#Gen and Eri
kereruatbugaria · 2 years
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It is a little disappointing that the ants are a very strong species in this game, but they are hardly ever described as such until the end of the game.
I was really hoping Gen and Eri would show us this kind of fight!
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leaderfuzzy · 2 years
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Bugtober Day 18: Flowers
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deathberi · 3 months
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KANA ARIMA | 【推しの子】
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verdantmeadows · 10 months
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Giacomo, Ortega, and Atticus (at least only because we've seen him without the mask before this) are all pretty recognizable for the most part, but God, ERI????? MELA?? Mela looks like she's TWELVE without her usual outfit and makeup and Eri is just, like, well. Unrecognizable. Although I'm so glad to see how they all look when not dressed up!
(And for those worried, no, this isn't permanent, it's because they're studying/doing makeup tests since they missed a lot of school as Team Star and Eri specifically wanted them to be in their uniforms since it's easier.)
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azsazz · 11 months
Cherries, Juniper, and Orange Slices
Daddy!Eris x Reader
Summary: This one is a req from @acourtofmenandthirst: Eris' daughter drawing his scars on her doll.
Warnings: Mentions of scars.
Word Count: 1,639
Eris peeks his head into the room, amber eyes drifting towards the cot his son, Rook, is currently crying in. The young boy, hardly a year old, has an iron grip on the bars caging him inside the intricately carved wood of his bed. Thick vines and leaves cut into the dark lumber, choked by his little fingers.
Tears stream down Rook's chubby cheeks and Eris coos, pushing into the room. Sunlight creeps in through the light linen curtains. The stained glass creation hung in the window casts colorful shadows across the creamy yellow of the walls. 
“My poor son,” Eris huffs dramatically, lifting Rook from his cradle. He’s clothed in only his nappy, reaching up to cling onto his father’s pressed shirt as if he’ll never let go again. 
Eris hopes he doesn’t. His children are growing up much too fast.
Rook sniffles, resting his head in the crook of Eris’ neck, and hiccups. Eris pats soothing motions into his son's bare skin, peppering his freckled cheeks with loving kisses as he calms his youngest child down. He rocks the little boy, waltzing up to the big windows and pushes the curtains open, letting the afternoon sun shine in full force. The room overlooks the small orchard in the back of his quaint home. Trees he’s planted himself with help from you and your daughters, an important tradition to your family. 
It started on your first date. Eris had already known you were the one—love at first sight—and kept his home away from home a secret from his family, only using it to escape Beron’s throes when he really needed it. Briar, he named it. He had cooked you a hearty meal with the most expensive, luxurious wine he could find, and after a delightful dinner, he’d walked you through the nearly empty rolling hills behind his home, hand-in-hand.
You’d commented how the fields needed more trees and had gushed on and on about what he could do with the space. His shadow hounds had run by your feet, chasing each other through the ankle-high grasses, and he’d immediately taken you to his mount and settled you in front of him, taking the both of you into town to purchase some seeds. 
It has been tradition ever since. Birthdays, anniversaries, births, deaths, any and all celebrations the both of you would go into the yard and plant a tree. Maude loves her cherry trees with all her heart, and Eris is convinced the only reason his daughter ventures outside is to pluck the fruit off the trees and stuff herself silly, stumbling back into the house with stained fingers and lips.
A juniper tree for his other daughter, Juniper. This one was harder to acquire, but thriving well in the backyard, closest to the home. June doesn’t seem to understand the value of the tree yet, but someday, Eris knows that she will.
And a sweet orange tree for his little boy Rook. It had been one of your cravings when you were pregnant with him, and to plant the tree only seemed fitting. Rook devoured any little orange bits he was given with the biggest smile on his face.
He makes a grabby hand for the tree, smart enough to know where his favorite treats are from. 
“You hungry, little man?” Eris asks, and Rook babbles in response. He lifts his son, blowing raspberries on his bare stomach that has cheerful giggles bursting through the room. Rook’s auburn eyes shine up at his father, laughing only harder when Eris catches a whiff of his nappy, grimacing. “Alright baby, let’s get you all cleaned up first.”
“Why is our son naked?” you muse, allowing Eris to press a kiss to your cheek while you scoop the last of the cookie dough onto the tray. Your mate and daughters had been helping you, but the girls had been more interested in eating the batter their father kept sneaking them, so you shooed them away to play with their dolls while the cookies baked and you patted Eris on the butt as he went to check on Rook. 
Your son keens, pressing his own open mouthed kiss to your cheek. It’s all slobber and suction, but you can’t help the beaming smile that splits your cheeks anyway. 
“Because he keeps burning them off, Fawn,” Eris answers you, nose wrinkling as he turns to the babe, “Isn’t that right buddy?”
Rook screeches in excitement as his father tickles his stomach. It isn’t abnormal for your son’s power to be flaring up with his emotions. You’d gone through similar situations with Maude and Juniper around this age as well. You still have the burn marks of waddling feet branded into the wood to prove it.
Placing the tray of cookies into the oven, you reach out to take Rook from your mate. “Such a little stinker,” you tease, bopping your youngest on the nose. He retaliates by grabbing a fistful of your hair and you curse mentally, knowing you should’ve tied it out of his reach. 
“Where are the girls?” Eris asks, peeking around the kitchen for any leftover cookie dough. In his mission to steal as much as he could for his daughters, he’d forgotten to sneak a taste for himself. The mixing bowl sits soapy in the sink and he deflates a little.
“Coloring in the den,” you answer, eyes twinkling. Your stomach swoops still at the sight of Eris, even more so whenever he interacts with his children. You knew he was loving, but seeing him like this, completely at ease with no worries tightening his shoulders, he looks ethereal. “Why don’t you get them washed up for some cookies?”
“Yes, please,” Eris says, stealing a kiss from you. Rook squeals and you swoon.
Leaving Rook with you, Eris takes off into the next room. He finds Maude and Juniper spread out on the floor, their coloring supplies strewn about. Thylix and Codon, two of his hounds, laze around both girls, having taken it upon themselves to become their guards. They hardly leave his daughters alone, often choosing to sleep beside their beds at night, though Eris knows his daughters let them jump into bed with them as soon as the door shuts behind him. 
“What are my baby girls drawing in here?” Eris asks, tiptoeing forward. They startle and the hounds’ ears perk up at the sound of their master, but they don’t move. His daughters look up at him with those big, round russet eyes, and Eris knows immediately that they’re doing something they shouldn’t be.
“Daddy,” Maude pouts, hiding something in front of her. Eris’ brows furrow as he wonders what she’s keeping from him, but her younger sister, Juniper, holds her doll up in the air, proudly. 
“Daddy!” June yells, pushing up onto wobbly legs and racing towards him. Eris scoops her up and she squeals, bringing her doll with her, showing off her artwork to her father. Marker streaks across the face of her plaything, reds, oranges, and pinks adorning the cheeks and dress, across the doll’s eye.
“What’s this, Junie?” Eris asks, admiring her artistic abilities. There’s potential, but if she’s going to continue her artistic streak, he better get her something more appropriate to color on. Maybe sign her up for one of the local—or Night Court—art classes.
“It’s Daddy,” she answers, beaming up at her father. His heart swells, but he doesn't seem to be comprehending what Juniper is trying to convey.
He looks around his middle daughter to his oldest, still in her spot on the ground. Her cheeks are pinked with a blush and she’s pouting at her little sister for ruining the surprise.
“Care to explain, Maude?” Eris asks, though he’s not really sure if he wants the answer.
She sighs, shoving up to her feet. She holds up her doll in front of her face like she’s going to get in trouble for what she’s done, but Eris doesn’t understand why.
Until Maude explains. “We drew your scars on our dollies,” she says, and it all clicks. The one across his cheekbone from when Beron has nicked him purposefully with the edge of his sword before he set foot into his first war. His father had said the scar would help him relate to his legion the more roughed up he looked. 
Another, peeking out from the strap of the doll's dress, right above her heart. It’s a rendition of the brand on his chest, another gift from his father. He tries not to let his children see his scars, especially that one in particular, but she must’ve seen it when she’d crawled into your bed after a nightmare perhaps.
Eris’ eyes prickle but he blinks the emotion away. His throat is thick, and he distracts himself by taking a second look at Juniper's toy. Upon catching her fathers gaze on the doll, Maude speaks again. “Junie drew Uncle Lulu’s eye scars on hers. I told her we were supposed to be drawing only yours, but she didn’t listen,” Maude huffs a little, annoyed that her younger sister didn’t follow her direction.
“That’s…that’s very thoughtful, Junie,” Eris places a chaste kiss on her forehead and she grins. “You both did such a wonderful job.”
“You’re not…mad?” Maude asks, staring up at him nervously.
Juniper kicks her legs, trying to escape Eris’ grip. He lets her down and she abandons her doll, racing for the kitchen where she can hear you talking to her brother.
Eris kneels, taking Maude’s hand in his and tugging her into his chest for a hug. “No, Maude, I’m not upset. I’m impressed.” 
“You really like it?” she asks shyly, pulling back so she can look him in the eyes.
Eris nods once, firmly. “I love it, Maude. You made me look perfect.”
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orbitsuns · 7 months
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baby eris!
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hypanova · 3 months
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picnic in the park for rhea’s birthday 🧺
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achaotichuman · 5 months
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A Witch A Warrior And A Reckoning
A Court of Thorns and Roses next generation fiction.
This is the masterpost for A Witch A Warrior And A Reckoning, below are all the links related to this fanfiction.
Life is peaceful for Dahlia Fairburn, running with her War Band, and commanding the Spring Court armies. Since the day she could wield a sword, she's been helping her father, along with her younger brother, to restore Spring to its former glory. Trying to ignore the festering magic in her body, that threatens to consume her.
One day, all that peace is threatened to be shaken, as a certain prince of Night asks for her to join the rebellion of the Hewn City and Illyria. From beneath the great mountains, an ancient song calls for her. She meets a woman with death in her eyes, and power in her veins, who makes Dahlia's blood boil while something clicks into place between them.
This new generation of Prythian was thought to be one of peace and prosperity. But the mask of the reigning High Lords begin to crumble, as secrets older than Prythian itself are uncovered, and darkness is unleashed.
Character Moodboards:
High Lord Tamlin
Dahlia Fairburn (Tamlin's Daughter)
Eden Fairburn (Tamlin's Son)
Aisling Sapphirus (Dahlia's Love Interest)
Aesira Vanserra (Eris + Azriel's Daughter)
Cynthia Vanserra (Eris + Azriel's Daughter)
Nyx Archeron
A Witch A Warrior And A Reckoning: ACT 1 Spotify Playlist
DM or reply in the notes of this post if you would like to be added to the tag list for this fanfiction!
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areyoudreaminof · 16 days
The Day is Coming: Eris Week Day 2
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It's Day 2 of @erisweekofficial! I really wanted to satisfy myself here and expand a bit more on Uncle Eris. His desire for a true family, the healing that has come with his young nieces, and his own reflection of his childhood. Just a short little treat. Enjoy!
Taking for granted This lifetime and what's up ahead
But the day is coming, the day is near The day is coming, the way is clear
My Morning Jacket-The Day is Coming
The boy sits with his new hounds, alone. 
The pups wriggle in his lap, around his feet. Slippery coats of smoke colored fur and pink paws. They whine and squeak as they crawl blindly across his lap and feet. He can only hold two or three at a time and their mother is exhausted, panting as she waits for more milk to come in. The boy makes sure to pet her too, to remind her she’s not alone. 
“Uncle Eris, look! This one’s opening his eyes!” 
Eris turns to the little redheaded girl who’s gently holding a blueish gray pup in her fingers. His eldest niece is right, the pup's eyes are opening. Her brown eyes are lit up with excitement. The little golden haired girl on his lap gasps with wonder. His youngest niece hasn’t helped with the pups before, and Eris delights in it all. 
“It will take him a few days to make out shapes, but he can still recognize your smell and touch.” Eris tells his nieces. Cyra, the youngest, giggles as the pup sniffs and licks her fingers. The eldest, Mathilde, softly strokes the white splash of fur between the pups' eyes. 
“They’re so sweet,” Cyra whispers, “when do they start to play?” 
“In a few days, I’d wager,” Eris says with a smile, “You both will just have to stay until then, I think.” 
The girls squeal with delight. 
The boy sits alone amongst the trees. After his lessons with Father, his hands and back sting with emerging welts. So, he escapes to the oak groves where it is quiet. The wind does not hiss insults at him, only sighs softly. When he was younger, he and his mother would take long walks around the gardens, watching leaves fall. But since his lessons began he hardly sees his mother, his father and tutors now watch his every movement. So now, he inhales what little freedom he has left. 
“Me and Cricket are making a leaf maze!” Cyra chirps. Eris chuckles at the nicknames his brother gave to his nieces. The rest of their families use them, but Eris loves their names just as they are. 
“Is that so? Round or square?” 
“Square!” Mathilde says as she bounces over, “Me and Froggy can get more dead ends with a square. We’re going to have Mama and Papa do it when they come to get us too.” 
“Very good.” He kisses each of them on the nose, red with crisp autumn air. “Should I help?” 
“Yes!” his nieces giggle. Eris begins to design the maze with more leaves. 
The boy looks at the fire coming from his fingertips with terror. 
He had gotten angry at one of his brothers. They kicked him, broke a wooden post, then blamed him. He was sent to the racks for punishment and his father whipped him raw. Now, on the carpet of his room, the flames lick his skin. They do not hurt, but he can feel it. He feels the rage and anger. He feels the unrelenting fear in his blood as the fire crackles. Will his father beat him for this too? 
Eris opens Cyra’s small hand beneath his. Her dark golden skin almost glowing beneath his own pale hand. His youngest niece found that she could summon the Autumn flame at a very public gathering. The pride hadn’t left Eris since. He found he loved rubbing it in Helion’s face that only one of his beloved granddaughters got Day Court powers. Mathilde was disappointed at her own lack of fire, but she was happy for her sister. Lucien had the ability too, of course, but Eris had begged him to let Crya come to Autumn once a week to be trained. 
Eris would not say it aloud, but he wanted to train his own heir. 
“When you summon your flame, feel it in your fingertips. You were angry or scared, but what else did you feel?” 
Cyra wrinkles her brow, “It felt like the hounds licking at my fingertips, or when I poke myself on my needle when I quilt with Grandmother,” she shuts her eyes, tightly, “It’s under my skin sometimes. Like when my foot is asleep, or my heart’s beating fast after I go swimming. My blood feels warm too.” 
Eris nods he knows the feeling very well. “Open your eyes, dearest.” 
The Autumn Flames dances across her hand. Reds, oranges, and a deep blue burn brightly across her fingertips. Cyra stares at her flame with awe, and so does Eris. 
The young man spits blood out from his mouth as his father strikes him again. 
“I gave you an order and you deliberately disobeyed me. Lucien makes for Spring, and why is that?” his father sneers. 
The young man says nothing, and his father grabs the young man by the throat, forcing him to the metal rack. Heavy cuffs strap the young man’s feet down, while his father snaps chains over his wrists. He turns and grabs an instrument off the table. The young man shuts his eyes, takes a breath, and tries to will himself away before the pain comes. 
His brother stands before him, holding a small baby. His niece. 
Her skin is a deep golden color, tinged with pink, but the hair is unmistakable. Red as his own, the same red as her father and her grandmother. The baby’s mother smiles from her bed, Eris smiles back. 
“Her name is Mathilde,” Lucien whispers. He hands the bundle to Eris, who takes it slowly. For as many infant brothers as he’s held, this is different. 
“After mother’s sister,” Eris murmurs. The babe sleeps peacefully in his arms. Her full lips are puckered, her small pointed ears sticking out among fine red curls. He strokes her small hand that has escaped the swaddle. Mathilde opens her eyes as she grasps his finger tightly. She looks at him with russet eyes and it hits him then. He begins to sob. 
“He’s gone,” he whispers as he looks at Lucien, “He cannot touch us again. He’ll never corrupt her. She’s safe.” 
Lucien knows, of course he does. He says nothing though, just wraps his arm around Eris and sobs with him. 
The boy can feel the itch creep on his nose as he sits on the velvet chair, waiting for the artist to stop painting. He is bored and restless and his tunic itches. It is heavy with golden thread woven into leaves, while a thick, leather jerkin makes in sweat in the firelight and candelabras that populate the room. 
The old fae brushes away at his canvas, looking over spectacles and a hooked nose. He will finish a painting that resembles Eris, but makes sure to highlight the cruelty in his face, to make him resemble his lord father more. It will hang along the halls of the Forest House, collecting dust and trapping the boy for eternity in discomfort. 
Eris kicks his boots off as he sinks into his sofa. The fire crackles as Anais and Justinian, his oldest and most loyal hounds lay at his feet. The day with advisors and emissaries was a long one, full of squabbling and shouting. Now, Eris takes a moment to rest in his solar. 
He looks up above the fireplace where the first painting catches his eye. His nieces look out at him with mischief and laughter from the painting. Mathilde’s wild red hair is lifted as she jumps for joy, while Cyra’s dimples are visible with her smile. The leaves they’re kicking up seem to move and their own smoke hounds are caught in midair at their feet. Lucien was quite jealous that his daughters were given a smokehound. “Life’s certainly tough for you, isn’t it?” Eris had simply said. 
On another wall, portraits of the girls as infants hang. And above his desk, a painting of the three of them, in Autumn Court regalia, hangs. Eris smirks as he looks at his own smile, his nieces in each arm. Mathilde grins as if she knows a secret, while Cyra stares out with warmth in her eyes. Feyre painted all of them, of course. As their aunt, she too knew the girls and could capture their likeness in the canvas without having them pose for hours. Eris laughs at the details, because in their outfits, Feyre has painted a little creature into the threads to represent their nicknames. A cricket, for Mathilde, and a little frog for Cyra. 
Leaning his head back on the sofa, Eris closes his eyes and enjoys this moment of peace. It is Anais's grunts that bring him back. "You're right, old girl." he says, leaning down to pet her great head, "We must get some sleep, the girls are coming tomorrow." 
TAGLIST: @secret-third-thing @acourtofladydeath @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @elleybug @queercontrarian @iftheshoef1tz @yanny-77 @tunaababee @pippsmcgee @separatist-apologist @fieldofdaisiies
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kereruatbugaria · 1 year
"Easiest mission we've ever had!"
"Relax. It's just a factory!"
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"It's gonna be smooth sailing from here!"
In Japan, there is a term for people like these- 'flag architects', but I don't know how to translate it in English.
One thing I can say is that I love this about them.
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throneofsapphics · 9 months
stolen moments and chance meetings pt2
Eris’s daughter x Reader (Nessian's daughter)
Summary: nyx catches you in a compromising position.
Warnings: none
A/N: a little follow up drabble! (part one) (part three)
“So this is who you’ve been seeing,” Nyx said. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
You were currently pressed back against a tree, Cora’s body fitted perfectly against yours. Elegant as ever, she took a step back, brushing her hands off on her trousers. It probably wasn’t meant in a negative way … but you felt like she was wiping away something dirty. You. Her dirty little secret. 
Then … her arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you into her side. Your cousin tensed, but didn’t move. 
“Is that a problem?” She snarled, and you could feel the power rolling from her. 
Nyx’s flared to meet her own, even as he held his hands up in a placating motion, a shit-eating grin on his face. He was enjoying this. 
“Did you really follow me?” You sighed, trying to diffuse the tension. 
He ignored you. She ignored you, choosing to glare at each other. You glanced down at the floor, not wanting to get involved in their little standoff. 
“Let’s go,” he said to you, holding out a hand. For a good few moments, you stared at it, before glancing back at Cora. She kept her attention on Nyx, eyes narrowed, as if he might attack her at any moment. 
‘Leashed like a dog.’ Cora’s words from last week had floated in your mind more than you cared to admit. 
“I’ll be back later, Nyx.” Pride came from the female currently glued to your side.
‘Are you certain?’ His voice flooded in your mind. 
‘Yes. I’m perfectly safe.’ 
‘I’ll keep your secret,’ he promised, and answered your next question before you could ask, ‘no cost.’ 
“Hurt her, and I’ll see how many of your bones I can break before I turn you into dust.” Nyx disappeared before either of you could reply. 
“A bit dramatic, isn’t he?” Cora mused, glancing at you. “Where were we?” 
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pamsimmerstories · 22 days
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Pictures with family and friends ♥
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purpled-royalty · 1 month
Black Clover Next Gen (Faust Siblings - Eri & Morgan Faust) - (Info Dump)
(Will be adding more references of my kiddos as time passes)
1. Eri Faust
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Eri is often described as a near-clone of his father, Nacht, with the same sharp features and intense gaze. However, he has inherited Tiara's red eyes, which stand out against his otherwise dark appearance. His hair is similar to his father’s with a slight curl - sleek and black, though he sometimes wears it in a slightly less formal style. Eri is taller than his sister, with a lean but muscular build that reflects his training and adventurous nature.
Eri is named after Tiara's late mother. He is known for his adventurous spirit and bold nature, often jumping into situations without fully thinking them through. He has a strong sense of justice, much like his mother, and is always eager to prove himself. However, his impulsiveness sometimes gets him into trouble, leading to situations where Morgan has to step in to help. Despite this, Eri is deeply protective of his sister and will go to great lengths to keep her safe. He is competitive, especially with Morgan, but their rivalry is always friendly and rooted in mutual respect.
Eri possesses powerful Galaxy Magic, inherited from his mother Tiara. His ability to manipulate cosmic energies makes him a versatile and powerful magic knight.
2. Morgan Faust
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Morgan is Eri's younger sister, and is named after Nacht's late brother. She is a striking blend of both her parents, she inherited Nacht's piercing blue eyes, which are intense and captivating, and Tiara's long lashes and eye shape. Her dark hair is styled in a combination of her mother's curls and her father's sleek style, often worn loose or in a simple braid that keeps it practical yet elegant. Morgan has an athletic and lean build, and often dresses in practical attire that allows her to move freely.
Morgan is a perfect mix of her parents' traits. She possesses Nacht's strategic mind and reserved nature, often thinking several steps ahead in any situation. However, she also inherits Tiara's fiery spirit and passionate sense of justice. Morgan is fiercely independent and has a strong will, but she also has a playful side, engaging in witty banter with her brother Eri and her friends. Despite her tough exterior, she cares deeply for those she loves and is protective of her family. She values loyalty, discipline, and intelligence, and she is always striving to improve herself.
Morgan possesses powerful Shadow Magic, inherited from her father Nacht. Her ability to manipulate shadows makes her a formidable magic knight, capable of both offensive and defensive manoeuvres. Her magic is subtle and strategic, allowing her to out-manoeuver and out-think her opponents.
Morgan's Character Profile
(In a next gen Au)
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allegroart · 11 months
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Bugtober 2023 - Day 4 - Picnic Bugs may be awakened, but old habits die hard! Like...ants crashing picnic parties. I probably should have drawn more ants. Like...20 more ants. Maybe 21. Maybe.
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chunkypossum · 5 months
Lighthouse in the Woods
Part Two: The Search - 4k words
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Read on Ao3
Title from the song:  Lighthouse -Patrick Watson
For more info and the Playlist
He found himself in the parlor, their parlor. The same one connected to Eris’ main rooms that had been the backdrop of every important milestone in their relationship. Now it seemed as though it was ready to collect one more of their memories. 
The moment Azriel’s bare feet touched the carpet he heard it. Low, distressed moans coming from the bedroom next door. Before he had a chance to move towards the door, however, Eris burst through them and ran into Azriel’s arms. 
On or off the tag list? LMK 🫶🏻
@talibunny30 @iftheshoef1tz @born-to-riot @fell-in-luvs @fieldofdaisiies @aktrain @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @secret-third-thing @acourtofladydeath @pippsmcgee @youvereachedthenearest-lovergirl @baileybird71 @skyesayshi @yanny-77 
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orbitsuns · 5 months
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honeymoon activities..
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