tokuteasings · 2 years
I see your requests are open and I adore your King Ohger writing!!! Could you write something with Gira and hes trying to act all tough bc hes the “evil king” and you’re just like, humoring him because hes so into and after a lil but he breaks characters and it just get super fluffy? Idk if thats a coherent plot but you write him so well! Have a nice week 💚
you cant just come into my inbox and give me fluffy gira thots without warning how dare-
Thank you for your praise~! Kingohger has such a fucking grip on me yall dont even know-
Warnings: GN!Reader, fluffy. Make-out sesh
What is a king to a deity?
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There is a howl of pride, of a beast leering towards the masses at their crowning achievement. He's the lion at the head of the pride, the master, the, apex, the alpha, dearest Gira is the king of evil and he wears it with pride.
Let all kneel before him - as you have, over and over again.
Let all worship him - as you have, over and over again.
Let all adore him, as you have, over and over again.
Without question.
He's laughing again, jovially, as he chases around the children and swings about this small little branch (he always picks the tiniest little sticks and gives the best ones to the kids that flock to the two of you) and screams, "For I am the king of evil, Gira! I shall rule the land-!" he glances around, the idea blooming into his head as a stag beetle to a flame and they lock on to yours.
They glitter in the sunlit day, mischief dancing within them as he sets the "sword" at his side and makes the fastest beeline towards you (you have seen faster, such as when he saw you again after a long period of this touchless entity that dragged on for eons and swept you up into his arms and kissed you breathless) before cackling and gathering you into his arms with frightening strength.
The branch is held to your neck, a sole leaf (still attached, still clinging despite the force) tickles your skin - a kiss dotting it akin to his own. You laugh and dramatically gasp, the back of your hand against your forehead as you press yourself towards Gira's chest and smirk at how he yelps and flushes just a wee bit.
Because you're at his heart, where you have crawled in and kept it captive for so long. Especially when a hand skitters against his chest and collar bone, pads of your fingers dusting against his bare skin that makes him keel and whine - pecks from other parts of your skin.
"Oh no~!" you whimper as the children gather around you, brandishing their blades of terra and bark. "The evil king has me captive!" you let out a "whimper" as Gira clears his throat, his arm now possessively wrapped around your waist as you inwardly giggle. "Whatever will I do?!"
"That is right!" Gira calls out to the kids, using the sword that was against your neck earlier to point at each of them, taunting them. "I have captured this citizen! I shall force them into a marriage and we shall conquer the world together!"
You stare up at him with wide eyes as the kids gasp and groan out various quips of: "Ew marriage!" "That's mean!"
The word "marriage" echoes in your head because honestly...have you thought about it? Yes, a few here and there. Sometimes in the middle of the night, you and Gira talk about what the future holds and could bring. But he would always smile and kiss your fingers, "Whatever it brings us, we'll conquer it together." and a smile that outshines even the sun would bloom upon his face and make you utterly weak in the knees.
It's just like now, now that you think about it.
His hues are reflecting yours and the images of the children, but he is the sun itself. He is showing off this light that you are attracted to, crave even.
So you do what you normally do whenever you're overwhelmed by love and adoration for your little king-
You just kiss him. You grab the sides of his face and planet your lips on to his, not caring for the meager populace that gazes upon this communion of king and captive. They fade.
Gira lets out a small yelp, his sword loses its place in his hands and they're around your hips now. He tilts his head to further press his lips into yours, dipping you lightly and despite his initial hesitation before, he melts into it. He's craving it as much as you do-
"Ew! They're kissing!"
"Oh my God!"
"Gira nii-chan!"
There is a sputter of flubbers and blubbers as you two part, your faces equally red as his. Kogane from the sidelines rolls her eyes as Gira clears his throat. "R-Right..." he mumbles out, before turning to you and pecking your cheek as an apology. "Sorry got carried away." he's sheepish at this point, a small timid smile to his lips-
"We should do it again."
Gira stares outright at your words, a small mumble leaving his lips that you couldn't hear but he's fully red now - his blush skittering on downwards towards his chest from his open shirt. "N-Not now!" he gestures towards the kids with an empty hand. "D-Don't do this in public!" it's an embarrassed hiss, he's almost trying to make himself smaller and smaller. He doesn't need the feel of your lips that are wine and honey and everything nice in the world.
He doesn't need it to fog his mind until he's in this drunken stupor...
"You're right. Sorry." your laugh softly before picking up his branch and handing it back to him. He smiles as his hand brushes against yours with the passing of blade to blade-
Your lips zoom towards his knuckles and he yelps, jumping backwards and dropping the blade again as the kids groan further. You laugh as you pick up the fallen branch, raising it high and ego fueling your id. "Aha! I have usurped the evil emperor! Now all shall bow before me!"
And if he could, he would happily get on his knees for you.
For love is a sacrament best taken kneeling for a god you devote everything towards.
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