#GOSH I think R76 week may be angsty if all I do is fluff for a solid month
dabbledrabbleprose · 7 years
9. First Date
“So, you wanna grab some coffee after this?”
It was incredibly inappropriate, giving the circumstances, but the words just slipped out. The two of them were tangled in a sprawl after jumping off a roof to avoid a grenade. Hanzo had blood running down his face from an injury above his hairline and McCree had been shot in the shoulder, for hell’s sake. And yet, Jesse had been unable to stop the words from spilling out.
The sound of gunfire spurred him to lurch to his feet and pull Hanzo up with him. He fired at the figures still on the rooftop, expecting Hanzo to return his focus on the mission and let Jesse’s poorly timed question slide. He certainly didn’t expect an answer.
“I’d like that.”
And definitely not an answer to the affirmative.
“Tomorrow night, after Dr. Zeigler lets us out of the infirmary.”
The fight had continued amid idle discussion as to where they wanted to go, and as Hanzo put an arrow through the eye of an enemy sniper, they decided the best plan would be to just walk around until they found somewhere they both thought looked good.
Talking about it during the heat of battle was one thing, a promise of something better to give them the motivation to get out of that hellhole alive.
Actually doing it was another thing entirely.
McCree was nervous. Hand sweating, standing in the mirror, changing clothes three times nervous. Had Hanzo only agreed because of the fight? Would he scowl and turn McCree away? Would he uncomfortably just go along with it to be polite? Did he have any idea how long Jesse had wanted to take him out like this? Goddammit. Wasn’t this shit supposed to get easier the older you got?
Jesse finally settled on jeans, a red flannel shirt, and a leather and fleece jacket. He didn’t need to debate about his hat, belt, and boots; those were always coming. Taking a deep breath, he gathered up his courage and marched to Hanzo’s quarters to knock on the door. A few long moments passed in awkward silence before the door slid open, revealing Hanzo in a well-fitted blue dress shirt and black slacks, a tan cotton jacket over one arm.
Jesse’s heart and stomach fluttered about distractingly in his abdomen and he gave Hanzo a warm smile.
“Looking good, darlin’. Ready to go?”
“Yes,” Hanzo replied, shrugging into the jacket. Did he sound a little breathless? “How are you feeling? How is your shoulder?”
“Still sore, but nothing more than that. Bless Angela and her miracle medicine. And how about yourself?”
“I’m doing quite well, fully healed,” Hanzo said, following Jesse out. He gave a small chuckle. “You know, when most people ask ‘how are you?’ they are referring to just general pleasantries, and not ‘are your gunshot wounds healing.’”
“Really?” McCree gave him a look of mock surprise as he led the way out. “Sounds boring. This makes much more sense.”
A light snow had started to fall, but the evening wasn’t too terribly cold, even for McCree’s tastes. They walked through the evening streets, keeping one eye out for coffee shops, and though they both started out a little quiet and awkward, they soon settled into comfortable conversation.
They eventually found a place that was still open, though they were in the process of closing up, so they got a pair of decafs to go, loaded with cream and sugar apiece. Without thinking, Jesse held his arm out for Hanzo to take, and felt his heart leap into his throat as he did so.
What if Hanzo didn’t take it? What if Hanzo thought this was just coffee and not anything more? He had never actually explicitly stated that this was a date. Was this a date? Oh God, had he just ruined everything with one gesture?
It took less than a second for the thoughts to run through his head, but it was only a heartbeat later when Hanzo alleviated his fears by comfortably taking his arm, drawing closer to him. Jesse gave him a breathless smile, coffee in his free hand, and began a slow, casual walk back to base. Their conversation slowed as they made their way back to Watchpoint property.
“This was nice, sugar. I liked this. A lot.” Jesse smiled down at him.
“As did I. This…was a good idea.” Hanzo slid closer and comfortably rested his head on Jesse’s shoulder.
Jesse kept walking with him, but fell silent for a long moment as he tried to get his pulse back under control, praying that Hanzo couldn’t hear his racing heart. Hell, he was perfect. Hanzo was absolute perfection. The only thing Jesse regretted was that he couldn’t keep hold of Hanzo’s arm and wrap an arm around his back at the same time.
He gave a little sigh as they stepped back inside, getting out of the cold. Jesse took his time leading Hanzo back to his quarters, but it still felt far too soon when they finally stood outside the door.
“Well, here we are, darlin’. Seems like this is where I drop you off.”
“Thank you, Jesse,” Hanzo slowly let him go and Jesse missed his touch already.
“This was nice,” McCree continued. “Real nice.”
“Indeed, it was.” Hanzo stood by the door, but made no move to go inside.
“Just real…you know? What do you think? Maybe we can…I mean, if you were thinking about it, we might-”
Hanzo chuckled and mercifully cut him off. “For being a smooth-talking cowboy, you are terrible at asking for what you want, Jesse. Yes, I enjoyed this. I enjoyed being with you. And yes, I expect a second date.” Without giving McCree a chance to reply, Hanzo smoothly slid forward and kissed him on the cheek.
“See you at training tomorrow, Jesse.”
McCree felt dizzy and light headed, but knew that he was grinning ear to ear.
“See you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
With one last smile, Hanzo slipped inside and closed the door. Jesse grinned all the way back to his room.
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