#Fushimi is not qualified for this he's got too many of his own problems XD
ridiasfangirlings · 8 months
I enjoyed reading the thingy of Yata being in an insane asylum so I was wondering if you'd do a Sarumi thingy—whatever you call these— of Med student Saruhiko and mental patient Yata
This is a nice twist, since usually Fushimi is the patient. Imagine Yata’s in a mental institution after dealing with a bunch of rough stuff, like he had a major bout of depression after the death of two of his friends, Mikoto and Totsuka, and started self harming and such. It worried his friend Kamamoto and Mikoto’s little sister Anna enough that they eventually convinced Yata to check himself into a mental institution for his own safety. Yata’s kinda struggling because he feels like he shouldn’t be here, like no really he’s fine this isn’t necessary, but then he also has these downward spirals feeling like he’s so worthless, he couldn’t save Mikoto or Totsuka and now he can’t even be trusted to look after himself. 
 Meanwhile Fushimi is a new med student working at the facility, probably mostly in non patient-facing roles because his bedside manner sucks. His advisor Munakata reminds him that part of working with mental patients is learning to empathize and understand them, Fushimi clicks his tongue and says that’s stupid, as doctors they should be impartial (and Fushimi himself probably holds thoughts like ‘I had problems and turned out fine without being in a mental institution so these people must be idiots,’ ignoring the part where he very much did not turn out fine). As it happens they’re short handed so Munakata sends Fushimi to administer some lunch and pills and a quick checkup to one of the patients, Yata Misaki. Munakata thinks this patient may be a good one for Fushimi to handle, Fushimi rolls his eyes but is like fine.
When Fushimi walks in Yata tries to be all friendly like hey a new face (and in honor of the typo I just made writing this, imagine he starts to say ‘a nice face’ and quickly stumbles over his words). Fushimi clicks his tongue and he starts mechanically reading off Yata’s chart. He’s surprised that Yata’s the same age as him, he figured Yata was a middle schooler. Yata’s like what the fuck kind of doctor are you and Fushimi curtly says he’s Yata’s, telling Yata to lie back so Fushimi can check on his vitals. Yata’s like well maybe I don’t want you to check my vitals, you could at least say please. Fushimi snorts and says he’s the doctor here so he’ll tell Yata what to do, Yata’s like oh yeah well if you want to check my blood pressure you’re gonna have to work for it. Fushimi wonders if Yata’s defying doctor’s orders and does Fushimi need to have him restrained, Yata’s like that’s power harassment you jerk. When Fushimi finally shoves Yata’s lunch at him Yata groans at how bland all the food is here and asks if the doctors get this kind of stuff too, like you’re probably eating good curry and hot pot while we get this baby food. Fushimi says he had a Caloriemate for lunch and didn’t complain so Yata shouldn’t either, Yata’s like you know you should enjoy being able to eat whatever you want while you can. 
Afterward Fushimi complains to Munakata that Yata’s annoying and loud, Munakata is pleased that they got along so well and decides to assign Fushimi to Yata’s case. Fushimi objects but Munakata won’t budge, he thinks this would be good for Fushimi’s development. Fushimi groans and says what a pain, Munakata tells him to treat his patient well. Of course Fushimi and Yata slowly start to enjoy each other’s presence, I imagine Yata likes that Fushimi never treats him like a sad sack or mental case, he can feel almost…normal when talking to Fushimi. But then imagine one day Yata has kind of a relapse and Fushimi finds him in a depressive funk in his bed, Fushimi suddenly finds himself grasping for all the things he knows he’s learned about this and struggling to be an impartial doctor because this is Misaki and Fushimi wants to be able to help him. Afterward when Yata’s feeling slightly better he weakly says he must have looked so uncool in front of Fushimi and Fushimi mutters at Yata not to say that kind of thing, isn’t there more to worry about than looking cool (and even as he says that Fushimi thinks that he wants to look cool in front of Yata, he wants to be one that Yata can come to if he’s having problems and be the one who solves them all).
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