#Good grief why is Wilder Wonka so hard to write?
chupacrups · 5 months
Anyone else remember the bike?
I re-watched "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" complete after about 4 years, and 50 minutes into the movie, my mind was still trying to process the revelation that Charlie never had a bicycle to deliver newspapers. I took the bike's existence for granted; I even have memories of the standard-issue-haired male Rapunzel riding the cycle as if his dream was to go to the Tour de France instead of the cavities kingdom. So vivid was this memory, that I got to the point of engendering the draft of a 5-chapter AU fanfic… based on a non-existent brown bike.
If my mind doesn't deceive me -again-, I think this if true in the version with Tom and Jerry, but I don't plan to watch it again to check. Do you know how expensive eyeballs are these days? I'm not giving up my other kidney just like that.
Anyway, it looks like the Mortadela Effect has done its thing once again. Have a nice lunch, dear web strangers. And if you already had eated, I hope you have a good digestion.
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P.S: That's what the bicycle looked like in my mind, only instead of that light it had like a metal basket.
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