#Gale is Indiana Jones for real
I unfortunately don't know all your OCS so GO WILD. Your favorite one, I guess!
(this is for the wholesome OC ask thing)
4, 7, 20, please
SAME AS THE LAST ONE! Order's gonna be Slips, Ja'ava, Cheese Man, Rorin, Lorzios and then Lixkasalor!
Warnin for BG3 spoilers!
4. What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them? Slips: What they like most about Cicero and Ja'ava is that while the two of them can take care of themselves, because they're so short if they rush ahead and there's like, Bandits, and then Slips walks up behind them towerin over typically the bandits'll run off. Cue the three of them having a fun time trying to beat each other in who can kill the most bandits. What their friends most like about Slips is probably their ability to be honest with them and also the way they care. Slips doesn't care about a lot of people, so the few they do are incredibly loved.
Ja'ava's favourite thing is how Slips is fully open to any crazy idea Ja'ava had mid battle. Pick Ja'ava up and fling her as high into the sky against a Dragon? Hell yeah. Let Ja'ava run up their back to scramble onto a ledge? Lets go. Slips likes having someone who has known them for so long that they don't have to explain anything about why they're doin whatever they're doing.
Cheese Man likes that they let him stay somewhere where he'd be safe rather than in the freezing Skyrim where most people aren't too fond of him (he's not fond of them either.) They can bully him for being a dickhead.
Rorin's best friend is an Orc called Zuzu (@plutoprophecy's OC). He appreciates her not despising him despite him being everything she stands against (He is Tamriel's biggest and Bestest liar) and yet she and he become besties. She is the one person He trusts with *most* things. There are a few things a man must keep to himself. He does like all of his other friends who make him feel comfortable, but Zuzu is definitely the main one. Idk how his friends feel about them. Lorzios' best friends are Shadowheart and an Ascended Astarion, and her girlfriend is Minthara. Lorzios likes that her friends are strong. Her friends like that she is strong. They're all just a pack of fucked up people. Then there's Gale who Wishes They Weren't Horrid People.
Lixkasalor has no friends. They have puppets they prefer and puppets they don't. Astarion was their favourite puppet, poor guy, went from Cazador to them who ended up taking over the world with the Elder Brain. Shadowheart, Wyll, Astarion, Karlach, Jaheira and Lae'zel would all hate them if they weren't under their Mind Control. Scratch and the Owlbear Cub however are fine and fully loved.
7. What is their favourite movie, or a movie they would really enjoy?
If Slips had a favourite movie it'd either be Donnie Darko or Eraserhead. Leaning towards the second because they would point at weirdly shaped rocks and in a weird voice say "That's the Eraserhead baby".
Ja'ava's favourite movie is the Indiana Jones ser- HA! YOU THOUGHT? No Ja'ava lives to watch documentaries on how various machines and stuff are made.
Cheese Man watches The Kings Speech. No one should ever let him choose which movie to watch.
Rorin either watches Wog Boy or Die Hard. They also like just about any romcom.
Lorzios loves anything that's got a lot of Gore and Blood.
Lixkasalor would watch movies that are made about themselves. The ones that paint them in a good light and ones that depict them entirely as the villain, they enjoy all of it.
20. What is their hidden talent? Is that a skill they’ve been practising since childhood or just something they happen to know and never had the chance to show? Besides, was it something forced upon them, taught by someone close, or they picked it up themselves?
Slips and Ja'ava's is kind of a two-in-one, ever since they were kids they practiced mimicking each others voices and they're REAL good at it.
Cheese Man can lick his elbow. He practised a lot as a child because he wanted to prove he was better than the others.
Rorin's doesn't have one. He's just a Bosmer who lies a lot.
Lorzios' hidden ability is being the Cutest Slayer you've ever laid eyes on. She is SOOOOO cute you don't want to try stop her, in fact you want to spread your arms out so she can play with your intestines as much as she wants!
Lixkasalor doesn't really have 'hidden talents', They're very open about who they are and what they can do. Though, for a dragonborn, they're *very* skilled [redacted]
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kahecha82 · 2 years
Ya juguemos un juego........... soy mis ahijadas quiere decir hijas quiere decir las delfín......... delfín significa la princesa de gales............... esa es la orden osea esa es la ley .......... OK Joe Biden ?????
Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja
Elijah claudio i .......... rey de chile quiere decir rey de América.............. rey de Francia......... rey de Italia........... rey de Alemania............ etc......... pero mi nombre verdadero es rey de Estados Unidos osea príncipe de New York e hijo ilustre quiere decir presidente del senado de Estados Unidos.......
Les voy a contar un secreto............. soy el internacional de Estados Unidos .......... cuando era futbolista tenia 2 semanas de vacaciones........... director técnico de real Madrid y director técnico de la selección francesa.......... tengo 2 semanas de vacaciones.............
Pero les doy la primicia indiana Jones......... quien se coloca el sombrero ?????........... jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja.........
La sorpresa quien es darth vedder y magneto y stepenworlf ?????.....
Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja Jajajajajajajajaja
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How the Jaws Scene in Back to the Future Part 2 Predicted Modern Blockbusters
Back to the Future Part II is a strange movie. As a sequel that director Robert Zemeckis and screenwriter Bob Gale never intended to make, the ambitious follow-up to one of the greatest sci-fi comedies of all time was put into production simultaneously with Part III, which may have ultimately hurt the middle chapter since Zemeckis was still shooting scenes filmed in the Old West while editing Part II’s trippy vision of the then distant future…of 2015.
Even so, there are elements in the second Back to the Future that still play like gangbusters today, particularly in the sequences set during 2015. To be sure, part of the charm now is what those wild guesses about the future got wrong—such as the idea we’d all be driving around in flying cars, or even simply own cheap cars that didn’t run on fossil fuels. There were no real hover boards in 2015 (or 2021 for that matter), nor even automated Texaco pumps. Yet what Back to the Future Part II got very right is the numbing horror of something like Jaws 19.
Indeed, one of the best bits in the whole film is a slight dig at BTTF’s own studio, as well as the legacy of the film’s producer. The original Jaws is of course the first modern Hollywood blockbuster and it put Steven Spielberg on the map. With its innovative storytelling of leaving the monster to the imagination before finally providing the spectacle in the third act, Jaws is a masterpiece in narrative restraint that could still play for all audiences.
…Which is something no one would say about the three cash-in Jaws sequels that Universal Pictures green lit in the span of 12 years after 1975. In fact, when Back to the Future Part II was released in ’89, it’d only been two years since Jaws: The Revenge, the one where the ghost of Jaws went Bahamas and chased the Chief Brody character’s widow to the Caribbean while on a vendetta for what happened in ’75. It’s kind of hilarious.
As is the scene in Back to the Future Part II. In that sequence, Michael J. Fox’s Marty McFly stands slack jawed in the middle of Hill Valley’s town square, the same space that was so memorably used in the first BTTF film where Marty was forced to finally accept he’d traveled to the year 1985. In the sequel, he comes to realize what it means to be in 2015 when he turns around to face the local multiplex, which has only one film on its marquee: Jaws 19. And then to demonstrate to Marty the state of 21st century special effects, the “HOLOMAX” release teases its thrills as a holographic Great White Shark emerges from the building and descends on Marty’s head.
Perhaps like many an audience member who choked on their popcorn kernels in ’75 with fear, Marty screams bloody murder—and then realizes it’s just a movie and scoffs, “The shark still looks fake.” Yes, it always did, but at least in the first movie that didn’t matter so much.
At the time, the scene was a nice dig at Universal’s expense as well as the Jaws franchise as a whole. What was once the most revolutionary Hollywood movie of 1975 had become a punchline by 1989: a once glorious title that’d been run into the ground with endless cash grab sequels. And the joke is even funnier because of the “19” in the title. Nineteen movies of the same franchise. Could you even imagine?!
Oh, how sweet the irony is, then, that one of the most absurd notions in Back to the Future Part II turned out to be the most true! No, there haven’t been 19 Jaws movies (yet), but that might be by virtue of the studio churning the franchise’s mystique into putty before Gen-Xers and Millennials could grow up with it beneath unsullied nostalgia glasses. Nevertheless, the future where Jaws 19 could exist came true.
Consider that we scoff at the idea of 19 Jaws movies being made in 40 years, but Marvel Studios has released 25 pictures in only 13, with two more due out before Christmas 2021. And that doesn’t even include the television shows that are now coming to dominate Disney+.
I know what some will say: Marvel movies are a series of interconnected franchises, as opposed to one amorphous content farm. But that’s not entirely accurate. There are exceptions, of course, which stand out as singularly distinct from other MCU efforts. There’s Black Panther, for instance. That 2018 Oscar nominee is totally removed from the events of The Avengers, you might say. Then there’s Guardians of the Galaxy and its wacky space opera shenanigans occurring literal light years away from the events of Iron Man 3.
And yet, the appeal for most moviegoers, and the brilliance of Marvel’s marketing strategy, is that they all seem like the same thing to the undiscerning eye. And even to the discerning one, there is a pat familiarity to the formula, story beats, and sitcom-esque ability to wink at the audience at its own silliness. Tonally, they all feel of one piece. Hence why the first Shang-Chi movie was gladly welcomed by the industry last month as Marvel’s latest blockbuster hit—a feat borne in large off it being the next Marvel movie, as opposed to a new original property without a built-in audience.
It’s an aspect to the whole series which caused Dune director Denis Villeneuve to suggest that some Marvel movies are “cut and paste.” It’s also a formula which aids the studio to force its millions of fans to see it “as all connected” and be encouraged to go see the Ant-Man sequel they might otherwise skip in order to discover how its post-credits scene will set up the deus ex machina for Avengers: Endgame.
And that aforementioned Black Panther originally had its protagonist introduced in Captain America: Civil War, an Avengers movie by another name. It’s also the only “Cap” flick to cross $1 billion because they stuck Iron Man in it. Similarly, James Gunn’s Guardians films are genuinely auteur-driven, yet they still worked as a years-long tease of Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame’s big bad: Thanos. Hell, Infinity War’s biggest selling point in the trailer was seeing the Avengers and Guardians meet face-to-face for the first time.
The methods and talent being used to produce these endless sequels are far more sophisticated and entertaining than the hack work which produced Jaws: The Revenge, but then that’s why Jaws only lasted four movies and Marvel’s already mapping out its 30th “event” in the next few years.
This is not meant to only criticize Marvel, however. They are simply the most successful studio at exploiting their intellectual property in the 21st century. Universal’s own Fast and Furious movies aren’t half bad at that game, though. This summer just saw the 10th “Fast Saga” movie when you count Hobbs and Shaw. And while Vin Diesel claims the 11th main line Fast and Furious movie will be the last, you just know with its own Avengers-sized cast that Hobbs and Shaw will be merely the first spinoff franchise from “the family.”
Even Spielberg, who was reportedly never happy with the Jaws sequels and what they did to his first masterwork, has been much more ready to “open up” later successes like Jurassic Park. Considered a “smart” blockbuster entertainment in 1993 that inspired genuine awe from millions of moviegoers, that film’s fourth sequel (which was produced by Spielberg, like all the follow-ups) reveled in watching dinosaurs stalk around a haunted house, as if they were Frankenstein and Dracula. Next year’s Jurassic World: Dominion is supposedly intended to be the “final” film of the three most recent, Chris Pratt-led sequels, as well as another sendoff to the original 1993 movie’s cast. Yet it seems dubious that it’ll be the last film set in that “universe.”
After all, the “Skywalker Saga” ended with a whimper in 2019’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but Disney is preparing to churn out more Star Wars movies and TV shows than ever before in the next decade.
This is not to say you should feel ashamed for enjoying any of these movies or franchises. Folks like what they like. But what Back to the Future Part II perhaps unintentionally predicted was that audiences would have an appetite for a proverbial Jaws 19.
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When BTTF became a trilogy, sequels were still seen as a creatively risky proposition. Filmmakers often maintained artistic credibility by attempting to turn sequels into a larger thematic whole—often as a trilogy. Lucas set that standard with Star Wars, and only after his buddy Francis Ford Coppola claimed he’d never make another Godfather movie after Part II. Spielberg originally walked away from Indiana Jones after three movies, and many likely wish he’d stayed firm about that in retrospect. Meanwhile, Zemeckis and Gale have done the near impossible thing: refuse to allow Universal to make a fourth Back to the Future movie or reboot the series entirely.
But equivocations in the industry about a proverbial Jaws 19 are long gone. What was once a cheeky riff on the dystopian Coca-Cola billboard ads in Blade Runner have become a modern day reality in 2021. And hey, there’s now a real holographic Times Square billboard ad for that, too.
The post How the Jaws Scene in Back to the Future Part 2 Predicted Modern Blockbusters appeared first on Den of Geek.
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bridgertonlife · 5 years
About Happy Endings
“Happy Endings” aren’t unrealistic. They are REWARDING. In the 80’s-90′s every fantasy history HAD a happy ending. Happy endings were GUARANTEED. I know because I was there growing up, you know? Seeing those movies. Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Back to the Future (thank God for Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale for sealing those trilogy rights until they both are dead. God knows what modern Hollywood would have done with Doc Brown, Clara, Marty and Jennifer. I’m terrified thinking about it.)
But since GRRM wrote “Game Of Thrones” and then D&D adapted it into a TV series and, trust me in that narrative makes sense killing off characters, but like that work of fiction oppened a can of worms and suddenly audiences were ok with seeing their favourite characters DIE and big Hollywood studios like Disney took the clue.
But what they didn’t realize is that GOT rules of the game were stablished early on. In the first book/season: don’t get attached to anyone, because this won’t have a happy ending. You can’t trust anyone. Everyone has a good and a bad side. And that was totally okay because you, as a fan or reader, willingly accepted those rules, and got into it knowing what to expect.
But applying this formula to other narratives based on hope and good vs. evil not only feels cheap it totally feels like a treason to your emotional investment, because we didn’t agree to play with those other rules. At all. We were promised colorful and hopeful universes. And goodhearted heroes that would WIN.
And now we are here, thriving in shock value and plot twist and “real” dark, tragic endings.
We didn’t ask for this.
I miss the old times, truly.
Look, I love “Game of Thrones” and I’m of those people who have read all the books in the “A Song Of Ice and Fire” series and I wish sometimes that GRRM’s work had remain a series of books and never became a TV series and never became mainstream.
Because it has changed the way movies and TV series and media in general is written and consumed FOREVER, now everything is plot twists, shock value, surprising your audience every 5 minutes (as RDJ said in the “Avengers Endgame” press conference) and killing off your favourite characters in less than satisfying endings because it feels real.
I don’t want it to be real, you fool. I don’t want stakes. I entered in your fantasy world to scape my own awful real life, everyday reality.
In real life, good persons lose.
We loved in fiction, for once, to see good persons WIN and be happy and survive to tell the tale. Because that’s what good people deserve and rarely get in real life.
Because real life is unfair and sad enough.
I’m done with fictional media that is as or more dark than reality is. It’s just not what I want to see and I won’t support it with my money.
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medialists · 5 years
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Pi: Faith in Chaos
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The Life of David Gale
The Gift
Miss Sloane
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Efectos Secundarios
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The Odd Life of Timothy Green
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No Country for Old Men
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Un Monstruo de Mil Cabezas
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Velvet Buzzsaw
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Rear Window
West Side Story
David Lynch Cooking Quinoa
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The Straight Story
Annie Hall
The Great Dictator
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Y tu Mamá También
Paddington 2
Autumn Sonata
To Kill a Mockingbird
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It's a Wonderful Life
The Wrestler
The Florida Project
It's Such a Beautiful Day
Paths of Glory
Kung Fury
Boogie Nights
Gone with the Wind
The Prestige
Shaun of the Dead
The World's End
In the Mood for Love
El Bola
Celda 211
El Olivo
Las 13 Rosas
Blue Valentine
Like Crazy
(500) Days of Summer
Le Mépris
Match Point
Ruby Sparks
Revolutionary Road
Happy Together
Sleepy Hollow
Black Sunday
The Hunger
The Haunting
Crimson Peak
The Crow
Pan's Labyrinth
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
A Cure for Wellness
Horror of Dracula
The Bride
La Novia
Flavors of Youth
Dead Poet's Society
Mary and Max
Dear Zachary: a Letter to a Son about His Father
Big Fish & Begonia
20th Century Women
The Villainess
Touch of Evil
Zero Dark Thirty
The Stranger
El Autor
Short Term 12
Grave of the Fireflies
Cinema Paradiso
My Girl
A Ghost Story
Hasta el viento tiene miedo
El libro de piedra
Veneno para hadas
Pearl Harbor
Infierno azul
Guerra de Novias
El Bar Coyote
Needful Things
Sense & Sensibility
El Diario de Carlota
Batman vs Superman
Black Panther
Camino hacia el terror
Sé lo que hicieron el verano pasado
Joy Ride
Jeepers Creepers
La reunión del diablo
Viernes 13
Another Earth
A Quiet Place
Mississippi en llamas
The breakfast club
The revenant
sing street *
catch me if you can
dead poets society
the age of adaline
good will hunting
artificial intelligence
to the bone
the danish girl
90 minutes in heaven
while you were sleeping
james and the giant peach
Crimson peak
pretty woman
summer days with coo
the breadwinner
summer wars
the gift
julie & julia
8 mile
schindler's list
blue valentine
the hateful eight
the untouchables
old boy
ghost in the shell
sophie's choice
ip man 2
frances ha
the tree of life
amanda knox
hail, caesar!
Janis: little girl blue
my beautiful broken brain
the badadook
origin: spirits of the past
project almanac
the thing
bird box
death note
death note ii
death note: light up the new world
american gangster
the nightmare
pasión por las letras
le dîner de cons
la grande vadrouille
la traversée de paris
le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
El secreto de Adeline
La boda de mi mejor amigo
Loco por ella
Quédate a mi lado
The mexican
A él no le gustas tanto
El regalo
Lo imposible
Con derecho a roce
Mi segunda vez
El examen
El número 23
The game
Clown house
Once upon a time in Mexico
Wes Creaven's New Nightmare
Don't look now
Eyes without a face
Como si fuera la primera vez
El diario de Biridget Jones
500 días con ella
El descanso
Virgen a los 40
Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos
Realmente amor
Ligeramente embarazada
¿Cómo sobrevivir a un ex?
Mensajero del futuro
El imperio del fuego
El libro de Emo
Oblivion: el tiempo del olvido
La última esperanza
Escape de NY
El expresó del miedo
Soy leyenda
El último camino
Cuando el destino nos alcance
Sunset boulevard
North by northwest
The artist
The good the bad and the ugly
The Maltese falcon
The road
Independence day
28 dias después
Hijos de los hombres
La guerra de los mundos
Stake land
Take shelter
American Pie
Rumores y mentiras
Todo en un día
Chicas malas
El club de los cinco
El exorcista
El descenso
The babadook
La matanza de Texas
La cosa
Rec 2
El conjuro 2
Evil dead
Voice from the stone
Dig two graves
Black butterfly
Grey Lady
Dans la maison
Memories of a murder
The prestige
Gone baby gone
El secreto de sus ojos
Mystic River
36 notes · View notes
apicturewithasmile · 7 years
LOST rewatch (season 2):
[follow the entire rewatch-tag here]
episode 1 – Man of Science, Man of Faith:
It’s Desmond tiiiiiime!!!! Maaaaake your own kind of muuuusiiiiiic!!!
OH MY GOD Jack’s flashback hair is horrible.
Desmond’s accent alone is worth watching the show but honestly, his whole character is a total game changer. He’s the personified sci-fi element and I McFriggin love it!
 episode 2 – Adrift:
Big feels for Sawyer here
Does this count as the first on-island flashback when we see John climbing down the hatch? Because we already saw what happened after that in the previous episode… I guess it’s only a mini flashback but still… it is…
Awwww it’s the Dharma sharky
With every Michael flashback I hate his ex even more.
How did everything that’s happened so far only happen in 44 days?!?! It feels like they gone through enough drama for a whole year.
“box man”
episode 3 – Orientation:
Katey Sagal <3
Kate discovering the real important shit – first the chocolate, now the guns
“You needed a father figure and I needed a kidney.” Fuck you Anthony Cooper.
“Why do you find it so hard to believe?” – “Why do you find it so easy?” – “IT’S NEVER BEEN EASY!!!” --- you tell him, John!!!
episode 4 – Everybody Hates Hugo:
I missed Rose!
….Hurley’s boss at the fast food restaurant… ain’t that the same guy who bullied John at the box company? Did I ever notice that before?
episode 5 – …And Found:
Jin’s hair growing longer is all I ever needed for my inner peace.
That Sun + John scene in her garden :’)
I forgot how good the score of that show is. Suck me right up with the feels!
episode 6 – Abandoned:
Oh nooo… that the episode where Shannon dies? Please don’t!!!
I can never understand what it is Ghost Walt is saying to Shannon
John holding the baby *external screaming*
I’ll forever be bitter that they killed Shannon off – all the missed potential for character development
episode 7 – The Other 48 Days:
It’s Nathan Ingram looking like Indiana Jones.
Is it ever explained what the Arrow Station was for?
It’s so annoying that the place Ana killed Goodwin isn’t the same place where Jin finds his corpse in the jungle.
episode 8 – Collision:
Kate winning against Jack at golf is what I’m here for.
I wish Ana Lucia and Sayid had gotten more scenes together after that
“What good would it be to kill you if we’re both already dead?”
That reunion scene of Rose & Bernard and Sun & Jin is soooooo kitschy, I love it
episode 9 – What Kate Did:
Petition for Daniel Daw Kim to be topless more often
I… didn’t remember Sawyer fever-mumbles to Jack that he loves Kate
Ah yes, it’s the black horsey episode
Shannon’s funeral :’( whyyyyyy?????
“Boy, when you say beginning you mean… beginning.”
I’m trying to figure out who cut out part of the Orientation video… was it Kelvin?
Kate’s dad, who’s a very high ranking soldier: “I don’t have murder in my heart.” Me: …..sure, Jan.
“Don’t mistake coincidence for fate.” Mr. Eko and John could have had sooo many intriguing conversations; it’s a pity they had to write him out.
episode 10 – The 23rd Psalm:
I don’t like the whole drug plot but that’s probably because that means more plot for Charlie… like… don’t get me wrong: I like the backstory, but not the new found drama with Charlie
Smokey in his whole glory. That scene is so breath taking, I love it.
episode 11 – The Hunting Party:
 I had forgotten the whole “Michael locks John and Jack up in the armory”-bit
And Jack and Locke actually taking a button-shift together? That’s programmed trouble.
Fuck you Jack! Take Kate with you! You’ve known her for…. What? Over 50 days? You know she won’t stay behind. You’re really no good judge of character, are you?
funny how John is so curious about Sawyer’s name… kinds foreshadowing to the whole Anthony Cooper connection as if John already felt it somehow
Geronimo Jackson
episode 12 – Fire + Water:
 I find it interesting that they chose a + symbol for the title instead of “and” or an ampersand.
Charlie’s parents’ accents are… bad.
“Now Locke’s your friend, eh?” oh shut the fuck up Charlie!!!
Hurley as Jesus on Charlie’s dream is foreshadowing
The difference between Charlie and John is that John is protective over Claire and Aaron whereas Charlie is possessive.
 “[Kate’s] hot, [Jack’s] hot” – Ana Lucia, confirmed bisexual.
YAAAAS!!! Hit the bastard, John! You show him!!!!
episode 13 – The Long Con:
 “You wanna break seven virgin Marys? Be my guest! But I’m superstitious.”
Yunjin Kim is the only person on earth that can make the colour orange look good to me
Seriously… I didn’t remember why exactly I dislike Charlie so much but season 2 reminds me episode by episode.
episode 14 – One Of Them:
I’m so here for every scene between Sayid and Danielle
Amazing “arm waving through a tent” acting @Michael Emerson!!!
“My name is Henry Gale, I’m from Minnesota.” LIIIIIIAAAAAARRRR!!!
I think the first time I watched it I was so excited about Michael Emerson that I didn’t notice the guy who’s talking to Sayid in the next scene is Kelvin.
The first time John sees his future island husband… awwwww :’)
Funny how at first John doesn’t believe Ben’s act but later he’s like “tell me all the lies, I’ll believe you anything, my dear!”
“Why would you travel [in a hot air balloon]?” – “Because I was rich.” Has any line in the entire show ever been that real?
I have trouble believing that Jack is physically stronger than John.
The first time we see the hieroglyphs on the timer.
episode 15 – Maternity Leave:
Alex!!! My pretty little child!!!
Oh my sassy dear rat boy
And creepy Ethan is back.
Mr. Eko: *cuts his beard off* – Not Henry Gale: Okay, wtf?
“Are you the genius or are you the guy who’s feeling like he’s always living in the shadow of the genius?” Ben you little asshole!
episode 16 – The Whole Truth:
Daniel Dae Kim shirtless again – thanks for answering my prayers
Terry O’Quinn gets sexier the scruffier he is
Does Sun realise she’s pregnant this early?!?!?!
Okay John just totally took a glance at Jack’s dick after he was getting out of the shower.
“Jack and Locke are a little too busy worrying about Locke and Jack.”
Oh riiiight, Kate doesn’t know about Not Henry Gale
The fact that Ana Lucia and Sayid get along okayish fills my heart with so much joy but then I remember she’s gonna be dead in like… 2 episodes and I hate that.
“Men reject their prophets and slay them but they love their martyrs and honour those whom they have slain. So what’s the difference between a martyr and a prophet?”
episode 17 – Lockdown:
The first time Ben yells “Jaaawwwn!”
There’s also more and more Emerchesthair going on and I’m here for it!!!
“How about you put your mangos where your mouth is?”
Anthony Cooper you fucking asshole.
John just found the most inappropriate time to propose to someone
“You came back!” – “Did you think I was gonna leave you here?!”
episode 18 – Dave:
I wish Hurley’s story wasn’t focussing on his weight to much
John putting in a good word for Not Henry Gale is my vibe!
Never mind… bondage Ben is MY VIBE!!!
“God doesn’t know how long we’ve been here, John. He can’t see this island any better than the rest of the world can.” --- that’s one of the most underrated lines in the entire show I think.
episode 19 – S.O.S.:
Moooore chesthair action!!!
I love that Rose and Bernard just fairly recently met and haven’t been together for like 30 years already.
episode 20 – Two For The Road:
Ugh is that the Ana Lucia/Christian Shephard episode?? I’m always in for more daddy Shephard.
Strangulation really is Ben’s go to kill method, isn’t it?
“I was coming for you.” – you sure were, my guy. You sure were.
episode 21 - ? :
“the artist formerly known as Henry Gale”
Terry O’Quinn’s arms give me life
It’s the Pearl station
Oh riiiight there’s been cameras in the Swan station, totally forgot that
“every single second of my pathetic little life is as useless as that button” poor John
Sawyer comforting Kate… I’m here for it!
episode 22 – Three Minutes:
Oh Alex, my sweet angel
“we got caught in a net” – “why are you telling me this, Sawyer?” – “because you’re about the closet thing I got a friend on this island, Doctor.” I wish they had spent more time focussing on that broship rather than the love triangle
episodes 23 and 24 – Live Together, Die Alone:
“we’re stuck in a bloody snow globe”
Charles fucking Widmore, my OTV – One True Villain
Aaah it’s the weird Hurley bird
John crying in the jungle breaks my heart (and fuck you Charlie for making fun of him)
“with enough money and determination you can find anyone”
Desmond realising John saved his life by hammering on that hatch door is one of the best moments in the whole show.
Not Henry Gale is back, my bebe, right there with the dramatic appearance on a boat
Desmond really big on competing against Sayid in the “who’s got the best island hair”-competition (Sayid still winning tho)
“I’m sorry for whatever happened that made you stop believing but it’s all real.”
“We’re the good guys, Michael!”
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amorcrudo · 5 years
Sol en Cáncer
El Sol en Cáncer es un poderoso recordatorio de que todas las cosas son cíclicas. Su elemento es el Agua. Tu Gobernante es la Luna. Por lo tanto, tu viaje a veces se sentirá más mareomotriz que lineal.
Tu Numerología es la cuarta del Zodíaco. Al igual que en el béisbol, el concepto de la 4ª es el concepto de hacerla “hogar”. Te encanta cuidar de los demás. Tu corazón es cálido como el sol y tu siempre calientas los corazones de los que están en tu casa.
Los cánceres tienen un don para moverse estratégicamente. Te mueves encubiertamente. Tu eres conservador y privado cuando se trata de la cantidad de información personal que vas a compartir. Piensa en tu signo zodiacal, el cangrejo.
El Sol en los Rasgos de Cáncer
Un cangrejo no camina hacia adelante en línea recta y tú tampoco. Esto puede hacer una vida maravillosa de aprendizaje, pero a veces puede parecer que te aleja de un camino compartido con un amante. No te preocupes ya que tu pareja amada amará tus zigzags.
Tus colores más complementarios son el púrpura y el plateado. Tu encarnas la estética del nácar. Incluso tu asociación con el blanco (que es una combinación de todos los colores) muestra tu personalidad completa.
No eres conocido por tu amor al cambio. Te gusta instalarte y encontrar un lugar feliz para tus raíces. Esto se debe a que tu Numerología muestra un 4.
Quieres ser un hogareño. Cuando hay problemas, quieres irte a casa. Esto se debe a que  viste que los problemas se acercaban a una milla de distancia y estabas decidido a estar preparado para sobrevivir a ellos.
Aunque no eres una persona de confrontación, eres muy hábil para manejar los momentos difíciles lo más rápido posible y seguir adelante. Te gusta estar seguro y a salvo. Te gusta aferrarte a cosas sentimentales. Te encanta el sentimiento de nostalgia.
Es hermoso que puedas apreciar este tipo de objetos, pero no conviertas tu vida en un museo. Debes continuar viviendo una vida nueva y excitante. Busca nuevas formas de salir más de tu casa. O encuentra maneras de traer más influencias que amas a tu espacio.
Si tienes miedo de redecorar tu casa, por ejemplo, hay pasos y maneras de hacerlo. Usa la idea del 4, tu número más afortunado, para ayudarte a agrupar los objetos de colección o colgar las obras de arte que te gusten. Pega los colores neutros y acentúa con el púrpura y el plateado.
Estarás creando un hogar que sea más representativo de tu signo zodiacal, pero también de ti mismo. Encuentra maneras de ampliar los horizontes de tu hogar. Vive tu mejor vida en casa haciendo que tu nido sea lo más calmante posible para tus sentidos.
Una precaución, ten cuidado de no acumular demasiados artículos. El acaparamiento y el hacinamiento no son tranquilizantes para el alma. Si te estresas en tu propia casa, has arruinado el santuario que esperabas crear. Así que, manténlo simple y personal.
El Sol en las mujeres Cáncer
El Sol en las Mujeres de Cáncer proporciona un espíritu de madre oso que podría amar al mundo entero, si se le da la oportunidad. Se sabe que muchas mujeres con cáncer son criaturas maternas que cuidan de sus hijos. Aunque no eres perfecto, tú mismo, puedes hacer que los demás se sientan como si todo estuviera bien en el mundo.
La mujer de Cáncer más eternamente icónica es la difunta princesa Diana, de Gales (n. 1 de julio de 1961). Era una conocida filántropa. Dejó los castillos de la monarquía inglesa para recorrer países devastados por la guerra. Era conocida por su compasión hacia los afectados por la epidemia del SIDA.
No sólo fue un hermoso ejemplo de la princesa de cuento de hadas que cobró vida, sino que también iluminó el problema fuera del castillo. Estos viajes son una reminiscencia del viaje del Buda hacia la realidad del sufrimiento humano mundano. Era muy querida por la población en general. Hizo que todos sintieran que eran dignos de la atención real.
Otra mujer famosa y arquetípica de Cáncer es Priyanka Chopra (nacida el 18 de julio de 1982). Es más conocida por su papel en Quantico. Su personaje es un buscador de la verdad. Priyanka retrata bien a este personaje, como un Cáncer; ha tenido mucha práctica evitando y superando varios obstáculos.
Ariana Grande (nacida el 26 de junio de 1993) es la quintaesencia de la joven mujer de Cáncer. Ella es artística, conmovedora y feroz, todo al mismo tiempo. Tiene un talento único y un corazón a juego. Cuando uno de sus conciertos fue interrumpido por un ataque terrorista, todavía podía ayudar a los fans.
Ella los reunió con palabras de apoyo en los medios de comunicación social. Planeó un concierto benéfico en la misma ciudad donde ocurrieron los ataques. Organizó una miríada de caras famosas para ayudar a recaudar fondos para ayudar a las familias de las víctimas.
Las mujeres con cáncer son fuertes. Tu sabes cómo protegerte a tí mismo y a los demás. Los vientos de cambio te molestan, pero nunca te sacan de tu juego por mucho tiempo.
Las mujeres con cáncer son protectoras. Hablas por los desvalidos y los marginados. Estás activamente en contra de la marginación de los grupos minoritarios. Ustedes son el futuro de la paz en una sociedad muy diversa.
El Sol en los hombres Cáncer
Tom Hanks (nacido el 9 de julio de 1956) es famoso por sus papeles en películas sobre viajes. Muchos de ellos le muestran que se encuentra con eventos desastrosos y los supera. Está actuando la importancia del 4 en la Numerología de la vida del Cáncer; está encontrando su camino `a casa’.
Piense en películas como – Salvando al soldado Ryan, Apolo 13, Forrest Gump, Náufrago, Capitán Phillips y Sully. Hanks ha participado en más de 75 películas y es muy bueno para tranquilizar al público, incluso en escenarios de tramas terribles. Él los está trayendo -los personajes en la pantalla y los miembros de la audiencia- `a casa’ de manera segura también.
Otro personaje icónico y muy querido que es omnipresente en la cultura pop fue interpretado por el famoso actor de Cancer, Harrison Ford (nacido el 13 de julio de 1942). Los hombres con cáncer, como Ford, llevan el carisma y la seriedad para representar figuras tan grandes como Han Solo e Indiana Jones. Es un héroe imperfecto, a quien el público le encanta apoyar.
Harrison Ford, sin embargo, venerado, tampoco parece importarle su reputación de ser un poco imbécil, a veces. No olvide que los Cánceres son Cangrejos. Te atacarán con sus garras si sienten que vienes  por ellos.
El comediante Nick Offerman (nacido el 26 de junio de 1970) es más conocido por interpretar a Ron Swanson en Parques y Recreación. Este Cangrejo se lleva al cangrejo Swanson a la perfección. El personaje muestra algunas de las tendencias naturales de Offerman:
Al personaje de Swanson (no es de extrañar que un Tauro, nacido el 6 de mayo de 1960) le encanta comer los mismos alimentos todo el tiempo. Le encantan las morenas y se ha casado con más de una Tammy. Odia los cambios. Los cánceres, como Nick Offerman, son tan similares a las tendencias de Ron Swanson, que el actor probablemente entiende completamente su personaje.
El Sol en Aries en el amor
Los cánceres pueden aparecer como viejos cascarrabias malhumorados. Por lo general, esto saldrá a la luz cuando se enfrenten a cambios. Los cangrejos luchan con el cambio. Como un niño, lo que saben parece ser todo su mundo. Cuando alguien intente alterar el modus operandi de la persona en casa, espere un retroceso.
Sin embargo, para muchos hombres y mujeres con cáncer, los temores y el mal humor pueden aliviarse con la tranquilidad de los seres queridos, los jefes y la comunidad en la que viven. El amor los encontrará y les dará la paz que anhelan. Recuerda, un nuevo amor vale el compromiso que a veces requiere.
Este tipo de compromiso profundamente personal le supondrá un reto. Puedes hacerlo, Cáncer. Tu pareja te amará y te animará a lo largo del camino.
Asegúrate de agradecérselo. Reciproca su amor y sus acciones amorosas. Nunca olvides que también están haciendo sacrificios y compromisos.
Las fechas del Sol en el Cáncer
Una Luna Nueva el 12 de enero le ayudará a comenzar el año con un tono calmante. Eres una criadora. Este tiempo tranquilo para reflexionar en el nuevo año es exactamente lo que necesitas. Tómate el tiempo para pensar en ti y en un posible amor futuro.
Usa el tiempo entre enero y junio para esponjar su nido. Ocúpate de los asuntos personales pendientes. Haga un balance de lo que tiene y necesita. Una vez que sepas lo que necesitas ya estarás preparado para recibir tu regalo con gratitud.
El 4 de junio verá a Marte entrar en Cáncer. Marte es un símbolo agresivo. Este cambio de viento verá los vientos girar a su alrededor. Las cosas se van a poner interesantes en tu vida amorosa, Cáncer.
Un mes y dos días después, el 6 de junio, Mercurio cruzará tu signo y puedes sentirte un poco mareado por el ritmo acelerado de tus relaciones. Respira hondo y relájate. Disfruta de estar donde estás.
El 31 de julio, Venus aumentará tus pasiones. Sentirás la presencia de Venus cuando estés alrededor de aquellos que más te importan. Tus relaciones íntimas florecerán en esta coyuntura.
Monta en esta ola alta el resto del año, Cáncer. Tu signo estelar estará descansando de agosto a diciembre. Siendo un hogareño, esto te queda bien. Y, viendo que vas a estar nutriendo nuevos amores, este es el momento perfecto para tomar una manta acogedora, acurrucarte con tu amada y avivar el creciente calor en tu ya resplandeciente hogar.
Tu estás construyendo la casa que quiere a tu alrededor. Recuerda que tú haces las reglas. Centren sus esfuerzos e intenciones alrededor de la energía que necesitan a su alrededor. Como la cita de Field of Dreams, “Si la construyes, vendrán”.
El amor te busca, Cáncer. Y cuando te encuentre a ti y a la morada que has mantenido amorosamente para él, el amor querrá quedarse contigo. Para siempre.
Tu naturaleza romántica y sentimental puede encontrarte un poco deprimido a veces. Esto es comprensible. Cuando alguien rompe tu corazón, tiende a permanecer roto más tiempo que el de otros signos estelares.
Como Cáncer, te preocupas profundamente por la comodidad de los demás. Los defiendes. Tú los alimentas. Piensa en maneras de mejorar la comunidad mientras sueñas despierto.
Quieres que todos se lleven bien. Quieres que todos se sientan seguros. Y luego, sólo quieres ir a casa y descansar. Desearías que todos tuvieran un lugar cómodo y seguro al que llamar hogar.
Te encanta ver a todo el mundo sonriendo y feliz. A menudo, tu humor es la fuente de tu felicidad. Como la Luna es tu Gobernante, tienes una visión peculiar de la vida.
from WordPress https://amorcrudo.com/sol-en-cancer/
0 notes
swipestream · 6 years
An Elementary Alternative to Combat (Air/Earth)
Image Courtesy of Pixabay.com
Tactical RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons, Savage Worlds, and the AGE family of games (Blue Rose, Dragon Age, and the upcoming The Expanse RPG) offer an experience completely unlike more story-based games. While they can certainly contain any amount of intrigue, tense character moments, and plots as rich as any story-focused game, these titles tend to focus on individual encounters or situations more as challenges to be overcome through a combination of die rolls and player choices, using a relatively-constrained set of agreed-upon rules. Though this type of play is sometimes derided as “roll-playing” rather than “role-playing,” these rules can help create a sense of verisimilitude and immersion, as everyone has a shared understanding of how their skills and choices relate to what is possible, impossible, and extremely risky in the world the characters occupy. The rules help carry some of the weight of world-building and decision-making, and can lead to some truly unexpected, unforgettable game moments. While I love story-based games, my heart will always belong to games that fully flower with elaborate maps and miniatures that draw the whole table in.
Because these games reward a fuller understanding of these rules more than less-tactical options, players and GMs who have mastered these systems tend to prefer to stick with them, and can sometimes be resistant to trying out other games or other play styles. More often than not (and more often than we’d like to admit) that means that the overwhelming majority of challenges any given group is likely to encounter are either resolved with either relatively little interaction with the rules or with combat. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that approach to gaming; if you and your players have already found the right combination of rules, variety, and challenge, you probably don’t need this article (or any other) to tell you how to have fun; you have, in fact, figured out how to win at RPGs.
 …if you and your players have already found the right combination of rules, variety, and challenge, you probably don’t need this article (or any other) to tell you how to have fun; you have, in fact, figured out how to win at RPGs. 
If, on the other hand, you find yourself as a GM or player wondering whether you can make a rules-adjudicated encounter varied, unexpected, and interesting in ways other than “hit them until they run out of HP (or Wounds or Fortune),” then maybe it’s worth looking into (drumroll please) An Elementary Alternative to Combat.
The preceding article in this series covered some ways that natural disasters (specifically, fire and water) can use movement, combat, and health rules to face challenges that can’t be defeated with violence or clever words. Continuing in that vein, and because Captain Planet had way, way more of an influence on my upbringing than it probably should have, this article will give you a few tools for making use of air (tornadoes) and earth (earthquakes) as challenges for your group to overcome. As with the previous article in this series, it’s important to highlight that these are real natural disasters that players in your group may already have experiences with. Make sure that these are topics your group will be able to enjoy. Additionally, none of this is intended to minimize the real human cost of these events. If you or your group find yourselves thinking about how awful these events are for the characters in your world, consider throwing a few dollars at the charities called out in these sections. If you can afford to, it’s surprisingly easy to help make the world a better place.
Charity: Operation USA
Charity Navigator Rating: Four Stars
It may surprise you to learn that tornadoes do more than drop houses on nuisance siblings.
 It may surprise you to learn that tornadoes do more than drop houses on nuisance siblings. 
Tornadoes can last for more than an hour, but generally (in the real world) last less than ten minutes.  Though they are very small when compared to the scale of other types of weather, with winds that can reach up to 300 miles per hour (~483 kph) or more, they can easily destroy every every structure in their path. A truly realistic depiction of heroes trying to survive a tornado probably wouldn’t be all that interesting; just by themselves, winds are destructive enough, but when you factor in debris, collapsing buildings, and other hazards that occur when basically everything becomes airborne, “realistic” rules for making it through a tornado outside of a shelter would probably be more like “save vs. death” than “a tactically interesting situation.
However, in the fine tradition of Dorothy Gale’s tornado-proof farmhouse and  Indiana Jones’ radiation-proof refrigerator, we can move forward with the understanding that sometimes bad science can make good stories. In worlds with elven wizards, alien cyborgs, and time-traveling sapient dinosaurs, it’s not like that’s likely to be the biggest stretch in your game. With that in mind, some considerations in having your characters survive tornadoes.
First and foremost, unless the characters have a compelling reason to do otherwise, their first priority should be to get to the nearest shelter. As a GM, your job is to
Find a reason to keep them outside for a few rounds (maybe they need to collect a magic item, a data chip, or an important NPC), and
Clearly identify the shelter they should be running toward–this can be a well-protected basement, a solid cave structure, or an area warded with magic or superscience.
Clearly map out the characters’ location, the location of their “goal,” and “safe shelter.” The ideal “safe shelter” should be approximately three full turns of movement away from the furthest player–the “goal” should be about the same distance from both the furthest player and the shelter.
Place some debris on the map to complicate your characters’ lives. These can be anything from flying shovels to building parts to unfortunate and confused livestock. Depending on the size of the map, you’ll want to have approximately one piece of debris for every 20 feet of map space along its longest dimension. While the encounter is ongoing, this debris will be flying around the map, potentially colliding with players. Larger debris will move slower, but do more damage when it hits. Smaller debris can whip all around the map, but is less likely to be devastating.
Large Debris: things like mostly-intact buildings, huge wooden statues, or ships fall into the category of “large debris.” When this debris collides with a player, it should have the potential to completely wipe out the character in the party with the highest health resource–depending on the system you’re using and the level of your characters, 10d10 damage or more is not unreasonable. However, your characters will be glad that this type of object moves relatively slowly.
Damage: 100% of full health of the beefiest character.
Speed: 10 feet/round.
Medium Debris: cows, doors, and heavy furniture can all be considered “medium debris.” Though these don’t pack quite the whallop of very large debris, they should still be able to take out 50% of the full health resource total of your most resilient character, and they move much faster.
Damage: 50% of full health of the beefiest character.
Speed: 30 feet/round.
Small Debris: Anything smaller than a full-grown, average-sized cow is “small debris.”
Damage: 25% of full health of the beefiest character.
Speed: 60 feet/round.
Have the players roll initiative, just like a regular combat, but have the tornado “act” like a combatant in the middle of the players (so, for example, your initiative order could go something like: Alex, RJ, TORNADO, Omar, Padma).
At the beginning of each round, roll:
An 8-sided die to determine the direction of the wind, with one being north, then northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and finally northwest at eight.
A 6-sided die to determine the strength of the wind.
1-2: Very Strong—All players’ movement speed against the wind is halved, and doubled moving with the wind. Players moving diagonal to the wind move at 3/4 speed (rounding down). Any debris encountered during this round does 1.5X damage. All debris has 30 feet added to its movement speed.
3-4: Strong—All players’ movement speed against the wind is 3/4 (round down). Players moving diagonal to the wind move at full speed. Any debris encountered during this round does normal damage. All debris moves at standard speed.
5-6: Lull in the storm—Though the winds are strong, players’ movement speeds are unaffected in any direction. All debris moves at half speed, and all debris does half-damage.
Players and NPCs move as normal except as noted above. Note that, depending on the method of flight, flying characters may have more trouble moving in high wind than characters who are stuck on the ground.
During the tornado’s turn, all debris moves in the direction of the wind, determined by wind speed. If a piece of debris would be taken off the map, move it to the opposite side of the map and continue in the same direction.
If debris collides (somehow) during the turn, the smaller piece of debris is moved one size category down. Small debris is just destroyed. If the debris is the same size, both pieces move one size category down.
The encounter ends when the players reach safety. It’s tempting to continue past that point (take the temperature of your table to see if they are interested in doing so), but keeping this encounter as a bounded activity helps prevent players from feeling like the goalposts have been moved.
Charity: Americares
Charity Navigator Rating: Four Stars
Earthquakes happen. Tectonic plates shift, wicked forces imprisoned in the earth rise, new and ill-considered energy sources get tested without anyone being warned. An earthquake is an excellent way for you, as a GM, to revisit former set pieces, but with a new twist. Some ways that earthquakes can be used to add depth to an encounter, scene or session:
Ancient structures can be uncovered and encroach on existing ones.
Floors can be rearranged, destroyed, or rendered inaccessible.
An earthquake can be an excellent way to create or resolve a “locked door” mystery.
Players trapped in a newly-enclosed area (or rescuing someone in a newly-enclosed area) must race against time as air, food, or water run out.
Aftershocks can make getting out of a dungeon, castle, or forest as confusing as exploring the area in the first place.
Buildings can have structural damage, making floors or walls dangerous to use or even be near.
Liquefaction can briefly turn otherwise-solid ground into a soupy mess as groundwater is agitated into areas it hasn’t been before. This can sink needed resources (forcing characters to excavate) or surface new and interesting developments.
Player characters are (usually) powerful, and their power to affect the world is part of what draws us to them. There’s something satisfying about the fantasy of seeing something wrong and being able to fix it. But every once in a while, players should encounter something their sword can’t conquer, and the exercise of learning how to use the power, ingenuity and strategy they’ve always used to beat the baddies for another purpose can be a breath of fresh air, or fire, or earth, or water.
…every once in a while, players should encounter something their sword can’t conquer, and the exercise of learning how to use the power, ingenuity and strategy they’ve always used to beat the baddies for another purpose can be a breath of fresh air, or fire, or earth, or water. 
Do you have any go-to non-combat challenges you use in your games? If so, tell us about them so we can use them in ours!
  An Elementary Alternative to Combat (Air/Earth) published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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valladolidnoticias · 7 years
Los 35 años de E.T. en España
Hoy no solo se celebra el día de la Constitución sino que se conmemora el trigésimoquinto aniversario de la llegada de E. T. a España. 35 años cumple el extraterrestre más tierno. Permitanme una licencia, una pequeña confesión: nunca he podido ver la película seguida y completa. Siempre he sentido una pena terrible por el pobre extrerrestre intubado y cubierto de plásticos al final del largometraje. Mi yo infantil y adulto es incapaz de sopotar el peso emocional de saber lo que le van a hacer al pobre.
Pero pasando de traumas infantiles propios, E.T. es todo un clásico de la cinematrografía ochentera. Se estrenó en EEUU en 1982 y, a pesar de haberse convertido en una de las películas más icónicas de todos los tiempos, (que se lo digan a los Duffer y sus referencias en ‘Stranger Things’) todavía puede que existan curiosidades desconocidas para el gran público. Aquí, una buena ración:
El origen. El primer título que se barajó para la pelícua era ‘A boy’s life’ (la vida de un chico) ya que la idea original partía del amigo imaginario que se inventó Spielberg cuando sus padres se divorciaron. «Era el hermano que nunca tuve y el padre que ya no sentía que tenía», ha llegado a declarar. Por eso asegura que los padres ausentes son una constante en su obra.
También llegó a pensarse como una secuela de ‘Encuentros en la tercera fase’ titulada ‘Night Skies’ (Cielos Nocturos). Por supuesto iba a ser mucho más oscura que E.T. con una panda de extraterrestres malvados que se dedicaban a aterrorizar a una familia en un pequeño pueblo. Esa idea se reutilizó en varias ocasiones y no solo durante los ochenta: ‘Poltergeist’, ‘Gremlins’, ‘Critters’, ‘Señales’, ‘La guerra de los mundos’… reproducen esta premisa. El caso es que la subtrama de esa película giraba en torno a un extraterrestre simpático que establecía amistad con el hijo autista de la familia.
El guion. Spielberg deasrrolló el grueso del guion durante el rodaje de ‘En busca del arca perdida’. Mesilla Mathinson, por aquel entonces novia de Harrison Ford (llegó a ser su mujer) contribuyó mucho al desarrollo. Fue ella la que llegó a llorar al leer sobre Buddy, el extraterreste bueno de ‘Night Skies’.
El director llevó el escrito en primer lugar a Columbia Pictures. Los responsables de la productora resondieron que tenía poco potencial en taquilla ya que el guion no era demasiado bueno y la definieron como «una película ñoña tipo Disney». Universal les pagó entonces un millón de dólares por ella, aunque Columbia retuvo un pequeño porcentaje de taquilla. Este porcentaje fue la mayor recaudación del año para la productora que rechazó el proyeccto.
Columbia no fue la única empresa a la que le falló el instinto. El director quería que los M&Ms fueran las chocolatinas preferidas de ET pero Mars se negó pensando que iba a asustar a los niños. The Hershey Company sí cedió los Reese’s Pieces. Sus ventas se dispararon y así llegaron a conocerse fuera de las fronteras de EEUU.
Los actores que pudieron ser y no fueron (y los que sí). Corey Feldman estuvo a punto de ser un amigo bocazas de Elliott, pero en la reescritura del guión desapareció. Spielberg le prometió después un papel en ‘Gremlins’. El papel de la madre fue ofrecido a Shelley Long, que tuvo que rechazarlo por problemas de agenda. Y dos estrellas se presentaron para el papel de Gertie: Juliette Lewis y Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Henry Thomas (el niño protagonista) se presentó a la audición vestido de Indiana Jones. Al parecer, a priori complicada. Después se supo que recordó la muerte de su perro para poder llorar de manera convincente.
Drew Barrymore consiguió el papel de la pequeña Gertie gracias a su imaginación: convenció a Spielberg al contarle una historia loca de que tenía una banda de rock. El resto del reparto ha comentado que ella creía que ET era real y sus recuerdos del rodaje son, a veces, inventados, dada su corta edad (tenía 6 años).
ET. Spielberg ha dicho que ET es medio planta, medio animal y que no tiene sexo. Su cara está basada en las del poeta Carl Sandburg, el científico Albert Einstein y el escritor Ernest Hemingway.
Su voz es la de Pat Welsh, una septuagenaria que tuvo que se tuvo que hinchar a fumar: dos paquetes diarios. Grabó durante nueve horas y media y recibió 380 dólares. Otros sonidos que se utilizaron para ET fueron las voces de Spielberg y su mujer, un eructo y ruidos de diferetnes animales: mapaches, nutrias y caballos.
Los muñecos de ET costaron 1,5 millones de dólares, el 10% del presupuesto total. Uno de ellos se lo quedó Michael Jackson.
Los movimientos del extraterrestre además de llevarlos a cabo titiriteros, corrieron a cargo de dos personas con acondroplasia y de Matthew DeMeritt, un niño de 12 años que nació sin piernas y se movía muy rápido sobre las palmas de las manos. Caprice Roth, mimo profesional, se encargó de los gestos de las manos.
La nave de ET fue diseñada por Ralph McQuarrie, responsable también de la de ‘Encuentros en la tercera fase’, de diseños en las películas de Indiana Jones y de casi todo en la trilogía original de ‘Star Wars’.
Harrison Ford hacía un cameo en una escena que se retiró y nunca fue rescatada. Era el director del colegio de los niños que echa una bronca a Elliott sobre los peligros del alcohol; luego se quedaba a cuadros cuando la silla del niño se elevaba en el aire. Fue eliminada en posproducción y nunca ha sido rescatada.
Empatía y emoción. Se rodó en orden cronológico para facilitar la emotividad en los niños, que se fueron encariñando con el muñeco. Spielberg mantuvo alejados a los titiriteros del rodaje para mantener la ilusión de que ET era real y por primer vez no hizo storyboard para que hubiera espontaneidad en la actuación. Esta no es la primera vez que Spielberg ‘juega’ así con las emociones infantiles. En ‘Los Goonies’ el repato infantil no vio el barco hasta que no rodaron la escena. Lo que sale en esa película es la reacción real de lo niños.
Para favorecer todavía más que el público se identificara con Elliott y ET fue rodar casi toda la cinta a la altura de los ojos de un niño, lo que hace más amenazadores a los adultos.
El equipo de médicos que secuestran y tratan a ET está compuesto de doctores reales que trabajaban en el USC Medical Center.
El rodaje concluyó en 61 días, cuatro menos de lo esperado.
La célebre escena de ET camuflado entre los peluches de la casa fue idea del Robert Zemeckis. Mucho más conocida es la parte en la que los niños lo pasean en Halloween y se cruzan con un niño vestido de Yoda como guiño a la saga galáctica: suenan los primeros compases del tema de ese personaje en Star Wars. Las dos bandas sonoras están firmadas por John Williams.
Años después, George Lucas, amigo personal de Spielberg, devolvió el guiño inculyendo a varios miembros de la especie de ET en el Senado galáctico del episodio I de su saga.
El final. A Spielberg le gustó tanto con la pieza musical del final que cambió el montaje visual para acompañarla.
Existe un final alternativo en el que se ve que el comunicador aún funciona y Elliott y ET siguen en contacto. Pero se descartó porque la despedida ya era lo suficientemente potente como conclusión.
De récord. Fue la cinta más taquillera de la historia. 11 años después Spielberg batió su propio récord con Jurassic Park. Todavía hoy sigue siendo la película que más duró en taquilla desde su estreno, más de un año.
Celebridades. Ronald Reagan y su mujer la vieron en un pase especial en la Casa Blanca y le dijeron que era «real». Diana de Gales lloró con ella. Hasta recibió la Medalla de la Paz de la ONU después de que los miembros de Naciones Unidas la vieran en un pase exclusivo.
Michael Jackson y Quincy Jones grabaron un álbum entero para el audiolibro y lo hicieron gratis. Jackson ganó un Grammy por él en 1984, y otros siete por Thriller. Pero declaró que el de ET era del que más orgulloso se sentía.
Premios. Fue nominada a nueve premios Oscar, incluyendo el de Mejor película, que perdió contra Gandhi. El ganador, Richard Attenborough, declaró: «Estaba seguro de que, no sólo iba a ganar ET, sino que merecía ganar. Es innovadora, impactante y maravillosa. Yo hago películas más mundanas».
Sí se llevó los galardones más técnicos: Sonido, Efectos Especiales y Banda Sonora. La música ganó también el Globo de Oro, el Grammy y el BAFTA. En España, ganó el del Círculo de Escritores Cinematográficos, el Fotogramas de Plata y el Sant Jordi.
Plagios. Cuando algo tiene éxito parece que inevitablemente se tiene que enfrentar a denuncias y acusaciones de plagio. El director indio Satyajit Ray denunció a Spielberg, ya que considera que ET se basa en gran medida en el guión de The Alien (1967) que él escribió. Spielberg siempre lo ha negado, y la demanda nunca llegó a ninguna parte. También hay quien ha visto que la música de John Williams, es muy parecida a un pasaje del compositor clásico Antonín Dvořák.
El videojuego para Atari de la película es uno de los grandes fracasos comercialesde la historia de la industria, con cientos de miles de copias tiradas a la basura.
Spielberg y Mathison proyectaron una secuela titulada E.T. II: Nocturnal Fears (Miedos Nocturnos). La premisa era que unos alienígenas malvados secuestraban a Elliott y sus amigos y tenían que contactar con ET para pedirle ayuda. Abandonaron la idea porque sólo habría mancillado la peli original.
Cuando tuvo la ocasión, el director utilizó los mejorados efectos especiales para corregir los planos que no había podido realizar a su gusto en 1982. El CGI moderno le permitió retocar algunas escenas y añadir otras, rodadas pero no incluidas en el metraje original. Al público no le gustaron nada los cambios. En concreto que cambiaran las armas de los federales que persiguen a los protagonistas, por ‘walkie talkies’. Todo un símbolo de corrección política. El mismo Spielberg dijo después que se arrepentía de los cambios.
El logo de Universal se muestra hacia atrás en el corte original de 1982. En la edición especial de 2002 ya no se ve así: en su lugar, Elliott y ET vuelan sobre el logo en su bicicleta.
Fuente: El Norte de Castilla
Los 35 años de E.T. en España was originally published on Noticias
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annamcnuff · 7 years
Whistler, Bears And The Sunshine Coast
Bonjourno mi amigos, it’s been another eventful week on the road, with a mix of sights, sounds and smells (the smell is mainly us). I left you last as the two intrepid explorers fled Vancouver Island for a return to the mainland…
After catching the Ferry to Powell River, we worked our way down Vancouver’s ‘Sunshine Coast’. A fair attempt at a name - there was indeed sunshine and coastline, although the 'Sunshine (roller)coast(er)’ Would be more descriptive. Up. Down. Up. Down… Up. On the plus side, we didn’t have to wait in line, there was no height restriction, and no photos were taken of our screaming faces - with a view to mounting as a gift for loved ones at the end.
After 2 days of riding the Sunshine Coaster, we rolled into the town of Gibsons. Hanging out in Wendy’s, using the free Wifi and chomping on the obligatory doughnut, an Englishman named David overheard our camping chat. Following a phonecall to his wife to check he didnt sound like a sexual predator, he tentatively asked if we’d like to camp in his back garden. So that night we 'Mild camped’ in Dave and Claudette’s yard - with 5 acres of forest as their own, I’m still claiming it was partially 'wild’. They introduced us to 'fireballs’ (Cinnamon whiskey) and regaled us with the tale of how they met. Turns out thay they were possibly one of the first successes of Internet dating back in 1995. Claudette had begun posting on a pen-pal forum, a crude type of Match.com if you will, and Dave had started to post back. One year, and a $700 international phone bill later, Dave finished his studies in Edinburgh and (ab)used his £3,000 graduate loan to buy a ticket to Canada. The rest is history. Ain’t that just lovely?
Leaving Dave and Claudette, we began our Pilgrimage to Whistler. Everyone knows theres only one road in and out of Whistler (I didn’t, but Sssssh). Built for the Winter olympics in 2010, its Route 99 or the 'Sea to Sky Highway’. Now surely this road does what it says on the tin? Eeeee uuuuuh. It is a highway, which does start at the sea, and move in a general Sky-like direction, but it takes the 'sea-sky-sea-sky-sea-sky’ route to get you there (ahhh - that ole chestnut eh?). There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing you need to climb 5,000 feet in 63 miles, only to be greeted with a stellar descent after each uphill effort. 30 miles in, and having been plunged back to sea level for the 5th time, we finally began to climb consistently. At this point, as if by magic, a little tailwind arrived. I stand strong in my belief that this was the sheepish Highway 99’s doing - trying to make up for its miles and miles of deceit, “Sorry about that”’ it whispered, pushing us gently towards the sky at last.
Now, I’ve heard mixed things about Whistler over the past few weeks. Some locals thought it too 'touristy’, and not the 'real’ Canada, while others said it was worth a visit, but more a destination than a place to enjoy a journey to. I adored it. It’s absolutely brimming with life. You can’t help but be swept along with the hoards of men, women and teeny kidlings, wheeling mountain bikes around with a constant look of 'It’s Christmas’ on their faces. There are 'courtesy tools’ to fix your downhill MTB machine, and the streets are immaculate. It reminded me a lot of Disneyland (Lord knows I love Disneyland). Had it not been for the fact that you burn through money like you are actually hanging with Mickey et al, I might have stayed a little longer. To top it off, the scenery for hiking is out of this world and there are hansome, rugged, outdoorsy looking fellas everywhere. (Yes, Mum - I noticed the male specimens. No - you’re not getting any grandchildren as a result. Down Mum, down girl.)
Over the last week or so, we’ve becoming increasingly familiar with the reality of living in and around bears. Dave and Claudette had warned us that they’d seen the furry beasts in their back yard countless times (see - 'wild’ not 'mild’ camping), and on the road up to Whistler we began to see signs 'Bears for the next 60km - Do not feed the Bears’. Which left me thinking who in the heck would be stupid enough to offer the bears a bite of their BK whopper? Probably someone who deserves to be the Bear’s Whopper. On the first night at the Whistler campground, we were woken by a girl in the tent next to us, screaming and swearing blind she’d just seen a bear in the bushes. If I’m honest I was a little frightened - Although when the claim “Its a fricking Bear!’ is made in the same sentence as 'I like, totally danced on the bar, and did a tequila shot off his chest’ you’re less inclined to believe the damsel in distress.
The following day however, there was no mistaking it - we saw a bear on the edge of the forest. Lydia spotted it first and squealed with excitement. I followed suit. It was very cool, we were not. That night at the campground, some sensible mum types at the washroom were discussing that a bear had been seen nearby 10 mins earlier. Unless they’d replaced that washing up liquid with tequila…. I was more inclined to believe this source than the previous one. Cue a few freaky dreams.
What I’m learning is that, yes there are bears, but funnily enough they’ve got better things to do than try to attack you. The signs and advice don’t say 'Bears! Run for your life!’ they simply ask you to be 'Bear aware’. That is, don’t create situation where you encourage a bear to come into contact with humans and risk a confrontation. Put your rubbish in the bin, don’t leave food out, cook away from your tent and if you see one - move away and move along. I’m pretty sure the bears aren’t that keen on hanging out near us either, but we did sort of build all over their habitat, and didn’t leave the poor buggers with much choice. In Robert Southey’s tale of Goldilocks, he describes the bears as 'good natured, trusting, harmless, tidy and hospitable’. But back them into a corner, eat their porridge, sit in their chairs or sleep in their beds and they’re going to get pretty pissed off. It makes sense. You would too.
Leaving Whistler and heading back down the 99, we’d almost forgotten about that lovely tail wind on the way in. Imbeciles. Although the majority of the return was a gradual descent - we ended up with a tasty cross-headwind. To add insult to injury, the cycling shoulder got quite narrow at points. Sandwiched between a rumble strip on the left, and a crash barrier on the right, with a cross-wind blowing a gale, keeping the bike in a straight line was like wrestling a Hydra. Further down the line the scenario repeated, except there’d be a few drain covers thrown in for good measure. I began to wonder when the swinging axes, rolling boulder and Indiana Jones theme music were going to kick in….
I’ve now stopped in downtown Vancouver for a few days to prep for the next stage in Alaska. I’ve a bit of knee niggle to deal with and 4 broken panniers being held together with Gaffa tape and shoelaces (I’m saying nothing about the brand …. just yet). So I’m doing dull life admin, catching up with a few long lost mates here and looking to explore some of the many community bike projects that the city has to offer. Vancouver supports a truck load load of 'Earn a bike’ schemes for kids, and many shops run on a volunteer basis, offering free tool use to help teach people how to fix their own bikes.
Being off the bike I feel unbelievably guilty, and I’m just itching to get back on my pink steed. But all in good time, my pretties, all in good time…
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