emily-mooon · 6 months
At this point I’m hunting the boop button for sport
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Magical Melody Remake - A Wishlist
Based off my post from yesterday that I wrote!
MM generally gets a bad rap, I think, from the fandom overall. Which is fair, in all honesty! And as a kid, it was frustrating to play! But now as an adult, I treat playing MM as a challenge to overcome, and once you get past the clunky controls, it’s actually a very fun game to play!
So, if I were in charge of remaking MM for the Switch, here’s some of the changes I would implement, or like to see.
The controls are the first, obviously. MM is so notoriously slow, with how it takes a few seconds to get your character moving into a run, the menus, pretty much...Everything. And there was no real reason to have it like that, so I would hope that would be the first thing to get fixed lol.
Proper volume control!!! I dunno how I put up with it as a kid, but now as an adult, I can’t stand hearing all the little “beeps” and “boops” when I’m going through all the menus. I now turn the volume of my tv way down, or just off when I’m playing the game because there’s no option to turn the SFXs off. I have the same issue with basically...All older HM games. But that’s probably just a me thing :’D
So I actually am a fan of the layout of Flowderbud Village 2.0! MM’s unique gimmick is that you start off with 1 of 3 properties to build on, then start buying up more and more as you progress, to the point where you can basically own more land than the town itself! I really enjoy this system, and I feel it makes the farming experience much more unique being able to have your “main hub” kinda anywhere on the map. 
So of course we gotta talk about the character models- Most people have an issue with everyone looking like weird chibi baby things. I personally was never too bothered, but I wouldn’t mind them getting “updated” either. Not like the models that are in the current FoMT game, but something that just doesn’t make everyone look like...that lol. I wouldn’t mind it as much if they were also given portraits as well when you talk to them.
And not just updated models, but also updated designs as well! So the cast of MM is a mix between characters that appeared in SNES AND in Save the Homeland/Hero of Leaf Valley. The SNES characters did get some updated looks, as they’re not those EXACT same characters, but I would love to see everyone get a wardrobe update that set them apart as brand new characters, or as the decendents of who they’re based off of. 
Interesting to note though, that some of the characters who share a name and likeness to SNES...Are actually their grandkids! Or, most of them are! Eve will mention that she’s named after her grandmother, who she looks very similar to. The implication is that Eve from SNES is her grandmother! I think she’s the only one who mentions it, but other SNES bachelorettes are also clearly based off those counterparts. MM!Ellen works on the ranch, but she loves to bake, and your rival for her is Carl, a patissiuer. Ann is an aspiring inventor, just like her SNES counterpart. Maria, the Mayor’s daughter, was also his daughter in SNES and also worked at the library. Nina looks basically the same, and also works on the farm that sells seeds, and still loves flowers! There’s a lot of hidden lore for these characters that you can only learn about if you happen to catch them at the right places (usually at home, try it out sometime!)
I would...Totally get rid of their “voices”. Some of them sound okay, but others...Ahheehhhh. May as well just dump ‘em altogether lol.
Let! Us! Continue! Playing! The! Game! If! We! Marry! Jaime!! In the original Japanese version, Jaime was just like all the other bachelors/ettes, and in that same version, there were rival marriages! Both these features were removed for the North American version. I’m not sure if they were put back in for the Wii re-release, but I doubt they were.
Which speaking of marriage...Of course the chance to romance both bachelors and bachelorettes!! But also, keep Jaime androgynous! The original (English) player booklet for the GCN mentions only one that Jaime will “always be the opposite sex” of your character. But even then, Jaime is never referred to with pronouns or gendered language in the English version of the game. I know something similar happened with Inari in Trio of Towns, so I just hope xSeed would continue it!
The child growing up into an actual, well, child! Back in the day, your son (and yes it was usually always a son) would learn to walk at most, and then that would be it! He’d be stuck in diapers and his little mouse hat forever! I would love for the child to now wear clothes, take off the hat (or maybe wear a baseball cap??), and be able to talk to you and participate in events around town.  As for the look of your child, I’ve always been a sucker for “your child physically resembles who you married but dresses like you”. 
Make training the horse freeaaaaaking easier!!! I’ve never won a Horse Race because I couldn’t figure out beforehand how to properly train my horse. It’s based off hearts but also star level?? But getting the horse in and out of the barn is so tedious that I just...Don’t bother half the time. Sorry horsey!!
And speaking of the barn, and the coop for that matter, an actual, proper bell that you can use from the outside. Also, maybe not use up stamina when using the makers?? I don’t know why that was a thing to begin with, but it’d be real annoying to waste stamina on that first BEFORE getting to water your crops. Luckily, this was back in the day when crops only needed to be watered once a day but still.
The whole stamina system would need a re-do. I hate that just about EVERYTHING cost stamina to do, requiring you to basically stop playing for that day or to go out of your way to get food to restore it. This is especially annoying in your first spring before the inn and the bar are built, and money is harder to come by.
Keeping the tools separate from the inventory? I really hated how this became a thing moving onwards, where tools would take up precious item slots in your tiny rucksack. And since the basket didn’t really make a reappearance in this game in particular, it was extremely difficult trying to explore and forage in the early game with all your tools taking up space. I make a routine of running in and out of my house and keeping the tool box right by the front door to swap them in and out, and...I shouldn’t have to but that’s the best system I have. So it’d be nice to Not have to do that again!
Music Notes; I can take ‘em or leave ‘em. I don’t mind the challenge of them being there, and it feels kinda nice to always have something to work towards. I know they’re a part of the plot, but it’s still so exciting to even now unlock them at random.
That’s all I can think of for now! Did you think of something different? What are you feelings on Magical Melody as a whole, and what would you like to change about it?
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January 13, 2020 (Monday)
It’s Monday again! Which means I get to see you again!
You woke up early and took a bath. You’re already prepared by 4 am to go back to Makati but your office advised you to just wfh. You also think no one will be in the office plus you’re scared of the oncoming disasted, that’s why you decided to wfh in the end. I’m glad you did. It was a very eerie day, disaster’s abound and everyone’s mildly panicking. It also made me calmer that you’d be at home with your family instead of the office where not a lot of people could be there in case anything happens. You also decided to just come back at night since you also have an apartment viewing scheduled.
I woke up to your message about that decision and another message where you asked me to call you when I wake up ‘coz you’re worried. Now. That made me worried. I dunno what you’re thinking or what’s worrying you that warrants the need for me to call you immediately. I woke up to that text at around 5 am. I set up an alarm last night ‘coz I wanted to check up on you if you’d be back to Makati. Good thing I did so I managed to call you back early on. 
So we had an early morning vid call. You explained to me your decision . You also told me why you were worried. Your reason? You were worried you won’t be beside me if the disaster happens. You were worried for me. You’re worried you won’t be able to protect me.... I was a bit taken aback. I mean, I’m a big girl, I’m pretty much prepared for things. I’ve had emergency trainings for years so at least I know I can handle the situation. But you were seriously worried I’m far away and I’m closer to the disaster happening. That made my heart melt if only you new.
We made a promise with each other. You’ll take care of me and I’ll protect you. So thank you for taking care of me and trying to protect me. I’ll be okay. What’s important is that I know you’re okay and safe. My smol bean <3
So I told you I’m okay and not to worry. You said it’s important that you know I’m safe. You also know I can take care of myself but you wanted me to be extra careful still. Then you told me the things I should do, like buy and wear mask. Not to go out without mask. Don’t go to work if it got worse ‘coz there’s earthquakes too. And I did do all these. I’m a good girl who will follow every details if it;ll calm down my smol bean. I told her the prep I made plus reassure her my office is pretty safe. So we went back to sleep.
Work’s not suspended. We’re apparently ashproof people sus. I got out and wore my mask. Things are looking the same, there’s still unrest among the Filipinos but I still managed to go to work. Less people are at work though, one of my staff even got stuck in Batangas where it’s worse. I’m the only one from my team to be in the office. So I started working early on. Smol bean woke up  again to start wfh. I went to work early today. I had to be prepared if smol bean will be back in Makati. I really wanted to see her so the earlier the better hehe. I mean, it’s not a sure thing she’d be back that night but still, I wanna be prepared.
So work day started that way. It’s so boring tho. Mondays are the laziest time for me. So I barely made a dent on my work load by lunch time. plus i just mostly kept on checking up the situation of Taal. Smol bean kept me company tho. Even sent me a vid of Snow (the doggo) booping Marble’s (catto) head where Snow’s pretty proud. Lol, that’s my dude.
By lunch, I decided to vid call her while I’m eating at the deli in our building. Just wanted to watch her work while  eat. She kept me company during that lunch. One thing about me is I always eat lunch alone. I got no friends in the office. Does that make me weird? hmmm. I guess I’m just really a weird mix of introvert and lazy. I’m lazy to make friends and get to know people again but also I’m content to be alone and make my lunch time my me time. I really enjoy just reading or playing or warching vids during lunch. This time tho, I’m really happy I got to spend it with her even just through a vid call. 
I really need to remind myself to not forget that connecting to people is also important. If it weren’t for my friends trying to drag me, I probably whould live within my own world. lol Smol bean’s the only most recent person I put an effort to get to know and put myself out there. :p
So the afternoon went like that. We kept the vid call going while we’re working. I ended up working just 1/10th of the time. Most of it? I’m staring at her. And I’m way too lazy to wok so I just asked her if we can make landian na lang hahahahahaha. And this girl likes to spoil me so she gave me some incentives for powerboost. Some really really nice incentives 😏 smol bean can really get me hot and bothered that fast lol. Also, she made me promise I’ll only be like that with her. No other crushes (except actresses and famous people ‘coz she knows I like fandoms hehe). I told her that that’s not a problem.
A little bit of background. I’m not the type of person who easily gets crush on people since I was a kid. I kept thinking about it back then. I don’t have a childhood sweetheart and all that. I basically don’t like people that much haha. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate people’s aesthetics. Like the way they carry themselves or what they’re wearing but I don’t think on things like I wanna date them or such. So if I do end up with a crush, I obsessed over them for a while..... which is what happened with smol bean. hehehe. I basically stalked her on whatever online form I can back then. mehehe
Anyways, I told her I miss her and wanted to see her if she’s going to Makati. She still can’t decide if she will up to the last minute. She’s prepping to leave when she learned that the apartment she was supposed to be view is now taken. She’s really sad and disappointed about that. I knew she wanted that, that’s the second time it happened to her. So she told me that and I don’t know how to make her feel better. It sucks. So I just told her maybe it’s not yet meant to be, she still has time on her current rental. I decided to just help her look for some listings. I’m lazy to work naman so I searched some possible choices of apartment instead.
Dude, it’s so hard to look for a decent apartment at a decent price at a decent location. Everything’s too pricey these days. If only I can stay with her, we could split the rent on a goo apartment plus I’ll be living with her. I really have to work on that. I still have a few things to work around on my current life before I can do that. I’d really love that someday for us though 🥰 So for now, I sent her some listings while she’s on the bus going to Makati.
She’s also still worrying about the air in South. Smol bean’s too stressed about a lot of things. Apartment, Taal Volcano, Work. Tired. 🥺 She even asked me if I’m sure I’d go meet her. I asked her why, is she busy? ‘Coz really, I know she’s thinking about a lot of things and I don’t  want to get in her way if she has other things to do. I understand naman. I really wanna see her but she’s my priority. We even had a bit of a misunderstanding there. She said she wanted to just rest early and work today. So I told her no worries, I’ll just see her tomorrow. But she got even more stressed, she said wanted to do everything but most of all, she wanted to see me. Apparently, I misunderstood her so she listed the things she wanted to do in order:
“Yung order ng gusto ko gawin ay 
1. Makita ka 
2. Matulog ng maaga 
3. Magwork konti 
1 yung pinakagusto ko “
So I told her yes! I wanna see her, she can work while we’re hanging out, and we’ll go home early so she can rest. (at the end of the night, we only ended up doing the first thing lol). Also, it should be noted that she told me we should also do what I want. But baby, if I’m the one we’d follow, we won’t ever go to work, we’ll just be together always and we would run away together. hahaha! So she told me she better be the responsible one so we’d follow her. hehe
I’m on my way to her na din. And she’s near her dorm. I arrived there and wait for her in the lobby. I’m really excited to see her. It’s been 4 days. I miss my smol beaaaannnn! And there she is! my cute cute cute baby! She’s wearing her star wars shirt, gray pants and black sneaks. Cool chick mode hehehe cute cute
We decided t have dinner in yellow cab. Not much people are waling around the area today. Maybe because of the Taal thing. Some people are wearing their face mask  too. So we arrived at the restaurant and she insisted she’ll pay for dinner tonight. I really didn’t argue much ‘coz I was planning a nice dinner tomorrow (which was our 1st monthsary, yay!). Waited for her and chose a seat ath the back of the restaurant with the view of the tv so I can watch the news.
She got us a large pizza and some iced tea for me. We started catching up on how’s a day even though we’ve been talking the whole day. This is how we are. It seems like we don’t ran out of things to talk about most times. It ranges from how our day went by, any random stories for the day, what our friends have been up to, games, memes, work and some of our relationshipwise things.Basucally anything and everything under the sun. 
She’s the only person I’d wanna tell everything to. My friends know I’m a good listener and doesn’t really like to share much. It probably stems from my belief that no one listens. Like genuinely listens to what I have to say. So I’ve decided on myself to be that person who would listen. Until I’ve got no will to share my thoughts. I can even last a day without talking if no one would ask me anything. I know I know, I’m a weirdo hehe. Well anyways, with smol bean, it feels like I can tell her everything and she would listen to me. She won’t set aside the things I’m saying. But I’m also worried I talk too much when I’m with her. Sometimes I think I wanted to share so much she doesn’t have space to talk anymore. I wanna hear her stories too. I wanna know what she’s thinking. I don’t wanna overshadow her. I want us to be balanced and equal. I know I’m a tol girl and that I can be a bit bossy and commanding without consciously realizing it so I’m trying to be softer. I know I’m soft but a part of me still has some rough edges I need to smoothen. I want my smol bean to feel protected but also not too feel like I’m looming over her. hehe
So back to our talks. We talked a lot tonight. Like 3 hrs worth of talking, teasing, laughing, and flirting.We talked about how everyone is, the current taal situation and how we’ll handle it, her apartment hunting, and lot more. I don’t remember much the specifics but I can remember when I’d steal kisses from her. When she’d hold my hand and smile shyly at me. When she’d laugh and look resigned on my dirty clothes and pants because i spilled my food all over me again. When she snuggled with me on our bench while chatting. She really is my home isn’t?
There’s this one serious topic tho. There’s this question burning on her mind since she woke up. So I asked her what it is. She made me promise first that I’l be honest with her. Totally honest. Like no bullshitting my way through it. I promised to tell he the truth. I told her the foundation of a relationship is honestly, love and respect. So yeah, I won’t dare lie to her. She’s still doubtful if she should ask it ‘coz tomorrow’s our monthsary and it seems out of place to ask at this moment, but I told her, she should ask things if she wants. Tell things when she wants to. And do things she wanted. No need to be too doubtful. I’ll always be there to answer, listen and do anything and everything with her.
So she did. She asked me about my ex. The day I helped my x with the flower. She asked me what’s my role in it. I told her it was only delivered to my address so she can get it from me instead of directly sending it to her office which would just create a buzz there. I only received it, gave it to x so x can give it to her boyfriend who she’s having an issue with. And that’s it. That’s my only role in the whole thing. Apparently, smol bean thought I gave x the flowers ‘coz i wanted to comfort x. I almost laughed at that. First of all, flowers are not cheap, but I do love giving it to smol bean ‘coz I like making her smile everytime she gets one from me. She’s worth it. Second of all, if I wanted to comfort x, I’ll probably just buy her a coffee and listen to her rant and cry about her bf. But anyways, that’s not my role now. It’s not my job to comfort her, she has other friends for that. My focus right now is smol bean. I promised this to her. Also, I promise I’m telling the truth. 
She believed me and hugged me. I really love her. I won’t ever dream of cheating on her or hurting her. I won’t take for granted this one in a million chance I’m given to be with someone as amazing as her.
We also talked about getting married. I don’t know why or I can’t explain why but at this point in our relationship, there a high chance we’re both sure we’d end up together. Like, we’re ready to spend a lifetime together.  I know we’re too you or it’s still too early in the relationship, but for me, this is the kind of happiness I’d want to have if I’ll continue living in this world. This is it for me. She is it for me. So I told her, someday, maybe far away in the future, same sex marriage will be allowed in the Philippines. And when that happens, I told her, the moment it was allowed, she should be ready ‘coz I’ll come running to her to pick her up and bring her to wherever I could get that marriage license and marry her. This, I promise.
So yeah, we ended up just sitting there, with my arms over her shoulders while she snuggles to me. Then she told me, “Did you notice no one’s ever sat beside the tables on both our sides?” And i laughed at that! That’s true! No one dared sit beside use, we’re apparently flirting way too much it’s like we have our own bubble around the back of the restaurant. HAHAHA. Bakit ba. There’s way too many tables around they can go to anyways. hehe i missed my smol bean and missed hanging out with her. We ended up just staying for more than three hours. But it’s getting late and she needs to sleep early. She has to be at work by 7 am. 
Not much people will be at their office and her friends would tease/scold her if they knew why she’ll be at the office tomorrow. Most of them are working from home. The reason? Me... mehehe but also, she can’t work properly at home lol So I walked her home. Just like most days, my heart feels full that moment. Such a bittersweet feeling since we’d have to be separated when we arrive. But stll, spending time with her is like recharging my being. Getting to hold her hand while silently walking through the lamp-ridden Makati night is still one of the best memories I cherish. This time, we’re wearing face masks tho haha another one for the books.
And so, we arrived at her condo, we sat at our usual stone seat while booking my ride home. Don’t wanna be separated but that’s how things are for now. can’t wait to go home with her on our own place so we won’t have to go our separate ways again. hehe. The grab car came, she walked me to the car, I hugged her and kissed her. I like getting my goodbye kiss. It’s like kissing her goodnight too. 😌 And so, I went home. We sent our usual messages of how we enjoyed our time together (sana all noh hihi).
Got home. Got ready for bed. And we’re both ready to sleep. She suddenly sent me a message saying she misses me. UwU never knew I’d find someone who’ll feel as intensely as I feel for her. I miss her too already. 🥺 Then comes the i love yous 🥺 Until I realized it’s already 12 mn. which means.......
Happy 1st Monthsary <3
We greeted each other and sent sweet messages on how we would like to spend a lifetime together. I would like to thank whoever in the universe made me find my soulmate in her. :)
PS: Mark my words, someday, I will marry the heck out of you. <3
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Hey, you there.
It appears you've stumbled upon this tumblr.
What is it about?
Well, it's basically some crossover AU. Between Friday Night Funkin. And Puyo Puyo.
Who are you asking here?
The main stars of this blog are going to be the following four:
2. Puyo Puyo
Ringo Ando
How are asks answered?
A dialouge box will be utilized in accordance to who is speaking.
Are any headcanons in particular involved?
Yes, actually. Here's a couple of them:
Boyfriend and Ringo are both undiagnosed autistic. The former canonically has ADHD, which commonly occurs alongside ASD.
Boyfriend is a nonspeaking catboy. The nonspeaking bit actually has a bit of justification in canon, as Boyfriend tends to make random beep boops to avoid talking to people, and the catboy bit is from another user. Boyfriend answers questions with his phone, in a way that looks like this:
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Now that what this blog's pmuch about, we need to discuss the
Ask Rules
1. When dealing with ships.
Ships are a natural part of fandom activity, it's inevitable that there'll be problematic ships around. Problematic ships are NOT a basis for harassment. If a ship bothers you, oh well. If you want to send an ask for a ship, just in case I get confused please label your ask with the ship in format of [Person 1 x Person 2].
2. Keep it safe for work.
Please I'm icked by NSFW mentions and such. The only cases where any asks are allowed to be suggestive is when the asker is roleplaying as Schezo Wegey, a Puyo Puyo character notorious for his mishaps in speaking that make him sound perverted. Oh yeah, submissions are also going to be disabled in the case of NSFW content being sent anyhow.
3. Headcanons, headcanons...
If you have a headcanon to share, cool! I have latched onto other people's headcanons such as Funkin Quonit's headcanon that Boyfriend has hidden cat ears. Sharing your headcanon is NOT the same as forcing people to agree with your headcanon, however. That's just mean.
4. Don't go attacking other users here!
Is there an ask you don't like? I don't want to be involved in arguments regarding the offending ask. If you and someone else get into an argument, please sort it out peacefully, do not call upon other users to attack the asker.
5. Just don't be an asshole in general.
I know you're getting tired of me rambling on about "don't be an asshole." But I really do not want any bigotry of any sort on this blog. Said bigotry is racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, enbyphobia, xenophobia, ableism, basically anything that is discriminatory and associated slurs. Oh yeah, doxxing and death threats are also a huge no go, you will be blocked if we find out you did that with proper evidence.
6. Don't be a creep.
Now, you might be expecting me to mean "don't ship the bad ships!" That's not it. What I mean is don't fucking approach anyone, myself and P1 included, and say sexual shit. That's a major red flag and that's gonna warrent a block alright. If I follow you, you probably will be able to DM. Limiting DM accessibility is a safety measure.
Bigoted folks
You already have gotten the idea from the rules alone, though I'm putting this here too as a just in case measure.
Discrimination is bad, period. No matter what you try to justify it with.
Most forms of bigotry are already very bad. There's one form I'm worried about in particular though: Ableism. This form of discrimination is as terrible, if not worse, than the others, as its ways are unfortunately widely accepted as a norm. It does not help at all that Hollywood's stereotypes are only adding to the stigma.
Fandom Police/Antishippers/otherwise
They've been known to harass proshippers and accuse them of being criminals over a ship.
They also have been known to harrass, doxx and send gore to proshippers.
Examples of ships they hate are age gaps (usually where A is 18+ and B is 17-), noticable height difference (the shorter one is always percieved as child-coded), and enemies or exes (deemed abusive). This section may be edited by P1 to provide more examples of ships that are despised by these people. (P1 here. Strangly enough, they hate ships between two children as well? Like Skid x Pump.)
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