#Goop was so sweet to give the dupe that almost murdered her a balloon
angrybatgaming · 10 months
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Guess who was almost murdered, and then rescued by, fellow dupes last night? When I tell you that I was screaming/yelling, I'm not kidding. The red mark on the bar is how close she was to dying before she was finally able to climb to an area full of oxygen. (I was digging a pocket for the carbon dioxide to sink down into, and my new 8th dupe dug up the small land bridge leading to the ladder.)
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Wanted to upload this batch last night, but my sibling and I found the Super Mario Bros movie and I forgot about it until today. So late update. Did you know there was a hug for balloon artist dupes where at least one dupe would be stuck with a balloon permanently. It doesn't give them a buff. Purely aesthetic. Unfortunately it did not happen here, but it's pretty funny and cute.
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Also Pei is now "Goop the Dupe", or Goop for short. Renamed by @otterlywyrdfirbolg
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And here's the newly renamed "Yarn", in a good mood. But I didn't see the stickers she was supposedly leaving behind.
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My Sage Hatch is fully grown and fuzzy af. I love it. I want more. How do I get more? I will build an empire of Sage Hatches. I just like having Hatch farms because easy coal. Might set up a third farm for more.
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And I WAS going to ask how this thing works, but Harold volunteered to show me...I feel like I should have Goop make a stash of radiation medicine...
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