#G-Witch spoilers
lordsmaf · 1 year
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Pictured: someone powerful
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kaxtwenty · 2 months
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Behold, the fearsome Aerial!
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nias-keca · 1 year
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coriolisunset · 1 year
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anthurak · 2 years
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So in addition to being the gayest Gundam yet, I think we can all agree that G-Witch is also the FUNNIEST XD
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save-states · 1 year
My head is exploding right now, Suletta still instinctively trusts Miorine.
Like yes, Eri/Aerial are what make Suletta realize that it’s Prospera behind everything, but she doesn’t even, for one second, entertain the idea that Miorine is responsible for what’s going on on Earth.
Chuchu is verbally questioning what Miorine is doing but not Suletta. The news is making it looks like it’s all Mio’s fault, but Suletta is putting the pieces together and even though Suletta was just hurt by Miorine, Suletta knows Miorine would never willingly start conflict. She might, in the back of her mind, be thinking ‘maybe Miorine also was doing all she could do, even if it wasn’t the best way.’
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starry-knights · 1 year
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sapphic-haymaker · 2 years
While I have my own thoughts on the design from a personal taste perspective, I really do love the new Aerial design from a thematic perspective. Such a smart decision.
G-witch does a clever thing with it’s Mobile Suit designs where the actual military use suits are a lot more plain than the ones we’ve been seeing in the sanitized environment of duels where there’s no lives on the line. You compare Guel’s Dilanza and the military use Dilanza Sol we saw suppressing protestors and you know immediately which one is the mass produced military hardware.
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No ornate fancy antenna, no superfluous wings out the back, no giant plume or vibrant colors. It’s a crude bulky war machine and I love it.
You can see this with a number of designs, like the Demi-Trainers vs the Demi-Garrison or the Zowort vs the Zowort Heavy
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Even the Witches from Earth’s gundams, while distinct, are still a much more plain design than the flashier Aerial or Guel’s Dilanza or Michealis or Phract.
Which brings us back to Aerial, comparing the new designs side-by-side like the previous ones, it’s immediately obvious what they’re trying to convey with Aerial Rebuild
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It follows the exact logic we’ve seen of Duel suits vs Military suits, much more muted colors, heavier armaments, bulkier design, etc etc, it’s even called to attention by Gundam Ur’s pilot Sophie who says Aerial has a scary face now. Aerial has a very unique design among Gundams and Aerial Rebuild is much more in line with conventional Gundam design.
It’s a wonderful visual change to go along with Suletta’s newfound willingness to turn a man into tomato paste.
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gee0man · 1 year
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I made this during season 1 of G-Witch and I figure now’s a good time as any to post it again. 
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stacotto · 1 year
So, we can all agree that at some point offscreen Guel is gonna go "So, when do you get back together with her?" and Miorine goes "Um...never?" and Guel goes "You moron. You absolute dumbass. I did not let myself win a rigged duel just so you could cuck yourself."
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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kaxtwenty · 2 months
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O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't.
William Shakespeare's The Tempest, Act V scene I
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nias-keca · 2 years
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miorine!!! miorine she was smiling so you wouldnt be frightened!!!!!!
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f3lldrag0n · 1 year
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anthurak · 2 years
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Okay but I love how the dorky and supposedly ‘clumsy’ Suletta is actually pretty nimble and zero-g parkouring all over the place while supposedly ‘refined’ Miorine is literally just crashing into walls left and right in this scene XD
(also possible more hints of cyborg!Suletta? XD)
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empress-runner · 1 year
After seeing this:
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I went back to check.. when was the last time we saw Prospera actually walking somewhere? She is shown walking down a corridor in 17:
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In episode 18 she's standing, but never moves from her spot:
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In 19 she's piloting Aerial:
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She's not in 20. In 21, again, we dont see her walking, during this entire sequence she's standing by the door:
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22: standing again:
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in 23 we see her moving, but at this time the gravity is off/low (you can see her hair float) soit's more of a gravity hop, and then she floats the rest of the way:
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We have literally never seen her talk a proper step for half this entire season AND NOBODY NOTICED.
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