#God bless Osiris and the one (1) self awareness he has earned over all these centuries
tacticalgrandma · 1 year
When Ana asks “Why didn’t you tell me?” and Osiris responds, “I did not know his true identity until recently. But that’s just an excuse. The truth of the matter is… I had time to tell you. But I chose not to. Because I was—am—a selfish person.” it just fucking got me. Because there’s this section of Immolant:
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Osiris knew Ana was working on making an Exo body for Rasputin. Any information about Rasputin having, you know, previously put a part of himself into an Exo body would have been pretty damn helpful. But Osiris didn’t think what Ana was doing was worthwhile, so it wasn’t worth being slightly vulnerable to help her. Ana literally says this in Immolant too!
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When Osiris talks about being selfish he’s talking about that Clovis-like, Rasputin-like arrogance that he knows what’s most important, what’s worth saving. Ana’s “little side project” doesn’t require him. And then Osiris wakes up after watching all his loved ones so easily believe that Savathun, who said she was doing what was best for the Traveler, was him. And now he needs Ana’s unkept promise. And now he’s pushed her back into contact with her cruel, dangerous grandfather, and he still hasn’t offered her this small part of himself that hurts to talk about.
Osiris watched Sagira die for him after he told her to flee, felt Saint at his bedside. It’s such a natural step and so in line with the other players this season for him to be thinking about selfishness, about sacrifice, about making decisions for other people. It’s really cool how well this season weaves his growth from his trauma in with all these other parallel storylines and character arcs. I’m enjoying this this all so very, very much.
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