gmwlg-blog · 4 years
“Don’t take counsel from your fears.” 
The entire month of March is recognized as Women’s History Month and is dedicated to the celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society.
On March 18, 2021, in commemoration of such an empowering month, The Gail Miller Women’s Leadership Group welcomed Deidre M. Henderson, Lieutenant Governor of Utah, for a unique virtual discussion moderated by Gail Miller, owner and chair of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies. The conversation was insightful, encouraging, and incredibly inspiring as the Lieutenant Governor of Utah, Deidre M. Henderson, shared her personal experiences as a wife, mother, student, and politician.
If you were unable to attend the live discussion or would like to hear the stories and advice of the Lieutenant Governor once more, please use the link above.
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gmwlg-blog · 4 years
On October 20, the Gail Women’s Leadership Group hosted a virtual discussion on inclusion, diversity, and belonging with Dr. Steve L. Robbins. Based on his study of the field and using his signature insights and humor, Dr. Robbins explored unconscious bias in its many forms and how it can impact productivity and performance in the workplace.  
Dr. Robbins provided tangible examples of why belonging is so important and advice on how to increase the feeling of belonging of people in our lives and organizations. By practicing both open-mindedness through internal and external curiosity, along with being more mindful through recognition, reflection, and responding with positive intent, we can work to increase belonging.  
Gail Miller, chair and owner of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies, concluded the discussion by sharing her main takeaway: “It is good to be an insider, so let’s all of us use our life and energy to be a caring person and bring all of those on the outside to the inside where we all belong.”  
We hope you enjoyed this latest installment of the Women’s Leadership Group speaker series.  
If you were unable to attend the live presentation or simply want to watch again, please use the link above.  
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gmwlg-blog · 3 years
August 26, 2021 - The Gail Miller Women’s Leadership Group welcomed Tami Steggell, Founder of RubySnap Fresh Cookies, for a unique in-person, live event and virtual discussion moderated by Gail Miller, owner and chair of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies.
Not only has she been my spur of inspiration…but she has also been my best friend since the day we met,” said Lindsey Willis, Compliance Specialist from Prestige Financial Services, Inc, in describing Tami Steggell, owner and founder of RubySnap cookies. Steggell, a former architectural designer, founded RubySnap Fresh Cookies in 2008, designing a brand focused on using clean, natural ingredients with the least amount of waste. Steggell is known for her innovative flavors, unyielding commitment to quality and a firm belief in pursuing one’s personal self. Steggell brought her genuine self and ideas for thriving to her conversation with Gail Miller, owner and immediate past chair of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies.
Insights from Tami Steggell
“It’s important to check in on your level of happiness and be honest with yourself. It’s ok to love a career for many years and still have a desire to migrate to a new career and learn in new ways. For me, it is important to feel challenged and refreshed. Why not feel happy in our careers, when we spend so much time in that place?”
“Stop! You are the sum of your thoughts; action follows thought in every form. Think about possibility, capability, success against odds, turn debilitating fear into healthy actionable fear. You are what you think, so start thinking about the good parts of you.”
When asked about overcoming challenges, Steggell provided this powerful analogy: “Think of a speed bump, as soon as you see one you immediately slow down. The first thing I do is – Slow down! Slow down! Slow down!” Where most of us are tempted to power through problems and get out of them as quickly as possible, Steggell advised slowing down to think and plan.
Always looking for the positive, Steggell says, “Whining about a circumstance does not make that circumstance better, action does. I prefer triumph and pressing forward. It’s a discipline of choice just like exercise and other healthy habits, put your mind in the practice of implementing positive thoughts and behaviors.”
Steggell shared a few personal thoughts on growing and expanding her business. For Steggell, success is not defined by money or expansion, but rather personal satisfaction and happiness. For Steggell, family, her employees and the community are primary drivers.
Learn more about the Gail Miller Women’s Leadership Group by visiting www.GailMillerWLG.com. Be sure to like and follow us on social media!
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gmwlg-blog · 3 years
Thank you for joining us for a conversation with Meg Whitman, an American business executive, former political candidate, and philanthropist, as well as Gail Miller, owner and chair of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies. Their conversation was a powerhouse of business insights and leadership strategies. Click the link in the image above to watch the recording of their conversation. After watching the video, please share your key takeaway on one of the GMWLG social media platforms.
Keep the conversation going with some discussion starters:
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