ianchen0812 · 1 year
Blog Post #1 - The globalization of movie
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Movies are a window into the world, not merely a means of enjoyment. The globalization of films has grown to be a potent force in today's linked world, bringing cultures, narratives, and feelings from all over the world to our screens. This blog article will examine how globalization has helped films transcend boundaries and improve our lives.
Movies appeal to everyone. Stories told on the silver screen connect with audiences worldwide, regardless of the language they are spoken in or the nation they are from. As the center of the film business, Hollywood has long been a significant driver in the globalization of the film industry. Blockbusters like "Titanic" and "Avatar" have won over audiences from Tokyo to Toronto, demonstrating the universality of good narrative.
Foreign films have gained popularity as Hollywood continues to rule the global film industry, enhancing our cinematic experiences with various viewpoints. In addition to receiving critical praise, films like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" (China), "Amélie" (France), and "Parasite" (South Korea) have helped us appreciate other cultures and traditions. They demonstrate the influence of cross-cultural dialogue on cinema.
The popularity of streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ has made international films more widely available. These platforms provide a wide selection of foreign films, allowing viewers to learn about various histories, languages, and cultures. The world of cinema is now more accessible and diversified than ever by pressing "play."
Numerous foreign films are presented at film festivals, including Cannes, Sundance, and the Berlin Foreign Film Festival. These celebrations of the filmmaking craft also help spread foreign films worldwide. They provide skilled filmmakers with a stage to tell their tales and interact with a larger audience.
Movies have a particularly effective way of fostering cross-cultural awareness and promoting it. They can make historical occurrences, societal concerns, and personal experiences more transparent that would not otherwise be the case. Across linguistic and cultural boundaries, films like "Schindler's List," "Life Is Beautiful," and "A Separation" have inspired crucial discussions on global challenges.
In conclusion, the globalization of film is evidence of the value of narrative and the need for human connection. Movies are a constant reminder of our common humanity and the shared language of passion and imagination that links us all as they continue to transcend boundaries and provide peeks into the rich fabric of our planet. The magic of film has no bounds, whether you're watching a Hollywood blockbuster or a foreign indie treasure. 
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kathrynvstheglobe · 4 years
Blog Post #3: Video Games, Anime, and Transnational Protest Symbols
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On October 6, 2019, Taiwanese Hearthstone player Ng “blitzchung” Wai Chung was granted an interview in a Blizzard Entertainment eSports tournament. In the broadcasted interview, he wore a gas mask and said “liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our time”, both the mask and the slogan referencing anti-Chinese government protests in Hong Kong. Blizzard Entertainment suspended blitzchung from the tournament, resulting in international outrage at Blizzard and support for blitzchung and the Hong Kong protestors. Amidst the backlash, protestors began to make protest signs and fan-art of Mei (a character from another Blizzard game titled Overwatch) in an attempt to get Overwatch banned in China and hurt Blizzard’s sales. Overwatch fans from around the world joined in, posting fan-art online of Mei dressed as a protestor and spreading the hashtag #BoycottBlizzard.
Around the time of the Blizzard controversy, anti-government protests in Chile were also taking place. The protests began in response to increased train fare prices, but later evolved into riots over rising financial inequality. The 2019 Japanese anime Demon Slayer had also gained considerable popularity in Chile before the protests. One of the anime’s characters is Inosuke Hashibira, an aggressive young man wearing a boar’s head who has little regard for authority and even head-butts a train in one scene. These characteristics turned Inosuke into a symbol of resistance for protestors, including fan-art depicting him resisting arrest from Chilean police and evading train ticket barriers.
The transnational spread of pop culture such as video games and anime is a side-effect of technological globalization. With the rise of the internet, MMORPGs in which players can game and interact with other players from around the world are now possible and widely accessible. As well, TV shows can be easily distributed and accessed online via streaming services. As a result of media’s global spread, pop culture is no longer limited to its country of origin. Without technological globalization, a character in an American-made game would have never been a protest symbol in Hong kong, and a character in a Japanese anime would have never been a symbol of resistance for protestors in Chile.
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What is Cultural Appropriation and how to avoid it.
The term “cultural appropriation” was mostly used in the 1980s as more people were discussing colonialism and minority cultural treatments. As social media took over daily life, more awareness was brought to this subject. Cultural appropriation is when one misuses aspects of another’s culture. Sometimes, this happens without the person even realizing it. Usually, African-American and Native-American cultures are the ones most known to be appropriated. 
Many celebrities have been accused of this, whether it is on a red carpet or in front of the ferris wheel at Coachella. Recently, Kim Kardashian was accused of stealing appearances from African-American culture for her cosmetic company photoshoots and appropriating Asian cultures by naming her shapewear line ‘Kimono'. Many celebrities also have been accused of appropriating Hip Hop culture, developed by American-African and Latino-American inner-city communities.  Big corporations, especially in the beauty industry, have been accused of cultural appropriation. Non African-American community members adopting ‘Black’ hairstyles is one of the most discussed examples when it comes to cultural appropriation. Oftentimes, companies or celebrities try to come off as ‘exotic’ to present a trend or their “different side” to the public. But this always backfires. So why is this so important? Well, appropriating one’s culture is not only offensive but it also perpetuates harmful and dangerous stereotypes.  A solution to this problem is to appreciate and not appropriate. By educating yourself and cautiously showcase one’s culture with manners, you can avoid cultural appropriation. 
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dawns-pictures-blog · 5 years
Blog Post #1 — Stay On Your Damn Phone
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       I’m a photographer. Pictures are my passion. This one, however, was taken by my twin sister this morning while I was sitting on the concrete campus grounds; having tapped my way through numerous Instagram stories; reposting a short clip from the UN conference featuring Greta Thunberg that had been circulating. All aspects of the captured moment were due, in some shape or form, to globalization. The ground I was on; the clothes I was wearing; the camera around my neck; the shoes on my feet, the phone I was using and the content I was viewing.
      Globalization closely ties in the concept of global awareness. It is like a piece of linear data; a graph that increases in accordance with both factors, in which you can’t choose which one falls on the y-axis. They’re both independent and dependant variables, you cannot confine the two to one or the other. (That was too much math than what I’m comfortable with). Essentially, global awareness is made possible through the various areas of growth within societies coinciding with globalization, that is, technological advancement; social media.
     Through my, attempted subtle, but quite bold, hint at what I’m getting at, I’m establishing a connection between global awareness (i.e. climate change activism) through social media and globalization. This morning, much like myself, others with access to social media were able to view the same content I was regarding Greta Thunberg. However, global awareness does not simply start and end with Thunberg, it reaches far beyond that. Through social media, we are knowledgeable about events occurring more than halfway across the world and are able to find ways to help. From signing online petitions to raising and donating money for causes we support and believe in; we are offering our aid to those who don’t have it elsewhere.
       Globalization has extended into global awareness; where we, a generation that’s “always on their damn phone,” are able to stay informed on events regarding our future, the problems compromising it, and the solutions promising it.  
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macparacha-blog · 5 years
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Blog Post #1: Planet Technology 
Technology has taken over our world and our lives. It is one of the root causes behind the extensive enhancement of globalization, especially in the 21st century. Through the power of invention and technology, the world has been able to progress significantly over the years. The development of factory machines has led to faster production and lower long-term cost. Improvements to transportation have efficiently shortened travel from country to country by hours, maybe even days. The creation and advancements of social media platforms, as well as technological devices such as cell phones and laptops, have made communicating and engaging with family, friends, and peers who are countries away exceedingly simple. Imagine; you are a university student, making your way to an 8:30 a.m lecture, and you look up as you enter the lecture hall. You witness hundreds of individuals consumed and condensed entirely into some form of technology. We live in an observant and eye-catching world, yet we never seem to pay attention to all the natural beauty which entraps and surrounds us. Whether one goes on a breathtaking hike or an adventurous cross-country trip, their initial focus always seems to be on taking pictures or showing their friends, family, and the world at large what they are doing, through the lens of social media. In the picture above, you can identify an individual using an Apple iPhone, alongside her peer, using an HP laptop. The production of both these products is complete through the transportation of various materials from nation to nation, via international trade. Eventually, once the production period is complete, they end up in a country, such as China, and they are shipped out to individual stores all over the world. Every concept comes with both negative and positive consequences. Arguably, more positive results derive from technological developments, and this is evident through globalization. By expanding and creating a worldwide society through trade, negotiation, and international bodies and peacekeeping missions, it is inevitably leading to more diversity, ease in living and lifestyle, and acceptance.
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sw-globalzn1a03 · 3 years
Rassemblement Nationale - Blog Post #2
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Over the last couple decades, we have all seen a rise in globalisation, with companies and states interacting on a more international level. It has led to a general increase in GDP when compared to a century ago. However, with this increase, an anti-globalist movement has also begun to develop. Some political parties see the rise of globalisation as a sort of threat against their respective states. These parties are mostly far-right parties, such as the National Democratic Party of Germany and the Trump administration (Stack, 2016). The main focus of this blog is also one of such parties: Rassemblement Nationale, or the National Rally in English.
To begin with, I should explain how I came across this party and their ideals. I have been aware of the Rassemblement Nationale for a while now, mostly having learned of their existence while doing an exchange in France. I was clueless except from what my host family could translate for me, so I was unaware of all of their ideals until I began researching anti-globalist states.When I put in the National Rally, many articles surfaced. A large number of these articles were about the leader's goal of "defending France from globalisation" (Reuters staff, 2017).
The Rassemblement Nationale is a French far-right political party created in 1972, with anti-globalism being one of their core ideals. Their current leader Marine Le Pen. During the 2017 French Presidential elections, Le Pen had explained globalisation as "manufacturing by slaves for selling to the unemployed." (BBC, 2017). She placed a heavy emphasis on focusing on more local activities, stating that it would benefit the country more than globalisation could. Le Pen has made it clear that she is against economic globalisation, claiming that it is the reason behind "French decline." Her written campaign involved her plans of removing France from the EU, further showing that she was also anti-free trade ( Vinocur, 2017;BBC, 2017).
Her campaign also heavily features anti-immigration ideology, which is another concept learned in class (Stockdale, 2022). She brought up the terrorist attacks that occured during then, connecting them to the "French decline" a well. If elected, she had pledged to "immediately suspend all legal immigrantion" in a bid to fix France's large influx of foreigners (Chrisafis, 2017). This anti-immigration stance also aligns with the 'us vs them' mentality we learned in the lectures (Stockdale, 2022).
Marine Le Pen ultimately lost by a landslide to Emmanuel Macron. However, she has declared her candidacy for the 2022 French Presidential Elections. From what we have seen happen to the United States under the Trump administration, who happens to share similar views with the Rassemblement Nationale, I do wonder if France will see something similar happen to her if she wins.
BBC. (2017, February 5). France election: Far-right's Le Pen rails against globalisation. BBC. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38872335
Chrisafis, A. (2017, April 24). Marine Le Pen rails against rampant globalisation after election success. The Guardian. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/24/marine-le-pen-rails-against-rampant-globalisation-after-election-success
Reuters staff. (2017, April 23). Le Pen says will defend France against globalization. Reuters. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-election-le-pen-idUSKBN17P0TW
Stack, L. (2016, November 14). Globalism: A Far-Right Conspiracy Theory Buoyed by Trump (Published 2016). The New York Times. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/15/us/politics/globalism-right-trump.html
Stockdale, L., Dr. (2022). GLOBALZN 1A03 week 3.
Vinocur, N. (2017, February 5). Marine Le Pen makes globalization the enemy. POLITICO. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from https://www.politico.eu/article/marine-le-pen-globalization-campaign-launch-french-politics-news-lyon-islam/
Image from: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/01/marine-le-pen-rebrands-front-national-in-push-for-support
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alymac · 4 years
Blog #4 - My Changed Opinion
The semester is almost done and the course material is coming to an end, my thoughts on globalization have become ongoing when it comes to watching the news, or talking to my friends about political or global issues. This course has really given me the ability to think about the content outside of the class and in my everyday life. I do have to say my views, opinions and perspectives have changed since the start of the course, so I will dive into more detail and list a couple. I found every week of the course interesting, but I do have to say my opinions towards global sporting spectacles have slightly changed. Watching the Olympics is something I have always looked forward too, my family and I sit down and watch as many events as we can, it is always memorable. Unfortunately I never knew what happens behind the scenes of these massive events that take place every two years, and are viewed by individuals across the globe. I never knew the likelihood of struggle that some countries have experienced over the years; for example, countries going into debt and taking loans so they can afford to build facilities that they may never use again; this is a fine example of the Olympics in Greece in 2004, who hosted the most expensive Olympic Games with a cost of approximately $15 billion US dollars. Now when I think about the Olympics, I see the negative side where it really only benefits the rich and powerful and leaves countries with longterm debt to take care of. I am not saying I will never watch the Olympics ever again, I just think its good to see the other side to it so you are self-aware and knowledgeable of what happens in the shadows. Another opinion of mine that has strengthened was the idea of “voluntourism”; volunteering and tourism mixed together. I never had thought negatively of voluntourism, because most of my friends who did it went with a purpose and not for a simple Instagram photo; However, after learning about it, it wouldn’t be on my bucket list anymore, now that I know the more controversial side of it. Yes, young students or recent graduates, come with a purpose to help out in a country that is struggling, but how are they helping when they are only a temporary fix to the struggle? Voluntourism lacks the idea that it is most important and effective to teach the locals how to provide and help themselves rather than doing it for them; for example, teaching them to build their own house. The contribution can have limited effectiveness and will create an attachment amongst the volunteers and the kids, who gain strong connections with the volunteers who aren’t their permanently. Once again, I am not bashing the system, I just believe it could be much more powerful if it had a different purpose and objective than it does right now. Throughout this course I began to make even more connections to the content and the real world, I would watch the news and then realize, “Dr. Stockdale talked about this term last week”, and then I would tell my parents or ask for their opinions. There are other ideas I would have loved to list, but then it wouldn’t be a blog post, rather an essay, but those were a couple of topics that had the ability to change my perspective.
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001422655-blog · 7 years
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In my first tutorial for GLOBALZN 1A03 I was asked to introduce myself to the class by stating my top travel destination. For me, it was Myanmar. 
My interest in the country began last Christmas, when I received the Atlas Obscura book (seen above). A list of obscure places and a photo of 2000 Buddhist temples had be obsessed with the country. Bored by the idea of travelling to the same places as everyone on my Instagram, it appealed to me that Myanmar was a fairly untouched tourist destination that had just emerged from isolation in 2011. It didn't occur to me until recently, in the face of the Rohingya Refugee Crisis, that by visiting a newly “free” country, I could be hindering the development of their own culture and democracy.
In my ignorance, it greatly appealed to me that the once Burmese state was untouched by globalization. Little did I know that Coca-Cola was already setting up shop and Hilton Hotels were being built. Vogue was publishing articles encouraging us to "skip Thailand, and opt for Myanmar " and Travel And Leisure named it the destination of the year in 2014. 
In 2016, the country had one of Asia's fastest economic growth rates, but remained one of the world's poorest. There was a booming travel industry emerging, creating economic growth, and yet the poverty levels remained the same. Myanmar's recent emergence from isolation would appear to be an opportunity to grow as a democracy. To my disbelief, it seems that the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer.
I don't know if globalization is inevitable at a political level or from a policy perspective. I do know that global citizens can do their best to support local economies, even on their travels. Since tourists are substantial contributors to Myanmar's economy, they ought to contribute thoughtfully. National Geographic provides a guide to ensure tourism helps, not hurts, this sacred place. By eating locally, booking domestically owned hotels, booking tours with local travel companies, and purchasing goods from legitimate local businesses. 
 I have thought a lot about what it means to be a global citizen lately. I am entirely convinced that it involved acting. It is nice to make a blog post about the dangers of globalization, but unless you make sacrifices in your own life, nothing will ever change. With that, I’ve decided to not buy coffee for a week, and instead donate that money to the Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Bangladesh.
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kathrynvstheglobe · 4 years
Blog Post #4: Zero Dark Thirty, the War on Terror, and Torture
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Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you are in a dark, unfamiliar room. You are exhausted, and you want to sleep––but you cannot. Your arms are attached to ropes hanging from the ceiling, music blares non-stop throughout the room, and you are covered in bruises. You stay awake, not because you want to, but because your captors have made it impossible to fall asleep.
This was just part of the reality of the torture committed by the CIA against detainees in Pakistan during the manhunt for Osama Bin-Laden, the orchestrator of the 9/11 terror attacks, as depicted in the 2012 film Zero Dark Thirty. However, critics of the film condemned it for its depiction of torture, also known as “enhanced interrogation techniques”. Journalists and authors including Emily Bazelon, Michael Wolff, Frank Bruni, Karen J. Greenberg, and Jane Mayer described the film as presenting a pro-torture stance, with the torture of detainees being presented as a necessary evil for the CIA to track down Bin Laden. Notably, John McCain, a U.S. Senator who once suffered torture as a prisoner of war, objected to the film by stating that the portrayal of torture as an effective interrogation method was inaccurate and that the torture committed in the Bin Laden manhunt often produced misleading or false information. 
The controversial portrayal of torture in Zero Dark Thirty as a necessary and effective interrogation method provides a lens onto the issue of globalization in a post-9/11 world. Since 9/11 and the resulting War on Terror, discussions of terrorism, especially Islamic terrorism from the Middle East, have dominated discourse and turned globalization into an issue of national security from international threats. A consequence of this development has been the injection of themes from the War on Terror, including the normalization of torture against those deemed potential terrorists, into popular media, including film. While some may argue that Zero Dark Thirty is simply a product of its time, it is nonetheless reflective of patterns in the discourse of terrorism and globalization that persist to this day. 
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Westernization and its Effects
Westernization is a term used to describe the adoption of western cultures, philosophies and trends. As everyone is entitled to their own opinions, many argue that westernization threatens the conservation of orthodox doctrines and principles. It endangers the long-standing cultures that originated way before the development of the West as a whole. First world countries like the U.S, almost have made their goal to provide aid to struggling countries. Oftentimes, as history has shown, those struggles arose from the involvement of the West. These countries face the dilemma of adopting western values, thus losing substantial amounts of their own culture. The most common example of westernization is the use of western trends to influence the wardrobe, entertainment and the cuisine, custom to the specific culture. American apparel and food-service giants can be found everywhere around the world today. These corporations kill the local market and native business, disrupting the economy of the state. These factors lead to the elimination of the country's  values and traditions that define it. These traditions and values are not only the foundational pillars, but are also essential elements to the country’s sustainability. When examined carefully, colonialism and westernization are not too far apart, in regards to their common philosophies. The West as a whole should stop rescuing people from themselves. The U.S should stop imposing its ideologies onto other countries, because let’s be honest, it does not have much to offer. Instead, it should focus on itself and mend the severe inequalities and corruptions people face within its borders. “Do not fix yourself by breaking someone else''. The truth is, as globalization gains more supporters, westernization becomes more and more inevitable.
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dawns-pictures-blog · 5 years
Blog Post #4 — Your House is On Fire, Sir
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However often I scroll through the news on my phone, I (without fail) come across three types of news stories. (1) Trump and another terrible public address. (2) Events as a result of the global climate crisis. (3) Denial and unacceptance of the global climate crisis.
Funnily enough, I came across an article that addressed all three; Trump (but in the form of Michael McCormack), events prompted by climate change (the Australian bushfires), and denial of the global climate crisis (McCormack denying the bushfires are a result of poor global climate conditions). Here’s the link to the article, in case you care about the earth and your future on it and would like to be referred to as an “inner-city, raving lunatic” as McCormack so kindly put it. 
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/11/25/ australias-bushfires-are-catastrophic-when-will-politicians-learn/ 
Can you believe some critics gather there’s not enough statistical evidence to support the reality of the global environmental crisis?
While I am angry about this, I thought into the grander scheme of things; connecting yet another aspect of the world to globalization; the environment. Globalization and environmental degradation are more integrated than what is often believed, as the latter embodies similar characteristics of function and effect to the former. A more commonly noticeable similarity is the increasing speed, intensity, and rapidity with which both occur, everywhere. Similarly, however, both environmental change/instability and globalization have a pattern of uneven effects; more often negatively affecting the vulnerable first.
This pattern of hurting those most incapable of fighting back relays in the suffering populations of the sinking island nations, such as the Maldives, the Seychelles, and Tuvalu.
When reflecting upon the similarities of globalization and the global climate crisis, there is another glaring similarity (going back to my anger); the critics. For both realities, some believe these processes (globalization and climate change) are either (a) inevitable, or (b) cease to exist. Honestly, I can’t tell who or what is worse.
Your house is on fire, Sir. You can see the smoke, how can’t you detect the fire?
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macparacha-blog · 5 years
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Blog Post #4: Is it Volunteering or Voluntourism?
We have all seen numerous posts online on social media of individuals going on vacations to third world countries and eventually "volunteering" there by building houses or teaching. The term used to describe this is called voluntourism. The action of volunteering is used to disguise the real agenda and meaning of the trip, which is either done for clout or to use as a stand out quality for resumes. Critics have commented that voluntourism is done more for the tourist and less for the community. It suggests that communities can not exist and stand on their own and need the assistance of volunteers to meet the basic standards of achieving. It is said that voluntourism, in reality, does more harm than good. It is considered exploitive, destabilizing, and unstable towards the community in need. These actions destabilize the local economics and social infrastructure of the areas as it takes away jobs from the locals forcing them to rely on volunteer labour and limits the incentives to build up local capital. Once the volunteers have fulfilled their agenda set from the trip, they leave, and the progress made comes to a standstill. There are cases of voluntourism where the volunteers go to teach children in areas that can not afford proper education. Though this sounds angelic and heroic, the truth is that it leads to the creation of short term connections that eventually result in emotionally damaging these children in the long term. These volunteers eventually end up gaining the trust and love of many younger kids. After a couple of weeks, they leave to return home, leaving the children without the amenities they offered during their stay. Many companies that offer these opportunities usually charge thousands of dollars to be able to fund their agendas. Making these trips so pricy reduces the number of people these opportunities are available to as not many have the money to spend. It is questioned whether the whole concept of voluntourism is even compatible with the idea of global citizenship To wrap it all up,  is voluntourism really done for the benefit of those in developing countries or the personal agendas of those volunteering.  Volunteers often do it for self-interested reasons such as for an advantage in a tight job market back home, especially for young individuals who lack job experience. If voluntourism is seen as a way to give back and be a global citizen, which is it only limited to a particular market that has the advantage of being to afford it?
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sw-globalzn1a03 · 3 years
Genshin Impact - Blog post #1
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Throughout the ages, globalisation has played a huge part in my life. Being of mixed descent, it has been present even before I was born. I grew up outside of  Japan - where my mother is from - but I still had access to many Japanese things. One of which was Nintendo games. They were a very significant part of my upbringing. Their games are very important to me. It was what I played with my brothers growing up, and it was what introduced me to the world of gaming. As I grew older, I began exploring and playing other games such as Fantage, PubG, Sims, Valorant and more. All of them had some form of system that allowed for players to interact with each other. During the pandemic, I began playing Genshin Impact at my friend's insistence. Needless to say, it quickly became my favourite game. In addition, the game has very close ties to globalisation.
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Genshin Impact is an RPG game created by miHoYo, a Chinese game developing company. Although the game was made by a Chinese company, it is accessible internationally through four servers: America, Asia, Europe, and TW, HK, MO.  I mainly play on the American server but I have an account on the Asia server as well. Ther servers are not limited to an individual's location. This gives me the opportunity to play with both my friends in the Americas and Asia. I have chosen to write about the game because it is heavily influenced by globalisation.
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The game has a co-op and friend system. The co-op system allows for players to enter each other's worlds and make friends or just play together. I have made some good friends and we join one another's world whenever we feel like it. There is also an in-game chat system which has preset emoticons. This comes in handy when there is an occasional language barrier as the emoticons still let us express things what we want to do or how we are feeling to each other.
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Teyvat is the name of the world in Genshin and it is separated into seven different nations with each nation being home to the Archon of a specific element. The nations are inspired by real life societies. Currently, only three nations have been released: Mondstat, Liyue and Inazuma. Mondstat is based off of Germany. In addition to the German sounding name, it also has an overwhelming amount of European and Tudor styled buildings. They are famous for their alcohol, similar to their real world counterpart. I really enjoyed Mondstat as the buildings reminded me of the ones I saw while travelling around Germany. Liyue(璃月)  is based off of China and Inazuma(稲妻) is based off of Japan. Both names are rooted in the language of their real world counterparts. It felt nice wandering around Inazuma and laughing with some of my Japanese friends over NPC names that we share. I share a name with a shogunate soldier which I find hilarious as my name originates from a samurai clan.
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Genshin Impact is related to globalisation in every aspect. From the way players from all around the world can easily play together and chat together to introducing a country's culture - even if it is the most basic parts of it - to an international audience. It shows how easy it is to connect with others and how simple it is to learn about other countries and places through a game.
(Photos are all screenshots)
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Blog Post #2: Barack Obama in address to the Parliament of Canada
This blog post will explore the remarks made by President Obama in address to the Parliament of Canada. Globalization encourages partnership between states and the idea of borderless alliance in regards to economic and social trade. Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau both claim to be global citizens and their partnership between the two neighbouring countries has helped in enduring peace and strength. As President Obama quoted Pierre Trudeau in his speech, “A country, after all, is not something you build as the pharaohs build the pyramids, and leave standing there to defy eternity. A country is something that is built everyday out of certain basic shared values”. Economies depend on selling goods around the world and countries must engage with each other for growth. Trade is one of the maximum important matters when it comes to globalization. The U.S and Canada have the strongest bilateral trade and investment relationship in the world. Not only does this increases skills, education and opportunities for workers but also promotes human rights and prohibitions against child labour and human trafficking.  
Canada and the United States remain one of the most, if not the most, economically and socially secure states in the world, thus because of the ideologies of globalization, many voice that it is their duty to help those countries in need. Wealthy countries like the U.S and Canada can not reach full potential if other countries remain in extreme poverty. Quoting the speech, as President Obama said, “As leaders in global development, the United States and Canada understand that development is not charity -- it’s an investment in our future prosperity.” The primary reason for those investments is to aid the poorer states, but because of globalization, they also came back to the markets of Canada and the U.S. 
The cited speech by President Barack Obama in address to the Parliament of Canada, concluded and restated the need for globalization. Global cooperation, such as international trade of goods, values and ideologies, is not only beneficial to countries in need of improvement in those aspects, but also developed countries like Canada and the United States for sustainability.   
Work Cited:
“Remarks by President Obama in Address to the Parliament of Canada.”        National Archives and  Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/06/30/remarks-president-obama-address-parliament-canada. 
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macparacha-blog · 5 years
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Blog Post #3: Unification through Sports 
Sport is an aspect of society that every individual can use to connect with others around them. Need an exciting dinner table conversation? Talk sports. Need a topic to break an awkward conversation? Talk sports. Need a topic to connect with your girlfriend's father? Talk sports. There is a wide range of sports, originating from various countries all around the globe. It is a connection factor for many all over. The adaption of sports from different cultures has increased the sense of globalization over the centuries. In a way, sports has become a culture of some sort for many. The intensification and expansion of cultures and sports around the world are called Cultural Globalization. This type of globalization allows for others to be educated on the various cultures that exist, as well as an increase in diversity and connections between people. As a sport gains more and more popularity over time, its viewers begin to look into how the sport came to be. They learn about its background, its origin as well as the country it originated from. Sport's is essential to contemporary globalization. These events were seen as unifying factors while promoting acceptance and human rights. The Toronto Raptors, Toronto's basketball team, achieved an enormous goal this past summer of 2019. Their win of the 2019 NBA championship brought together millions of people from all across the world. At the Raptor's parade, almost 2 million people attended from different countries around the globe as well as various provinces and cities across Canada. The semi-final and final games were streamed by billions. Such events bring people together, creating a strong sense of globalization.
Raptors teams holding the championship trophy. (2019). Retrieved from https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fqFYQYOe7xBvFuk-jW1uEyA6zc4=/0x0:3361x2241/1820x1213/filters:focal(1288x533:1824x1069)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/64004079/usa_today_12893904.5.jpg
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dawns-pictures-blog · 5 years
Blog Post #3 — Quit your Voluntouring
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In Ontario, every high school student has had to complete a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer work as a requirement to be eligible to receive their High School Diploma. It is supposedly harmless to force students to volunteer in their community in positions of their choice (but not really) and allow them to graduate as a result.
Now, as a result of the aforementioned, students at the secondary level complete a certain number of volunteer hours to appeal to universities of their interest. Students at the post-secondary level, while not having to meet a minimum requirement, volunteer excessively to appeal to graduate schools. People, in general, volunteer to appeal to employers and society. It is a cycle.
There’s a concept called “voluntourism” that adheres to the content of this blog. The Business of Voluntourism published by The Guardian(’s of the galaxy) explores the concept of voluntourism in-depth, highlighting the plight of the western do-gooders.
Voluntourism, I believe, is the result of mandatory volunteering, beginning in secondary school and extending its effect on a global scale. See, often, students grow used to volunteering for their benefit (i.e. to graduate, to embellish their resume, etc). As they grow older, this typically translates to the majority of charitable activities in which they partake. Experience, work and volunteer, is highly valued in Western professional contexts.
This prompts the concept of “voluntourism,” where youth and adults volunteer internationally to assuage liberal guilt under the guise of “global citizenship”. Voluntourism, however harmless it may seem (I mean, hey, sure they’re doing it for themselves, but at least they are volunteering), has many criticisms, many of which negatively impact the already unfortunate in third world countries, as the article goes on to explain.
It is a concept that stems from the unfortunate roots of the global North lending a helping hand to the nations of the global South, simply for political, economic or social gain; just as the voluntourists are doing.
Volunteer, don’t voluntour. Though, in a Western societal context, there’s barely a difference.
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