#Funerals Tunbridge Wells
abbeyfscouk · 1 year
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A Family-Run Funeral Directors in Hadlow - Since 1983!
Throughout our 40 years of expertise, we have prided ourselves on our ability to fulfil our customer’s funeral service requests and needs. We are a family-run funeral directors, so possess that extra level of consideration and offer a personalised package for each family. So, whether you require a funeral, cremation, or memorial service, we can help.
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upwiththegood · 2 years
9th December 2021 Christmas Luncheon
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Above a montage which hopefully includes most of the participants who attended the first Christmas Luncheon for two years. John, even though he was knee deep selling Christmas trees, managed to organise this, from booking the Inspiration Suite at the Village Hotel, checking the facilities, including disabled toilets and parking, sorting out the menu choices and organising taxis and how to get everyone there and back home.
So he needs a very large THANK YOU.
More problems occurred nearer the day as two unexpected funerals cropped up, one causing Geoff Stephens to cry off but he very helpfully found a useful replacement and then that just left the taxis to be sorted out. Job done.
Nevertheless, some 40 odd members, carers, family and friends turned up to enjoy a decent bite to eat with music laid on in a festive environment complete with decorations, crackers and trees plus our own private bar and a raffle with supposedly only a few select prizes but in fact a whole table full including one supplied by the Village Hotel. So the raffle went on forever until everything had gone. John then got up and made his customary state of the nation speech bringing us all upto date with what was happening on the home front. Mentioning the fact the Ann Bowie, Marie Shaw and Bob Sawyer were all in attendance plus Roger and Diane from the D&DS and the fact that Diane had made an excellent Christmas Hamper for the raffle
Well done Diane
Absent friends wee mentioned at length but some good news was stated about Des and Pam, the former getting care and recovering from a stay in hospital at home whilst Pam is currently in a Nursing Home in Tunbridge Wells. Hopefully we'll see then both soon.
Kathy then got up and virtually reiterated John's comments and made a very fine gesture by awarding John with a present from the Group and lesser awards in the way of presents to Peter for his very fine monthly newsletter and Richard for his blog
John then gave Kathy a very nice Christmas wreath to hang on her door in lieu of all of her undercover work, which nobody sees or nose about.
Then the party began with dancing, singalong and whatever
The taxis were booked for 16.00hrs
Happy daze
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blairemclaren · 3 years
Dick Lucas Death - Obituary, Dick Lucas Has Died
Dick Lucas Death - Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death Our thoughts are with the friends and family of long term Tunbridge Wells fan Dick Lucas, who has sadly passed away after a short illness. ....click link to learn more
Dick Lucas Death – Obituary, Funeral, Cause Of Death Our thoughts are with the friends and family of long term Tunbridge Wells fan Dick Lucas, who has sadly passed away after a short illness. Through a social media announcement, DeadDeath learned on July 7, 2021, about the death of Dick Lucas who has died. In the mourning spirit of this death, families, friends, and associates of the deceased…
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the-hindu-times · 5 years
March 2019 reviews roundup
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Impressive sets from the youthful White Lakes and Natalie Shay put the dated Rainband to shame on the first day of the month, upstairs at the Garage (at Thousand Island in Islington). On the Monday, whilst Russell Brand was on at The Exchange in Twickenham, we were at Self Esteem's A capella in-store at Banquet Records, before the shop put on 2 full band shows for Bryan Adams across the road, at Pryzm. After the first gig we headed a couple more doors down to the Fighting Cocks for Outside The Box Comedy Club, headlined by John Robins. With the Conservatives closing venues, we're lucky that Kingston can still host more than one event in an evening. We were back at Banquet Records on Wednesday for Japense House but opted for Twenty One Pilots at Wembley over Billie Eilish at New Slang in Kingston on Thursday. Another visit to Banquet on Sunday for Newton Faulkner, before I joined James Walsh to perform acoustic songs at the Groucho Club in Soho the night after, led to the high-grossing ‘Dreamworks Animation’ trilogy ‘Madagasgar’ the following evening, in the shape of an action-packed musical at the New Victoria Theatre, Woking. 
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With the stage-set creating a slightly more intimate space, Brandon Gale was as heroic as his character; stepping into the role of Alex the lion. With, X-Factor winner, Matt Terry’s understudy unavailable to fill in during his absence, it’s hard to imagine anyone else playing the lead after such a fantastic presentation from the recent graduate. It was soon the audience’s turn to roar – this time with laughter, helped by the ensemble of penguins and Timmika Ramsay’s hilarious hippo character, Gloria. Experienced puppeteer, Jamie Lee-Morgan, had a perfect portrayal of Melman the giraffe but the best was still yet to come: The second half saw locally-trained actor, Jo Parsons, present King Julien in a way Robin Williams would have played it. Also reminiscent of the side-splitting stylings of Mike Myres, he favoured the flamboyance from ‘Cat in the Hat’ over the outlandish ogre from fellow animated film franchise ‘Shrek’, where Myres had jelled with Eddy Murphy – of whom Antoine Murray-Straughan was channelling the comedy characteristics of for Marty the zebra; adding another dynamic to Chris Rock’s voice-acting in the Madagascar films. Along with some well-crafted routines, hilarious moments and vocal performances of the highest quality, there was fun for all the family to be had.
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The next day, we joined 8 other audience members for Seann Walsh's £5 work-in-progress show at the Museum of Comedy in Holborn. After the next morning's Tunbridge Wells radio show, we were at Embrace's sold out Roundhouse gig the following evening in Chalk Farm. Celebrating 21 years since the release of their debut LP 'The Good Will Out', they're still with the original line up. Having seen them on that first tour, at Folkestone's Leas Cliff Hall, some song arrangements have changed, with Danny McNamara no longer playing his Lowden acoustic guitar on timeless classics, such as 'My Weakness Is None Of Your Business' and 'Retread'. After the best possible opening for 'All You Good Good People', the audience seemed to enjoy the ballads, like 'Fireworks' and 'That's All Changed Forever', above the overdriven 'I Want The World' and 'The Last Gas'. They played the album from start to finish - not something all bands do when promising to tour a record in its entirety. They returned for a 5 song encore; ending with songs from their first comeback album 'Out Of Nothing' after opening with 2 from their second comeback/sixth full length, either side of 1 from their latest effort 'Love Is A Basic Need'. Tonight, the Roundhouse was the best it has ever sounded; with the drum kit and Danny's voice standing out as particularly pleasing. A vinyl box set of the show is soon to be released via their website.
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After a midweek Outside The Box at Langleys, Surbiton with Reginald D Hunter, we returned to the New Victoria Theatre for Calendar Girls.
Tonight attracted one of the biggest turnouts, for a run at Woking’s New Victoria Theatre, since Jersey Boys. Although the majority were of the same age and sex as the leads they’d come to see, the hugely popular Calendar Girls felt like a show that could not be missed. Starring This Morning’s Fern Britton; Four Weddings & A Funeral’s Sara Crowe; Family Guy voice actor, Anna-Jane Casey; comedian, Karen Dunbar; leading lady, Rebecca Storm; Loose Woman, Denise Welsh; Porridge’s Sebastian Abineri; acting veterans Phil Corbitt and Pauline Daniels; one woman cabaret show, Catherine Digges; theatre regular, Derek Elroy and ‘90s Coronation Street star (Gary Mallett), Ian Mercer, it was youngsters, Danny Howker, Tyler Dobbs and Isabel Caswell who offer the much needed dynamic.
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After the first half’s slow moving and minimal, repetitive scenes felt a bit thin, it paved the way for a bigger impact in the second. A slow burner, like Rocky or The Shawshank Redemption, it was worth the wait. With Nick Pinchbeck’s live band in the orchestra pit, the familiar songs of Tim Firth and Gary Barlow were largely sound-a-likes of hits from yesteryear; with ‘My Russian Friend And I’ feeling almost credible enough to be mistaken for a Damien Rice and Lisa Hannigan track from the early 2000s. Still, this story of recovery and power, gave us hope that we could all be on the right road after all.
The end of the month was rounded up with Milton Jones and Andrew Bird at Outside The Box comedy club, Surbiton (Langleys)
Nic Bennett
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skyebanks83 · 5 years
MI6 and Bletchley Park translator honoured after death, aged 101
The funeral has taken place of a centenarian who helped translate German intelligence codes at Bletchley Park during the Second World War. from KentOnline News https://www.kentonline.co.uk/tunbridge-wells/news/mi6-and-bletchley-park-translator-honoured-after-death-aged-101-201548/
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— Kevin O’Sullivan, The Spectator, 2016.
Durante 20 meses, fui acusado de um crime de ódio: agressão comum motivada por homofobia. Os British Transport Police perseguido meu caso com extraordinário zelo. O mesmo aconteceu com o Crown Prosecution Service. Eu estava mergulhado em um mundo onde o senso comum murchou e morreu.
O pesadelo começou quando eu estava viajando para casa para Londres, depois de um funeral em Kent. Eu estava conversando com um amigo no trem quando um homem estranho começou a gritar para nós do outro lado da carruagem. “Cale a boca!”, Ele gritou antes de acusar-nos de conduzir uma conversa machista e misógino em alto volume. Este foi, em sua opinião, “ofensivo”.
Fomos confuso. Falando em um volume normal para uma conversa privada, que foram, de facto discutir um colega do sexo masculino, na verdade usando o ocasional palavrão. Apontando o dedo para nós, nosso acusador insistiu que estávamos usando linguagem depreciativa sobre uma mulher. Nós não estávamos. Eu sugeri que ele poderia gostar de parar seu discurso. Mas ele continuou gritando para nós. Quando ele foi se levantar, eu decidi me defender, tentando mantê-lo em seu assento. Eu pensei que seria mais seguro assim. Meu amigo foi 66 e não bem. Neste ponto, nosso acusador saltou para seus pés e me deu um soco no rosto. Uma sessão de parque infantil luta se seguiu. Não sou lutador e nem era. Ele foi um não-evento, bolsas. Ninguém foi ferido.
Alguém tinha marcado 999, o guarda chegou e eu voltei para o meu lugar. Toda a briga durou cerca de 30 segundos. O trem parou em Tunbridge Wells, um policial levou nossas demonstrações separadamente e informou-me que o meu acusador não quis apresentar queixa. Nem I. Ele desceu do trem, eu continuei minha viagem e que foi o fim de tudo. Ou assim eu pensava.
Um dia depois, um oficial da British Transport Police tocou meu adversário – que acabou por ser um professor universitário. Por razões que nunca vai saber, esta chamada levou a uma mudança de coração pelo meu acusador. A BTP, posteriormente, me entrevistou, e antes que eu sabia o que tinha acontecido eu estava sendo acusado de abuso homofóbico e assalto. Eu estava atordoado. Eu tinha alegadamente interrompeu as tentativas do homem para fazer um telefonema perguntando-lhe se ele estava tocando seu amante gay.
Esta alegação poderia ter arruinado minha vida. Eu tinha sido considerado culpado, como crítico de televisão e comentarista que aparece na caixa e no rádio regularmente, minha carreira teria acabado.
O homem não tinha provas para apoiar a sua reivindicação. Do meu lado, eu tinha várias testemunhas que ouviram nada do tipo, além de imagens do circuito interno, que mostrou a nossa briga não tinha sido mais do que uma escaramuça insignificante. Ainda assim, a polícia investigou o meu caso com ardor. relatório florida dos oficiais que investigam o CPS fez soar como se eu tivesse batido o inferno fora do cara. Era um absurdo. No entanto, as taxas foram devidamente pressionado.
Durante o longo e estressante espera para o meu julgamento, tornou-se claro para mim que não era a não-agressão que eles estavam interessados. Era o aspecto homofóbico que tinha misteriosamente surgiu 24 horas após o incidente.
Para o registro, a sexualidade do meu acusador nunca tinha entrado em minha mente e, verificou-se, ele não era gay. Mas estas alegações desde que a Polícia de Transporte Britânica com uma oportunidade potencial para poder fechar uma estatística muito importante apontando para como maravilhosamente difícil eles estão no crime de ódio. Tolerância zero. Cada percebida ligeiro é registrado como um crime – mesmo em casos como o meu, onde as provas são baseadas somente na própria conta do acusador.
O processo judicial em si, que aconteceu no mês passado, foi um caso bizarro. As imagens de CCTV provou que eu não teria nenhuma razão para interromper a chamada do meu acusador porque ele não fazer um. Três amigos gays tirou o dia de folga do trabalho para assegurar os magistrados que eu não era um homofóbico. Mas o advogado de acusação do CPS insistiu que eu era um criminoso de ódio. Os magistrados, em sua sabedoria, discordou e concluiu que tinha agido em legítima defesa “com moderação”. Meu entusiasmo foi temperado pela £ 15,000 que eu tinha sido forçado a gastar na contratação de uma equipe jurídica. Ficarei muito feliz se eu conseguir recuperar uma fração desse montante.
Espero que o que aconteceu comigo é raro. Mas de alguma forma eu duvido. O Diretor do Ministério Público Alison Saunders – que dirige o CPS – anunciou que novos documentos em breve será lançado para explicar a um grato pública a definição de crime de ódio e de convidar a todos para ir direto para a polícia.
Explicando por que ela quer ver mais delinquentes ódio-crime imputado, Saunders disse: “Nós gostaríamos de vê-lo maior, porque eu acho que esses casos não são relatados suficiente.” Como ela pode saber isso? É mais de mil relatórios de uma semana realmente muito poucos? Quantas serviria para ela? Dois mil? Dez mil? Um milhão?
Eu não posso falar cientificamente, mas a partir de minha própria experiência, eu senti que eu estava nas garras de uma espécie de loucura. Agora que o conjunto de 1970 celebridades para prender por crimes sexuais históricas está acabando, a polícia e os CPS parecem ter subido a bordo de um novo movimento.
As leis e orientação para os promotores contra a homofobia, trans-fobia, o racismo e religiosa e preconceito deficiência são bem-intencionada. Mas a menos que executada com justiça e um senso de justiça que eles representam uma ameaça crescente. A polícia de Nottinghamshire anunciaram a sua intenção de transformar-lobo assobiando em um crime de ódio misógino. Não é que apenas um pouco acima do topo? Não cobres têm coisas melhores para fazer?
Por um ano e oito meses, eu tinha um assento na primeira fila na beira da insanidade. A, pequena briga patética que eu não começar a transformou em uma batalha judicial prolongado. Crime de ódio. Tenha cuidado, pode acontecer com você.
— Kevin O’Sullivan, “What happened when I was charged with a hate crime”, The Spectator, 6 de Agosto de 2016. http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/08/what-happened-when-i-was-charged-with-a-hate-crime/
Olha essas também:
• “Circuncisão feminina nada tem a ver com patriarcado. Mais mulheres que homens apoiam.” « EUA ocontraditorio.com/ladodireitodaequidade/?p=11002
• “Lei Maria da Penha não é para homem. Para os homens serve a lei comum.” « Iriny Lopes ocontraditorio.com/ladodireitodaequidade/?p=33754
• “Toda hora há mulheres acusando falsamente para impedir contato dos seus filhos com o pai.” « Jasmin Newman ocontraditorio.com/ladodireitodaequidade/?p=38260
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abbeyfscouk · 2 years
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Leading Family Run Funeral Planning Service in Royal Tunbridge Wells!
Here at Abbey Funeral Services, we work hard to make sure your funeral arrangements are handled with sensitivity and dignity. We have become the leading funeral directors for the Tunbridge Wells and West Kent area, having started our family run funeral planning service back in 1983.
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abbeyfscouk · 2 years
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Best Funeral Planning & Funeral Services - AbbeyFS.co.uk
As independent family funeral directors will endeavour to carry out your every requirement, whatever your wishes, for either a Funeral or Direct Cremation. Our Award winning team will support you to ensure you have as much or as little involvement in the ceremony as you wish.
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abbeyfscouk · 2 years
Throughout our 40 years of expertise, we have prided ourselves on our ability to fulfil our customer’s funeral service requests and needs. We are a family-run funeral directors, so possess that extra level of consideration and offer a personalised package for each family.
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abbeyfscouk · 2 years
We and our fully trained staff at our Tonbridge office are dedicated to providing an efficient and caring service at your time of need. Your needs and wishes are paramount and all funerals will be tailored to suit you, your family and your loved one.
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abbeyfscouk · 2 years
Here at Abbey Funeral Services, we work hard to make sure your funeral arrangements are handled with sensitivity and dignity. We have become the leading funeral directors in the West Kent area, having started our family run funeral planning service back in 1983.
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skyebanks83 · 5 years
Bletchley Park translator honoured after death, aged 101
The funeral has taken place of a centenarian who helped translate German intelligence codes at Bletchley Park during the Second World War. from KentOnline News https://www.kentonline.co.uk/tunbridge-wells/news/bletchley-park-translator-honoured-after-death-aged-101-201548/
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