#Gabriela Lungu
bmhasdeu · 2 years
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 De Ziua Internațională a Cititului Împreună, 1 februarie, Biblioteca Municipală „B.P. Hasdeu” lansează ediția a XX-a a Programului de lectură Chişinăul citeşte. Scopul Programului este educarea culturii lecturii în comunitatea chișinăuiană, promovând şi încurajând lectura ca mijloc de dezvoltare culturală şi creativă, orientând cititorul spre valorile literare şi artistice autohtone.
Pentru a cuprinde mai mulţi cititori, Programul de lectură vizează trei categorii de utilizatori: copii, adolescenţi şi adulţi. Pentru anul acesta, cele trei cărți, semnate de autori autohtoni, selectate și propuse spre lectură, sunt:
1.      Întâmplări cu tâlc, de Cristina Bujor – categoria copii;
2.      Montana, de Alexandru Popescu – categoria tineri;
3.      Patimile după Iov, semnată de Val Butnaru – categoria adulți.
Din programul evenimentului face parte lectura publică cu pasaje din cărțile menționate, ce vor fi citite de către actorii: Nicolae Jelescu, actor, director artistic al Teatrului Poetic „Alexei Mateevici”; Gabriela Lungu, actriță,  Teatrul municipal de păpuși „Guguță”; Vlad Ropot, actor, Teatrul Naţional „Mihai Eminescu”.
Invitați de onoare ai evenimentului sunt: Angela Cutasevici, viceprimar al Municipiului Chișinău, Alina Tabacari, director interimar, Direcţia generală cultură și patrimoniu cultural; Maria Pilchin, scriitor și critic literar; Dumitru Crudu, scriitor; Eugen Lungu, critic și istoric literar, eseist și editor. Activitatea va fi încununată de un superb moment artistic prezentat de Marin Bunea, violonist, dirijor, autor de aranjamente și compoziții populare de origine lăutărească.
Evenimentul va fi moderat de Dna dr. Mariana Harjevschi, director general al BM „B.P. Hasdeu”.
Programul de lectură „Chișinăul citește” se va desfășura în toate filialele BM, în perioada februarie – noiembrie 2023, unde vor avea loc  întruniri cu autorii volumelor incluse în program, facându-se lecturi publice, prezentări de carte, discuții-dezbateri, sesiuni foto și autografe. Evenimentul se va desfășura la data de 1 februarie, ora 12:00, sediul central al BM „B.P. Hasdeu”,  Bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 148.
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johnny-em · 3 years
Taifas literar 28, trim II, 2021 - Cronopedia ~ club de scriere literar-artistică
Taifas literar 28, trim II, 2021 – Cronopedia ~ club de scriere literar-artistică
Sursă: Taifas literar 28, trim II, 2021 – Cronopedia ~ club de scriere literar-artistică Taifas literar, nr. 28, trim. II, 2021 – apare trimestrial Revista Taifas literar – revistă multilingvă de scrieri şi opinii literare – ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198; Fondată la Constanţa, noiembrie 2015; REDACŢIA REVISTEI: Director-fondator: Lenuş Lungu; Redactor-şef: Gabriela Mimi Boroianu;…
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rudyroth79 · 7 years
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Știri: EUNIC Spania sărbătorește Săptămâna Europeană a Limbilor, ediția a II-a (25–29 septembrie 2017, Madrid) În perioada 25–29 septembrie 2017, EUNIC Spania organizează la Madrid  a doua ediție a Săptămânii limbilor europene…
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news24hrou · 6 years
Peste 700 de procurori se delimitează de organizațiile care au participat la negocierile cu Tudorel Toader în legătură cu OUG 7
Într-o scrisoare deschisă, semnată până la această oră de 710 procurori din toată țara, aceștia de delimitează public de Asociația Procurorilor din România și de Asociația Magistraților din România, atrăgând atenția că ”aceste asociații profesionale nu vorbesc în numele nostru și nu ne reprezintă”. Testul scrisorii deschise
Subsemnatii, procurori în cadrul Ministerului Public, pe această cale ne delimităm public de Asociația Procurorilor din România și de Asociația Magistraților din România (asociații care invocă public că reprezintă și comunică voința procurorilor) și subliniem că aceste asociații profesionale nu vorbesc în numele nostru și nu ne reprezintă
1. Alba Radu Ioan – PJ Oradea 2. Alexandra Lancranjan – DNA Structura Centrala 3. Cosmin Iordache – DNA Structura Centrala 4. Dundev Alma Maria – PJ Sighisoara 5. Corina Dinica – PT Arges 6. Irina Isar – DIICOT 7. Cristian Ursut – PJ Videle 8. Anca Iovan – DIICOT ST Brasov 9. Maricel David – PT Ilfov 10. Maria Rimniceanu – DIICOT ST Brasov 11. Mihai Negulescu – DIICOT ST Brasov 12. Nicoleta Arpinte – PJ Dorohoi 13. Andrei Iulian Asmarandei – PT Ilfov 14. Dan Constantin Ciornei – PJ Targu Jiu 15. Seia Iasmina Curici – PJ Deta 16. Florin Sohorca – PJ Alba Iulia 17. Ana Maria Marin – PT Brasov 18. Mihai Valentin – DIICOT 19. Octavia Raluca Gus – PT Alba 20. Oana Apetri – PT Brasov 21. Tudor Vasiu – PJ Severin 22. Tudor Filip – PJ Buftea 23. Elena Teodora Bondar – PJ Buftea 24. Ionut Tifachi – PJ Botosani 25. Claudia Irina Chivu – PJ Timisoara 26. Sergiu Rosca – PJ Satu Mare 27. Loredana Cirdei – PJ Suceava 28. Andreias Constantin – PT Ilfov 29. Oana Simion – PJ Brasov 30. Doina Tatomir – PJ Vinju Mare 31. Silvia Mariana Pietraru – PJ Vinju Mare 32. Iustin Bic – PCA Alba 33. Carmen Mihaela Farcas – PJ Constanta 34. Camelia Laura Ivanus – PJ Constanta 35. Mihail Andreca – PJ Timisoara 36. Raluca Vestemeanu – DIICOT ST Brasov 37. Cristian Ichim – DIICOT ST Brasov 38. Valentin Enache – PJ Brezoi 39. Alexandru Anghel – PT Bucuresti 40. Stefan Ispasoiu– PJ Brasov 41. Moraru Catalin – PJ Brasov 42. Radu Adrian – PJ Brasov 43. Catu Lilisor – PJ Brasov 44. Madalina Raducu – PT Brasov 45. Florin Postolache – PT Brasov 46. Alexandru Cosmin Ghinea – PJ Fetesti 47. Catalin Margina – PJ Bacau 48. Irina Sfica – PJ Iasi 49. Adina Bocai – PCA Iasi 50. Veta Enculescu – PCA Iasi 51. Stefania Nicoleta Zaharia – PCA Iasi 52. Iulian Ispir – PCA Iasi 53. Daniela Ispir – PCA Iasi 54. Genoveva Alexandru – PCA Iasi 55. Andrei Cristi – PJ Racari 56. Gheorghe Mihai Andrei – PJ Pitesti 57. Cristina Frincu – PJS 2 58. Ioana Vernea – PJS 2 59. Stefanita Gogea – DIICOT 60. Anghel Alexandru Bogdan – PJ Segarcea 61. Tatar Emanuela Anca – PJ Braila 62. Galatan Anisoara – PJS 6 63. Pasc Daniela Corina – PJ Buftea 64. Rusu Larisa – PJ Botosani 65. Preda Bogdan Andrei – DIICOT 66. Ene Dan Cristian – DIICOT 67. Mihaela Adriana Moaca – PJ Buftea 68. Raluca Alexandra Munteanu – PJS 2 69. Marin Alexandru Marian – PJ Buftea 70. Apostol Giorgiana Violeta – PJ Constanta 71. Bradean Raluca Cristina – PJ Arad 72. Daniel Giorgian – PJ Galati 73. Bursuc Andreea Claudia – DIICOT 74. Diana Calinescu – PJ Buftea 75. Denisa Cristea – PJ Constanta 76. Totora Vlad Cosmin – PJ Segarcea 77. Todea Laurentiu – PJ Timisoara 78. Arina Corsei Vultureanu – PJS 3 79. Elena Cerasela Ungureanu – PT Brasov 80. George enescu – PT Bucuresti 81. Popa Doina – PJ Pitesti 82. Raluca Vilculescu – PJ Pitesti 83. Carmina Elena Brindusi – PT Arges 84. Catalin Barbuceanu – PCA Pitesti 85. Andreea Irinciuc Obreja – PJ Barlad 86. Marius Romas- PJ Buftea 87. Angela Bochis – PJS 2 88. Mihaela Catalan – PJ Pitesti 89. Vladescu Ilie Razvan – PJ Slobozia 90. Laurentiu Grecu – PT Gorj 91. Andrei Dragan – PJ Buftea 92. Lorin Tabirta – PJ Timisoara 93. Mona Anton – PJ Barlad 94. Alexandru Moscu – PJ Vaslui 95. Adrian Dan Cudalb – PJS 6 96. Carim Drula – PJ Zimnicea 97. Adrian Petre Todoran – DIICOT 98. Simona Florescu – PJ Pitesti 99. Larisa Tipa – PJ Pitesti 100. Mihai Adrian – – PJ Pitesti 101. Daniela Ciocirlan – – PJ Pitesti 102. Ion Teodor – PJ Pitesti 103. Andrei Cristian – – PJ Pitesti 104. Simion Boris – PJ Resita 105. Oana Ruxandra Panaitatu – DIICOT 106. Denisia Voroneanu – PJ Botosani 107. Mihai Adrian Dinu – PJ Constanta 108. Dan Obreja – PJ Tg Mures 109. Bogdan Rocsin – PJS 6 110. Brindea Oana Rozalia – PJ TG Mures 111. Wechter Mircea Radu – PJ Tg Mures 112. Borda Lucia – PJ Reghin 113. Goia Gheorghe – PJ Reghin 114. Stoian Ioan Andrei – PJ Reghin 115. Gheorghiu Anca Loredana – PJ Brasov 116. Cristea Stefan Georgian – PJ Galati 117. Cretan Daniel Alexandru – PJ Galati 118. Valentin Antonie – PJ Segarcea 119. Taghiev Ramona – PT Bacau 120. Vale Daniel – PJ Tg Mures 121. Doina Stanta – PCA Craiova 122. Doncea Andrei – PJS 2 123. Vlad Grigorescu – DNA Structura Centrala 124. Luminita Popa – DNA Structura Centrala 125. Meszar Alexandru – PJ Carei 126. Habean Maria Gabriela – PJ Sibiu 127. Carnariu Bianca Dana – PJ Baia Mare 128. Gliga Maria Liliana – PT Giurgiu 129. Catalina Stoian – PJS 6 130. Adriana Arhire – PCA Bucuresti 131. Vieriu Tudor Ionut – PJ Roman 132. Codreanu Alexandru – PT Brasov 133. Alexandru Liviu Colceriu – PJ Intorsura Buzaului 134. Remus Coman – PJS 2 135. Iordache Valeriu – PJS 2 136. Onofrei Nichiforel Marius – PT Botosani 137. Munge Mircea Florin – PJ Oradea 138. Mocanu Irinel – PJS 2 139. Florin Circiumaru – PJS 2 140. Popa Marius – PJS 2 141. Irina Popescu – PJ Ploiesti 142. Nita Manole Simona Daniela – PJ Ploiesti 143. Pelmus Atena – PT Timis 144. Alen Toroiman – DIICOT Brasov 145. Ardelean Cristian – PT Bihor 146. Sovarschi Laura – PJ Alesd 147. Marton Domokos- PJ Intorsura Buzaului 148. Topliceanu Constantin – PJ Pitesti 149. Panainte Iulian – PJ Harlau 150. Ioana Elena Cimpean – PJS 2 151. Dorina Vieriu – PJ Roman 152. Ana Maria Diac – PJS 1 153. Claudiu Sandu – PJ Brasov 154. Maria Mirabela Viciu – PJ Ploiesti 155. Andrei Jurca – PJ Timisoara 156. Maria Izdruga – PJ Timisoara 157. Gavrila George – DIICOT 158. Cecilia Iana – PJ Buzau 159. Lungu Ramona – PT Arad 160. Pop Florina Maria – PJ Satu Mare 161. Trastau Olimpia Maria – PT Timis 162. Corina Mois – PJ Satu Mare 163. Zaharia Georgel – PJ Pascani 164. Ilca Diana – PJ Satu Mare 165. Codreanu Roxana Andreea – PJ Iasi 166. Corda Liviu Tiberiu – PJ Zalau 167. Raluca Buculea – PJ Timisoara 168. Pacuraru Mihaela – PJ Calarasi 169. Lapadat Coralia – PJ Timisoara 170. Danusia Boicean – DNA Alba Iulia 171. Florea Alexandru – DIICOT 172. Pascaru Gema Celina – PT Bacau 173. Dobre Aurelia Madalina – PJ Arad 174. Soltan Alexandru – DIICOT ST Ploiesti 175. Florian Bogdan – PJ Satu Mare 176. Hurducaciu Tudor Madalin – PJ Craiova 177. Muscalu Ramona – PCA Brasov 178. Ionut Calina – DIICOT Olt 179. Hutanu Ana Elena – PJ Sibiu 180. Constantin Irina – DNA Structura Centrala 181. Badan Mihai Claudiu – PJS 4 182. Tiberiu Bratu Augustin – PJS 6 183. Pau Adriana – PJS 2 184. Marinel Nicolae – PT Olt 185. Alexa Mona Irina – PJ Harlau 186. Acatrinei Alexandra – PJ Gura Humorului 187. Bosianu Diana Gabriela – PJ Harlau 188. Sava Teona Alexandra – PJ Harlau 189. Bratuleanu Emilian Ionut – PJ Harlau 190. Raluca Nor – Bosnea – PJ Timisoara 191. Radu Florea – PJ Turda 192. Patanghel Ionut Marian – PJ RM Valcea 193. Tulita Cezar – PJ RM Valcea 194. Streza Laurentiu – PJ RM Valcea 195. Busea Ionel – PJ RM Valcea 196. Sava Gheorghe – DIICOT Sibiu 197. Cristian Dinu – DIICOT Sibiu 198. Ioan Bene – PJ Tg Bujor 199. Andrei Bodean – DNA Constanta 200. Profira Cezar – PJS 5 201. Vasile Abagiu – DNA Constanta 202. Gabriela Stanciu – DNA Constanta 203. Nadia Zlate – DNA Constanta 204. Sorin Constantinescu – DNA Constanta 205. Constantin Conortos – DNA Constanta 206. Marius Chirila – DNA Constanta 207. Ciprian Bodu – DNA Constanta 208. Antonia Diaconu – PJ Pitesti 209. Marian Virgil – PJ Dej 210. Patras Alexandra Maria – PJ Iasi 211. Ciocoiu Georgiana Mihaela – PJ Turnu Magurele 212. Visovan Cristina Ingrid – PJ Sighetu Marmatiei 213. Pirlea Claudiu – PJ Galati 214. Lia Sorin Marian – PJ Corabia 215. Lavinia Dorcu PJ Corabia 216. Ibanescu Larion Alexandra Elena – PJ Vaslui 217. Bogdan Pirlog – PMTB 218. Ionut MArcu – DIICOT 219. Marinela Grigorie – PCA Craiova 220. Eugen Cristian Grigorie – PCA Craiova 221. Maria Piturca – PCA Craiova 222. Alice Jenboiu – PCA Craiova 223. Gherghina Alina – PJS 6 224. Craciun Vlad – PJ Sighisoara 225. Muresan Ana – PTB 226. Mosteanu Marian Eugen – PT Olt 227. Mosteanu Mihaela Gabriela – PJ resita 228. Mandache Ionut – PJ Iasi 229. Florin Tohatan – DIICOT 230. Let Constantin – PJ Piatra Neamt 231. Marincas Minodora – PJ Satu Mare 232. Cristina Tapliuc – PJ Iasi 233. Filip Radu Daniel – PJS 1 234. Nita Cosmin Marius – PJ Ploiesti 235. Catalin Comanescu – PJ Horezu 236. Dobrin Elena Andreea – PTB 237. Cristina Mocioi – PJ Babadag 238. Laura Zaharia – DIICOT ST Iasi 239. Iulian Nica – PT Brasov 240. Andrei Camelia – PJ Constanta 241. Buzoianu Alexandra – PJ Calarasi 242. Barbulescu Florin Alexandru – PJ Calarasi 243. Paunica Ionut – PJ Calarasi 244. Aron Denisa – PJ Calarasi 245. Pacuraru Mihaela – PJ Calarasi 246. Alexandra Pop – PJ Constanta 247. Pena Laura Nadia – PCA Bacau 248. Iordache Viorel – PJ Constanta 249. Jalba Veronica – PJ Constanta 250. Dragos Olteanu – PJ Timisoara 251. Marian Calusaru – DNA Craiova 252. Alina Ghinescu – DIICOT Craiova 253. Cristina Scarlat – DNA Craiova 254. Ina Dalidis – PCA Craiova 255. Robert Nicolicescu – DNA Craiova 256. Denisa Troaca – PCA Craiova 257. Iuliana Mihoc – PJ Ploiesti 258. Nicoleta Rotaru – PJS 4 259. Flaviu Fraiu – PJ Timisoara 260. Miroiu Floriana – PJS 4 261. Berende Ruxandra Maria – PJ Satu Mare 262. Dan Dumitru – PJ Bacau 263. Stefana Carasel – PJS 1 264. Daniela Lovin – PJS 6 265. Cuciureanu Iulia Maria – PJ Brasov 266. Rares Ciausu – DIICOT Cluj 267. Teodor Pavelescu – PT Cluj 268. Betea Florin Dorin – PJ Satu Mare 269. Meszaros Ioana Adina – PJ Satu Mare 270. Meszaros Robert – PJ Satu Mare 271. Stroescu Bobby Sorin – PJ Timisoara 272. Neculaes Alina – PCA Bacau 273. Lazar Ancuta – PJ Satu Mare 274. Dima Matei – PJ Gherla 275. Oancea Alexandru – PJ Gherla 276. Tetean Vinteler Ada – PJ Gherla 277. Toloarga Constantin Florin – PJ Gherla 278. Cosmin Radulescu – PCA Craiova 279. Cristina Radulescu – PT Dolj 280. Ceausu Alexandru Octavian – PJ Timisoara 281. Negulescu Raluca – DIICOT 282. Durnea Mihaela – PJ Brasov 283. Aisachioaiei Andreea – PJ Bacau 284. Dumitrache Nicusor Adrian – PJS 4 285. Miulescu Irina – PJ Strehaia 286. Baran Florin – PJS 4 287. Codreanu Bogdan – PT Brasov 288. Iuliana Crisan – DNA Structura Centrala 289. Simona Enache – PT Alba 290. Rus Lucian Claudiu – DNA 291. Bunduc Marian Catalin – DIICOT 292. Stasiuc Madalina – PJ Tg Mures 293. Ciobanu Ionica Daniel – PJ Caracal 294. Resmerita Clement Mihai – DNA 295. Bulat Sergiu – PJ Bacau 296. Ciulin Elena – PTB 297. David Flavius Ionut – PJ Bacau 298. Cazacu Dan Constantin – PJ Bacau 299. Adrian Vrabete – PJ Horezu 300. Diremia Vlad – PJ Rosiori de Vede 301. Iboiu Mihaela – PJ Rosiori de Vede 302. Grecu Florina – PJ Rosiori de Vede 303. Manache Florin – PJ Rosiori de Vede 304. Bonda Alexandru – PJ Timisoara 305. Simion Daniel – PJ Focsani 306. Calin Dohan – PJ Zalau 307. Florescu Gabriela – PJ Buftea 308. Daniel Dumitru – DNA Alba Iulia 309. Alina RAsovan – DNA Alba Iulia 310. Marcela Croitoru – PJ Craiova 311. Manuela Nita – PJ Craiova 312. Natalia Cimpoeru – PJ Craiova 313. Adelina Badan – PJ Craiova 314. Florentina Draghiceanu – PJ Craiova 315. Amina Pantelimon – PJ Craiova 316. Paula Baciu – PJ Craiova 317. Mihaela Burca – PJ Craiova 318. Gabi Radulescu – PJ Craiova 319. Banea Marian – PT Alba 320. Dinu Ionut Alex – PJ Targoviste 321. Anca Emilia Stratulat – PJ Sibiu 322. Dobrea Laura – PT Braila 323. Cosnita Marinela – PT Braila 324. Ciutac Mircea – PT Braila 325. Gordan Sorin – PT Braila 326. Dedulescu Ionut Liviu – PJ Braila 327. Colt Mihail – PJ Braila 328. Stanciu Gabriela – PJ Braila 329. Pitaroiu Iulian – PJ Braila 330. Neagu Mirel Emanuel – PJ Braila 331. Nicolescu Ramona – PJ Braila 332. Velea Gheorghe – PJ Braila 333. Craciun Achim Ovidiu – PJ Braila 334. Marinescu Mihaela – PJ Insuratei 335. Punga Tudorel – PJ Insuratei 336. Tudose Marian – PJ Insuratei 337. Girip Ionel – PJ Faurei 338. Dinica Mihai – PJ Faurei 339. Gliga Ramona – PJ Faurei 340. Raclaru Irina – PJ Sighisoara 341. Mihoc Emanuel – PJ Sighisoara 342. Alin Mocioi – PJ Constanta 343. Oprescu Stefan Radu – PJ Racari 344. Pascu Diana Roxana – PJ Racari 345. Vlad Alexandru Bentan – PJ Oradea 346. Pantea Marius – PJ Cluj Napoca 347. Derius Laura – DNA ST Centrala 348. Voiculescu Madalina – PT Bucuresti 349. Rotundu Simon – PJ Iasi 350. Mihaela Beldie Canela – DNA 351. Ionela Balan – DNA 352. Diana Stancele – DNA 353. Narcis Lazarescu – DNA 354. Marian Dragulescu – DNA 355. Meda Titu – DNA Cluj 356. Serban Viorel Florin – PJS 2 357. Andreea Benedek – PCA Brasov 358. Ana Dana – DNA 359. Camelia Albulescu – PJ Cornetu 360. Popescu Alina – PT Brasov 361. Florentin Riza – PT Dolj 362. Gudumac Octavian – PJS2 363. Cosnita Ciprian – PJ Brasov 364. Stefaniu Simona – PT Covasna 365. Stefaniu Bogdan – PT Covasna 366. Aldea Adrian – PT Brasov 367. Delia Mihai – DNA Brasov 368. Felicia Vlad – DNA Brasov 369. Vasile Prata – DIICOT 370. Negrutiu Irina Alexandra – PJ Ploiesti 371. Ene Silviu – PJS 3 372. Cristina Radu – PTB 373. Ghildan Irina Brindusa – PJ Moinesti 374. Tomescu Alexandra Sorina – PJS 1 375. Colceriu Sorin Mihai – PT Harghita 376. Berchisan Alina Andreea – PJ Turda 377. Ovidiu Gherasim – PTB 378. Raduica Adi Lucian – PJ Drobeta 379. Ursa Paul Ionel – PJ Brasov 380. Rus Lavinia – PJ Lugoj 381. Oprescu Alexandra – PJ Ploiesti 382. Simona Constantinescu – DIICOT 383. Morar Ciprian – PJ Oradea 384. Antohi Gabriela – PJ Oradea 385. Simona Anghel – PJS 1 386. Gabriela Scutea – PCA Brasov 387. Pantiru Florin – PJ Cluj Napoca 388. Sas George Florin – PT Bihor 389. Chis Marta – PJ Jibou 390. Pop Silvia Mihaela – PJ Tarnaveni 391. Amuscalitei Alin – PJ Cluj Napoca 392. Mic Ioana – PT Satu Mare 393. Popa Alina Diana – PJ Iasi 394. Palanghia Claudia Monica – PJ Iasi 395. Pricop Elena Madalina – PJ Iasi 396. Dasca Adrian Nicolae – PJ Iasi 397. Ioana Gutu – PT Valcea 398. Mintari Mihaela – PJ Iasi 399. Grajdeanu Constantin – PJ Liesti 400. Liliana Ghidiu – PT Brasov 401. Ciurca Roznovat Roxana – PT Iasi 402. Bradea Vlad Dumitru – PJ Oradea 403. Alexandra Dordea – DNA 404. Ghita Bogdan – DNA 405. Cristina Moraru – DIICOT 406. Mihail Aldea – PCA Pitesti 407. Mihai Mesaros – PJS 2 408. Albu Nadia Adriana – PJ Iasi 409. Moraru Alina – DNA Iasi 410. Hincu Oana – PT Galati 411. Cosmin Ungureanu – PT Valcea 412. Ramona Jardieanu – DNA 413. Tocu Radu Catalin – PJ Iasi 414. Mogos Irina – PT Galati 415. Cristina Stroe – PJ Dragasani 416. Bordianu Dragos – PJ Iasi 417. Jascanu Elena Catalina – PJ Iasi 418. Cernea Silviu – PJS 2 419. Andrei Aneta Violeta – DIICOT 420. Sorin Beteringhe – PT Bihor 421. Ispas Angela Bianca – PJ Saliste 422. Andreea Culcearu – DIICOT 423. Anca Patriche – PJS 6 424. Adelina Zamfir – PJS 6 425. Carmen Fota – PJS 4 426. Matei Leontin – PJS 4 427. Simon Oana – DIICOT ST Cluj 428. Daniel Ungureanu – PJ RM Sarat 429. Hogas Marius – PJ Rm Valcea 430. Roman Alexandru – PJ Iasi 431. Cioban Vasile Calin – PJ Turda 432. Barna Alina – PJ Iasi 433. Munteanu Adriana – PJ Bistrita 434. Toduta Valentin – PJ Oradea 435. Claudiu Statache – PJ Constanta 436. Cojocaru Oana – PJ Iasi 437. Niculicea Nicolae – PJ Rm Valcea 438. Cristian Patrana – PT Valcea 439. Trif Marian Mihai – PJ Turda 440. Daniela Bratulea – PJ Rm Sarat 441. Cocoveica Ioana – PJ Bistrita 442. Irina Serban – PT Olt 443. Gradina Laura Valentina – PT Tulcea 444. Apostol Mihaela – PT Iasi 445. Nedelea Isabela – DIICOT 446. Gradinaru Martin Christian – PJ Roman 447. Pricope Laura – PJ Roman 448. Talmacel Ciprian – PJ Roman 449. Cucos Ana Maria – PJ Roman 450. Paris Lidia – PJ Roman 451. Varganici Dragos – PJ Roman 452. Ionescu Dana – PJ Sannicolau Mare 453. Luca Ramona – PT Iasi 454. Tudorache Corina – PT Buzau 455. Cristea Emilia – PJ Constanta 456. Chiazna Magdalena Daniela – PJ Drobeta Turnu Severin 457. Bogdan Stoica – PJ Dragasani 458. Burje Ovidiu Sorin – PJ Bistrita 459. Ciprian Cazaceanu – PJS 1 460. Raluca Mirica – DNA 461. Mantu Mihaela – PJ Iasi 462. Cosmina Mihaela Colceriu – PJ Zarnesti 463. Razvan Alexandru Bara – PJ Brasov 464. Cotovelea Ionel – PJ Campulung 465. Cristea Valentin – PJ Oltenita 466. Popovici Felicia – DNA Oradea 467. Baldea Diana – PT Iasi 468. Paun Adriana – PJ Targoviste 469. Romulus Varga – PICCJ 470. Corogeanu Cristian Andrei – PJ Timisoara 471. Vasile Marc Emilian – PJ Giurgiu 472. Simon Dragos Nicolae – PJ Cluj Napoca 473. Pascaru Andrei Razvan – PJ Bacau 474. Marasescu Anda – PT Satu Mare 475. Cojocar Rusanda – PJ Brasov 476. Paiusi Marius Teodor – PT Bucuresti 477. Lazea Corina – PT Cluj 478. Puie Ciprian – DIICOT ST Oradea 479. Lucian Dieac – PT Neamt 480. Ursu Oana Alina – PJ Giurgiu 481. Batrinu Iuliana – PJ Focasni 482. Dumitru Alexandru – PJS 1 483. Cristina Luca – PT Neamt 484. Aionitoaie Ana Maria – PT Iasi 485. Chicos Nicoleta – PT Iasi 486. Horodniceanu Diana – PT Iasi 487. Horodniceanu Daniel – DIICOT ST Iasi 488. Meszaros Tiberiu – PJ Babadag 489. Lucanu Iuliana – DIICOT 490. Bozu George – DIICOT 491. Popa Florina Silvia – DIICOT 492. Robert Fleckhammer – DIICOT 493. Bianca Laura Gazdac – PJ Tg Mures 494. Dragan Adrian – PJ Huedin 495. Adam Amina Roxana – PJ Timisoara 496. Szilagyi Robert – PJ Baia Mare 497. Diana Cazacu – PJ Caracal 498. Nicolae Sprincu – PJS 1 499. Adriana Bidica – PT Valcea 500. Morar Herlea Claudia – PCA Oradea 501. Morar Radu – DIICOT ST Oradea 502. Oprea Veronica – PJ Buzau 503. Creivean Nicolae – DIICOT ST Oradea 504. Serban Constantin Cristian – PJ Fetesti 505. Catu Codruta Romana Maria – PJ Brasov 506. Sas Anca Raluca – PJ Turda 507. Niculeasa Daniel Ionut – PJ Radauti 508. Tatu Adina Octavia – PJ Buzau 509. Tatu Dragos Daniel – PJ Buzau 510. Merisescu Luminita – PT Iasi 511. Gabriela Spineanu – PJ Novaci 512. Raul Radmacher – DIICOT Cluj 513. Arion Florin – PT Buzau 514. Arion Larisa – PJ Buzau 515. Dan Blanaru – PJ Campulung Moldovenesc 516. Plesca Anisoara – PJ Iasi 517. Crisan Daniel – PJ Turda 518. Iordache Adrian Mihai – PJ Targoviste 519. Mircea Nora Alexandra – PJ Turda 520. Geanta Ioan Alexandru – PJ Buzau 521. Petrache Angelica – PT Calarasi 522. Vasile Airinei – DIICOT Iasi 523. Varvara Maria – PJ Roman 524. Gavril Ducu – PJ Ploiesti 525. Lazar Aida – PJ Timisoara 526. Paul Cosmin Bosinciuc – PJ Targoviste 527. Barbuceanu Catalin George – PCA Pitesti 528. Benchea Vlad – PJ Avrig 529. Pop Paula Crina – PJ Slatina 530. Musuroi Ionut Marius – PJS 4 531. Cojoaca Traian – PJ Alexandria 532. Coca Daniel Alin – DNA Iasi 533. Tokos Lehel – PT Harghita 534. Dida Naghiu – PT Bihor 535. Scaletchi Constantin – PJ Ploiesti 536. Marinela Minca – PICCJ 537. Carnariu Mihai Madalin – PJ Baia Mare 538. Florin Stoica – PJ Targoviste 539. Cristea Ana – PJS 5 540. Sabau Delia – PT Satu Mare 541. Moiceanu Alexandru – PJ Buftea 542. Camelia Stanciu – PCA Craiova 543. Moldovan Claudiu – PJ Zarnesti 544. Balineanu Adrian – PJ Bistrita 545. Teodorescu Vlad – PTMF Brasov 546. Maciuc Sorin – PJS 6 547. Oanes Corina – PJ Zalau 548. Vali Popa – PJ Targoviste 549. Ciocanta Cristinel Valentin – PT Bacau 550. Marius Cazac – PT Suceava 551. Stefan Gheorghe Daniel – PJ Turda 552. Teodor Nicodin – PJ Buftea 553. Harsan Marius – PT Mures 554. Mihai Florentina Lidia – PJ Targu Secuiesc 555. Neacsu Mirel Emanuel – PJ Braila 556. Perju Iuliana – PT Bacau 557. Alina Gabriela Grigore – PJ Targoviste 558. Atomei Adriana – PT Bacau 559. Mungiu Ramona – PJS 1 560. Lupes Andreea Catalina – PT Bacau 561. Laura Mihai – PJ Cluj Napoca 562. Birjovanu Mihaela Monica – PT Bacau 563. Taras Gabriela – PJS 2 564. Alina Andritoiu – PJS 5 565. Boceanu Claudia Andreea – PJ Arad 566. Dan Manole – PJS 2 567. Daranga Ioana – PCA Bucuresti 568. Alexandra Maria Zernovean – PJ Sfantu Gheorghe 569. Pelmus Ciprian Ionut – PJ Timisoara 570. Tudor Radian Kreiser – DIICOT ST Cluj 571. Sever Stan – PJS 2 572. Bratosin Andreea Raluca – PJS 2 573. Maria Mihut – PJS 2 574. Pop Stefan Roxana Maria – PJ Tg Mures 575. Calin Daniela – PJ Tg Mures 576. Eduard Stefan Jilavu – PJ Pascani 577. Miu Madalina – PT Calarasi 578. Fonica Sorina – PT Bacau 579. Ion Izabela Ana Maria – PJS 3 580. Marius Flucus –PJ Brasov 581. Radu Ionescu – DNA 582. Nicolae Creivean – DIICOT ST Oradea 583. Cristina Turlui – PJS 4 584. Axenta Mircea – PJ Tulcea 585. Bocai Tudor Florin – PT Hunedoara 586. Vilcea Luciana Elena – PJ Cornetu 587. Danca George Daniel – PT Covasna 588. Ciprian Man – PT Bihor 589. Gambuta Ioanela – PT Iasi 590. Rodica Nițescu, PJS2 591. Moldoveanu Mihai Dan, PJ Vânju Mare 592. Berbece Orlando- PJ Buftea 593. Liana Georgiana Marin- J. Ploiești 594. Andra Duțescu-PJS 2 595. Imireanu Cristina- PT Călărași 596. Ungureanu Alin- PJ Deta 597. Negrău Andrei- PJ Salonta 598. Povaliceanu Claudia-PJ Timișoara 599. Azamfirei Daniela Elena- PJ Galați 600. Renyi Erica- PT Cluj 601. Mărgărit Cristina Emanuela- PJ Galați 602. Petrușca Gabriela Amalia- PJS6 603. Hach Elena- DNA SC 604. Emanuel Mihoc- PJ Sighișoara 605. Varga Sanda Daria- PCA Cluj 606. Mihaela Sasu – PT Timiș 607. Bogdan Păcurariu- DIICOT ST Galați 608. Sorin Leau- DIICOT ST Galați 609. Sorin Cărare– DIICOT ST Galați 610. Robert Pătrănoiu– DIICOT ST Galați 611. Marin Tiberiu Bogdan- PJ Giurgiu 612. Emilia Daniela Negraia– DIICOT ST Galați 613. Adrian Tîrlea- PTB 614. Kadar Albert- PJ Brașov 615. Răducu Mihai-PT Brașov 616. Viorica Flucsa-PT Timiș 617. Mihaela POP- PT Timiș 618. Borș Cristian- PT Bacău 619. Dăianu Alexandru Mădălin- PJ Novaci 620. Oprea Cantemir Ștefănel-PJ Novaci 621. Crăciunescu Adrian- PJ RM. Vâlcea 622. Negoiță Rozalia- PJ. Rm. Vâlcea 623. Georgescu Ruxandra- PJ Suceava 624. Florin Pantiru- PJ Cluj 625. Dragos Simon- PJ Cluj 626. Alexandru Horsia- PJ Cluj 627. Alexandra Nicoara- PJ Cluj 628. Ionel Ududec- PJ Cluj 629. Anca Ududec- PJ Cluj 630. Marius Pantea- PJ Cluj 631. Florinela Trofan– PJ Cluj 632. Diana Horge- PJ Cluj 633. Pavel Fadei– PJ Cluj 634. Gabriel Tatar- PJ Cluj 635. Laura Mihai- PJ Cluj 636. Ani Ciopa- PJ Cluj 637. Mircea Sendroni- PJ Cluj 638. Lucia Andreica- PJ Cluj 639. Alin Amuscaliței- PJ Cluj 640. Mihai Birtoc- PJ Cluj 641. Georgiana Sarca Delea – PJ Cluj 642. Mirel Toader- PJ Cluj 643. Flaviu Dobrescu- PJ Cluj 644. Szende Bartok-Kosma- PJ Cluj 645. Ioana Nicoară- PJ Cluj 646. Cristina Dos Santos Rodriguez- PJ Cluj 647. Mihai Bortes- PJ Cluj 648. Iulia Bilciu -DNA 649. Diana Roșu – PJ Petroșani 650. Brîndea Dan Eugen-PT Sălaj 651. Pavel Marinel Corneliu-PT Olt 652. Serban Daniel-PJ Brașov 653. Angelica Paraschivescu-DIICOT 654. Moldovan Angelica -PCA Alba Iulia 655. Ioana Pătulea- PJ S3 656. Sadîc Zafer-PT Constanța 657. Murarasu Ștefan Petrica-PJ Bacău 658. Indre Timea- PJ Dorohoi 659. Anca Lazăr- PCA Cluj 660. Gheorghe Ciocan- PJ Dr. Tr. Severin 661. Bailescu Florina- PJ. Dr. Tr. Severin 662. Tiberiu Sigheartau- PCA Oradea 663. Daniel Titerlea-PCA Oradea 664. Ileana Florina Cherșa-PJ Alba 665. Paraschiv Andreea-PJ Rm. Vâlcea 666. Donțete Alina- PJ Rm. Vâlcea 667. Leontina Popescu-DIICOT ST Craiova 668. Petrescu Elena-PJS1 669. Cîlniceanu Alexandra-PJS1 670. Blănaru Larisa Andreea-PJ Brașov 671. Alexandru Barcan-PJ Videle 672. Goia Gheorghe-PJ Reghin 673. Catalin Marinescu-PCA Craiova 674. Tudorache Marian-PT Vâlcea 675. Pelinel Monica-PT Vâlcea 676. Bosnea Cristi Sorin-PCA Timisoara 677. Trion Marius Valentin-PCA Timisoara 678. Ghimiș Adrian-PCA Timisoara 679. Brașoveanu Ion-PCA Timisoara 680. Pripagu Gabriel-PCA Timisoara 681. Lohan Iulia Maria-PJ Sighetu Marmației 682. Adrian Majeri-PT Brașov 683. Cîmpean Mircea-PJ Timișoara 684. Pătru Mădălina-PT Argeș 685. Cristina Mureșan-PJS1 686. Ramona Grațiela Milu-CA Bv 687. Luca Nicoleta Adriana-PJ Timișoara 688. Grecu Adrian-PT Timiș 689. Murgoi Anda-PCA Alba Iulia 690. Nicoară Ioana-PJ Cluj Napoca 691. Botogan Claudiu-PCA Cluj 692. Arina Corsei Vultureanu- PJS3 693. Benchea Vlad- PJ Avrig 694. Emanuela Dulgheru-T București 695. Nanu Vladimir-PT Argeș 696. Pop Ciprian Dumitru- PJ Luduș 697. Coșarcă Nicolae-PJ Tg. Mureș 698. Georgescu Ileana -PJ Tg. Mureș 699. Brătilă Cristina Nicoleta-PJ Ploiești 700. Bunea Cătălin-PJ Ploiești 701. Petraru Larisa-PJ Ploiești 702. Mateescu Doinița-PJ Ploiești 703. Epurescu Ionuț-PJ Ploiești 704. Marcolea George-PJ Ploiești 705. Mazilu Sebastian-PJ Ploiești 706. Iosifescu Magdalena-PJ Ploiești 707. Danescu Alexandru-PJ Ploiești 708. Bogdan Orza-DIICOT ST Tg. Mureș 709. Hău Emanuel-PJ Timișoara 710. Diana Gitan-PT Timiș
https://ift.tt/2T3mrZE https://ift.tt/2E7VysY
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alexsavescu · 2 years
Spectacolele zilei de joi la Festivalul de Teatru Birlic 2022
Spectacolele zilei de joi la Festivalul de Teatru Birlic 2022
„Hai la drum spre Phantarun”. Spectacol pentru copii al Teatrului Guguță din ChișinăuJoi 25 august 2022, ora 12. Autorul textului: Laurențiu BudăuRegia spectacolului: Gabriela LunguScenografia spectacolului : Tatiana CojocaruCoregrafia spectacolului: Gabriela LunguMuzica spectacolului: Ilie VăluțăDistribuţia : Lungu Gabriela, Zmuncilă Lucia, Timofti Maria, Săli Alexandru, Popa IurieDurata…
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smartseo4you · 4 years
Bucurie pentru România! Juniorii de la Canotaj aduc acasă 7 medalii la Europenele de la Belgrad! România, locul 1 în clasamentul pe națiuni!
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/bucurie-pentru-romania-juniorii-de-la-canotaj-aduc-acasa-7-medalii-la-europenele-de-la-belgrad-romania-locul-1-in-clasamentul-pe-natiuni/
Bucurie pentru România! Juniorii de la Canotaj aduc acasă 7 medalii la Europenele de la Belgrad! România, locul 1 în clasamentul pe națiuni!
Lotul de Juniori din cadrul Federației Române de Canotaj a luat parte la Campionatele Europene de la Belgrad (Serbia) cu 13 echipaje, însumând 48 de sportivi. Aceștia au obținut 5 medalii de aur, 2 medalii de argint, de două ori locul 4 și o dată locul 5 în Finalele A. Astfel, România s-a clasat pe locul 1 pe națiuni după numărul de medalii, în fața Franței și sportivilor din Belarus.
Prima medalie de aur pentru țara noastră a fost obținută în proba de patru vâsle feminin (JW4x) de echipajul format din Patricia Cireș, Andrada-Maria Moroșanu, Emanuela-Ioana Ciotău și Adelina-Florina Vezeteu, fetele reușind să se impună în fața echipajelor din Elveția și Franța.
A doua medalie de aur a fost obținută în proba de dublu rame feminin (JW2-), prin echipajul format din Estera-Costina-Beatrice Vîlceanu și Elena-Diana Sută. Româncele s-au impus în fața echipajelor din Franța și Turcia.
La proba de dublu rame masculin (JM2-), sportivii Andrei Mândrilă și Claudiu Neamțu s-au impus în fața celor din Spania și Belarus, aducând României a treia medalie de aur.
A patra medalie de aur pentru țara noastră  a fost câștigată în proba de patru rame masculin (JM4-), prin echipajul format din Sebastian Timiș, Toader-Iulian Merila, Andrei-Petrișor Axintoi și Marius-Gabriel Lungu.
Ultima medalie de aur la Campionatele Europene de Juniori pentru România a fost obținută de Diana-Ionela Petian, Florentina-Georgiana Neculaeasa, Cornelia-Dumitrița Tincu, Ancuța-Adelina Ungurean, Mihaela-Cosmina Dram, Alexandra-Georgiana Rușcuța, Manuela-Gabriela Lungu, Mariana-Laura Dumitru și Victoria-Ștefania Petreanu, în proba de 8+1 feminin (JW8+).
Medalie de argint pentru junioarele din echipajul de patrul plus unu rame (JW4+), compus din Ionela-Petruța Popa, Elena-Andreea Cerbu, Alexandra-Cornelia Ionel, Georgelia Stoica și Victoria-Ștefania Petreanu.
Tot argint a câștigat și sportivul Cristian-Vasile Nicoară, în proba de simplu vâsle masculin (JM1x).
Locul 4 în finalele A a fost obținut de fetele din echipajul masculin de 8+1 (JM8+), dar și de Ana-Maria Matran în proba de simplu vâsle feminin (JW1x). Fetele din barca de patru rame feminin (JW4-) au terminat cursa finală pe locul 5.
Echipajul de dublu vâsle masculin (JM2x) a terminat finala C pe locul 2, clasându-se pe locul 14 în clasamentul general la Campionatele Europene de Canotaj la Juniori 2020. Tot în finala C i-am văzut și pe băieții din echipajul de patru vâsle masculin (JM4x). Ei au terminat cursa pe locul 3, clasându-se astfel pe locul 15 în clasamentul general.
Echipajul de dublu vâsle feminin a concurat în finala B. Fetele au terminat cursa pe locul 3 și s-au clasat astfel pe locul 9 în clasamentul general la Campionatele Europene de Juniori de la Belgrad (Serbia).
„Sunt foarte mândră de rezultatele obținute de România la Campionatele Europene de Canotaj la Juniori, competiție desfășurată anul acesta la Belgrad (Serbia). După reușitele lotului de Tineret la Europenele de la Dusburg, Juniorii au dat la rândul lor acum dovadă de ambiție și determinare, obținând 7 medalii din 10 probe. România se situează astfel pe locul 1 în clasamentul pe națiuni. Ce performanță! Sunt tineri, talentați, serioși și muncitori. Felicitări Juniorilor pentru performanță! 5 medalii de aur, 2 de argint! Îi felicit și pe antrenori și pe colegii mei din Federație. Mulțumiri speciale pentru susținere și către Ministerul Tineretului și Sportului și COSR. De asemenea, doresc să mulțumesc și partenerilor Federației Române de Canotaj – Herbalife, Negro 2000, Construcții Erbașu, IBB-HIB și Unicredit. Așteptăm acum cu nerăbdare Campionatul European al seniorilor de la Poznan, Polonia (9-11 Octombrie)”, declară Elisabeta Lipă, Președintele Federației Române de Canotaj.
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madstars-festival · 4 years
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We asked this year’s Final Judges to reflect on the quality of creative ideas they judged at AD STARS 2020. Were there any trends or markets that stood out? And what does the winning work say about the future of the ad industry?
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VALERIE MADON: Chief Creative Officer, Asia, VMLY&R – Executive Judge of Brand Experience & Activation, Creative eCommerce, Direct, Media and PR.
“It’s really exciting to see that some of the best works this year for our categories came from the United Arab Emirates and Sri Lanka. We see more culturally relevant work getting recognition for being insightfully inspired: the impact is clear, even if the executions are simple.
“It’s also very reassuring to see fresh ideas that leverage tech in a more meaningful and entertaining manner with a clear idea that’s simple and engaging, not technology for technology sake. It’s a sign that agencies are becoming more comfortable with digital and technology, hence it’s considered more seamlessly even if the implementation could be complex.”
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FABIO CAVEIRA: Senior Creative / Art Director at OPPO China – Executive Judge of Design & Print categories.
“This year we live in an atypical situation because many campaigns were canceled, festivals postponed and many good ideas were left out of the festivals that took place this year. But, regardless of that, I think that in times of crisis, we need to focus on creativity to keep the sector running and bring information to people's lives.
“In the Design and Print categories, we saw the predominance of Asian countries, with Japan and China standing out from the rest.”
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TERENCE LEONG: Executive Creative Director, R/GA Shanghai – Final Judge, Brand Experience & Activation, Creative eCommerce, Direct, Media and PR categories.
“It’s a strange year for all of us, but one thing was obvious. Creativity never stops. In fact, the work has more opinion than ever – about our lives, diversity and things that matter. While the quality of the ideas are good, the quality of the execution could be much better. It felt like everyone wanted to make waves with big statements, but I would have liked to see smaller, sharper, simpler ideas that can scale up to actually change behavior. I can’t help but feel that some of the impressive and highly produced case study films actually hides and compensates for average ideas.”
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GABRIELA LUNGU: Global Creative Director, Geometry UK, Founder & Creative Lead, Wings Creative Leadership Lab – Final Judge, Brand Experience & Activation, Creative eCommerce, Direct, Media and PR.
“I was a judge for AD STARS in the last three editions and I can say without a doubt that the quality of the entries is better every year. This year it was refreshing to notice that many of the best ideas were very simple, brilliantly simple – it seems that we are finally moving beyond gimmicky technology, and as an industry we are returning to the power of simple, emotional, profoundly human ideas.”
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SASCHA KUNTZE: Chief Creative Officer, BBH Singapore – Executive Judge of the Interactive, Integrated, Innovation, Mobile, Data Insights and Social & Influencer categories.
“I was surprised to see very little COVID work. It shows a lot of agencies are very busy with themselves right now, and you can’t blame them, but I still believe that now is the time for the industry to do the exact opposite: it’s time to be bullish and entrepreneurial and brave. Otherwise, we won’t see real change.”
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LEVI SLAVIN: Chief Creative Officer, Colenso BBDO – Executive Judge of Diverse Insights, Outdoor, PSA, Place Brand and Radio & Audio.
“Overall, we did get a sense of the power of creativity through the work we judged this year. As a tool and weapon, applied properly, creativity can solve anything.
“Part of what made this year unique was everyone’s willingness to celebrate what creativity is and is capable of doing. We moved in and out of lockdown in New Zealand during the judging process. But nobody on the jury once said: ‘Let’s not do this.’ Everybody felt it was critically important to celebrate creativity and its power. We can be super proud of the organisers and judges because the process was more difficult than people might realize, but it was worth it, because the winners prove the impact of creativity is profound. 
“Any metal awarded at AD STARS is a career highlight – all winners should be very proud.”
• AD STARS would like to thank all of this year’s Final Judges for giving up their time to choose this year’s winners. To see the winners of the AD STARS 2020 Awards, visit adstars.org. 
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magazinediverse · 4 years
Ce carti bune de citit ofera literatura contemporana tinerilor si care sunt cei mai apreciati autori?
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Literatura contemporana ofera tinerilor numeroase carti bune de citit, opere scrise in perioada de dupa al Doilea Razboi Mondial care sunt foarte captivante pentru cititorii aflati la primul contact cu literatura. Tinerii par foarte atrasi de acest gen de lectura si cauta titurile nou aparute pe rafturile din librarii. Recomandarile de pe https://blog.printrecarti.ro  ii ajuta sa nu dea gres cu alegerile pe care le fac in acest sens.
De ce prefera tinerii carti bune de citit ce apartin literaturii contemporane?
Literatura contemporana este un mod e imbogatire culturala si spirituala, un mod de autoeducare, iar adolescentii sunt incurajat sa citeasca de catre dascali. Cu toate acestea, tinerii prefera sa nu parcurga operele marilor clasici cu atata drag cu care parcurg romanele ce apartin literaturii contemporane.
Din lista bogata de recenzii carti pe care tinerii o au la indemana in mediul online, cu siguranta acestia vor gasi ceva care sa se potriveasca cerintelor si preferintelor lor. Cartile din literatura contemporana sunt preferate de catre cititorii tineri pentru ca:
Exprima cel mai bine trairile si sentimentele lor si tinerii se pot identifica cu relatarile din aceste carti;
Autorii cartilor de literatura contemporana abordeaza teme noi, de actualitatel
Literatura clasica are un stil greoi si un limbaj dificil de inteles;
Abordarea autorilor contemporani este acesibila si cartile sunt usor de citit;
Operele contemporane sunt un fel de revolta sau manifest fata de anumite miscari ce se petrec in prezent;
Cartile scrise de autorii contemporani ii ajuta pe tineri sa se perfectioneze si sa se afirme.
Carti bune de citit | Recenzii carti | Blog.PrintreCarti.ro
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Cei mai apreciati autori de litaratura contemporana
Cei mai cunoscuti si mai apreciati autori literari contemporani sunt: Neagu Djuvara, Dan Lungu, Gabriela Adamesteanu, Diana Adamek, Aurora Liiceanu, Doina Rusti, dar si Yasmina Khandra, Kazuo Ishiguro sau Mark Manson.
Literatura contemporana cupride numeroase opere de calitate, iar multi scriitori sunt apreciati de tineri pentru suflul nou pe care il aduc si pentru modul in care pot schimba perspectiva asupra vietii.  
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radioromania · 5 years
Caravana Gaudeamus Radio România, ediţia Cluj-Napoca 2019
(22 aprilie 2019)
Ediţia clujeană cu numărul 20 a Târgului Gaudeamus Radio România a ajuns la final. Evenimentul care a deschis, în anul 2000, seria de târguri de carte pe care postul public de radiodifuziune le organizează în cele mai importante centre culturale din ţară sub numele de Caravana Gaudeamus Radio România, şi-a confirmat şi la această ediţie reputaţia: peste 80 de participanţi, 80 de evenimente editoriale, o suprafaţă de peste 800 mp de standuri şi circa 27.500 de vizitatori au transformat Cluj-Napoca, timp de cinci zile, în capitala cărţii din România.
Preşedintele de onoare al ediţiei a fost prof. univ. dr. Gabriela Lungu, traducătoare, eseistă, doctor în filologie şi cadru universitar la Facultatea de Litere a Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca.
Premiile Gaudeamus Cluj-Napoca 2019 decernate în cadrul festivităţii care a avut loc duminică, 21 aprilie, sunt următoarele:
Trofeele Gaudeamus acordate expozanţilor şi jurnaliştilor de către Radio România, prin Votul Publicului: locul 3 – Editura Polirom şi Grupul Editorial ART, locul 2 – Editura Humanitas şi locul 1 – Editura Şcoala Ardeleană.
Trofeul Presei, decernat pe baza opţiunilor vizitatorilor care au indicat instituţii mass-media clujene drept principale surse de informaţii despre acest eveniment, a revenit cotidianului Făclia – secţiunea publicaţii şi postului TVR Cluj-Napoca – secţiunea TV; rezultatul votului pentru secţiunile online şi radio nu a fost concludent, iar premiile pentru aceste secţiuni nu au fost acordate. Ca şi la ediţiile precedente, posturile Radio România au primit cele mai multe voturi din partea participanţilor la Votul Publicului. Premiile pentru jurnalişti au fost oferite de Editura Casa Radio.
Premiul Educaţia, oferit de către organizatori instituţiilor de învăţământ participante, a revenit Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca.
Premiul Miss Lectura a fost câştigat de Silvia Soare, medic rezident. Premiul a fost oferit de InfoTouch Systems, Emex şi Restaurant Shanghai.
Proiecte Radio România – Gaudeamus:
- Finala zonală a Concursului Naţional de Lectură Mircea Nedelciu, organizată de Radio România Cluj-Napoca. Câştigătorii concursului, desemnaţi de un juriu format din profesori de limba română, au fost: Alexandra Pop (Liceul Teoretic Nicolae Bălcescu) – locul 1 Paul Crişan (Colegiul Naţional George Bariţiu) – locul 2 şi Raluca Zmicală (Colegiul Naţional George Bariţiu) – locul 3. Premiile au fost oferite de compania clujeană Maurer Imobiliare şi Restaurant Shanghai. Ocupanta locului 1 va participa la finala naţională a concursului, care va avea loc la Târgul Gaudeamus Radio România (Bucureşti, 20 - 24 noiembrie a.c., Romexpo).
- Invitaţi de nota 10: Olimpicii României, proiect prin care postul public de radio promovează şi recompensează performanţele obţinute pe plan internaţional de către reprezentanţii la vârf ai învăţământului românesc, cu prilejul evenimentelor din cadrul programului Lectura. Invitaţii de nota 10 la Caravana Gaudeamus Radio România, Cluj-Napoca 2019, elevi din această zonă a ţării premiaţi la olimpiade internaţionale la diferite discipline, au fost: Balazs Hanna Imola (Liceul Teoretic Apaczai Csere Janos, Cluj-Napoca), Durugy Attila (Liceul Teoretic Josika Miklos, Turda) şi Fazakas Borbala (Liceul Teoretic Bathory Istvan). Premiile au fost oferite de Lions Club Genesis Cluj-Napoca, Maurer Imobiliare şi Restaurant Shanghai.
- Cărţile se întorc acasă, campanie care are ca principal obiectiv constituirea, prin donaţii din partea expozanţilor şi a vizitatorilor, a unui fond de carte care va avea ca beneficiari biblioteci ale unor comunităţi subfinanţate din acest punct de vedere. Cele circa 700 de volume donate la Caravana Gaudeamus Cluj-Napoca vor avea ca destinaţie biblioteca din comuna Iclod şi minibibliotecile organizate de Biblioteca Judeţeană Octavian Goga, în judeţul Cluj.
- Tombola Gaudeamus a oferit numeroase premii pe baza buletinelor de Vot al Publicului: echipamente şi accesorii multimedia oferite de InfoTouch Systems, vouchere pentru produse Emex şi vouchere pentru cadouri personalizate CEWE.
Eveniment organizat de Radio România, cu sprijinul Primăriei Municipiului Cluj-Napoca.
Sponsori: Lions Club Genesis Cluj-Napoca, Clima Service SRL, Emex, CEWE, Maurer Imobiliare Cluj, InfoTouch Systems, Restaurant Shanghai şi Spring Harghita Parteneri media: Agenţia de presă Rador şi Cluj.com.
Următoarea etapă a Caravanei Gaudeamus Radio România 2019 va avea loc în Oradea, în 8 – 12 mai; eveniment organizat în colaborare cu Primăria Municipiului Oradea şi Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Turismului din Oradea şi regiune.
Detalii privind Târgul Gaudeamus Radio România, ediţia Cluj-Napoca 2019, pe www.gaudeamus.ro sau la Secretariatul Gaudeamus. Persoană de contact: Connie Chifor (0745.109.649, e-mail [email protected]).
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Adăugat de Luciana Gingăraşu
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stiri-noi · 6 years
CEO Conference – Shaping the Future are loc pe 22 mai 2018, la Bucureşti
Rolul pe care CEO-ului în deţine în managementul transformării organizațiilor și decodarea celei de-a patra revoluții industriale reprezintă subiectele principale ale evenimentului “CEO Conference – Shaping the future’’ organizat de Doingbusiness.ro, marți, 22 mai, la București.
Conferința începe la ora 9.00 la Stejarii Country Club și își propune să provoace dezbateri și schimburi de idei între lideri de business, analiști, experți și consultanți, pentru a găși soluții inovatoare la provocările fără precedent pentru mediul de afaceri, pe care executivii marilor companii vor trebui să le înfrunte în următorii ani. Ediţiile CEO Conference reunesc peste 100 de manageri de companii cu prezență globală, antreprenori și oameni de afaceri.
“CEO Conference a devenit platforma deschisă pentru dezbateri și relaționare de afaceri, în care participanții se întâlnesc și discută despre factorii care conturează mediul de afaceri acum. Rolul liderilor marilor companii în redesenarea strategiilor, modelelor de afaceri și reinventarea avantajelor competitive în contextul Revoluției Industriale 4.0 sunt temele din acest an”, a declarat Dumitru Ion, CEO Doingbusiness.ro
În cadrul celor două paneluri, subiectele conferinţei vor fi dezbătute de leaderi cu viziune, care conduc cu succes companii de top, făcând față, cu imaginație și creativitate, provocărilor tehnologice și transformărilor digitale tot mai rapide.
Panel 1: Rolul CEO în managementul transformării
Cum redefinim strategii și modele de business pentru a obține avantaj competitiv? Cum au găsit organizațiile de succes VALOARE în locuri și situații neașteptate? Noile locuri de muncă vs forța de muncă recalificată sau îmbunătățită? Ce transformări sunt așteptate în noile relații cu clienții? Riscuri vs. transformare inovativă; Agitația fiscală și supra-reglementarea continuă.
Acestea sunt doar câteva din temele ce vor fi aduse în discuție de:
Tatiana Proskuryakova – Country Manager, World Bank România Lăcrămioara Diaconu-Pintea – Executive Board Member, OMV Petrom Virgil Soncutean – CEO, Allianz-Țiriac Asigurări Gabriela Matei – Country Manager, Microsoft România Wolfgang Schulz – General Manager, BMW Group România
Panel 2: Decodarea celei de a 4-a Revoluții Industriale
Robotizare și Automatizare (RPA), Inteligența Artificială (AI), Internetul Lucrurilor (IoT) și impactul acestor noi tehnologii în modelarea viitorului companiilor; Tehnologia sursă de oportunități vs. transformarea disruptiva; Big Data vs nevoia CEO pentru acuratețea informațiilor; GDPR și riscul subevaluarii impactului; Digitalizare vs riscuri cibernetice.
Speakerii care au confirmat deja prezența sunt:
Alexandru Reff – Country Managing Partner, Deloitte România Marius Melesteu – CEO, Strauss România Ion Lungu – Președinte, AFEER Marius Filipas – CEO, Logicom Răzvan Copoiu – Vicepresident – South & Eastern Europe, Schneider Electric
Conferința se va încheia cu o sesiune de coaching. Mihai Stănescu va descrie viziunea sa asupra noii ere a managementului în contextul Revoluției Industriale 4.0.
Programul complet și actualizat al evenimentului, precum și condițiile de participare sunt disponibile pe https://ift.tt/2jN8RFz
“Un fir roșu al conversațiilor ce vor avea loc în cadrul conferinței va fi accelerarea inovației și velocitatea schimbărilor care sunt greu de subordonat sau anticipat. Astfel, aceste elemente cheie reprezintă o sursă continuă de surprize chiar și pentru cei foarte informați și foarte bine conectați. Împreună cu speakerii și participanții la CEO Conference conturăm un viitor care funcționează pentru noi toți, punând în față oamenii și arătându-le tehnologiile care ii fac mai puternici’’, a afirmat organizatorul conferinței, Dumitru Ion.
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mesagerulneamt · 7 years
Inițiativa senatorului Emilia Arcan, de a intermedia măsurarea glicemiei din sânge și a tensiunii pentru toți cei interesați, la sediul PSD Neamț, unde funcționează cabinetul parlamentar, a avut succes în rândul pietrenilor. Conform documentelor, azi dimineață (sâmbătă, 18 noiembrie), începând cu ora 8:30, au ales să valorifice oferta 436 de persoane.
“Mă bucur că ideea de a pune la dispoziția celor interesați o echipă de specialiști care să măsoare tensiunea și glicemia a avut așa succes! Sper ca oamenii cărora cadrele medicale le-au identificat probleme să fie atenți și să ia măsurile de rigoare, pentru că de fapt, acțiunea mea de astăzi trebuie să aibă continuitate și cei cu afecțiuni să meargă mai departe, în a le trata sau ameliora. La sugestia multora dintre cei care au venit la aceste consultații, vom întreprinde încă o campanie de acest gen, de data aceasta pe tematică de oftalmologie. Le mulțumesc cadrelor medicale – cinci doamne care au acceptat să îmi fie alături pentru reușita acestei acțiuni, și îi mulțumesc managerului Spitalului Județean de Urgență Piatra Neamț pentru că a acceptat să colaborez cu specialiști din unitate, în cadrul  campaniei!”, a declarat Emilia Arcan, senator PSD Neamț.
Cadrele medicale cu care au interacționat cele 436 de persoane care au vrut să beneficieze de ambele testări asigurate în mod gratuit sunt Cristina Teodorescu, Veronica Mocănașu, Claudia Căciuleanu și Gabriela Teodora Lungu, iar Ana Timofte a asigurat partea de logistică. (PSD Neamț)
436 de persoane și-au verificat tensiunea și glicemia la inițiativa senatoarei Emilia Arcan Inițiativa senatorului Emilia Arcan, de a intermedia măsurarea glicemiei din sânge și a tensiunii pentru toți cei interesați, la sediul PSD Neamț, unde funcționează cabinetul parlamentar, a avut succes în rândul pietrenilor.
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rudyroth79 · 7 years
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Știri: Atelier româno-turc de traduceri literare la ICR Istanbul Prima jumătate a luniii decembrie pune la încercare talentul traducătorilor. În perioada 10– 15 decembrie 2017, la sediul Institutului Cultural Român ”Dimitrie Cantemir” de la Istanbul, se desfășoară cea de-a opta ediție a atelierului de traducere literară din limba română în limba turcă, eveniment organizat alături de Agenția Literară Kalem.
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kevinalevine · 7 years
Exclusive 20 Digital Marketing Tips from 20 Top Amazing Women Marketers
The digital marketing industry is full of people worth following, reading, listening to, and eventually learning from. There’s no one who could utter the words “I did it all on my own” or “I’ve got no inspiration other than me, myself, and I, because I know all the digital marketing tips and secrets out there”.
  Digital marketing influencers, be they men or women, are sizzling in this world of continuous change and wonder, and they have thousands, if not millions of followers who sip from their cup of knowledge while craving to be like them one day.  We all have our favorite professionals, and they’re both women and men, but today it’s gonna be all about women in marketing. 
  We interviewed 20 influential women marketers and, boy, all the stuff they told us is exclusive! Needless to say, the lessons we’ve learned from them are, and undoubtedly will be, career-changing.
    Learning is a never-ending process and us humans need to be in a constant development of both mind and way of living. Learning from others’ failures and success stories is what helps us take heart, be inspired, keep up the good work, and beat all odds until we reach for the stars.
  Now, how many times did you think “Oh, I wish I knew all the hidden secrets that make a business work, especially now that I’m a beginner or I need it in my strategy. I need some guidance on X, Y, Z”. Now your wishes have come true, and the outcome is true gold.
  We started off by sending emails to influential female digital marketers across the globe, and asked them:
  If you were to recommend one digital marketing technique, what would that be? 
  And the feedback was awesome! Amazing marketers, such as Marie Forleo, Gabriella Sannino, and Julie Joyce were the first ones to accept our invitation and share their knowledge and expertise with the whole world.
  We thought of sharing with you the people who influenced and inspired us along our way as digital marketers. A few months ago, we published an article focusing on awesome workspaces that belong to great digital marketers. And given that we loved the experience, we decided to roll up our sleeves and do it all again, this time with a twist. 
  So be it digital marketing, content marketing, or social media marketing, search engine optimization, and conversion optimization, it’s all here. And they’re all exclusive tips. *Please do note this list is not following a specific order; all these female marketers are equally inspiring and a massive asset to the global digital ecosystem.
  Make Your Customer the Hero by Talia Wolf
Is It Obvious Your Site Is the Best? by Marie Haynes
Featured Snippets Are Paramount When Prospecting for Links by Debra Mastaler
Listen to Your Customers by Jenny Halasz
Make It Easy for Brand Advocates to Connect with You by Gabriella Sannino
Write Less, Promote More by Alexandra Tachalova
Identify Your Competitors’ Missed Opportunity by Ana Matei
The Consumer Is What Matters Most by Susan Borst
Providing an Omnichannel Experience Means Power by Ann Handley 
SEO Is Both Art and Science by Julie Joyce
Brand Management Should Be the Core of Marketing by Gabriela Lungu
Nail a Sale by Getting Your customer Open Their Hearts by Marie Forleo
You Have to Know Exactly What You Want by Adel de Meyer
Provide Your Audience with Quality Content by Lilach Bullock
Provide Your Audience with Quality Content by Madalyn Sklar
Be a Voracious Learner by Rebekah Radice
Write Less and Write Better by Melissa Fach
Listen to the Client and the Digital Environment by Jaitrali Jhanjharya
Share Your Ydeas by Dorie Clark
Pay Attention to Your Customer by Maia Novolan 
  1. Make Your Customer the Hero by Talia Wolf
  Voted one of the most influential voices in conversion optimization and with over 10 years of expertise, Talia Wolf not only has a name full of charm and mystery but also is the go-to expert to help your business grow and stand out from the crowd. She’s most known for her growth marketing, conversion optimization, and marketing leadership activity. Talia loves optimizing websites, create better user journeys and online experiences, and puts the customer first in every aspect. 
  Thanks to her customer-centric approach and her vast knowledge of emotional targeting, landing page optimization, mobile optimization, persona marketing, and E-commerce optimization, she’s often invited to teach and coach on stages such as Google, MozCon, Opticon, Unbounce, GMIC, Search Love, ConversionXL, Learn Inbound, Conversion Conference, and a whole lot more. 
  Besides being a trainer, speaker, and conversion optimization specialist and consultant, Talia Wolf also runs GetUplift, an agency that offers conversion optimization services, in-house training, workshops, and online courses. 
  Talia’s Exclusive Tip
  When asked to share a tip with us, she immediately agreed and here’s what she said:
  If you make your customer the hero of the story and build experiences around what she really wants and needs, you’ll grow your company 10X. Talia wolf Conversion Optimization specialist / @TaliaGw 
  “While most of the world might tell you to be data-driven, the only way to truly succeed and grow your business is to be data-informed and customer-driven. 
  Behind those screens are people, not browsers, devices or geographical locations. If you make your customer the hero of the story and build experiences around what she really wants and needs you’ll grow your company 10X”. 
  2. Is It Obvious Your Site Is the Best? by Marie Haynes
  A true digital marketing goddess, Marie Haynes has loads of experience as a Google penalty expert and algorithm analyst. Author of Unnatural Links – The Complete Guide to Recovery and a regular contributor to Moz and Search Engine Watch on topics such as Google Penalties and algorithm changes, Marie Haynes definitely knows her stuff and offers consultancy on her website mariehaynes.com. 
  Marie is frequently speaking at Pubcon, SMX, and other conferences. She’s obsessed about Penguin, Panda, Unnatural Links and analyzing the reason for a site’s traffic drop. She enjoys sharing her wisdom with others, and she’s doing it wholeheartedly. 
  When browsing her LinkedIn profile, a particular recommendation caught my eye and for good reason: “Google is hard. Marie is awesome. She knows her stuff, she works the details and you can take her deliverables deadlines to the bank”.
  Marie’s Exclusive Tip
  And here’s the proof:
  Is it super obvious that your site is the best experience for users? If the answer to that is ‘no’, then what can you add that would make the answer ‘yes’?
MARIE HAYNES Google Penalty Expert / @Marie_Haynes
  “I feel that Google is getting better and better at determining the usefulness of a site. If you’re having trouble ranking well, take a good honest look at your competitors’ pages. Or, better yet, have an unbiased source look at your pages as well as theirs. What we want to ask is, “Is it super obvious that your site is the best experience for users?” If the answer to that is no, then what can you add that would make the answer yes?
  In the past, for many people, the majority of SEO was about tweaking keywords and getting links. While on-page optimization and link acquisition is still really important, they are not the only factors to consider.
  I find that so many site owners have a hard time seeing that their site is not the best of its kind. If you can find ways to make your site as helpful as possible, and more helpful than everyone else’s on the same subject, then over time, you should see some good wins”.
  3. Featured Snippets Are Paramount When Prospecting for Links by Debra Mastaler
  Debra Mastaler is impressive! Her marketing experience spans over 28 years and the expertise she holds makes her a link guru. She is one of the most well-known link builders in the world, helping Fortune 500 companies and a number of top search engine optimization firms in the USA, UK, and Canada achieve the best in their link building, SEO, and digital marketing strategies. 
  Debra is a corporate speaker for SEMrush, link building consultant, and President of Alliance-Link, a company offering customers three unique marketing services: content marketing research, custom link building, and in-house link building training. Operating the company since late 2000, Debra Mastaler had previously worked with Anheuser-Busch in the marketing department for 15 years. Before that, she activated for four years in the Civil Service. 
  Her agenda must be quite busy as she’s often guest blogging for Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, and Search Engine Guide, guest speaking at Search Engine Strategies Conference (SES) and Search Engine Land and numerous training sessions and seminars on link building. Debra is also the Link Building Moderator on the exclusive SEOBook Community Forums. 
  Debra’s Exclusive Tip
  Both Debra’s career path and approach make her irresistible and authentic. After having once already benefitted from her vast knowledge, now she accepted the challenge again. 
  Make featured snippets a primary target when prospecting for links. Debra Mastaler Corporate Speaker & SEMrush Link Building Strategist / @debramastaler
  “Make featured snippets a primary target when prospecting for links. Backlink the sources linking to the featured snippet URL and do everything in your power to secure a link from the same sources.
  Study the business featured in the snippet carefully, is there a way to partner with this site and benefit from their exposure? We can’t always influence how and where a search engine ranks a page but we can always try to capitalize on their results.”
Source: ducttapemarketing.com
  4. Listen to Your Customers by Jenny Halasz
  Professionals in the digital marketing industry call Jenny Halasz a visionary, and right they are! Having a wealth of knowledge and experience in SEO and PPC, copywriting, conversion optimization, social marketing, affiliate marketing, analytics, and digital marketing, no wonder Jenny’s so charming. 
  With over 15 years of digital marketing experience, Jenny is at ease when teaching others long-term strategies, intuitive UX, and successful customer acquisition tactics. When she’s not writing, speaking, or engaging in strategies, tactics, and ethics in search, you can find her indulging in (who’d have guessed?) geeky stuff and politics. 
  Jenny Halasz is the President and Founder of JLH Marketing, a firm where customers can benefit from hourly and monthly consultancy services on search engine optimization, PPC, Analytics, and other niches in digital marketing. The search support she offers, along with her blog posts, contribute considerably to Jenny’s customers’ and followers’ growth. In addition, she’s also a speaker and a signed-in contributor to Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal (#AsktheSEO), and Marketing Land on SEO and SEM topics. 
  Jenny’s Exclusive Tip
  Jenny seems to always be there when fellow marketers reach out to her to get those craved-for answers to their questions. It’s exactly what we’ve experienced as well. 
  If you take the time to understand what questions your customers and prospective customers have about your product or service, you will set the foundation necessary for great digital success. Jenny Halasz President of JLH Marketing / @jennyhalasz
  “Answer your customers’ questions in an accessible way. If you take the time to understand what questions your customers and prospective customers have about your product or service, you will set the foundation necessary for great digital success. If you make sure those answers are accessible on your website to users and search engines alike, you’ll create quality content that can be used to rank your site, which can be shared on social, and which will increase the conversion rate of the customers you do have.
  By simply answering questions, you’ll have the opportunity to appear in answer boxes on Google result pages (SERPs), to rank for informational keywords, and to be known as an authority in the industry”.
  5. Make It Easy for Brand Advocates to Connect with You by Gabriella Sannino
  Gabriella is a proud Napoletana, a digital marketer like none other. Stepping into the world of marketing and advertising in the early ’90s, Gabriella’s expertise is definitely authentic and note-worthy. Known as an international organic SEO Content Strategist, global marketing analyst, speaker and project management ninja, Sannino has a strong reputation in the SEO industry.
  Since “being ordinary was never an option for Gabriella Sannino”, as she’d say, she has also co-founded and owns Level343, an international marketing and SEO company based in San Francisco, California.
  Gabriella Sannino is quite inspirational, thanks to both her career path and her life(style). Holding an Italian citizenship, she traveled the world from a young age to South USA, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. But when she set foot in San Francisco, she fell in love, both with the city and the marketing powers the city possessed. Given this information, we can definitely say that conventional is not quite her style. 
  When she’s off-duty, she enjoys sailing, playing with her loved ones, and of course, living la dolce vita to bits. When time allows it, she whole-heartedly shares her knowledge with fellow marketers. Her favorite quote is: “There’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line”.
  Gabriella’s Exclusive Tip
  When asked what was her marketing tip to share with the world, she wrote to us:
  Don’t make your potential brand advocates hunt for ways to communicate! Keep the avenues open and the pathways easily defined. Gabriella Sannino International Marketing & SEO Consultant / @SEOcopy
  “Connect the dots. Always, always connect the dots of the strategy you will implement. By that I mean, making sure that your website is tied into your blog and social accounts, which are tied to each other and so on. Again depending on your strategy, make sure you have the follow through and step-by-step to accomplish connecting the dots.
  Why go to all the trouble to create a blog and then not link to it from your main site? The same for your social accounts. Why make them if you aren’t going to tell people about them? Why communicate with your readers, if you don’t have a strategy of what you are communicating and how you will capture those leads?
  This may sound like a “duh” sort of tip, but if I had a dollar… we have so many new clients come to us that say, “oh, yes, we use Twitter,” or “yes, we have a blog,” but you wouldn’t know it unless they told you.
  Don’t make your potential brand advocates hunt for ways to communicate! Keep the avenues open and the pathways easily defined”.
  6. Write Less, Promote More by Alexandra Tachalova
  Alexandra Tachalova has her charms. Having previously benefited from her wisdom, we remember how we’ve always appreciated the fresh and young approach she uses when tackling digital marketing and SEO topics. 
  Alexandra is a digital marketing consultant from Saint Petersburg, Russia, and the Founder of the Digital Olympus Event conferences. She is a contributing writer at Moz, Entrepreneur, AHREFS, and Search Engine Journal. She has been a brand manager at SEMrush, activating as Head of Marketing Automation and Market Leader in competitive research software. Given she enjoys providing valuable digital marketing tips on how to create killer marketing strategies, you’ll frequently find her speaking at events such as BrightonSEO, SEMdays, Ungagged, SEOzone, SMX, and many others.
  Tachalova has activated in the marketing business for more than five years, helping businesses improve their marketing tactics and campaigns, and boost their sales. Her extensive experience spans across many niches, such as customer relationship management, SEO, corporate communication and lead generation.
  Alexandra’s Exclusive Tip
  When asked to disclose some SEO tips, she told us:
  I would recommend writing less and devoting more time to content promotion. Alexandra tachalova Digital Marketer / @AlexTachalova
  “Don’t neglect content promotion. I’ve noticed that nowadays, many companies are extremely focused on content marketing processes. And that’s definitely a good investment! However, a lot of content marketers tend to skip the steps related to the content promotion. That’s a horrible approach since the majority of their work never reaches their targeted audience.
  I would recommend writing less and devoting more time to content promotion. My tip is to start your content plan by writing a list of channels and influencers that can help you reach more relevant users, and will allow you to start getting traffic and leads from each published post”.
Source: www.webmarketinggroup.co.uk
  7. Identify Your Competitors’ Missed Opportunity by Ana Matei
  Judging from Ana’s hobbies and spirit, she’s definitely seeking to live a life that’s not boring, from both a personal and professional point of view. Her life experiences resemble her professional one, as they’re both rich, complex, diverse, and intriguing. A constant traveler, travel blogger, and ex-Geographer, Ana Matei is the go-to digital marketer and SEO&CRM consultant to help online businesses optimize their marketing costs.
  Ana plans and implements marketing campaigns with measurable results in both online and mobile marketing, sifting everything through her 11-year expertise in digital marketing, search marketing, and traditional marketing.
  She’s also known as an SEO trainer who’s always focused, creative, and in a constant pursuit of self-improvement. Even her digital marketing blog is grounded in the idea of writing for her own benefit or relaxation, not only for others’. Also, she’s an advocate for writing for writing’s sake (this rings a bell regarding a French slogan from the early 19th century – l’art pour l’art).
  Ana Matei’s specialties are digital marketing strategies, design strategies with user experience always in mind, optimization and conversion, social media marketing and search advertising, PPC, remarketing and retargeting, and analytics. She often writes on her two blogs, which, by the way, are totally separate from each other, but completely charming altogether. One is for SEO and digital marketing, while the other is dedicated to her other love – traveling. 
  Ana Matei seems to have the wanderlust symptom and she travels like crazy. And because traveling goes hand-in-hand perfectly with photography, she’s nailing those camera skills as well. She particularly likes everything related to tourism, given she graduated Geography, loves making time for great outdoors, and has a thing for Instagram. Other passions include digital marketing – because it’s constantly changing, people – the creative, authentic, and hard-working ones, arts – photography, architecture, rock music, and painting, and psychology and behavioral economics books.
  Ana’s Exclusive Tip
  No doubt she’s inspirational so she decided on sharing a few snippets of her marketing wisdom:
  One of the best SEO techniques is turning in-depth research findings into the best possible landing page out there. ana Matei Digital Marketer and SEO Consultant / @AnaMatei
  “One of the best SEO techniques is turning in-depth research findings into the best possible landing page out there. Finding your buyer personas and studying your competition are good places to start a research. But identifying a missed opportunity by your competitors or a trend before it gets trendy is pure SEO gold.
  Once you find your content opportunity, the catch is to be able to put your findings on the best possible landing page. That means it has to be perfect in terms of design, tech, and copy, but also to address the psychological issues the customers are facing.
  The mistake every newbie SEO does is creating that seemingly perfect landing page and leaving it as it is. That’s fine when you rank the first, and even then things won’t be fine for long because some competitors will try and maybe succeed at stealing your ranking.
  The trick for getting long-term traffic and conversions is to optimize that page over and over again until there’s no better landing page on the web. It sounds simple enough, but it takes so much hard work and marketing research that few people actually put in the effort.
  For a money page like this, using ads to get it just right helps with moving forward in the optimization process, especially for businesses offering services. With eCommerce, things are a bit easier because you can use the design part of that perfect product page throughout the site. Also, there’s more CRO than SEO involved in the process of optimizing an eCommerce site”.
  8. The Consumer Is What Matters Most by Susan Borst
  Susan Borst holds a wealth of wisdom and knowledge to share. She’s known for being intellectually curious about everything related to marketing, interactive, and media, traits that led her to whom she is today: a marketer named in “Top 15 People in NYC that are changing advertising that you need to know” by Alley Watch, a “Top 50 Content Marketing Influencer at CMWorld 2016” plus 2017 by TopRank, and a “Top 50 Marketing Leader over 50” by Brand Quarterly for two years running.
  Susan is a Deputy Director and Lead for the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence, but that’s not it: she’s also leading the social media, content marketing, native advertising, B2B and games advertising sectors, together with the mobile and local committees. No wonder she’s the bee’s knees in the content marketing industry.
  But that’s not all; she’s also part of the judging jury for The Shorty Awards, the Content Marketing Institute Awards, and Native Advertising Institute Awards. Susan’s 20+ years of experience at top NYC creative agencies are undoubtedly a meaningful point of reference.
  Susan’s Exclusive Tip
  For the curious-hearted souls out there, Susan is half Icelandic, with a love for Swedish fish. When asked to share a nugget of Borst wisdom, she shared this:
  It’s easy to get caught in the weeds of digital advertising, the formats, and technology behind it, and lose sight of what really matters: the consumer. Susan borst Deputy Director of IAB Mobile Marketing / @susanborst
  “It’s easy to get caught in the weeds of digital advertising, and the formats, and technology behind it, and lose sight of what really matters…the consumer.
  In a “mobile always,” “video everywhere” and “empowered consumer” world, consumer expectations on their devices can provide insights to help marketers develop advertising that breaks through without being annoying, one that is relevant without being creepy, all while balancing the need for more promotional messages vs. storytelling executions designed to reach consumers in more native ways”.
  9. Providing an Omnichannel Experience Means Power by Ann Handley
  Ann Handley is an exceptional woman marketer. We all know that already, as we’ve all read at least one of her books. She has authored and co-authored two books, namely Everybody Writes, a WSJ bestseller, and Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business, which is also a bestselling book on content marketing translated into nine languages so to please everybody who craved for it.
  Speaking of writing, Ann is also a monthly columnist for Entrepreneur magazine, MarketingProfs, and LinkedIn, in the LinkedIn Influencer program. Ann speaks and writes about how you can step up your marketing strategy ways. In addition, it’s important we know that she started her career as a business journalist and editor. 
  Besides being an inspirational writer, Ann Handley is Head of Content at MarketingProfs – a training and education company empowering marketers across the globe – keynote speaker at various events, and a digital marketing and content expert. She likes saying that she’s the company’s content bossypants, and this fits like a glove if we’re to think how she’s declared “waging a war on mediocrity on content marketing”. Ann was cited in Forbes as the most influential woman in social media and named by ForbesWoman as one of the Top 20 Women Bloggers.
  Ann Handley is often referred to as a pioneer in digital marketing, as she co-founded ClickZ.com, which was one of the first mediums of interactive marketing and commentary. As for Ann’s off-work passions – we’d say it’s her kids, whom she calls “ridiculously amazing children”.
  Ann’s Exclusive Tip
  The omnichannel experience is everything. Ann handley Head of Content at MarketingProfs / @MarketingProfs
  “The omnichannel experience is everything. In traditional marketing-speak, omnichannel means that we seek to give our customers a seamless and unified shopping experience across all channels.
  Today omnichannel isn’t just a technology or shopping play. It’s more broadly the brand experience that a customer has with you across various platforms and channels, at every step of the way. It integrates technology, data, content, and communication across an organization in an effort to deliver a seamless experience to the customer or prospects.
  When all those touch points are aligned, it’s a powerful thing. And when they aren’t, your customers and prospects end up feeling uneasy and disappointed at the mismatch between expectations and reality.
  These are the three principles to create an aligned omnichannel experience: 1. Physical experience squared perfectly with the digital one. 2. Using voice and tone consistently across all channels and accounts to convey the brand. 3. Nail the bigger story – find the answers to your business’s whys. “
  10. SEO Is Both Art and Science by Julie Joyce
  Julie Joyce is a sweet fellow marketer, one that anybody would love to work with. Having previously benefitted from her wisdom, we are totally in love with her work and activity as a specialist in the field.
  Julie is Owner and Director of Operations for the link-building company Link Fish Media Inc. and Co-founder of the SEO Chicks blog. After starting working in search marketing in 2002, she soon became Head of Search for a small IT firm.
  She frequently contributes to Search Engine Land in the Link Week column, along with other note-worthy marketing publications, such as Search Marketing Gurus, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine People, and State of Search. She’s a pro at link building, SEO, SMM, technical project management, PPC, quality assurance testing, technical writing, and ASP programming. Therefore, reaching out to her to grow your buisness and empower your personal brand is the best step possible.
  Julie’s Exclusive Tip
  Without applying any preferential treatment, we loved her feedback manner the most. She seems very open and available when people ask for her opinion, and that is an asset. 
  You have to look at the web as a human user and not just from a search engine point of view. julie Joyce Owner of Link Fish Media / @JulieJoyce
  “I’ve always thought of SEO as being just as much art as it is science.
  You have to look at the web as a human user and not just from a search engine point of view. You can get the rankings but that doesn’t always lead to conversions for various reasons. If you are relying solely on information that a computer system spits out, you’re ignoring that fact and leaving good opportunities on the table.
  We have people who come to us and who ask for DA 50+ links, in any industry. They don’t care about relevance or traffic. They care about that number. We have clients who will turn down a relevant link on a new site that is getting a lot of social traction because the site doesn’t yet have a good DA. It’s very annoying to me when people can’t see beyond the numbers.”
      11. Brand Management Should Be the Core of Marketing by Gabriela Lungu
  Public relations veteran and creativity guru, Gabriela Lungu has it all: charms, skills, rich experience, proven results, and public recognition, in other words – she’s a marketing success and model.
  Gabriela is a Romanian integrated creative leader, marketing and communications expert, consultant, trainer, speaker and facilitator. Previously a reporter, guest Creative Director at TBWA, CCO at Weber Shandwick, and Creative and Managing Director of Ogilvy PR, and CMO at Notino, Gabriela Lungu is now Founder at WINGS Creative Leadership Lab, a company focusing on working with high-potential creative people in the marketing and media industry while delivering a mix of consultancy, workshops and hands-on training on creativity and leadership.
  Given her 20+ years of integrated experience in advertising, PR, digital and social media marketing, including 13 years of senior leadership, you’ll often find Gabriela speaking at international and local industry events. Her specialties are communications, marketing, and leadership, all seasoned with a handful of creativity, diversity, and inclusion.
  Her track of proven records includes 150+ awards and nominations, including top international names such as Cannes Lions or Global SABRE. In addition, Gabriela was on the jury for some of the most important global competitions such as D&AD, Effie, SABRE, or Cannes Lions and activated as PR Jury Chair for Clio and Dubai Lynx.
  Gabriela’s Exclusive Tip
  Fascinated as we are by her expertise, we interviewed her too, and here’s what she told us:
  Never forget that digital marketing is still marketing, and brand management should be at the core of it. Gabriela lungu Integrated Creative Leader / @GabrielaLungu
  “Never forget that digital marketing is still marketing, and brand management should be at the core of it.
  It’s easy to let ourselves excited by the immediate benefits of technology and data, and lose sight of building a long-term emotional bond with customers. No matter how good they are at using digital techniques, companies or products will always face bigger competitive threat and commoditization without a strong brand”. 
  12. Nail a Sale by Getting Your customer Open Their Hearts by Marie Forleo
  Often referred to as “the hurricane woman”, Marie Forleo is a marketing and lifestyle expert, bestselling author, motivational speaker, teacher, philanthropist, CEO at Marie Forleo International, her personal brand. Her energy seems to be evergreen and definitely contagious, and it looks like it came naturally for Marie to start educating and helping people become the person they most want to be. An unshakable optimist, she can’t help but inspire people on their way of making a difference and be their happiest, wisest, and most loving self. 
  Marie Forleo is the host of MarieTV, a YouTube channel turned into a socially conscious digital empire that touches millions. Besides smashing the competition interviewing a whole array of cool marketing gurus and media influencers such as Sir Richard Branson, Seth Godin, and Oprah, she’s been also interviewed by Tonny Robbins and Oprah and has mentored young business owners at Richard Branson’s Centre of Entrepreneurship in South Africa.
  Her website, marieforleo.com, is quite popular, reaching over 190k readers in 191 countries worldwide. A multi-passionate entrepreneur, she’s also leading dynamic training problems guiding individuals on their way to business and personal success. In addition, she’s the author of the bestselling book “Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You’ll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!”.
  Marie Forleo has always been insatiably curious about human potential. For as long as she can remember, Marie was in search of answers regarding what’s that thing that can make people happy, fulfilled and thriving, some succeeding achieving that against all odds. But people with questions as such can’t fit into a conventional box. And Marie refused to do it and set herself to not only get answers to her questions but also share them with and help others too. 
  Marie’s Exclusive Tip
  Here’s an extract of Marie’s wisdom for you and only you alone:
  The best way to close a sale is by getting your customer to open their heart marie forleo Entrepreneur / @marieforleo
  “I have a question for you: in life, all of us are always selling something, whether you sell a product or a service, or you work within a company, you gotta be selling something, but do you know what you’re really selling?
  The fact is we’re rarely ever buying what we think we’re buying. So here’s an example: if I buy a necklace, what I’m thinking about is how that necklace is gonna help me express my own style [or other stuff]. So rather than just a piece of jewelry, I’m buying an expression of my style, I’m buying easy nights out, and I’m buying my future well-being.
  Now, whether you sell with words, or images, or copywriting, or whatever, you’re gonna realize you’re gonna sell so much more and have your customers love their purchases if you can convey what they’re actually getting: the feelings, the benefits, the future memories. The best way to close a sale is by getting your customer to open their heart”.
  13. You Have to Know Exactly What You Want by Adel de Meyer
  This sweet and lively Aussie seems to have found the secret path to happiness. People working with her can easily see she’s an explosion of optimism, authenticity, and charm, both in writing, speaking and way of being. Adel de Meyer is a New Media Specialist, author, brand influencer, live streaming show host, mentor, and speaker. She’s also a contributor to The Next Web, Business2Community on influencer marketing, social media, and digital technology.
  Adel de Meyer is an advocate for people’s need to be given a helping hand when willing to cut through the noise, rise above it and get heard. Being a true pro at social media magic, and also a solution-oriented problem solver, she often recorded series of podcasts with note-worthy marketing influencers, hosted online talks and worked with heavy names such as Madalyn Sklar, Peg Fitzgerald, and others. Thanks to her vast knowledge on using social media and technology, she easily captivates her audience’s attention and helps them grow their business.
  You could easily say Adel is in a relationship with social media, which she wholeheartedly gives herself to. “I love my life being involved in this always changing world of Social Media because it brings me together with some of the most talented and ambitious people in multiple industries and all walks of life. What drives me in Social Media is the insatiable need to discover and push the boundaries of online interactions”, she confesses.
  If you don’t take our word regarding her skill, maybe brands that trust her will make you give in: Adobe, Social Media Examiner, Hootsuite, Brand24, Hard Rock Hotel Group, Huawei, Cisco, Yelp, Marriott Group, and many others. If you dream big, work hard, overcome your limits, strive for excellence and always try to be better than before, you’ll have your life completely changed. No doubt. 
  On a side note, Adel has passions many could relate to. She enjoys fashion and travel, tech, bubbles, coffee, and fine wines. Her inspiration derives also from nature, which she cares for deeply. She was born on Christmas Day and was the best present ever to her parents. Although an Aussi now, Adel was actually born in South Africa. 
  Adel’s Exclusive Tip
  You have to know exactly what you want to achieve, the problem you solve, and how you are going to communicate who you are to a global audience. Adel de meyer New Media Specialist / @AdeldMeyer
  “These are my tips to have success with digital marketing: First of all, it starts with YOUR message, your target audience, and your passions. You have to know exactly what you want to achieve, the problem you solve, and how you are going to communicate who you are to a global audience. Then you need to establish a good brand identity, have a good professional website, and a well branded, active, and consistent social media profiles.
  Clear CTAs, good landing pages, mobile optimization, and personalization is everything. Today’s buyer has more choices and options than they did years ago. So listen to them, because understanding their preferences and journey is vital. In addition, generating buzz helps with brand awareness, so that keeps your brand top of mind”.
  14. Provide Your Audience with Quality Content by Lilach Bullock
  Lilach is the go-to lead conversion expert if you want to step up your conversion game. Officially, she’s a digital marketing consultant and trainer, social media specialist, keynote speaker, and business owner at Lilach Bullock Limited. In a nutshell, she’s an exceptional and highly influential serial entrepreneur, and as a result, she was recognized as The Number 1 Digital Marketing Influencer by Career Experts, won the title of Social Influencer of Europe by  Oracle, and listed as one of the Top 20 Women Social Media Influencers.
  Lilach Bullock is highly regarded on the world speaker circuit as the embodiment of Digital Intelligence, and renowned outlets, business publications and marketing magazines such as Forbes, the Telegraph, The Sunday Times, Prima Magazine, Social Media Today, BBC Radio 5 Live, the Guardian, and Wired feature her. Moreover, her books “Images that Influence”, “Twitter your Business”, and “Zero to Targeted Marketing: Talking To the Right People at the Right Time” have won the No.1 place on Amazon for Sales, Marketing, Small Businesses, and Entrepreneurship.
  Given Lilach knows how much impact and many benefits social media can provide in launching a career and opening paths which otherwise would never have happened. Now she’s set to teach others the powers and nature of social media so that they’d grow their businesses, too.
  She describes herself as an occasional diva and proud mum. When Lilach isn’t working, she loves spending time with her loved ones. In addition, she’s an avid fan of Zumba.
  Lilach’s Exclusive Tip
  Provide your audience with quality content on the platforms they prefer – this will help you attract more customers for your business. Lilach Bullock Lead Conversion Expert / @lilachbullock
  “If I had to name one digital marketing technique that I recommend using, it would probably have to be content marketing – not only is it a highly effective lead generation tool, but it also helps with brand awareness, driving traffic, building trust, and nurturing leads; basically, all of the good stuff. 
  It’s all about the quality – provide your audience with quality content on the platforms they prefer (blog, social media, and so on) and it will help you attract more customers for your business”.
Credits Anca Gavril
  15. Provide Your Audience with Quality Content by Madalyn Sklar
  Ranked no.1 Houston Social Media Power Influencer and one of 50 Women Entrepreneurs to follow in 2017 by Huffington Post, Madalyn Sklar is already a social media hit. She’s very well known for her #TwitterSmarter podcasts where she’s interviewing leading social media and marketing experts in an active one-hour discussion mainly revolving around Twitter marketing. Besides hosting the Twitter Smarter chat on Thursdays, she’s also the anchorwoman for the SocialROI chat and co-host for the weekly Communities that Convert podcast with Kami Huyse.
  Being a very passionate marketer and lively person, Madalyn’s motto is “Work smarter, not harder”. She wants to teach people the same strategy, help them get the desired results on social media, and make themselves heard on the social media channels. In a nutshell, Masalyn is a true community builder, smashing Twitter marketing expert, and authentic serial entrepreneur.
  Madalyn’s Exclusive Tip
  Madalyn is a pleasure to both talk and work with, and here’s the secret she disclosed to us about making your brand a success:
  Video is a great way to connect with people because they can see you. They get to know you better in this medium. madalyn sklar Twitter Marketing Expert / @MadalynSklar
  “My best digital marketing technique is video. I use video regularly on Twitter and Facebook. It’s a great medium for letting your community see that you are real and transparent. You can’t hide on video!
  I host a weekly live stream video after my #TwitterSmarter and #SocialROI Twitter chats. I bring on the guest and we have a conversation that’s expanded from the Twitter chat. It’s what I like to call going beyond the 140 characters by using video.
  I’ve become a big proponent of Twitter video, especially replying to tweets with a video. I started an initiative this summer called #VideoReplyDay where I encourage people to take time to reply to tweets with a video. It’s become a movement where a community was started by simply replying to tweets with a video. Video is a great way to connect with people because they can see you. They get to know you better in this medium”.
  16. Be a Voracious Learner by Rebekah Radice
  Listed one of the “Top 10 Social Media and Content Marketers” by Social Media Examiner and frequently featured on CBS, Onalytica, Social Media Examiner, GetApp, and Buzzsumo, Rebekah Radice is an award-winning marketer and strategist whose entrepreneurial roots, instincts and effervescent energy create a powerful magic blend for strategic business development and growth.
  Rebekah is also an author, social media master, keynote speaker, CMO of Post Planner, digital marketing, and social media educator, and founder of Rebekah Radice Media and RadiantLA. Those who use Authority Matrix, the powerful personal brand building tool, should learn that she’s the creator. Many Fortune 500 leaders have used the tool and leveraged the employee influence and advocacy.
  A true entrepreneur at heart, Rebekah the go-to person for those who learn the path to success and also the way they can multiply their successes. She’s able to utter that Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo magic spell that attracts leads and converts audiences and communities into clients. Her Social Success Academy training reveals her successful techniques, tools, and strategies for business growth. Her specialty is connecting online marketing with scalable business strategies to get the desired outcome and revenue.
  In the early days, Rebekah Radice worked on morning radio, this helping her hone her skills at communicating, engaging, and reaching an audience. Now counting 20+ year marketing experience, she authored “Social Media Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide to Strategic Growth” and spoke to over 200 events including Social Media Marketing World, Inbound, and NATO International Summit.
  Rebekah’s Exclusive Tip
  No wonder we were quite hyped at the thought of getting a quote from her regarding the secret to digital marketing success:
  Be a voracious learner.                                                           Rebekah Radice Digital Marketing Strategist / @RebekahRadice
  “Be a voracious learner. Leaders are learners and the only way to stay ahead in the digital marketing world is to consistently innovate. And innovation comes from an open, clear, and creative mind. Make a commitment to add educational time to your calendar every day in 2018.”
  17. Write Less and Write Better by Melissa Fach
  Melissa Fach is a Community Manager at Pubcon and founder of SEOAware, blog editor at SEMrush and other publications, consultant writer, and keynote speaker at many marketing conferences. She decided to create the consultancy agency, SEO Aware, in 2008, after gaining experience, blogging and creating a name in the online marketing industry. Her substantial experience in community management, social media, and customer service led her to provide training on social policy setting for companies, social media management, and customer service via social.
  She helps entrepreneurs and brands alike to create effective content based on well-grounded research, goals, and targeted audiences, all customized to their company’s needs and scope. It’s important to note that her creative marketing ideas come from reading people easily, understanding their wishes, and what triggers them to trust a company enough to buy.
  Grand names fill Melissa’s previous experience and make her shine even more: Associate for Community and Editing Teams at Moz, Editor and Community Manager at AuthorityLabs, and Managing Editor at Search Engine Journal. Therefore her expertise is truly worthy of mention, given that she knows how to play with social media, content marketing, search engine optimization, blogging, community building, blog management, and website development.
  When she’s not talking about work, she’d tell you she’s a cat slave (we feel her), Star Wars fan, non-cook person, and her hobbies are home decor and reviewing real estate.
  Melissa’s Exclusive Tip
  Focus on the outstanding. Write less and write better. melissa fach Social Media and Marketing Consultant / @SEOAware
  “I would say one of the biggest problems I see right now and have for years, is fluff content as a whole in this industry. There seems to be very little focus on SEO, audiences, conversions, and how articles/content will be shared in different ways via social media platforms. All of these things should be figured out BEFORE you write anything. It is obvious when something was written strictly for an SEO goal; without value, this kind of content isn’t going to help you even if you rank well for it.
  There is no reason to create content just so you have it. You have to plan each piece of content based on which audience(s) you want to reach, what goals you have for each piece of content, how you will use it in social to further your goals, and how you are hoping to rank. This takes a lot of time and effort, but it is better than wasting time and resources on content that brings nothing to your company. Without showing some kind of ROI for your work, your job becomes expendable.
  And please run your content through Grammarly and/or the Hemingway App before publishing it. You can’t create trust and sound authoritative and professional without good writing and grammar.
  My motto: Focus on the outstanding. Write less and write better.”
      18. Listen to the Client and the Digital Environment by Jaitrali Jhanjharya
  An all-time remarkable marketer, Jaitrali is a charming specialist and strategist with a name already built both nationally and internationally. She is  Digital Marketing professional with over 16+ years of experience in search engine marketing, digital marketing, movie, and entertainment marketing.
  Recognized as one of the Top 10 Women in Indian Digital Media Industry and with an extensive know-how of digital and entertainment marketing, Jaitrali Jhanjharya definitely lives by her motto “I set my own goals. I am my own competition”. People who worked with her highly appreciated her for providing the right environment for genuine guidance, nurturing talent and addressing team development needs.
  A passionate and noteworthy mentor, Jaitrali’s records encompass strategic planning, creative development, media planning and buying, interactive marketing, research, database/direct marketing, sales promotion, visual merchandising across leading Indian and global brands, and with rich experience in leading cross-functional teams.
  Worthy to say that Jaitrali has exclusively invested in the Interactive and Digital space in the last 12 years. She is a passionate digital professional who fell in love with digital marketing, as she’s fascinated about how this industry is in constant evolution and change, day-by-day.
  When she’s off work, Jaitrali indulges in listening to music and sipping that magic potion called coffee. Besides that, she feels that sarcasm flows naturally in her case, as it’s usually either white or black for her. She loves to be challenged and this is, again, a true reflection of her following her motto – given that battling with your competition means accepting challenges.
  Jaitrali’s Exclusive Tip
  Do not assume that just because a particular idea worked for a previous client, it will work wonders for someone else too. In the digital scenario, the landscape changes dramatically and sometimes drastically, therefore in both cases you have to listen to the client as well as the ever-evolving digital environment. Jaitrali Jhanjharya Digital Marketing Expert / @Jaitrali
  “Listen and Don’t Assume – Most times when we meet a potential client for the first time or go and pitch to one on their turf, there is tons of white noise going on in our head. The prospect of adding this client to our list gives us both goosebumps as well as delusions of grandeur. So my tip here is to drop the daydreaming and put the horse before the car, and instead LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and with experience you will learn to pick out what’s important from what is said and left unsaid. Each brand has its own unique set of expectations and thus it requires a unique mix of solutions and platforms. Do not assume that just because a particular idea will work for an earlier client, it will work wonders for someone else too. In the digital scenario the landscape changes dramatically and sometimes drastically, and in both cases you have to listen to the client as well as the ever-evolving digital environment.
  Be Kind and Realistic – Remember, if you are dealing directly with a client and not with his/her digital marketing team, you have to understand and accept that most clients may have the money and a vision but they will know precious little about what they want or what you can actually do for them. All they have is a dream, a hope which they want YOU to give a concrete shape to. So be patient, take it step by step and do not promise the world. The approach there must be to put a regular monitoring system in place and help the client assimilate and understand numeric and data. This will help create trust and consensus.
  Content and Innovation Rule – As they always have and always will, we have come a long way from clicks to stickiness and developing OTT and VOD platforms across the globe. Today every person with a smartphone is a universe onto themselves and each one wishes to be chased and wooed. I’m sure I don’t emphasize that to chase and woo you need to be innovative and often create stories that engage and hook. Invest in your own storytelling skills and in developing this aspect amongst your teammates.
  The Power Of The Written Word – Throughout my career, I have found the written word to be a very very powerful tool and that is why I cannot stress upon enough for every young and old practitioner of any school of thought or trade to `Put It Down In Writing’, take minutes of meetings, use a Dictaphone if you have to but please document everything. It helps keep professional relationships streamlined and simple.
  Get Out, Get Real – Over the years I have realized that we as digital marketers and innovators spend more time surrounding ourselves with AI (Artificial Intelligence) rather than living breathing people who really are the cornerstone of everything we wish to achieve. So go out more often…if it’s the young you are after, then go to coffee shops and go-kart, if the business czars and czarinas are your target audience then socialize with them. Do what it takes to get out there…because the REAL is out there and this means success.”
  19. Share Your Ydeas by Dorie Clark
  Dorie Clark is a perfect instance of the has-it-all marketer. Keynote speaker, marketing consultant, author, Harvard Business Review contributor, strategy consultant, and Business School professor, Dorie has worked with famous brand and companies such as Google, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Yale University, Fidelity, The World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. She’s a marketer and motivational speaker meant to help others take control of their professional lives and get themselves heard in the world. 
  Dorie’s specialties are marketing, branding, strategy, media relations, management consulting, speaking, and management consulting. New York Times described her as an “expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives” and that’s no wonder given her activity in the industry is grand. Her books “Entrepreneurial You”, “Reinventing You”; and “Stand Out” are widely known, having already been translated in many languages such as Russian, Arabic, French, Chinese, Korean, Polish, and Thai. Her 2015 book, “Stand Out”, was named No.1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. magazine and one of the Top 10 Business Books of the Year by Forbes.
  Clark writes her articles and studies on marketing, business strategy, and branding, often contributing to Forbes and Harvard Business Review publications. Having worked in the past as a journalist and presidential campaign spokesperson, and producer of multiple Grammy-winning jazz album, Dorie is a strong presence in the writing industry.
  Besides that, she teaches for Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, as well as Babson College Executive Education, Smith College Executive Education, IE Business School in Spain, HEC-Paris, and the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler School of Business.
  Dorie’s Exclusive Tip
  If you don’t share your ideas, no one will know if they’re any good. dorie clark Marketing Strategist & Speaker / @dorieclark
  “Develop original content. One of the principles I teach in my Recognized Expert course is a simple but powerful one: if you don’t share your ideas, no one will know if they’re any good. If you want to make an impact beyond the handful of people you work with most closely, you’ll have to start writing and speaking about the ideas that animate you, and that you believe are worth spreading. Whether it’s blogging, podcasting, or sharing thoughts on your company’s internal social network, there are a variety of ways to get the conversation started and ensure your voice is heard”.
  20. Pay Attention to Your Customer by Maia Novolan 
  Maia Novolan was the one who laid the bases for mobile marketing in Romania back in the ’90s while launching the first interactive mobile apps used by the Media Pro Group in their marketing, search advertising, and social advertising strategies designed for the online audience. Having studied marketing and PR and graduating a Master’s Degree in Economics in Bucharest, today Maia has 15+ years of experience in the industry as an Interactive Marketing Strategist (mobile, online and digital signature.
  Novolan is also the Managing Director of Syscom Digital, a noteworthy company on the Romanian digital marketing playground, one she founded in 2009. A good while, she’s been the only woman entrepreneur in the digital marketing world.
  Maia’s Exclusive Tip
  When asked for a digital marketing strategy worth sharing with other too, she told us so:
  You can lose your brand advocate or user in the fraction of a second. Maia novolan Mobile Marketing Specialist / @MaiaNovolan
  “Everything revolves around the customer. 
  More than ever, digital marketing is about the consumer (user). You need to step up the game and be up-to-date, be more connected, interactive, and attractive. And this is because you can lose your brand advocate or user in the fraction of a second”.
    So why women?
  Interviewing people in the industry is our specialty. We love to hear digital marketing tips from renowned professionals and get better at what we do. And women marketers have always seemed to add finesse to this industry – they know how to fight and win, but also how to connect deeply and create art.
  Marie Forleo, a true thought leader in the marketing world, said once:
  I want to change how women think of and feel about marketing. It not only helps women get the results they want, but marketing brings out our best human attributes: true listening, compassion, honesty, and a spirit of service. MARIE Forleo Marketer & Host of MarieTV / @marieforleo
  Should you have been in for some proper tasty treat, you have now dived deep into the freshest digital marketing tips ever, all coming from note-worthy professionals in the niche.
  Truth be told, you’ve reached the Cornucopia of all digital marketing tips and magic spells out there and we’d recommend you make great use of it to boost your online presence and brand marketing.
  Now, what female digital marketers inspire you and why? What’s that evergreen content marketing lesson you learned from her? 
  The post Exclusive 20 Digital Marketing Tips from 20 Top Amazing Women Marketers appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
Exclusive 20 Digital Marketing Tips from 20 Top Amazing Women Marketers published first on http://nickpontemarketing.tumblr.com/
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alexsavescu · 5 years
Asociația Fălticeni Cultural, organizatorul Festivalului Internațional de Teatru pentru Tineret “Gr. V. Birlic” a anunțat programul celei de-a 9-a ediții.
Festivalul este programat pe durata unei săptămâni, în perioada 26 august – 1 septembrie 2019.
Ziua 1 (LUNI, 26 aug. 2019)  • 8:00 – 12.00 – Primirea participanţilor. • 12:00 – Compania ”Andirino” – Iași: Super Kids Show (Spectacol pentru copii ). • 13:00 – Deschiderea oficială a Festivalului “BIRLIC”. Parada costumelor de teatru împreună cu actorii de la Ateneul Național din Iași și a personajelor Disney a Companiei ”Andirino”. • 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Filmele documentare ”Replika”. • 19:00 – Ateneul Național din Iași– Spectacolul ”Pijamale”. Regia: Andrei Ciobanu. Manager: Andrei Apreotesei. • 23:00 – Cinemateca de noapte: Filmul ”Ghinionistul”. Regia: Iura Luncașu. Întâlnire cu actorul și scenaristul: Salex Iatma.
Ziua a 2-a (MARŢI, 27 aug. 2019)  • 9:00 – 14:00 – Workshop-uri cu trainerii Festivalului (Sălile de sport ale Colegiilor ”Vasile Lovinescu” și ”Mihai Băcescu”). • 12:00 – Ateneul Național din Iași – Spectacolul ”Cenușăreasa” (Spectacol pentru copii). • 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Teatrul Birlic Fălticeni – Premiera Spectacolului ”Aproape Labiș”. Regia: Vlad Rădescu. Întâlnire de suflet cu Doamna Margareta Labiș. • 19:00 – Ateneul Național din Iași – ”Tache, Ianche și Cadâr”. Regia: Ion Sapdaru. • 23:00 – Cinemateca de noapte: Filmul ”Pup-o, mă”. Regia: Camelia Popa. Întâlnire cu actorul și scenaristul: Salex Iatma.
Ziua a 3-a (MIERCURI, 28 aug. 2019)  • 9:00 – 12:00 – Concurs de recitare poezie și monolog pentru toate categoriile de vârstă (Sala Mare a Centrului Cultural ”Gr. V. Birlic”). • 9:00 – 14:00 – Workshop-uri cu trainerii Festivalului (Sălile de sport ale Colegiilor ”Vasile Lovinescu” și ”Mihai Băcescu”). • 12:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Teatrul Municipal de Păpuși ”Guguță” – Chișinău – Spectacolul ”Hârzobul” . Manager: Gabriela Lungu. (Spectacol pentru copii). • 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Centrul de Teatru Educațional ”Replika” – București: Spectacolul ”Totul E Foarte Normal”. Regia: Leta Popescu. Spectacol recomandat părinților și adolescenților. • 19:00: – Teatrul Birlic Fălticeni – Premiera Spectacolului ”1918”. Regia: Ovidiu Cuncea. • 23:00 – Cinemateca de noapte: Filmul ”Cea mai fericită fată din lume”. Regia: Radu Jude Întâlnire cu actrița Andreea Boșneag.
Ziua a 4-a (JOI, 29 aug. 2019)  • 9:00 – 14:00 – Concurs de interpretare trupe de teatru: – Trupa ”Katharsis” – Galați: ”Un joc în doi, în trei, în câte și câți vrei!” – Trupa ”Gong” – Roman: ”Făt Frumos dar nu prea” – Trupa ”Stop cadru” – Cluj-Napoca: ”Taxi vinil” – Trupa ”Katharsis”- Botoșani: ”Acteea și Nero” • 12:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Trupa “Ghioceii”(Basarabia) – Spectacolul ”Dănilă Prepeleac” (Spectacol pentru copii). • 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Spectacolul ”Apă la borcan” de Frank Moher. Distribuția: Andreea-Roxana Neagu, Cristi Constantinescu și Andreea Boșneag. • 19:30 – Centrul de Teatru Educațional ”Replika” – București: Spectacolul ”Foreplay”. Text și regie: Ozana Nicolau. • 23:00 – Cinemateca de noapte: Filmul ”Bohemian Rhapsody”. Regia: Bryan Singer.
Ziua a 5-a (VINERI, 30 aug. 2019) • 9:00 – 14:00 – Concurs de interpretare trupe de teatru: – Trupa ”Ghioceii”- Mingir (Basarabia): ”Punguța cu doi bani” – Trupa ”Bastion” – Buftea: ”Emoji” – Trupa ”Victory of Art” – București: ”Treapta a noua” – Trupa ”Teen Act” – Piatra Neamț: ”Un cuplu mortal” – Trupa ”Difainii” – Iași: ”Pe… Trecere” (Spectacol invitat) • 12:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Compania de teatru interactiv ”Pantalone” – București: Spectacolul ”Aladin” (Spectacol pentru copii ). • 16:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Avanpremiera Spectacolului ”Audiția” al studenților UNATC București. Regia: Ștefana Samfira. • 17.30: ”O lecție de istorie”. Invitat de onoare: Ioan-Aurel Pop, Președintele Academiei Române. • 19:00 – Teatrul Birlic Fălticeni: Premiera Spectacolului ”O sută de rochii”. Regia: Vlad Rădescu. • 20:30 –Lansarea cărții ”Rețete ”cercate”, versificate și… desenate de Coana Chirița”. Întâlnire de suflet cu doamnele teatrului românesc: Draga Olteanu Matei, Adela Mărculescu și Carmen Tănase. • 21.30 – Gala decernării Premiilor Festivalului ”Birlic”. În recital: Trupa Spam-Iași. • 23:00 – PARTY DOPO FESTIVAL
Ziua a 6-a (SÂMBĂTĂ, 31 aug. 2019)
• 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Universitatea ”Hyperion” – București: Spectacolul ”Imortal”. Regia: Dan Tudor. • 19:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”. Cinemateca de seară: Filmul ”Mamma mia!”. Distribuția: Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth și Julie Walters.
• Ziua a 7-a (DUMINICĂ, 1 sept. 2019)
• 17:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”: Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române: Spectacolul ”Inocentul” cu Dan Tudor. Regia: Radu Băieșu. • 19:00 – Sala ”Draga Olteanu Matei”. Cinemateca de seară: Filmul ”Allied”. Distribuția: Brad Pitt și Marion Cotillard.
Draga Olteanu Matei, Ioan-Aurel Pop, Adela Mărculescu, Margareta Labiș, Carmen Tănase, Vlad Rădescu, Mihaela Rădescu, Ovidiu Cuncea, Dan Tudor, Radu Apostol, Carmen Olaru, Andrei Apreotesei, Viorel Cojanu, Mihai Pânzaru-Pim, Ion Moldovan, Lorette Enache, Salex Iatma, Sorin Poclitaru, Ștefania Iacob, Andreea Boșneag, Ateneul Național din Iași, Centrul de Teatru Educațional ”Replika”- București, Teatrul Municipal de Păpuși ”Guguță”-Chișinău, Cosmin Vaman, Alexandra Andrei, Trupa Tandem, Compania ”Andirino” și alții.
Carmen Tănase, Mihaela Rădescu, Ovidiu Cuncea, Lorette Enache, Andrei Ciobanu, Cristina Bacal.
Ana-Maria Fasolă, Stela Cora, Daniel Popa, Răzvan ConȚu, Bianca Ciubotariu, Andreea Nechita.
Ilie Doroftei, Ionuț Flutur.
Ovidiu Cuncea și actorii Teatrului Birlic Fălticeni.
  S-a anunțat programul Festivalului Internațional de Teatru pentru Tineret “Birlic” de la Fălticeni – Ediția 2019 Asociația Fălticeni Cultural, organizatorul Festivalului Internațional de Teatru pentru Tineret "Gr. V. Birlic" a anunțat programul celei de-a 9-a ediții.
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smartseo4you · 4 years
Două medalii pentru sportivii de la CSM Suceava la Campionatele Europene pentru juniori
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/doua-medalii-pentru-sportivii-de-la-csm-suceava-la-campionatele-europene-pentru-juniori/
Două medalii pentru sportivii de la CSM Suceava la Campionatele Europene pentru juniori
Delegația României a cucerit şapte medalii, dintre care cinci de aur şi două de argint la Campionatele Europene de canotaj pentru juniori de la Belgrad. România, care a avut zece echipaje în finale, a ocupat primul loc în clasamentul final pe naţiuni, urmată de Franţa, 2-3-1, Belarus, 2-1-1, Rusia, 2-0-2, Ucraina, 2-0-2, etc.
Medaliile de aur au fost cucerite la dublu rame feminin (Estera Costina-Beatrice Vîlceanu, Elena-Diana Şuta – la diferenţă de peste 6 secunde de Franţa, ocupanta locului doi), dublu rame masculin (Andrei Mândrilă, Claudiu Neamţu – la peste cinci secunde de Spania, medaliata cu argint), la patru vâsle feminin (Patricia Cireş, Andrada-Maria Moroşanu, Emanuela-Ioana Ciotău, Adelina Vezeteu – diferenţă de aproape patru secunde de echipajul de pe locul secund, Elveţia), patru rame masculin (Sebastian Timiş, Toader-Iulian Merilă, Andrei-Petrişor Axintoi şi Marius-Gabriel Lungu – la 3 secunde de Franţa, clasată pe doi), 8+1 feminin (Diana-Ionela Petian, Florentina Georgiana Neculăeasa, Cornelia-Dumitriţa Tincu, Ancuţa-Adelina Ungurean, Mihaela-Cosmina Dram, Alexandra-Georgiana Ruşcuţă, Manuela-Gabriela Lungu, Mariana-Laura Dumitru, Victoria-Ştefania Petreanu – la aproape patru secunde de Belarus, medaliata cu argint). Din echipajul românesc de 8+1 feminin a făcut parte și sportiva Florentina Georgiana Neculăeasa de la CSM Suceava, sportivă pregătită de antrenorul Ioan Despa.
Medaliile de argint au fost obţinute de Cristian-Vasile Nicoară, la simplu masculin, şi de echipajul feminin de patru rame cu cârmaci (Petruţa-Ionela Popa, Elena-Andreea Cerbu, Alexandra-Cornelia Ionel, Georgelia Stoica, Victoria-Ştefania Petreanu). Pe cea de-a doua treaptă a podiumului de premiere a fost și Petruța Ionela Popa de la CSM Suceava, sportivă aflată tot sub îndrumarea lui Ioan Despa.
Ana-Maria Mătran a terminat pe patru la simplu feminin, la peste 10 secunde de podium, tot pe patru clasându-se şi echipajul masculin de 8+1 (Andrei-Valentin Maliş, Iliuţă-Leontin Nuţescu, Ciprian-Simeon Hison, Gabriel Ceistof-Ancuţa, Georgel-Viorel Iacob, Cornel-Traian Ieremciuc, Costi-Daniel Neagoe, Radu Barabas, Petre Enăşescu), la 6 secunde de podium. Din acest echipa a făcut parte și Georgel-Viorel Iacob de la CSM Suceava.
La patru rame feminin, echipajul compus din Ana-Maria Loghin, Larisa-Andreea Bogdan, Iulia-Liliana Bălăucă, Florentina Buburuzan s-a clasat pe locul al cincilea. România a participat cu 13 ambarcaţiuni la Europenele de la Belgrad.
România nu a obţinut nicio medalie la Campionatele Europene de canotaj pentru juniori de la Essen (Germania), din 2019, la care am avut patru echipaje în finalele A. La începutul acestei luni, România a cucerit zece medalii, dintre care cinci de aur, trei de argint şi două de bronz, la Campionatele Europene de canotaj Under-23 de la Duisburg (Germania).
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madstars-festival · 4 years
We are delighted to unveil the Grand Prix and Gold winners in our final group of awards categories: Brand Experience & Activation, Creative eCommerce, Direct, Media and PR. 
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Valerie Madon, Chief Creative Officer, Asia at VMLY&R, Singapore led these categories as Executive Judge. Overall, she says: “It’s very reassuring to see fresh ideas that leverage tech in a more meaningful and entertaining manner with a clear idea that’s simple and engaging, not technology for technology sake.”
In Brand Experience & Activation, there are two Grand Prix winners: 72andSunny Los Angeles, USA’s ‘Swipe Night’ for Tinder and Impact BBDO, United Arab Emirates for ‘The New National Anthem Edition’ for An-Nahar.
There are also 5 Gold winners: - 72andSunny Los Angeles, USA: ‘Swipe Night’ for Tinder - DDB Group, New Zealand: ‘Lotto - LO5T’ for Lotto New Zealand - McCann Worldgroup MENA, United Arab Emirates: ‘Astronomical Sales’ for Mastercard - Walt Disney Company, USA: ‘Pixar Street View’ for Walt Disney World - DDB Sydney, Australia: ‘The Burnt Christmas Tree’ for Red Cross Australia.
“Personally, my favourite piece of work is ‘Swipe Night’ for Tinder because a great idea today is expected to leverage technology but also not lose sight of the emotional reward at the end of the engagement. It’s well executed and more importantly, its app function is at the core of the idea,” says Madon.
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This year, AD STARS introduced a new category, Creative eCommerce, to celebrate ideas that optimise the customer journey through creative eCommerce solutions. McCann Worldgroup MENA, United Arab Emirates, won Gold for ‘Astronomical Sales’ for Mastercard.
“I was really excited to notice the Creative eCommerce category, as I work for Geometry, and eCommerce is a big part of our world. ‘Astronomical Sales’ for Mastercard stood out because of its ‘damn-I-wish-I-did-that’ simplicity and… well… stellar brand fit,” explains Gabriela Lungu, Global Creative Director at Geometry UK and Founder & Creative Lead at Wings Creative Leadership Lab, who also judged this category.
In Direct, there are 4 Golds awarded: - McCann Worldgroup MENA, United Arab Emirates: ‘Astronomical Sales’ for Mastercard - TBWA\Sri Lanka: ‘Aura Incense Barricade’ for D'LAS International Sri Lanka - Wunderman Thompson (WPP Marketing Communications, Thailand): ‘Thai Stay Home Miles Exchange’ for Thai Airways International - Impact BBDO, United Arab Emirates: ‘The New National Anthem Edition’ for An-Nahar.
In Media, there are 6 Gold winners: - 72andSunny Los Angeles, USA: ‘Swipe Night’ for Tinder - Impact BBDO, United Arab Emirates: ‘The New National Anthem Edition’ for An-Nahar - DDB Sydney, Australia: ‘The Burnt Christmas Tree’ for Red Cross Australia - DDB Group, New Zealand: ‘Lotto - LO5T’ for Lotto New Zealand - TBWA\Sri Lanka: ‘Aura Incense Barricade’ for D'LAS International Sri Lanka - Ogilvy Pakistan: ‘Digital Birth Registration’ for Telenor 4G.
In PR, there are 5 Gold winners: - DDB Sydney, Australia: ‘The Burnt Christmas Tree’ for Red Cross Australia, won 2 Golds - Impact BBDO, United Arab Emirates: ‘The New National Anthem Edition’ for An-Nahar - Clemenger BBDO Wellington, New Zealand: ‘Belted Survivors’ for NZ Transport Agency - FCB India: ‘The Punishing Signal’ for Mumbai Police.
“‘The Burnt Christmas Tree’ has shock value. It makes a sharp point. It brings awareness and creates empathy. It’s timely and relevant. It generated a lot of money to help people who lost a lot of things to the fire. It’s a homerun. Good on the team who made it and the clients who ran it,” says Terence Leong, Executive Creative Director at R/GA Shanghai, who judged these categories.
The13th AD STARS Festival was originally scheduled to take place in Busan, Korea in August, and was tentatively postponed until October. “Unfortunately, due to a second wave of COVID-19 outbreaks in Korea, the AD STARS 2020 Awards ceremony will now be replaced with an online showcase of winning work. We hope everyone will enjoy this incredible collection of fresh, meaningful and impactful work when it launches on October 22,” says Hwan-Jin Choi, Chairperson of the AD STARS Executive Committee.
“As a festival with ‘humanity’ at its heart as a core value, we are proud to see so many creators applying their creativity to real-world problems. The AD STARS 2020 Awards truly prove that creativity shines amid crisis – congratulations to this year’s winners.”
The AD STARS 2020 Awards winners’ showcase will be released on October 22 via the official AD STARS website. To read more about this year’s winners, click here.
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