#Geriatric white dude trying to sell his dog-whistle racism as a progressive movement
chucksrus84 · 7 years
When PoC use identity politics to express their thoughts on racism, we're often told (by Bernie Sanders and his supporters) to ditch it in favor of economic equality. However, when it comes to reaching out to white working class, identity politics suddenly becomes an important issue; and although his followers may not hear it, dog-whistle racism, is something many of us are unwilling to excuse. So, if you're not one of those "leftists" speaking out against the tune of Bernie Sander's dog-whistle...then you're one of those people who believe that the civil rights of PoC are secondary to reaching out to voters who shared Trump’s bigoted, misogynistic and prejudiced views.
Keep in mind that Trump scapegoated groups of ppl (Mexicans, Blacks, Women, Native Americans, Immigrants, Muslims, etc) most vulnerable to exploitation, then used that conservative strain of bigotry and misogyny to stoke anger and mistrust among his conservative base. These are the people Bernie Sanders wants to reach out to. Their economic anxiety and “pain” is important to this particular Senator and his supporters; while the continued disenfranchisement of Poc, Black men and women, children, immigrants, Black LGBTQ community, etc...are expendable. 
And it disappoints me that Nina Turner, the Young Turks or for that matter, Shaun King, has done nothing to discourage that type of narrative within his campaign. It’s utterly depressing and disappointing. I guess black lives really don’t matter in the scheme of things. 
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