sanguinelupus · 1 year
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"...you're acting weird. Really weird."
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sanguinelupus · 1 year
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Bee is exhausted. She feels like she could fall asleep at any moment, which isn't normal for her, but it's not like she'll die from whatever it is. It makes sense, considering the amount of effort she put into removing the curse from her siblings' blood, but somehow Bee still feels like she should have been able to handle it all. It's upsetting her that she isn't.
She's lost in these thoughts when she hears Tobias enter the kitchen, and she immediately groans dramatically and drops her head onto the marble island in front of her. "Am I dead? I feel like I should be." Lifting her head again to look at them, Bee is about to say something else, but she feels warm liquid spilling from her nose, and immediately stands up from the kitchen island. "What the fuck?" She speaks louder than she probably should, considering her siblings are sleeping. But she brings her fingers up to her nose, and finds blood there, then immediately grabs a towel from a drawer to soak up whatever else spills out.
She sighs. "Great. I was supposed to see Artemis tonight, but how can I do that when I'm literally falling the fuck apart?"
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sanguinelupus · 1 year
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"Some rando asked me if I was your girlfriend today. I tore out their heart and ate it, but still."
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