QUACKITY SMP????????????
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Wuackity x Reader part 4!!!!
you had just finished putting your make up on. shockingly enough it only took you 20 minutes so you picked something to wear out of your wardrobe. you weren't sure what to wear first but then decided on a crop top, ripped jeans, and some customised converse you thrifted. you walked out of the bathroom ( because quackity refused to stop playing minecraft ) and into the bedroom where quackity was still playing minecraft. he looked up at you and he immediately stopped playing minecraft and stared at you. he couldn't stop himself from taking a second to just admire you. you were so gorgeos and he didn't know how to tell you how he felt. 'y-y-you l-look just so-so' he began. ' haha i'm so pretty you can't even speak' ' w-what yeah i can! ' he said trying to prove his point but failing miserably. ' c'mon lets go before we're late' you said picking up some money in case you needed it because tommy has a tend to ask everyone to buy him stupid crap. ' y-yeah sure let just close this down '. you giggled at quackity and how he was still stuttering. after you both left the house and began walking to the playground you realised how cold it was. you began to shiver and the cold quickly became unbearable. ' are you cold? ' asked quackity. ' y-yes ' you could hardly speak with the cold. ' here take this ' quackity said begging to take his hoodie off. ' n-no its fine really i'll warm up a-after awhile '. ' its fine i've got a long sleeve on plus as you call me i am a human heater ' exclaimed the beanie boy. he removed his hoodie and gave it to you. you put the hoodie realising it was the hoodie you got him for Christmas not long ago. ' t-thank you ' the heat of the hoodie was really comforting for you. ' no problem human freezer ' he said jokingly. ' its not my fault your organs are literally heaters! ' you exclaimed. you continued to banter with each the whole way to the playground. when you finally got there you could already hear tommy shouting at george about what game he wanted to play. you looked over and there they were. screaming like little children. you had known everyone there for almost 3 years. ' QUACKITYYYYYYY ' shouted willbur . ' WILLBAAA' shouted quackity back at him. they both quickly ran to each and gave each other a big hug. you thought that this was very sweet. q then quickly hugged everyone else in the group. you quickly followed and also hugged everyone before you could say anything tommy quickly announced ' RIGHT SO WE'RE GOING TO PLAY TRUTH OR DAY OK?!?! '. everyone nodded in agreement and you all sat down and started playingeveryone else had answered a question and it was your turn. ' right y/n truth or dare? 'asked tommy 'dare ' you said feeling confident. tommy let out a demonic laugh and started rubbing his hands together. ' i dare you to kiss big q! '. you looked to quackity who very quietly said ' it's up to you '. you looked to the ground. q could tell you didn't want to so he said ' guys i don't wanna kiss y/n '. you swiftly looked up and gave q a thankful smile. after a few more rounds of truth or dare it began to rain. you all jumped into georges car ( him being the only one who could drive ) and he dropped went to drop tommy and will of first. when the two got out of the car george began to drive to your house. you were looking out the window when you heard quackity mumble ' god she looks so cute with my hoodie on '. you turned around an asked ' did you say something? ' even though you heard him crystal clear. ' nothing ' he said sounding panicked. you turned around and looked out the window for the rest of the way there.
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25ticupsinacupboard · 3 years
Yooooooo let’s go quackityyyyyyy get his ass
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