#Geraud oc prisoner 007
archivalofsins · 6 months
So, I remembered Picrew existed because of that last post so here's what the milgram ocs look like for the most part.
As they say ladies first-
Mirelle Apte 002 (Star made this wonderful little lady. I just torment her. Star here! Mirelle is great~ Leave her alone. Gunsli here- No~)
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Alli’s OC Creator!
Afra Barnes 004 (Gunsli's responsibility. I made this lovely child she gets confused easily and doesn't know much about the real world but she's trying to learn!)
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Alli’s OC Creator!
Ina Faraday 006 (Huh, she's someones responsibility. But I keep stealing her because she's fun- Star and I both made images of her at like the same time so she has two. Star here! She's just a little bean :- 3c)
Here's mine
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And Star's the person actually responsible for her~
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I think it's funny that we both legitimately almost created the same exact physical image. Star said it's co-custody. So, our daughter now.
Alli’s OC Creator!
Vinya Artley 008 (Ha, ha I am not feeling good. Gunsli's responsibility I made this girl Vinya and I both didn't like that. Star: Baby girl. Baby.)
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Alli’s OC Creator!
Nayo Ellis 010 (This little problem child is Star's responsibility. She's always getting into something and pretty untrusting. Star here~ Gremlin childe. Yet somehow not as feral as she could be.)
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Alli’s OC Creator!
Daniel Livingston 001 (Gunsli's responsibility sadly I made this guy.)
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[BAYDEWS' avatar maker!!] V2
Zareth Johnson 003 (Star's responsibility Star here this is my perfectest boy, he never falls over himself and he's trying So hard to be good.)
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[BAYDEWS' avatar maker!!] V2
Nell Newell 005 (Gunsli's responsibility. I made this little guy he's pretty great.)
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[BAYDEWS' avatar maker!!] V2
Geraud Princeton 007 (Star's responsibility- Star here! I made this guy who is So So Normal and Well Adjusted.)
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[BAYDEWS' avatar maker!!] V2
Milko Vereze 009 (Gunsli's responsibility I came up with this guy he's a bit of a pushover isn't he?)
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[BAYDEWS' avatar maker!!] V2
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archivalofsins · 7 months
Lope's Commencement
Daniel Prisoner 001
Mirelle Prisoner 002
Zareth Prisoner 003
Afra Prisoner 004
Nell Newell 005
Ooopsie did you need that?
Ina Faraday 006
007- Geraud Princeton
Place of birth: Edinburgh, Scotland
Date of birth: 06/29/2011
Age: 12
Ethnicity: Indian-indonesian
Humble- not like that will get him anywhere though. Hasn't anyone told this guy that people will take advantage of traits like those? Well, not like that's any of my concern- Outside of that, he’s not that interesting. He can be easily talked into doing things, so do with that what you will.
Prisoner Color: #E8B5BD
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Permanent record
Princeton has a 3.7 GPA with average class participation. Sociable, but teachers have concerns that he is either being bullied or taken advantage of.
Dear Princeton household,
Geraud has repeatedly been caught red handed shoplifting and vandalizing. In each instance he has made attempts to make amends for the behavior and visibly displayed feelings of remorse and shame.
His reasoning for his behavior in each instance has remained vague and at times difficult to follow. Given the consistency of these instances we are recommending that you enroll him into behavioral therapy at your earliest convenience. If you are in need of finding affordable options, please contact us at XXXXXXX.
All of our staff would be more than willing to help Geraud get the accommodation and access to treatment he deserves. Until then we would also recommend more quality time and open communication be strived for within the home. Having family dinner at the minimum once a week, giving him a curfew, and making sure that he does not remain idle or unaccounted for over long stretches of time. All these things could aid in stopping this behavior.
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archivalofsins · 6 months
Lope: People this age can really get loud. What is this a free period? Anyone here has my apologies for the length of this transcript. Well a cotton tail would have shortened it more I suppose.
Jackalope: Ah, did that apology include me?
Lope: I don't know. How much longer is dredging up my transcripts going to take?
Jackalope: . . .
03/05/24 10:34 PM
Afra: Hm did I see them when I woke up? Ba-but why are you asking? Daniel: Well, I just thought it was kind of weird that they were nowhere in sight when I woke up. Kind of felt like they just showed up. Afra: Wait if you’re suspecting them of something then they’re definitely not suspicious I swear. I did see them! I’ll confess okay- Just don’t think they’re bad people when I’m the one at fault here. Nayo: Confess? Hold on- Take a breath and calm down then explain. Afra: O-okay… Well, ya see- Nell… I-i… I woke him. I know I said it was bad when you two got up but it was pretty scary and he was sleeping closest to me so I thought it’d be fine. But… he got really mad. He looked at me super meanly and then began looking around the room quietly. When I followed behind and tried to talk to him. Well, he gave me a stern look and shook his head while motioning for me to be quiet. Then ushered me to sit down in that corner. You’re not going to tell anyone I woke him up are you? I know I’m a monster who ruins people’s sleep we don’t need to tell anyone else do we- Daniel: … Nayo: Ya, know. Yeah, that tracks for both of you. But what about Milko? Afra: Ah, well…I don’t think Nell’s usually like that he was probably just cranky. He’s actually rather nice so it’s um probably my fault you see- Nayo: Yeah, I got you. Okay?  But what about Milko- Afra: Nell was really mad because of me and he, he-  He kicked- Milko: Hey, whatcha guys talking about? Daniel: God you’re quiet! Man weren’t you meant to be looking over the kitchen. Milko: I just finished up. Wha- Di-did I interrupt something? Are we not meant to be going to check the hall? Afra: I’M SO SORRY! Milko: What- huh why are you? … Milko: Oh, you wanted to know about that. Ha, yeah Nell was so ticked he kicked my head like a soccer ball. The lights were out when we woke up and I guess his eyes hadn’t adjusted to the dark enough to tell it was another person. That kid can be scary. Needless to say I had a pretty rude awakening. Ha, ha… It still hurts. I was disoriented for a bit. After he basically just dragged me around with him since and I quote I seemed reasonable. Nayo: You got kicked in the head and didn’t yell. Milko: Ah that would be manly wouldn’t it… But no I cried and stumbled about disoriented until tripping into one of the bunkbeds like an oaf. Daniel: Dude you could have lied. Milko: Well not really Afra saw me so- Afra: I’ve brought pain to so many people while here. I deserve to suffer. The cost of penance is so high that nothing can pay it but my swift death. Daniel: What- NO! That’s not how this works. Milko: I told you when we talked about this just because you inconvenience someone doesn’t mean you deserve to die. Daniel: THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS TALK HAS HAPPENED?! What is wrong with you people? Is mental health a pipe dream to you? Self-worth a lie that others just discuss to spite you- Zareth: I wasn’t even talking. I’m being good and keeping still. Vinya: I sure hope it’s a pipe dream! Because I’m going down that bitch like a slide! Yippie~ Can I get a witness? Ina: Yeah, girl let that mental health drop! Let its ass reach the ground. Fuck getting better get worse always and forever! Daniel: I wasn’t referring to any of you! God, I am going to need mental health care after this- I didn’t need it before but I feel so uniquely sure after knowing you all for these few hours that I need it. I need it so much- Is anyone here normal?! Geraud: We went over this- Daniel: FUCK IT; FINE! *sigh* Okay, okay…it’s fine just breath in then out. *sigh* I’m not going to be able to take this much longer. Milko: Ha, this must be rough for you. Daniel: Get your arm from around me mister wow isn’t this exciting. Milko: Ah… …it is..exciting though.
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archivalofsins · 6 months
03/05/24 10:12 PM
Nell: So, that’s the plan for now huh… Milko: Well, like you said there isn’t much guarantee that the outside is better than in here. Daniel: Yeah, and those lockers while stupid had to be set up by someone. Geraud: The clothes too. Nell: For now, we should work under the assumption that this is random, and they know nothing about us. Geraud: Can we really work under that assumption safely though? Milko: I don’t think you’re fully grasping what Nell is saying. Geraud: Okay, elaborate then. Milko: If I’m following you correctly, Nell. Then it’s best for us to assume whoever is behind this knows nothing while expecting them to know everything, right? Nell: Maybe. Daniel: Now what the hell does that mean? Nell: For simplicity’s sake it means to assume they know us and don’t. Instead of trying to piece things together ourselves or seeking to find out how we could be related- We should work under the assumption this is random. Milko: That way we don’t end up giving out information that could be used against us later by trying to discover what’s going on. Nell: Exactly. If we get rid of the why from the beginning, we can focus on things that better our chances of making do with what we have. Right now, why we’re here doesn’t matter. How to survive while here does. Daniel & Geraud: … Daniel: Ah, you’re both weird. Got it. Geraud: Well, having folks that can think like that is pretty helpful here. It's not like anyone else here are super normal individuals. Like Afra and Vinya. Milko: Yeah, I’m kind of concerned about Afra… I don’t want her to get the impression this is what all schools are like. Or even that this is normal. Still, it's good that nobody is really panicking. Geraud: Mm… Nell: Something up? Geraud: It’s just if it’s like that it may be best to have these sorts of conversations elsewhere. Instead of in the place we woke up. Milko: True, this room isn’t really that secure. We can never know who’s listening- Isn’t that the scariest? We might want to get the tinfoil out. Daniel: The only thing scary here is your sense of humor! Nell: Ha, well it is kind of funny. Geraud: Hey, I was being serious. Nell: Sorry. It’s just- Well it’s best not to panic more than necessary. When it comes to stuff beyond our control it’s best to let it be.
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archivalofsins · 6 months
03/05/24 9:50 PM
Nell: They’re really making a ruckus in the hall. Daniel: Yeah. Hopefully they aren’t fighting each other. I hear that girls can get pretty rough around that age. Nell: Are you not around girls a lot? Daniel: Ah not really, I go to an all guys high school. So- Geraud: What’s up with that? Why are there even schools that are all guys? Nell: Well, there are all girls schools too. Yet, this is pretty rare. You know running into one of that breed… Daniel: Hey, what does that mean?! Geraud: He does give off that sort of feeling... Milko: Yeah, rich kids are like that huh. Totally easy to spot. Daniel: Umm I think you’ve got the wron- Milko: Let me guess around upper middle class, suburban neighborhood- No cul-de-sac maybe? Furnished basement level income. More than likely on a scholarship though. Daniel: ! Milko: Your family is probably new-new money.  They still have to work for it not comfortably secure but not really struggling either. I’m on the nose aren’t I? Daniel: YOU’RE WEIRD THAT’S WHAT YOU ARE! Nell: Pffft… Milko: That’s harsh I was just trying to make conversation… Daniel: By playing guess who with my family income- What type of conversation is that? Have you ever been taught manners. People your age should know better! Milko: Ah, I’m sorry… I didn’t think I was being rude or inconsiderate. Daniel: Don’t start sulking like you’re hurt! Ugh-fine it’s fine. Just- save your observation skills for when we’re looking around this place.
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archivalofsins · 7 months
03/05/2024 9:37 PM
Geraud: Looks like everyone has split off. Zareth: This is like gym class all over again… Geraud: They’re mostly all doing their own things though. Zareth: That’s true. Geraud: It’s best to stay put and out of the way. If others want to rush all over then just let them. Milko: Ah, true; that’s completely true! No need to act rashly and end up getting in someone else’s way. Best for those who can’t do much to just stay put. Geraud: Um who are you exactly? Zareth: … Zareth. Geraud: Ah, no- Not you. Zareth: Hah, of course that makes sense no one would want to willingly know me. Milko: . . . I’m Milko but I said so earlier, right. I saw you looking over at me when I was speaking to Nell. Are you interested in becoming friends with Nell by any chance? You two look to be around the same age. Plus, you were watching our conversation pretty intently. So, there must have been some reason for acting like you hadn’t heard. It’d make sense if you were just embarrassed. Zareth: Ah, yeah- I know I definitely heard you both talking earlier but- It’s not because I was eavesdropping or anything noise just travels in here! Geraud: Are you implying I’m lying? Milko: Well, you don’t seem to be hard of hearing is all. Geraud: You’re annoying me. Milko: Plus, you showed no interest in knowing Zareth’s name but wanted to know mine. Of course that’d come off as suspicious. Were you just mad about me jumping into your conversation. Geraud: Well, no one was speaking to you. Milko: Well, it’s better to join in than to silently brood. Plus, it’s important to check in on younger people. I wouldn’t want any of you going off on your own and getting hurt. My conscience couldn’t take it. So, you could say I was killing two birds with one stone. Zareth: Ah- that’s reasonable… We don’t know what’s in this place after all. But are you two um arguing? Milko: Huh, I don’t think we are. At least I’m not trying to. It’s just I think it’s a bit rude to be so dismissive when someone gives you their name. I don’t want to be pushy but you should probably apologize to Zareth and at least give your name too. Zareth: Wait hold on it’s really not that big of a deal! Geraud: My question wasn’t directed at him though. I told him that because it was the truth. I’m not gonna apologize for telling the truth. Milko: Truth or not you’ve gotta admit that was rather rude, dismissive, and actively singled me out for no other reason but to be passive aggressive. Geraud: Mmm… Fine my apologies mister goody-good. Milko: Thanks, apology accepted. Geraud: Piss off. Milko: Huh, you know that sort of attitude kind of suits you more. Geraud: … Milko: So, what’s your name. Geraud: I’m not giving it. Leave.
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