#God Jesus word Godsword Promise Faith Mary
ashtonfish · 10 years
If God says it, He means it
Luke 1:37, “For no word from God will ever fail.”
In a world that falls short every day failure is a common outcome to most of our lives. We have learned to accept failure and almost expect it.
But God isn’t like man. God doesn’t fail. Even when he’s on the cross dying and everyone looses hope God doesn’t fail!!
The context of this scripture is that the angel Gabriel has just told the virgin Mary that she will conceive and give birth to a son (Jesus). Impossible!!! This angelic visit has failure written all over it. I am sure Mary could not of told anyone about this encounter or she would be laughed at and called a crazy woman. Another emotional young girl. But Mary his the word of God in her heart. She let her faith grow and all of a sudden a baby started to grow too.
This is the basic principle here: everything starts as a seed. Jesus started small. A woman had to have faith. She had to believe God with all her heart. Mary had to believe the impossible. Then that seed of faith grew. That word of hope became an every increasing reality. Jesus starts small in all of our hearts. But as we believe, trust God, and hold on to his word of hope something begins to be birthed in us. Salvation, joy and promise is born.
When God says something he means it. What he spoke over you as a child at a camp he still means it. As a teenager when your youth pastor spoke Gods calling over your life he still means it. As a young adult you felt Gods tug to come back to him and he would renew your life, well he still means it. The promises he has whispered in your heart are still true. Prophesies don’t die, but maybe it’s our faith that does. What God has said to you in the past he still means today. And if you will hold on to his word you will not fail in his plan. God has a plan for you that will not fail. God has a promise for you that will not fail. God has an impossible dream for you that will not fail.
Trust him today. Start small. And see how your baby of faith might just change the world.
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