#Fun fact- the person who did the fake beast quote has me blocked on twt for some reason???
benetnvsch · 5 months
y know, its silly to me how much misinfo I see floating around esp regarding canon skk stuff so I wanted to just rq list some things that I've seen to have it all in one place -
"I should have taken Chuuya [from the mafia] with me" -> Not real, false memory, commonly sourced as the latest stageplay. The person who came up with this was a twt users who just misremembered what happened in the latest stage play which actually never did. They have since publicly stated that this quote isn't Actually in Canon and rather just them misremembering
"Human or not, doesn't matter to me" -> Not canon, mis/fan translation, commonly sourced from stormbringer. This was from a twitter fan translation which I believe has also? since been deleted/disclaimed by the translator as not Real/accurate
The "Chuuya and Dazai are one soul in two bodies" quote from Asagiri- Real quote, just not from Asagiri. It was said by a director working on Dead Apple
"The person I trusted as a partner and protected as a boss suddenly committed suicide without saying anything to me" -> not real, completely made up, commonly sourced from Beast Movie (often said its from credits). This one came from a mistranslation from a Very Controversial SKK account on twt who has been heavily criticized by other BSD (translation) accounts for being inaccurate and biased. Completely made up. The actual closest thing to it is a bit where Chuuya is complaining how horrible and how much he hated to work with Dazai and that he's been wanting to kill him for years and wished he was the one who killed Dazai instead of Dazai just dying on his own- a Very different vibe
Chuuya being Dazai's next in command/right hand man in Beast -> I just see this sited/used in fics A LOT. Just want to just say that in beast Atsushi is explicitly called Dazai's right hand man and there's an executive higher in command then Chuuya (not stated who but there is one more at least)
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