#Glad to see that picture is still tricking people months later lmao
stillgotme · 5 years
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HELLO EVERYONE ok i’m finally doing this after like 84 years lmao
SO yeah several people in the past few months have asked me about my editing process and i said that i’d hopefully do it after gen 2 stuff and since i’m taking a break from gen 2 and wanna stall bc returning to gen 1 will be painful, ya girl got her ass to go through with it. keep in mind, this tutorial is for people who already know the basics of photoshop. if you don’t there’s many tutorials online that’ll help beginners. i’m gonna be editing a pic of val and chance all dressed up and ready to crash a prom to get lit with their homies maggie and eli
*rosanna pansino voice* LET’S GET STARTED
so i use reshade and i believe the version i have is 3.0.7 or something idk but it’s 3.0 and i switch between 3 presets that are my own. the one i use the most started with pickypikachu’s cinematic preset as a base.
now, i know not everyone has reshade, but there’s still a way you can mimic the DOF effect with photoshop. when my stubborn ass edited everything myself all i did was duplicate the photo, apply field blur and adjust the bokeh lighting, added a layer mask and with a brush using the color black, i “colored” in what i didn’t want to be blurry and BOOM ya got that DOF goodness
so for DOF i use either the marty mcfly shader or the matso shader and even both, like in this case. i also love that sweet mxao bc ooh yess them SHADOWS. but unfortunately bc i’ll never ever let go of alpha hair and you’ll have to rip them away from my cold dead hands, ya get this shit.
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the dof and shadows cutting through the hair making it look ugly and blurry and just all around BLECH
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so when taking screenshots, i take two photos. one with the dof and mxao and another without those shaders
now i open both pics in photoshop and layer the photo with the effects over the one without
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ok this is totally optional and you don’t have to do it but i like to crop my photos and the preset for my cropping dimensions is 1150 x 705 bc that’s what i’m going to resize my photos to (w/ 300 resolution). again, totally optional, you don’t have to do this part but i do.
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so now i add a layer mask to the top layer
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next i select the brush tool and choose whatever brush i wanna use. i usually switch between these two brushes depending on what i need at the moment. and make sure the color you’re painting with is black.
and now just “paint” over the ugly parts to erase them. depending on your photo this can sometimes take a while, but hey ya get that dof and beautiful alpha hair. i also take this time to erase some of the blurriness that forms around my sims from the dof effect
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right click on the layer and select “merge down” and i’m left with this. obviously, you see some parts that aren’t blurred anymore but i just fix it with the blur tool at 100% opacity, zoom in on the unblurred edges and blur them in with whatever brush i choose. i personally choose the one with hard edges and i make sure the brush size is very very small. this part’s also a lil time consuming so ya gotta be patient.
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doesn’t that look better? now it’s time to get to the actual editing lmao. first, click layer > background layer to make it a background. this is necessary for me bc of the photoshop action i use.
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so in order to give my pics that “crisp” look, i first reduce noise and these are my default settings
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then i do topaz clean
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then smart sharpen
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then i use the liquify tool bc sometimes there’s jagged edges on the shoulders, elbows, chins, etc. that i wanna smooth out. i also use this to adjust facial expressions, like for this i wanna make the smiles curve up a lil bit more bc chalerie are in love and happy  
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now this is the part where i kinda nitpick bc i’m a perfectionist lmao like i clean up some lines on val’s arms and fix that weird spot on the collar of chance’s shirt, all that small stuff people wouldn’t notice but I DO so i fix it
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alright now it’s time for me to draw hair! again, this is optional and i understand not everyone has a tablet or likes drawing hair so skip this if it ain’t your thang. first add a new layer for the hair.
i like to add extra hair to make it more full or fix clipping and “highlights” to kinda emphasize the lighting effects i’ll do later and i usually go with a lighter color of the hair for the highlights OR i do the color of the lighting. in this case i’m just going with a very light brown color. this brush is from this set by castrochew and i have the opacity at 100% and size at 3 px.
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this is what it looks like after i draw all the hair. and for the highlights i always reduce the layer opacity to 50-60% or even less than that depending on how subtle i want them to be. after that, i merge them all down.
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now it’s time to do all the shading and highlighting. make sure you do it all as separate layers, too. even tho i use mxao it still doesn’t do enough for me, so i always add shadows and i recommend you use dark brown for the shadows as black is a a bit too dark especially when you’re adding shadows around the faces. like y’all don’t want it to look like your sims put mud on their face. trust me guys i contour my face.
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now take a hard edge brush and draw where you wanna add shadows
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apply gaussian blur and erase any excess “shadows”  then reduce the layer opacity to your liking. now keep doing that in other areas where you wanna add shadows. it all depends on the picture and i really just use my general knowledge of how lighting and shadows work. remember, make sure each shadow and highlight you add is a separate layer!
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for highlights, use a light color, a soft edge brush, change the brush opacity to 60% and change the layer mode to “soft light”. like with the shadows, just paint whatever you wanna highlight, gaussian blur, reduce layer opacity, etc. then after you’re done shading and highlighting, merge all the layers down.
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then to enhance the highlights even more i use the dodge tool with the exposure at 25% and paint over all the highlighted areas
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so this is how it looks after i did all the time consuming stuff and now it’s time to play with COLOR YEAHHHHHH
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this is the action i’ve been using forever and it’s a ride or die, always got my back, never fails me, always there when i need it. all i gotta do is click on that and press the “play” button and everything’s beautiful and colorful and all my problems seem to go away and suddenly the your lie in april soundtrack is playing the background
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but most of the time i untick the “curves” layer from the action as it can be too bright for me and i just adjust the curves of the image to what i prefer.
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now it’s my favorite part! time to add that good-ass LIGHTING and since i went crazy with the lights for the background, it’s gonna be fun to do this one hehehe. ok so first duplicate your image and then choose the color of the lighting you want. for this pic, i want the lighting to be a nice light warm yellow/orange color
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now for the brush mode, choose “linear dodge (add)” and change the opacity to 35%-45% or hey even higher if ya wanna go bright as fuck. and get a soft edge brush and make it big. like fucking BIG. you see the size i put it at? yeah, make it big bc we want that beautiful shit EVERYWHERE
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YEAH DAS DAT SHIT I LIKE. keep painting over areas ya wanna see glow and even paint over the same area twice to make it brighter. hell, don’t just stop at one color. add other colors of light if ya want. add some pinks or blue or purple, adjust the brush size, go crazy. BLIND EVERYONE.
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buuuuuuut with all the sweet lighting, it tends to make your pretty pic look all washed out and also lighting doesn’t always work that way. and that’s why i told y’all to duplicate your image bc we’re gonna add a layer mask again and with a soft edge brush you gotta erase some of that lighting. change the brush mode back to normal, put the opacity at 100% and make sure your brush is black and get rid of what you need to. but what’s good about this is you don’t have to be perfect and it’s ok if there’s still some lights on your sims bc now it looks like the light is shining on them awwww. now merge that layer down
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now color balance! i like to enhance the red, magenta, and blue most of the time but as always it all depends on the photo and what your preference is.
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all that’s left to do now is change the image size. i change the resolution to 300 ppi (it doesn’t really do anything but like it’s become a habit of me to do it so i do it idk) and make sure if you’re making your image smaller, you apply “bicubic sharper” so your image stays sharp when you change the size
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so this is my editing process and i hope some of you learned some stuff from this. also please keep in mind that i also encourage y’all to do your own spin on things when you edit. i’m all for taking tips from others and learning cool new tricks but develop a style that fits YOU. eventually you’ll find it and i know that you’ll end up creating something amazing that shows how unique and lovely you are.
anyways, i’m so glad i finally got this done. love you guys 💖💖💖
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littlecafe · 5 years
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a very condensed guide to superstar starship! 
feel free to message me if you need further help with anything + don’t forget to use your coupon code “WELCOMESSS" for 100 Diamonds, 50,000 RP, PCP10, and R Card (help in the read more if you don’t know how to claim)
also i forgot to include info about the challenges and rehearsal mode (basically the newer features in superstar games) so if you need clarification on those please read more:
click on the grand opening banner on the side and it will open up the page with all the events and importantly, the place where you can enter you coupon code!
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after you enter it in the gift will be inside your inbox for you to claim
missions are self explanatory, you can view them in the missions tab seen on the home page:
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there are daily missions and weekly missions, you can complete them everyday to get more cards/rp/etc, and if you complete the weekly missions you can get 50 diamonds!
for challenges there are 2 types:
monthly challenges
song challenges 
song challenges: you get them every few song clears, it’ll pop up like this
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you’ll be asked to beat your current high score of the song (in whatever mode the your highest score is in) by 10,000 points and if you do you’ll get a C card, a headphone, and a very good RP bonus reward (2,000 or more!), you get 3 chances so don’t be sad if you didn’t clear it the first time
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this is a really good way to get RP, the trick is to keep your scores AS LOW AS POSSIBLE (minus your scoring songs since you still want to climb leagues lol) so you can easily clear them without needing to spend too much RP upgrading your cards
monthly challenges: this requires you to clear songs and beat the score shown in the game within a month, the more scores you beat that month, the more prizes you will get! (prizes are sent out once the month is over you don’t get them right away) 
this will reset every month and next month you’ll have to clear the score again to get prizes! you can view the full list in game but here’s a screenshot of most of them
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also this is where you can see what the monthly score is to beat, it’s in the corner of every song above the World Record/My Record
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you can also keep track of how many you’ve cleared personally on the home page
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so if you couldn’t already tell, there’s a big problem with the challenge formats....they clash with each other ;o; one requires you to get really high scores while the other one is way better if you keep your score as low as possible
so you have to decide which prizes you want more, but if you want my two cents i would keep my scores lower atm and go for the song challenges since RP is very much needed at the beginning stages (at all stages tbh lol) and will keep doing that until i get good enough decks for the monthly scores
especially since there are very few songs in the game currently, it’s more common that the game will end up selecting one of your higher score songs as the challenge to beat which will be hard for you since then you have to upgrade your cards even higher which would negate the RP bonus entirely...
it's completely separate from the weekly league, it’s just there for you to try out songs that you have trouble clearing
it does cost one headphone to play and it will not save your score, again my two cents: this mode is NOT WORTH IT since you have to spend a headphone but it literally gives nothing back, unless you really cannot clear a song with your card deck and would just like to play and see what the rest of the song is like
but anyways if you do want to try it, this is what it looks like after you pick a song you want to try out
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it gives you some options that you can pick from, if you’re trying to clear a song then pick the R50 deck, it’ll make it almost impossible to fail the song if you’re really trying so you can hopefully go all the way through!
during game play it’ll tell you some stats to the side as well
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you can view the notes breakdown in the normal mode as well once the song ends though so don’t worry this isn’t exclusive to just rehearsal mode
so my tips in the picture is pretty standard ones but some more cheeky tips or reality checks would be
sometimes you can get away with key smashing your way through some parts of the beatmap asjhsdf so if there’s ever a lot of blue notes and you panic just start smashing the screen and if you’re lucky you won’t miss c;
you can combo chain yellow drag notes!! this is harder to explain but basically you don’t have to lift your finger if you go from yellow note to yellow note (you still have to tap for blue notes though so this doesn’t work if there are blue notes), the only video example i can find is from superstar bts if you need a visual to see what happens
the game will not be this generous later on, right now it’s in the newly released phase so they will be giving out really good rewards for events and everything is new and fun but the reality of this game is that there’s a lot of waiting for new songs and repeated events that sometimes aren’t even worth the rewards...but this just means to take advantage of the good stuff right now because it will end!!
don’t log in right at reset, basically most people believe that the good players log in right away or the snipers because they were on last minute right before the league resets so you have a higher chance of running into them if you go on right away...of course this is just to minimize the chances, you can run into snipers and good players no matter what time you go on ^^;;
you can save your card packs in your inventory as long as it hasn’t expired! a lot of old players will do this for comeback events since when the game updates with a new theme, all the card packs (even the ones in your inventory that you got from a previous event) update to include it so it just gives another chance for you to get the new cards if you’re lucky! but please keep an eye on the timer, don’t let them expire or it will be a waste
comeback events are generally very hard to clear and requires a lot of time and saved resources so don’t be sad if you can’t clear these in particular but in return you have a chance to win a signed CD (or other things), so if you know your fav group is coming back then start saving early if you want to participate! (ofc physical goods like signed cds rely on the company and how good their relation is with dalcom i know jyp was really slow on sending out their promised prizes to dalcom which soured the relationship and there was no signed album prizes for months in superstar jyp....)
monbebes you will get attacked by limited edition themes so this is your warning!!! i wish i was joking but basically dalcom works very closely with the companies and each company has their (1-3ish) money makers, dalcom will release a looooot of limited edition themes for said money makers and in starship it’s pretty obvious that it will be monsta x mainly so if you want limited edition themes save your diamonds!! but don’t be too sad if you can’t collect them all it’s the nature of rng and starship/dalcom trying to milk you for money bc they know monsta x has dedicated fans
not really a tip but a reminder that dalcom WORKS WITH THE COMPANY!! they don’t have the right to just add whatever songs they want or whatever events they want, everything has to be approved by starship first because starship owns rights to the artists, the songs, the pictures....so try not to get too mad at dalcom if they do some mega money milking scheme or don’t add songs you like, it’s mainly starship’s decision and dalcom just has to go with it
also reminder limited edition themes aren’t any better than normal ones lmao it just comes with a pretty border and are ~limited~ so go for it if you like the look if not you’re not really put behind or anything
and of course don’t forget this is a game, don’t worry too much about how others are progressing and don’t be disheartened if you can’t finish events because there’s always something going on, you can just play it at your pace and have fun! 
i think that’s all for now but if you have anymore questions again just message me i’d be glad to help C:
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wvrmtails · 5 years
(  and what loneliness is more lonely than distrust?  )
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( keiynan lonsdale, twenty one, agender ) my goodness, is peter pettigrew back? it’s been a few years since the halfblood has been around the castle, but i’d recognize he/they anywhere. rumor has it the seventh year spent the past few years aligned with the order. they’re stillallocentric & cunning and obsessive & passive, though. and the gryffindor still reminds me of ketchup stains on band shirts, an incomprehensible minute long string of curses, tracing the veins in your wrist, the smell of breakfast and fresh coffee, card tricks at three in the morning. well, then, i guess some things never change. 
links:  playlist.  pinboard.  stats. 
triggers: child abandonment, eating disorder (specifically bed/bulimia), depression, anxiety, weed. there’s a heads up before every bulletpoint!
child abandonement mention |  peter grew up in glasgow, scotland and was raised by his mother, a halfblooded witch called daraja pettigrew. his dad wasn’t in the picture, hadn’t been from the moment his mum had told him that she was pregnant. | end of mention
which meant peter learned how to be alone from a young age. his mother worked a lot, after all, so she could pay the rent of their small flat and give peter the bare minimum, the things he needed. peter delved into fictional worlds: he read books. comics, mostly, but also a lot of roald dahl. he also watched a lot of telly, because tv is the bomb.
went to muggle elementary, where he was kind of? an odd one out. his clothes were always a bit lumpy, his words a bit jumbled, his eyes shifty. was an outsider on good days, a target on less good ones. he spent many lunch breaks eating alone, and most of the time he didn’t mind — being alone meant he could let his mind wander.
still, it fucked with his self esteem. no kid likes feeling alone, or like an outsider.
and then hogwarts rolled around and! friends! marauders! peter felt so at home! oh my god okay listen. he loves the marauders so much and he was so hyped and happy to be part of this little group and there was a Lot of hero worship there, esp in the early days?
peter always loved heroes. he loves comic books and people who save the day and get the girl and do it all. i think he kind of … projected that onto james and sirius especially? did not know how to do this friendship thing as an 11 year old tbh, was a mess, was blinded by their amazingness damn
also. re: being sorted into gryffindor! peter admires heroism and bravery and chivalry, and it’s your values that get you sorted some place. and he does try to be brave, and he IS, because he becomes a damn animagus for his bud! i mean! he was not a hatstall btw  — i choose to ignore that stupid bit of post canon. it took a while for the hat, sure, but no more than two minutes. 
pete was & is a shit student, not bc he was dumb, but just because school was not. his thing. his jam. the system was just not for him. deadlines? exams? homework? no thank you. anyway, peter’s skills flourished a lot more in different settings, like … using charms for convenience. or becoming an animagus for his bff. making potions against hangovers. etc.
becoming an animagus for remus was ! important ! to peter ! he did it for remus, not because of peer pressure, or anything else — he did it because it was right, and his friend deserved it and ! he did it, too, because he could. sure, his transfig grades may have been more than poor, but the kid did have some skill. he just needed motivation, which mcgonagall didn’t give (bc. she scared him.) and this situation? motivated the hell out of him. 
peter would be lying if he said he wasn’t taken a bit aback when he learned about remus’ lycanthropy — not because he was scared of him, to be honest, but he was just ? shocked ? he was more scared for remus, and so sad? so fucking sad for him? : (
collects chocolate frog cards like it’s his damn job. i mean, he did it before hogwarts, but once he arrived and there was more opportunity to trade and a whole club dedicated to it, peter grew more and more driven to complete his collection, lmao. peter also really likes playing gobstones and is pretty good at it? same with chess & card games — he loves games!!!! so much!!!
weed & anxiety tw | peter started smoking pot in the summer between his fourth and fifth year, and never really stopped. it made him slack more at school, but also eased his anxiety, which had started to develop in his fourth year. as months passed, peter became more and more of a stoner, which made him both more relaxed and funnier, but also ... a whole of a lot lazier. | end of weed tw
peter had always been a bit ... fidgety, easily on edge, a bit nervous, but he’d never really known anxiety until around fourteen years old. his insecurities grew, as he started comparing himself more to his friends and finding nothing but things he lacked in comparison to them, and questions as to why they put up with him. | end of anxiety tw
so his schooldays mostly looked like ... doing nothing, playing games, having fun with his mates, getting high, forgetting his homework, stressing about homework, and somewhere, in a tiny corner of his being, worrying about the war. whenever those worries started coming up, though, he was able to push them away, because the war was not yet there, not for him at least. there was graduation to worry about first, and once that was done, then he could worry about the war.
and then the war came to hogwarts. peter was shocked. peter had been in denial about the war and how close it could hit him, because in his mind he and his friends would be safe at hogwarts, would be safe until at least graduation, and then that was all gone. peter didn’t do much during the battle. i can imagine that he just hid, that he tried to stay out of trouble, that a side of him showed itself that he did not like at all. he worried about his friends, hoped they were safe, but didn’t go looking for them, didn’t try to protect them: he clung to safety and hid. like a fucking coward. he prayed, for a moment, and then cursed god to hell and back. probably smoked a few cigarettes, too.
post battle & currently.
peter is ashamed. ashamed of his cowardice, ashamed of his passiveness, of his incapability to stand up and fight, like so many of his friends did. a disgust grew in his chest for himself, and yet he was glad, somewhere, that he had hidden. he’d not seen as much as others had. he’d not gotten hurt. he had not died.
he did join the order, along with his friends, in an attempt to make up for his earlier lack of bravery, but he finds himself incapable to do much. he’s not good at dueling and while he’s able to be strategic and cunning, his mind seems to shut down whenever he tries to apply himself. he’s terrified, frankly, and he’s angry, because he should just be at fucking hogwarts. 
that idea i mentioned earlier, that the war wouldn’t be real until after graduation, and then graduation being postponed significantly, kind of froze peter up. rather than dedicating himself to the order in his own ways, as he would do in a canon verse, or eventually deciding to walk over to the death eaters, peter just became passive. i think peter hung around hq a lot, cleaning up and cooking food and making sure there was always enough tea/coffee/beer/liquor around for when there were meetings. would rather clean a dirty toilet than go on a mission. The Order’s personal MAID! 
depression & weed & eating disorder (bed/bulimia) tw | peter feels useless. he feels like a shitty person. he feels like he’s a burden. he hates himself. peter starts secluding himself, hiding in his mother’s home. he smokes more pot. he sometimes goes a week without seeing someone besides his mum. he watches too much telly and reads comics and drowns in fictional worlds and he becomes depressed. he sinks into it without noticing and can’t come back from it. his eating habits ( which have always bordered on unhealthy ) turn worse; peter binges, and then restricts, falls into a cycle. it’s the only routine he has.
when he’s around his friends, he lives up a little. he cracks jokes and wants to play games and laughs and feels a bit more alive, but he always craves his time on his own. that’s his new way to feel safe: to stick to his newly found routine, hidden in his room, away from reality. | end of tw
and then, finally, he was able to return to hogwarts. the three years spent away from school feel like a blur, if you ask him now, a useless blur, and peter’s laughing when he steps on the train. he’s glad. he’s glad. he can return to his plan to graduate and then, maybe, find the power in himself to face the war, rather than still, kind of, deny it. peter just wants to return to his last year and make the most of it, and return to the way life once was. ( that that’s kind of impossible is, well, yet another thing he’s in denial about. )
random facts & ramblings.
peter parker is his favourite superhero just because ... they share a first name and because peter parker is a bit of an underdog too and peter is just like! amazing! he named his owl parker.
he hates cats. used to love them --- he was allowed to take the cat from home with him to hogwarts when he was eleven, but he brought him back home after an unfortunate incident where his cat nearly ate him while he was in his animagus form. “sorry ma, i don’t love him any more. here. have him.” 
peter is actually a solid cook. this is because he learned to make some basic food when he was still a kid, first with his grandma, and later on his own. he liked doing it for his mother and he was. .. good at it? peter is also just passionate about food and finds comfort in cooking. breakfast food and baked goods are Prime Food Categories. 
he is asexual af, panromantic. has kissed both guys and gals and nb pals but did not like it??? confused. does not understand sexuality and all that jazz but tries not to think abt it because like! he’s got enough stress! doesnt need to think abt this!
peter is also agender, but i think he’s a lot less aware about this, because it’s confusing and so he just tries not to think about it. he does feel okay with he/him pronouns, but just doesn’t feel connected at all to being a boy/man
peter has abandonment issues because his dad, well, never even bothered to be there. not even for a second. he’s just constantly scared that people will leave and it’s funny, because he will probably end up abandoning all of his loved ones KDJFHSDF.
peter is quite non confrontational but also not ... meek? he just avoids it, either by physically staying out of people’s way or by dismissing most of the things said and getting out of there. a Passive Kid. will, however, defends his friends honour, because damn it, he loves them so much.
he’s such a fucking dork i swear to god. but he’s funny! peter is really funny. i deeply believe in this. he makes great puns and is able to just come out of nowhere and make a comment that just. hits the nail right on its head. 
peter curses a lot and has a scottish accent and sometimes he will have a minute long cursing session that no one rly understands.
listen i have such a wide array of hc’s im not going to list them all here just ask me
possible plots.
tutors. someone help peter graduate bc that is like. something he does want to do. he’s taking his newts in transfig, potions and herbology.
fellow collectors. please trade chocolate frog cards with peter and help him finish his collection before he loses his gd mind.
let’s play a game! peter rly likes playing games and tbh he’s usually in for one ( though it does depend on who you are, lmao ) so! maybe your character and peter just like hanging out and playing some Games.
i will add more im just so tired of typing rn KSDFHSJKDFHKJSDFKDSFH
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av-ryan · 3 years
Ronan Ryan
How do you feel about arcade games and singing animatronic birds?
AV Ryan
Sounds like heaven, why?
Ronan Ryan
There's a couple places here I want to check out. Somewhere called Tropicz, and then a Mr. Cheezies?
AV Ryan
Sounds sublime, I'm in. I'm not gonna lie tho, Mr. Cheezies sounds like a broke Chuck E Cheese.
Ronan Ryan
That's exactly what it is actually
I'm not sure there's anywhere else with an arcade here though
AV Ryan
Hey, I'm not complaining, can't be be worse than the actual Chuck E Cheese we used to go to back home
Ronan Ryan
I'm excited to see how many games I can destroy you at
AV Ryan
I guess there's only one way to find out
Ronan Ryan
I guess so. You busy tomorrow yet?
AV Ryan
You ask that like I have a life.
I'm not busy and we should definitely hang.
Ronan Ryan
Just making sure. Let's go tomorrow then! Maybe hit up a bar while we're out?
AV Ryan
You sure you’ll survive someone else making our drinks?
Ronan Ryan
It's for a job application
AV Ryan
Well you can apply, I’m going to drink.
Ronan Ryan
Sounds good! You need a DD anyway
What do you think of the place so far?
AV Ryan
I mean I’m not allergic to walking, The beds are nice? And the campus isn’t bad? What about you?
Ronan Ryan
If you want to walk, we can walk
that's fine. It's okay. It's weird being out of Texas but I'm surviving.
AV Ryan
Yeah let’s walk, it’s nice outside. I don’t you just love summer? We need to get you past surviving and into thriving ASAP.
Ronan Ryan
Cool, walking it is then. Summer's alright, I'm excited for it to cool down though. The beach is so fucking nice though. There's a stretch of it on campus.
I'll get there, AV. But thanks for caring.
AV Ryan
I haven't been yet, but I'll take your word for it.
Well we look out for each other right?
Ronan Ryan
AV Ryan
See you later for dinner. Don't forget my cigarettes.
Ronan Ryan
[ loved this ]
Ronan Ryan
I'm gonna need you to come remove the gum from my bed frame.
AV Ryan
I didn't fucking do it.
Ronan Ryan
I'm not blaming you for Simon's actions but he was in my room last night because you triggered him out AV.
AV Ryan
That's fair. Fuck. It's been sitting there all night?
Ronan Ryan
It has.
it's gross
AV Ryan
I guess I'll come now to take it off. And raid your pantry since I know you went shopping yesterday
Ronan Ryan
Fine but don't touch my soda bread.
Let me get my roommate to open the door, I'm not in right now.
I really should just give you a key.
AV Ryan
Fine I won't take all of your soda bread. Okay, cool. But yeah, you really should just give me one.
Ronan Ryan
We'll see
excited for later?
AV Ryan
What's later?
Ronan Ryan
I'll direct your attention to the top of the thread.
AV Ryan
I know, I'm just fucking with you. Hell yeah I'm excited!
Ronan Ryan
I know
Me too. I wonder if they'll let us on stage with the birds.
AV Ryan
I'd love to see them try and stop us.
Ronan Ryan
Let's do it
AV Ryan
Fuck yeah. So how was Sloan & Co last night, did I fuck up?
Ronan Ryan
Sloan & Co
Uh, it was fine. I think. Aside from the gum. Simon insisted on sleeping on the floor but when Sloan fronted they actually got in bed.
AV Ryan
I should copyright that shit.
Okay cool. Sierra cussed me out this morning first thing
Ronan Ryan
I'm glad I slept through that. She made me coffee
AV Ryan
As long as Sloan's not actually mad at me, I think I'm good.
Ronan Ryan
I think you're good, don't worry about it.
You just wanted everyone together.
AV Ryan
See? I knew you fucking got it.
Ronan Ryan
I did, yeah. From now on we'll just keep family activities to things everyone wants to do, to avoid a repeat.
AV Ryan
That's cool with me. I was not feeling the strip club anyway. In retrospect - fuck them strippers.
Ronan Ryan
Lmao. Still pissed about the alien conversation?
AV Ryan
It might still be a touchy subject but I’m 83% over it
Ronan Ryan
Aliens 10000% exist.
There's no way they don't.
AV Ryan
I just wanted to talk, I don’t care if they agree or not. But like I said I’m over it. 91% now
Ronan Ryan
That's fair. Cool you're over it though. It was fun debating it
AV Ryan
I’ll be at 100% by the time we go out later.
Ronan Ryan
Cool, sounds good. Thanks for getting the gum off for me.
AV Ryan
Yeah no problem.
Ronan Ryan
Did you know there are people that actually want to be benchpressed?
AV Ryan
Is this a trick question?
Ronan Ryan
No, I didn't know that was a thing
AV Ryan
People especially love it when it's from a person in uniform
Ronan Ryan
Oh, okay. That's strange. Anyway, ready to head out?
AV Ryan
Why does someone want you to benchpress them?
Yep. I'm ready.
Ronan Ryan
I don't think they want me to do it specifically.
They just mentioned asking someone before and getting turned down
AV Ryan
Well mentioning it randomly is kind of weird.
Ronan Ryan
Feeling okay today, AV?
AV Ryan
I’m amazing today. You?
Ronan Ryan
I'm great
had a little bit of a headache earlier but the gym and some painkillers helped that.
AV Ryan
Last night was super chill Roe
Ronan Ryan
It was a nice time! I enjoyed it.
We should do it again
AV Ryan
Mr. Cheezies? Not so much, Tropicz hell yea! Those birds are my jam!
Ronan Ryan
Not a fan?
The birds were so cool. It's so stupid they don't let you on stage. I wanted a picture
AV Ryan
Next time we jump on stage we need to take a picture right quick, before they’re able to tell us to get down
Yeah I’m good on the Cheezies
Ronan Ryan
Absolutely. We'll do that next time.
I'm hoping the Flag is somewhere I'll be comfortable working though, and with better quality top shelf
AV Ryan
Fuck yeah. We’ll find out tonight, right?
Ronan Ryan
Yes! I'm excited
I'll sneak you free drinks and everything.
AV Ryan
You ain’t gonna get any complaints from me
Ronan Ryan
I know
all the more reason to come by right?
AV Ryan
If my codependence wasn’t enough? Yessir!
Ronan Ryan
That's fair
AV Ryan
It’s just been so long since I’ve been around everyone. I didn’t realize how much I miss you guys.
Ronan Ryan
I missed you too, and I know the others did too. If you need to talk or anything I'm h We're all together again now though, and that's what matters.
AV Ryan
That's all that matters.
Ronan Ryan
Hey, AV. How are you?
AV Ryan
(shrug emoji) you?
Ronan Ryan
Shoulder hurts a little but otherwise I'm good
AV Ryan
Ronan Ryan
Which is beyond me.
AV Ryan
Oh come on, you knew that was gonna happen.
Ronan Ryan
I thought two layers would be enough
I'll just wear a shirt next time
AV Ryan
Or stay in the shade
Ronan Ryan
I'd rather get a sunburn
The beach is meant for swimming
AV Ryan
You’re just a glutton for punishment are you?
Ronan Ryan
I guess you could say that
AV Ryan
Especially doing this perfect match thing. Though I’m not gonna lie, I was going to do it but forgot
Ronan Ryan
Listen, I ran five miles this morning
I'm so nervous
You should have done it
AV Ryan
Well you literally get to him pick your partner right? At least there is not gonna be any surprises right?
I bet the run was gorgeous as fuck though
Ronan Ryan
It's more rejecting and/or being rejected
It was, it was right at sunrise
AV Ryan
Oh that’s easy, if someone rejects you I’ll just kick their ass. And if someone gives you grief for rejecting them, I’ll just kick their ass. It’s as simple as that.
Ronan Ryan
Thanks, AV. I'd kick someone's ass for you too.
AV Ryan
Oh I fucking know you would. It’s a good thing I taught you how to fight
Ronan Ryan
It is. Easily one of my favorite memories.
AV Ryan
You've got a mean right hook
Ronan Ryan
We should get together in a boxing ring together sometime
AV Ryan
I've been off my game, but I can still kick your ass
Ronan Ryan
I've been on my game, and I'm very sure you can't.
AV Ryan
We could always make it interesting
Ronan Ryan
What are you proposing?
AV Ryan
A bet for the winner of a boxing match
Ronan Ryan
Alright, I'm in. What's the bet?
AV Ryan
Winner gets to choose the other's phone lockscreen for a month
Ronan Ryan
Deal! I'll go ahead and start looking.
When do you want to do this?
AV Ryan
I don't have shit to do so whenever
Ronan Ryan
Let's do it today, before that barbecue thing. We can use the ice water for any bruises.
AV Ryan
I heard there's a whole ass boxing ring somewhere on campus, let's do it there
Ronan Ryan
There is, it's in the gym.
You're on.
AV Ryan
Ronan Ryan
[ backdated ] Hey, AV! Is it cool if I give Miriam your number? She wants it.
AV Ryan
Your roommate? Yeah, I don't care
Ronan Ryan
Yup. Cool.
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
Sea Kayaking is scary
the entire time I was doing it, I kept planning an escape in case it turned over.
But anyway, how was your day?
AV Ryan
But it was also a good time? Productive. But now I’m tired but at least I took care of my VA things and hopefully my benefits start rolling in again, then I won’t have to keep asking you for money. How was your day?
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
Yeah! It was a lot of fun.
I give you a hard time, but I don't mind AV.
I stocked up on cool ranch doritos too, so help yourself.
It was good. One of those match things hit me up.
AV Ryan
You had me at cool ranch Doritos, thanks Roe Yeah? How’d it go?
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
You're welcome. How do you feel about the school so far?
It went okay. He seems nice.
AV Ryan
I don’t think my opinion has really changed since we first got here like the rooms are fine and the food is fine. I guess we’ll see how classes go once they start… you?
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
No worries. I just wanted to make sure you're good. Mine's still the same too.
AV Ryan
I’m supposed to be having dinner with someone later this week. She’s someone I knew in Hawaii. Think you can help me make something?
Ronan Ryan | 🔵
Yeah, of course. Always. Does she have any allergies? Or is there something you had in mind to make?
AV Ryan
To be honest I don’t know and I kind of don’t want to ask? Let’s just like go with the safe options no seafood, no nuts, yada yada yada
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
I got you. When do you need it by?
AV Ryan
Tomorrow, I think.
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
No problem
AV Ryan
Thanks, Roe
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
[ loved this ]
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Do you want to come over for a movie later? Just us?
AV Ryan
Sure, what movie?
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Um, maybe a comedy? Step Brothers?
AV Ryan
Yeah alright. You good?
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
I'm doing great. Are you?
AV Ryan
Not great, but fine
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Do you need to talk? We can skip the movie? I'm here for you, AV. We all are.
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
croc poptarts.jpg
I wonder if these actually exist
AV Ryan
The flavor looks awful
Ronan Ryan | 🔴It does
good thing it's fake!
Along with a lot of other grosser flavors.
AV Ryan
It's funny as hell though
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
It is. There was another one called Swamp with Shrek on it.
AV Ryan
I fucking love Shrek
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
I haven't seen Shrek in forever
AV Ryan
We should watch that next time.
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
We should, definitely! Which movie is your favorite?
AV Ryan
Besides Love Actually? Probably Speed. That’s a classic
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
No like, which Shrek movie?
AV Ryan
Oh. The first one, definitely
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Good to know about Speed though. I haven't seen it, so maybe that's something else we could watch too.
AV Ryan
Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves before their careers really took off. It’s amazing.
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Hey, AV. Want to go out together again, when I'm not working? I kind of miss the birds, strangely enough.
AV Ryan
Yeah whenever, you know me always free
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Cool. Did you see the new list of locations too? There's a Texas food truck
AV Ryan
Oh no I didn’t hear that. It’s like Brahma heard and answered my prayers
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
It's down at the beach, but it's going to be on campus every Friday!
AV Ryan
Well see if they serve authentic Mexican food too
Ronan Ryan | 🔴
Hey, they might. Want to go check it out with me tomorrow?
AV Ryan
[backdated] Yeah, I’m down
0 notes