#God I absolutely love the whole 'Bride of [insert monster/villain here]' trope
hostess-of-horror · 3 years
Bride of the Wolfhound
The sequel to "Bride of the Lagomorph"!
[M.B. is my Cadetsona OC, Shelley is my Sam and Max fanchild OC, and M.J. belongs to @sleepy-heads-blog. Content Includes: Profanity and Blood/Gore]
Max: "Hey kids, do you know where your father went?"
[Across from the living room are John, Geek, M.J., Shelley, and M.B., all sitting together and watching T.V. On the television screen is an old 80's horror film, where a gory scene is playing. The actress screams in agony as she is brutally slaughtered by a masked serial killer and her blood goes everywhere.]
Geek: "I dunno."
John: "Haven't seen him either."
Max: "Lumpy, have you seen Sam?"
M.B.: "Hmm... well, last time I saw him, he went outside. Don't know what he was doing after that though."
[Confused, Max turns around to go outside. M.B. watches him leave. The rest of the group continues watching the horror film. After when the serial killer is done murdering, M.B. shifts and gets up from her seat.]
M.B.: "I'll be right back, guys."
[Meanwhile, Max is now in their backyard, which is a lot bigger than you would think, and looks around for Sam.]
Max: *thinking to himself* "Where is Sam, and why would he go outside? He couldn't have gone far. He wouldn't have left for a case without me, so.... where could he be?"
[As he walked, Max began to sense a strange feeling. Either it was that week-old Glazed McGuffin he ate on the floor, or the backyard was so much larger than he thought. The more he ventured through, the deeper and more vast everything became.]
Max: *muttering* "What the hell?"
[Max stops to look around. His surroundings have become otherworldly now; an unknown land that was once his and Sam's neighborhood. What was once a neighborhood is now a giant forest with dead, gnarled trees that shakes and groans along the chilling wind. Max looks back. His house is nowhere to be found. Just a never-ending path into the shadows. His eyebrows furrow with concern, he rubs his eyes vigorously. He opened his eyes again. Nothing changes.]
Max: "How...? Where am I....? Sam! Sam, where are you?! Where'd ya go?!"
[No response. Nothing but the wind amongst the dead silence of the forest.]
Max: "Ah!" *snaps his fingers* "This has got to be Lumpy's doing! She's the one who would pull off something like this." *looks around and grins* "Okay, Lumpy! Very funny! Ooooooh, I'm so scared~ How can I, a small, adorable, marketable bunny, ever escape this spooky forest? Oh, boo-hoo!"
[Suddenly, a high-pitched scream far off in the distance. Max is alerted and, immediately, he runs towards the scream.]
Max: *thinking to himself* "That scream! It can't be Sam... it's too high-pitched. Wait.... oh God, please don't be.... no, no, no...!" *shouting* "Geek?! M.J.?! Kids?!"
[Panicked, Max continues on running deeper into the forest. Soon, he finally comes into a dead end.]
Max: "Oh... f*ck..!"
[Spread apart and displayed on a massive, dead tree is M.B., or rather what is left of her. Blood is spilled across the tree, entrails scattered all over the branches and on the ground. Her face is stuck on a horrified expression, her once bright eyes now dull and glassy. Max moves even closer towards her corpse.]
Max: "Aw, sh*t!" *stomps his foot angerly* "Come on! I called dibs on her! No fair!"
[Max lets out an annoyed sigh and places his hands on his hips. If M.B. is dead... then what is happening around him? Shaking his head, he turns to head back. Suddenly, Max is grabbed by the neck and is lifted up in the air. There in front of Max is none other than Sam, growling like a demon from Hell. Fresh red blood glistens on his sharp teeth and drips down onto his disheveled white shirt. His eyes burned with a ferocious hunger, glowing green in the darkness.]
Max: "Sam?! Where have you been? And what the hell did you do to Lumpy?! You know I wanted to tear her to pieces!"
[With a snarl, Sam drops Max and tackles him on the ground, his claws digging into the dirt. His breathing gives Max goosebumps, sending chills down his spine. Sam had crawled over him like a starving wolf. He licks his teeth, savoring M.B.'s blood, and reaches down behind his back.]
Max: "Woah, Sam, where was this side of you? How come I've never seen you like-"
[Max's heart plunges into his stomach when Sam reveals what was behind his back. In his hand is a syringe needle with glowing green fluid inside it. Max screams in terror.]
Max: "Sam?! NO! No, no, no! What are you doing?!" *struggling* "Lemme go! Let me go!"
[Sam then wraps Max into a tight grip with his one arm. Max struggles to free himself, but to no avail. His breathing becomes harsher as he panics and stares at the syringe.]
Sam: "Shhhhh shhh shhhhh.... Hush now..."
[Sam kisses Max's forehead, making him whimper in fear.]
Sam: "One little prick is all it will take, my love."
Max: "N-no, please!"
[Sam tightens his embrace even harder. Max weakens, scared and exhausted.]
Sam: *aiming the syringe at Max* "Surrender, my Bride, to my unyielding and undying love..."
[Sam then sticks the syringe into his chest. Max screams, in hopes of numbing the pain or in hopes of something - anything - to happen. His cries of terror fills the air as he cringes, writhing in Sam's grip. His eyes are closed - he doesn't want to be in this nightmare anymore.]
M.B.: "Max! Max!"
[Max opens his eyes. He stops screaming. Looking around, Max is back in the backyard and in the neighborhood. There is his house, where the rest of the family is outside watching them. Sam, who is all dressed in his normal suit and hat and with no blood whatsoever. Then there is M.B., alive and well, hovering over Max. Max looks down at his chest - no syringe, only Sam's finger poking his chest.]
M.B.: "Holy sh*t, dude, I didn't expect you to freak out so much!"
Max: *realization hits* "Oh, God DAMN IT!"
[Both M.B. and Sam burst out laughing.]
Sam: *laughing* "Gotcha!"
Max: *pointing at M.B.* "I f*cking knew it! I knew it was all an illusion!"
Sam: "That is for all those pranks you pulled every Halloween season."
M.B.: "When Sam told me that he was planning on getting revenge, I just had to help him. I can't resist a good old revenge prank, especially one that scares people!"
Max: *growling*
Sam: "Now, now, little buddy, I know you want to tear out the kid's internal organs, but who will be there to help us then?"
Max: *crosses his arms* "...Fine."
M.B.: "My powers have gotten so much stronger than before! Guess it must be the Halloween season. Gives me so much inspiration!"
Sam: "You said it. I'm really impressed, kid. You know, you never cease to surprise me."
M.B.: "Awww, thanks Sam!"
Max: "Yeah, yeah, Lumpy's got some cool magic tricks, blah, blah, blah!"
Geek: "Can someone please tell us what's going on? I am throughly confused."
Sam: "Oh, just some old fashioned pranks, nothing to be worried about."
[Max leaps out of Sam's arm and stares down at M.B. He then goes inside the house.]
Sam: "Aw, come on, little buddy! You're not mad at us for the syringe thing, are you?"
Max: "No. It's that you cheated! M.B. shouldn't have helped you! I didn't get some illusionary powers to do my pranks. It's just not fair!"
[Sam rolls his eyes, giving Max a soft chuckle. Sam and M.B. follow Max, and everyone goes inside the house.]
M.B.: "Hmmm... 'Bride of the Lagomorph' or 'Bride of the Wolfhound'... I can't tell which one is better."
M.J.: "You must have scared Papa pretty good, and that's a bit of an understatement."
M.B.: "I try. Sorry for dipping on you guys during the movie, by the way."
Geek: "Oh, it's fine. The movie was actually kinda cheesy."
John: "Yeah, and there was a plot twist too. Turns out the father was the killer."
M.B.: "Shut up! Are you serious?"
Geek: "We're not joking. Apparently the masked serial killer was the main girl's father. It doesn't make any sense at all! We all thought it was the neighbor, but nope! It was the father who had no real reason whatsoever to be the villain, other than to preach some bullsh*t about how young people do nothing but drink, have sex, and do drugs."
M.B.: "Okay, to be fair, he is in an 80's horror movie. The teenagers are and will be stupid. Just saying."
[As the rest of the family head off into the living room, Sam and Max are left alone. Max is still looking upset. He sighs wearily.]
Sam: "Max?"
Max: "God, Sam... I can't believe I'm gonna say this,, but you truly scared me.
Sam: "Heh. That was the goal."
Max: "Mark my words, I will come back with a vengeance. Not just you, but Lumpy too."
Sam: "Okay, but no murder. We can't afford to have another death file in our establishment. Plus, you did use Geek's Size-o-shooter as your prank, so I figured..."
Max: "Yeah, but I didn't have a whole damn fantasy world to create out of thin air. I didn't ask Geek for help. I may be a psychotic lagomorph with homicidal tendencies, but I play fair. Got it?"
Sam: "Alright, alright.... do you want me to make it up to you?"
[Max looks up at Sam. His eyes are beginning to droop, slowly closing, aching for sleep.]
Max: *raises his arms up* "Take me to bed, will ya?"
Sam: "Wow, that's awfully tame of you, little buddy."
Max: "I would have you allow me to tie you up as I eat the last Glazed McGuffin while pummeling you with a crochet mallet, but I'm really tired."
Sam: "Maybe next time, then."
[Sam picks up Max with ease, allowing him to rest inside his arms.]
Sam: "Heh... you know, I think you would look amazing in a dramatic, white gown. You know, to fit the damsel in distress role."
Max: "Why wait? After all, you did capture me."
Sam: "I sure did, little buddy. Now that you're mine..."
[Sam adjusts himself so that he is carrying Max bridal style. He stands tall with a sweet smile across his face. Max giggles.]
Max: *making a dramatic pose* "Oh! I have been abducted by an incredibly handsome monster! What are you going to do?"
Sam: "I am going to love you for all eternity."
Max: "Then take me away!" *pretends to faint in Sam's arms*
Sam: "As you wish, my bride."
[Sam carries Max into their bedroom for the night, terribly exhausted from their shenanigans. They both snuggle up together with smiles on their faces as sleep begins to set in.]
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