#Gerald is Tom Buchanan
Daisy Buchanan is who Sheila Birling would’ve grown up to be if she followed her mothers wishes
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gayest-classiclit · 1 year
round one of heterosexual infighting
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matchups below, we don't need a cut:
gerald croft (an inspector calls) vs marius pontmercy (les miserables)
raoul de chagny (the phantom of the opera) vs roger chillingworth (the scarlet letter)
nikolai stavrogin (demons) vs claudio (much ado about nothing)
polonius (hamlet) vs luzhin (crime and punishment)
jay gatsby (the great gatsby) vs gene forrester (a separate peace)
romeo montague (romeo and juliet) vs konstantin levin (anna karenina)
anatole kuragin (war and peace) vs tom buchanan (the great gatsby)
proteus (the two gentlement of verona) vs winston smith (1984)
[and here is propaganda!]
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stlhandyman · 2 years
Supreme Court, U.S FILED In The OCT 2 2022 Supreme Court ofthe United States  RALAND J BRUNSON, Petitioner,
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pangeanews · 4 years
“Lui è incline alla megalomania, io alla malinconia”. Fitzgerald e Hemingway: un’amicizia tormentata
Due dei più grandi romanzi americani di tutti i tempi – Il Grande Gatsby e Fiesta – vennero scritti da due amici strettissimi, come Fitzgerald e Hemingway, alle prese con una vita da espatriati nella Parigi del dopoguerra e pubblicati nel biennio 1925/26. Entrambi sono stati scrittori emblematici della letteratura americana, entrambi intenzionati a rappresentare il destino infelice di chi rincorre una donna. Gatsby ucciso a causa della sua infatuazione per Daisy da una parte e Jake Barnes ridotto alla catatonia dalla voluttuosa Lady Brett Ashley.
Se letti insieme, i due romanzi svelano vicendevolmente la tragica visione del mondo che avevano i rispettivi autori. Nonostante le differenze personali e artistiche, i due libri mostrano la raccapricciante proiezione che Fitzgerald e Hemingway avevano di sé stessi. Il primo, un romantico arso dalla passione, il secondo, altrettanto romantico ma incapace di amare liberamente, entrambi ispirati dalla ricerca dell’amore vero. Anche se l’amicizia fra i due si interruppe dopo poco, rimase comunque un rapporto importate che continuò a influenzarli profondamente.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald aveva frequentato Princeton; a quei tempi si concentrava sulla scrittura di musical senza successo. Abbandonato il college, salì alle luci della ribalta con Di qua dal Paradiso (1920) e poi con Belli e Dannati (1922), ma come lui stesso sapeva, questi e altri testi scritti per il Staurday Evening Post erano superficiali. Nel 1925 a Parigi, incontrò per la prima volta Hemingway. Di tre anni più giovane e ancora in rampa di lancio, Ernest invidiava il successo, la fama e la vita (anche sessuale) di Fitzgerald. Tuttavia, quello sicuro di sé fra i due era senz’altro Hemingway, mentre Fitzgerald era costantemente tormentato dai dubbi.
Fitzgerald presentò Hemingway alla Scribner’s aiutandolo ad affermarsi e mentre Hemingway stava diventando il suo principale rivale artistico, Fitzgerald lo elevava a eroe ideale. Hemingway era virile e atletico, reggeva l’alcol e aveva combattuto. Era di una spanna più alto e venti chili più pesante. Hemingway era la versione letterata dei giocatori di football che Fitzgerald ammirava al college. Gli altri della sua cricca, come lui, avevano frequentato università altisonanti: Harvard, Yale, etc. Hemingway invece – come Conrad, Kipling e Orwell – si era formato destreggiandosi nella violenza del mondo reale. Se Hemingway era ammirato per la sua forza, Fitzgerald era amato nonostante la sua debolezza.
Parallele ma al contempo incidenti, le biografie dei due autori si incontrano partendo dai capi opposti dello stesso gomitolo. Fitzgerald: di famiglia irlandese e cattolica, figlio di un padre inetto e di una madre dispotica; femminile nei tratti del volto e gracile di corporatura; trascurabile sottotenente all’interno dell’amministrazione durante il periodo di leva. Si sposò nel 1920 dopo il primo successo letterario e con la moglie, Zelda Sayre, si trasferì a Parigi. Il suo stile era lirico e accattivante. Era prono all’alcolismo tanto da umiliare sé stesso in pubblico. Adorava l’amico Gerald Murphy, pittore a tempo perso e figura ispiratrice di Dick Diver, protagonista di Tenera è la notte.
Hemingway, dal canto suo, nacque nella periferia di Chicago da famiglia protestante. Il padre era dottore e amante della vita all’aperto. Hemingway accusava la madre di aver portato al suicidio il padre, totalmente sottomesso. Dopo le scuole superiori iniziò a lavorare come giornalista a Kansas City e qui ebbe il suo imprinting con la fiction. Era un ragazzo bello e forte; eccelleva nello sci, sapeva tirare di boxe e praticava con successo la caccia e la pesca. Non ancora ventenne, diventò volontario per la Croce Rossa sul fronte italiano, qui, sebbene gravemente ferito alle gambe da un proiettile, riuscì a soccorrere e salvare un compagno caduto. Tre anni più tardi sposò Hadley Richardson, una donna nettamente in contrasto con la bellissima Zelda. I due si trasferirono a Parigi nel ’22, ed Ernest iniziò a lavorare come corrispondente estero per il Toronto Star. Parallelamente iniziò a scrivere anche per riviste intellettuali e per la stampa indipendente. Lo stile di Fiesta è asciutto e brusco. Sapeva darsi un contegno anche in preda ai fumi dell’alcol e riteneva Geral Murphy un fannullone e un superficiale.
Altruista e sognatore, cauto e avverso al rischio, Fitzgerald conduceva una vita da celebrità. Aveva in odio i francesi e non studiò mai una lingua straniera. La moglie Zelda aveva una distruttiva ossessione per il balletto e soffrì di varie nevrosi. Il successo di Fitzgerald si esaurì in fretta, quando la critica accolse malamente il suo romanzo più ambizioso: Tenera è la notte. Negli anni ’30 si diede alla sceneggiatura, ma si rivelò un’esperienza infruttuosa. Concluse la sua vita in povertà e, colto da un attacco di cuore all’età di 44 anni, morì dopo una vita dissoluta.
Contrariamente, Hemingway era competitivo, egoista, un realista convinto. Era irascibile e amava le situazioni violente, lo sport e la guerra. Alla ricerca costante del proprio limite fisico e morale, ebbe una vita piena di rischi e di infortuni. Si esaltava per la corrida. Imparò l’italiano, il francese lo spagnolo e il tedesco; visse a Cuba, in Africa e in Asia. Partecipò alla Guerra Civile Spagnola e rifuggiva le luci di Hollywood.  Dopo il successo nel 1929 con Addio alle Armi e nel 1940 con Per chi suona la campana, iniziò la sua parabola discendente, tuttavia vinse il Nobel nel ’54. Dilaniato dalla depressione, morì suicida nella ricchezza all’età di 61 anni. Festa Mobile è il suo capolavoro postumo: un’aspra critica a Fitzgerald e gli altri artisti espatriati degli anni ’20.
Hemingway e Fitzgerald si conoscevano nell’intimo e riconoscevano reciprocamente virtù e difetti dell’uno e dell’altro. Fitzgerald pensava che Hemingway fosse oppresso dal rapporto con la madre e che ancora si stesse “ribellando al fatto di essere stato costretto a prendere lezioni di violoncello quando era bambino”. Lo aiutò a entrare nell’editoria che contava; come una sofisticata guida lo condusse verso la terra promessa. “Se lo senti parlare, penserai che la Liveright gli abbia svaligiato casa, ma è solo perché non sa niente di editoria,” disse di Hemingway al suo editore Max Perkins, “ma vedrai che non potrai resistergli: è una delle persone migliori che abbia mai incontrato”. Ernest invece, nonostante non esprimesse mai un giudizio positivo sulle opere dei suoi colleghi avversari, definì Il Grande Gatsby “un libro di prim’ordine”. Il romanzo di Fitzgerald è infatti una miscela letteraria perfetto: trama complessa fatta di adulterio, crimini e assassinii, conflitti di classe, satira sociale; un’ambientazione opulenta e un’atmosfera romantica; sogni infranti e uno stile tanto fresco da sembrare attuale dopo quasi un secolo. Gatsby esce dal suo eremo di ricchezza e si concede alla plebe per attrarre Daisy, un’irraggiungibile femme fatale intenta a plasmare la figlia nei suoi stessi difetti. “Spero sia anche stupida” – diceva – “È la cosa migliore per una ragazza in questo mondo: essere una bella oca giuliva.” Gatsby, annebbiato dal sentimento, è incapace di cogliere l’ironia del suo status, che gli permette di ottenere tutto ciò che vuole tranne Daisy, tenuta al guinzaglio dal vile, meschino e adultero marito.
Il senso di perdita sviscerato ne Il Grande Gatsby influenzò profondamente Addio alle armi, tanto da spingere Hemingway a chiudere il suo libro con una frase di Nick Carraway, il narratore inventato da Fitzgerald: “poi me ne uscii dalla stanza e scesi per la scala di marmo, sotto la pioggia, lasciandoli insieme”. In molti si fecero ispirare dal capolavoro di Fitzgerald: l’immagine del cadavere di Gatsby rivolto nella piscina è stata ripresa nel film Viale del tramonto di Billy Wilder; mentre Myrtle Wilson ha ispirato Charlotte Haze, personaggio chiave di Lolita, l’iconico libro di Nabokov. E se Gatsby influenzò tanti, Fitzgerald si fece influenzare proprio da Hemingway ancor prima di incontrarlo: lo stesso Nick Carraway in fin dei conti è la fusione fra Hemingway e il suo stesso idolo, Nick Adams. Ma l’intricato gioco di echi fra i due autori continua con Fitzgerald che ripone i valori morali del Midwest in Carraway e lo contrappone a Tom Buchanan, antagonista virile di Gatsby; mentre in Fiesta Hemingway crea contrasto fra l’instabile morale degli statunitensi fuori sede espressi da Jake Barnes e il suo rivale virile, il torero Pedro Romero.
I temi de Il Grande Gatsby riecheggiano continuamente in Fiesta. Inizialmente rifiutato da Daisy per la sua condizione economica sconveniente, Gatsby passa la maggior parte della sua vita a conquistarla. “Non si può ripetere il passato? Ma certo che si può!” si chiede e si risponde da solo mentre parla con Nick. Specularmente, Barnes e Brett vorrebbero scappare dal proprio passato piuttosto che ripeterlo. Entrambi i romanzi fanno satira sociale. All’incoraggiamento a Gatsby da parte di Carraway “Loro sono marci… Tu da solo vali più di tutti loro messi insieme,” fa eco la condanna di Bill Gorton contro gli espatriati in Fiesta: “Ti stai ammazzando col bere. Ti fai ossessionare dal sesso. Passi il tuo tempo parlando, invece di lavorare”.
Negli anni ’20 Hemingway ammirava Fitzgerald, ma più lo conosceva e più diventava critico nei suoi confronti. I problemi cominciarono prima della pubblicazione di Fiesta: Fitzgerald consigliò a Hemingway di tagliare i primi due capitoli, riducendo drasticamente le informazioni di contesto sui personaggi. Anche se Perkins, l’editor, si oppose a questa scelta, Hemingway decise comunque di toglierli, salvo poi mostrarsi seccato nei confronti del giudizio del collega-amico. Un secondo screzio fra i due ci fu quando, nel giugno del ’29, Fitzgerald si scordò di chiamare la fine di un round nell’incontro di pugilato fra lo scrittore canadese Morley Callaghan e lo stesso Hemingway. Quando il primo mandò l’americano al tappeto, Fitzgerald si svegliò di soprassalto giustificandosi “Santo cielo! Dovevo suonare la campanella un minuto fa”. “Allora, Scott,” si infuriò Hemingway “se vuoi vedermi gonfio di botte, dillo e basta. Non dire però che ti sei sbagliato”.
Mentre Fitzgerald rimase fedele alla sua Zelda anche durante le nevrosi, Hemingway ripudiò tre mogli e complicò la vita alla quarta. Con acume, Fitzgerald profetizzò in tempi non sospetti che Hemingway necessitasse del tormento di un divorzio e dell’eccitazione di un nuovo matrimonio per foraggiare il suo genio creativo. Disse a Callaghan che, secondo lui, Ernest aveva bisogno di una nuova donna per ogni successo letterario. Una per Fiesta e Pauline per Addio alle armi. “Se scriverà un altro libro, penso che lo vedremo con un’altra moglie”. E fu proprio così con la sua terza moglie, Martha Gellhorn, che sposò mentre scriveva Per chi suona la campana.
Indirettamente, Fitzgerald fa riferimento a Hemingway ne Il Crollo, un saggio autobiografico pubblicato in tre parti su Esquire. Fitzgerald conferma le critiche ricevute da Hemingway e le approfondisce; come lui, anche Fitzgerald crede che la vita debba essere dominata per poter combinare qualcosa di buono, mentre lui si sentiva dominato dalla vita e per questo era crollato. Nelle sue insicurezze, Fitzgerald elenca quattro uomini che hanno incarnato le sue coscienze esterne: lo scrittore Edmund Wilson e l’amico di gioventù Charles “Sap” Donahoe rappresentavano la sua coscienza morale; Gerald Murphy, che aveva vissuto una vita all’insegna dell’edonismo in Costa Azzurra, era la sua coscienza sociale; e Hemingway – che pur da adulto aveva definito un missile teleguidato, ma senza una guida – nella sua versione più acerba, rappresentava la sua coscienza artistica.
Hemingway ha sempre avuto dei grandi maestri che gli hanno insegnato tutto. Dal padre e da Philip Percival apprese la caccia e la pesca; da “Chink” Dorman-Smith, eroe della Prima Guerra Mondiale, le strategie belliche; da Lincoln Steffens il giornalismo; imparò la politica osservando Georges Clemenceau e Lloyd George; mentre la scrittura leggendo Tolstoj, Kipling e Stephen Crane; il gusto per l’arte lo prese da Picasso e Mirò.
In una lettera a Perkins, Fitzgerald paragonò il proprio processo creativo a quello di Hemingway: “ogni risultato che ho ottenuto mi è costato fatica, mentre Ernest ha un tocco di genio che gli permette di tirar fuori cose incredibili senza il minimo sforzo”. Confessò all’editore che avrebbe voluto coltivare un’amicizia con Hemingway, avrebbe voluto “assorbire un po’ di quelle qualità che rendevano Ernest così attraente, e appoggiarsi a lui, come su di un solido bastone, nei momenti psicologicamente difficili”. Tuttavia, questo suo ultimo desiderio non venne mai esaudito e dal velenoso amico ricevette sempre più critiche che premure. Nel 1936, Fitzgerald ammise di non poter più incontrare Hemingway dopo che il loro rapporto si era disastrosamente capovolto. Tuttavia, con l’ennesima tragica profezia, avvicinò ancora una volta la propria figura a quella di Hemingway, come le due facce della stessa personalità bipolare: “Non è meno nevrotico di me, ma lo manifesta diversamente. Lui è incline alla megalomania, io alla malinconia”.
In diverse occasioni Fitzgerald aveva deriso Hemingway per via della sua fallimentare esperienza da studente di violoncello, così questi lo attaccò per la sua discendenza irlandese, comunemente associata alla servitù. “Era un uomo che sembrava un ragazzo con un viso tra il bello e il grazioso. […] Aveva una delicata bocca irlandese con labbra allungate che in una ragazza sarebbe stata la bocca di una bellezza. […] La bocca ti inquietava fino a che non arrivavi a conoscerlo e dopo ti inquietava ancora di più,” poiché faceva presagire una decadenza androgina. Per criticare gli ambienti sociali frequentati da Fitzgerald e per segnalarne la superficialità, l’opulenza, la superbia e la propensione al vizio, Hemingway descrisse ciò che pensava fosse il paradiso per Fitzgerald: “un bellissimo vuoto riempito da monogami abbienti, potenti e provenienti dalle famiglie migliori, tutti che si ubriacano fino ad ammazzarsi”. Hemingway disprezzava il culto della giovinezza, l’ingenuità sessuale, l’autocommiserazione, la venalità e la mancanza di determinazione di Fitzgerald. “È saltato dall’infanzia alla senilità senza passare dalla maturità”. Senza troppi giri di parole, gli disse che non era più in grado di produrre qualcosa di valido perché si era chiuso nel suo narcisismo: “Hai smesso di ascoltare molto tempo fa. Ascolti solo le risposte alle tue domande… è da lì che viene tutto. Vedere, ascoltare. Tu vedi bene, ma hai smesso di ascoltare”.
Nessun amico fece per Hemingway quanto Fitzgerald. Oltre a presentarlo a Scribner’s, gli prestò denaro quando era in difficoltà, lo ospitò nella casa al mare quando il figlio John era malato e si precipitò dal Delaware a Philadelphia per dargli i soldi necessari per raggiungere Chicago dopo il suicidio del padre. Ma Hemingway, che era fiero della sua indipendenza e odiava i vincoli, litigava spesso con chi gli stava vicino. In soli due anni, passò dal dichiarargli il profondo apprezzamento per il loro rapporto al risentimento a causa del suo etilismo fuori controllo. “L’ultima volta in cui eravamo a Parigi, ci ha fatto cacciare da un appartamento e si caccia sempre nei guai. (Insultava il padrone di casa, ha pisciato nel porticato e ha tentato di buttare giù il portone d’ingresso dalle 3 alle 5 del mattino)… voglio molto bene a Scott, ma lo dovrò picchiare prima di farci cacciare un’altra volta; ho paura di ammazzarlo”.
“Sembra che per lui sia motivo di orgoglio accettare senza vergogna la sconfitta… Aveva un talento straordinario, ma l’obiettivo è metterlo a frutto e non piagnucolare in pubblico,” scrisse Hemingway sempre a Perkins condannando il patetico autoritratto presentato da Fitzgerald ne Il Crollo. Si sentì in diritto di criticarlo pubblicamente visto che Fitzgerald si era già esposto da solo. E così fece ne Le nevi del Kilimangiaro, pubblicato su Esquire appena tre mesi dopo Il Crollo. Infatti, Harry – scrittore fallito – amaramente si dice “Ripensò al povero Scott Fitzgerald e alla sua romantica soggezione verso di loro… Pensava che fossero una razza speciale, seducente, e quando scoprì che non lo erano questo fu, fra gli avvenimenti che lo frantumarono, in nulla inferiore agli altri”. Hemingway sapeva che l’autodistruttivo Fitzgerald non era caduto in disgrazia a causa dei ricchi che aveva criticato ne Il Grande Gatsby.
Quando Zelda entrò nel suo calvario psichiatrico, Scott divenne sempre più vulnerabile, ma questo atto della querelle con l’amico Hemingway lo fece precipitare ancora di più, tanto che tentò il suicidio per overdose di morfina. Un episodio che non solo rivelò tutta la sua fragilità, ma anche il potere di ferirlo che Hemingway aveva. Nonostante nella versione per l’editoria dello stesso racconto, Ernest decise di cambiare il nome di Fitzgerald in “Julian”, ormai il danno era fatto. È difficile vederci del buono in questa storia, ma l’episodio permise a Fitzgerald di assorbire un po’ del senso di colpa che Hemingway provava per essersi venduto al mercato mainstream e nonostante l’umiliante trattamento riservatogli, Fitzgerald continuò ad ammirare colui che comunque percepiva come un amico che cercava di aiutarlo.
Nell’opera postuma di Hemingway, Festa mobile, l’americano descrive Fitzgerald come una persona avversa agli stranieri, infantile, inopportuna, prodiga e irresponsabile, litigiosa e irritante, una puttana artistica distruttrice del suo talento. La descrizione è poi suffragata da alcuni aneddoti, come quello sulla macchina abbandonata a Lione per cui chiese a Hemingway di accompagnarlo in treno, salvo poi perdere la corsa. Nel libro, Hemingway rincara la dose, questa volta dipingendolo come un ipocondriaco autocompiacente ai limiti del grottesco, che interferiva persino con il suo di lavoro fino ad umiliarsi chiedendogli di giudicare la prestanza del suo pene, dato che Zelda aveva espresso una certa frustrazione sessuale nei suoi confronti. La voluttuosa Zelda era l’arcinemica di Hemingway; lui la incolpava di aver distrutto Fitzgerald. “Credo che il 90 per cento dei suoi problemi siano colpa di Zelda,” scrisse sempre a Perkins. In Festa mobile “Zelda era molto gelosa del lavoro di Scott […] Cominciava a lavorare e non appena si metteva a lavorare bene Zelda cominciava a lamentarsi che si annoiava e lo tirava fuori per andare a qualche party di avvinazzati”. In modo ancor più serio, Hemingway condannava l’ex amico per aver permesso alla moglie di tradirlo con l’avvenente aviatore francese Edouard Jozan. All’opposto, le compagne di Hemingway lo avevano adorato e servito durante le rispettive relazioni; solamente Martha ad un certo punto decise di concentrarsi sui suoi interessi personali.
Ne La breve vita felice di Francis Macomber, Hemingway si ispirò a Zelda per il personaggio di Margot. Come lei, era bellissima e aveva un carattere orrendo. Margot è descritta come una donna crudele, predatoria e molto seducente, in grado di annichilire o spezzare i propri uomini. Come Zelda, anche Margot tradisce il marito con Robert Wilson, la guida safari che hanno contrattato. Zelda provò a distruggere Fitzgerald; Margot uccide il marito che da poco era riuscito a trovare un po’ di autostima. Ne La breve vita felice di Francis Macomber, Hemingway prende in prestito un altro momento topico de Il Grande Gatsby. Infatti, entrambi i protagonisti vivono un picco emozionale e un momento di euforia totale. Gatsby quando Daisy si confessa durante la sua prima visita alla sua villa. Macomber quando riesce ad uccidere il Bufalo che lo stava caricando, redimendosi dall’aver provato paura di fronte al leone.
Alla fine, Hemingway ha avverato le profezie di Fitzgerald finendo per assomigliare sempre più tragicamente al suo vecchio amico. Accecato dalla ricchezza e convertitosi in una celebrità, anche Hemingway ha costruito attorno a sé un personaggio leggendario ben più noto della sua opera. Anche lui è rimasto bloccato come scrittore, anche lui ha fallito nel matrimonio e si è rifugiato nell’alcolismo; anche lui ha avuto il suo “crollo”. Malato, depresso, alla fine si è sparato in bocca con un fucile. Fitzgerald, apparentemente più debole, è sopravvissuto alla povertà e all’abbandono negli anni ’30, ma riuscì a pubblicare il suo miglior libro nel 1934: Tenera è la notte.
Jeffrey Meyers
*L’articolo è pubblicato originariamente su “The Article”; la traduzione è di Giacomo Zamagni
L'articolo “Lui è incline alla megalomania, io alla malinconia”. Fitzgerald e Hemingway: un’amicizia tormentata proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/3jaO24a
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mapsontheweb · 6 years
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Map of US states showing the highest ranking public official in the history of the Presidential Order of Succession
Here's a list of the first person to reach the highest office from each state.
AR - Bill Clinton (1993) CA - Herbert Hoover (1929) GA - Jimmy Carter (1977) IL - Abraham Lincoln (1861) IN - Benjamin Harrison (1889) KS - Dwight Eisenhower (1953) KY - Zachary Taylor (1849) MA - John Adams (1797) MI - Gerald Ford (1974) MO - Harry Truman (1945) NH - Franklin Pierce (1853) NJ - Woodrow Wilson (1913) NY - Martin van Buren (1837) OH - William Harrison (1841) PA - James Buchanan (1857) TN - Andrew Jackson (1829) TX - Lyndon Johnson (1963) VA - George Washington (1789)
Vice President
AL - William King (1853) DE - Joe Biden (2009) IA - Henry Wallace (1941) ME - Hannibal Hamlin (1861) MD - Spiro Agnew (1969) MN - Hubert Humphrey (1965) SC - John C. Calhoun (1825) WY - Dick Cheney (2001)
Speaker of the House
CT - Jonathan Trumbull (1791) OK - Carl Albert (1971) NC - Nathaniel Macon (1801) WA - Tom Foley (1989) WI - Paul Ryan (2015)
President Pro Tempore
AK - Ted Stevens (2003) HI - Daniel Inhouye (2010) LA - Allen Ellender (1972) MS - George Poindexter (1834) NE - Charles Manderson (1891) NV - Key Pittman (1933) ND - Milton Young (1980) RI - William Bradford (1797) UT - Orrin Hatch (2015) VT - Stephen Bradley (1802) WV - Robert Byrd (1989)
Attorney General
AZ - Richard Kleindienst (1972) FL - Janet Reno (1993) OR - George Williams (1871)
Secretary of the Interior
CO - Henry Teller (1882) ID - Cecil Andrus (1977) MT - Ryan Zinke (2017) NM - Albert Fall (1921)
South Dakota has had an official appear in the order of succession.
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qnfpanel · 3 years
George Washington was the first, you see, he once chopped down a cherry tree
President number two would be John Adams and then number three
Tom Jefferson stayed up to write The Declaration late at night so he and his wife had a great big fight and she made him sleep on the couch all night
James Madison never had a son then he fought the War of 1812
James Monroe's colossal nose was bigger than Pinnochio's
John Quincy Adams was number six
And it's Andrew Jackson's butt he kicked so Jackson learns to play politics next time he's the one that the country picks
Martin Van Buren number eight for a one-term shot as chief of state
William Harrisson, how do you praise that guy was dead in thirty days!
John Tyler he liked country folk
And after him came President Polk
Zachary Taylor liked to smoke, his breath killed friends whenever he spoke
1850, really nifty Millard Fillmore's in
Young and fierce was Franklin Pierce, the man without a chin
Follows next a period spannin' four long years with James Buchanan then the South start shootin' cannon and we've got a civil war
A war! A war down south in Dixie!
Up to bat comes old Abe Lincoln, there's a guy who's really thinkin' Kept the United States from shrinking, saved the ship of state from sinking
Andrew Johnson's next, he had some slight defects, Congress each would impeach and so the country now elects
Ulysses Simpson Grant who would scream and rave and rant while drinking whiskey although risky cause he'd spill it on his pants
It's 1877 and the democrats would gloat but they're all amazed when Rutherford Hayes wins by just one vote
James Garfield, someone really hated cause he was assasinated
Chester Arthur gets instated four years later he was traded
For Grover Cleveland, really fat elected twice as a democrat
Then Benjamin Harrison after that
It's William McKinley up to bat
Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill
And President Taft he got the bill
In 1913 Woodrow Wiiilllllllson takes us into World War One
Warren Harding next in line
It's Calvin Coolidge he does fine
And then in 1929 the market crashes and we find it's Herbert Hoover's big debut he gets the blame and loses to
Franklin Roosevelt, President who helped us win in World War Two
Harry Truman, weird little human serves two terms and when he's done
It's Eisenhower who's got the power from '53 to '61
John Kennedy had Camelot
Then Lyndon Johnson took his spot
Richard Nixon he gets caught
And Gerald Ford fell down a lot
Jimmy Carter liked campaign trips
And Ronald Regan's speeches scripts all came from famous movie clips
And President Bush said "read my lips"
Now in Washington D.C. it's democrats and the G.O.P. but the ones in charge are plain to see the Clintons Bill and Hillary
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/house-passes-25b-in-emergency-postal-service-fundingwhite-house-threatens-veto-fox-news/
House passes $25B in 'emergency' Postal Service funding, White House threatens veto - Fox News
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The House of Representatives on Saturday passed a $25 billion funding infusion to the U.S. Postal Service in a bill that also would reverse new cost-cutting measures and ban any efforts to slow down the mail until at least next year.
The vote was 257-150 with 26 Republicans joining the Democrats.
Democrats called the rare “emergency” session in the middle of the summer recess because they contend President Trump and new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy are trying to sabotage the 2020 election by delaying service that could compromise mail-in ballots during the coronavirus pandemic.
“We are experiencing a global pandemic and now our U.S. Postal Service is under attack,” said Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. “Let it be clear: This administration is waging an authoritarian campaign to sabotage this election by manipulating the Postal Service to suppress our votes … This is not a conspiracy theory. This is fascism. We will not stand for this.”
Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-Va., said DeJoy is “a crony and major donor of the president.” Together, they have waged a campaign to disrupt the timeliness of mail delivery and erode public confidence in the Postal Service that — if successful — would be “the largest voter suppression in American history since Jim Crow,” Connolly said.
Republicans dismissed the Democrats’ election concerns as “conspiracy theory.” GOP members said the Postal Service is not in a crisis and can handle any uptick in volume from mail-in ballots, pointing to its $14 billion in available cash and access to a $10 billion loan from the Treasury.
“Like the Russia hoax and impeachment sham, the Democrats have manufactured another scandal for political purposes,” said Rep. James Comer, R-Ky.
Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz., said Democrats are using the Postal Service to gin up “a new Trump conspiracy theory” even though the president doesn’t control the postmaster general.
“Seems insane, but all too typical for the Trump-hating Democrats,” Lesko said.
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Aug. 22. The House is set for a rare Saturday session to pass legislation to halt changes in the Postal Service and provide $25 billion in emergency funds. (Associated Press)
The legislation is not expected to go anywhere. The GOP-led Senate has no plans to take up the bill and the White House issued a veto threat on Friday saying USPS doesn’t need a $25 billion bailout.
Trump tweeted Saturday his opposition to funding for the Postal Service and linked it to his objections to universal mail-in voting.
“Vote NO to the Pelosi/ Schumer money wasting HOAX which is taking place now,” Trump tweeted. “Then fight the $51 million unasked for Ballots. Only ABSENTEE BALLOTS are acceptable!”
The Delivering for America Act would infuse the post office with $25 billion, reverse the service changes that DeJoy enacted this year and prevent the Postal Service from taking any measures that could slow down the mail until after the coronavirus pandemic or Jan. 31, 2021 — whichever is later.
The legislation specifically bans reducing service hours at postal facilities, decommissioning mail sorting machines and removing community mailboxes. The bill would prohibit any limits on overtime pay, hiring freezes, delaying mail service and treating election mail as anything less than first-class mail.
Democrats point to growing concerns from constituents over mail delays coinciding with postal changes on DeJoy’s watch. DeJoy rejected that any political motives were at play, but told a Senate panel on Friday there has been a slowdown.
“We all feel bad about the dip in our service,” DeJoy said, adding that they were working to fix the problems.
Under mounting pressure, a noisy protest at his Washington home and alarm over the removal of blue collection boxes in communities, DeJoy on Tuesday announced he was putting a pause on any service changes until after the election.
“To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded,” DeJoy said.
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In this image from video, U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testifies during a video virtual hearing before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee on the U.S. Postal Service during COVID-19 and the upcoming elections, Aug. 21, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (US Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs via AP)
But Democrats said DeJoy paused the changes only because he “was caught red-handed” and argued the emergency legislation was needed to bar him from undermining mail delivery and the 2020 election.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., chair of the House Oversight Committee, produced a new internal Postal Service document on the House floor Saturday that she says revealed a significant drop in service standards at the Postal Service since DeJoy implemented changes. The document was a presentation prepared for DeJoy on Aug. 12.
“To those who still claim there are ‘no delays’ and that these reports are just ‘conspiracy theories,’ I hope this new data causes them to re-think their position and support our urgent legislation today,” Maloney said.
Republicans took a couple of shots at Maloney during the debate, pointing to her primary race in New York City, which took weeks to call as election officials struggled to count mail-in votes. They said her race should serve as a warning of the dangers of universal mail-in voting for the November election.
“If anyone should know, it should be the chairwoman of this committee who had to wait six weeks after the Election Day to get the results of her election,” said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who dismissed the House legislation as a political “charade.”
“Imagine what the Democrats want to do — throw live ballots out there to everyone.”
The Postal Service has lost about $80 billion since 2007 through a decline of mail volume and a congressional requirement that the Postal Service pre-fund retiree health benefits. The problems at the Postal Service have been under the spotlight especially this year with the pandemic and greater reliance on mail-in services.
The Postal Service board requested the $25 billion in funding from Congress earlier this year and Democrats agreed. The funding was initially included in the $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill the House passed in May, but the HEROES Act died in the GOP-controlled Senate.
Republicans and the White House said the $25 billion isn’t needed and they took special issue with the language that blocks DeJoy from implementing any reforms at an agency that is losing money.
White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said Trump “at no time has instructed or directed the Post Office to cut back on overtime, or any other operational decision that would slow things down.” He said the process of removing blue mail boxes and sorting machines started back in 2011 and the Postal Service has “more than enough money in the bank account.”
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White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows
The vote Saturday, sandwiched between the Democratic and GOP conventions, got heated at times on the House floor.
Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., said American democracy is more endangered now than during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks because the country is more divided and the threat is coming from within.
“Today the greatest threat to our democracy is the current administration,” Lynch said of the Trump White House.
Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., shot back that Democrats are doing the damage to America. “The greatest threat to democracy in the country is the current majority in the House of Representatives,” he said.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to respond to constituents’ concerns on mail delays and take up the bill.
“Public sentiment is everything,” Pelosi said. “They’ll be hearing from their constituents because this hits home. Not receiving your mail in a timely fashion hits home. Not receiving your prescriptions, especially for our veterans, hits home in a way that is harmful to our country.”
The 26 Republicans who joined with Democrats to approve the $25 billion funding bill were: Nebraska Reps. Don Bacon and Jeff Fortenberry; Ohio Reps. Troy Balderson, Steve Stivers, David Joyce and Mike Turner; Illinois Reps. Michael Bost and Rodney Davis; Rep. Vern Buchanan of Florida, Missouri Reps. Sam Graves and Ann Wagner; Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania; Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington; Texas Reps. Will Hurd and Michael McCaul; Michigan Rep. Fred Upton, New Jersey Reps. Jeff Van Drew and Chris Smith; New York Reps. John Katko, Peter King, Elise Stefanik and Tom Reed; Rep. Doug LaMalfa of California; Rep. David McKinley of West Virginia; Rep. Pete Stauber of Minnesota and Rep. Don Young of Alaska.
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charminglatina · 5 years
Moon Signs of the Riverdale Cast ☽ (Part II).
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#6. CASEY COTT (Moon Sign: SAGITTARIUS MOON ♐︎☽; Sun Sign: LEO SUN ♌︎☉)
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Moon In Sagittarius ♐︎☽
Moon In Sagittarius Best Traits: Philosophical, enthusiastic, cheerful, sense of fun, sincere seeker, sense of mission, devout, concerned, wise and understanding, humanitarian, frank, outspoken, innocent, naturally trusting, open-minded, optimistic, alert, lively, playful, generous, benevolent, jovial, lucky, far sighted, positive thinker, stimulating, colourful, open and honest, able, good judgment, honourable, mobile, expansive, adventurous, carefree, vitalistic, frank, sincere, speaks mind, versatile mind, speculative, intuitive, noble thinking, thinks big, learned, clever, far sighted, fair judge, sees truth, cultured, eclectic, informed, well connected, romantic imagination, light hearted, warmly affectionate, generous, guided by definite standards, benevolent and loyal, idealistic, ardent feelings, demonstrative, non-possessive, emotionally frank, honest with lover, broad minded, socially active, vivacious, popular, friendly 
Moon In Sagittarius Worst Traits: Unrealistic, restless, hysterical, irresponsible, off-hand, non-committal, amoral, careless, pompous and narrow-minded, holier-than-thou, blunt, arrogant, gullible, naive, dizzy, unreliable, idle, listless, silly, self-indulgent, indiscreet, gauche, irreverent, garrulous, scattered mind, irrelevant, illogical, poor concentration, grandiose ideas, academic, impractical, short sighted, sermonizing, opinionated, states obvious, high handed, trendy, fanciful, pedantic, pompous, easily attracted, impressionable, flirtatious, unkept promises, forces beliefs onto partner, cannot face emotional truth, hard to please, escapist, scatters emotions, fickle, brutally and offensively tactless, impersonally affectionate, licentious and amoral, name-dropper, promiscuous, ‘groupie’, squanders affections
Best Romantic Moon Sign Matches; ARIES MOON, LEO MOON
❤️ Sagittarius Moon (♐︎☽) + Aries Moon (♈︎☽):
Sagittarius Moon and Aries Moon get along perfectly well. They both like adventures and excitement. They are both full of enthusiasm and energy. Emotionally, these two are very compatible. Freedom is important to both of them. They will be a playful, stimulating pair. Both Sagittarius and Aries are rather blunt. They make a pairing that is optimistic, courageous and invigorating. Neediness and dependency makes both of them very uncomfortable. They prefer to be spontaneous when they get emotional. Their differences will show in how they react to emotion. Sagittarius prefers to use their intellect to understand their feelings. They like to file things away in mental boxes as being either positive or negative. Aries, on the other hand, may get tired of being told how they should feel at any given time. Luckily, Sagittarius' sense of humor often rescues the situation. On the good side, because of the high level of compatibility between Aries Moon and Sagittarius Moon, they respect each other and their needs. They are honest with each other and have no need to be manipulative. These two will be able to make a relationship work very well with little effort.
❤️ Sagittarius Moon (♐︎☽) + Leo Moon (♌︎☽):
Sagittarius Moon and Leo Moon make a happy couple. They have a great amount of understanding on how the other one ticks. Friendly, generous and optimistic, these two play very well together. They will have a great time going out together, playing games, and living free. Leo Moon is very loyal, and they want to know that they have Sagittarius' full attention. They also need to feel appreciated to be happy. Sagittarius Moon needs to feel the winds of freedom, both emotionally and at home. They may be rather tactless, which may hurt Leo's pride. Leo takes everything very personally. If they can overcome these small issues, they can have a very fulfilling life together. They may be very lucky when they are together, and they will prosper almost effortlessly in the eyes of others. These two are great fun to be around. They suit each other to a T the majority of the time. You may find them traveling the world, clubbing, and enjoying all manners of sport. Enterprising and cheerful, these two will certainly light up any room they walk into.
Famous Sagittarius Moons: ☆ Amal Clooney☆ Sharon Stone ☆ Kelly Osbourne ☆ Kristin Davis ☆ Ellen Page ☆ Emma Watson ☆ Ashley Greene ☆ Yoko Ono ☆ Oprah Winfrey ☆ Jennifer Aniston ☆ Evangeline Lilly ☆ Toni Braxton ☆ Ellie Goulding ☆ Keisha Buchanan ☆ Billie Piper ☆ Jamie Lynn Spears ☆ Judy Garland ☆ Lauryn Hill ☆ Robin Wright ☆ Martha Stewart ☆ Naomi Watts ☆ Lea Seydoux ☆ Iggy Azalea ☆ Portia de Rossi ☆ Melissa Etheridge ☆ Stana Katic ☆ Selena ☆ Dakota Johnson ☆ Naomi Campbell ☆ Joan Rivers ☆ Ginnifer Goodwin ☆ Ivanka Trump ☆ Ivana Trump ☆ Rose McGowan ☆ Melissa Joan Hart ☆ Zoe Saldana ☆ Nicole Kidman ☆ Queen Letizia of Spain ☆ Adele ☆ Vanessa Williams ☆ Julia Louis-Dreyfus ☆ Marisa Tomei ☆ America Ferrera ☆ Bianca Lawson ☆ Alexz Johnson ☆ Janice Dickinson ☆ Keke Palmer ☆ Natasha Bedingfield ☆ Suri Cruise ☆ Ashanti ☆ Katy Perry ☆ Cynthia Nixon ☆  Cynthia Nixon ☆ Mahalia Jackson ☆ Kristin Davis ☆ Camila Cabello ☆ Julie Benz ☆ Michelle Williams ☆ Gloria Estefan ☆ Jackie Stallone ☆ Shelley Duvall ☆  Claire Forlani ☆ Vanessa Minnillo ☆ Emmanuelle Chriqui ☆ Jane Goodall ☆ Rosie Huntington-Whiteley ☆ Kelly McGillis ☆ Etta James ☆ Hilary Duff ☆ Jennie Garth ☆ Sylvia Browne ☆ Ann Coulter ☆ Edie Falco ☆ Jill Scott ☆ Virginie Efira ☆ Albert Einstein ☆ Nicolaus Copernicus ☆ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ☆ Ludwig van Beethoven ☆ Pablo Picasso ☆ Vincent van Gogh ☆ Friedrich Nietzsche ☆ Warren Buffett ☆ President Donald Trump ☆ Justin Timberlake ☆ Al Pacino ☆ Freddie Mercury ☆ Jacques Chirac ☆ Michael Jordan ☆ Richard Gere ☆ Charlie Sheen ☆ Ted Bundy ☆ Mike Tyson ☆ Stephen King ☆ John Mayer ☆ Anthony Hopkins ☆ Vin Diesel ☆ Lenny Kravitz ☆ Victor Hugo ☆ Anthony Kiedis ☆ Simon Cowell ☆ Kevin Costner ☆ Jensen Ackles ☆ Liam Neeson ☆ Tiger Woods ☆ Chester Bennington ☆ Trent Reznor ☆ R. Kelly ☆ Saddam Hussein ☆ Scott Disick ☆ Michael Phelps ☆ Kevin Hart ☆ Jeff Bezos ☆ Jonathan Rhys Meyers ☆ XXXTentacion ☆ Renaud ☆ Thomas Edison ☆ Chris Cornell ☆ Jeff Goldblum ☆ Dave Grohl ☆ Aristotle Onassis ☆ Giacomo Casanova ☆ John Legend ☆ Vince Vaughn ☆ Neil Armstrong ☆ Paul Rudd ☆ Samuel Beckett ☆ Thomas Jefferson ☆ Matthew Gray Gubler ☆ Ezra Miller ☆ Andy Murray ☆ Christopher Reeve ☆ Jon Stewart ☆ Charles Bronson ☆ Ravi Shankar ☆Rod Stewart ☆ Charles Dickenson ☆ Marcus Schenkenberg ☆ Avicii ☆ FKA Twigs ☆ Danny Devito ☆ Neil Patrick Harris ☆ Robin Thicke ☆ Tommy Lee ☆ Jim Caviezel ☆ Prince Ranier III of Monaco ☆ Jason Bateman ☆ John Groban ☆ Alice Cooper ☆ Peter Steele ☆ Woody Harrelson ☆ Rock Hudson ☆ Jim Parsons ☆ Lewis Carroll ☆ Gary Cooper ☆ Magic Johnson ☆ Chad Kroeger ☆ Mike Shinoda ☆ Tim Robbins ☆ Zachary Quinto ☆ Spike Lee ☆ Hozier ☆ Harry Connick Jr. ☆ Terrence Howard ☆ Iker Casillas ☆ Emile Hirsch ☆ Luke Evans ☆ Larry King ☆ Tim Curry ☆ John Belushi ☆ Liberace ☆  Tom Holland ☆ Jakob Dylan ☆ Chris Christie ☆ Krist Novoselic ☆ Michael Weatherly ☆ Newt Gingrich ☆ Sean Lennon ☆ Marlon Wayans ☆ Garrett Hedlund ☆Barry Manilow ☆ Peter Facinelli ☆ Jonathan Lipnicki ☆ Stevie Ray Vaughan ☆ Eric Dane ☆ Louis Farrakhan ☆ Skrillex ☆ Gerald Ford ☆ Fred Savage ☆ Lupe Fiasco ☆ Joey McIntyre ☆ Jason Schwartzman ☆ Bradley James ☆ Billy Crudup ☆ Coolio ☆ Joss Whedon ☆ Bob Morley 
Born with the Moon in Sagittarius, you are likely to be innately optimistic, expansive and positive in your point of view. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, and so accentuates the passionate, idealistic and creative dimensions of life. Sagittarius is also mutable in action, which means you are likely to have an innate need for variety and change. When passion and variety combine, there is often a deep calling for freedom. Because the Moon describes your natural response to things, or where you feel at home, you are likely to feel most comfortable roaming free – exploring your world and expanding horizons wherever possible. This expansion can happen in numerous ways. On the one hand, this lunar position implies a love of travel, and fascination with foreign places. You may be something of a “gypsy” at heart, with a powerful longing to explore the world and move around. You may find you travel a lot, or seek work and situations that allow you contact with foreign places and cultures. Even if circumstances do not allow, you are likely to wish that they would, and can easily imagine yourself making your home anywhere in the world. Dreaming of far-off places helps you engage with your need to be free. Anything that brings you contact with exotic people and situations will warm your heart. You would rather dine at a distant Mongolian restaurant than spend yet another Friday night at the local bistro. Feeling free to experience other cultures satisfies deep emotional needs. This urge for freedom is very strong, and can make you restless at times. You dislike the feeling of being stuck in any place for too long, and will need variety with your environment. You may decorate your home in an eclectic way, or surround yourself with objects that remind you of places you would like to be. When life becomes too routine, it can easily seem lifeless and dull. Therefore, it is important that you freshen up your perspective from time to time by getting out to places that you have not been before. Another way for you to broaden horizons is through study or learning. This sign relates to the search for truth, and ultimately pursuit of wisdom. You are likely to find you have a need to feel that you are always learning or discovering something new. You may be an eternal student, or spend much of your time with recreational pursuits that have an educational bent as well. You can feel that your world is expanding through the knowledge that you acquire, and even if this just means you are a student of life, you are likely to find that knowledge opens your horizons and helps you feel free. Sagittarius is also the sign of the teacher, as well as the preacher. The need to seek truth and wisdom can also translate into a love of sharing that with others. You may have natural gifts for inspiring others to be the best that they can be. You may be very good at explaining different points of view, and may find that others are drawn to you for the breadth of experience you can share. Your greatest gift is your ability to give others the same freedom you require to find your own truth. When you let them explore different ideas and work out what is true for them, you allow them to expand their awareness. You are likely to make a good teacher, trainer or mentor based on your ability to inspire and educate. On the flip side, you may also tend to become so consumed with what you believe to be true that you end of preaching to others in order to convert them to your point of view. You may need to consider whether you have a need to be right, and a tendency to broadcast your belief systems as if they were the only possible option for others to choose. Because this placement implies a strong attachment to the search for truth, there may be a tendency toward believing that what you have discovered as true for yourself should be the truth for everyone else. And so, you may have a tendency toward being bombastic that should be kept in check. When pushed by an emotional undercurrent, you may “share” from a biased point of view, based on trying to prove your version of “reality” and bring others to agree with your point of view. Recognizing that there are many paths which can lead to the same centre is useful, and necessary when agitated by the circumstances that surround you. That said, you are much more likely to be optimistic, positive and sunny in your disposition, with a tendency to live and let live. Sagittarius is a sign of broad-mindedness and you are likely to possess a philosophical approach to life. As a rule, Sagittarian types are more concerned with the big picture than with attention to detail, and unless other factors are present, you may need to watch out for any tendency to brush over the fine print, and get yourself into trouble through an over-reliance on faith as opposed to reason. All in all however, your happy and optimistic disposition should be one of your greatest assets, and help you to rise time and again from any of life’s setbacks. Finally you may also seek to broaden horizons through testing the limits of life itself. Sagittarius is associated with a love of challenge. You may have a need to test the limits of what is possible for you in quite immediate or physical ways. You can instinctively rise to any challenge that is before you, enjoying the feeling of conquest that comes from doing something you couldn’t do before. Here, you can combine your natural positivity with an actual task to focus on, so relishing the new insights that come through learning to go beyond where you’ve been before. Your nature means you are likely to be very enthusiastic, and can draw upon a natural flow of insight and intuition in order to solve the problems that present themselves to you. You may enjoy extreme sports, difficult forms of physical activity or just long sessions at the gym. Finding ways to challenge and push boundaries is a great source of emotional satisfaction, providing you with the reassurance that anything just may be possible for you!
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Moon In Sagittarius ♐︎☽
Moon In Sagittarius Best Traits: Philosophical, enthusiastic, cheerful, sense of fun, sincere seeker, sense of mission, devout, concerned, wise and understanding, humanitarian, frank, outspoken, innocent, naturally trusting, open-minded, optimistic, alert, lively, playful, generous, benevolent, jovial, lucky, far sighted, positive thinker, stimulating, colourful, open and honest, able, good judgment, honourable, mobile, expansive, adventurous, carefree, vitalistic, frank, sincere, speaks mind, versatile mind, speculative, intuitive, noble thinking, thinks big, learned, clever, far sighted, fair judge, sees truth, cultured, eclectic, informed, well connected, romantic imagination, light hearted, warmly affectionate, generous, guided by definite standards, benevolent and loyal, idealistic, ardent feelings, demonstrative, non-possessive, emotionally frank, honest with lover, broad minded, socially active, vivacious, popular, friendly 
Moon In Sagittarius Worst Traits: Unrealistic, restless, hysterical, irresponsible, off-hand, non-committal, amoral, careless, pompous and narrow-minded, holier-than-thou, blunt, arrogant, gullible, naive, dizzy, unreliable, idle, listless, silly, self-indulgent, indiscreet, gauche, irreverent, garrulous, scattered mind, irrelevant, illogical, poor concentration, grandiose ideas, academic, impractical, short sighted, sermonizing, opinionated, states obvious, high handed, trendy, fanciful, pedantic, pompous, easily attracted, impressionable, flirtatious, unkept promises, forces beliefs onto partner, cannot face emotional truth, hard to please, escapist, scatters emotions, fickle, brutally and offensively tactless, impersonally affectionate, licentious and amoral, name-dropper, promiscuous, ‘groupie’, squanders affections 
Best Romantic Moon Sign Matches; ARIES MOON, LEO MOON
❤️ Sagittarius Moon (♐︎☽) + Aries Moon (♈︎☽):
Sagittarius Moon and Aries Moon get along perfectly well. They both like adventures and excitement. They are both full of enthusiasm and energy. Emotionally, these two are very compatible. Freedom is important to both of them. They will be a playful, stimulating pair. Both Sagittarius and Aries are rather blunt. They make a pairing that is optimistic, courageous and invigorating. Neediness and dependency makes both of them very uncomfortable. They prefer to be spontaneous when they get emotional. Their differences will show in how they react to emotion. Sagittarius prefers to use their intellect to understand their feelings. They like to file things away in mental boxes as being either positive or negative. Aries, on the other hand, may get tired of being told how they should feel at any given time. Luckily, Sagittarius' sense of humor often rescues the situation. On the good side, because of the high level of compatibility between Aries Moon and Sagittarius Moon, they respect each other and their needs. They are honest with each other and have no need to be manipulative. These two will be able to make a relationship work very well with little effort.
❤️ Sagittarius Moon (♐︎☽) + Leo Moon (♌︎☽):
Sagittarius Moon and Leo Moon make a happy couple. They have a great amount of understanding on how the other one ticks. Friendly, generous and optimistic, these two play very well together. They will have a great time going out together, playing games, and living free. Leo Moon is very loyal, and they want to know that they have Sagittarius' full attention. They also need to feel appreciated to be happy. Sagittarius Moon needs to feel the winds of freedom, both emotionally and at home. They may be rather tactless, which may hurt Leo's pride. Leo takes everything very personally. If they can overcome these small issues, they can have a very fulfilling life together. They may be very lucky when they are together, and they will prosper almost effortlessly in the eyes of others. These two are great fun to be around. They suit each other to a T the majority of the time. You may find them traveling the world, clubbing, and enjoying all manners of sport. Enterprising and cheerful, these two will certainly light up any room they walk into.
Famous Sagittarius Moons: ☆ Amal Clooney☆ Sharon Stone ☆ Kelly Osbourne ☆ Kristin Davis ☆ Ellen Page ☆ Emma Watson ☆ Ashley Greene ☆ Yoko Ono ☆ Oprah Winfrey ☆ Jennifer Aniston ☆ Evangeline Lilly ☆ Toni Braxton ☆ Ellie Goulding ☆ Keisha Buchanan ☆ Billie Piper ☆ Jamie Lynn Spears ☆ Judy Garland ☆ Lauryn Hill ☆ Robin Wright ☆ Martha Stewart ☆ Naomi Watts ☆ Lea Seydoux ☆ Iggy Azalea ☆ Portia de Rossi ☆ Melissa Etheridge ☆ Stana Katic ☆ Selena ☆ Dakota Johnson ☆ Naomi Campbell ☆ Joan Rivers ☆ Ginnifer Goodwin ☆ Ivanka Trump ☆ Ivana Trump ☆ Rose McGowan ☆ Melissa Joan Hart ☆ Zoe Saldana ☆ Nicole Kidman ☆ Queen Letizia of Spain ☆ Adele ☆ Vanessa Williams ☆ Julia Louis-Dreyfus ☆ Marisa Tomei ☆ America Ferrera ☆ Bianca Lawson ☆ Alexz Johnson ☆ Janice Dickinson ☆ Keke Palmer ☆ Natasha Bedingfield ☆ Suri Cruise ☆ Ashanti ☆ Katy Perry ☆ Cynthia Nixon ☆  Cynthia Nixon ☆ Mahalia Jackson ☆ Kristin Davis ☆ Camila Cabello ☆ Julie Benz ☆ Michelle Williams ☆ Gloria Estefan ☆ Jackie Stallone ☆ Shelley Duvall ☆  Claire Forlani ☆ Vanessa Minnillo ☆ Emmanuelle Chriqui ☆ Jane Goodall ☆ Rosie Huntington-Whiteley ☆ Kelly McGillis ☆ Etta James ☆ Hilary Duff ☆ Jennie Garth ☆ Sylvia Browne ☆ Ann Coulter ☆ Edie Falco ☆ Jill Scott ☆ Virginie Efira ☆ Albert Einstein ☆ Nicolaus Copernicus ☆ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ☆ Ludwig van Beethoven ☆ Pablo Picasso ☆ Vincent van Gogh ☆ Friedrich Nietzsche ☆ Warren Buffett ☆ President Donald Trump ☆ Justin Timberlake ☆ Al Pacino ☆ Freddie Mercury ☆ Jacques Chirac ☆ Michael Jordan ☆ Richard Gere ☆ Charlie Sheen ☆ Ted Bundy ☆ Mike Tyson ☆ Stephen King ☆ John Mayer ☆ Anthony Hopkins ☆ Vin Diesel ☆ Lenny Kravitz ☆ Victor Hugo ☆ Anthony Kiedis ☆ Simon Cowell ☆ Kevin Costner ☆ Jensen Ackles ☆ Liam Neeson ☆ Tiger Woods ☆ Chester Bennington ☆ Trent Reznor ☆ R. Kelly ☆ Saddam Hussein ☆ Scott Disick ☆ Michael Phelps ☆ Kevin Hart ☆ Jeff Bezos ☆ Jonathan Rhys Meyers ☆ XXXTentacion ☆ Renaud ☆ Thomas Edison ☆ Chris Cornell ☆ Jeff Goldblum ☆ Dave Grohl ☆ Aristotle Onassis ☆ Giacomo Casanova ☆ John Legend ☆ Vince Vaughn ☆ Neil Armstrong ☆ Paul Rudd ☆ Samuel Beckett ☆ Thomas Jefferson ☆ Matthew Gray Gubler ☆ Ezra Miller ☆ Andy Murray ☆ Christopher Reeve ☆ Jon Stewart ☆ Charles Bronson ☆ Ravi Shankar ☆ Rod Stewart ☆ Charles Dickenson ☆ Marcus Schenkenberg ☆ Avicii ☆ FKA Twigs ☆ Danny Devito ☆ Neil Patrick Harris ☆ Robin Thicke ☆ Tommy Lee ☆ Jim Caviezel ☆ Prince Ranier III of Monaco ☆ Jason Bateman ☆ John Groban ☆ Alice Cooper ☆ Peter Steele ☆ Woody Harrelson ☆ Rock Hudson ☆ Jim Parsons ☆ Lewis Carroll ☆ Gary Cooper ☆ Magic Johnson ☆ Chad Kroeger ☆ Mike Shinoda ☆ Tim Robbins ☆ Zachary Quinto ☆ Spike Lee ☆ Hozier ☆ Harry Connick Jr. ☆ Terrence Howard ☆ Iker Casillas ☆ Emile Hirsch ☆ Luke Evans ☆ Larry King ☆ Tim Curry ☆ John Belushi ☆ Liberace ☆  Tom Holland ☆ Jakob Dylan ☆ Chris Christie ☆ Krist Novoselic ☆ Michael Weatherly ☆ Newt Gingrich ☆ Sean Lennon ☆ Marlon Wayans ☆ Garrett Hedlund ☆ Barry Manilow ☆ Peter Facinelli ☆ Jonathan Lipnicki ☆ Stevie Ray Vaughan ☆ Eric Dane ☆ Louis Farrakhan ☆ Skrillex ☆ Gerald Ford ☆ Fred Savage ☆ Lupe Fiasco ☆ Joey McIntyre ☆ Jason Schwartzman ☆ Bradley James ☆ Billy Crudup ☆ Coolio ☆ Joss Whedon ☆ Bob Morley
Born with the Moon in Sagittarius, you are likely to be innately optimistic, expansive and positive in your point of view. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, and so accentuates the passionate, idealistic and creative dimensions of life. Sagittarius is also mutable in action, which means you are likely to have an innate need for variety and change. When passion and variety combine, there is often a deep calling for freedom. Because the Moon describes your natural response to things, or where you feel at home, you are likely to feel most comfortable roaming free – exploring your world and expanding horizons wherever possible. This expansion can happen in numerous ways. On the one hand, this lunar position implies a love of travel, and fascination with foreign places. You may be something of a “gypsy” at heart, with a powerful longing to explore the world and move around. You may find you travel a lot, or seek work and situations that allow you contact with foreign places and cultures. Even if circumstances do not allow, you are likely to wish that they would, and can easily imagine yourself making your home anywhere in the world. Dreaming of far-off places helps you engage with your need to be free. Anything that brings you contact with exotic people and situations will warm your heart. You would rather dine at a distant Mongolian restaurant than spend yet another Friday night at the local bistro. Feeling free to experience other cultures satisfies deep emotional needs. This urge for freedom is very strong, and can make you restless at times. You dislike the feeling of being stuck in any place for too long, and will need variety with your environment. You may decorate your home in an eclectic way, or surround yourself with objects that remind you of places you would like to be. When life becomes too routine, it can easily seem lifeless and dull. Therefore, it is important that you freshen up your perspective from time to time by getting out to places that you have not been before. Another way for you to broaden horizons is through study or learning. This sign relates to the search for truth, and ultimately pursuit of wisdom. You are likely to find you have a need to feel that you are always learning or discovering something new. You may be an eternal student, or spend much of your time with recreational pursuits that have an educational bent as well. You can feel that your world is expanding through the knowledge that you acquire, and even if this just means you are a student of life, you are likely to find that knowledge opens your horizons and helps you feel free. Sagittarius is also the sign of the teacher, as well as the preacher. The need to seek truth and wisdom can also translate into a love of sharing that with others. You may have natural gifts for inspiring others to be the best that they can be. You may be very good at explaining different points of view, and may find that others are drawn to you for the breadth of experience you can share. Your greatest gift is your ability to give others the same freedom you require to find your own truth. When you let them explore different ideas and work out what is true for them, you allow them to expand their awareness. You are likely to make a good teacher, trainer or mentor based on your ability to inspire and educate. On the flip side, you may also tend to become so consumed with what you believe to be true that you end of preaching to others in order to convert them to your point of view. You may need to consider whether you have a need to be right, and a tendency to broadcast your belief systems as if they were the only possible option for others to choose. Because this placement implies a strong attachment to the search for truth, there may be a tendency toward believing that what you have discovered as true for yourself should be the truth for everyone else. And so, you may have a tendency toward being bombastic that should be kept in check. When pushed by an emotional undercurrent, you may “share” from a biased point of view, based on trying to prove your version of “reality” and bring others to agree with your point of view. Recognizing that there are many paths which can lead to the same centre is useful, and necessary when agitated by the circumstances that surround you. That said, you are much more likely to be optimistic, positive and sunny in your disposition, with a tendency to live and let live. Sagittarius is a sign of broad-mindedness and you are likely to possess a philosophical approach to life. As a rule, Sagittarian types are more concerned with the big picture than with attention to detail, and unless other factors are present, you may need to watch out for any tendency to brush over the fine print, and get yourself into trouble through an over-reliance on faith as opposed to reason. All in all however, your happy and optimistic disposition should be one of your greatest assets, and help you to rise time and again from any of life’s setbacks. Finally you may also seek to broaden horizons through testing the limits of life itself. Sagittarius is associated with a love of challenge. You may have a need to test the limits of what is possible for you in quite immediate or physical ways. You can instinctively rise to any challenge that is before you, enjoying the feeling of conquest that comes from doing something you couldn’t do before. Here, you can combine your natural positivity with an actual task to focus on, so relishing the new insights that come through learning to go beyond where you’ve been before. Your nature means you are likely to be very enthusiastic, and can draw upon a natural flow of insight and intuition in order to solve the problems that present themselves to you. You may enjoy extreme sports, difficult forms of physical activity or just long sessions at the gym. Finding ways to challenge and push boundaries is a great source of emotional satisfaction, providing you with the reassurance that anything just may be possible for you!
#8. CHARLES MELTON (Moon Sign: VIRGO MOON ♍︎☽; Sun Sign: CAPRICORN SUN ♑︎☉) 
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Moon In Virgo  ♍︎☽
Moon In Virgo Best Traits: Conscientious, dutiful, straight, upright, shrewd, methodical, precise, discriminating, neat, clean, health-conscious, helpful, modest, unassuming, gentle, light touch, finely tuned, keen instincts, analytical, concerned, thoughtful, lively mind, observant, scholarly, pure intentions, problem-solving, wholesome, industrious, methodical, efficient, reliable, dispassionate, considerate, pure, objective, systematic, logical, discerning, meticulous, clever, eloquent, well-read, well-informed, accurate, retentive memory, fast learner, highly efficient, good worker, matter of fact, practical, knowing what you like, fine aesthetic and design sense, artistic, sincerely affectionate, subtle love signs, simple and clear, quietly charming, strong character, impartially kind, coolly helpful, precision worker, refreshing at work, specialist worker, painstaking, pure and modest lover, high moral sense, socially discerning, privately sensuous
Moon In Virgo Worst Traits: Worrier, austere, prudish, rigid, cold, exacting, pedantic, carping, neurotic, clinical, health freak, interfering, falsely modest, undemonstrative, timid, creepy, hypersensitive, prejudiced, labelling, anxious, thinks too much, sceptical, critical, dry, too earnest, fault finding, interfering, problem making, fusspot, hypochondriac, workaholic, inflexible, mechanistic, spoilsport, unsure, stand-offish, sterile, unfeeling, remote, cold and dry, hypercritical, trivial, worrisome, wordy, bookish, intellectual snob, misses point, greedy mind, impatient, highly strung, self-critical, slave to reason, pointless, critical of partners, fussy and nagging, easily dissatisfied, neurotically artistic, inhibits affection, undemonstrative, dry and clinical, socially stiff, hides sensitivity, emotionally absent, cold exterior, too exacting, retreats into work, indecisive of work, restrained, feels sexually inferior, puritanical, social misfit, self-effacing 
Best Romantic Moon Sign Matches: TAURUS MOON, CAPRICORN MOON
❤️ Virgo Moon (♍︎☽) + Taurus Moon (♉︎☽) :
Virgo Moon and Taurus Moon are extremely compatible. They have a great deal of respect and understanding for each other. Taurus is stable and pragmatic; Virgo is practical and attends to detail. They are made for each other. Both partners are cautious and approach new things slowly. They both enjoy working with nature and natural materials. Both are concerned about how change will affect them.Their differences lie in how they react. While Taurus Moon will forge ahead once they commit to an idea, Virgo Moon will constantly second guess and criticize their choice. The worrying done by Virgo will be comforted by Taurus’ steadiness and emotional stability. Taurus, in turn, helps Virgo to relax and become more instinctual. Virgo Moon may become annoyed with the lackadaisical way that Taurus Moon leaves things all over the house. Overall, however, this is a happy and content pairing. They meet each others’ needs for intimacy and pleasant company. They will be most content in the country or if they are able to grow a garden or at least go camping frequently. They have a need to interact with nature in some way. This pairing should do very well with minimal effort.
❤️ Virgo Moon (♍︎☽) + Capricorn Moon (♑︎☽):
Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon are the best of friends the moment they meet. They can’t believe their luck in finding someone who shares so many things in common. They are highly compatible, and this relationship should work out well for all concerned. Both Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon are organized and practical. They both work hard and want to be useful. Both are willing to forego their own desires and feelings in lieu of responsibilities. They are self-disciplined and meticulous. They are faithful, constant and don’t like risks. They will happily tread the safe, logical path to financial security. Together they can have a very powerful connection. Others may view them as boring, but they feel secure and happy. They need to make sure they don’t expect too much of themselves. With their self-critical tendencies, they can undermine their own work.They do need to be wary of overwork. All work and no play will make even Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon dull. If they can learn to relax and enjoy themselves as well as maintain their responsibilities, they will be extremely happy.
Famous Virgo Moons: ☆ Amy Adams ☆ Bella Hadid ☆ Blake Lively ☆ Donatella Versace ☆ Dolly Parton ☆ Jodie Foster ☆ Gal Gadot ☆ Nicki Minaj ☆ Linda Evangelista ☆ Katherine Heigl ☆ Kate Mara ☆ Regina King ☆  Padma Lakshmi ☆ Bebe Neuwirth ☆ Shay Mitchell ☆ Kat Dennings ☆ Elle Fanning ☆ Jada Pinkett Smith ☆ Joss Stone ☆ Queen Rania Of Jordan ☆  Jenny McCarthy ☆ Michelle Pfieffer ☆ Sheila E. ☆ Fiona Apple ☆ Carla Bruni Sarkozy ☆ Christina Milian ☆ Denise Quinones ☆ Toni Collette ☆ Willa Ford ☆ Tiffany Trump ☆ Anne Heche ☆ Gina Rodriguez ☆ Melanie “Mel C.” Chisholm ☆ Camilla Belle ☆ Joy Behar ☆ Katherine Langford ☆  Katie McGrath ☆ Peyton List ☆ Hayley Atwell ☆ Erika Christensen ☆ Catherine Keener ☆ Rebel Wilson ☆ Meg Tilly ☆ Laila Ali ☆ Princess Anne ☆ Sunny Leone ☆ Sara Gilbert ☆ Mena Suvari ☆ K.D. Lang ☆ Angie Harmon ☆ Candice Bergen ☆ Marisa Miller ☆ Willa Holland ☆ Ana Beatriz Barros ☆ Shirley Maclaine ☆ Natalie Portman ☆ The Olsen Twins ☆ Dame Maggie Smith ☆ Rosie Perez ☆ Veronica Lake ☆ Tila Tequila ☆ Michelle Trachtenberg ☆ Carey Mulligan ☆ Chelsea Handler ☆ Michelle Williams ☆ Lexa Doig ☆ Courtney Cox ☆ Morena Baccarin ☆ Emmylou Harris ☆  Jane Birkin ☆Rachael Ray ☆ Barbara Stanwyck ☆ Jurnee Smollett ☆ Leona Lewis ☆ Kat Von D ☆ Bebe Rexha ☆ Suzanne Vega ☆ Patty Duke ☆ Deborah Ann Woll ☆ Heather Matarazzo ☆ Florence Griffith Joyner ☆ Katie Cassidy ☆ Amelia Heinle ☆ Daveigh Chase ☆  Sela Ward ☆ Angela Bassett ☆ Bridgette Wilson-Sampras ☆ Serena Williams ☆  Jordana Brewster  ☆ Jenny McCarthy ☆ Amanda Tapping ☆ Angelica Housten ☆ Eliza Taylor ☆ Alice Dellal ☆Agathe de La Fontaine ☆ Leslie Mann ☆ Anna Paquin ☆ Shenae Grimes ☆  Elizabeth Moss ☆ Madonna ☆ Coco Rocha ☆ Lorde ☆ Aaliyah ☆ Candice Patton ☆ Crystal Reed ☆ Sanaa Lathan ☆ Katherine Heigl ☆ Beverley Mitchell ☆ Ashley Benson ☆ Noemie Lenoir ☆ Vanessa Redgrave ☆  Ricki Lake ☆ Colbie Caillat ☆ Krysten Ritter ☆ Amber Valletta ☆ Beth Ditto ☆ Sharon Tate ☆ J. K. Rowling ☆ North West ☆ Chelsea Handler ☆Kate Bosworth ☆ Zoë Isabella Kravitz ☆ Zayn Malik ☆ Jamie Dornan ☆ Mel Gibson ☆ John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) ☆ Jack Nicholson ☆ Sean Connery ☆ John Travolta ☆ Zac Efron ☆ Lance Armstrong ☆ Jean-Claude Van Damme ☆ Stephen Hawking ☆ 14th Dalai Lama ☆ Robert Redford ☆James Franco ☆ Matthew McConaughey ☆ Joshua Morrow ☆ Michael Fassbender  ☆ Gordon Ramsey ☆ Channing Tatum ☆ Chris Hemsworth ☆ Sean “P. Diddy” Combs ☆ Ashley Parker Angel ☆ Corbin Bleu ☆ Keith Richards ☆ Notorious B.I.G. ☆ Richard Burton ☆ Eddie Vedder ☆ Clive Owen ☆ Mickey Rourke ☆ Rick Yune ☆ PewDiePie ☆ Dustin Hoffman ☆ Dylan Neal ☆ Adrien Brody ☆ Bobby Brown ☆ Genghis Khan ☆ Samuel L. Jackson ☆ Tom Felton ☆ Jon Hamm ☆ Frank Zappa ☆ Marvin Gaye ☆ Johnny Weir ☆ Ziggy Marley ☆ Michael McDonald ☆ Christopher Columbus ☆ Gene Simmons ☆ Hulk Hogan ☆ DMX ☆ Rami Malek ☆Willem Dafoe ☆ Paul Wesley ☆ Jack Kerouac ☆ Mark Harmon ☆ Brendon Urie ☆ Ne-Yo ☆ John Stamos ☆ Johnny Knoxville ☆ Laurence Olivier ☆ Jay Leno ☆ Kevin Federline ☆ Ian McKellen ☆ Post Malone ☆ Timbaland ☆ Louis XV of France ☆ Aaron Eckhart ☆ Seth Green ☆ Alexander Graham Bell ☆ Ted Kennedy ☆ Emilio Estevez ☆ Tyson Beckford ☆ Troye Sivan ☆Frankie Muniz ☆ Jack Osbourne ☆ Engelbert Humperdinck ☆ Sam Neill ☆Jason Mraz ☆ B.B. King ☆ Dax Shepard ☆ Colin Morgan ☆ Sammy Davis Jr. ☆ Perez Hilton ☆ DJ Khaled ☆ Karl Malone ☆ Manu Bennett ☆  Peter Gallagher ☆ Richard Marx ☆ Grant Gustin ☆ Scott Wolf ☆ Al Green ☆George Takei ☆ John Boyega ☆ Jackson Rathbone ☆ Orlando Jones ☆ Scott Foley ☆ Antonio Sabato, Jr. ☆ Redman ☆ Vincent Kartheiser ☆ Cory Booker ☆ Daniel Gillies ☆ Henry Mancini ☆ Paul Blackthorne 
With the Moon in the practical and systematic sign of Virgo, you are likely to be someone who is highly appreciative of structure, organization and detail. You will find your life works better with well-established systems in your personal and professional life. Virgo is an Earth sign, and so pertains to tangible or physical things. It is also known as a Mutable sign, which infers a need for variety and change. When practicality and change are brought together, the principle of refinement is found. Born with the Moon in Virgo, you are likely to have an innate need to improve or refine the circumstances around you – combining practical know-how with the analytical quality necessary to achieve specific results. Virgo is a sign of service. You are likely to find you have an innate need to nurture yourself and others through offering practical service in everyday ways. Virgo is also a sign of humility. You may be quite happy working behind the scenes, adding your considerable talent for organization to whatever you are involved in and happy to be of service, often asking nothing in return. The satisfaction of a job well-conceived, well-planned and well-done often provides the result you need. You should take care, however, not to allow this natural instinct for service to be manipulated, or taken advantage of by others. Ancient astrologers saw a relationship between the sign of Virgo and the condition of slavery. It is important that your need to be useful does not turn into the need to be someone else’s “pack-horse”. The Moon refers to how we need to be nurtured. You will find a tendency to feel safe or secure through knowing that things are tidy, structured and planned. Routine is your friend, and establishing well-ordered routines in your daily life will help you think more clearly. Virgo is associated with process and purification at both material and mental levels. You are likely to be emotionally affected by how well your daily systems are functioning and how ‘pure’ life conditions are. At a simple level, you are likely to feel awkward and uncomfortable in chaotic environments. You will feel more serene and so focussed in an organized space. At a more subtle level, you can be emotionally affected by food additives, pollutants and synthetics in your environment. This is not to say that you are ‘precious’ or need to be wrapped in cotton wool. It is just that you will feel impurities more acutelythan others. Above all else, you need a calm, peaceful and well ordered environment to access your astute thinking processes. You are nurtured by organization and structure. You assimilate information better when processes are clear, and sources of nourishment relatively clean. This is a sign of mental discrimination. You may have innate talents for editing or discernment, able to describe other people’s traits, dispositions and downfalls. Thus you may have strong writing abilities, or work well in fields involving communication, personal service and customer relations. You are likely to have a keen mind, and a great eye for detail. This can be turned to its’ full advantage by seeking occupations that allow you to capitalize on your ability to spot the ‘bottom line’. You are likely to be very good at extracting the essence from something otherwise complicated. You have the ability to sort the wheat from the chaff, and find what is essential in a sentence, task list or schedule. Because of your strong analytical ability,  you may need to make sure that you watch your tendency to be overly critical, finding fault with yourself and others rather than working toward improving whatever situation you are in. Your capacity for analysis is great for problem-solving, but can also be your downfall.  You are likely to be highly adaptable, but also prone to excessive worry. You can easily fall victim to nervous tension by constantly finding faults or remaining in chaotic environments that go against your instinctual needs. It is important that you learn to take time out when needed, and find ways to remedy the effects of too much nervous tension. Meditation, yoga, martial arts and other forms of mind-body exercise can be especially beneficial. This will greatly assist you to stay focussed and calm.Often, those with the Moon here can be quietly critical of self and others. Your tendency to criticize your own efforts may make it difficult for you to see your own true worth. You may underestimate your contributions and be innately convinced that whatever you do, it is not good enough. This can be a humble and shy position for the Moon. Unless other factors in your chart offer more outgoing tendencies, you may fail to receive credit for all that you have achieved. It is important that you learn to recognize how useful you are. Next time you are concerned that you have not ‘done enough’ simply ask yourself if you have improved the situation you are in. Rather than striving to be perfect, you will find that striving to make things better satisfies your need to be useful, and helps you take unrealistic expectations off yourself. On another level, Virgo is associated with the body and health. Thus, you may have an instinctual interest in matters of health, diet and nutrition. You may be naturally quite healthy simply because you have an interest in your own wellbeing, and notice that life flows better for you with regular exercise and good eating habits. It is very important that you to pay close attention to what you do, and do not, eat. Often, those with the Moon here have very delicate digestive and nervous systems. You are likely to find that you may have trouble with your stomach or nerves if you lose touch with your own bodily needs. Excess worry or problems with digestion may plague you if you do not pay attention to what you ingest. Taking in pure food (as well as experiences) is a very practical thing for you. You can be adversely affected by processed foods, and overcome with anxiety if exposed to harsh or critical people. Making sure you improve the systems that regulate your own personal life is essential for you. Through good food, routine and regular exercise you can enjoy extraordinarily good health This interest in health is often quite strong. You may have natural abilities in any area to do withhealth, nutrition and healing, especially in the area of natural therapies, herbs and pharmacology. Often those with the Moon here are drawn to service roles such as nursing and community work. Finding ways to be useful is important. Any activity that lets you combine your innate practicality, fine mind, and willingness to help can work well for you, leading to beneficial outcomes for all concerned. Individuals with the moon in Virgo are usually simple in nature and prefer to live a quiet life without the glare of public eye. They look for small things in their life to seek happiness and contentment. It is the small and insignificant matters in life like plucking flowers from a garden that give them real happiness. It is in their basic nature to not only take care of themselves, but to take care of others as well. Thus, such individuals are of extremely helpful nature and will be first to lend a helping hand to those in distress. These individuals love to have a routine in their life. They cannot do without a routine and if it is missing in their lives, they tend to feel that something is amiss in their life and they are not in their true elements due to it. They tend to act in a fussy manner and are often labelled as complainers as they cannot function properly without having a routine in their life. Due to such characteristics, they love to take on such jobs or tasks in which lot of detailing is required or which has a great scope for micromanagement of things and situations. Such individuals are always averse to public displays of affection and most of the times get repulsed because of that. Such individuals tend to be shy in meeting up new people. However, once they get to know them and gradually open up, they are in their own elements and strike a good rapport with them. Additionally, they are born sceptics in nature and tend to be over critical of themselves as well.
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Moon In Capricorn ♑︎☽ 
Moon In Capricorn Best Traits: Self-controlled, cautious, modest, reserved, serious, disciplined, pragmatic, prudent, achiever, hardworking, determined, shrewd, loyal, influential, steadfast, respected, sensitive, self-sacrificing, efficient helper, dignified, materially aware, responsible, efficient, orderly, ambitious, organizer, industrious, takes the reins, patient, thoughtful, deep understanding, resourceful, canny, persevering, earthy, senses others needs, employs others, solid, good timing, mentally cautious, not easily fooled, retentive mind, methodical mind, orderly mind, serious when necessary, level headed, canny, discriminating, profits from little, employs others, sober, clear and deliberating mind, strong concentration, painstaking, patient, committed, serious lover, steadfast, constant, trustworthy, objective, genuine affections, modest, cool exterior, sense of composure, self-controlled, upright, practical, resourceful, affluent, self-made 
Moon In Capricorn Worst Traits: Repressed, distrustful, self doubting, inhibited, depressive, austere, unimaginative, boring, status-conscious, slave to system, cold hearted, crafty, sycophantic, name-dropper, unctuous, insincere, insensitive, uses others, self-serving, conceited, status slave, unscrupulous, ingratiating, wet blanket, cold, calculating, slave to self, dictatorial, intolerant, worrisome, inscrutable, tight, suspicious, rigid, philistine, opportunist, hard, procrastinating, slow learner, sceptical, mentally overloaded, lacking originality and imagination, given to melancholy, boring and rigid, pedestrian, suspicious, censorious, devious, avaricious, stern, dry and pigeon-holing mind, blinkered or narrow-minded, too exacting, possessive, jealous, inflexible, self-righteous, inhibited, distrustful, indifferent, undemonstrative, mean, cold manner, unfeeling, snobbish, too formal, self-contained, stiff, materialistic, money-grubbing, penny-pinching, selfish 
Best Romantic Moon Sign Matches: TAURUS MOON, VIRGO MOON
❤️ Capricorn Moon (♑︎☽) + Taurus Moon (♉︎☽):
Capricorn Moon and Taurus Moon are a good match. They will have a tremendous respect and understanding for each other. They have a lot of things in common. Both Capricorn and Taurus need money and material possessions to make them feel secure and comfortable. They both like routine and order. Both partners will prove dependable and responsible. They do have a few differences they may need to work through. Taurus Moon is very laid back and easy going. It takes some real motivation to get them moving. They also like to mosey along so they can enjoy the scenery. Capricorn Moon needs to be actively working to be happy. They want to get everything done yesterday, and they need to feel in control. While Taurus likes instant gratification, Capricorn is willing to wait for it, knowing how good it will be. Capricorn Moon may think Taurus will never grow up. Taurus Moon may think Capricorn is obsessed with proving their worth. Taurus Moon does appreciate Capricorn’s stability and steadiness. Capricorn Moon appreciates Taurus’ creativity ending up in practical usage. Taurus Moon can help Capricorn learn to enjoy the fruits of their labor and to show affection. Capricorn Moon can help Taurus find motivation and ambition to bring their ideas to reality. Overall, they are a solid match that should do well together.
❤️ Capricorn Moon (♑︎☽) + Virgo Moon (♍︎☽):
Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon are the best of friends the moment they meet. They can’t believe their luck in finding someone who shares so many things in common. They are highly compatible, and this relationship should work out well for all concerned. Both Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon are organized and practical. They both work hard and want to be useful. Both are willing to forego their own desires and feelings in lieu of responsibilities. They are self-disciplined and meticulous. They are faithful, constant and don’t like risks. They will happily tread the safe, logical path to financial security. Together they can have a very powerful connection. Others may view them as boring, but they feel secure and happy. They need to make sure they don’t expect too much of themselves. With their self-critical tendencies, they can undermine their own work.They do need to be wary of overwork. All work and no play will make even Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon dull. If they can learn to relax and enjoy themselves as well as maintain their responsibilities, they will be extremely happy.
Famous Capricorn Moons: ☆ Sarah Jessica Parker ☆ Kate Hudson ☆ Kourtney Kardashian ☆ Carmen Dell’Orefice ☆ Siobhan Donaghy ☆ Ashley Tisdale ☆ Susan Sarandon ☆ Chloe Sevigny ☆ Bar Refaeli ☆ Kim Basinger ☆ Stevie Nicks ☆ Billie Holiday ☆ Rita Moreno ☆ Zooey Deschanel ☆ Katee Sackhoff ☆ Julia Stiles ☆ Reece Witherspoon ☆ Audrina Patridge ☆ Anais Nin ☆ Bella Thorne ☆ Nina Simone ☆ Aishwarya Rai ☆ Michelle Monaghan ☆ Jeanne Tripplehorn ☆ Erica Durance ☆ Keri Russell ☆ Cher ☆ Stevie Nicks ☆ Liv Tyler ☆ Azealia Banks ☆ Wynonna Judd ☆ Hilary Swank ☆ Emma Roberts ☆ Jeffree Star ☆ Kathy Ireland ☆ Melania Trump☆ Nicollette Sheridan ☆ Stacey Dash ☆ Maria Sharapova ☆ Rosamund Pike ☆ Soleil Moon Frye ☆ Hailee Steinfeld ☆ Sofia Coppola ☆ Juliette Binoche ☆ Sophie Marceau ☆ Linda Cardellini ☆ Lena Headey ☆ Paula Abdul ☆ Serinda Swan ☆ Annie Lennox ☆ Bethenny Frankel ☆ LeAnn Rimes ☆ Emilie de Ravin ☆ Nia Peeples ☆ Daisy Fuentes ☆ Tatiana Maslany ☆ Stephenie Meyer ☆ Katherine McPhee ☆ Patsy Cline ☆ Lucille Ball ☆ Sheena Easton ☆ Tariji P. Henson ☆ Fran Drescher ☆ Nelly Furtado ☆ Bryce Dallas Howard ☆ Carly Simon ☆ Mackenzie Rosman ☆ Paula Patton ☆  Wanda Sykes ☆ Rashida Jones ☆ Shannon Elizabeth ☆  Neve Campbell ☆ Willow Smith ☆ Martina McBride ☆ Mia Farrow ☆ Emmy Rossum ☆ Jennifer Coolidge ☆ Miranda Lambert ☆ Rachel Zoe ☆ Shirley Ann Manson ☆ Amy Winehouse ☆ Trina ☆ Elke Sommer ☆ Ming-Na ☆ Willow Smith ☆ Donna Summer ☆ Tara Reid ☆ Bianca Jagger ☆ First Lady Barbara Bush ☆ Sarah Silverman ☆ Dame Judi Dench ☆ Tionne Watkins ☆ Sarah McLachlan ☆ Robyn ☆  Loretta Young ☆ June Carter Cash ☆ Kelly Brook ☆ Nadia Comaneci ☆ Debbie Allen ☆ Mia Farrow ☆ Christina Ricci ☆ Mary Quant ☆ Jennifer Love Hewitt ☆ Tina Knowles ☆ Yves Saint Laurent ☆ Frédéric Chopin ☆ Ernest Hemingway ☆ Pope John Paul I, Napoleon I ☆ Abraham Lincoln ☆ John Quincy Adams ☆  François Hollande,☆ Marine Le Pen, ☆ Brad Pitt, ☆ Johnny Depp,☆ George Clooney,☆ Michael Douglas, ☆ Arnold Schwarzenegger, ☆ Gerard Butler,☆ Matt Damon, ☆ James Hetfield,☆ Jon Bon Jovi,☆ David Beckham, ☆ Dwayne “The Rock”Johnson ☆ Tim Burton ☆ Anthony Bourdain ☆ George Washington ☆ David Guetta ☆ Harvey Weinstein ☆ Frank Ocean ☆ Ozzy Osbourne ☆ Prince George of Cambridge ☆ G-Eazy ☆ Charles Darwin ☆ Kid Cudi ☆ David Letterman ☆ Rupert Grint ☆ Seal ☆ The Undertaker ☆ Gerard Way Andrea Bocelli ☆ Gaspard Ulliel ☆ David Tennant ☆ Sam Smith ☆ Michael Moore  ☆ Seth Rogen ☆ Bryan Adams ☆ Jamie Oliver ☆ Andre 3000 ☆ James Stewart ☆ Gavin Rossdale ☆ Bryan Cranston ☆Brian Austin Green ☆ Tyrese Gibson ☆ Pete Davidson ☆ Dean Martin ☆ Al Gore ☆ David Spade ☆ Jeb Bush ☆ Ron Howard ☆ Peyton Manning ☆ Neil Diamond ☆ Cory Monteith ☆ Charles Barkley ☆ Gucci Mane ☆ Taylor Kinney ☆ Chris Tucker ☆ Rutger Hauer ☆ James Earl Jones ☆ Eddie Ciprian ☆ Haley Joel Osment ☆ Kirk Kerkorian ☆ Benjamin McKenzie ☆ Gary Sinise ☆ Dave Matthews ☆ John Paul Jones ☆ Kellan Lutz ☆ Dean Cain ☆ William H. Macy ☆ Andy Roddick ☆ Jeff Daniels ☆ Johnny Galecki ☆ Benjamin Bratt ☆ Sidney Crosby ☆ Jerry O’Connell ☆ John Leguizamo ☆ Ray Romano ☆ A.J. McLean ☆ Asa Butterfield ☆ Jackson Browne ☆ John Cougar Mellencamp ☆ Tre Cool ☆ Jonathan Taylor Thomas 
Born with the Moon in Capricorn, you are likely to be innately responsible, pragmatic and measured in the ways that you respond. Capricorn is an Earth sign, and so pertains to the tangible and practical dimensions of life. It is also known as a Cardinal sign, which implies a need to take action. When practicality and activity combine, the urge to master material resources is usually present. With the Moon in Capricorn, you are likely to have an innately serious and responsible nature, seeking to make the most of whatever resources you have at your disposal. Responsibility, and all this entails, will probably form a background theme in your life. You may have had to step into a position of responsibility early in life, or received strong impressions from your parents (most usually mother) about the need to live up to certain expectations in life. You may feel a deep sense of duty around supporting others, and will naturally be drawn to areas of life expression which allow you to demonstrate a capacity to accept responsibility. You are likely to have the ability to assist and nurture others in practical ways, and will often be seen as “the capable one” who can be relied on to find realistic solutions to current problems. The Moon is said to be in “detriment” in this sign, implying that easy and spontaneous emotional connections are not your forte. You are likely to be self-conscious in your emotional approach, and may appear reserved at first, taking time to warm to others and develop closeness. While you may have a huge heart, you do not give it away easily. You need time to get to know others and work out how you really feel about them. It is important to understand how serious or worthwhile any emotional involvement may be before you get involved. Whilst to others this may seem calculating, for you it is just a realistic assessment of the fact that emotional ties can be burdensome, and taking yourself seriously involves assessing exactly where a situation is taking you, and if that is where you want to be. Yet this pragmatism can also be a source of strength. It can give you stability and create a realistic attitude to life’s emotional ebbs and flows. On the up side, this means that for those you hold near and dear, you will be consistent, strong and true. You have an innate ability to follow through on what you say, and are likely to value greatly the worth of family, continuity and emotional commitment. On the down side however, your pragmatic approach to feelings and relationships may lead to a tendency for projecting to others a cold and unavailable nature, concerned more with the bottom line of what you will ‘get’ from a connection, rather than just being able to enjoy closeness and intimacy for what it is. The sign of Capricorn relates to foundations, structures and the gift of Time. You are likely to value tradition, status, and social position. You will require from others the same level of responsibility and capacity that you demonstrate for yourself, and will respect people or situations that demonstrate longevity and persistence. On some level, you are likely to feel most secure when you have solid structures and foundations around you. To this end you may be somewhat conservative, with strong ambitions for yourself based on recognition and accomplishment. Achievements carry powerful emotional overtones for you, and you are likely to feel an inward need to live up to being the best that you can be. You may have a need to prove yourself ‘out there’ in the world as a concrete example of your inner values, so reflecting an aptitude for responsibility and commitment. Alternately, you may have a much more private idea of what success and accomplishment mean to you. You may be less concerned with worldly success and more concerned with doing the best you can on a more personal level. You may set high standards for personal development, with a profound sense of integrity and authenticity. Whether your focus is material or spiritual, you are likely to be committed to making sure that you achieve the things that you expect of yourself. If other features of your chart imply more freedom-loving or unconventional qualities, you may be at odds with other voices within your psyche. If you find yourself struggling between the need to fulfill obligations and the need to be free just remember that your innate capacity to commit and demonstrate responsibility can be expressed in many different ways. As long as you live up to your own expectations in terms of what responsibility means to you, you will feel emotionally stable and secure. From this stable base, you can spin off into any form of expression you so choose. You are likely to be highly self-sufficient and contained, but need to remember that sometimes we build strong emotional foundations by sharing our strengths and weaknesses, talents short-comings and abilities with those around us. You are no doubt very capable, but need to be mindful of a tendency to isolate yourself upon your own mountaintop of duty and responsibility. You may have an innate tendency to expect that no one else will be as thorough as you are, and so take on far more than you need to, at times even taking from others duties that are rightfully theirs. Try not to look down upon “mere mortals’ less capable than you, but realize that your strengths and capabilities have been earned through hard work and sacrifice, yet only count for something if you can share them with someone else. In sharing responsibilities, you will achieve the position of respect and responsibility that you so naturally deserve. In letting others demonstrate capability and endurance, you help build a fertile platform upon which material stability is achievedWith the Moon placed here, you are likely to be innately concerned with how you appear publicly. You tend to be aware of the value of reputation and protocol, and so, will avoid doing anything publicly that may diminish you in the eyes of others. Because you recognize the value of a good reputation, you will strive to appear capable, contained and in-charge. Whilst this is useful in terms of earning respect, it may mean that you avoid extending yourself at times because you will not let yourself learn. You can set such high standards of achievement for yourself that you expect to be able to master whatever you attempt almost as soon as you begin. Rather than learning through a process of trial and error, you will stop yourself doing things unless you are already innately competent. It is important that you recognize the need for learning or apprenticeship along the road to mastery. Showing others your vulnerabilities will not hurt you as much as you may fear, and can in fact help them appreciate your achievements more through seeing your commitment to high standards through hard work. Finally, there may also be a need to release old, crystallized emotional patterns or unconscious fears through subconscious re-programming. Because the Moon represents the genetic or emotional framework through which we view experiences and learn about the world, there may be a tendency to ‘get stuck’ when that frame is inclined to endure and ‘hold-on’. In this sense, unconscious fears, limitations and restrictions may prevent you from opening up to an easy, spontaneous flow of emotion. Old habits and memories can prevent you from connecting with the here and now. There may be inhibitions around revealing the true extent of your feelings, and you may keep others at a distance so they never know how much you really need them. Developing empathy, the ability to self-nurture and kindness for yourself are highly recommended, This will help dissolve any old and unwanted emotional patterns, and open the door for greater vulnerability and closeness with others. You may find tactile or emotional therapies useful for you if find this hard to achieve. Because you are used to demonstrating fortitude and resilience, you may find it hard to soften and let others in. But when you share your capacity to accept responsibility and build solid foundations in life, you are rewarded with full appreciation from those who can understand the depth of your emotional commitment.
#10. MARK CONSUELOS (Moon Sign: GEMINI MOON ♊︎☽; Sun Sign: ARIES SUN ♈︎☉)
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Moon In Gemini ♊︎☽
Moon In Gemini Best Traits: Easygoing, light touch, uncomplicated, lively, mobile, witty, quick, live wire, versatile, multi-faceted, fast responses, fast learner, good conversationalist, friendly, charming, delightful, intelligent, broad-minded, interesting, perceptive, amusing, perceptive, eloquent, swift, ingenious, quick on uptake, mobile, flexible, adaptable, imaginative, non-dogmatic, session both sides, objective, acquisitive mind, clever, informative, resourceful, articulate, curious, well-informed, widely read, quick-witted, lively mind, fast learner, dextrous, humorous, sharp, fluent, inventive, original, handy, interesting, agreeable, unbiased, logical, amusing and friendly, coolly affectionate, light hearted, emotionally objective, socially at ease, emotionally  buoyant, stimulating company, lively conversationalist, ear to the ground, good humoured, expressive, agile and witty, socially adaptable, emotionally flexible, well-connected, courteous, tactful, co-operative 
Moon In Gemini Worst Traits: Heavy weather, superficial, simplistic, manic depressive, restless, worrisome, impatient, anxious, spread too thin, two-faced, flip, sketchy, gossip, nosy, insincere, deceitful, too rational, shallow, dissatisfying, trivial, cheap, glib, sarcastic, chatterbox, fly, devious, shifty, evasive, dabbler, fickle, chases rainbows, non-committal, indecisive, aloof, blind to whole picture, inane, bluffer, nosy, superficial knowledge, highly strung, unruly mind, unpersevering, fidgety, mischievous, flippant, facile, makeshift, slipshod, imitative, simplistic, trite, scatters energies, unfocused, misses point, flirtatious, flippant and flighty, makes light of others’ feelings, emotionally distant, social butterfly, superficial values, lack of commitment, meaningful banter, shallow gossip, empty gestures, verbose, restless and fickle, double standards, inconsistent partner, social opportunist, ingratiating, insincere, insipid, easy come - easy go 
Best Romantic Moon Sign Matches; LIBRA MOON, AQUARIUS MOON
❤️ Gemini Moon (♊︎☽) + Libra Moon (♎︎☽):
Gemini Moon and Libra Moon are a perfect couple. They share so many things… they understand each other, they have the same opinions and respect the other greatly. This is truly a charming couple. Both partners are rational and love to reason things out. They are a bit uncomfortable with open displays of emotion. They both love to socialize. Gemini Moon tends to focus on ideas, while Libra Moon is centered on ideals of relationships. This works to make a nice balanced give and take in the relationship. They love to talk and make great companions for each other. They are a tender, affectionate couple that will create a peaceful home. Each inspires the other to more creativity and success. Any problems that arise are dealt with logically so the outcome is fair to all. Both partners may overlook their own fears or issues. Libra will do this to keep everything happy and harmonious. Gemini will detach from the problem when it becomes emotional. Their conversations are always stimulating. Libra Moon will focus on people and situations while Gemini Moon will leap from idea to idea. They will make great friends as well as do well in a romantic relationship.
❤️ Gemini Moon (♊︎☽) + Aquarius Moon (♒︎☽):
Gemini Moon and Aquarius Moon get along famously. They have a great deal of understanding and respect for each other. They have similar motivations and desires, which makes this couple almost ideal. They can be the best of friends, share a light romance, or a wonderful domestic partnership. Gemini Moon and Aquarius Moon both like change, lots of socializing and freedom. Gemini needs variety, and Aquarius is unpredictable and novel. They share a nice wit, a sense of humor, and they love to talk. They can share and grow ideas in a lively manner. The fact that they can have a meeting of the minds means a lot to them. They can both be a bit detached and unemotional. This won't bother either one of them. They are more likely to discuss and analyze emotions than express them. They understand each other very well, and are happy to keep things informal. Both partners are interested in humanitarian causes and are interested in improving the future.
Famous Gemini Moons: ☆Jennifer Garner ☆ Kylie Minogue ☆ Heidi Klum ☆ Brooke Shields ☆ Khloe Kardashian ☆ Kate Beckinsale ☆ Jennifer Lawrence ☆ Claudia Schiffer ☆ Gwyneth Paltrow ☆ Sia ☆ Bette Davis ☆ Queen Victoria ☆ Ella Fitzgerald ☆ Emily Deschanel ☆  Emmanuelle Beart ☆ Dita Von Teese ☆ Brigitte Bardot ☆ Rachel McAdams ☆ Emily Osment ☆ Enya ☆ Doris Day ☆ Mary Louise Parker ☆ Elisha Cuthbert ☆ Roseanne Barr ☆ Tilda Swinton ☆ Tina Turner ☆ Jennifer Connelly ☆ Christy Turlington ☆ Priyanka Chopra ☆ Alyssa Milano ☆ Milla Jovovich ☆ Édith Piaf ☆ Joan Baez ☆ Mya ☆ Goldie Hawn ☆ Eva Herzigová ☆ Jewel ☆ Daryl Hannah ☆ Bridget Moynahan ☆  Reba McEntire ☆ Victoria Principal ☆ Jane Seymour ☆ Barbara Walters ☆ Grace Slick ☆ Lisa Edelstein ☆ Keyshia Cole ☆ Regina Hall ☆  Margaret Cho ☆ Amelia Earhart ☆ Shiloh Pitt ☆ Jessica Chastain ☆ Elisabeth Shue ☆ Brooke Burns ☆ Alexandra Daddario ☆ Julianne Moore ☆  Jessica Biel ☆ Olivia Wilde ☆ Amy Acker ☆ Emily Osment ☆ Tilda Swinton ☆ Steffi Graf ☆ Alison Brie ☆  Nikki Reed ☆  Elin Nordegren ☆ Tina Turner ☆ Lauren Cohan ☆ Alessia Cara ☆ Anna Karina ☆ Danielle Fishel ☆ Bonnie Raitt ☆ Lykke Li ☆ Aubrey O’Day ☆ Leelee Sobieski ☆ Parker Posey ☆ Jackie Evancho ☆ Chanel Iman ☆ Josie Maran ☆ Amber Tamblyn ☆ Mutya Buena ☆ Shirley Temple ☆ Bette Davis ☆ Moira Kelly ☆ Martina Hingis ☆ Claudette Colbert ☆ Kate O’Mara ☆ Heather Mills ☆ Linda Hamilton ☆ Naya Rivera ☆ President Barack Obama ☆ Vladimir Putin ☆ Jim Carrey ☆ Jake Gyllenhaal ☆ Sigmund Freud ☆ Lionel Messi ☆ Hugh Jackman ☆ 50 Cent ☆ Ewan McGregor ☆ Pope John Paul II ☆ Karl Lagerfeld ☆ Jackie Chan ☆ John Cena ☆ Benito Mussolini ☆ Benicio Del Toro ☆ Rowan “Mr. Bean” Atkinson ☆ John D. Rockerfeller ☆ Stephen Colbert ☆ Billy Corgan ☆ George Carlin ☆ David Schwimmer ☆ Future ☆ Jeff Bridges ☆ Billy Idol ☆ Eddie Redmayne ☆ Sebastian Stan ☆ Jeremy Renner ☆ Roger Moore ☆ Kirk Douglas ☆ David Hasselhoff ☆ Nelly ☆ Omar Sharif ☆ Pele ☆ Jet Li ☆ Louis Pasteur ☆ Harry Houdini ☆ Tom Jones ☆ Lamar Odom ☆ Christopher Lee ☆ Jason Derulo ☆ Dave Navarro ☆ Chris Noth ☆ Armie Hammer ☆ John McEnroe ☆ Fred Astaire ☆ Vice President Mike Pence ☆ Ashton Irwin ☆  Zach Galifianakis ☆ Freddie Prinze Jr. ☆ Marat Safin ☆ Johannes Kepler ☆ Herbie Hancock ☆ John Goodman ☆ James Marsden ☆ David Rockefeller ☆ Art Garfunkel ☆ Confucius ☆ Taylor Kitsch ☆ John Kerry ☆ Gale Harold ☆ John Keats ☆ Matthew Fox ☆ Gabriel Aubry ☆ Wayne Gretzky ☆ Buddy Holly ☆ Spencer Tracy ☆ Fabio Lanzoni ☆ Roy Orbison ☆ Dylan McDermott ☆ Brian Johnson (AC/DC) ☆ Howie Mandel ☆ George Foreman ☆ Craig David ☆ Groucho Marx ☆ Josh Lucas ☆ Stone Cold Steve Austin ☆ Jason Alexander ☆ Ray J ☆ Ben Harper ☆ Rudyard Kipling ☆ Brandon Routh ☆ Machine Gun Kelly ☆ Peter Frampton ☆ Gary Coleman ☆ Deryck Whibley ☆ John Edwards ☆ Ken Watanabe ☆ C.S. Lewis ☆ Zachary Levi ☆ Ricky Nelson ☆ Dwight Yoakam ☆ Brian Littrell (BSB) ☆ Cash Warren ☆ Tony Bennett ☆ Matt Czuchry ☆ William Petersen ☆ Sir Alec Guiness ☆ Mark Paul Gosselaar ☆ Flavor Flav ☆ Romeo Beckham ☆ Adam Garcia 
Born with the Moon in the lively, communication-oriented sign of Gemini, you are likely to be a curious individual, with an active, versatile mind. Gemini is an Air sign, governing communication, the exchange of information or ideas, and the protocols with which social organization occurs. Accordingly, you may find that you have an innate need to know as much as possible about the world around you, and may have a talent for numbers, speech or the written word. Gemini is also a Mutable sign, implying the need for variety and change. You are likely to find that you are easily engaged in new things, seek stimulation and may become easily bored. You are likely to be very adaptable, and love anything new. You may be an instinctive multi-tasker, and may habitually involve yourself in many tasks at the same time. Your need for variety means you are better when doing several things at once, but need to avoid scattering your mental energies so that very little actually gets done.  The essence of this sign is communication. Unless other factors in your birth chart dominate, you are likely to enjoy sharing information with others, and may be very talkative. You may find yourself involved with lots of different people, flitting from group to group, situation to situation, in order to exchange information and ideas. Information is the foundation of your emotional wellbeing. You are likely to feel at your best when actively engaged in learning something new. For you, information is paramount, and you may not need to study something in depth to feel that you know enough about it. As long as you have glimpsed the basis of an idea or opinion, you may then feel satisfied to move on. Like the literal social butterfly, you may find yourself moving from person to person, gathering data, ideas information or facts before moving on to share what you have gained. You need to know about what is going on around you, and will enjoy imparting to others the information they may need to get through the day. Sometimes, this love of information can extend to gossip. You may have a weakness for scandals, trivia and trashy magazines! You like to know what is happening in other peoples lives. This works well for you when your love of knowledge stimulates good conversation and an interest in the world around you. When taken to extremes, a love of gossip can work against you. You may find that you inadvertently develop a reputation for being fickle, two-faced or unreliable. Others may know you cannot be trusted to keep a secret, and so will exclude you from the true details of their personal lives. Or you may attract to yourself persons who thrive on discussing the misfortunes of others. This can create a negative backlash that will ultimately bring you undone. Discretion is an important trait to develop when born with the Moon in this sign. Because you are interested in everything does not mean you have the right to spread it around! This is a very inquisitive position for the Moon. In many ways, you experience a sense of personal worth by connecting to other people, talking to them about their problems and concerns, and finding out what makes them tick. You are less likely to be concerned with deep emotional intricacies as you are with the peculiarities of their life circumstances or perspectives. Once you have ascertained where someone is coming from and why, you are likely to then feel compelled to move on to someone else, having satisfied your need to exchange information, so entering another “data file” into your catalogue of human experiences. Your interest in others is indeed genuine. You may just find you have an almost unquenchable need to know more. In essence, you will need to find a balance between your need for information, and your ability to connect with others on more than superficial terms. As the Moon is also concerned with nurturing, you may have a special ability to make others feel good with what you say. Because you know how to nurture with words, you may know the right thing to say at just the right moment to get others feeling light and bright again. Gemini is a sign known for humour and entertainment. You may instinctively know how to keep things fun. Talking around the surface of things stop them getting heavy. You are likely to have an uncanny ability to turn the conversation around when needed to the brighter side of life. You are probably very good at defining emotions. You have the ability to categorize experiences based on objective fact, but may be less comfortable actually feeling what is happening. In this sense, you may attempt to avoid deep emotional experiences, feeling more certain of yourself with rational or logical discussion where you can analyze a certain situation, classify it, and move on. In time, you will need to learn to deepen your emotional experiences, so that you can learn why certain emotions occur. Rather than detaching from emotional involvement, you may find that experiencing emotion, then adding logic, helps broaden your social repertoire. As the Moon rules the instincts, you may have instinctual talents with words and numbers. You may be good at keeping score, at accounting, or any form of commerce. You may also have a love for trade, enjoying the hustle and bustle that goes along with bartering and retail. You may have a love of gadgets, and be drawn to anything bright, shiny and new. You may be an instinctive flirt, and love flitting from one admirer to the next. This Moon position is often associated with those whose main concern is with the external world, exchanging facts, ideas and commodities without getting too consumed by the deeper, or more mysterious, dimensions of life. This is fine, as long as it does not preclude you from acknowledging that you are also an emotional being, with passionate needs that also need expression. Then your love of logic can be balanced with a well-rounded interpersonal life. At its best, Gemini is a lively and versatile sign. Born with the Moon here, you are likely to have a quick and adaptable mind. Your interest in whatever is happening around you means that you will feel an ever-present need to “know”. Once you have discovered something, you will want to share it with those around. Upon this foundation, your need for communication grows. Emotional balance comes from being connected to your immediate environment and having other people in your life. The need for variety and change is usually strong here, and you will seek multiple experiences and projects to keep you on the go. Your curiosity can be both an endless source of discovery and a good deal of personal charm. Connected with others, you can share what you have learned. Moving from situation to situation generates feelings of newness and excitement that will always give you something interesting to talk about.
#11. MARISOL NICHOLS (Moon Sign: PISCES MOON ♓︎☽; Sun Sign: SCORPIO SUN ♏︎☉)
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Moon In Pisces ♓︎☽
Moon In Pisces Best Traits: Imaginative, inspiring, mystical, creative, empathetic, psychic, compassionate, mediumistic, devoted, highly adaptable, amiable, romantic, selfless, kind, healer, yielding, tolerant, gentle, relaxed, understanding, self-sacrificing, suffers artistically, unassuming, self-effacing, still but stirring, wise, accepting, confided in, sensitive, fascinating, mysterious, multi-talented, easygoing, sensitive mind, visually aware, artistic, obliging, good instincts, receptive, humorous, versatile, good mimic, highly perceptive, philosophical, dreamer, good long term memory, accepting, refined mind, contemplative, sympathetic, appreciates unity of all life, congenial, evocative, sensitive lover, artistically inspired, natural healer, highly affectionate, altruistic, very generous, loves unconditionally, philanthropic, peaceful 
Moon In Pisces Worst Traits: Escapist, deceptive, spaced out, wool-gathering, impressionable, too open, hypersensitive, easily drained, idolatrous, self-doubting, seductable, unfaithful, weak-willed, indiscriminate, victim, leaf-in-the-wind, too easygoing, weak, lazy, excuse-making, self-pitying, the human doormat, suffers needlessly, indecisive, self-limiting, wimpish, inwardly storm-tossed, inner doubts, oblivious, vague, unforthcoming, self-mystifying, unenterprising, pointless, slaving, suspicious, evasive, easily freaked out, easily swayed, irrational, fearful, gullible, obscure, parrots others, uncommunicative, absent-minded, bad short term memory, elusive, weak-minded, slow, wimpish, sycophantic, martyr, too sentimental, fanciful choice of lover, too passive, seducing, idealizes lover, lazy lover, romantically deluding, wanton, no self-value, undiscerning, fears rejection, soppy, indulging
Best Romantic Moon Sign Matches; CANCER MOON, SCORPIO MOON
❤️ Pisces Moon (♓︎☽) + Cancer Moon (♋︎☽):
As a couple, Pisces Moon and Cancer Moon rate a perfect ten. They have very similar motivations and desires. They are extremely happy together and will have a long relationship. They have a great deal in common. Both partners are very receptive and can intuit the moods of those around them. They have an innate knowing of each other’s inner needs. Both partners are nurturing and sympathetic, ready to run to their partner at a moment’s notice to help them out. They will create a peaceful home that will allow them to replenish their souls and deepen their emotional bond.Cancer Moon looks out for the material needs while Pisces Moon looks out for their spiritual needs. They understand each other extremely well. They share many similarities. They may be able to communicate with each other without speaking, knowing intuitively what the other replies. They both need to take care not to absorb the troubles and emotions of those around them. Their empathy can end up hurting them. This will be a very thoughtful, tender relationship of quiet fulfillment.
❤️ Pisces Moon (♓︎☽) + Scorpio Moon (♏︎☽):
Pisces Moon and Scorpio Moon are made for each other. They understand each other well and respect their differences. They work together well and will likely have an emotional, long lasting relationship.Both Pisces Moon and Scorpio Moon are capable of moody behavior. They are intuitive and emotional. They can, in some cases, develop a psychic bond. Their shared sensitivity helps them meet the other’s needs. Scorpio needs intense emotions. They may find this in love, anger, fear, loyalty, sex, revenge or obsession. Pisces wants harmony and to avoid conflict, whereas Scorpio loves conflict. This may cause upset if not openly discussed.Both are great manipulators and their secrets and emotional intimacy will bind these two together deeply. Pisces Moon is very forgiving and tolerant, while Scorpio Moon longs to retaliate. It isn’t too difficult for these two to work through their differences though. They share the most important part for both of them: the emotional intimacy. They may share an interest in the occult or other secrets. This also gives them a sense of belonging to each other.
Famous Pisces Moons: ☆ Catherine Zeta Jones ☆ Kim Kardashian ☆ Rita Ora ☆ Rita Hayworth ☆ Kesha ☆  Grace Kelly ☆ Rachel Leigh Cook ☆Arielle Kebbel ☆ Miranda Cosgrove ☆ Christina Applegate ☆ Vanessa Hudgens ☆ Kirstie Alley ☆ Molly Sims ☆ Brenda Song ☆ Kidada Jones ☆ Michelle Obama ☆ Hilary Clinton ☆ Helena Christensen ☆ Brandi Glanville ☆ Annie Potts ☆ Charlotte Rampling ☆ Asia Argento ☆ Selita Ebanks ☆ Cindy Crawford ☆ Jaime King ☆ Lisa Rinna ☆ Gloria Gaynor ☆Sissy Spacek ☆ Carole Lombard ☆ Constance Marie ☆ Adelaide Kane ☆ Anna Nalick ☆Alicia Silverstone ☆ Jennifer Hudson ☆ Bethany Joy Lenz ☆ Camila Alves ☆ Rachel Maddow ☆ Felicity Jones ☆ Alexa Vega ☆ First Lady Laura Bush ☆ Ava Gardner ☆ Erykah Badu ☆ Cybill Shepherd ☆ Rachel Weisz ☆ Verushka ☆ Audrey Hepburn ☆ Brittany Snow ☆ Anna Faris ☆ Juliette Lewis ☆ Marie Osmond ☆ Lacey Chabert ☆ Lori Loughlin ☆ Christina Grimmie ☆ Diane Kruger ☆ Florence Henderson ☆ Shailene Woodley ☆ Kristi Yamaguchi ☆ Piper Perabo ☆ Debbie Harry ☆ Ciara ☆ Kathy Bates ☆ Elizabeth Berkley ☆ Kehlani ☆ Joni Mitchell ☆ Evan Rachel Wood ☆ Kellie Pickler ☆  Jennifer Capriati ☆ Daphne ☆ Samantha Mumba ☆ Corinne Bailey Rae ☆Summer Altice ☆ Joanna Garcia ☆ Kate Voegele ☆ Sabrina Carpenter ☆ Cheryl Cole ☆Abbie Cornish ☆ Brit Marling ☆ Catherine O’Hara ☆ Holly Marie Combs ☆Jessica Brown Findlay ☆ Ginger Rogers ☆ Mata Hari ☆ Marie Curie ☆Laura Marano ☆ Trisha Yearwood ☆ Carrie-Ann Moss ☆ Isla Fisher ☆Tiffany ☆ Tamar Braxton ☆ Adrianne Palicki ☆ Haylie Duff ☆ Carly Rae Jepsen ☆ Julie Dreyfus ☆ Bonnie Hunt ☆ Doutzen Kroes ☆ Lisa Marie Presley ☆ Eve ☆ Simone De Beauvoir ☆ Shiri Appleby ☆ Maria Kanellis ☆ Hikaru Utada ☆ Kaia Gerber ☆ Lupita Jones ☆ Michelle Wie ☆ Grimes ☆ Tamia ☆ Laura Pausini ☆ Joanna Krupa ☆ Coretta Scott King ☆ Caitriona Balfe ☆ A.J. Cook ☆ Winona Ryder ☆ Abigail Breslin ☆ Karen Gillan ☆ Joey King ☆ Rachel Weisz ☆ Laura Dern ☆ Jennifer Grey ☆ Sarah Michelle Gellar ☆ Maggie Grace ☆ Blac Chyna ☆ Olivia Munn ☆  Ann Boleyn ☆ Coco Chanel ☆ Alexander McQueen ☆ Tom Ford ☆ Versace ☆ Elvis Presley ☆ Frank Sinatra ☆Leonard Cohen ☆ Michael Jackson ☆ Prince ☆ Akihito ☆ Axl Rose ☆ Leonardo da Vinci ☆ Michelangelo ☆ Martin Luther King ☆ Che Guevara ☆Edgar Allan Poe ☆ Robert De Niro ☆ Robin Williams ☆ Paul Newman ☆Ben Stiller ☆ Usain Bolt ☆ Aleister Crowley ☆ Dylan O’Brien ☆ Michael Trevino ☆ J.R.R. Tolkien ☆ Kanye West ☆ Frank Sinatra ☆ Ian Harding ☆Kieran Culkin ☆ Paul Walker ☆ Jason Statham ☆ Ricky Martin ☆ Kendrick Lamar ☆ Robert Plant ☆ Leonard Cohen ☆ Hugh Hefner ☆ Usher ☆ Kim Jong-Un ☆ Wiz Khalifa ☆ Chris Pine ☆ Macauley Culkin ☆ Neymar ☆ Martin Scorcese ☆ Jerry Seinfeld ☆ Ryan Merriman ☆ Diego Maradona ☆ Benjamin Franklin ☆ James Blunt ☆ Timothee Chalamet ☆ Liam Gallagher ☆ Blake Shelton ☆ Michael Stipe ☆ Jack Black ☆ James Cameron ☆Kenny Chesney ☆ Michael Cera ☆ Fred Rogers ☆ Alex Rodriguez ☆ Sean Paul ☆ Drake Bell ☆ Josh Peck ☆ Wayne Rooney ☆ Damon Wayans ☆ Garth Brooks ☆ John Bonham ☆ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ☆ Chuck Berry ☆ Moby ☆ Piers Morgan ☆ Laurence Fishburne ☆ Matt Smith ☆ Michael Vartan ☆ Edward Furlong ☆ Little Richard ☆ Isaac Hanson ☆ Eric Mabius ☆ Rupert Everett ☆ Taylor Hanson ☆ Jason Priestley ☆ John Barrowman ☆ Daniel Johns ☆ Sam Claflin ☆ Ja Rule ☆ Jared Kushner ☆ Darren Hayes ☆ Meat Loaf ☆ Sam Cooke ☆ Bernie Mac ☆ John Williams ☆ Kevin Richardson (BSB) ☆ Sean Astin ☆Aidan Quinn ☆ Taye Diggs ☆ Tim Duncan ☆ Oscar De La Hoya ☆ Alex Trebek ☆ Common ☆ Jason Behr ☆ Chadwick Boseman ☆ Omar Epps ☆ Wes Craven ☆ Malcolm Jamal-Warner ☆ Pat Buchanan ☆ Lionel Barrymore ☆ Chad Everett ☆ Greg Louganis ☆ Paul Young 
When the Moon is found in Pisces, the emotions are likely to be pronounced. Pisces is the final sign of The Zodiac, and has much to do with sensitivity – to oneself, to other people, and to the mysterious, unseen forces that shape our world. With the Moon in Pisces, you are likely to be a highly impressionable individual – strongly influenced by the compassionate, creative, imaginative, romantic and idealistic aspects of life.On an instinctive level, you may have a natural affinity for the abstract or intuitive. This affinity can be a blessing, or a curse. You are likely to be able to sense the hidden or energetic levels of life, soaking up atmospheres as if you were a sponge. Your feelings about people and situations are likely to be immediate, accurate and intense. Understanding that your feelings provide valuable information, but can lead you astray sometimes, means that you will need to learn to recognize the difference between an intuitive response to something, and an emotional reaction that is based on your response to whatever is going on. Your imagination is likely to be very strong. You can find all manner of nuance in many life experiences. You are likely to respond to all manner of visual and emotional stimuli, which work to jettison you off into the many worlds of your imagination. Here you can find recreation and release. Whether you prefer to escape into a comfortable world of your own daydreams, or immerse yourself in art, anything that works to activate your imagination feels like coming home, and enables you to nurture your soul. This is a great advantage if you turn your talents to anything creative. Most often, the Piscean energy is expressed through abstract art forms, so anything around music, film, photography, dance, drama, poetry or painting may appeal. Even if you do not practice as an artist, you are likely to be strongly in tune with certain art-forms. Because this sign is highly creative, opportunity awaits those of you who find an outlet for your vivid imaginations. You may also be highly intuitive, possessing innate psychic abilities if other factors in the chart are also present. You may have had a powerful sense of knowing from an early age, experienced prophetic dreams, or perhaps grown up in an environment where the women in particular were known for their psychic or healing abilities. Understanding how your “sixth sense” operates is your natural birthright, and one you can readily develop if you give it the time and respect it deserves.Pisces is a sign of mystery, and humanity is not yet at a stage of evolution to understand all that Life has to offer. We do not understand our intuition fully, nor do we understand all the dimensions which exist within our Universe. Accordingly, you may have a natural curiousity about the subtle forces which shape our lives which is beyond what other people understand. Your instinctive awareness that there is more than just the “Here and Now” gives you an innate acceptance of things which cannot be immediately explained. This sign is one of spiritual seeking. You may have a profound and personal relationship with your own experience of The Divine. This does not mean you are religious, and you may not follow any particular faith. But you are likely to feel in touch with something greater than yourself, and in your own way seek to live that experience out. As mentioned, Pisces is a sign of great sensitivity. Your life will be directed by feeling, and by the sense perhaps of an unseen “Hand” guiding it all. Love and relationship may be an area of life where you go through many lessons. Pisces is a very romantic sign. You may have a tendency to enter relationships or new experiences with rose-coloured glasses. Putting others on a pedestal means that invariably they must “fall off”. Yet you have the capacity for a rare kind of loving, based on the unconditional acceptance of others for who they are. Sometimes you experience an exalted kind of love that will bring you an experience of true union with another. At other times, you may need to wake up to harsh realities, seeing others for who they are, and not who you would like them to be. With the Moon here you need to be in relationship with others who respect your sensitivity. For this to happen, you must first respect it in yourself.Most often, women with the Moon in Pisces have an easier time, for women are allowed to explore and develop their sensitive sides. For men, this placement can be more difficult. Many men are taught from an early age to repress their emotional lives, leading to patterns of fear and self-denial in later life where the attempt to shut down and deny their intuitive side. Sometimes men born with the Moon in Pisces fear their natural sensitivities. They react badly to the idea of anything ‘otherwordly’, as this would mean opening up to parts of themselves that have long been locked away. The sign of Pisces carries within it an innate urge to escape – to leave behind the mundane aspects of life. Accordingly, you may find you have the need to withdraw periodically from the demands of life, taking time to replenish your highly sensitive emotional system. If you do not recognize when the time to withdraw has come, you may find yourself unable to cope with the demands of life. Withdrawal or escape is an important part of the Piscean experience. Whether you do this consciously or unconsciously will be entirely up to you.A conscious manifestation of this desire to escape could involve taking time to be alone, retreating from the world for contemplation, meditation, purification and renewal. Spending time by the water, or in nature, is especially soothing. Natural environments help release the emotional and psychological influences you have absorbed from others, and process those experiences that are necessary for your growth. As Pisces is a sign of compassion, you may also experience self-renewal through acts of kindness to others, consciously offering your compassionate nature in selfless acts of service to others. The trick here will be in learning not to take on more than your fair share. Giving of your self is a natural response, but you may need to learn when enough is enough. Sometimes those born with the Moon in Pisces need to recognize boundaries, so that their generous and compassionate qualities are not taken advantage of. An unconscious manifestation of the urge to escape would be more literal. This is usually characterized by a person who seeks to escape from the demands of this world through addiction, drugs or alcohol, through becoming dependent on some kind of government or welfare system, or losing themselves by becoming the victim of someone or something. Sometimes those born with the Moon in Pisces unconsciously become sick, vulnerable or destitute. However the escape is experienced, there is often an underlying feeling of not being able to cope in the world.However it manifests, the urge to escape is almost always about seeking purification, restoration and release on an emotional level. Becoming conscious of underlying motives and needs will help greatly in understanding the complexities of such a sensitive emotional nature. Recognizing that the need to escape embodies a desire to merge oneself back with the source of “All That Is” can help set up constructive paths to become involved in life again, through which a return to consciousness can occur. Born with the Moon in Pisces, you are likely to have an innate need to find outlets for your acute sensitivity. You are likely to be drawn to the romantic, creative, compassionate, service-oriented or spiritual dimensions of life. Your natural ability to sense what is really going on is your best asset but possibly your greatest stumbling block. By learning to respect your own nature, you see clearly the people and situations that will give you the respect that you deserve. Yours is a loving heart, looking for union with another. In Love you will discover your biggest reward, and the most worthy reason to sacrifice.
#12. SKEET ULRICH (Moon Sign: CANCER MOON ♋︎☽; Sun Sign: AQUARIUS SUN ♒︎☉)
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Moon In Cancer ♋︎☽
Moon In Cancer Best Traits: Sympathetic, caring, devoted, tenacious accommodating, dependable, regular, self-reliant, home-loving, home-making, family-conscious, firmly rooted, enchanting, introspective, receptive, meditative, emotionally attuned, deep feelings, responsive, nurturing, abiding, thrifty, protective, home-maker, hospitable, tender and responsive, self-sacrificing, subtly supportive, kind and consoling, emotionally encouraging, adaptable, childlike, watchful, enchanting, mentally tenacious, good memory, reliable, sensitive mind, poetic, intuitive, agreeable, absorbs information, attuned to public opinion, profound, polite, soft-spoken, discreet, diplomatic, arouses sympathies, emotionally appealing, persuasive speaker, gentle, romantic, sentimental, sensitive, compassionate, dreamy, devoted, loyal, unselfish, motherly, reassuring, familiar feel, comforting, 
Moon In Cancer Worst Traits: Oversensitive, clinging, fawning, harbours wounds, flogs dead horses, one-sided, habit-prone, self-absorbed, agoraphobic, limited, clannish, entrenched, lost, withdrawn, defensive, brooding, manipulative, deeply needy, despondent, swamping, dependent, apathetic, hoarding, smothering, possessively doting, stay-at-home, anti-social, self-pitying, touchy, self-deluding, devious and indirect, argumentative, emotionally blackmailing, moody, childish, over-cautious, sickly sentimental, mentally habit ridden, distracted, inflexible, impressionable, impractical, irrational, yes-person, too open, takes things too personally, depressive, self-conscious, unclear, incomprehensible, diffuse, prejudiced, capricious, untruthful, timid, soppy, gooey, maudlin, easily hurt, muddle headed, clingy, too attached, weak-willed, doting, parsimonious, old-womanish, fuss-pot, shy, insecure, fears unfamiliar, gluttonous 
Best Romantic Moon Sign Matches; SCORPIO MOON, PISCES MOON
❤️ Cancer Moon (♓︎☽) + Pisces Moon (♋︎☽): 
As a couple, Pisces Moon and Cancer Moon rate a perfect ten. They have very similar motivations and desires. They are extremely happy together and will have a long relationship. They have a great deal in common. Both partners are very receptive and can intuit the moods of those around them. They have an innate knowing of each other’s inner needs. Both partners are nurturing and sympathetic, ready to run to their partner at a moment’s notice to help them out. They will create a peaceful home that will allow them to replenish their souls and deepen their emotional bond.Cancer Moon looks out for the material needs while Pisces Moon looks out for their spiritual needs. They understand each other extremely well. They share many similarities. They may be able to communicate with each other without speaking, knowing intuitively what the other replies. They both need to take care not to absorb the troubles and emotions of those around them. Their empathy can end up hurting them. This will be a very thoughtful, tender relationship of quiet fulfillment.
❤️ Cancer Moon (♓︎☽) + Scorpio Moon (♏︎☽):
Cancer Moon and Scorpio Moon will share a great respect and understanding. They are a very well matched pair. Both partners will become deeply attached to each other. Nurturing Cancer and passionate Scorpio can plumb the emotional depths like no one else. Both partners are intuitive and sensitive to each others' needs and feelings. These two want a committed relationship. They may tend to lose objectivity and perspective about their relationship.This pairing is almost a psychic bonding that nurtures them both and can transform them both spiritually and emotionally. Scorpio is happy to have Cancer totally dependent upon them, because secretly, Scorpio is equally as dependent upon Cancer. Their differences can be found, but they won't make much of a fuss between them. Scorpio is passionate and emotional, with strong hates and equally strong loves.They react emotionally to people and situations. They reveal themselves to few, as they don't like to appear vulnerable. They can be vindictive when hurt. Cancer is soft, gentle and tender. While Scorpio's intensity can sometimes upset them, they are very sympathetic and understanding. They strive for a nurturing, peaceful atmosphere at home where they can all be happy.
Famous Cancer Moons: ☆ Aretha Franklin ☆ Bettie Page ☆ Carmen Electra ☆ Chaka Khan ☆ Chrissy Teigen ☆ Jessica Simpson ☆ Sofia Vergara ☆ Charlotte Casiraghi ☆ Mae West ☆ Emilia Clarke ☆ Pattie Labelle ☆ Kris Jenner ☆ Maggie Lindemann ☆ Kristin Kreuk ☆ Catherine Duchess of Cambridge ☆ Paris Jackson ☆ Dua Lipa ☆ Rose Byrne ☆ Kaley Cuoco ☆ Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes ☆ Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall ☆ Charlotte Gainsbourg ☆ Christy Turlington ☆ Courtney Love ☆ Drew Barrymore ☆ Condoleezza Rice ☆ Emma Thompson ☆ Alessandra Ambrosio ☆ Farrah Fawcett ☆ Kristen Chenoweth ☆ Emily Blunt ☆ Dorothy Dandridge ☆ Olivia de Havilland ☆ Stephenie Seymour ☆ Geri Halliwell ☆ Elizabeth Olsen ☆ CariDee English ☆ Barbara Palvin ☆  Anastacia ☆ Kaya Scodelario ☆ Miranda Kerr ☆ Gwen Stefani ☆ Zhang Ziyi ☆ Eleanor Roosevelt ☆ Mia Kirshner ☆ Jaclyn Smith ☆ Courtney Love ☆ Princess Victoria of Sweden ☆  Tatum O’Neal ☆ Maria Menounos ☆ Inna Shevchenko ☆ Halsey ☆ Jemima Kirke ☆ Melissa McCarthy ☆ Nancy Sinatra ☆ Frieda Pinto ☆ Tia Mowry ☆ Tamara Mowry ☆ Bo Derek ☆ Leslie ☆ Janis Joplin ☆ Julie Newmar ☆ Bobbi Kristina Brown ☆ Janelle Monae ☆ Stella McCartney ☆ Petra Nemcova ☆ Kris Kardashian ☆ Kerry Washington ☆ Lea Michele ☆ Carolyn Bessette Kennedy ☆ Alicia Vikander ☆ Laetitia Casta ☆ Eartha Kitt ☆ Lena Dunham ☆ Blue Ivy Carter ☆ Loni Anderson ☆ Emily Bronte ☆ Rachel Bilson ☆ Olivia Newton John ☆ Princess Margaret ☆ Irene Cara ☆ Bonnie Tyler ☆ Liza Minelli ☆ Mary J. Blige ☆ Bridget Fonda ☆ Busy Philipps ☆ Eva LaRue ☆ Fantasia Barrino ☆ Daisy Ridley ☆ Mary Tyler Moore ☆ Princess Beatrice of York ☆ Clara Bow ☆ Sandra Oh ☆ Rebecca de Mornay ☆ Suzanne Somers ☆ Jennifer Carpenter ☆ Nancy Grace ☆ Angie Everhart ☆ Aimee Osbourne ☆  Lana Parrilla ☆ Ani Difranco ☆ Natasha Lyonne ☆ Mindy Kaling ☆ Monica Keena ☆ Emily Vancamp ☆ Natasha Henstridge ☆ Janeane Garofalo ☆ Grand Duchess Anastasia ☆ Jennifer Hawkins ☆ Mischa Barton ☆ Miranda Kerr ☆ Linda Blair ☆ Marion Cotillard ☆ Nancy Sinatra ☆Phyllis Diller ☆  Nico ☆ Nicole Ritchie ☆ Liz Phair ☆  Kirsten Storms ☆ Gabrielle Carteris ☆ Jessica Stroup ☆  Penélope Cruz ☆ Stella McCartney ☆ Sharon Osbourne ☆ Shakira ☆ Taylor Swift ☆ Emma Caufield ☆  Vanessa Paradis ☆ Kurt Cobain ☆ Keanu Reeves ☆ Heath Ledger ☆ Drake ☆ Prince William ☆ Robert Pattinson ☆Jimi Hendrix ☆ Chad Michael Murray ☆ Isaac Newton ☆ Colin Farrell ☆ Harrison Ford ☆ Osama Bin Laden ☆ Sean Penn ☆ Pierce Brosnan ☆  Jimmy Page ☆ Jack White ☆ Julio Iglesias ☆ Adam Sandler ☆ Franklin D. Roosevelt ☆ Mac Miller ☆ Mark Ruffalo ☆ Jared Padalecki ☆ Marc Anthony ☆ Ice Cube ☆ Keith Urban ☆ Bow Wow ☆ Big Sean ☆ Kurt Russell ☆ Calvin Harris ☆ Theodore Roosevelt ☆ Criss Angel ☆ Dave Chappelle ☆ Hugo Chavez ☆ Clark Gable ☆ Boy George ☆ Logan Lerman ☆ LL Cool J ☆ Claude Debussy ☆ George Orwell ☆ Jonah Hill ☆ Michael B. Jordan ☆ Nick Carter ☆ Lord Byron ☆ Christopher Nolan ☆ Claude Monet ☆Angus Young ☆ Ryan Phillippe ☆ Ed Harris ☆ Tchaikovsky ☆ Robert Wagner ☆ Giorgio Armani  ☆ Paul Simon ☆ Boris Becker ☆ Mike Myers ☆ Christian Dior ☆ Willie Nelson ☆ Caligula ☆ Freddie Highmore ☆ Leonard Nimoy ☆ Wilmer Valderrama ☆ Weird Al Yankovic ☆ Valentino ☆ Michael Pitt ☆ Nick Nolte ☆ Marco Rubio ☆ Jesse James ☆ Dennis Quaid ☆ Steve Wozniak ☆ Van Morrison ☆ Barry White ☆ Paul Bettany ☆ Babe Ruth ☆ Luke Hemmings ☆ Aaron Carter ☆ Ricky Ullman ☆ Ulysses S. Grant ☆ Aziz Ansari ☆ Colton Haynes ☆ Tim Allen ☆ Mos Def ☆ Ben Foster ☆ Jermaine Jackson ☆ Omarion ☆ A.R. Rahman ☆ Stephen Amell ☆ Yo-Yo Ma ☆ Ryan Adams ☆ John Hurt ☆ Dominic Monaghan ☆ Donny Osmond ☆ Evander Holyfield ☆ Geraldo Rivera ☆ Elvis Costello ☆ Steve Winwood ☆ Kofi Annan ☆ Tracy Morgan ☆ Kenny Rogers ☆ Jason Biggs ☆ Young Buck ☆ John Candy ☆ Mark Antony ☆ Chris Crocker ☆ Chris Colfer ☆ Cam Gigandet ☆ Kevin Zegers ☆ Dominic Purcell ☆ Gregoire ☆ Ross Perot ☆ The Edge (U2) ☆ Brett Kavanaugh ☆ Robert Frost ☆ Ving Rhames ☆ Yanni ☆ Rick Schoeder ☆ Scott Speedman ☆ Sam Raimi  
Born with the Moon in Cancer, you are likely to have an innate need to nurture, support and protect. Cancer is a Water sign, and so, pertains to the emotional, psychological and spiritual dimensions of life. Your empathy for others is likely to be strong, and you will have an intuitive ability to sense what others need. Cancer is also a Cardinal sign, and so is concerned with taking action somehow. You are likely to feel a sense of responsibility that will impel you to take action where others wellbeing is concerned. This is a sign of emotional support; of deep connection to family, home, and togetherness. A sense of emotional wellbeing comes from the family and home connections that you create in your life. The Moon rules Cancer, so is in its’ own sign. This will amplify the lunar qualities of emotion, empathy and intuition. You are likely to be strongly driven by emotion, influenced by your own ever-changing moods, as well as the moods of those around you. As the Moon is cyclic in nature, waxing and waning as it orbits the Earth, you too are likely to be a cyclical being. You are more influenced by your own inner cycles and instincts than logic or routine. You can use this sensitivity to great advantage if you learn to recognize your internal rhythms. Then you will know what you need in each moment, and will naturally follow your own inner path. Moon in Cancer people often do best when they can keep to their own schedules. The ebb and flow of emotion will affect their vitality, and so the kinds of activity that suit them from day to day. You are likely to be influenced by the moods and feelings of those around you, and can be deeply affected by whatever environment you are in. It is very important for those born with the Moon here learn to take responsibility for how sensitive and emotional they are. Otherwise, you may find yourself constantly tossed around in the sea of life, soaking up other peoples emotional and psychic states with little awareness of what is happening to you and why. For emotional balance, you need to recognize the difference between what is yours and not yours. Taking on the moods of others can distract you from your own best path.You may be unable to discern between your own feelings, and attitudes, and those of the people around you, for you are extremely impressionable, and likely to be instinctively responding to how others around you feel. This is useful when it comes to nurturing and supporting. You have an almost psychic sense of what they need and when! But for your own well-being, it can be problematic if you are constantly invested in others’ needs, with little conscious awareness, of what you need yourself! Ask yourself honestly if you know what your needs are? Can you define them? Do they depend upon the relative stance of other people? Are your true needs being met? You are advised to take good care of this highly sophisticated emotional mechanism by making sure you stay centered and grounded. This can be achieved in many ways, including spending time alone in nature or by the water when you feel the need. Meditation and retreat will work wonders for you. Learning to invigorate your emotional self will be one of the smartest skills you learn in life. Your instincts are actually your best friend, and will serve you very well once you have learned to decipher between what is yours, and what is not. You must remember how readily inclined you are to soak up the atmosphere of what is going on around you, and so, stay somehow separated when involved in circumstances where it would be best for you to stay detached. This is difficult, but can be achieved through practice, and using mental imagery to affirm that you are protected and contained. Visualizing a calm and protective white or pale blue bubble around you can be very helpful. The yogic practice of pranayama (controlled breathing) is another excellent tool for keeping your psychic field clear and contained. The Moon in Cancer can be very traditional. Matters to do with home and family life tend to feature strongly. For some, there will be an overarching concern for all things concerning family life. Having your family around you will be important and you are likely to feel very responsible for your family’s wellbeing. For others, especially if the Moon is aspected by other, more independent planets, you will still be affected by family life, but may find part of your journey involves the continual struggle to emerge from the “familial soup” so to speak, and become your own person. You may have to leave behind your family of origin to find your family of choice. You may have constant change with the people in your life, but notice you somehow feel at your best when there is someone there for you to take care of. A sense of belonging comes from maintaining emotional ties. You will willingly take on the responsibility of caring for others – this a natural place for you to be. Accordingly, this is a very maternal/paternal position for The Moon, lending strong nurturing capacities. Your relationship with your own mother is likely to be especially significant, and you may have a close symbiotic bond. Sometimes, the need to nurture can be so strong that you tend to over nurture, or smother, those you care about. With the Moon here, you may have to learn to let family members live their lives in their own way. You may have to let go of the habit of becoming overly invested in your family members’ lives. On a basic level, you need to give support and nurture to those around you, without jeopardizing their independence, as well as your own. Sometime the best way to protect others is to teach them what it means to go out into the world and achieve results. Like a mother hen, you may have to let go of the urge to keep your “chick” close beneath your wings. You nurture others best when you are not attempting to over-protect them from what may be, in the end, your own worst fears. On the down side, this Moon position can also be associated with a tendency to attract persons who are so emotionally needy that the Cancer Moon person finds themselves constantly in a position of taking care of the other whilst secretly resenting the fact that their own need for nurturing and support is not being met. This unconsciously becomes the perfect “hook” for the Cancer Moon individual to become absorbed in taking care of the other’s needs, whilst failing to get their own needs met in return. Often, Cancer Moon folk find themselves in codependent situations as they attract needy people, requiring constant support and attention. Your need to nurture means you get confused around where your true responsibilities lie. This will reflect the basic premise that you are more aware of others needs than you are of your own, and so will take action for them before you will do it for yourself. Withdrawing from relationships where you play “parent” is important and will allow you to attract into your life an equal who will recognize and meet your needs in return. Ultimately, you must learn about the sensitivity and subtle, unconscious patterns inherent in this Moon position. You need to understand your emotional self without being overwhelmed by its’ demands. This can be achieved by actively seeking to nurture others whilst maintaining appropriate boundaries, by recognizing your need to be close and protective, and then asking yourself if your needs can be met. Setting up relationships where you end up being disappointed just perpetuates misplaced feelings of guilt and responsibility. You need to surround yourself with people who recognize your nurturing qualities, and can give you the same in return. On another level, Cancer relates to the domestic side of life. Your home is likely to be very important to you, and in many ways your castle as well as retreat from the world. Your home should be as calm and serene as possible. You are probably naturally attuned to home decorating, and know how to make it both comfortable and inviting. This is the sign of hospitality, and you may be a great cook, or drawn to any activity where you can take care of others needs. Bringing people into your home is a great way for you to show them that you love them. Whilst you may be emotionally sensitive in environments not familiar to you, you can be at your best when home. Every effort should be made to make your home exactly as you want it. You may change homes continually in your life, but what should remain constant is the sense of peace that comes over you when you walk through the front door. Born with the Moon in Cancer, you are likely to have a highly developed intuitive and emotional side. You are likely to have a strong empathy for others, and will feel impelled to take action in order to nurture, support and protect them. Your uncanny sense of what others need gives you the ability to stay one step ahead. You recognise the unspoken opportunity present in many situations, and can act in ways that give others what they need. This sensitivity can be also be used for your own benefit. Recognizing your own rhythms or tides means you know exactly what you need and when. Learning to acknowledge your own needs is important, and may take time. It is easier for you to sense where others are coming from than it yourself. But once this skill is learned, there is little to hold you back. Born with the Moon in Cancer, you are a natural homemaker, family person and friend. With your heightened sensitivity, you connect easily with others, and get great joy from seeing them thrive.
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cutiekins01 · 7 years
The Presidents Song
Heigh ho! Do you know, The names of the US Residents Who then became the Presidents And got a view from the White House loo Of Pennsylvania Avenue George Washington was the first, you see He once chopped down a cherry tree
President number two would be John Adams and then Number three
Tom Jefferson stayed up to write The Constitution late at night So he and his wife had a great big fight And she made him sleep on the couch all night
James Madison never had a son then he fought the War of 1812
James Monroe's colossal nose Was bigger than Pinnochio's
John Quincy Adams was number six And it's Andrew Jackson's butt he kicked So Jackson learns to play politics Next time he's the one that the country picks
Martin Van Buren number eight For a one term shot as chief of state
William Harrisson, how do you praise That guy was dead in thirty days!
John Tyler he liked country folk
And after him came President Polk
Zachary Taylor liked to smoke His breath killed friends whenever he spoke
1850, really nifty Millard Fillmore's in
Young and fierce was Franklin Pierce The man without a chin
Follows next a period spannin' Four long years with James Buchanan Then the South start shootin' cannon And we've got a civil war
A war! A war down south in Dixie!
Up to bat comes old Abe Lincoln
There's a guy who's really thinkin'
Kept the United States from shrinking Saved the ship of state from sinking
Andrew Johnson's next He had some slight defects
Congress each Would impeach
And so the county now elects
Ulysses Simpson Grant Who would scream and rave and rant
While drinking whiskey Although risky Cause he'd spill it on his pants
It's 1877 and the democrats would gloat But they're all amazed when Rutherford Hayes Wins by just one vote
James Garfield, someone really hated Cause he was assassinated
Chester Arthur gets instated Four years later he was traded
For Grover Cleveland, really fat Elected twice as a democrat Then Benjamin Harrison after that It's William McKinley up at bat
Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill
And President Taft he got the bill
In 1913 Woodrow
Wiiilllllllson Takes us into World War One
Warren Harding he does fine
It's Calvin Coolidge next in line
And then in 1929 The market crashes and we find
It's Herbert Hoover's big debut He gets the blame and loses to
Franklin Roosevelt, President who Helped us win in World War Two
Harry Truman, weird little human Serves two terms and when he's done
It's Eisenhower who's got the power From '53 to '61
John F. Kennedy, he gets shot So Lyndon Johnson takes his spot
Richard Nixon he gets caught And Gerald Ford fell down a lot
Jimmy Carter liked campaign trips
And Ronald Regan's speeches' scripts All came from famous movie clips And President Bush said "read my lips"
Now in Washington D.C.
It's democrats and the G.O.P.
But the one in charge is plain to see
Its Clinton, first name Hilary
The next President to lead the way Well, it just might be yourself one day Then the press'll distort everything you say
So jump in your plane and fly away
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Biden’s Game Plan — Take No Risks & Run Out the Clock
When Vice President Calvin Coolidge ascended to the presidency on the death of Warren Harding in 1923, a wag remarked that Silent Cal’s career had exhibited unmistakable signs of celestial intervention.
Governor Coolidge vaulted to national attention during the Boston police strike of 1919, where, in a stinging letter to Sam Gompers of the AFL, he thundered: “There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time.”
If Joe Biden becomes president, celestial intervention, once again, cannot be ruled out.
In the first Democratic contest in 2020 in Iowa, Biden, though the clear front-runner in the national polls, ran a humiliating fourth. In New Hampshire, a week later, he ran fifth. In Nevada, Joe was crushed again by Bernie Sanders but edged out Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar thanks to his loyal African American base.
Came then South Carolina where the Black vote, 60% of the total, gave Biden a triumph — and the momentum that propelled him to a sweeping victory on Super Tuesday. Biden’s delegate count became so large it was virtually impossible for Sanders to overcome.
That March, however, which had begun with the resurrection of Biden’s campaign, was also the month the COVID-19 pandemic hit in full fury, sinking the exuberant economy that had been Donald Trump’s ticket to reelection.
At that point, Biden went to earth. Through the spring of 2020 and this summer, he has socially distanced himself from the press and the public and sheltered in place in a basement bunker as the worst pandemic in a century drove down the best economy in decades to Depression-era levels. The last quarter alone saw a 9% plunge in our gross domestic product.
If Biden wins in November, then his “basement bunker” campaign will be studied by historians alongside the “front porch” campaign of Harding that led to the 1920 landslide victory over Democrat James M. Cox.
Yet, several scheduled events could still upend Biden’s take-no-risks-and-run-out-the-clock strategy. The first is his choice of a vice presidential nominee, which Biden has promised will be a woman.
However, if Biden restricts his choice to a Black woman, as some have insisted, he eliminates from consideration every governor and senator in the party save Kamala Harris.
And if all the media attention given to Harris and other VP candidates fails to produce that Black woman, in this hour of renewed demands for racial equality, Biden will have some serious explaining to do to the core constituency that saved his bacon in South Carolina.
There is another danger in Biden’s choice.
When General Eisenhower chose Richard Nixon in 1952, the liberal press ginned up a story about a “secret Nixon slush fund,” so intense that Ike was almost stampeded into dropping his running mate.
In 1972, Sen. George McGovern’s campaign failed in its due diligence on his vice presidential choice, and McGovern was forced to drop Sen. Tom Eagleton from his ticket and replace him with Sargent Shriver.
Moreover, given Biden’s age — he would be the oldest president ever inaugurated by eight full years — his choice will have to be seen by the nation as a credible president.
A second hurdle for Biden is his speech accepting the Democratic nomination.
The country would be watching intently to see if the Biden of August 2020 had lost the mental and communication skills he once had.
But Biden’s advisers bypassed that hurdle this week by declaring that the pandemic prevents Biden from traveling to the Milwaukee convention.
This leaves the three presently scheduled debates as perhaps the last major hurdles between Biden and the presidency.
Since 1960, when John F. Kennedy established himself as a credible challenger to Vice President Nixon in the first of four debates, these confrontations have often proven critical.
In 1976, President Gerald Ford severely damaged his chances of holding onto the office he had inherited from Nixon when he insisted during his debate with Jimmy Carter that Poland, then under Soviet control, was a free nation.
Ronald Reagan used his 1980 debate with Carter to show with his wit and demeanor that he was anything but the reactionary of the major media’s depiction.
For Trump to regain lost ground, he must convince the country that not only is he the right man to manage America’s way out of the health crisis, economic crisis and racial crisis that were none of his doing, but that Biden has lost the physical rigor and mental capacity to cope with the triple crisis. And the best, and perhaps last, place to do that is in the debates.
The left understands this, which is why we are suddenly seeing media suggestions that Biden should cancel the debates.
A terrified left wants Joe Biden to coast to victory, and many on that side share a belief that this may be the only way he gets there.
Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.”
The post Biden’s Game Plan — Take No Risks & Run Out the Clock appeared first on The American Conservative.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Raymond L. Brown, age 82, of Pascagoula and Gautier, Mississippi, passed away unexpectedly on a walk on the trails of his property with his beloved dog Bebe, work gloves on.
He was looking forward to being inducted into the inaugural class of the Sugar Bowl Hall of Fame in New Orleans next week on New Years Day 2018.
He was born in Clarksdale in 1936 and spent his early years in Greenville, Mississippi. He was preceded in death by his father, Russell L. Brown and his mother, Agnes Brown Mason, and by his wife of 58 years, Carolyn “Lyn” Shoemaker Brown. He is survived by his daughter, Allison Brown Buchanan (Patrick), of Biloxi, son, Raymond L. Brown, Jr. (Virginia Mary), of Houston, Texas, Beverly Brown Dees (Hale), of Ocean Springs, and eight grandchildren, Hawtin and Frances Buchanan; Raymond, III, Thompson, Patrick and Walker Brown; and Wesley and Sydney Fontaine. He leaves two brothers, Jerry Russell Brown and Donald Hays Brown of Greenville, and a sister, Sally Rebecca (Beki) Brown Morgan, Montgomery, Alabama.
Raymond graduated from Greenville High School, where he was a student leader and four-sport athlete, served as president of the student council, QB and captain of a state championship football team, was most valuable player in the former Big 8 conference, and was first-team high school All-American. He played in the high school All-American game in 1954.
He attended Ole Miss on a football scholarship, where he was a student leader and played both football and baseball. He was President of the Business School, was on three football bowl teams, and on a college world-series baseball team at Ole Miss. He was All-SEC in football, having led the SEC in passing in 1956 and in total offense in 1957. He was the Most Valuable Player in the 1958 Sugar Bowl. His 92-yard touchdown run still stands as the longest run in Sugar Bowl history. He then played in the Senior Bowl and in the College All-Star Game, which is no longer played. The College All-Stars defeated the NFL champion Detroit Lions in that game.
Ray Brown – Photo courtesy of AllstateSugarBowl.org
At Ole Miss, he was affiliated with Sigma Chi social fraternity, of which he was an officer, and was selected for Omicron Delta Kappa, a scholarship-leadership society.
Achieving a business degree (BBA) from Ole Miss, he then attended both Ole Miss and Maryland law schools, earning a law degree from Ole Miss. In law school, he was inducted into Phi Delta Phi honorary fraternity and earned the honor of writing for the law journal. While earning his law degree, he played three years of professional football with the Baltimore Colts, attending, alternately, the Ole Miss and Maryland law schools. He was a member of two NFL championship teams, playing as starting defensive back and punter in the famous sudden death1958 championship game against the NY Giants in Yankee Stadium in New York City, which is called the Greatest Game Ever Played. In addition to his defensive and punting roles, he was an alternate at quarterback for the great Johnny Unitas.
Finishing law school after professional football, he earned a law clerkship at the United States Supreme Court, where he clerked for Justice Tom Clark.
He was active and a leader in the community and in his profession. He was a member of First United Methodist Church in Pascagoula, where he served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, among other positions. He served as Chairman of the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, of which he was a Board member for many years, President of Pascagoula Rotary and President of the Jaycees. In 1964 he was Young Man of the Year in Pascagoula. He was the attorney for the Pascagoula Municipal School District for thirty years and was a local board member of the Hancock Bank. After moving to Gautier, he served on the Gautier Historic Preservation Commission.
His professional leadership included President of the Mississippi Bar, Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, which he served as State Chair and as a Regent (national Board member), representing the Fellows of four states, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas for four years. He was recognized with Lifetime Achievement awards by both the Mississippi Bar and the Mississippi Defense Lawyers.
Mr. Brown served as President of the Ole Miss Alumni Association and President of the Ole Miss Law Alumni.
He believed strongly in the United States Constitution, and often spoke to civic clubs and other organizations to encourage knowledge of and support for our Constitution.
An instrument-rated pilot, he flew his own plane on business and to many Ole Miss football games.
His many honors include induction into several Halls of Fame. His student leadership at Ole Miss was recognized by his induction into the Ole Miss Student Hall of Fame; his service to Ole Miss, by his induction into the Ole Miss Alumni Hall of Fame; his professional career, by induction into the University of Mississippi Law Alumni Hall of Fame; and his athletic career, by his induction into the Ole Miss Athletic Hall of Fame, the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame, the Sugar Bowl Hall of Fame, and, in 2007, the 12-person Wall Street Journal Lawyer-football Hall of Fame, along with Justice Byron White, Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and President Gerald Ford.
In lieu of flowers, the family wishes consideration of memorials to the University of Mississippi Raymond L. Brown Scholarship in Law, c/o University of Mississippi Foundation, 406 University Ave., Oxford, MS 38655 or First United Methodist Church, PO Box 371, Pascagoula, MS 39568
For questions or comments, email [email protected].
The post Ole Miss Football Legend Ray Brown Passes Away at 82 appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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Slate.com -Trump Is a Marked Man: Potential primary challenges to the president in 2020 could be a sign of doom for him—and his party. #WashingtonDCTheBestRealityShowonTV #TheRoadtotheWhiteHouse Since the end of World War II, just three presidents have faced primary challenges when running for re-election. In 1976, Gerald Ford (whose legitimacy was in question on account of never being elected to the office) was forced into a grueling contest with Ronald Reagan, who had just finished two terms as governor of California and had taken his place as the leader of the conservative movement within the Republican Party. Four years later, Jimmy Carter faced a similarly vigorous challenge from Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, who challenged the incumbent on leadership and ideological grounds. In 1992, George H.W. Bush found himself in a fight with Pat Buchanan, a Republican operative and commentator who ran on a platform of cultural conservatism.All three presidents won their respective primaries. All three lost in their subsequent general elections. To the extent that there is a pattern, it is simple: Sitting presidents who have to defend themselves from a party rival are presidents who will probably lose their fight to stay in office. And the reason such presidents would even have rivals is because they are weak and exceptionally vulnerable. Ford had the specter of Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal; Carter’s approval rating plunged to 29 percent by the end of 1979 amid crisis and stagnation; and Bush faced a slowing economy and a rebellion from right-wing conservatives who slammed him for betraying his pledge of “no new taxes.”This is the key context for news that some prominent Republicans are quietly taking the kinds of steps that clear the way for presidential runs. Sens. Ben Sasse and Tom Cotton, notes the New York Times, have already made trips to Iowa. Ohio Gov. John Kasich is planning several forums on health care policy and may make a trip to New Hampshire. And Vice President Mike Pence has established a political action committee and packed his schedule with political events, speaking at a key GOP event in Iowa... #NewYorkCity #WashingtonDC #Boston (at The Acre, Lowell)
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University football's top fifty players 2017 season
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/university-footballs-top-fifty-players-2017-season/
University football's top fifty players 2017 season
seven:00 AM ET
Who will be the most effective players in university soccer in 2017?
To identify this, ESPN formed a panel of writers, reporters, analysts and Insiders to rank the top fifty, which we will depend down from No. fifty to No. 1 over two days.
To compile CFBRank, we collaborated with Microsoft Research and The Wharton University, and polled 19 ESPN authorities who voted in thousands of head-to-head matchups. Soon after 5 days of voting, we have our success.
Here’s a search at players fifty-26.
Tarvarus McFadden Florida Point out Junior | Defensive Back again
McFadden overcame a rocky begin to very last season to emerge as one of the most effective cornerbacks in the state. He recorded eight interceptions, tied for the most in the state and second most in university record. Soon after sitting down out the spring with a shoulder personal injury, McFadden is healthy for tumble and on the lookout for an even even larger season.
Josh Sweat Florida Point out Junior | Defensive Finish
Banged up early very last season, Sweat finished with seven sacks in the ultimate eight weeks of the season, leading quite a few to think this would be his most effective season but. Last but not least thoroughly healthy, there will be a great deal of opportunities to emerge as the team’s sack chief with Demarcus Walker gone.
Nick Chubb Georgia Senior | Managing Back again
If you were being pondering how Chubb’s leg would keep up right after that vicious personal injury as a sophomore, worry no far more. He unquestionably shook off the rust as a junior, dashing for 1,one hundred thirty yards and eight touchdowns very last season.
Nick Chubb arrived again from a brutal ACL personal injury to hurry for far more than 1,100 yards in 2016. Dale Zanine/United states Right now Sports
Jarrett Stidham Auburn Sophomore | Quarterback
Permit the Heisman excitement start off. Soon after a 12 months in exile, the former Baylor QB landed at Auburn wherever he could be the supreme weapon in Gus Malzahn’s offense — an accurate, robust-armed passer with the mobility to escape the pocket.
Josh Allen Wyoming Junior | Quarterback
Two decades back, he experienced difficulties acquiring a FBS scholarship present, but now Allen is prominently on the radar of NFL scouts. Video games towards Iowa and Oregon will give him a probability to establish himself towards Electric power five competitiveness.
James Washington Oklahoma Point out Senior | Vast Receiver
Washington, who is coming off again-to-again 1,000-property acquiring seasons, has previously made a dozen 100-property acquiring outings in his career.
Arden Vital LSU Junior | Defensive Finish
While Vital has to response thoughts off the industry offered his absence from spring exercise, no one uncertainties what he is capable of with his hand in the grime dashing the passer. With Myles Garrett gone, Vital could guide the league in sacks.
LSU’s Arden Vital was one of the game’s fiercest move-rushers very last evening, recording 12 sacks on the 12 months. Gerald Herbert/AP, File
Calvin Ridley Alabama Junior | Vast Receiver
Assume of Ridley as Amari Cooper’s clone. They’re each the exact measurement, and were being similarly effective in their very first two seasons at Alabama. Getting into his junior 12 months, Ridley previously has 161 catches, 1,184 yards and 14 touchdowns.
Dexter Lawrence Clemson Sophomore | Defensive Tackle
The ACC Defensive Rookie of the Year very last season is in line for an even even larger season in 2017, right after he broke the university freshman document with seven sacks. Lawrence also experienced a whopping seventy nine tackles as an interior lineman. Although the six-foot-five, 340-pounder delivers energy and measurement, his athleticism is also placing for a tackle and is a major motive why he is such a major presence on the Clemson defense.
Josh Rosen UCLA Junior | Quarterback
He is without doubt one of the most talented quarterbacks in university soccer and a top NFL draft prospect. Is this the 12 months that talent allows consequence in workforce success?
Harold Landry Boston University Senior | Defensive Finish
Landry led the country very last season with seven pressured fumbles and 16.five sacks and returns for his senior season with one big purpose: establish that he can enjoy each defensive end and outside linebacker.
Jake Browning Washington Junior | Quarterback
Soon after successful the Pac-12 Offensive Participant of the Year award though leading Washington to the University Football Playoff, what will Browning do for an encore?
Jake Browning will require to be even better than he was very last season if the Huskies are to make a return excursion to the University Football Playoff. Jennifer Buchanan/United states Right now Sports
J.T. Barrett Ohio Point out Senior | Quarterback
With 100 career touchdowns previously driving him and the assure of a revamped offense ahead of him, Barrett must be primed for one more major season — and quite possibly one more excursion to the University Football Playoff.
Mason Rudolph Oklahoma Point out Senior | Quarterback
Rudolph was one of just eight four,000-property passers very last season, and of the eight, he threw the fewest interceptions with only 4.
Deondre Francois Florida Point out Sophomore | Quarterback
Possibly the most impressive portion about his debut season was the way he saved acquiring up right after taking one punishing hit right after the next. Then when you search at the stats — 3,350 yards passing, 20 touchdowns — they search even far more impressive. With Dalvin Cook off to the NFL, all eyes will be on Francois to guide a workforce with championship aspirations.
Trace McSorley Penn Point out Senior | Quarterback
Penn State’s offense remodeled into a juggernaut when the coaching personnel begun working with McSorley in the run match very last season. His arm (12 passing touchdowns in the Nittany Lions’ previous a few video games) is just not lousy possibly.
Ed Oliver Houston Sophomore | Defensive Tackle
Oliver was arguably the top legitimate freshman defender in the state in 2016, earning very first-workforce All-American honors though racking up 47 solo tackles, second-most of any defensive lineman.
Ed Oliver was so excellent this 12 months he experienced no difficulties chasing down Heisman favorite Lamar Jackson in the Cougars major win over Louisville. Eric Christian Smith/AP Photo
Christian Wilkins Clemson Junior | Defensive Lineman
Back again at his organic position on the interior of the defensive line, Wilkins believes he has not but attained his comprehensive potential. Which is a terrifying proposition for defenses, looking at Wilkins wreaked havoc at the end very last 12 months with thirteen tackles for decline and 20 quarterback pressures.
Minkah Fitzpatrick Alabama Junior | Defensive Back again
He can enjoy cornerback, basic safety and nickel. And he can enjoy them all at an All-American degree. In two seasons, the DB has 111 tackles and eight interceptions. What is actually far more, he has scored 4 touchdowns on defense.
Lamar Jackson Louisville Junior | Quarterback
The reigning Heisman Trophy winner has set on 10 kilos and used the full offseason performing on a new repertoire that he believes will make him better: snaps from underneath centre, creating checks and phone calls at the line, and protecting a pocket presence.
Derrius Guice LSU Junior | Managing Back again
If you require to exchange Leonard Fournette, it really is excellent to have someone like Guice around. The Baton Rouge native stepped in for an hurt Fournette and shined very last season, dashing for 1,385 yards and 15 touchdowns.
Saquon Barkley Penn Point out Junior | Managing Back again
One particular of the country’s most freakish functioning backs will be the centerpiece for one of the country’s most entertaining offenses in 2017. Barkley is hoping to carry Point out University its very first Heisman given that 1973.
Baker Mayfield Oklahoma Senior | Quarterback
Mayfield, who owns 27 career wins as a starting QB, could turn out to be the second player given that the nineteen forties to end in the top 4 of the Heisman voting a few moments.
Soon after again-to-again top-4 Heisman finishes, can Baker Mayfield just take the trophy residence in 2017? Photo by Brett Deering/Getty Illustrations or photos
Sam Darnold USC Sophomore | Quarterback
Darnold capped his redshirt freshman 12 months with one of the all-time fantastic performances in the Rose Bowl and is the key motive USC is a legit nationwide title contender.
Derwin James Florida Point out Junior | Defensive Back again
Possibly the most multipurpose player in university soccer, anticipations for James are skyrocketing right after an offseason used rehabbing his knee and understanding just about each and every position on defense. Be expecting him to line up at his common basic safety spot, though also playing cornerback, linebacker and some defensive end.
Voters: Andrea Adelson, Kyle Bonagura, Heather Dinich, Brad Edwards, Chris Fallica, David Hale, Sam Khan Jr., Chris Small, Ivan Maisel, Ryan McGee, Dan Murphy, Adam Rittenberg, Alex Scarborough, Mark Schlabach, Mitch Sherman, Phil Steele, Jake Trotter, Tom vanHaaren and Seth Walder.
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