A Review of “Gloria” (Hampstead Theatre) 2017
From the perspective of someone almost entirely enamoured with Colin Morgan
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The startlingly recognisable world of “the office” in a particularly cut-throat profession is brought to an impressive realisation upon the stage of The Hampstead Theatre. The sometimes hilarious and always engaging tale of writers simply desperate to sell out to the biggest and the best. It ticks so many boxes that as an aspiring writer it’s really quite annoying to witness… twice so far. It’s hilarious, it’s terrifying, it’s depressing and it’s bordering on profound. Writers be warned, it may hit a little close to home.
Gloria stars Colin Morgan, Ellie Kendrick, Kae Alexander, Sian Clifford, Bayo Gbadamosi and Bo Poraj. This sentance alone is evidence enough of the value for money you are getting here. Together they form a collection of ruthless and somewhat doomed editorial assistants with their eyes on their bosses job and of course, a book deal. A feat they’ve each been tackling in their separate ways but to no avail. Colin Morgan’s Dean rushes in somewhat late and dishevelled, a shameless schmooser who is to both suffer and profit from being the only one in the office to have attended Gloria’s unintentional party of one. 
The first act is a barage of witty dialogue until we are taken into the interval with quite a dramatic turning point from which the mood changes more than somewhat. It would be fair to say that the second half of Gloria is a very different beast, by necessity for sure, it’s not quite as funny and could be perceived as far slower. It is here though that we start to see the point of the piece unfold and it’s here that we see the real cringe-worthy ugliness of the whole industry. With a last minute and much needed amusing quip at the social media obsessed television industry lead by teenagers. 
I defy anyone who has ever worked in an Office to not instantly recognise Devin and yes, I am definitely Callie. Hopelessly in love with the clearly disinterested, moody, always “busy”  and Guardians of the Galaxy t-shirt wearing face of “IT”. I suspect an element of this is why Devin gets quite a laugh from the audience simply by entering the room. It’s not just the odd-looking long-haired wig atop the head of Colin Morgan, although that is pretty amusing, it’s because we all know this guy.
Not surprisingly we’re left at a rather sobering conclusion, especially if you’re a writer or have ever thought about writing, the unworthy may succeed and the promising may end up nowhere. It is particularly sad to see the one character with the noble ambition of being more “present”, resign himself to the old ethos where he no doubt started, head down… headphones on.
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Gloria was excellently staged, with a nice reference to Nighthawks by Edward Hopper, I see what you did there. Gloria makes for an emotional couple of hours and I’m not just talking about the fact Colin Morgan is literally right there, in front of you… just acting away like a boss. *Cough* *Cough* Nobody wants to hear your fangirling Rebecca. It’s enviably witty and painfully poignent for the world we are living today. The tragic turns, as dramatic as they may be, seem far from unrealistic. 
Do not be surprised if you don’t feel too keen on going to work the next day (more than you might usually do). Am I the only one here worried I’m Dean? Going nowhere… terribly slowly? Am I Gloria? I bring lunches to work too! My point being there is something strangely intrusive about this play. It will, I am sure, find a way into your life and like all good dramas leave a mark.
“But this is my lived experience, my actual life and I just can’t have you tarnishing it with your… with your ambition.” - Dean
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And so the Fangirling REALLY begins…
Now some, actually maybe all of you came here to read this because… well, Colin Morgan. That is all. Just when you think you know the man and he’s done breaking your heart… it turns out he’s not! (Disclaimer, no he hasn’t really broken my heart, it’s just something fangirls say). The few minutes it took for him to arrive on stage felt like hours for me the first time but that’s no fault of the play I hasten to add. Do not be discouraged for he proves worth the wait. With his very impressive American accent that randomly reminds me of Christian Bale’s American accent. Just saying. Along with his usual on-point, focused and subtly wonderful self, Colin fans… Christmas has come early.
For anyone who recalls Colin’s tremendous efforts in The Globe theatre’s “The Tempest”, you will know the man seems to have an astonishingly boundless reserve of energy that is frankly terrifying. Likely to just suddenly take over the entire scene at any given moment and if the audience were emoji’s… there’d be hearts in their eyes. There is plenty of this trademark to be had and I particularly enjoy his “Tweet” rant. Colin fans I’ll confess the scene that takes us into the intermission was intense and that’s something of an understatement. I genuinely think the scene in question was quite a risky thing to realise on stage because for one horrible moment you can not be sure it’s still the play you’re watching. (Trying so hard not to spoil it). It’s a very swift and sudden slap round the face but if you’re a fan of anyone on that stage… Keep Calm…
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Funny story, the first time I saw it, when it all starts kicking off backstage, I was really quite glad to recognise Sian Clifford’s Gloria step out. Because I was a few seconds away from flying to the stage, proper Pocahontas style, flinging myself to the rescue of helpless Colin Morgan. Albeit slightly less glamorously or appropriately as it turns out, which is just as well because I don’t know how I’d pick myself up off the floor if I had witnessed a different fate. Long story short, Colin Morgan is awesome and he’s in excellent company.
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Go see Gloria... BOOK NOW https://www.hampsteadtheatre.com/whats-on/2017/gloria/
Gloria images credit: Marc Brenner  https://m.facebook.com/pg/hampsteadtheatre/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1692542857442050&ref=page_internal and Hampstead Theatre official... https://www.hampsteadtheatre.com/whats-on/2017/gloria/
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And another thing...
I’d just like to follow up on my “review” of Gloria at The Hampstead Theatre by pointing out there is one huge error in the piece...
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Basically, if I worked in an office with anyone who looked like Dean does, there’s no way I’d get anything done. I’d be making tenuous references to the back catalogue of “The Smiths” every five minutes and trying not to blush as soon as he walked in the room... and failing.
Nobody did this in “Gloria”... that I confess didn’t make a whole lot of sense.
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