#Global Indoor Farming Robots Market
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priyanshisingh · 1 month
Indoor Farming Market Overview: Growth Factors and Future Trends (2023-2032)
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The indoor farming market, valued at USD 38.4 million in 2023, is projected to reach USD 116.06 million by 2032, reflecting a significant CAGR of 10.65%.
The indoor farming market is a rapidly evolving sector within the agricultural industry, characterized by the use of controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) techniques to grow crops indoors. This market is driven by the increasing demand for sustainable and efficient food production methods, particularly in urban areas where arable land is scarce. Indoor farming involves various technologies such as hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics, and vertical farming, which enable the cultivation of a wide range of crops, including leafy greens, herbs, fruits, and vegetables, in controlled environments like greenhouses, warehouses, and even urban skyscrapers.
One of the primary drivers of the indoor farming market is the need to enhance food security and reduce dependency on traditional farming, which is vulnerable to climate change, pests, and fluctuating weather conditions. Indoor farming offers a solution by providing stable growing conditions year-round, leading to higher crop yields and reduced crop loss. Additionally, indoor farming uses significantly less water compared to conventional farming methods, making it a more sustainable option in regions facing water scarcity.
Technological advancements play a crucial role in the growth of the indoor farming market. Innovations in LED lighting, climate control systems, and automation have improved the efficiency and scalability of indoor farming operations. LED grow lights, for instance, provide optimal wavelengths for photosynthesis, promoting faster plant growth and higher yields. Automation technologies, including robotic systems and AI-driven monitoring, enhance precision in nutrient delivery, pest control, and overall farm management, reducing labor costs and increasing productivity.
Urbanization is another significant factor contributing to the market's expansion. As the global population continues to urbanize, the demand for locally grown, fresh produce is rising. Indoor farming allows for the cultivation of crops closer to urban centers, reducing transportation costs and the carbon footprint associated with food distribution. This proximity to consumers also enables the delivery of fresher products with a longer shelf life.
The indoor farming market is influenced by several trending factors that are shaping its growth and development. Here are the key trending factors:
1. Technological Innovations
Advanced LED Lighting: Development of energy-efficient LED grow lights that optimize light spectra for plant growth, improving yield and reducing energy costs.
Automation and Robotics: Use of automated systems and robotics for planting, harvesting, and monitoring crops, enhancing precision and reducing labor costs.
IoT and AI Integration: Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for real-time monitoring and data analysis, leading to better crop management and resource optimization.
2. Sustainability and Environmental Concerns
Water Conservation: Indoor farming techniques such as hydroponics and aeroponics use significantly less water than traditional farming, addressing water scarcity issues.
Reduced Carbon Footprint: Proximity to urban centers reduces transportation emissions, and energy-efficient technologies lower the overall carbon footprint of food production.
Sustainable Practices: Increasing focus on using renewable energy sources, biodegradable materials, and eco-friendly practices within indoor farming operations.
3. Urbanization and Food Security
Urban Farming Solutions: Vertical farming and rooftop gardens in urban areas help address the lack of arable land and bring food production closer to consumers.
Year-Round Production: Controlled environments allow for continuous crop production throughout the year, enhancing food security and reducing reliance on seasonal crops.
Local Food Movement: Growing consumer preference for locally sourced, fresh produce drives demand for urban indoor farming solutions.
4. Health and Wellness Trends
Organic and Chemical-Free Produce: Increasing consumer demand for organic, pesticide-free, and non-GMO products drives the adoption of indoor farming methods that can guarantee these standards.
Nutrient-rich foods: Focus on growing nutrient-dense crops to meet the health-conscious consumer’s preferences.
5. Investment and Funding
Venture Capital and Private Equity: Significant investments from venture capitalists and private equity firms into indoor farming startups and technologies.
Government Support and Subsidies: Government initiatives and subsidies promoting sustainable agriculture and food security boost the indoor farming market.
6. Research and Development
Crop Diversification: Ongoing R&D efforts to expand the variety of crops that can be grown indoors, including staple crops and exotic plants.
Enhanced Plant Breeding: Development of crop varieties specifically bred for indoor growing conditions, optimizing yield and resilience.
7. Consumer Awareness and Education
Educational Campaigns: Increased efforts to educate consumers about the benefits of indoor farming and sustainable agriculture.
Transparency and Traceability: Consumers’ demand for transparency in food production processes leads to the adoption of traceability technologies within indoor farms.
8. Economic and Social Factors
Rising Food Prices: As traditional farming faces challenges such as climate change and resource depletion, indoor farming offers a more stable and potentially cost-effective alternative.
Employment Opportunities: Creation of new job opportunities in high-tech farming sectors and related industries.
Key player:
Argus Control Systems Ltd.
Richel Group
General Hydroponics
Hydrodynamics International
Signify Holding
Bowery Farming Inc.
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/indoor-farming-market
Here are the major types of indoor farming:
1. Hydroponics
Nutrient-Rich Water Solution: Plants are grown in a soilless medium with their roots submerged in a nutrient-rich water solution.
Efficiency: Uses less water than traditional soil farming and allows for precise control over nutrient delivery.
Scalability: Suitable for various scales, from small home setups to large commercial operations.
2. Aeroponics
Mist-Based Nutrient Delivery: Plants are suspended in the air with their roots exposed and periodically misted with a nutrient solution.
High Efficiency: Uses even less water than hydroponics and provides excellent oxygenation to plant roots.
Space Utilization: Ideal for vertical farming setups, maximizing space usage.
3. Aquaponics
Combination of Aquaculture and Hydroponics: Integrates fish farming (aquaculture) with hydroponic plant growing.
Symbiotic Relationship: Fish waste provides nutrients for the plants, while plants help filter and clean the water for the fish.
Sustainability: Creates a closed-loop system that is environmentally sustainable and resource-efficient.
4. Vertical Farming
Stacked Layers: Plants are grown in vertically stacked layers or shelves, often in controlled environments like warehouses or skyscrapers.
Space Efficiency: Maximizes space utilization, making it ideal for urban areas with limited horizontal space.
Controlled Environment: Allows for precise control over light, temperature, and humidity.
5. Greenhouses
Protected Environment: Plants are grown in glass or plastic-covered structures that protect from the elements.
Climate Control: Allows for some control over environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, extending growing seasons.
Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of crops and can be used in various climates.
6. Container Farming
Repurposed Shipping Containers: Uses modified shipping containers equipped with hydroponic or aeroponic systems.
Mobility: Containers can be easily transported and set up in different locations.
Space Efficiency: Ideal for urban settings and areas with limited space.
7. Warehouse Farming
Large-Scale Indoor Facilities: Utilizes large indoor spaces like warehouses for growing crops using hydroponic, aeroponic, or aquaponic systems.
Automation and Technology: Often incorporates advanced technologies like automated lighting, climate control, and robotics.
High Production Capacity: Capable of producing large quantities of crops year-round.
8. Rooftop Farming
Urban Rooftops: Utilizes the roofs of buildings to set up small to medium-sized farming operations.
Urban Integration: Provides fresh produce to urban areas, reducing transportation costs and emissions.
Green Infrastructure: Contributes to building insulation and urban green spaces.
9. Plant Factories
Fully Controlled Indoor Environments: Highly controlled environments where all aspects of plant growth (light, temperature, humidity, CO2) are managed.
High Efficiency: Designed for high productivity and resource efficiency, often using vertical farming techniques.
Technology-Driven: Employs advanced technologies such as LED lighting, automation, and AI for optimal growth conditions.
Based on Facility Type
Vertical farms
Shipping Container
Based on Component
Climate Control Systems
Lighting Systems
Irrigation Systems
System Integration & Consulting
Managed Services
Assisted Professional Services
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/indoor-farming-market
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rupalic · 5 months
Robotic Farming Equipment Industry Will Hit Big Revenues In Future
According to a research report "Robotic Farming Equipment Market by Type (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones, Milking Robots, Driverless Tractors, Automated Harvesting Systems), Farming Environment (Indoor and Outdoor), End-use Application and Region - Global Forecast to 2028" published by MarketsandMarkets, the Agriculture Robots market is estimated at USD 13.5 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 40.1 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 24.3% from 2023 to 2028. The Precision farming robots market is experiencing robust growth and is poised to revolutionize the farming industry worldwide. With a growing need to address challenges like labor shortages, increasing demand for food, and the necessity for sustainable agricultural practices, the adoption of agriculture robots has gained significant momentum.
The market scenario for farm automation technology is witnessing a steady increase in investments from both established companies and startups. Major players in the robotics industry are actively developing advanced robotic solutions tailored for various agricultural tasks. Additionally, governments and agricultural organizations are also encouraging the adoption of these technologies by providing subsidies and incentives to farmers. The market growth can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the increasing trend of precision agriculture, driven by data-driven farming practices, is fueling the demand for robots equipped with advanced sensors and AI capabilities.
These robots enable farmers to optimize resource usage, leading to improved productivity and reduced costs. Secondly, the rising awareness of sustainability and environmental concerns is driving the need for more efficient and eco-friendly farming methods. Agriculture robots offer precise application of inputs like fertilizers and pesticides, minimizing wastage and environmental impact. As the industry matures and technology becomes more accessible, the cost of agriculture robots is likely to decrease, further encouraging adoption among farmers of all scales. The agriculture robots market is expected to continue its growth trajectory, transforming the global farming landscape and contributing to a more sustainable and productive future for agriculture.
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North America is expected to account for the largest market share in 2023.
The Automated agricultural machinery industry in North America is witnessing rapid growth, driven by various factors that are shaping the industry and encouraging the widespread adoption of robotic technologies in farming practices. North America is experiencing a decline in the availability of agricultural labor due to factors like urbanization and changing demographics. As labor costs rise, farmers are turning to agriculture robots to automate repetitive and labor-intensive tasks, reducing their dependency on human workers and mitigating the impact of labor shortages. The region is at the forefront of technological innovation, and the integration of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT (Internet of Things) has significantly enhanced the capabilities of agriculture robots. These cutting-edge technologies enable robots to make data-driven decisions, perform precise operations, and optimize farming practices, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. The presence of leading research institutions and companies dedicated to robotics and agriculture in North America has contributed to the accelerated growth of the agriculture robots market. Ongoing research and development efforts continue to push the boundaries of what agriculture robots can achieve, opening up new possibilities and applications.
The type segment, by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, is expected to account for the largest share in 2023.
Agriculture drones are revolutionizing the farming industry and promoting the transition toward digital agriculture. These unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with various sensors and imaging technologies have the potential to significantly change agriculture in several ways. Firstly, they enable precision farming practices by providing high-resolution imagery of crops and fields, helping farmers identify variations in soil health, moisture levels, and crop health. This allows for precise application of resources like water, fertilizers, and pesticides, optimizing their usage and minimizing waste. Additionally, drones equipped with thermal and multispectral cameras can monitor crops throughout their growth cycles, detecting pest infestations, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies early on, enabling farmers to take timely corrective actions and increasing overall crop productivity. The efficiency in data collection and analysis saves time and effort, allowing farmers to focus on strategic decision-making and better farm management practices, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Moreover, the data-driven insights gathered by agriculture drones can be integrated with other digital technologies like farm management software and AI algorithms, helping farmers make data-driven decisions, predict crop yields, and optimize overall farm performance.
The application segment, by Field Farming, is expected to dominate the market with the largest share in 2023.
Agriculture robots offer significant benefits in field farming by automating various tasks and providing valuable insights to farmers. These robots can perform tasks such as planting, seeding, weeding, spraying pesticides, and harvesting, reducing the reliance on manual labor and increasing efficiency.
The precision and accuracy of agriculture robots lead to optimized resource usage, including water, fertilizers, and pesticides, resulting in reduced costs and minimal environmental impact. Additionally, the data collected by these robots through advanced sensors and cameras allow farmers to monitor crop health, detect diseases, and assess soil conditions in real-time. This data-driven approach enables farmers to make informed decisions, implement targeted interventions, and maximize crop yields.
To know more get a PDF Copy: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=173601759
Top players analyzed:
Deere & Company (US), CNH Industrial NV (UK), AGCO Corporation (US), Lely (the Netherlands), AgJunction (US), DeLaval (Sweden), Deepfield Robotics (Germany), Naïo Technologies (France), KUBOTA Corporation (Japan), Monarch Tractor (US), and Clearpath Robotics (Canada)
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shambooget · 10 months
Smart Harvest In-Depth Profiling With Key Players and Recent Developments, Forecast Period: 2021-2031
Smart Harvest Market Research, 2030
The global smart harvest market was valued at $12,450.9 million in 2020, and is projected to reach $36,977.1 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 11.4% from 2021 to 2030. Smart harvesting refers to the use of self-driving farming robots to gather fruits and vegetables with little or no human participation. Artificial intelligence (AI), aerial photographs, cloud algorithms, satellites, and technical analysis are all used in smart harvesting systems. Collecting makes use of a diversity of connected phones to boost yield. Smart harvesting in agriculture pertains to the use of smart technology such as GPS, cloud computer vision, satellite pictures, big data, and IoT to improve crop output.
An Increase in urban population in emerging countries such as India and China is expected to drive the adoption of new technologies in the agriculture sector. In addition, the growth of the population has encouraged farmers to adopt new technologies such as harvest robots and soil sensors. Moreover, smart harvesting refers to the use of self-driving farming robots to collect fruits and vegetables with little or no human involvement. In addition, adopting new technologies help farmers to increase production. In addition, rise in the deployment of smart harvest systems is expected to propel the growth of the market. For instance, in February 2022, the Indian PM AWAS scheme allocation has been increased to $6,441.3 million, up by 75% year on year. This is expected to boost wave technology usage such as kisan drones for crop assessments, land records, and spraying of insecticides. Such instances are the smart harvest market opportunity during the forecast period.
Rapid increase in the global population is exerting pressure on the agricultural sector worldwide to increase productivity to meet rise in demand for food. Farmers are increasingly adopting smart harvest technologies such as harvesting robots, automation, control systems, sensors, and imaging systems to maximize profitability and output in lesser time and more cost-effective manner. Limited availability of arable land is the key factor that drives demand for indoor farming activities and increasing usage of smart harvesting technologies to eliminate labor expenses.
In addition, major players such as Panasonic Corporation, Abundant Robotics, and Deere & Company Industries are some of the players engaged in offering harvesting robots to the market. For instance, In January 2018, Panasonic Corporation unveiled a proto component of new fully autonomous tomato picking robot in Tokyo. The robot is incorporated with high resolution cameras sensors and artificial intelligence features to identify and pick ripe tomatoes, drive the growth of the smart harvest market. In addition, rise in need for smart technologies in the agricultural equipment, fuels the smart harvest market growth.
On the basis of region, the smart harvest market size is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Europe dominated the smart harvest market forecast in 2020, followed by North America. Asia-Pacific region is predicted to grow faster than LAMEA with a CAGR of 14.3% during the forecast period.
Full Report With TOC:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/smart-harvest-market-A09960
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kisaantrade · 1 year
The time is now for European agricultural companies to make investments in the Indian market
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In light of the fact that the world's population will reach 7.9 billion this November and is expected to reach 9.8 billion by the year 2050, food security has emerged as a major issue. Action must be taken immediately in order to address the shortage of resources, access and distribution problems, and the requirement to increase agricultural outputs. To address this crisis, policymakers around the world are looking for sustainable ways to integrate agricultural practices with technology.
India's agricultural sector's economic contribution
The farming (crops and horticulture), forestry, livestock (milk, eggs, and meat), and fisheries industries make up the bulk of the Indian agricultural sector. It contributes 11.9 percent of the $3,320.4 billion in global agriculture gross value added (GVA), which is second only to China, and accounts for 12 percent of India's exports. The sector also affects the dynamics of consumption and production in non-agricultural sectors like consumer goods, retail, chemicals, and e-commerce.
The agricultural sector is crucial to India's economic output and potential for growth due to economic interconnections. It's another reason why the industry desperately needs reform.
India's agricultural economy is disorganized and fragmented
The entire value chain—from the supply of agricultural inputs to the production and transformation of agricultural products to their distribution to final consumers—is covered by the agribusiness ecosystem, which includes all business activities carried out from farm to fork. The rapid urbanization, diet diversification, shifting consumer preferences, and growth of the food markets have all contributed to the ecosystem's further expansion into segments like e-commerce and hyperlocal.
The agriculture value chain still has multiple levels of intermediaries and middlemen, so it is still largely disorganized and fragmented. In spite of the fact that 86 percent of India's small and marginal farmers continue to be its main sources of food and nutrition, they are still limited by things like having extremely small landholdings of less than two hectares.
How does agritech boost India's agricultural sector's productivity and efficiency?
Agritech is primarily used to describe an ecosystem of businesses and startup ventures that are leveraging technological advancements to offer goods or services for boosting yield, efficiency (both in terms of time and cost), and profitability for farmers across the agriculture value chain. The various agritech industry segments that support the overall value chain include:
1) Market linkage: farm inputs are linked to the market through physical infrastructure and a digital marketplace.
2) Biotech: studying the biology and genomics of plants and animals.
3) Agriculture as a service: pay-per-use rental of farm machinery.
4) Precision agriculture and farm management: using geospatial or weather data, IOT, sensors, robotics, etc. to increase productivity; farm management solutions for resource and field management, etc. are examples of precision agriculture and farm management.
5) Farm mechanization and automation: mechanization and automation in agriculture: industrial automation that uses equipment, tools, and robots for planting, handling raw materials, harvesting, etc.
6) Farm infrastructure: Farm infrastructure includes farming methods like drip irrigation, indoor-outdoor farming, greenhouse systems, and environmental controls like heating and ventilation.
7) Quality management and traceability: Production monitoring, quality control, analysis, and traceability during storage and transportation are all aspects of quality management.
8) Supply chain technology and output market linkage: Linking the market for farm output and the supply chain requires a physical infrastructure and digital platform to manage the post-harvest supply chain.
9) Financial services: Credit facilities for purchasing equipment, inputs, and other items, as well as crop insurance or reinsurance.
10) Advisory/Content: Information platforms for pricing, market, and agronomic information are available online.
Why do agricultural businesses from Europe invest in the Indian market?
1) A sizable and expanding market: India has a sizable agricultural sector and a sizable population that depends on farming for a living. There is a sizable demand for agricultural products due to the nation's expanding middle class, urbanization, and population growth. European businesses can take advantage of this enormous market opportunity and meet the changing demands of Indian consumers.
2) Governmental Reforms and Initiatives: The Indian government has carried out a number of reforms and initiatives to strengthen the agricultural industry. These consist of budget allocation increases, modernization plans for agriculture, and welcoming foreign investment policies. These government initiatives can be used by European businesses to build a strong presence and gain access to favorable regulations.
3) Technology and Innovation: When it comes to cutting-edge farming methods and technological developments, European agricultural companies frequently lead the way. The adoption of these cutting-edge technologies, such as crop management solutions, smart irrigation systems, and precision farming, can benefit India's agriculture industry. Such technologies can be introduced and put into use by European businesses to help modernize and increase the productivity of Indian agriculture.
4) Organic and Sustainable Farming: In India, there is a rising awareness of and demand for organic and sustainable farming methods. India is a willing market for European businesses with experience in organic farming, sustainable agriculture, and agroecology. More and more buyers are looking for goods that are safe for the environment, free of dangerous chemicals, and made using sustainable methods.
5) Collaborations: Partnerships between European and Indian agricultural companies can promote information sharing, technology transfer, and joint R&D projects. European businesses can collaborate with their Indian counterparts to take advantage of local knowledge, gain access to distribution networks, and modify their goods and services to meet the demands of the Indian market.
6) Opportunities for Export: Investing in the Indian agricultural market can give European businesses the chance to export their goods to India and its neighbors. India's proximity to other Asian markets gives European businesses access to a larger customer base, allowing them to increase their market share and level of global competitiveness.
7) Long-Term Potential: As the nation continues to invest in agribusiness development, irrigation systems, and agricultural infrastructure, India's agricultural sector has the potential to grow over the long term. European businesses can position themselves for long-term growth and take advantage of the changing demands of the agriculture sector by entering the Indian market.
Bottom Line
In conclusion, there are compelling reasons for European agricultural companies to invest in the Indian market. Along with government initiatives and reforms, India's sizable and expanding market offers numerous opportunities for growth and financial success. European businesses bring cutting-edge technologies, novel approaches, and sustainability knowledge that can cater to the changing needs of Indian consumers and help modernize the agricultural industry. Collaborations with Indian partners can promote market access and knowledge sharing. The possibility of exporting goods to India and its neighbors also adds to the allure of making investments in India. The Indian market presents a promising opportunity for business expansion and success for European agricultural companies thanks to its long-term growth potential and friendly business environment.
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rohittriton · 1 year
Smart Agriculture Market: Key Trends, Insights 2022-2028
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The agriculture industry is constantly losing its workforce due to the rise in urbanization, increased migration of local laborers, and lower farm revenue. These factors have led farmers to look for new solutions. Smart farming has gained momentum with automation in activities using technologies such as the IoT, big data & analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The global smart agriculture market is anticipated to surge at a CAGR of 10.35% over the forecast period 2022-2028.
With a boom in population, food demand is anticipated to rise incrementally by 2050. There will be immense pressure on farmers to increase crop production and yield. This can only be achieved by increasing the land to grow crops or opting for new techniques, such as precision and vertical farming. The use of technologies, such as LED indoor farming, to create nature-like conditions will help farmers to match the expected demand for food supply in the future.
Digitalization – Key Driver
According to our reports, based on the type segment, precision farming currently holds the largest share of over 42.04% and is anticipated to maintain its stronghold throughout the forecast period.
Precision farming is experiencing a rapid transformation from a service and product perspective. The emergence of smart sensors, robotic automation, sophisticated biologicals, digital data, and many big incumbents are a few technological advancements that are ushering a new era in agriculture. The integration of technology in precision farming equipment is anticipated to drive the studied market’s growth.
Irrigation products have been a major contributor to the precision farming market. With the growing need for appropriate agricultural equipment, variable rate application (VRA) products are expected to propagate the studied market in the next five years.
Globally, the Asia-Pacific smart agriculture market is projected to be the fastest-growing region during the forecast period 2022-2028. The region presents immense scope for development, owing to the increasing urban population size, growing penetration of the internet in farm management, and favorable government investments. Moreover, the presence of economically advancing countries such as India and China is expected to create avenues for precision agriculture in the region.
Automation Trends
A shift in the global aging demographic has prompted the adoption of automation in farming practices.
Automation and control system manufacturers have seen a significant increase in sales due to this profound change in the farming industry.
Over the last 5 years, agricultural robots have been deployed for the purpose of crop management. These robots selectively treat soil and crops based on their needs, thereby reducing manual labor. Out of all the robots used in smart farming, UAVs/drones generated the most revenue.
Companies to Watch in the Market
In recent years, partnership and collaboration have been key strategies for expansion in the smart agriculture farming market. With the increasing growth in the global market, companies in this industry have incorporated collaborative strategies with other agricultural OEMs to remain competitive.
Some of them are as follows:
In May 2022, AGCO Corp acquired JCA Industries Inc (a leading autonomous software provider of agricultural-related products) to enhance the company’s automation system portfolio.
In June 2021, AgJunction Inc collaborated with Robert Bosch LLC to join the NEVONEX partner network. The partnership integrated NEVONEX into AgJunction’s hardware modules. The collaboration also enabled AgJunction Inc to provide its customers with a wider range of automated processes.
In February 2021, DroneDeploy collaborated with Corteva Agriscience, a leading manufacturer and supplier of agricultural seeds and chemicals, to design, develop, and provide advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning platforms to farmers to improve productivity.
In January 2021, Farmers Edge Inc collaborated with Google Cloud to promote the company’s services and boost its program’s implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analysis.
Technological advancements and their incorporation into farming activities have benefited the agricultural sector. Out of all the equipment, such as sensors and robots, drones are anticipated to revolutionize the sector, as companies and farmers are eager to incorporate them into their business models. According to the Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI), around 80% of commercial drones will eventually be used for agriculture. The data collected from drones help farmers to improve the yield and provide water, fertilizer, and chemical pesticides to the crops when needed. It also helps to monitor crop health while checking for signs of diseases. Thus, the increasing benefits of automation and the use of drones in agriculture are anticipated to create new avenues for the smart agriculture market.
Q 1) What are the revenue estimations for the global smart agriculture market?
The global smart agriculture market was valued at $12.52 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $24.88 billion by 2028.
Q2) Which segments are covered under the smart agriculture market?
Type and component are the segments covered in the smart agriculture market.
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blueweave8 · 1 year
Brazil Agriculture Robots Market Growth, Trends, Report 2023-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the Brazil agriculture robots market size at USD 474.75 million in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, the Brazil agriculture robots market size is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.08% reaching a value of USD 1,549.8 million by 2029. Growing population increased food demand, indoor farming's popularity, frequent climate variations, and rapid adoption of automation technology are major growth drivers for the Brazil agriculture robots market. Increasing government support to encourage cultivators to adopt modern agricultural practices, as well as the trend of sustainably maximizing agricultural resources, all contribute to the rapid growth of the Brazil agricultural robot market. The widespread use of IoT in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, transportation, and agriculture, as well as the agricultural sector's reliance on technology, engineering, and physical and biological sciences using IoT in research projects, all have an impact on the market for agriculture robots.
Brazil Agriculture Robots Market – Overview
Agriculture robots, also known as Agribots, are one of the newest technological developments in the agriculture industry. Agribots are autonomous machines that are used to increase output quality and efficiency while decreasing the need for manual labor, thereby increasing productivity. Agricultural robots are typically equipped with end effectors or specialized arms for a variety of horticultural tasks like weed control, seeding and planting, aerial data collection, field mapping, fertilizing and irrigation, intercultural operations, harvesting, soil analysis, and environmental monitoring. These machines are also used to wash and milk animals in the dairy farming industry.
Sample Request @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/brazil-agriculture-robots-market/report-sample
Opportunity: Expanding population and lack of skilled workers in agriculture sector
The agriculture industry is under pressure from Brazil's expanding population and the need to boost productivity from the country's existing farmland. Current factors affecting the agricultural sector include urbanization and changing demographics. The agricultural sector in Brazil makes extensive use of migrant labor, a trend that is also prevalent in other developed countries. Farmer populations are aging, which further reduces the supply of manual labor and contributes to the labor shortage that is now a global problem. Children from farming families frequently move to urban areas in search of better employment opportunities, and younger generations are less likely to continue farming. As a result, modern farmers have had a lot of experience working in the field.
Challenge: Automation costs more for small farms
Smaller farms have been largely left behind by successive waves of automation, which include agriculture robots. A tractor with autopilot capability can cost up to USD 100,000 and frequently does not provide a sufficient Return on Investment for small farmers (RoI). Although auto-steering and drone technologies are among the least expensive and most mature automation solutions, they are still not widely used in small farms. For example, only about 10% of auto-steering technology is used on small farms of 10 to 1000 acres globally (or about 1 million farms out of 10 million). It is expected that as more specialized and expensive robots and software systems are introduced, these farms will fall further behind in terms of technology.
Impact of COVID-19 on Brazil Agriculture Robots Market
The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the Brazilian market for agriculture robots, disrupting the supply chain and damaging several industries. Trade activity has been significantly reduced as a result of international border closures, extensive social distance-building measures, and national lockdowns. This had a significant impact on Brazil for agricultural robots because businesses throughout Brazil were forced to partially or completely shut down. In 2021, the second wave of COVID-19 also disrupted the markets in a number of significant markets, including Brazil. However, due to the rebound in trade activity, the market is likely to experience steady demand growth during the projection period.
Brazil Agriculture Robots Market – By Farming Environment
The outdoor industry dominates the Brazil agriculture robots market. Farmers are using driverless tractors, weeding robots, and fruit harvesters more frequently due to the numerous benefits, which is growing the segment's revenue. Farmers are heavily utilizing outdoor harvesting robots built on mechatronics, nanotechnology, and material science to reduce revenue losses caused by human error. They can grasp and separate fruits without harming them in addition to detecting and analyzing the ripeness of the fruit.
Competitive Landscape
Brazil agriculture robots market is fiercely competitive. Prominent players in the market include John Deere, AGCO, CNH Industrial, Kubota Corporation, Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd, Deere & Company, Lely Group, BouMatic Robotics, GEA Group, DeLaval, AgEagle Aerial Systems, Agrobot, Agrointelli, Agrosavvy, Argus Control Systems, Blue River Technology, DJI, Energid Technologies, and Harvest Automation. These companies use various strategies, including increasing investments in their R&D activities, mergers, and acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, licensing agreements, and new product and service releases to further strengthen their position in the Brazil agriculture robots market.
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Indoor Farming Technology Market overview by recent opportunities, growth size, regional analysis and forecasts to 2031
New York,Global Indoor Farming Technology Market report from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on Indoor Farming Technology Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various frameworks such as Porters’ and PESTLE analysis. Report includes in-depth segmentation and market size data by categories, product types, applications, and geographies. Report also includes comprehensive analysis of key issues, trends and drivers, restraints and challenges, competitive landscape, as well as recent events such as M&A activities in the market.
Indoor farming technology is the application of modern agricultural techniques and equipment to grow crops indoors, in a controlled environment. This can be done in a variety of settings, including greenhouses, warehouses, and even shipping containers.Key Trends
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Key Trends
The main trends in indoor farming technology are automation, precision farming, and controlled environment agriculture (CEA).
Automation is being used more and more in indoor farming to help reduce labor costs and increase efficiency. Robotics is one area that is seeing a lot of growth in indoor farming, with many developing robots to help with tasks such as planting, thinning, and harvesting.
Precision farming is another key trend in indoor farming technology. This involves using sensors and other data-driven techniques to manage crops more effectively. For example, by monitoring temperature, humidity, and light levels, farmers can make sure that conditions are optimal for plant growth. This can help to improve yields and reduce wastage.
CEA is another important trend in indoor farming technology. This involves controlling the environment in which plants are grown, in order to optimize conditions for growth. For example, by using LED lighting, farmers can reduce energy costs and create the perfect light spectrum for plant growth.
Key Drivers
The key drivers of indoor farming technology market are the ever-increasing demand for food, the need for higher crop yields, and the dwindling land and water resources. The other drivers include the changing climatic conditions, the increasing population, and the need for better quality food.
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Market Segments
By Growing System
By Facility Type
Glass or Poly Greenhouse
Indoor Vertical Farm
Container Farm
Indoor DWC System
By Component
Software & Services
By Crop Type
Fruits & vegetables
Herbs & Microgreens
Flowers & Ornamentals
Key Players
Signify Holding
Everlight Electronics
Argus Control Systems
Richel Group
Vertical Farm Systems
Key Players
Signify Holding
Everlight Electronics
Argus Control Systems
Richel Group
Vertical Farm Systems
General Hydroponics
Heliospectra AB
Philips Lighting
GreenPower Farm Systems
Hort Americas
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mrfr1234 · 1 year
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Smart Agriculture Market: Key Insights 2028
The agriculture industry is constantly losing its workforce due to the rise in urbanization, increased migration of local laborers, and lower farm revenue. These factors have led farmers to look for new solutions. Smart farming has gained momentum with automation in activities using technologies such as the IoT, big data & analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The global smart agriculture market is anticipated to surge at a CAGR of 10.35% over the forecast period 2022-2028.
With a boom in population, food demand is anticipated to rise incrementally by 2050. There will be immense pressure on farmers to increase crop production and yield. This can only be achieved by increasing the land to grow crops or opting for new techniques, such as precision and vertical farming. The use of technologies, such as LED indoor farming, to create nature-like conditions will help farmers to match the expected demand for food supply in the future.
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Digitalization – Key Driver
According to our reports, based on the type segment, precision farming currently holds the largest share of over 42.04% and is anticipated to maintain its stronghold throughout the forecast period.
Precision farming is experiencing a rapid transformation from a service and product perspective. The emergence of smart sensors, robotic automation, sophisticated biologicals, digital data, and many big incumbents are a few technological advancements that are ushering a new era in agriculture. The integration of technology in precision farming equipment is anticipated to drive the studied market’s growth.
Irrigation products have been a major contributor to the precision farming market. With the growing need for appropriate agricultural equipment, variable rate application (VRA) products are expected to propagate the studied market in the next five years.
Globally, the Asia-Pacific smart agriculture market is projected to be the fastest-growing region during the forecast period 2022-2028. The region presents immense scope for development, owing to the increasing urban population size, growing penetration of the internet in farm management, and favorable government investments. Moreover, the presence of economically advancing countries such as India and China is expected to create avenues for precision agriculture in the region.
Automation Trends
A shift in the global aging demographic has prompted the adoption of automation in farming practices.
Automation and control system manufacturers have seen a significant increase in sales due to this profound change in the farming industry.
Over the last 5 years, agricultural robots have been deployed for the purpose of crop management. These robots selectively treat soil and crops based on their needs, thereby reducing manual labor. Out of all the robots used in smart farming, UAVs/drones generated the most revenue.
Companies to Watch in the Market
In recent years, partnership and collaboration have been key strategies for expansion in the smart agriculture farming market. With the increasing growth in the global market, companies in this industry have incorporated collaborative strategies with other agricultural OEMs to remain competitive.
Some of them are as follows:
In May 2022, AGCO Corp acquired JCA Industries Inc (a leading autonomous software provider of agricultural-related products) to enhance the company’s automation system portfolio.
In June 2021, AgJunction Inc collaborated with Robert Bosch LLC to join the NEVONEX partner network. The partnership integrated NEVONEX into AgJunction’s hardware modules. The collaboration also enabled AgJunction Inc to provide its customers with a wider range of automated processes.
In February 2021, DroneDeploy collaborated with Corteva Agriscience, a leading manufacturer and supplier of agricultural seeds and chemicals, to design, develop, and provide advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning platforms to farmers to improve productivity.
In January 2021, Farmers Edge Inc collaborated with Google Cloud to promote the company’s services and boost its program’s implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analysis.
Technological advancements and their incorporation into farming activities have benefited the agricultural sector. Out of all the equipment, such as sensors and robots, drones are anticipated to revolutionize the sector, as companies and farmers are eager to incorporate them into their business models. According to the Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI), around 80% of commercial drones will eventually be used for agriculture. The data collected from drones help farmers to improve the yield and provide water, fertilizer, and chemical pesticides to the crops when needed. It also helps to monitor crop health while checking for signs of diseases. Thus, the increasing benefits of automation and the use of drones in agriculture are anticipated to create new avenues for the smart agriculture market.
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qrtumb · 2 years
Global Indoor Farming Technology Market Size, Share, and Report
The Global Indoor Farming Technology Market is expected to grow from US$ 16.08 Billion in 2021 to US$ 29.7 Billion by 2027; it is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 10.77% from 2021 to 2027.
Crops grown inside in a controlled atmosphere is an alternate growing technique. It is used to grow a variety of fruits and vegetables, microgreens, herbs, and ornamentals underneath greenhouses and container farms as well as on steeply inclined surfaces. Vegetables and other fruits are produced on a single level, either in a field or a greenhouse, in the case of indoor farming.
In order to produce crops perfectly and without any agronomic restrictions, indoor farming technology integrates a variety of technologies, including big data analytics, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT).
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Drivers: Rising consumer knowledge of the advantages of consuming fresh, high-quality food is predicted to be the main driver of growth. Additionally, the expanding industry is being fueled by the rising need for food due to the expanding global population, particularly in developing nations like China and India. The desire for fresh foods with more nutrients, the need for higher yields with less space and water, and less reliance on the outside weather are some of the factors propelling the expansion of the indoor farming technology market. The market for indoor agriculture benefits from the advancement of affordable and cutting-edge technology.
Restraints: The market for indoor farming technology is constrained, nevertheless, by high startup costs and restrictions on the types of crops that may be grown. Lack of skilled labour is one of the problems the indoor agricultural technology business is dealing with. The speed of indoor farming research and development is further slowed by financing restrictions at public institutions and colleges, which reduces the availability of information that would otherwise motivate farmers to spend.
Impact of Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic had a large effect on the world market for indoor agricultural technologies. Due to the coronavirus epidemic, indoor farming systems are anticipated to become increasingly popular, particularly in urban areas around the world. There were certain challenges facing the agriculture sector. Due to manpower constraints, several farmers lost their window of opportunity to harvest seasonal crops, benefit from declining agricultural product prices, and avoid disruptions in logistics. Many nations also became aware of their over reliance on food imports and started concentrating on domestic and internal production.
Segmentation By Growing System: Indoor Farming Technology Market is classified on the basis of Growing System into Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Aquaponics, Soil-based, and Hybrid. Over the anticipated period, the market's fastest growth rate will be seen in the hydroponics category. A simple definition of hydroponics is "gardening without soil." Water supplies plant life with nutrients, oxygen, and hydration in the absence of soil.
Segmentation By Facility Type: Indoor Farming Technology Market is classified on the basis of Facility Type into Glass or Poly Greenhouse, Indoor Vertical Farm, Container Farm, and Indoor DWC System. In the anticipated time frame, the indoor vertical farm segment is anticipated to rule the market. Indoor vertical farms are completely opaque, enclosed spaces that use hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic vertical growing techniques.
Segmentation By Region: Indoor Farming Technology Market is classified on the basis of Region into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. In comparison to other regional markets, the Asia Pacific market for indoor farming technology had the quickest rate of revenue growth in 2020. Some of the major factors propelling the growth of the Asia Pacific market include the rising adoption of indoor farming techniques, particularly in developing nations like Singapore, Japan, China, and India; rising government investments in the agricultural sector; rising popularity of greenhouse farming programmes; and rising demand for fresh organic produce.
Competitive Landscape: The key players of Indoor Farming Technology Market are Argus Control System Limited, Autogrow, CannaPro, Certhon, Current Lighting Solutions, LLC, Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd, Freight Farms, Inc., GE Lighting, General Hydroponics Inc., Illumitex, Logiqs B.V., Lumigrow, Lumileds, Netafim, OSRM GmbH, Priva Holdings B.V., and Richel Group.
Industrial Development
Aero farms, a US-based indoor agriculture startup, partnered with Hortifrut SA in April 2021 for an unknown sum. A recognised B corporation in Chile, the company's main business activities included the manufacturing, distribution, import, and export of horticultural products. The partnership will concentrate on the study and advancement of the production of blueberries and cranberries in completely regulated vertical farms and indoor settings. Berry production and marketing enterprise Hortifrut SA is situated in Chile.
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Market Taxonomy
By Growing System
By Facility Type
Glass or Poly Greenhouse
Indoor Vertical Farm
Container Farm
Indoor DWC System
By Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Key Questions Addressed by the Report
What are the Key Opportunities in Indoor Farming Technology Market?
What will be the growth rate from 2021 to 2027?
Which segment/region will have highest growth?
What are the factors that will impact/drive the Market?
What is the competitive Landscape in the Industry?
What is the role of key players in the value chain?
Browse Full Report https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Indoor-Farming-Technology-Market
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rupalic · 7 months
Indoor Farming Technology Industry Will Hit Big Revenues In Future
The indoor farming technology market has been experiencing significant growth, driven by various factors such as the increasing demand for fresh and locally produced food, the need for efficient and sustainable farming practices, and advancements in technology. Please note that developments in this market may have occurred since my last update. According to MarketsandMarkets, the global indoor farming technology industry size is projected to reach USD 32.3 billion by 2028 from USD 20.3 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 9.7% during the forecast period in terms of value.
Indoor farm, also known as vertical farm or controlled environment agriculture, involves cultivating crops in indoor environments where environmental factors like light, temperature, humidity, and nutrients can be precisely controlled. Here are some key aspects of the indoor farming technology market:
Vertical Farming Systems: Vertical farming involves stacking crops in vertical layers, often in controlled environments with artificial lighting. This method allows for higher crop yields in smaller spaces compared to traditional farming.
Hydroponics and Aeroponics: Indoor farming often utilizes soilless cultivation methods such as hydroponics (growing plants in nutrient-rich water) and aeroponics (growing plants in an air/mist environment without soil or hydroponic medium). These methods optimize resource usage and provide better control over nutrient delivery.
LED Grow Lights: Advances in LED technology have played a crucial role in indoor farming. LED grow lights are energy-efficient and can be customized to provide specific light spectra tailored to different stages of plant growth.
Climate Control Systems: Maintaining optimal environmental conditions is essential for indoor farming. Climate control systems, including temperature and humidity control, help create ideal growing conditions for crops.
Automation and Robotics: Indoor farms often incorporate automation and robotics to streamline various processes such as planting, harvesting, and packaging. This not only increases efficiency but also reduces the need for human labor.
Data Analytics and IoT: Integration of data analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT) allows farmers to monitor and control various parameters remotely. This data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions for optimizing crop growth and resource utilization.
Urban Farming and Container Farming: Indoor farming is gaining popularity in urban areas, where space is limited. Container farming involves converting shipping containers into controlled environment farms, providing a scalable solution for urban agriculture.
To know more get PDF Copy: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=40175861
Asia Pacific to boost market growth during the forecast period.
The demand for indoor farming technology has increased as a result of increased investments made in agricultural operations by foreign company lines in order to exclusively meet crop farmers' expectations for export-quality products, and the Asia Pacific area is predicted to develop at the highest rate. Additionally, the farming industry in the Asia Pacific area has been shifting away from conventional agricultural methods and toward technological advancements and creative approaches. By making these changes, crop management strategies are improved, raising the value of crop premiums. In terms of value, the indoor farming technology market in the Asia Pacific area had around 30.7% of the global market in 2020.
Significant businesses showcased: 
Scotts Company LLC (US), Signify Holding (Netherlands), EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD (Taiwan), NETAFIM (Israel), Heliospectra AB (Sweden), Argus Control Systems Limited (Canada), Lumigrow, Inc (Canada), weisstechnik (US), Priva (Netherlands), LOGIQS.B.V. (Netherlands), Certhon (Netherlands), Bluelab (New Zealand), Barton Breeze (India), Green Sense Farms Holdings, Inc. (US), Greener Crop Inc. (Dubai), Sensaphone (US), Freight Farms, Inc (US), Climate Control Systems Inc (US), Sky Greens (Singapore), SANANBIO (China). 
Make an Inquiry: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Enquiry_Before_BuyingNew.asp?id=40175861
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vicky8588 · 2 years
Maize Pickers Market Are Failing Us
Maize Pickers Market was valued at USD YY million in 2021. It is forecasted to attain USD YY million by 2029, growing with a CAGR from 4.32% through the outlook period (2022- 2029).
A maize picker is a machine to obtain gathering the ears and removes the husks from standing ingrown toenails. The widespread use of maize has resulted in the option of products necessary for crop production and processing. Maize pickers could become classified into two styles, an individual is a maize- for supports grain harvester, including pickers and grain harvesters, and one other is unquestionably whole plant harvesters, including examen harvesters and combined grain supports stover harvesters. Maize is just one of the most generally cultivated and traded crops and contributes to cereal in terms of volume and development. Rising demand and various technological advances, yield boosts, and area expansion have grown the need for maize development. The expansion of the harvesting techniques plus the emergence of somewhat more complicated machines is driving the expansion of the marketplace.
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Industry Dynamics
Progression agricultural mechanization globally drives industry progress
The importance of shrinking land, water solutions, and employees has elevated the advantages of farm mechanization in developing countries. Additionally, the industry is driven by elevating rates of mechanization in growing countries. In modern agriculture, mechanization can be a vital suggestion. It enhances productivity, besides lowering the expense of cultivation. Besides boosting production efficiency, mechanization encourages significant scale production and often can certainly improve the grade of farm manufacture. Agriculture technology has seen a huge growth in investment, with$ 6. 7 billion invested over the past 5 a number of$ 1. 9 billion in 2021. Indoor vertical farming, automation and robotics, livestock technology, modern garden greenhouse practices, precision agriculture and man-made intelligence, and blockchain will be the numerous innovations completed with mechanization. Sustainable agriculture mechanization contributes significantly which includes driving the progress of the marketplace. The call for that first maize has been cultivated due to the gardening mechanization exploded. Moreover, maize pickers industry growth is predicted to accelerate over the next five years, driven by the acute scarcity of skilled farm-building labour due to farm employees migrating to labour-extensive industries.
Market Segmentation
Tractor-attached maize pickers consisted of the best share in the global maize pickers market
The tractor-attached maize pickers are very well praised because of their load-bearing capacity as well it offers good luck during planting than other maize pickers. The tractor-mounted maize pickers allow you to choose small lanes and high rows through your call. Based on Indian Start of Maze Research, almost 1147. 7 million metric tonnes of maize will undoubtedly be produced together simply by 170 countries from your location of 193. 7 million fixa with average productivity of 5.75 t/ ha in 2020. The total maize production has exploded considering that the 83% of the full total production is found in the supply, starch, and bio-energy industries. Maize is the 2nd most cultivated crop on the planet and probably the most adaptable crop on the list of cereals also maize directly or ultimately significantly more than 3000 products are already being created offering an extensive chance for value addition. Maize is recognized as a great driver of the worldwide culture economy. Moreover, maize is developed in the tropics, and sun tropics and contains several types case field corn, sweet corn, fat-free popcorn, and others. Have tractor-attached pickers that can be used widely inside fields because of the performance they have in maize picking.
Physical Penetration
APAC could be the overpowering region with the forecast period
APAC is projected as the dominating region. In line with the productivity and yield, the Asia Ocean recorded the best performance. The best vest population causes the best demand in addition to the strong financial assistance from the federal government within the financial has grown growth in the area. During India, the green revolution significantly increased the expansion of the market. Indian farming is experiencing rapid change considering that the presentation of green transformation innovation due to that agribusiness is increasing. One bigger rising pattern of agribusiness under liberalization may be the broadening level of rural fares which can also increase the movement and imports. Based on To the India Institute of Research, Bulk maize production in India went in 2020 among which 13% is utilized as livestock nourishing, 14% in the starch industry, and 47% is utilized as poultry nourishing. India produced 1. 73 million dollars MT of maize in 2020. As per the other Gardening Service of the USA Portion of Agriculture (USDA), China is unquestionably expected to produce 272. 6 million dollars tonnes of corn and noted a 4. 6% increase in 2019. Feed corn and residual 2 are estimated at 211 million tonnes as feed generators to corn rations in China. Countries such as Japan, Australia, and different countries such as South Korea are bracing for a rise in agricultural development that could boost the expansion of the industry.
Competitive Landscape
Right now, there are numerous established participants found on the market and native companies, hence, the industry is fragmented. Some major key players are in reality Alvan Blanch Development Company, CLAAS, Deere& Company, HALDRUP, Kisankraft, Oxbo International, CNH Industrial, AGCO Corporation, Mahindra& Mahindra Limited., John Deere and others. The most notable players inside the promotion are accounting for the vast majority of the market share through innovations such as product launches. To have instance, in Aug 2021, David Deere introduced the newest 6155MH Tractor, which gives all area-confirmed performance and reliability of other M Series. This system provides additional plant clearance underneath the axle and greater drawbar clearance when compared with vehicles built with a typical axle and high-clearance auto tires.
COVID- 19 Impact
Poor influence on the worldwide maize pickers market
With the COVID- 19 the agriculture industry faced a serious headwind. Developing countries such as China and India have a new biggest population reliance upon agriculture plus the rising expense of labour impacted negatively. Apart from supply by China manufacturers and India most countries have chosen the agriculture and agro-support food sector as essential and not affected by business closure and restrictions on movement. An important downturn recorded in 2020 is widespread disruptions caused by restrictions imposed to support the spread of COVID- 19 combined with supply chain interruptions which increased pressure on the prices of products exactly to agricultural machinery. As the costs within the agriculture machinery elevated the values within the maze pickers also increased and similarly, negative rural reforms in some of the countries such as South Photography equipment triggered decreasing rural labour.
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DataM Intelligence was incorporated in the early weeks of 2017 as a Market Research and Consulting firm with just two people on board. Within a span of less than a year, we have secured more than 100 unique customers from established organizations all over the world.
For more information:
Sai Kiran
Sales Manager at DataM Intelligence
Tel: +1 877 441 4866
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freefestwinner · 4 years
Global Indoor Farming Robots Market Overview, Size, Share and Trends 2015-2026
Summary - A new market study, titled “Global Indoor Farming Robots Market Research Report 2020” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
The research report includes specific segments by region (country), by company, by Type and by Application. This study provides information about the sales and revenue during the historic and forecasted period of 2015 to 2026. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth.
ALSO READ: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/indoor-farming-robots-industry-2020-global-share-trends-market-size-growth-opportunities-and-forecast-to-2026-2020-09-04
Segment by Type
Robot Gripper
Cutting Robot
Material Handling Robot
Monitoring Drones
 Segment by Application
Fruits and Vegetables
 Global Indoor Farming Robots Market: Regional Analysis
The report offers in-depth assessment of the growth and other aspects of the Indoor Farming Robots market in important regions, including the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Mexico, and Brazil, etc. Key regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America.
The report has been curated after observing and studying various factors that determine regional growth such as economic, environmental, social, technological, and political status of the particular region. Analysts have studied the data of revenue, production, and manufacturers of each region. This section analyses region-wise revenue and volume for the forecast period of 2015 to 2026. These analyses will help the reader to understand the potential worth of investment in a particular region.
 Global Indoor Farming Robots Market: Competitive Landscape
This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and production by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
The major players in the market include etc.
FOR MORE DETAILS: https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5787689-global-indoor-farming-robots-market-research-report-2020
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