#Genz has no idea what we're doing but we're definitely not coming up with tHIs
aix12279 · 1 month
INTRODUCTION to Global Politics :D
If we're going to be exact and fancy, here's a definition of what Global Politics is:
"... the study of the interactions and conflicts between nations, international organizations, and non-state actors, and how these affect our world."
Of course, some of these terms may be unfamiliar to you, specially if you're not someone who interacts with politics a lot, or not with the 'technical terms' , but we'll get to those with enough time. Global Politics (or Glopo, as I'll be calling it from now on, that's just so much easier to write I'm sorry) essentially refers to a lot of stuff, it talks about stuff as 'small' as simple trade and diplomacy, to things as big as national security, war, and human rights, so, it covers lots of stuff.
In a couple of words, glopo is all about power, who has power? How is that power used? How is it shared? And to answer those questions, it looks at the interests, the values, and the ideologies of all the people, organizations, etc. (or actors, as they're referred to in IB Glopo) that have even just a little itsy bit of that power that we just talked about, and how those characteristics of each actor involved in power influence the politics of the whole entire world. Think of it as, how do Donald Trump's (an actor) values as a conservative and interests as the US' ex-president influence the politics of other countries, such as Mexico, India, China, etc.
So. Why glopo? I think for my generation (lol hi fellow genzs) this is a relatively easy question. Our generation is famous for being very actively involved in politics, protests, all that good stuff. But, still, even though we may be a generation that's very informed of politics, it may not be with the correct technical terms, or there may be some things that happen in the international scope of politics that we don't quite understand.
Glopo is important because nowadays, what happens in the US matters in Mexico (viva mexico WUUU), what happens in Canada matters in India, and that matters in Nepal and Pakistan, and so on. Our world, nowadays, is extremely interconnected, so it's not enough anymore to now the politics of only your country and the very close neighbors. Also, if we want to be more involved in political issues, we should know politics; if we want to speak about things such as climate change and how that's a political issue, poverty and how that's a political issue, terrorism and how that's a political issue, then we should know the politics behind and that come as a result of those issues. And in that same branch, if we know politics, then we know how to solve those problems, what tools we need, how we need to address them, and so on.
There are three main theories that are important to understand politics, and while the IB Glopo curriculum does go into more detail about them, here's how they work briefly:
Realism: This theory basically says that if we want to understand glopo, we should emphasize that nations act in self-interest, that the goal of their actions is, at the end of the day, the pursuit of power
Liberalism: Liberalism is basically the optimist sibling of realism. Liberalism believes that we should look at things through the lenses of cooperation and promoting democracy, that although nations may not have... very good intentions, we should still try to work towards cooperation, democracy and human rights
Constructivism: This one... Idk how to describe this one actually LMAO. It's basically saying that if you really wanna understand why actors do the things they do, you should look at the ideas that they have, the identity that they're a part of, it's basically the "it depends" amongst the three, the one that looks at cultural context a lot
There are many glopo issues, like, too many to count them probably LMAO, but ones that come up a lot can be basically categorized into:
Climate change. It's not only the weather getting hotter girlies it's actually kinda really important when it comes to policies, global action on the part of actors, and all that good (not-so-good) stuff
Nuclear proliferation. I mean. Yeah. I think we'd all be lying a little bit if we said we're not just a lil bit scared that certain very powerful people will just go like 'actually let's bomb something with nuclear power' and we all just end up kinda dead
Human rights. Specially when it comes to the human rights of minority groups in particular nations or regions (like, idk, a uhm... GENOCIDE going on on multiple parts of the world)
Migration. People moving from their countries of origin to look for refuge, security, a better quality of life, and then how the countries receiving that migration react to it. my mexican people we know these one all too well lmao
If these types of issues interest you and you think you could work on something like these in the future, there's a lot of things you can specialize in! You can be a: foreign service officer, international organization staff member, political analyst, journalist, NGO worker, security and intelligence analyst, and many, many more.
Of course, always be careful when it comes to politics. Wish I could say it's a safe and peaceful career path but I think we all know it's anything but that, specially if you don't intend on being... not corrupt pieces of shit nice. But even if maybe you're not looking at Glopo for a career, it's still very important to understand what's going on in our world when it comes to politics; the actions of very powerful people affect us directly, and if we wanna do anything about it, it's always good to know these kinds of stuff
Have a good life everyone<3
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geekywolf · 3 years
This just in: genz is viciously attacking the poor millennials although no genz has heard about that and no, genz is not trying to start a culture war, because a few teenagers on the tok™ don't represent the whole generation
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minzart · 3 years
I thought I'd add my two cents on genZ!mc
When mc finally got their phone cater helps them set up a magicCam account. After a while they become decently popular because of their never before seen humor. Once while they did a live, people noticed someone in the background slightly off camera.
Mc: *reading* who is in the back?.. Oh! That's Leona*sits next to a presumably asleep leona*
Mc: me and Leona be cuddling and be watching magicTV
Leona:*eyes closed* I...I don't do that
Live chat: WAIT! aint that Leona KINGSCHOLAR!
Mc: and I be lick his braids lick uuhngn *makes licking motion*
Live chat: *going mental*
Leona:*getting annoyed* I don't do that Herbivore
Mc:*laughing* I know you don't that... I do that
Leona: *pushes mc away* go bother ruggie
During lunch or any class the first year group is the loudest table and everyone likes to listen in on their conversations as they're a great source of entertainment.
Mc: what do you think is the most fuckable sandwich?
Ace: a meatball sub
Eple: no! A turkey sandwich is the most fuckable!
Jack: I think that chili cheese stake from that new restaurant
Sebek: no I think their Philly cheese one jack
Grim: I really have no preference
Not noticing how deathly silent the lunchroom has become while the first year group argues on the most fuckable sandwich. All the teachers and dorm leaders just stand there in shock and awe.
Since ramshackle is so old there is bound to be a shit ton of spider webs. Just so happens mc is afraid of spiders.
Mc: *upstairs changing out of their uniform*
First years: *in the lounge doing homework*
Mc: *notices spider* AHHH! *throwing things*
First years: *hear mc scream and crashing*
Grim: should someone check up on them?
Jack: *sigh* I'll be right back.. MC.. I'M COMING UP!*starts heading upstairs*
A few minutes later Jack comes back down
Deuce: what happened?
Jack: oh..? It was just a spid-*a laundry hamper gets thrown down the stairs*
Mc: *comes running down soon after*
During the vdc while deciding on what they should do
Ace: we should totally make a rap!
Eple: right right..
Kailm we need a beat
Mc:*starts beat bopping*
Deuce: oh! I should be a classic beat
Kalim: I like that idea
Vil: we're no-
Ace: Mc is dropping a fat beat and none of you are taking advantage of it
Mc has collection of clothing from each of the dorms that they definitely did not steal
At some point each of the dorm leaders tried to get mc to transfer to their dorm
Mc wonders off often so Crewel got them a child leash
Same with the clothes they took mc has a growing collection of pillows and blankets from each dorm they also totally didn't steal either
Crowley installed a tracker just in case mc get loose
Mc has found a back way out of NRC that won't sound the alarms just so they can get grilled cheese
When Crowley noticed their tracker showed them not in school but in the town he nearly had a panic attack cuz that means the shield was down
Going to collect them was no easy feat as they seemed be moving fast soon he found himself at RSA
Chenya was going to go bother Riddle and Trey but saw mc waddling around with their grilled cheese and kidnapped them with the promise of more grilled chese
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