#Goodwin had to give him a *reason* to make him leave Satellite at all
shitpostingkats · 6 months
Yusei thought of the day #1172: Jack's bike (Yusei's original duel runner) was fast enough to make the escape into New Domino. Yusei could have escaped as soon as he built it, but didn't. Just. I'm thinking about it.
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hyperdrivehearts · 5 years
YouseemedtoreallylikethelastoneandIlovehearinghowotherpeoplewritethedisasterchildrenso Headcanon time! How often do Yusei and Kalin get sick? What makes them frustrated or irritable? Does Yusei get petty towards Jack and Crow? What are Yuseis feelings for Akiza?
DIASASTER CHILDREN IM–?? u right tho, u right,, Kalin and Yus are grade A+ disasters. And yes!! I love when people want to know about my boys it makes me super happy asdgbjsdhlsd
- How often do Yusei and Kalin get sick? 
Not often, thankfully! As children, they probably were sick a lot more often, and in Satellite, it’s not that sanitary to begin with so there was a constant exposure to germs and bacteria, which does thankfully increase the power of the immune system later in life. (Kalin probably does get sick more often than Yusei does, due to having, y’know, died.)
The unfortunate flip side to this, is that when they get sick, they get sick hard. No matter what he’s caught, Yusei tries to hide it as best as possible, but there’s only so much you can hide when you’re coughing up lungs from a bad cold, y’know? He’s not the type to want people to dote over him, because he knows other people need him, but he does eventually give into being taken care of, because he knows they only mean well. Though, it’s a challenge and a half to keep him in bed, because there’s always things to be done– even if it takes him longer to recover.
Kalin is very similar: he doesn’t want people taking care of him, but unlike Yusei, he doesn’t eventually give in as easily and it’s like pulling teeth from a crocodile. If you thought he was in a bad mood normally, be glad you haven’t seen him sick. (He’s so lucky that Yusei loves him as much as he does.) It’s honestly like taking care of a child; his appetite vanishes and he won’t eat properly, constantly picking at his food, not to mention that he will just refuse to have any medicine besides his antidepressants.
Yusei is VERY patient with Kalin and Kalin begrudgingly does what’s required of him when Yusei’s taking care of him. When it’s Jack or Crow? It ends in a lot of frustration on both sides.
FUN FACT! Because of Kalin’s lowered body temperature from being a Dark Signer, he won’t know if he has a fever or not, and will play a lot of the symptoms off as him just being cold or just having a headache and needing a nap. There has been a few scares where hes actually passed out because of it
Under the cut again!!
-What makes them frustrated or irritable? 
A lot for the both of them, actually! Kalin and Yusei display anger/frustration in two very different ways.
Kalin can and will get angry at very small and mundane things. Someone did something he was going to do? Expect an annoyed growl. Someone touched his shit in his room? Another growl. He is extremely vocal about his anger and lashes out very, very easily and this is something I plan to explore in my fic one I actually get to those parts lmao, but he isn’t afraid to tell someone (or something) to piss off.
Kalin needs immediate release when he’s angry of frustrated. He can’t keep it bottled in at all because it festers and gets worse. He’ll take walks or drives around, something passive. He should not duel in a state of anger, because that damage can very easily turn real when he’s no longer in control of his emotions. It isn’t strange to see him yell at someone, and immediately turn around and punch a wall or tree, because it needs to get out.
If he releases these emotions verbally, there’s usually a lot of swearing involved. (He has yelled profanities at the door frame he just walked into, thanks for asking.)
Yusei is different. He isn’t easy to anger, but quick to annoy and irk. He’s someone where you can tell it through body language and only body language. Narrowed eyes, strangely silent and clammed shut, dirty glares. It’s a very passive aggressive anger. He’ll still talk to you like normal, but he would be much more sarcastic than usual and you can just.. tell that you pissed him off through his actions. (A good example of this would be Yusei revving his engine to get the attention of his friends right in the first episode. Just use your words, boy.)
Piss Yusei off enough, however, he will turn things physical, and he is not afraid to do so. If he can justify his anger, he can justify his hands being thrown. Take Tanner or anyone who has called certain cards worthless: that sets Yusei off, because he knows what it’s like to be tossed aside and called worthless, he’s from Satellite for fucks sake, but he also knows he has worth as a person and those cards have worth to be in someone’s deck and not in the trash. Abusing and taking advantage of people, insulting his friends, and insulting his pride as a duelist are really the only things that make him angry. (Say for Goodwin. Goodwin as a whole pisses him off for a multitude of reasons and he would NOT hesitate to punch his lights out.)
Yusei luckily doesn’t hold grudges like Kalin does, and if you leave him be, it’ll be like smothering out a small, angry flame with a blanket. He’ll forgive you, and things will go back to normal relatively quickly, but he won’t fucking forget.
Sometimes, it doesn’t always smother out, and he’ll think and think about what made him annoyed, until it’s at the point of anger and he can’t focus properly (Instead, he focuses on what’s making him angry.) A scene in the manga describes it better than I could: he’s thinking about Sect while working on his runner instead of resting up, and he keeps thinking about Sect until he’s genuinely angry and SLAMS his wrench to the floor.
TLDR: When Yusei’s angry, his actions speak louder than his words, while Kalin is almost the opposite: both are loud and he’s giving himself a headache.
- Does Yusei get petty towards Jack and Crow? 
Crow? Not so much. As I said above, he doesn’t usually verbalize his emotions, and Crow “gets” him quite a lot as a person. Crow is someone Yusei can very easily forgive, because he hasn’t been wronged severely by him. Yusei is still sarcastic as ever with him though, but he’s like that with everyone.
When Kalin became part of the team, Crow was VERY against it, and he made it hella known enough for Kalin to storm outwith tears in his eyes. That, that made Yusei go off in retaliation and it was probably the angriest Crow has seen Yusei, say for the raw anger Yusei felt when Kalin turned to dust in his arms. (Boy was he pissed at the Dark SIgners.)
Jack on the other hand, has wronged him, and has wronged Yusei enough to severely hurt him and his trust. Stealing his runner and card by putting their friend in danger? That took a very long time to heal over (and one hell of an angry cry by Yusei.) Truthfully, I don’t think Yusei will ever 100% fully trust Jack again, but he’s forgiven him. (Mostly, he’ll bring it up when he’s annoyed enough, and Jack is really the only person he gets “snappy” at outside of a duel who wasn’t an antagonist.
Yusei is the type of person to leave a thimble of milk left in the jug SOLELY because he knows Jack is the next one to need it.
TLDR: Yusei petty af with everyone but especially Jack Atlas.
- What are Yuseis feelings for Akiza?             
Let me make this 100% clear right off the bat: My Yusei holds absolutely ZERO romantic interest in Akiza, even though she did have a crush on Yusei, it was not requited. Akiza is like a sister to Yusei (and dating your sister would be weird.) Yusei understood that he was the first male in a long time in Akiza’s life that she genuinely felt safe around and that she had mistook the feeling for attraction. (Comphet is a bitch.) Yusei is far from the type of person to lead her on– he can barely tell someone in a gentle tone that he’s not interested, because he doesn’t want to accidentally risk broken bonds. In that aspect, he kinda just let her be but still trusted and respected her immensely.
Platonically speaking, Yusei LOVES Akia. He honestly trusts her with his life (and with Stardust, who he values more than his own life but don’t tell Stardust that.) He knows he can always trust Akiza to give her honest opinion, no matter how brutal it may be, and will seek her out specifically for her advice. Crow’s advice is mostly what he’d do in a certain situation, which isn’t always the same as what Yusei would do. (And Jack gives horrible advice, so Yusei isn’t going to even bother there,) but Akiza genuinely understands him and that’s?? super important to me?? I just really love their their bond??
Yusei thinks Akiza is amazing in every possible way, that she’s strong and absolutely refuses to back down. He knows not to mess with Akiza, because he’s get his ass kicked.
When Kalin and Yusei started dating again during the WRGP, I am certain Akiza would have been at least a little heartbroken, but it’s also the first time in a while that Yusei had been so genuinely happy. By that type, she had built a solid friendship  with Kalin because he understood the parts of her that Yusei could not. Akiza felt like a monster, Kalin was a monster. (honestly?? between the three of them, there is a solid support system in Team 5Ds.)
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