually disappears, but I still included it anyway for the angst. You understand.
One day I'll do a proper colour reference and decent art of his clothing to go with it, but this will do for now. I just love him so much, he can fit so much lore on him and it's driving me a bit crazy. My beloved hairy bastard man.
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thissupposedcrime · 6 years
ready for death the moment you said hello
Sometimes Matt isn’t sure who gets more perverse pleasure in watching the Garrison staff crumble apart. Keith’s a contender if they wronged Shiro, but he’s otherwise rallying the troops. Not Matt’s sister. Call it the last vestiges of youth or the vengeful streak she inherited from Mom, but nothing gives her joy like ruining Iverson’s.
pieces of a WIP companion of harder to be the one who survived 
“Permission to ask a question, Commander?” A man with the name tag Richardson requests. There’s an odd gleam in his eye, one Matt’s seen reflected in his and Katie’s, and he wishes, fervently, that it makes Iverson do the aborted full body twitch the cadets used to covet.
Debriefs about the calamity hurtling towards Earth can be entertaining if you just try hard enough. 
“Granted,” Iverson says without sparing Richardson a glance. He’s fixated on Keith in a stare-down that won’t end well. Matt doesn’t fault his focus, though. Keith is a far cagier and clever creature than the man who exploded out of the Garrison, Iverson’s blood dripping from his fist.
The last time Matt spoke with Keith, he was screaming his name over a communication system, begging him not to kamikaze himself, only for Matt to be muted and ignored. Present Keith is older, more terrifyingly competent and cool headed. Alien moms, wolves, and locating the presumed lost love of your life in the abyss of a space lion apparently foster rapid growth.
Matt is so distracted composing the dramatic screenplay of their lives that he almost misses the wonderful combination of words that slip out of Richardson.
“Why did you abscond with a cow?” Richardson asks.
It halts everything.
“What?” Lance finally offers, blinking slowly. His lips quiver.
“We didn’t?” Hunk adds. Allura’s eyes slant towards Hunk, likely frustrated his comment came out questioningly.
In fairness, he’s handling the situation with more poise than anyone in Matt’s family. Katie’s no longer slouched in her seat, now almost vibrating with energy. Lance follows her lead down to hell.
“She was a free gift for buying video games from the alien in the Area 51 store at this space mall we went to,” Katie announces with glee. Sometimes Matt isn’t sure who gets more perverse pleasure in watching the Garrison staff crumble apart. Keith’s a contender if they wronged Shiro, but he’s otherwise rallying the troops. Not Matt’s sister. Call it the last vestiges of youth or the vengeful streak she inherited from Mom, but nothing gives her joy like ruining Iverson’s.
“You got it from space?” One of Iverson’s graduate assistants shrieks across the room. Cosmo’s head picks up like he’s just heard a dog whistle. Matt hope someone else comments on that so he doesn’t have to. No one critiques the kid’s loudness, and Cosmo’s snout nudges Shiro, whose hand rubs his ears.
Let the record show Matt was not informed Shiro and Keith adopted a cool dog and is not responsible for any gifts or celebrations this prompted and he missed.
“She has a name,” Lance says, and the obviously isn’t as silent as they all would like.
“It’s Kaltenecker,” Hunk explains while Lance slides his datapad across the conference room table, selfies with the cow glowing brightly on the screen.
“She was very helpful running away from the security guard,” Katie announces, unprompted. Iverson does another twitch, and Matt watches his sister add more kindling to the fire. Mom and Dad are going to frame the transcript of this conversation. He knows it.
“What?” Allura interrupts before any Garrison staff can formulate a response. “You neglected to mention that part.” She immediately seems to regret the outburst, remembering where they are.
Matt wants to reassure her she and Coran are the closest they have to adults in the room, and then ask for her hand in marriage.
“Now Princess,” Coran starts, “it was so long ago. And we were making a strategic retreat from a Galra. Nothing to be concerned with.”
“Really Pidge?” Keith focuses on the real enemy. It’s smart.
“Why would you accept a cow?” Matt thinks Dos Santos is the one speaking, but either this conversation has aged him poorly or he’s still hungover. Possibly both. The best days are long, cruel, and rough.
“Aren’t they treasured family pets? How can you critique a rescue mission!” Coran sounds indignant, and Matt says goodbye to whatever composure he was supposed to have, touching his head upon the desk and trying desperately not to laugh.
A pained whisper of “No,” escapes Shiro. He shares a look with Keith, and both face the rest of the paladins, expressions ranging from abashed shame (Hunk) to dawning realization about the countless lies they’ve told about Earth (the other two).
“Cow’s aren’t pets,” Richardson replies, because this is where is line in the sand is, his point of no return. Matt is reminded how unprepared Earth is for a potential invasion if the only argument worth having is over a cow.
But what a way to lose the war.
Lies Hunk, Pidge, and Lance Told Their Alien Teammates That Came Back to Haunt Them
Lance is normal.
Pidge’s furry little garbage monsters are akin to religious icons back on Earth, so it is vital she be allowed to collect and house as many as possible, not just for herself but for the sake of the rest of the team.
Cows are man’s best friend and kept as pets.
Video games are located in every home and important cultural artifacts, so of course they need to dedicate their time to making them compatible to the Castle of Lions. 
Screaming at games through the night into the early morning is acceptable earthling behavior. 
Keith was born clutching a knife. In their defense, this was before both Krolia and the Blade of Marmora, events which only made the lie more plausible. 
The Galaxy Garrison anthem is a series of rhythm chants followed by two hours of silence, of which it is mandatory to attempt sleep. 
Certain humans can uninstall emotions.
Every single increasingly complex handshake. 
That time they were all exhausted from a mission but Allura wanted to run drills and they convinced Coran it was a holiday and weren’t allowed to work out. 
Of course Shiro and Keith would agree and validate their claims if they weren’t busy being hyper focused about the other accepting the role of/remaining the leader, consumed with the grief of Shiro’s disappearance, acting increasingly strange because Keith was on missions for the Blade of Marmora, or coming back from the dead. Again.
“Time,” Montgomery begins, with deserved, solemn gravity, “is meaningless.”
Richardson nods along, looking at the pictures on the desk as if they possess answers to all the world’s riddles.
No one acknowledges recent graduate and first year TA James Griffin fail to form words, despite opening his mouth repeatedly and settling for aborted stutters. The Galaxy Garrison can never claim to prioritize kindness, but no soldier willingly flays one of their own when do deeply traumatized.
Besides, James is the only one young enough to be preoccupied with Keith Kogane ‘coming back hot’ and not the potential quantum mechanics of time travel and teleportation that he embodies. No one has seen the science division in such rapture. 
Still, looking around the room and watching the ghost of their failed pasts come to haunt them once again, Mr. Harris regrets not remaining a civilian.
listen, while I’ve still got no excuse, you guys supported the last one so blame yourselves too.
frantically written before season 7 premiers and despite the spoilers we got going that already means this is jossed.
full fic coming before this new season comes to kill me
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