rreadsdaily · 5 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Alberto!
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I had the lucky chance to sit down with Alberto at #ITAInstituteCon3 last July and to ask him a few questions about his personal reading experience and about RosendeReads!  
Let’s start with the first question: how did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? A: I think it’s both, in a way. I know that when I was younger my dad always had a book in his hands and then my mom is actually… I don’t know if she considers herself a reader, but she’s always reading a book. So both of my parents, whether or not they consider themselves avid readers, were always reading. I know that in high school I feel like I didn’t read as much as I should’ve, especially when it came to taking tests on books… I didn’t do that. I was very lazy when it came to that. And then I had one teacher at the end of high school, in my last two years, and she was just an incredible, great teacher and specifically in the way she talked literature and that helped me realize that I love books and that I wanna keep reading.
Do you usually set up a reading challenge for yourself? A: No, I don’t like putting any pressure on myself to read. And that’s one of the challenges of the book club: It does put pressure on me to read. I like when it’s more casual and then I happen to finish the book. But I feel like with books that you really like you never really have to challenge yourself, you end up just reading them all. But with the book club, because we do a bunch of different types of books and authors… there are some books that I’m like “I thought I would’ve enjoyed this book a little more” or “I thought I’d have gotten into it faster” so it is taxing but yeah, I try not to [challenge myself]
Is there a particular moment in which you realized you wanted to put together a book club? A: Not a particular moment but I remember I talked about it to Tessa and I mentioned it before to my parents like “You know, I wanna start a book club” and then the idea kinda grew and I’m kinda of impulsive so I was like if I don’t do it today, I’m not doing it. So I was like “How would it work? It would work like this. We would do this, this and this” and I was like I’m just doing it and hopefully I can… like Tessa wrote on my birthday card one year this Kurt Vonnegut’s quote that said “I believe that our job is to continually jump off cliffs and try to build our wings on the way down” and I think that’s kinda of what the book club was.
I also remember when you talked about the book club for the first time, you were here in Milan two years ago and you were like “I’m going to create a book club” and I was like “I don’t think he’s really gonna do that” and a month later you were like “Listen, this is what we’re gonna do. This is how it’s gonna work” A: Yeah! So it was like kinda of a process but when it came time I was like… It’s happening today! What’s the thing you love the most about RosendeReads? A: The community and the books we read together but mostly, the conversations we have. That’s my favorite thing cause it involves the community and it involves the books but it’s really what we find in the middle. That’s my favorite thing, yeah. Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read? A: Favorite book? It’s always changing but “Song of Solomon”, I loved it. Least favorite… maybe like “Diary of Anne Frank”
Not Catch-22? A: Mh, no! I actually started to enjoy “Catch-22” although it was a hard book to read in one setting. But what was the other one… maybe “Into the Wild”, I found difficult to read too because at first I thought it was gonna be a different book because of the film. I admire McCandless more in the movie than I did in the book. I feel like in the movie they really romanticized his passions and the book talks about that but because it shows a lot of both sides I started to feel like this kid is really selfish, in a way, until it was too late… 
Right?! Selfish and ungrateful A: Ungrateful, yeah! That would be a good word. But then again, I do believe the movie may have captured his essence a little bit better in a sense that he obviously didn’t find himself to be ungrateful, he was just obsessed with the status-quo and didn’t want to live by any rules but his own and he was really willing to go that far to do it and to search something bigger than himself, which is cool. But yeah, least favorite one.
Is there a genre you think we would never read? A: Anything written by Donald Trump because I don’t think it’s written by him… But I’d say maybe we would read something written by Donald Trump, one of those books he did write cause maybe we wanna see what he thinks but at the same time I think that’s stupid.
Yeah and I think it would make us more angry A: Exactly. And I don’t wanna give him any more money or anything, so probably not
I think you once mentioned a book about Donald Trump? Like “Fear”? A: Yeah, “Fear: Trump in the White House” by Bob Woodward. I was reading that, I’m almost done with that but yeah, I don’t think I’d read that one with everyone because I believe political opinions should stay, you know, to myself.  I don’t know if there’s a genre we wouldn’t read because I don’t wanna say “You can’t read those books”, cause it goes against everything we believe in.
How do you see this book club growing? Like I remember you mentioned once merchandise and a fundraising? A: Yeah and I was looking into it and it gets difficult with settling it and I don’t want anyone to think that I’m ever taking money from it. I do eventually wanna have it growing into something we eventually can… my mom and I were actually talking about this. We are both always on the look out for ways to expand and how we can start to grow our community to help. That’s what the goal is: to take our RosendeReads community and help the community outside. I want us to become an active book club, in terms of service.
If you could describe to a newbie what RosendeReads represents in order to convince them to join, what would you say? A: It’s the sharing of ideas through one common thing, which you can find when someone studies in University or is in a class: it’s a sharing of ideas and growth through one communality, whether it is the course you’re taking or the subject matter you’re currently reading. And RosendeReads is an extension of that, it’s us reading one book and like what I said my favorite thing is, it’s the conversation in between about that book with the people from all over the world that you get to grow and learn. So yeah, I’d be like… just why wouldn’t you?!
Last question: a message you would like to send to the members of the book club? A: Keep reading, keep exploring, keep being curious and keep being positive forces of change in your communities cause that’s what we’re about.
A massive thank you to Alberto for his time and for the fun and inspiring conversation. You can find Alberto’s official book club account on Instagram: @RosendeReads, make sure to give it a follow and stay tuned for all the latest news about the book club!
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rreadsdaily · 5 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Nanette!
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Nanette from Australia. Let’s start with the first question then: Name, age and where are you from?   N:  I’m Nanette, but I usually get called Netty. I’m 51 and I’m from Wollongong in Australia
We’re some months into the new year so i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? N:  No, I haven’t set a reading challenge but I’m half way through my ninth book
How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? N: I’ve been reading pretty much since as long as I remember. It’s something that I’ve always done but there have been times when I’ve haven’t read very much which is why I love RR as it got me back into reading again
What’s your favorite thing about reading? N: My favourite thing about reading is that it’s an escape into a different world
And how often do you read out of your comfort zone? N: I usually don’t, I mostly read fantasy, science fiction and supernatural books so a lot of the books that we have read for RR have been out of my comfort zone
How did you find RosendeReads? N: I found out about RR when Alberto first talked about it on Instagram
What’s the thing you love the most about RosendeReads? N: The thing I love about RR is that it has brought together people from all around the world who all share a love of reading and all the amazing insights that everyone has shared about the books that we have all read
Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RosendeReads? N:  My favourites are “The Handmaid’s Tale”, “To Kill a Mocking Bird”, “Life of Pi” and “Into the Wild.” Least favourite would be “Man’s Search for Meaning”, “Catch 22″ and “Diary of a Young Girl”
How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? N:  I hope it is still going in five years and that the book club will keep growing. But not too big as I like our little community
Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? N:  I’m a Slytherin. I did the house test on Pottermore and that’s where it put me. Though I think I have a lot of Ravenclaw in me
One last question: do you have any social media? If so, where can we find you? N:  I’m @the_kender on Instagram and @kender on Twitter
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rreadsdaily · 5 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Kelly!
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Kelly from Brazil.
We can start with the first question: Name, age and where are you from? K: I'm Kelly, 35 years old, from Brazil 
We’re some months into the new year so i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? K:  Well, initially i wanted to catch up on the books you've read on RosendeReads before I joined and to finish some others I ended up abandoning for some reasons... but in almost five months I've read more books than in 2018, so at this point I think the sky is the limit! 
That’s awesome, congrats! How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? K:  I actually don't remember ever not liking to read... If some relative gave me a book or if I had to read something for school I always ended up reading it over and over again. But I only realized I was a Reader, with capital R, when I fell in love with a story I had to read for school and discovered it was the first of a series. It was then when I started actively seeking and buying books on my own. First the other books on the series, then other books from the same author... And the rest is history! A couple of years ago I had the chance to meet that author... I cried like a baby! 
That must be such an experience, meeting the author of your favorite book! What’s your favorite thing about reading? K:  When I read I can have fun and learn at the same time. I can scape from reality even for a minute or two, only to come back stronger. I can comprehend my surroundings even more. I can visit different places, whether they exist or not. As George Martin said, I can live a thousand lives, but without ceasing to be myself
And how often do you read out of your comfort zone? K:  I had to read out of my comfort zone a lot when I was in college... But I ended up enjoying most of it. And I have to say, some of the books in RosendeReads have been a challenge, but I don't regret any of them so far! I also joined another book club just to keep pushing me out of that comfort zone
How did you find RosendeReads? K:  I honestly don't remember! I know I started to watch the show around march last year... I guess I must have seen an interview or something where the club was mentioned. Then the first live I joined, you were finishing “Breakfast of Champions”
What’s the thing you love the most about RosendeReads? K:  Sadly, my closest friends are not into books... So I dont have anyone to talk about that awesome story I just Read. But on RosendeReads I found place where I can do this and get all of your ideas too. That exchange is wonderfull! I'm not a very open person... I don't know how to express myself properly and you can add to that that english is not my first language, but on RosendeReads I feel very comfortable to speak
That’s really sweet and actually a lot of members feel you. English is not everyone’s first language but the fact that despite that, you challenge yourself is brave and amazing and you should never apologize for that! Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR?  K:  My favorite... well I just loved “To Kill a Mockingbird”, but I'll have to say “The Handmaid’s Tale” It's such a powerful book! Everything about it is good! The story itself, the characters, the way it was written! The least favorite so far is “Into the Wild” I was expecting a totally different thing, from what I've heard about this book and about the film too. And I know you all kind of hate “Catch 22″, but I havent got to read it yet
Catch 22 was... though. How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? K: Wow, I just hope it won't be cancelled!  But seriously, ideas like this are so important, even more in times like the one we're living. I think people are starting to realize that reading is important and how it is a weapon against all the wrong we are seeing in the world. RosendeReads and other similar groups will keep flourishing - fingers crossed!
Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? K:  I'm a proud Ravenclaw! I can't say I consider myself very smart 'cause that would be narcissistic of me, but since Pottermore put me - twice - on Ravenclaw, who am I to disagree...
Pottermore is never wrong  One last question: do you have any social media? If so, where can we find you? K:  Not that I have anything interesting to say, but if you want you can find me on Twitter: @cesarkel and on Instagram: @kel_caesar
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rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Keri.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Keri from Scotland. (I already know this one but i have to ask it anyway) Name, age and where are you from K:  Keri, 23, Scotland So we’re just some months into the new year and i was wondering if you you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? K: I have actually, I’ve gotten a couple of new books at Christmas and over the past couple of months I want to try and read at least 2 books each month though because of college it’s been one in January and February. Hopefully over the rest of the year I can bump it up to two a month! How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? K: When I was in high school, many moons ago, my English class read “To Kill a Mockingbird” ( a book RosendeReads have read ) and I really got into creating visuals in my head so I decided to read some more and since then I’ve been reading, so I’d say I discovered enjoying it myself! What’s your favorite thing about reading? K:  My favourite thing about reading is the different characters you read about. I love when I can connect with a character I’m reading about because it helps me really get into the book when that happens How often do you read out of your comfort zone? K:  I try to read out of it as much as possible as it gives me a challenge while reading. “Catch 22″, for example, was way out of my comfort zone but I tried with it because it felt good to challenge myself How did you find RosendeReads? K:  I’d been following alberto on insta/twitter and I remember him talking about it so I checked it out and I’m honestly glad I did  What’s the thing you love the most about RR? K: The thing I love about RosendeReads is getting to meet different people and getting to hear different views on books. It’s getting to read books I never thought I would read Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR? K:  I’d like to imagine the book club still going strong, spreading the fun of reading and growing and getting new people Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? K: Oh yes, that was quite a fun conversation! Well actually I’m a Slytherin, and I do relate to slytherin traits. I think I was placed right. I like to think of myself as an ambitious person, I mean I’ve decided to follow what I wanna do — Technical Theatre, which is quite an ambitious thing to do, and I feel like I’m realistic towards certain things. So yeah I think I was placed rightfully. Slytherins are theeee beeeesttttt!!!!  One last question: do you have any social beside Twitter (obviously)? If so, where can we find you? K:  Yeah, I have Twitter (@mossendes). Instagram,  two actually, one where you can find me making edits (@izzyslcwis) and my main (@whoskeri) Then i have Tumblr (@tessamossey... i love her)
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rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Paula.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here.
This week we meet Paula from Spain. Thank you Paula for your time to chat with me! Let’s start with a simple question: Name, age and where are you from? P: My name is Paula, I'm 22 years old and I'm from Spain. Usually the beginning of the new year brings with itself a lot of motivation so did you set up a reading challenge for yourself? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? P:  I have never actually set up a number of books that I want to read on a year like many people do, but this year I definitely would like to read all the books we are going to read on Rosende Reads, plus catching up with the previous ones since I joined the book club with “The Handmaid's Tale” because I was so busy with university to join before. I’d also like to read the new Shadowhunters books that are coming out this year, the prequel books of “A Series of Unfortunate Events”, and whatever more I find on my way. How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? P: I always remember myself reading, actually I have that big amount of books from my childhood that some of them are in boxes right now because there's just not enough space for them all. I remember when I was a child I always would get sad if anyone didn’t get me books for my birthday or Christmas. Why would I want toys or clothes if I didn't had new books to read!? That’s so sweet! What’s your favorite thing about reading? P:  Thank you! I love that reading is like living a lot of experiences, in a lot of different worlds. There's a quote I love, although I don't really know where it comes from, that says "Un lector vive mil vidas antes de morir. El que no lee solo vive una." which means "A reader lives a hundred lifes before dying, while who doesn't read only lives one". Also reading is a form of escape. You can be stressed about what’s going on in your life, but when you read, you get to be the character you are reading about even if it’s just for a few hours., You can share their problems and be as brave as they are. You can see the world with their eyes. As Tessa Gray says, words have the power to change us. So when you come back to your own life and to your own problems, you may come back wiser, braver, and happier. And how often do you read out of your comfort zone? P:  My favourite genre has always been fantasy. One of the first books I remember reading was “Kika Superwitch”, but I've always read all type of stories, as long as they were fiction. I have barely read non-fiction or poetry though, they are definitely out of my comfort zone. During my childhood I used to read a lot of books from a collection that had very diverse stories ordered according at what age you were supposed to read them (like first readers, from 7 years old, 9, 12...), so anything that would be a "kids" book (I would probably just not be able to understand big adult books by that age), I would read it. Then I started to read the books we had to read for school, and whenever the teacher would give us recommendations for summer, I would read them too. Sometimes I wouldn't like them and they were definitely out of my comfort zone, but I really enjoyed a lot of them too that if it wouldn't be for classes I wouldn't have picked them up. But when I started Uni I only read fantasy during that time since I didn't had so much time to read and I no more had to read books for school. So to sum up, I would say that, I've always read a bit out of my comfort zone. So it's so cool to be back at reading now, and even more out of my comfort zone than before, with Rosende Reads. Still talking about Rosende Reads.. How did you find RR and what’s the thing you love the most about this book club? P:  Alberto has always been my favourite actor from Shadowhunters so I read about Rosende Reads as soon as he posted about it back in August 2017, and honestly I thought it was the coolest idea ever. I got the first book and started reading it, but when his first live was at a time I couldn't watch because of Uni, and I was still so far way from the point we were supposed to read up for that week, I understood that I really didn't have time at that moment to join the book club. But, I kept track of the books you all were reading with the intention of reading them one day and finally i joined this September as soon as I actually had time for it. I was so excited, and I liked the book [The Handmaid’s Tale] even more than I expected, and discussing it with Alberto and Tessa was amazing. I guess that's my favourite thing about this book club: being able to talk about one of my favourite things that is reading with one of my favourite people [Alberto], while I discover a lot of amazing new books (I might have liked more or less all the books I've read till now, but I've always ended up liking them more after our discussions) and then talking about them in our discussions with a lot of amazing people that love books as much as I do. It's a pleasure discussing the books with you all and listening to new points of view that I haven't thought about before.
Aww, that’s so sweet Paula! Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR? P:  Awe thanks! “The Handsmaid's Tale”, “THUG”, and “Into the Wild” are definitely my faves so far. If I have to choose a favorite, I'd say “The Handsmaid's Tale” because I love that genre. But “Into the Wild” actually surprised me a lot and I really liked it much more than I expected. I really can't wait to discuss about it this Sunday! I'm sure it will be very interesting. As least favorite, I would say “Man's Search for Meaning”, I liked the first part but the second one was worst than reading my class notes... I totally feel the same about “Man’s Search for Meaning”! How do you imagine RosendeReads in like 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? P:  Well I hope we will all be still here together reading books in 5 years! As from growing.. I guess it depends on how much free time everyone has so that we all can continue. Introducing Alberto and the book club to more friends maybe (I'm sure the world has a lot of amazing things in store for this wonderful actor!). I'm sure it will keep being an amazing community, with a lot of amazing people. Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what Hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? P:  I want to think I'm a Ravenclaw. I've always loved to be creative with everything I do, and my friends have always said that I'm intelligent. And I use to be so curious too. One last question then you’re totally free to go ahah Do you have any social beside twitter? If so, where can we find you? P:  Aww it was a pleasure talking with you! I'm @lightwood_18 both on Twitter and Instagram. I also have a personal Instagram that i use to join the lives, if someone from the book club wants to know it, they can DM me and  I'll add them on my personal too
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rreadsdaily · 5 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Jennifer!
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Jennifer from USA.
We can start with the first question then: Name, age and where are you from? J: Jennifer and I’m from Utah
We’re some months into the new year so i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? J: My daughter and I have a rule that we have to read at least 30 minutes every day. I usely read 2 books a week, sometimes more. I have a hard time putting a book down once I start it
How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? J:  My Grandmother was school teacher and she read with us as young kids several times a week. Also growing up reading was a big deal in our home. So I have been a book worm for as long as I can remember. My sister and I exchange books often
That's so beautiful. And the fact that you can share this passion with your sister is really sweet and makes it more fun! What’s your favorite thing about reading? J:  For me it's very relaxing.  I love taking adventures to new place, learning about new things, people and cultures
And how often do you read out of your comfort zone? J: When it comes to reading, my only comfort zone is having a book in my hands. I like reading every genres: from fiction to biographies; Horror to history fiction or nonfiction... i love it all. I just dont like reading on a tablet or phone. I'm old school and I like to have a real book in my hands
How did you find RosendeReads? J: Trying to remeber, I think it was from watching a livechat in which Alberto was talking about the book club
What’s the thing you love the most about RosendeReads? J: So fun to get other people’s insights and opinions and I'm always looking for a good book recommendation. My problem is just sticking to the reading schedule. I'm not good at stopping once I have started a book
Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RosendeReads? J:  “Into the Wild” was my least favorite. I just couldn’t get into it.  One of my all time favorite books to read is coming up and I am excited to read it again. This will be like probably the 20th or so time and it’s “Anne of Green Gables”
How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? J:  I would love to see it still going in 5 years and I hope it grows. Reading is so important and I don't feel like people take the time to pick up a book anymore. unless it's a must for school or work.  It's a habit and I am teaching my daughter and hopefully it will stick with her. To be honest I dont know, but as long as there is a book club, I will join!
Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one?  J: So I am a huge Harry Potter fan but I have never figured out what house I belong to. I know I should not call myself a true fan
One last question: do you have any social media? If so, where can we find you? J:  I am @westover_jen on Instagram, @Jwest70637477 on Twitter and  Jennifer Olpin Westover on Facebook!
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rreadsdaily · 5 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Deann!
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Deann from USA.
We can start with the first question then: Name, age and where are you from? D: Deann, 15, Texas USA
We’re some months into the new year so i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? D: I have, I want to read at least 12 new books, one each month
That’s great! I’m sure you will make it. How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? D: I've always loved reading since I was little!
What’s your favorite thing about reading? D: Reading gives me a break from the world. It helps me see that my problems aren’t that bad. Others have worse problems, even if they aren’t real
And how often do you read out of your comfort zone? D: I dont really have a comfort zone for reading, I will read anything 
How did you find RosendeReads? D:  Alberto! he’s really nice and him running RR made it seem like a good choice
How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? D: I see it growing into a bigger book club. It's a good club and I see it growing to more and more people
Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? D: Hufflepuff. I've taken the Pottermore quiz. I'm also one of the most loyal, kind, forgiving people you will meet
One last question: do you have any social media (beside twitter, of course)? If so, where can we find you? D: I’m @beati_bellocosi on Twitter and on Instagram!
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rreadsdaily · 5 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Mar!
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Mar from UK.
Let’s start with the first question then: Name, age and where are you from? M:  I am Mar Barclay, I am 14 years old (15 when this is put in the adventure book... I think!) and I am from the UK
We’re some months into the new year so i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year?  M: I would have loved to do that. I keep seeing potential ones on Pinterest and stuff but I didn't get round to do one. Although, I am aiming to read more books than last year!
Yes! That’s the spiriti. How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? M:  I actually got the “Shadowhunters” books for Christmas a couple of years ago and I just fell in love with the beautiful story and being transported somewhere without physically going anywhere! I'd never felt that from books before! Reading was definitely a decision I had to make on my own, I don't think I would have liked it as much if my parents tried to persuade me to read, they did that when I was young and I couldn't get into it. I'm glad I have now though!
What’s your favorite thing about reading? M: I usually have bad days at school and the way I can start feeling better, is by reading! It gives me an escape route from all the crap that goes on!
How often do you read out of your comfort zone? M: I've gotten better, but not much! I definitely have read a lot more different genres with Rosende Reads and I love that because I am now introduced to many amazing and different authors that I would never think about reading before RR!
Speaking of RR... How did you find the book club?  M: Well I was on Instagram, scrolling through and I saw that Tessa was doing a live with Rosende Reads. I clicked on it and the group was talking about "The Handmaid's Tale" and I just loved the points that everyone was making and the atmosphere was brilliant so I decided to join!
What’s the thing you love the most about RR? M:  I love the atmosphere. Everyone's just so lovely and it's a space where we can talk about anything without hate or discrimination. It doesn't matter who you are, you are all welcome at RR!
Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR?  M: I adored “Life of Pi” It was so spiritual and it gave me an opportunity to look at life differently! (I also loved “The Hate U Give” and “1984″, which I went back to read) My least favourite was probable “Man's Search for Meaning” I'm not really a non-fiction kinda gal. I didn't like the second part, as it just talked about his ideas, which I didn't agree with. I did think it was interesting, but I don't think I'm going to re-read it any time soon!
How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this book club growing? M: I certainly see it growing! At least I hope it grows! It teaches people so much, it gives them an opportunity to grow as human beings
Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? M: I loved that chat! I believe I am a Hufflepuff. Even though I'm not that patient, I would say that I am quite loyal and hard-working, I would also like to say that I am good-hearted and genuine but I think everyone hopes that they come across like that!
One last question: do you have any social media? If so, where can we find you? M: I have Twitter (@MarBarclay) and Instagram (@mar.barclay)
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rreadsdaily · 5 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Faith!
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Faith from USA.      Let’s start with the first question: Name, age and where are you from? F:  I'm Faith and I'm 13. I'm from the U.S.A We’re some months into the new year so i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? F:  Yes, I have! I'd like to read at least 10 books for the rest of the year
That’s great! I’m sure you will make it. How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself?  F:  Thank you! It's always been a big part of my life. Even when I couldn't read, I would go get books and make my own stories instead. Its always been with me
What’s your favorite thing about reading? F:  I think it's being able to be in a different world and be a different person. I get to live many lives instead of just one
And how often do you read out of your comfort zone?  F:  I used to not very often but now, frequently! I used to stick to YA and now I'm starting to delve into classics and such
How did you find RR? F:  I started reading the Shadowhunter Chronicles and then naturally started watching the show. Simon was my favorite character so I immediately wanted to know who played him. I found Alberto and found mentions of a book club. I found it and now here I am!
What’s the thing you love the most about RR?  F:  I love that we're a family. Other book clubs go through the motions. We all love each other and Alberto. We cheer each other on in times of triumph and offer a shoulder in times of sadness. Its a safe haven and a family to me
Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR? F:  I think my favorite is probably “The Hate U Give” I can't really think of a least favorite off the top of my head, but I know we read unique books!
How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing?  F:  A lot more members, that's for sure! Maybe meetups occasionally. That woukd certainly be interesting. I hope that this bookclub can change the world. We've already done so much
One step at a time and i’m sure we would be able to see the difference. If not the world, at least of the lives the book club touched! Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? F:  Definitely the ones we touch! Oh, I most certainly a Hufflepuff. Admittedly, I was in denial for a long time but I love it now. I'm not good at finding anything, but I feel like I'm good at finding the lost souls and people and trying to help them. I'm loyal and do my best to help everyone so it seems the best choice
One last question: do you have any social media? If so, where can we find you? F: I have Twitter (@FaithAkers4) and an Instagram account (@CreativeFaith3) where I post Shadowhunter and book stuff!
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rreadsdaily · 5 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Mette!
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Mette from Denmark. Let’s start with the first question then: Name, age and where are you from? M:  My name is Mette, I'm 28 years old and from Denmark. We’re some months into the new year so i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? M:  Yes I have, it's something I do for fun every year. My challenge this year is to read 35 books, I've already read 6 so I'm confident than I can make it. Ahh, congrats! That’s amazing and impressive! How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? M: I've always loved to read, my school teachers always had to stop me from reading ahead, because when we were told to read 1 chapter I always tended to read 2-3 chapters. Haha. As I grew older it's become my escape from the struggles I am facing in real life. Sometimes I can start reading a 300 pages book in the morning and I'm finished with it in the evening, that's how much some books captivate me I also love the feel and the smell of books, there is something about that instantly calms me down. What’s your favorite thing about reading? M:  That's a tough question... Losing myself in what I'm reading so I forget everything that goes on around me. I also love the fact that by reading you sometimes learn new ways of seeing things and new perspectives. That you may have never realized. And how often do you read out of your comfort zone? M:  Not as often as I would like, it's something I definitely need to work on. So I've tried to challenge myself to read at least 5 books that are out of my comfort zone. Don’t put yourself down, tho. You gotta start somewhere, right?! How did you find RR? M:  That's true. I was just thinking about this today, because I was talking to a friend and telling her about the bookclub. I honestly don't remember, I think it was a random thing where I saw a post from Alberto about some bookclub and I decided to check it out. What’s the thing you love the most about RR? M:  The diversity in the members, normally when you have a bookclub it's with people you know or who lives close by, at least in the same country as yourself. But that's not the case here. It's amazing to get all these different perspectives on the books, because we come from different cultures and backgrounds, which I believe gives great and in-depth discussions on topics. Also our leader Alberto is brilliant at analyzing the books read. Yes to all of this! It’s such a good community and everyone is so... giving and respectful. Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR? M:  Exactly! My favorite book is easy as it's been my favorite since I read it the first time when I was 16, it's "1984" by George Orwell. Now least favorite is a tough one to pick, but I must say "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury and "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel were the two I struggled most with. How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? M:  I hope it's still going strong in 5 years. I think the fact that you don't HAVE TO join in on every meeting makes it easier for people to be a part of it. Though I do hope we get a bit more structure on when Alberto will do his live meetings, because I think that would make it easier for people to join the club. I'm a pessimist by default, haha , but I do think RosendeReads will stand the test of time and continue as it does now (when we're not on a break). Though it could be fun to do more of those livestreams like when Tessa joined and do that with other members who might have a speciel bond to one of the books we read. That would be so nice! Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? M:  Can I pick more than one?! I'm definitely a Ravenclaw; I've always been very self-sufficient, and in school I was always the one people would ask for help instead of the teachers. I love knowledge and learning new things. Though I would also fit in well in Slytherin. One last question: do you have any social media? If so, where can we find you? M:  I have Twitter (@mette_sb) and IG (@mette_sb22), but I honestly don't use it that much. So Twitter is the best way to find me. I love to interact with people so everyone feel free to tweet at me. 
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rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Maty.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here.
This week we meet Maty from France. Thank you Maty for taking the time to chat with me! So let’s start with a basic one: Name, age and where are you from? M:  Mathilde, 22 years old; Bordeaux, France We’re just a couple of months in 2019 and i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? M:  Yes (with Goodreads) I want to read 30 books this year. (Even if I’ve already read 9/30) That’s awesome! You’re doing so great! How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? M:  I got into reading when i was very young. It was something special that has always be with me since I can remember. As a child I was quite often at the hospital and there was a woman who came once a week with books for us and I can remember that I had the chance to choose and pick three books even if it was normally just one but I was a fast reader! And now I’m studying Letters What’s your favorite thing about reading? M:  I think getting lost into the story, reading for hours and hours… the good escape and the adventures that we can live through words How often do you read out of your comfort zone? M:  Quite often with my class, actually. It’s when I have some time that I read what I «want» and what I «love» How did you find RosendeReads? M:  Oh that’s a good question. I don’t know if I remembrer… Omg. Surely with Twitter or with the first Instagram livechat when Alberto talked about it What’s the thing you love the most about this book club? M:  I really love the different interpretations that people get from the same book, and the discussions that follow with all the questions, especially when I have a different opinion. I really love the fact that Alberto is here for all of us, our Jedi’s Master, and that he can push us to go further into our reading but especially in our lives. I think the RosendeReads’ motto sums up pretty well what this book club means to me. That’s so sweet and the Jedi reference is so accurate! Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RosendeReads? M:  I really loved all the dystopians novels and even if 22 is my number, Catch 22 was really hard Catch 22 was probably the hardest one we’ve read so far, i totally agree! How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this book club growing? M:  Ohhhh yes ! I’m kinda afraid of “The Count of Monte-Cristo” too. My dream would be to keep doing this again and again. I know we are all connected thanks to this book club. We’re stronger together. You guys are like my friends or family. And I don’t want it to end. So I hope we could do a coffee-and-bookclub one day all together. Awww, Maty. That’s so lovely. It would definitely be an amazing experience, for sure! Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? M:  I’m a Gryffindor: “You might belong in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart, the daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.” I love my house and I think everyone would say I belong to this one. Also my favorite character is Lupin… But I do love every house One last question then you’re totally free to go: Do you have any social? If so, where can we find you? M: Twitter : @irwinnielourson &  Instagram : @matymccall
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rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Olivia.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Olivia from France. Let’s start with the first one then: Name, age and where are you from O:  Olivia, 37, I was born in Rome, Italy but I live in France now, near Paris Ahhh Rome! That’s such a beautiful city. We’re just some months into the new year and i was wondering if you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? O:  Oh yes my lovely hometown! Yes! I set a reading challenge every year, for 2019 I aim 20 books because last year I ended up with 19! But they were very big, some more than 800 pages so... in fact it’s like I read more than 19! Fair enough!  How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? O:  My parents are huge readers so it’s their fault. As long as I can remember reading is a part of me since I was a child. I love to go to bed and read. I read everywhere today but this is my best place and my best moment... the time when I go back to my happy place! What’s your favorite thing about reading? O:  The fact that everything is possible in books! Everything can happen, you have tons of possibilities and that‘s magical.. When you read you’re in another world that you create in your mind thanks to the words: I mean, how cool is that?! The characters come to life and sometimes you can even identify with them or hate them or even... fall in love! It’s like a parallel world made just for you! How often do you read out of your comfort zone? O:  I would say 2/3 per year.. maybe more! It depends How did you find RR? O:  I would say... accidentally!! As everyone I’m a huge fan of Shadowhunters and I was randomly searching for the actors on IG and Twitter after discovering the show... and that‘s when I heard about RR! It was during the summer break so I waited to begin with all of you in September What’s the thing you love the most about RR? O:  Definitely the fact that we can discuss a book with people from all around the world! Everybody is really open-minded and listen to each other and that’s precious. People don’t obsess over Alberto and it’s like being sourrounded by friends with the same passion for books as you! And also discover books I would have probably never read otherwise  Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR? O:  My favorite is “The handmaid’s Tale” I loved that book (as much as the show), it’s very powerful. The least favorite maybe “Things Fall Apart” because I didn’t get into the story as much as I would even if it’s an interesting story How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? O: 5 years!! It’s far away! I would love to meet people in real life and why not spend a week-end together talking about books and everything that we love... but if not I hope that I would at least continue to spend some quality time with some of you and continue to talk about books and life Aww, that would be so cool!  Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? O:  I’m a Gryffindor! First because the sorting hat told me so at the HP Studios in London and second because I share their sense of honesty, loyalty and friendship (or at least I hope so!!) Ahhh, of course you are! One last question do you have any social (beside twitter, of course)? If so, where can we find you? O:  Sure! I’m on Twitter (@oli_b81 ), Instagram (@oliviabeltrani) and Facebook (Olivia Beltrani)
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rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Anie.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Anie from Georgia, USA. Name, age and where are you from A:  Anie, turning 33 next week, living in Georgia USA We’re just a couple of months into the new year so did you set up a reading challenge for yourself? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? A:  I want to read at least one more than I read last year, which was 20. So I need 21 this year. So far I am at 5  so I better hurry up Ahh, you still got time, don’t worry! How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? A:  I have always read as far back as I can remember!  I actually used to read way more than I do nowadays. What’s your favorite thing about reading? A:  This may not sound good in an interview, but it helps me sleep. When I read in the evening it helps me let go of my own problems and focus on something else.  Also, in the end we seek out entertainment because we want to feel something. And a really good book makes you think and feel deeply about the characters. It's like you have some new friends (or not-friends) in your books.   Plus, new books smell awesome Ohh, yes please! The smell of new books is totally something else! How often do you read out of your comfort zone? A:  I only started this with RosendeReads. Then also started this thing with my husband where we choose books for another, so he had me read “War & Peace” and “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy. Those were veryyy slow reads And speaking of RosendeReads... how did you find the book club? A:  I looked it up. I heard other fans and then Alberto in the summer at the cons talk about it and thought it was such a wonderful idea. It took me so long to join because I suck at technology and social media and didn't have Instagram. I had just gotten Twitter and was getting used to that and was intimidated so then I finally joined insta just so I could join the book club too and am so glad I did. What’s the thing you love the most about RR? A:  Getting to read books I would never have tried otherwise. New perspectives. Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR? A:  I only started with “The Handmaid’s Tale” which was probably also my fave.  Least favorite is “Things Fall Apart”,  I didn't get much out of that one How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? A:  I'll just be happy if it's the same as now. It's perfect as it is. I hope Alberto will keep going for that long! Finger crossed! Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? A:  I am Hufflepuff because of loyalty One last question! Do you have any social media? If so, where can we find you? A: I’ve Twitter (@AnieHansen) and Instagram but i don’t really use that one other than watching livechats on it
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rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Stephanie.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here. This week we meet Stephanie from Germany! First one: Name, age and where are you from S: Real name, right? Stephanie, 36 and I’m from Germany
Yeah, definitely real name ahah! We’re just a couple of months into the new year so I was wondering... did you set up a reading challenge for yourself? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? S: I didn’t really set up a reading challenge for myself but I’m planning to read more again and maybe to pick the books I missed before I joined RosendeReaders. And if I had to name a number I would say about 24 books, that should be possible.
I’m sure you got this and RR’s books might be a good way to start! How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? S: I would say both. I loved story telling as a very young child and sadly my parents didn’t have the time to read them for me so I discoverd it by teaching myself when I was almost 4 years old. I always dived into the books and could get lost in them a whole day.
That’s so impressive! What’s your favorite thing about reading? S: Exploring new worlds, new point of views, getting new ideas for writing or drawing and mostly just growing with every single word into a better person because all of this. Never stop trying to be the best version of myself and sometimes to just be somewhere else and relax.
How often do you read out of your comfort zone? S: Ok, that’s difficult because I don’t know which kind of books I don’t read. I read fictional novels as also real ones and historical. But I don’t read thriller or horror; that’s not part of my comfort zone and I guess I only left it for one or two stories so far
I totally feel you. Horror movies/books are a huge no for me. I tried to read Stephen King once but it was really A LOT. How did you find RR? S: I saw something about RosendeReads on Twitter. A book announcement from your account, if I remember this correctly. And the idea of joining a book club just thrilled me and I decided to give it a try
What’s the thing you love the most about RR? S: It’s at first a safe place. Everyone’s opinion gets heard and there’s no wrong answer. I like the lives and to discuss the books. Never joined something like this before and I don’t regret to give it a try.
How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? S: I would love to still have the bookclub in 5 years from now. Maybe we read a book written by Alberto in the future. I see this book club growing and the motto being quoted even more. It’s the power to change the world a bit and make it a better place. I see it growing because it’s a safe place and you feel good with it and tell others about this. They maybe get curious and join it too. We will learn a lot and read a lot of interesting books.
Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? S: I actually got two houses: Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff when I did a test years ago. But I would say I’m more of a Hufflepuff. As my friends say I’m a loyal person, someone you can count on, always there to help if it’s necessary and I’m able to. Also I’m always ready to learn new things
Another hufflepuff! Last question do you have any social? If so, where can we find you? S: I’ve Twitter and instagram and I just got Tumblr a few days ago. I’m tiffy1307steph on all of them but my twitternick is Tifciut.
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rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Thina.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here.
This week we meet Thina from Italy. Thank you for your time, Thina! Name, age and where are you from T:  Thina, almost 24, Italy We’re just a couple of months into the new year... Did you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year? T:  I think I'm always in a reading challenge with myself. I am a curious person, so I always try to read as much as I can, books of all kinds. Not matters how big they ar. This year I would like to push myself to 15/20 books, at least How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself? T:  Reading has always been a part of my life. As a child, I was the only one who, in free time, read stories in class and everyone considered it a little bit weird. I found it stimulating, a way to satisfy my curiosity and the approach with the books was natural to me What’s your favorite thing about reading? T:  I love identifying myself in the characters, getting closer to their feelings and their experiences. I love letting them become a part of me and to learn from their story. Every book has an influence on me How often do you read out of your comfort zone? T:  I try to do it all the time, I do not set limits. Leaving the comfort zone in reading is like a challenge with myself.  It’s trying new points of views. Something that i want to do more this year That’s a really good point, actually. Let’s talk about RosendeReads.. How did you find the book club? T:  I discovered the club when Alberto announced it on Instragram, as a book lover I found it fantastic. I liked the idea, even if I could not join the livechats at first. I remember that as soon as I could I catched up and tried to keep myself updated on the various discussions. It was cool to know different opinions from mine. It’s one of the things that I appreciate the most in this book club What’s the thing you love the most about RR? T:  I love that it's a safe place for everyone, where every opinion is accepted. It is a true interaction between all of us, and not only with Alberto. It’s amazing discussing with everyone. During the livechats it's like we are close to each others, talking about books and stuff... there’s a really good vibe Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR? T:  This is a hard choice but I’d say "Man's Search for Meaning" stole my heart. It was surprising, different every genre, I learned a lot from that book and I had a lot of thoughts about that one. It was a total immersion in myself and I discovered so much. Choosing a least favorite is also hard ... but I’d say “1984″ it amazed me less than the others... or maybe I just need a second reading to understand it better How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing? T:  Maybe bigger, with more readers, with many books already read in our list but with the same desire to keep reading and discussing with others. I imagine it with new goals, new books... Some livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what Hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one? T:  As Pottermore says, my Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff  and I agree. I'm a patient person, loyal and fair with my friends and family. I'm always kind, it's in my DNA I noticed that most of the people in RosendeReads are Hufflepuffs...not that I’m surprised. I actually think it’s very fitting!  Last question do you have any social? If so, where can we find you? T:  Can I say I agree? It's full of kind souls!  I have Twitter (@thatsthina) and Instagram (@ThinaGiordano)
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rreadsdaily · 6 years
This week for #GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders, we meet Rhianna.
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#GetToKnowTheRosendeReaders has the only purpose to bring even closer the members of the RosendeReads book club. We read together every week but we barely know each other so every week I will interview one of you by choosing randomly someone on Twitter. You can find all the info about GTKTRR here.
This week we meet Rhianna from London. Thank you Rhianna for taking the time to chat with me, it was very lovely meeting another fellow Slytherin!  
Let’s star with a very simple question: Name, age and where are you from?R: I’m Rhianna or Rhii for short. I’m 23 and from London, England.
Since 2019 just started and the beginning of the new year usually brings with itself positivity and motivation. Did you set up a reading challenge for yourself ? If so, how many books would you like to read this year?
R: I did, actually! I’ve had a Goodreads account for years now and every year they do a reading challenge - I managed to read almost 80 books last year, so this year I’m trying to reach 100…. ‘trying’ being the key word there!
I’m going to quote one of my favorite characters ever “Do or do not. There’s no try.” and it looks like you totally got this, Rhii. 80 books a year are a huge accomplishment so congrats! Still talking about reading… How did you get into reading? Was it something that has always been with you as a child or would you say it’s more of a passion you discovered yourself?
R: Great choice of favourite character! Reading has been something that has always been there, for as long as I can remember. My mum has photos of me aged about 1 or 2 'reading’ newspapers and books, and I would refuse to go to bed unless someone had read me 3 or 4 stories, so the love for books and stories has been there since the beginning. I read by myself in the playground, by torch under the covers in the middle of the night, and then later did an undergrad and a masters degree both focused on books, and I want to be a writer… I might be a bit obsessed with books!
That sounds incredible and i wish you all the best and luck for your future, Rhii! Do you have a favourite thing about reading?
R: Aw, thank you! Hm.. I’d have to say, above all else, the thing I love the most about reading is how easy it is to get lost in it. I love picturing the characters and the setting, and almost…being part of it, I guess? Like you get so immersed and involved in what you’re reading that when you have to put the book down, you struggle a bit to focus on the real world again. It’s just a great feeling that, when things get a bit rough or stressful or you just need a bit of a break, there’s a whole world you can escape to in books.
Definitely. This brings me back to what Alberto said last night: while reading a book, you get the chance to be the main character for a couple of hours, to live their adventure and they almost become your alter-ego for a bit. How often do you happen to read out of your comfort zone?
R: Honestly, it’s so true! I spent so many years living my best life through Hermione Granger as a kid! Still waiting for my Hogwarts letter…. My comfort zone is definitely fantasy, YA or Tudor historical books. Recently I’ve been trying to break out of that and try other genres (apart from horror, I’m too much of a wuss!) and that’s what I love so much about a book club like this, being able to read so many different genres, and books I wouldn’t have even considered before.
Totally true. If it wasn’t for this book club I’d probably read the same books everytime. And speaking of book clubs… how did you find RosendeReads?
R: I’ve been a fan of Shadowhunters since the beginning, and followed the cast on social media. When Alberto made his post on Instagram about starting a book club, I was ridiculously excited!
I could tell! What’s the thing you love the most about RR?
R: For me, what I love most is the community we’ve all built up. Being able to spend an hour talking in real time to people, discussing our ideas and our experiences, and everyone being so supportive and encouraging…it’s just the greatest thing. Someone always picks up a quote or a theme or something that I missed or overlooked, and every live chat, I leave having learnt something new or with a different perspective. Rosende Readers are the best!
So true. Sometimes i don’t even realize i miss something until a member of the book club point it out. It’s like a big puzzle and every member helps putting the pieces together. Do you have a favorite and least favorite book we read in RR?
R: My favourite book that we’ve done so far would have to be either “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom or “The Diary of a Younf Girl” by Anne Frank. “Tuesdays with Morrie” was actually the first book we covered that I’d never read before, and it was one I wouldn’t have really considered reading if not for the book club, and I absolutely loved it. “The Diary of Anne Frank” was a great read, but it was the discussions we had that really puts this as my favourite. It was fascinating to hear the historical context and everyone’s stories they were sharing from relatives. Least favourite… it’s hands down “Catch-22”. Sorry, Joseph Heller…
I think a lot of people feel that way about “Catch 22” so don’t worry, it’s okay! How do you imagine RosendeReads in 5 years from now? How do you see this bookclub growing?
R: Great thing about the bookclub, we all struggle through hard books together. I think the bookclub will still be going strong, covering books from all genres and encouraging more people to read. I think it will be cool in the future to have ways for members to meet up, like at conventions and things. I met a couple of members back in October at Comic Con which was great! It’s nice to put faces to the names you see on the chat. Maybe we’ll have some RR merch by then…
RosendeReads reunions would be so cool! Discussing about books in front of a cup of coffee (or tea, in my case…) face to face and not face to display. That would be really something and yes! RR merch please! Two livechats ago we talked about Hogwarts houses and i feel like at this point they should ask this question in any résumé so what hogwarts house are you and why do you feel like belonging to this one?
R: A person’s Hogwarts house is the first thing you should find out about them after their name! I’m predominantly Slytherin - I’m very ambitious, and determined, and I get unhealthily competitive and ruthless when someone brings out a board game. But I also think there’s some Ravenclaw there. I’m creative and have a huge passion for education and learning, so I guess…Slytherclaw?
Slytherin and Ravenclaw is such a good combination (Also i’m not saying this just because i’m a Slytherin myself but they are the best!) One last question: Do you have any social beside twitter? If so, where can we find you?
R: Always happy to meet a fellow Slytherin! Along with Twitter (@triforceodragon), I also have Instagram (@triforceofdragons) - I’m trying to be good this year and post more…going well so far
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