#Gaius Atrum
rollanan 1 year
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a few rapid fire doodle sketches
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for the people who are too lazy to zoom in for the goodies
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ofdarklands 1 year
ohh 1 and 7 for mitr'a? 馃憗馃憗
1.What memory would your OC rather just forget?
hmmmmmmm he's generally a 'put those glasses back on and face the facts' kinda guy, but things that are just annoying without being TOO critical he'll probably forget about immediately. like faces. or names. OR if he has not he'll pretend he did in an attempt of not having to deal with them further
case in point: werlyt. who's gaius. what's a robot. he doesn't know about any of those. if they existed -which they don't- they ought to ask someone else about it
more seriously, he's not fond of the whole tempest and fake amaurot bit. he will not forget it, but it definitely soured the whole of the ancients for him from them on. he can understand, and even relate, but he does not like them or their world. elpis only gets a tentative pass because there's cool plants (and venat) in it
7.What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
hmmmm well he definitely got older. at first he was like 25 or so in my head, but that slowly went up with time. and his personality got more defined as well; added more keeper details too as i got more used to the lore and so on. physically and aesthetically though he hasn't changed much
my first try in this game was a direct expy of a ttrpg character of mine, and when i made a new account for try 2 the new catboy maintained a loose connection to that. mostly in his clan name and general coloring, but at also a bit in personality
thinking on it i think the whole being older than usual for a jrpg protagonist, and also not actually wanting to be an 'official adventurer' are 2 things that definitely come from atrum
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admiralnutbar 9 years
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More Prequel Adventure fanart because I felt like it! This time with the cast of some of my favorite characters so far.
I actually based this off of the old D&D Arcade game Tower of Doom character select. Pretty neat idea to show off characters I think.
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