#Got7 angst
mykoreanlove · 5 months
on being real
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“I don’t want to date you anymore, Jackson.”
The silver fork he was holding in his left hand fell onto the marble floor, crashing the silence caused by your announcement. Jackson was visibly irritated, big frowns on his face.
“You… what? Why?”
For days you had been practicing this moment, imagining how you would explain your reasons and set him free. And even though you went over this moment hundreds of times, you were not prepared for the gravel pit of anxiety in your stomach. You didn’t do this because you didn’t want him, no. Your feelings were as strong as ever, but Jackson never opened up, he never let you take a look behind his porcelain façade. You decided to no longer waste your time with someone that only portrayed his good sides.
“I don’t feel like knowing you, Jackson. You only show me your good sides, you never share your problems with me. I just…”, you stumbled to find the right words.
“Say it, y/n”, he urged you with a serious tone.
“I feel like I’m dating a fake.”
Ouch, the pit grew bigger.
Jackson hid his face behind his hands, shielding himself from you. You didn’t think it would affect him that much, but his silent sobs gave him away.
“I’m sorry, Jackson.”
It didn’t take long for him to change into his real self, which you finally saw for the first time after months of dating. His eyes, always sparkly but never serene, turned dead, drained from life and love. You silently gasped, surprised to see the abyss behind the veil.
Jackson broke out in laughter as he wiped away his tears.
“Dating a fake, huh?”
Tears started to form in your eyes, seeing him like that broke your heart.
“What do you want to know, y/n? How broken I really am? You think you’re going to love that?”, he spat sarcastically.
You couldn’t answer, you didn’t dare to. Jackson took another sip of his drink, grimacing in pain.
“Shall we talk about my crippling depression, then? You want to know what that’s like? To lie awake every night wondering if this is the life I want, the one that I deserve? Shall we talk about the accompanying anxiety which is clouding my mind 24/7? Am I doing enough? Am I true to myself? Is this really who I am? Shall we talk about my sweaty hands and rapid heartbeat? Me wondering if I’m about to drop dead any minute? Is that it?”
He paused and observed you, not understanding the reason behind your tears.
“Or shall we talk about my health problems? Did you notice how badly I’m griding my teeth? Should I tell you that my jaw is tense as fuck and my teeth are overly sensitive? That drinking and eating anything but warm liquor is making me wince in pain? You think I’m this skinny because I’m on a diet? No, y/n, far from it. Should I tell you how frustrated I am because I have tried literally anything, and no one can help me? You wanna know what that’s like? To be helpless in your own body? To be betrayed by your own fucking body?”
Your eyes wandered to the glass in his hands, finally understanding why he was always drinking so much. Jackson started pacing through the room while bearing his darkest secrets.
“Or shall we talk about the people I’m seeing for help? Because I’ve seen them all, y/n. I searched through whole fucking Asia, and everybody is saying the same shit. It’s all in your head, Jackson. Do you know how fucked up that is? Neither antidepressants nor the shit for my teeth is helping me and you wanna know why? Because apparently, it’s in my head. My body is hurting because my soul is hurting. Isn’t that hilarious?”
Jackson spilled some of his liquor, trying to make a point.
“Or let’s not forget about my love life, y/n. You wanna know what that’s like? You wanna know how much energy it took to portray myself as normal? I wanted you to think of me as strong and healthy and full of life but now you’re breaking up with me because that was, what, fake? I did all of this so you would never realize how broken, fragile, and weak I am. But I guess that wasn’t the right way to go about it either.”
Another layer of sadness washed over his face, tinting his brown eyes in even deeper despair. Jackson took a seat on the couch and hid behind his hands again, wondering why he told you all of this if you were already over him.
He flinched in surprise as he felt your arms around him, hugging him tightly. For once he just gave in and hugged you back, crying silently in your embrace.
“Thank you for telling me, Jacky”, you whispered sweetly into his ear. “This is exactly what I wanted.”
He looked at you surprised, so you explained yourself.
“I fell in love with you because you were a real one. Standing in your truth and being true to who you are. That’s how I have always perceived you, anyways. But then when we started dating, and I never got to know that side of yours. You were too perfect, in a way. And I don’t want perfect. I want real, Jacky.”
His thumb brushed along your cheek, tracing down to your jaw.
“How could you possibly want that?”, his hoarse voice croaked.
You chuckled in response.
“I’m not perfect, Jackson. And I don’t want to be. Don’t you think I get depressed from time to time? We can cry together then. And yes, the thing with your teeth sucks. But I will love you even if you get new ones. And besides that, my teeth don’t hurt but my head does. Often, I get insufferable migraines and have to lie in a pitch-black room, I flinch at light like Dracula himself. Do you think I like that? No, but we all have something. You make it sound like you have to be perfect to be loved. But you don’t.”
The newfound spark in his eyes was noticeable, if only for a quick moment.
“I agree with the people you’ve been seeing, though. Your soul is hurting, Jackson. And that’s okay.”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly, looking at him hopeful.
“You don’t have to heal on your own though. I’d like to help… if you let me?”
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spacequokka · 2 years
Prompt: “Have you lost your damn mind?!”
You woke up with a jolt. Banging. Loud banging at your front door. You looked at the clock.
“It’s three in the fucking morning.” You hissed, throwing the covers off as you got out of bed. “Who the fuck would even—”
You stormed down the hallway. You didn’t need another noise complaint because you couldn’t afford the damn fine. “I’m coming!” You only hoped the ass-hat on the other side heard you.
You yanked the door open and found Jackson, eyes glossy with his fist raised, standing there as if he hadn’t expected someone to open the door. “Have you lost your damn mind?!” you hissed at him.
“_____. Y-you’re home. I thought…” he turned away, “BamBam said he saw you with that other guy, what’s-his-face—”
You grabbed him by the collar and yanked him in. “No. I have work in the morning. Why aren’t you at home sleeping?” You shut the door behind him and turned on the kitchen light. A second glance at him revealed just how much he’d been drinking. “Damn, Jackson.”
He ducked his head. “I thought I didn’t care if you dated. You’d always be my _____. But I was wrong.”
He grabbed your hands and held them in his fists over his chest. “I don’t want to share you with anyone.”
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kmazine · 11 months
I Can't Have You
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bestfriend!jinyoung x female reader
genre : angst
For some reason, the walk back home feel so long and painful.
"Why it can't it be me?"
"I love you, Jinyoung"
You silently mutter under your breath. The words that you couldn't even say to him. The tears you don't bother to wipe, streaming down your face.
"Jinyoung, you okay?" You ask your best friend over the phone when your best friend called you an hour ago. It was late at night so you wonder why he call.
It was silent for a few seconds until you heard sniffles taking over the background noise that you register was from some television show. You didn't think much more. You immediately jump out from your bed and run towards your door.
"I'm coming" You heard Jinyoung replied with a sad hum and probably a nod, and that makes you fasten you steps. Luckily his apartment is not that far so you already in his apartment within minutes.
"Hey, you okay? How many days you've been drinking like this?" Closing the door behind you and took off your shoes, you can see few empty bottles of soju on the floor next to him. You immediately sit beside him on the floor. Your heart sank at the way his shoulder slouch, arms hugging his knees. He looks up to you when he hears your presence. And you look at him. Eyes swollen and he looks gaunt too. You scoot next to him and wrap your arms around his shoulder, hoping that you'd bring him comfort.
"We- we broke up" His tears starts to roll down his cheeks again as he said that. You let out a pain sigh, slowly wiping his tears with your fingers and pat his head softly.
"It's okay, Jinyoung. You will get through this. You will be fine okay?" You still stroking his hair, like an adult trying to persuade a child to not cry over candies.
"But I really love her, Y/n. It's been a few days and it hurts me that I can't see her face and listen to her voice. I can't do this Y/n. I miss her so much I feel like -- my heart..." He sniffled between words and voice quavering at the last part as he tapping his chest harder each sentences as if that will ever chase the pain away. You take his hands away and give him a tight grip, as to tell him, you're there for him. Your heart clenched to see him like this.
You know falling in love with your best friend was never a good idea. You've been liking him even before you became friend. Stealing glance at him during the class or sometimes exchanging smiles and nods when you saw each others is your definition of happiness back then. Then one semester, you and Jinyoung were assigned together for university projects and both of you clicked right away and the next thing you know, you two are inseparable as best friends. When you thought it's going to be easy for you and your feelings, but it was far from that.
Because from then on, Jinyoung see you as his best friend and best friend only.
Then start the cycle of your crumbling love story. You listen to his sobbing stories after the break ups like a best friend do. He try to match you with his other good friends because as a best friend, he want to see you happy with a good guy. Once, you ended up help him with the girl he likes because he just can't stop begging you.
Even after graduating and working on different companies, the cycle never end. And that's why it's hard. It's harder now to confess and tell him you love him. After everything, after all these years.
Especially this time, the relationship didn't seems like the others. He wasn't just smitten, and she didn't seem like the other girls she dated in the past. As much as you hate to admit it, he's definitely in love. You never thought they'll break up if you're being honest. She's a perfect woman any man can ever wish. It was perfect, as if they're actually made for each others.
You know asking him what happened now wont help him so you decided to make him a meal and tea to calm himself down. It was hard forcing the man to eat but you do every way you can and he finally give in.
"I don't know what will I do without you. Thank you Y/n" He give you a sad smile as he lays down on the couch. Deep sighs never left his mouth. You put the empty bottles in a plastic and put them aside and clean his messy living room.
"Glad I could help. You look too miserable for me not to to do that. I know it's hard but please, do not skip meals." You grabbing the blanket to cover his full body.
"Y/n?" He called for you so you lower yourself so your eyes meet on his level.
"Is it always this hard after the break up? It hurts so much. How can love be this painful huh? "He chuckles - probably knows how pathetic and sad he sound right now. You didn't say anything, just let him rambles more and give him another sympathetic smiles.
You make sure he was sleeping when you decided to leave. You're about to close the door when you heard his phone rings. You can hear Jinyoung shuffles to get up and the last thing you heard his voice saying her name. You closed the door shut, hoping that your heart closed the same for him.
There is a person that you can’t have even when you love them,
Just look at me, I’m next to you but I can’t have you,
I can’t have you.
a.n : this one have been sitting in my draft for months now. This is based from Bank's I Can't Have You (korean old song) and the lyrics are just heart breaking so here we go. Again, please do not mind the grammatical mistakes and typos. I will fix it later from time to time. Because the more I re-read, the more I want to delete this so I'll just post first.
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kwanisms · 1 year
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please note that I am no longer actively writing for got7 and that by putting this groups in the 'archive' does not necessarily mean I will stop writing for them entirely. Any series originally planned for any members in the archive have either been put in the vault or recasted.
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
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— oneshots
»» First Time ♧ i. jaebeom
➥ 3.1k; Y/N's first time with her boyfriend
»» Second Time ♧ i. jaebeom
➥ 3.1k; ever since her first time with her boyfriend, Y/N has felt like he was holding back. so she decides to see for herself what he's really like in bed.
»» Never Mine ♤ w. jackson
➥ 2.3k; jackson has fallen in love with Y/N, only there's a problem. Jinyoung is her boyfriend.
»» the Day Death Fell in Love ♤♧ p. jinyoung
➥ 12.5k; they say you only become a grim reaper if you've done something terrible in a past life. Whether or not that's true, Jinyoung didn't care. He had a job to do and he did his job well, guiding souls to the afterlife. That is, until he met Y/N.
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me.
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okskz · 8 months
Break pt.2
elsy + chan
things aren’t looking good between the two and they only get worse from there.
first post of the year! hope you guys enjoy, and please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated. still not sure how long this series will be. also, requests are OPEN!
[8th member of got7/soloist]
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it had been a couple of weeks since the argument between chan and elsy. not one of them took the time to fix things, or even check up on each other. elsy felt chan was the one who needed to message first since she felt he was the cause of their argument. which is why she started to get more upset with him for not trying to call or message her. chan didn’t even try to fix things after she stormed off that day.
was this the end?
elsy most definitely didn’t want her relationship with chan to end. she loved him, he was her first real love and relationship and this was just the thing she was scared of the most. and probably the main reason she was ever scared of getting into a relationship. she didn’t want to lose chan again.
but elsy kept telling herself that this was just a rough patch that couples go through. no relationship was perfect, but she definitely thought her’s and chan’s was. maybe things will go back to normal soon, she thought.
now, the girl was sitting on her couch along with jaebeom as the two watched a movie together. elsy had told jaebeom everything between the couple. with jinyoung being away, she couldn’t go to him like she always did.
“he still loves me right?”
jaebeom rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his beer. he had heard the same question over and over again. “elsy, of course he does.” he answered once again. trying to sound more reassuring. “you guys just had a little discourse, it happens to a lot of relationships.”
“it’s just he hasn’t messaged or call-“
“he’s probably just getting his thoughts together. and when he does, he’ll come looking for you.”
“but does it really take more than a couple of days?”
“he seems very busy in group activities, els.”
elsy sighed as she threw her head back against her couch. all she could think about was chan. “maybe he doesn’t know how to balance being in a relationship and his job. the group got busier than ever.” jaebeom said.
and that he was right, which is why elsy felt a little bad for lashing out on chan for doing his work. elsy knew how much chan loved making new music, but she also was getting tired of constantly having to only be in the studio with him to spend time with him.
his words still replayed in elsy’s head. the girl still felt some type of way with chan’s words. the last thing she wanted was to feel like she was a distraction to chan or going in between him and his work. but hearing it come from chan himself made her think it was becoming true.
it also felt like a slap in the face when he mentioned that he was actually doing something with music unlike her. especially when chan knew the reason why she took a pause in making music.
elsy let out a sigh and jaebeom turned his attention to her. “it’ll be okay, els.” he reassured her again. “he’ll come around.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“when am I ever wrong?” jaebeom let out a chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood. as he took another sip of his beer, elsy snorted and pushed the beer bottle more up, causing the beverage to spill out and go onto jaebeom’s shirt. “oops!”
“damnit, jiyeon!” jaebeom groaned. “now my shirt is ruined.”
elsy continued to laugh. “sorry about that, if you want, you can put it in the washer and then dryer.”
that he did. jaebeom was quick to stand up and take his shirt off to put it in elsy’s washer. and as he was doing that, elsy heard her bell ring and quickly stood up to open her door.
she tugged down her oversized tee, “bang chan?”
“hi, els.” he bit the inside of his lip. “may I come in-“
“who’s here jiyeon?” jaebeom said as he entered back into the living room. the door was open wide enough for chan to see jaebeom behind elsy. his eyes wandered to jaebeom being shirtless and the oversized tee elsy had on.
“it’s bang chan.” she answered. “yes, you can come in.”
chan was a bit hesitant but did either way. jaebeom greeted chan with a smile but only chan greeted jaebeom with a half smile. elsy already knew something was bothering chan.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” jaebeom said as he walked away, going into elsy’s spare room.
“if I’d had known you had company I wouldn’t have stopped by.”
“well, you haven’t messaged me so of course you wouldn’t have known.” elsy said. there was a bit of annoyance in the tone of her voice, and chan quickly noticed it.
“you haven’t either.” chan replied.
“sorry, didn’t want to be more of a distraction to you.” elsy said blankly. “you know, since you have work to do and I don’t.” she repeated the words chan said towards her.
“lee jiyeon, you know that’s not what I meant!” elsy flinched from his sudden outburst.
“you still said it though, bang chan!” elsy yelled back. “so obviously it had to have meant something!”
“no, elsy. no, not at all!” chan exclaimed. “I just meant it as in I didn’t need any distractions at that moment- because I needed to finish-“
“so I am a distraction to you.” elsy snapped. “I just wanted one day! one day for us to actually be a couple and do other things, all we do is sit around in the studio as you work and I’m just there. bang chan, that’s not a date, that’s not anything! I don’t want to always do that, I just wanted for us to go back to how we did things, us going out!”
“elsy, I just can’t do those things at the moment, my schedule has been all over the place-“
“when my schedules were busy, I still made time for you. listen, if you’re not here to apologize chan, then I think you should go. because I cannot deal with another argument with you.” elsy felt her eyes getting watery.
but chan got more annoyed. “why are trying to kick me out so quickly?” chan arched an eyebrow. “something going on between you two that you don’t want me to know about?”
elsy was taken back from chan’s words, becoming confused to say the least as she stared at chan. “what?” she snapped. “and what the hell do you mean by that?” the girl was at lost for words.
chan swallowed hard, “you know what I mean.”
“are you implying that I’m cheating on you?! as if I’d ever sleep with jaebeom, chris. he’s my group member-“
“you did it with jinyoung, so it’s a little hard to believe you wouldn’t.”
chan couldn’t stop the words from coming out. elsy let out the biggest gasp ever that even jaebeom could hear. the tension was thick. elsy felt like she had gotten stabbed in the back. what’s worse was that it was chan who made her feel that way. she couldn’t believe chan had the nerve to say that to her.
“fuck you, bang chan.”
elsy’s eyes became more watery and chan’s mood had instantly changed in regret. “el-“
“no, fuck you!” she yelled. “fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” she continued to say as she pushed chan back, tears falling down her face. chan grabbed elsy’s arms to stop her from pushing his chest. “you out of all people.” she cried. “you know how I got treated and you know what people said about me! only for you to be like the rest of them, and think of me like that. fuck you!”
“get out.” elsy snapped. “get out of my home. I don’t want to see you.” the girl went to open her apartment door, leading chan out.
elsy shook her head, telling chan one last thing before she shut the door on his face.
“we’re done.”
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sweetestofchaos · 6 months
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𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗌𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝗀𝗈. 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍...𝖨𝖿 𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎, 𝗇𝗈 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗇.
𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗑 𝖡𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄!𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖱𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝟣𝟪+ 𝖶𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾!𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 - 𝖲𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝖫𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾 - 𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗀𝗇𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝖡𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄!𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 - 𝖠𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 - 𝖬𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 - 𝖠𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗁𝗈𝗅 - 𝖣𝗎𝖻𝖢𝗈𝗇 (𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖩𝖺𝖼𝗄𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋) - 𝖯𝗁𝗒𝗌𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗅/𝖬𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗅 𝖠𝖻𝗎𝗌𝖾 -  𝖳𝗈𝗑𝗂𝖼 𝖱𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 - 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝖼𝖾𝖽 𝖱𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 - 𝖯𝖾𝗍 𝖭𝖺𝗆𝖾 (𝖽𝖺𝗂𝗌𝗒) - 𝖬𝖢𝖣 (𝗆𝖺𝗂𝗇 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁) 𝖶𝗈𝗋𝖽 𝖢𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍: 𝟣.𝟦𝖪
✘ Sequel to Twisted ✘
a/n: Prompt (bold font) from @writing-challenges-and-prompts. barbed wire/support divider made by @benkeibear​. I am late with this fic (honestly should have been posted last year) but HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON (a day late lol)!!!
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The house is quiet, the scent of food is nonexistent and Jackson raises an eyebrow. He has half a mind to call out for you but he chooses not to. Shutting the front door behind himself, Jackson locks the door and walks into the kitchen. You are standing in front of the stove, there is no music playing nor pots in the sink. Shaking his head, Jackson goes over to his liquor cabinet and pours himself half a glass of whiskey. He takes a long sip and lets the amber liquid settle on his tongue before he swallows. 
Holding the glass in his hand, Jackson makes his way to the living room and he hears your soft snores. Peeking over the couch, Jackson watches as you sleep peacefully and his grip on the glass tightens. He watches you for a moment longer, enjoying the sight of your beast as they rise and fall, the softness of your skin as it glitters in the low lighting and how sweet you look. He wonders what you are dreaming about as you sleep on your side with one hand cradling your stomach.
That makes Jackson’s jaw tick and he sighs before he walks around the couch and sets his drink down on the coffee table. Squatting down in front of you, Jackson reaches out and tucks one of your braids behind your ear before he traces the contours of your face. His fingertips glide across your skin, and linger at your plush lips. There is a clear shine to them, a lip gloss or maybe more like a balm makes Jackson want to have a taste.
Slowly, he leans in and presses his lips to yours. Vanilla. It makes Jackson’s mouth water and he kisses you again and again…and again until you start to emerge from your slumber. You moan softly against Jackson’s lips and he smiles into the kiss, nuzzling his nose against yours as your eyes flutter open.
The easy and carefree look is snuffed out the moment the reality of the situation breaks through the sleeping fog in your mind. You pull away with a sharp inhale and Jackson clicks his tongue but chooses not to speak on it.  
“Have you eaten, Daisy?” He asks as he helps you sit up. Your stomach is getting larger and it is harder to hide it. You look beautiful pregnant but it still rubs Jackson the wrong way that the baby isn’t his. Will you love the bastard child more than him?
“Daisy?” Jackson reaches out to touch your stomach and you quickly wrap your arms protectively around it, blocking his hands. He sighs and licks his lips, “You’re not being very nice,” he glances up at your face and smiles. “I just want to say hello to the little one.”
Jackson frowns at your request. Why are you so afraid of him? He loves you. Isn’t that enough? He cocks his head to the side and watches as you try to make yourself smaller, pushing yourself farther into the couch and he frowns. 
Your eyes jump from his hands to his face and he slowly cups the side of your cheek, his thumb rough as he strokes the skin.
“I think it’s time to end this little game,” Jackson’s voice is soft as he speaks and your breath hitches as his hand slowly trails down to your throat. “Let’s get rid of it, Daisy.”
“N-No!” You cry, eyes wide as he stares down at your protruding stomach. You tighten your hold around your stomach and Jackson’s frown deepens.
Jackson’s fingers squeeze around your neck and he licks his lips. His eyes are dark, almost black and as he leans in, your noses press together as he speaks lowly. 
“No?” He chuckles flatly and smashes his lips into yours. 
Tears burn your eyes as you remove your hands from your stomach and press them against his chest. You push and push, trying to get Jackson away from you but it only seems to upset him. The kiss became harsher, full of teeth and tongue.
“P-Please stop?” You beg and Jackson tears himself away with a growl.
“Stop?! Stop…all you say is stop!!” Jackson’s chest heaves as he glares down at your stomach. “Why should I!?”
“You’re scaring me!” You cry and Jackson laughs, his eyes are wild as he rakes a hand through his messy hair.
“You’re always scared.”
“And who’s fault is that?!” 
Your eyes widen as you scream at Jackson and before he can respond, you push past him and run up the steps. 
Jackson watches as you disappear up the steps to your room. Your ass looks amazing in the olive sundress you are wearing and it makes heat curl in his stomach. From his spot, knelt on the floor, Jackson licks his lips (the taste of you still on his tongue) and stands to his full height. He grabs his glass of whiskey from the table and sips it slowly. He rolls his tongue in his mouth as vanilla and whisky mix together before he sighs again. He didn’t mean to snap at you. It was a long day and Yugyeom pushed all his buttons. He expected to come home to a hot cooked meal with you waiting for him, but what he found was you sleeping on the couch.
That isn’t what upset him. If anything his heart clenched in his chest as he watched the rise and fall of your breasts. He woke you up by softly stroking your face and kissing  your lips over and over. He smiled as your eyes fluttered open and the fear that he saw come to life irked him. It has been four months since he got you back. Long enough for you to get over your petty feelings and go back to the sweet woman he loved. This fearful little doe before him was not who he fell in love with.
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"Ask me for anything, and it's yours.” Jackson cups your tear stained face in one of his hands and presses his forehead against yours. You can smell the alcohol on his breath and you want to push him away. The smell is too strong and makes you nauseous. “Anything, I swear it."
Through your tears, you shake your head, unable to believe his words. How many times has Jackson lied to you? Promised you such sweet dreams only to pull you into a never ending nightmare. 
"Yes. Name it." Jackson gives a slight nod of his head, staring right into your eyes, his breath mingling with yours from being so close.
Closing your eyes, you inhale and pray to whoever might answer you, "...Let me go."
Jackson’s body tenses, his fingers digging into your cheek as his mind processes your request. You whimper, feeling the inside of your cheeks pressing into your teeth as Jackson’s grip on your face gets tighter and tighter.
“Look at me!” Jackson growls and your eyes snap open. Tears silently spill from those once warm brown eyes and Jackson shakes his head slowly, your foreheads rubbing against each other. “You. Are. Mine.” Your noses smush together as Jackson tries to crawl into your very soul. 
“Mine. But if you want to go...” Jackson’s hand falls from your face and drops to your shoulder. He doesn’t take his eyes off you as he presses his lips to yours. The kiss is salty, filled with tears and trembling movements as Jackson brings his other hand to your shoulder.
His hands are warm, so very warm as his thumbs rub gentle circles against your bare skin. Up, up, up. His hands move slowly and he nibbles on your lower lip. 
“Then go.” 
His hands wrap around your neck and your eyes widen as your air supply starts to lessen. Your claw at Jackson’s hands, tears falling from your eyes as you struggle to breath. Jackson pushes you back on the bed and straddles your lap as he squeezes harder.
“S-Stop!” You beg, fearing for not only your life but the life that is growing inside of you.
“J-Jack-” You kick your legs and cry, unable to pull Jackson’s hands off you.
Jackson’s eyes are wild as tears stream down his face. His words are jumbled, coated thickly with his tears as he whispers his love over and over again.
Your hands reach for your stomach and you cry harder.
“O-Our ba-baby!”
Jackson laughs bitterly through his tears as he kisses the last of your breath away, “Goodbye babies.” 
His broken voice is the last thing you hear as you fade from the world…
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iamyoursinblog · 1 year
개새끼 (gaesaekki)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
Genre: smut
Word Count:  1,2 k
Jackson grabbed your hand as he pulled you into the bathroom. “Do you think I didn’t notice the way you look at me when you think no one sees” Jackson chuckled, making you freeze with your mouth open. “Especially your boyfriend”
"Are you crazy?" your face turn pale. “Yes, I am!” Jackson chuckled, nodding his head as he took a step towards you. “I'm going crazy every time when I see you fucking me with your eyes!” Jackson closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, "I'm going crazy because I want to fuck my best friend's girlfriend" Jackson bared his teeth at your shocked gaze, Jackson took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, his cock twitching in pants as your cheeks turned red. "One more step and I'll scream!" you said as you leaned back against the wall. “I promise that you will. My cock will make you scream with pleasure” Jackson chuckled. “I'm dating Jinyoung! Madman!!! Do you even know what you’re doing right now?!” you growled “I'm going to be a scumbag for my best friend?” he asked, and his smile widened. “But if Jinyoung doesn’t find out about this, then it won’t hurt him, right?” Jackson laughed as you pushed him hard. “Yeah, okay,” Jackson shook his head, laughing softly. “You can keep playing the shy girl who doesn’t want to fuck me.” Jackson pressed your hands against the wall above your head. “You can swear and tell me to stop…” Jackson moved closer to your "I know you want it as much as I do, my naughty little slut" Jackson pressed you against the wall with his body, pressing his hard cock into your lower abdomen. He almost laughed when you exhaled loudly, and your skin was covered with goosebumps. Jackson ran his tongue down your neck, and you trembled in his captivity. "You can keep pretending you don't dream about my cock sliding into your wet pussy, making moans escape your sweet lips," Jackson moaned biting your ear, rubbing his cock against your belly. You forcefully pushed him away when you couldn't hold the soft moan that escaped your lips. "Jerk!" you growled as you took a step towards the exit. Jackson growled as he grabbed your hand. He pressed you with your stomach onto the surface near the sink. "Liar!" he growled. "I'll let you go and never cross the line again if you're not horny right now" he unbuttoned your jeans, sliding his hand into your panties. "Jackson!" you almost suffocated as his fingers slid into your wet pussy. “Just look at that flowing pussy,” laughed Jackson. “It needs me so much!” Jackson pulled your jeans down your legs as he squatted down. He stretched your folds as he ran his tongue over your crotch. He pushed his tongue into your hole, making you moan. His tongue circled your clit, making your thighs tremble. “Shit…fuck me.” Jackson froze as a silent plea escaped your lips. He wasn't even entirely sure if it was in his head or for real. He stood up, meeting your gaze in the reflection of the mirror. “Repeat it,” he growled. He wanted to be sure it wasn't his fantasy. “Now!” You looked down, muttering under your breath. He wrapped your hair around his fist, pulling your head back, pressing your back against his chest. "I said… repeat!" he ordered while glaring at you in the mirror. “Fuck me!” you said. "Say it!" Jackson squeezed your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin. “Say you want my cock to fuck your wet pussy. Tell me that you dreamed about it every time you undressed me with your eyes, sitting in the arms of your boyfriend! Tell me that riding Jinyoung's cock, I was in your mind too!" He growled low as he got rid of his pants. “Jackson” you breathed out his name as he thrust his cock into your pussy. "Yes exactly." He fucked you hard, making his name fly from your lips with every thrust. He growled out of you as you turned your head away again as he tried to kiss you. "Do not play with me!" Jackson growled as he pushed you hard against the wall.
“Don't even think, Jackson!” you held out your hand to stop him. “I can fuck you but not kiss you. Is that what you want to say?" he raised an eyebrow at you. “It belongs only to him!” you said. Your words were spoken with such seriousness that it made him take a step back. Your words made his blood boil with anger. He grabbed your shirt and threw you to the floor before lunging at you. He put you on your knees in front of him, thrusting hard into your pussy. He fucked you ruthlessly, taking out his anger at you for your words that hit him like a slap, reminding him of what a bastard he became with every thrust into your pussy. “Just look how much you like my cock, my little slut!” he left a hard slap on your ass as your pussy squeezed his cock. He was on the verge of orgasm, just like you. You covered your mouth with your hand, muffling your moan when you finished. He fell on you, sinking his teeth into your shoulder, cumming inside you. “Remember it well how good you felt on my cock” Jackson chuckled. You pushed him away before getting off the floor. You quickly put on your jeans while he lay on the floor laughing at you. “First you ask me to fuck you, and now you pretend that you didn’t just moan while my cock was deep in you” You froze in front of the door at his words. He chuckled as he saw your jaw tighten. “Will you moan like that when Jinyoung will fuck you tonight?” he asked, getting up from the floor. “I hope my name doesn't accidentally slip off your lips while Jinyoung's cock slides into your tight pussy,” Jackson laughed. You walked out of the bathroom without looking at him.
. . . One week later. . . .
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He was surprised to see a drunken Jinyoung sitting on the kitchen floor next to an almost empty bottle of whiskey. “What the fuck…” Jinyoung groaned, running his hand over his face in complete desperation, throwing the phone on the floor. "What's happened?" asked Jackson, coming closer. “Hyung… I don't understand… I don't understand anything…” Jinyoung shook his head meeting Jackson's gaze. Jackson recoiled as he saw Jinyoung's eyes filled with tears. “Why is she..” Jinyoung covered his face with his hands sobbing. “Jinyoung…” Jackson's voice was no more than a whisper. He was completely shocked by Jinyoung's condition… Did you really tell Jinyoung everything. “She just left me, sending a message that she cheated on me. Hyung…” Jinyoung could barely speak while sobbing. Jackson practically fell to the floor at his words. “Jinyoung… I…” “Hyung, I love her more than life, I don't care even if it's true…” Jinyoung shook his head. “A week ago, she pulled away from me when I tried to hug her after a dorm party. Then I heard her crying in the bathroom for half the night… And in the morning, she just packed her things and left before I even woke up." Jinyoung looked at Jackson. "Hyung, but can this really be true? I love her so much.. .” The pain in Jinyoung's voice made Jackson's heart shatter into a million pieces…
What did he done?..
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stay-mon-army · 1 year
Love After Lock-Up
Warnings: reader went to prison, family disappointment/not accepting, implied violence
Word Count: 2,356 words
Pairing: Jinyoung (Got7) x gn!reader
Requested?: yes, by @crzy-devil​ - I hope this isn’t horrible, I’m so sorry it took me so long to complete. I’m also sorry I went off the grid for like months 😭
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Dear Jinyoung,
Life in prison is surprisingly dull! I have so much spare time to just think. I spend most of my time thinking about you and all our times together before I got into this stupid mess. I can’t tell you how sorry I am that I can’t be with you now. I hope things are going good for you at home and you aren’t missing me too much. I’m going to be released soon, and I can’t wait to be home with you. Do you think you could pick me up? I want your face to be the first I see when I’m finally free to be with you again. Maybe we can go to a cafe and just talk. You can tell me all about what I missed while I was away. I miss hearing your voice and holding your hand. I mostly just miss being near you. I’ll see you soon, my love! Wait for me, I swear it’ll all be worth it soon.
On the day of your release from prison, you couldn’t wait to see Jinyoung. He had written you back and promised that he would be there to pick you up. You collected your belongings from the guard at the front desk and make your way to the exit before you.
It’s an overcast day; the sun is hidden behind rolling clouds, but thankfully it isn’t raining. As you step out into the crisp fall day, you spot a black car, and leaning against it, the love of your life. You face breaks into a smile and you see his face mirror yours as he pushes away from the hood of his car. For a second, you can’t move. It had been months since you had seen him, and it felt like a dream to finally see him here, in person, smiling at you and waiting for you like some prince. You hardly deserved him.
You broke out of your frozen state as he steps closer to you. You throw yourself into his arms, holding onto him as he buries his head into your neck. He squeezes you close to him, and you feel him breathe deeply against your neck, trying not to cry. You both had missed each other so much, it was hard not to tear up as you’re finally able to hold each other again and feel each others love like this.
After a moment, you pull away, moving your hands from around his waist up to cup his face. You take a moment just looking over his face as he gazes down at you, his eyes wet and shining but full of love. Finally, you pull him down to place your lips against his gently, slowly, enjoying the feeling of his skin against yours again after so long. His lips are gentle against yours as well, not pushing or pressuring but slowly exploring yours, matching your pace. It feels new and fresh, but also so comforting and safe, like coming home after a long, uncomfortable work day.
Finally, you let go of each other and he steps back to open the car door for you. You slide into the seat, placing your small bag of personal items between your feet as he closes the door and rounds the car to get into the drivers seat. He slides into his seat, clicking his seatbelt into place and starting the car smoothly. You missed the gentle ease he had with all his movements, like everything came naturally to him. His smooth movements, his gentle air, his ability to simultaneously fill a room and quiet the edges of a growing tension— all of him was so unlike everything that you were. Everything was so effortless to him and your love for him was only made sharper as he seemed to cleanly sweep away all your dirty secrets, round out your abrasive edges, dulled any growing fires of rage — he truly made you a better person by simply loving you.
He turns to flash you a smile, one hand gripping the wheel as he drives, the other reaching over to rest upon your thigh. You didn’t even realize he had started driving but you look out the window now and see the scenery change as he takes you away from that horrible place.
“What are you thinking about?” God, you had missed his voice. You nearly melt in your seat, those months of fear and stress and discomfort washing away with just the timbre of his voice.
“How much I missed you.” You answer honestly, letting your hand drift to run gentle circles and twirls around the skin of his hand and arm that’s reaching across the center console to touch you. You glance over at his side profile as he drives; his sharp jawline, the line of his nose, the prominence of his lips. Now that you’ve got him back, you’ve decided to commit him to memory. You had no intentions of ever leaving him again, but today, you would drink in as much of him as you could to make up for all that lost time. “Where are we going?”
“You said we should go to a cafe and catch up, so I’m taking you to Belle Fleur.” He smiles, his eyes crinkling up as he hears your soft gasp.
“Where we had our first date. Jinyoung, you’re too sweet.” You tear up again, which you’re sure you’ll do a million times throughout the day. No doubt being with him again was going to have you emotional. Lord knows you had cried plenty while you were in jail because of how much you missed him.
He doesn’t respond, just flipping his hand over to hold yours as he smiles out the windshield as he drives. He never had to say much of anything for you to feel the love he had for you.
You drive in relative silence for a while, the only sound being the gentle music floating from the radio. You enjoy the silence; you didn’t get a lot of quiet time in prison, with so many other people crammed into such a small place with little privacy.
Finally, Jinyoung pulls into the parking lot of the sweet little cafe and he lets you go just long enough for you both to hop out of the car. He opens the door to the cafe for you and guides you up to the counter with a hand resting on the small of your back, protective and possessive, just what you loved about him. He wasn’t overly possessive by any means, but the small signs to show off that you belonged with each other made your stomach erupt into butterflies.
He ordered for you at the counter, memorizing your favorite order even after so long not hearing it. You try to hide your smile, a feeling of exaltation you’ve never felt before spreading through you.
He takes both of your orders and you lead the way over to a small table in the corner by the windows. You like getting to people watch— you used to spend hours with a good drink and some snacks, just watching people going about their normal days through the windows of a cafe, feeling small and yet complete.
Jinyoung sits before you, a smile on his face as he pushes your drink your way, takes his own, and settles the baked goods you had picked out between you on the table. You watch his movements quietly, just drinking in his existence for another moment. Finally he stops, turning his eyes back to you as he cups his hands around his coffee.
“So,” you say, settling back into your seat and bringing your drink up to your lips for a sip. “Tell me everything I missed.”
You spent hours at that table with Jinyoung, catching up on all the little things you both experienced over the last few months. You were surprised by how normal life continued to be for you both— that despite the weird place you had found yourself in, both of you were still alive and healthy and back together, and nothing bad had happened to either of you.
Finally, the store began to close and it was time for you both to leave. You didn’t have a place of your own anymore, so you had to find someplace to stay. However, before you could panic, Jinyoung offered to let you stay with him and his family for a little while, until you found a job and your own place. You had been talking about moving in together before everything had gone wrong anyway, so you didn’t think it would be weird or difficult. You loved each other; it was only natural that you would want to spend your time together.
You hadn’t taken into account, however, that Jinyoung lived with his family, who might have different thoughts on everything than you two.
When you finally got back to Jinyoung’s house, you were ready to collapse into bed and rest for hours. The rush of getting ready to see Jinyoung again and the adrenaline of finally being out in the real world again had worn off and you could feel your body growing sluggish and lazy.
However, as you entered the house, you could tell instantly it wasn’t going to be that easy.
You could hear the TV running in the living room as you and Jinyoung took off your shoes and slid into the slippers in the hallway. He places a hand on your back as you both enter the house, as though he also senses the way the air feels charged as you both pass into view of his family. His mother reaches for the remote, slowly raising it to mute the tv before them before sinking back into the couch, her face blank of any emotions.
Jinyoung leads you into the living room, his hand both a comfort and a guiding hand into the lions den.
“Mom, dad, you remember (Y/N). They’re going to be staying with us for a little while, until they can get back on their feet.” His tone is kind yet firm, meant to show respect to his parents but that he wouldn’t be taking criticism about the situation. You swallow, folding your hands before you in the hopes to look respectful as well. The last thing you need is to look like some heathen come to impose and make a mess of their lives. You just wanted to fix everything.
His father stands, back straight as a rod as he looks first over you, then his son.
“I will not let some miscreant live in my house. I can excuse your absolutely idiotic feelings for this felon, but I refuse to allow them to live under my roof.” His voice is void of emotions, nearly calm. And yet you don’t miss the slight shake in his hands, like he’s trying so hard not to throw something.
“No.” His mother cuts in now, also standing. “You will listen to your father. If you wish to waste your life chasing after someone who wishes to ruin both of your lives, that is your right, but you will not bring some heathen into our household without our permission. If your father says they cannot stay, then they cannot stay. That is final.”
“Then I will be leaving.” Jinyoung doesn’t bat an eye, but you do. You turn to him quickly, placing a hand to his chest, whispering his name quietly. He doesn’t look at you, however. He simply stands there, staring into his fathers eyes. “If you refuse to allow me to help (Y/N) in this household, then I’m moving out. I’ll get us an apartment somewhere. But know that I will not be leaving (Y/N) alone. They went to jail for me.”
“Jinyoung, stop.”
You don’t glance between him and his parents, seeing the way his mother straightens behind his father, whose eyes have darkened. You push gently on his chest, hoping to back him away from the situation. You will leave, you can figure something else out, he doesn’t have to ruin his relationship with his family.
“No, (Y/N), it’s time that they learn the truth. (Y/N) was arrested because they were defending me. The people they supposedly assaulted? They were harassing me, and when (Y/N) stepped in to get them to leave us alone, things escalated and (Y/N) did what they needed to keep us safe. The courts wouldn’t listen, but that doesn’t make them any worse of a person. They did what I couldn’t do.” He looks down at you, meeting your eyes for the first time since entering the house. “They saved me.”
You throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Neither of you had talked about what went down that day. Neither of you wanted to think about the horrible things that happened, and the even worse things that could’ve happened if you hadn’t reacted so quickly.
His parents don’t move, don’t make a sound as you begin to cry into Jinyoung’s shoulder. That he would defend you now, after all this time defending him, broke your heart to pieces. He pulls you back to look into your eyes once again.
“I love you, (Y/N), and I won’t let anyone keep me away from you for another moment.” And with that he kissed you, in front of his parents, as though he wasn’t baring his very soul to you and them. As though this didn’t mean the world to you. As though he didn’t risk throwing away his relationship with his family for you.
“They can stay.” You almost don’t believe your ears, and by the time you turn around to face them, both of his parents have turned and are heading back towards their room.
You turn back to Jinyoung, your face softening as you see the grin splitting his face as though you had agreed to marry him.
“The truth will set you free. And now, you’re all mine.” He whispers, leaning in for one more kiss.
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limjaeseven · 1 year
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Pairing: Jaebeom X Mark / Jaebeom X Youngjae
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1,362
Summary: Things haven't been looking up for Jaebeom for for god knows how long. Mark was the one person who was supposed to make things better, but there was a limit even to that.
Warning(s): Mental breakdowns, self neglect
[a/n]: So I haven't posted anything in ages even though I have nearly 20 fics piled up from the past two years. I'm finally taking the initiative to post them (fingers crossed). This fic was originally written for the kpop bingo collab which closed a while back but here it is anyways. I hope you enjoy!
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Jaebeom didn’t know when it went from just a bad day every now and then to struggling to get out of bed every morning. Things were going fine, and the next thing he knew, they weren’t.
Coming home to his boyfriend Mark used to be his favourite part of the day, but their small quarrels had become fights that left them not sharing a word for days. Jaebeom didn’t have the energy to keep the distance but Mark drew his lines thick and deep, and Jaebeom couldn’t cross them till his boyfriend let him.
Work went from good to alright to a struggle gradually enough that Jaebeom didn’t even realise he was spending one, two, three more hours at work every night. Every day there would be too many files to go through, too many calls to make, too many meetings to attend, too much to do. The stress was making his hair fall out but he just kept going, hoping that just after this project, the next project, the project after that, things would get better.
His steps went from confident and fast paced to dragging, every movement a struggle against his body telling him to stop, to catch a break, to just give everything up.
“So you’re taking the day off for our anniversary, no?” Mark asked from across the dinner table. They had just gotten out of their last fight which consisted of doors slammed in each other’s faces, leaving late at night and coming back early in the morning without informing the other, and a week of eating meals seperately.
“I told you, I really can’t. This client is too important.” Jaebeom knew that the respite from the fight was short, that they would go back to doing what they were doing by midnight.
Mark sighed, frustrated. “I never ask you for anything, Jaebeom. I just want us to spend one day together. It’s our fifth anniversary, doesn’t that mean something to you?”
Nearly on the verge of tears, Jaebeom tried to hold himself together as he spoke. “I know hyung,” Jaebeom knew him using honorifics on the older would relay to him how serious he was, “But there’s nothing I can do. Even if I asked for a holiday my boss would reject it. I can’t lose this job, it’s everything I have. You know how much I love you but I just can’t do this for you. We can plan something for the weekend after, maybe?”
Mark looked conflicted, understanding his boyfriend on an intellectual level but the primal part of him hurt and torn apart, that his lover couldn’t spare him one day when it mattered the most.
“We both know that you’ll be busy on the weekend too, you don’t have time for me anymore. Not talking to you when you’re home is futile because you never even are. I know your job is hectic and meaningful to you, Jaebeom, but I need to see you, spend time with you, talk to you to be able to be with you. If I’m just seeing you twice a week in our home and we’re fighting for most of it, there’s no point in us going on like this.”
Jaebeom knew what those words meant but he couldn’t accept it. There was no way Mark was implying that, was there? He wouldn’t ever think of such a thing, would he? Mark had been his better half for as long as he could remember. They were practically married, they were ride or die, right?
The world came closing around Jaebeom and he couldn’t hold onto anything by the time he realised. His body shook and his throat closed. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t see, he couldn’t hear. He was trapped and he didn’t know what to do.
He didn’t know how long he sat on the floor of their kitchen, curled in foetal position, with Mark trying to get his breathing to even out. Jaebeom hadn’t had a panic attack in years and it scared both of them.
“Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go,” Jaebeom mumbled over and over again, hands clutching tightly at Mark’s sides. He could see the tears streaming down his lover’s face, and he knew what the expression on his face meant. He knew it was the end and he didn’t know what to do but cry.
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Mark left a week later. Jaebeom had just returned from work and he saw the suitcases sitting in the living room. He knew this day was coming for a while, but he still hadn’t entirely processed it. They had spent every evening after that night together, a respectable distance between them as Mark spoke about the end. He wasn’t one to sugar coat, he wouldn’t talk about his day at work and pretend like they weren’t ending the relationship they built brick by brick.
He had stayed a few days longer just to make sure Jaebeom was okay, because even though they weren’t right for each other anymore, Mark still loved him. Still, saying goodbye wasn’t any easier. They hugged each other for what felt like hours, crying quietly into each other’s arms, till Mark had to pull away, his best friend at the door to help him out.
Jaebeom crumbled to the floor the moment the door closed. He slept there that night, waking up well into the afternoon. Emailing his boss an apology, who let him take the rest of the day off, he got to tidying up his house, trying not to cry every time he saw the empty spots where Mark’s things sat.
He knew he should have tried harder, but it was as if his body was working on autopilot and he was just going along on the ride. He knew Mark had every right to leave, that it had been building up for a long time, but it didn’t hurt any less. Jaebeom cried more times that day than he probably had in all of his life.
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It was less that two weeks later that he collapsed at work and had to be taken to the hospital. Jaebeom hadn’t been eating, he barely had anything more than coffee to keep himself up and running. His body had finally given in and it took him nearly two days to get back to consciousness. The nurse who looked after him was a woman about his mother’s age, who chided him for being so careless, and convinced him to try therapy out.
Reluctantly, Jaebeom made a visit to the psychiatrist in the hospital where he was admitted, and he had to admit, just talking about what he was going through to someone helped. After he was discharged, he came back once a week, poured his heart out and listened carefully. They put him on some medication and slowly the dark clouds thinned out, sunlight peaking through the cracks.
After one of the sessions, Jaebeom found a man a few years younger than him sitting in the waiting room outside his psychiatrist’s office. He was undeniable pretty, Jaebeom thought, shooting him a quick smile before leaving.
As the weeks passed, he saw the boy over and over again, and they went from friendly waves to small talk between their sessions. Jaebeom found out that the man’s name was Choi Youngjae, that he was only two years younger than him and worked as a piano teacher.
“Hyung, do you want to meet up sometime?” Youngjae asked Jaebeom when the older let him know that his psychiatrist told him he had recovered enough for them to stop the sessions.
Smiling, Jaebeom pulled his phone out and handed it to Youngjae, “I would love to.” He didn’t know if it was too soon, but the way the younger man’s smile lit up his world every time they spoke, he was willing to give it a shot.
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mykoreanlove · 7 months
🥃 realizations
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„Here buddy, take it.“
Jackson’s manager handed him a glass filled with dark brown liquor.
„I know how much you need a strong drink.“
Absentmindedly, he sipped some of his beverage. It tasted bitter which never bothered him in the past but now it felt distressing to him.
Because it clouded the sweetness he was living with you. Jackson grabbed his phone and walked out on the balcony, escaping the party crowd that pretended to love him for their own gain. He was overlooking the skyline of tonight’s city, wishing he’d be able to share it with you.
„Hello?“, you answered sleepily.
„Shit baby, did I wake you up?“
He quickly took a glance on his wrist, calculating the time zone you were in.
„Hmm, but it’s okay. Are you alright?“, you mumbled softly.
„Am now“, he answered truthfully.
A soft smile formed on your lips, adding lovely hearts to the butterflies that were already nestled in your tummy.
Jackson took another look at his drink before explaining the reason for his call.
„I’m at that party I mentioned before and my manager came up to me and handed me a drink. Saying something about how much I needed a strong drink. And you know that used to be true back then.“
He paused for a moment, choosing each word carefully.
„I took a sip and it burnt my throat. It tasted disgusting. How come I’ve never noticed that before?“
Flashbacks of party nights with heavy drinking flooded his mind. Nights in which he drowned himself in liquor, nights in which he forgot his pain for a short time.
„What changed?“, you asked him.
Jackson smiled soundly while answering.
He took a deep breath.
„You changed me, y/n.“
Suddenly, you felt very awake.
„I changed you?“
„Yes. You changed me for the better, y/n. I realized that I don’t need all those drinks because I’m finally at a point at which I’m not running away from something. There’s no need to escape the bitterness because it doesn’t exist anymore. All that’s left is sweetness…“ Jackson paused again.
„Sweetness because of you, baby.“
You fumbled for words; his serenity touching you wholeheartedly.
„Who knew that my love was able to do that“, you chuckled proudly.
Jackson chimed in, giggling like he used to when he was younger.
„Only your love was able to do that baby.“
Jackson rotated the glass and poured the remaining drink from the balcony, emptying it all into the night.
„Your sweet love is all I need, y/n.“
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spacequokka · 2 years
Oh I’m glad you are 🥰.
Anyways can I request some were Yugyeom and y/n are in a relationship but Yugyeom shares everything to bambam to the point he basically knows everything that is going on with them and haves seen her nudes ( you don’t have to add the part if your not confortable ) and they get in a argument you can decide on the one ending 💕
Everything Changed
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Pairing: Yugyeom x Reader x BamBam Genre: Established Romance, F2L, Angst Rating: T Summary: You notice a change in BamBam’s behavior during an ordinary game night. A few questions later and the ground is dropping from underneath your feet. Word Count: 1.6k Warnings: mentions of sexting and a nude, lmk if i missed something
A/N: Sorry I took so long to do this! 😭 I tweaked some bits, but I hope this fits what you were looking for.
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BamBam knew it was an accident. Yugyeom was always texting him stupid memes and gifs. “Copy Image” was his second best friend. Waking up to duplicate messages or screenshots meant for others was nothing new to him.
But a nude was.
There was no telling what the hell Yugyeom was doing when he did it. Maybe sitting on his phone wrong or drunk sexting. He was sure there was a logical reason for getting a nude of his best friend’s girlfriend. There had to be.
[Yug:] shit my b
[Yug:] delete that
[Yug:] like rn
See? An honest mistake.
[Bam:] yea no prob
[Yug:] this never happened
[Yug:] or else 🔪
[Bam:] bet 😅
BamBam shook his head and scrolled up to the picture. Time slowed to a stop as he glanced at it, committing the image to memory before long-pressing on it and choosing delete. Like Yugyeom said, no one needed to know. It was a secret he would take to his grave.
Or so he thought.
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Saturday nights were reserved for hanging out with friends. If the crowd was big enough, then there’d be club-hopping or going to the movies. This time nearly everyone had called off save for BamBam. When Yugyeom suggested the three of you staying in with games and pizza, you didn’t object. The two of them were more than enough to keep the night entertaining. They were clowns who couldn’t drive, barely good enough to keep up with you in Rainbow Six, and terrible at teamwork based play.
You were sandwiched between them on the couch waiting on their last round of a Mortal Kombat match for your turn. So far, they were tied and this would declare the winner. Both were leaned forward with their elbows on their knees, concentration at its highest. You had to admit. Yugyeom never looks hotter than when he gets that look in his eyes. With his body in full contact of yours from shoulder to knee from sitting on the tiniest sofa he could find in IKEA, you were getting distracted with thoughts of the things you could do once the night started to wind down.
“Oh, come on!” Yugyeom spat and dropped his control upon defeat. “You kept doing the same bitch move.”
BamBam shrugged. “If it’s in the game, it’s fair play.”
“Oh, fuck you.” Yugyeom shot up from his seat, inadvertently pushing you against BamBam.
Your breast brushed along the length of his bicep before you caught yourself with a hand on his thigh. “Yug!”
“Bullshit.” Yugyeom muttered as he stomped off to the kitchen.
BamBam’s hands trembled as he gently righted you. “What a sore loser.”
“No, for real.” You frowned at Yugyeom’s back, missing the way BamBam bit his bottom lip before pulling away. When your boyfriend disappeared, you turned back to his bestie with a weak smile. “Ready for another match? I get to play against the winner.”
He swallowed and looked away. “Uh, sure. Just let me run to the bathroom first.” He was up before you could reply, accidentally giving you a face full of his crotch before disappearing down the hall. You blinked a few times. Was he…hard? You knew your brush against him was more than the usual contact you two ever had, but popping a boner like he was a preteen was a bit much. It was nothing like the confident flirt you’d come to know him as.
Yugyeom returned first, face still as sour as when he left, and plopped down with three bottles of soju. “Where’d fuckface go?”
“Um, bathroom.” You pointed with your thumb. “Is he…” How did you ask this without sounding weird? “Is he okay? I mean like, getting laid and stuff?”
Yugyeom’s eyes snapped to your face. “What?”
You groaned. Honestly, you should’ve just pretended nothing happened. “You pushed me on him and he ran off to the bathroom with a…boner. Did he take a vow of celibacy or something?” Of all the reactions you expected, it wasn’t Yugyeom blushing. First, the tips of his ears before spreading to his cheeks. His eyes were wide, every bit of a deer caught in headlights. Better known as his guilty face. Your eyes narrowed with suspicion. “What did you do? And do not lie to me.”
His bottom lip quivered, and he bit it before turning away and looking down at his hands. “You’re gonna get mad.”
“Okay, but the longer you take to spit it out determines how mad I’ll be. What could you have done to cause that?”
“Cause what?” BamBam cut in, awkwardly taking his seat next to you, this time doing his best to avoid touching you.
It only made you double down and poke Yugyeom’s neck. “What. Did. You. Do?”
Yugyeom flinched and spared an apologetic look to BamBam before he spoke in a tiny voice. “I accidentally sent your nude to him.”
“You what?” Your voice was eerily flat, devoid of emotion as the words replayed in your head. Yugyeom started to repeat himself, but you were quick to shut him up. “How the hell do you accidentally send a nude?!”
“I do it all the time!”
“WHAT?” You shot up to your feet and backed away from them.
“No! Not like that.” BamBam held up his hands. “He accidentally sends me stuff all the time. This was the first time a pic of you came up.”
“R-right! Please, it was an accident. I’d never do that on purpose. You know I love you.” Yugyeom slid off the couch and onto his knees rubbing his hands together. “I’d never disrespect you like that.”
Seeing him like this was enough to douse your outrage. “Okay, well then, why is BamBam afraid to touch me now?” You looked at him and addressed him directly. “You deleted it, right?”
Now it was BamBam’s turn to be sheepish and guilty. “I did. I just…can’t forget what I saw. I thought things would be the same as before,” he spared Yugyeom a sad look of his own, “but being around you fucks my head up now. I’m honestly having a hard time keeping a ‘friend, off-limits’ label on you.” He covered his face with his hands and exhaled hard. “I just—I know it’s fucked up and I’m sorry, you guys.”
Stunned silence filled the room and for the longest no one spoke. You could feel the comfortable life you’d come to have with them start to crack, and as the silence wore on, knew it wouldn’t be long before it all fell apart. But what to do? They were best friends long before you came into the picture. You couldn’t say for sure Yugyeom wouldn’t choose BamBam over you, and even if he did, it’d tear him apart in the long run. BamBam would sacrifice their friendship for Yugyeom’s happiness, but it’d set him decades back to his old, standoffish teen ways. You could leave and never look back, but you’d be leaving a large chunk of yourself in their hands. They’d become a large part of your life and starting over from scratch was a scary prospect.
Unable to come up with something to say, you sank to the floor and hugged your knees. Just a little longer, and there’d be nothing anyone could say or do.
“What if—” Yugyeom whispered, barely louder than the background noise of the tv, “What if you dated BamBam, instead?”
Your neck popped with how fast you looked up at him. “What?”
“Are you insane?” BamBam grimaced. “Why the fuck would she do that?”
Yugyeom picked at his fingers, head bowed as he blinked rapidly. “This is my fault. I-I fucked up, right? So I should be the one punished. I could back off and let you two see how things go. I could.”
“But I was the one who memorized the pic!” BamBam immediately ducked his head once the confession was out. “I’m the one who made everything awkward and weird.”
You rolled your eyes. “By that logic, it’s my fault for even taking the pic in the first place. You’re both dorks when it comes to women. You’re acting the way I’d expect him to react if we weren’t dating.” You looked at Yugyeom. “And if we broke up, what will you do? Sit on his couch while he cuddles with me like nothing’s wrong? I thought you loved me. How could you let me go so easily?”
“I didn’t say it wouldn’t hurt me!” Yugyeom finally looked up, eyes watery as his lips trembled. “I just don’t want you two to be unhappy. If you at least had each other, I could try to move on. You both mean the world to me.”
Silence followed again, but it was much heavier than before. Yet, in that heaviness, there was a spark of hope. Your throat ran dry at the thought, the absolute madness, of the idea. You had to swallow around the lump that suddenly formed. “Yug?”
He looked at you, tears spilling down his cheeks. “Yeah?”
“Think you could share?” You chuckled nervously, licked your lips and tried again. “I mean, might as well. I know you tell him everything, anyway.” You turned your attention to your pants, picking at a stray thread. “It’s better than us falling apart and not speaking or whatever. What’s one more dork to deal with gonna hurt—”
“Do you mean it?” Yugyeom cut you off. “You’re not just saying it, are you? Because if you’re okay with it, I don’t mind at all.” His eyes were wide yet still watery, as if he wanted to hope but didn’t dare tip over just yet. “You don’t have to do—”
“I do.” You said firmly. “Like you said. I love both of you. If nothing else, we should try.” You gave a little shrug. “Love’s messy like that.”
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staynoonaz9290 · 2 years
I Feel The Light, You Calling My Name (AO3 Novel)
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Where Hyunae and Sooae are sisters in a Soulmate AU and two ordinary college graduates trying to land their dream jobs.
But what happens when Sooae- who’s been waiting and wishing for her soulmate her entire life- finds out her perfect match is the famous kpop idol, Bang Chan?
And what happens when Hyunae- who was never interested in soulmates and never wanted it- unwillingly stumbles upon Kim Yugyeom, forced to fight against her own instincts?
Group: Stray Kids/Got7/Solo
Pairing: Yugyeom/Fem! Reader (Third Person-Hyunae), Chan/Fem! Reader (Third Person-Sooae)
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Sexual Content, Supernatural Elements, Cheating... (additional tags/warnings on official AO3 post)
In Progress
Hi (again lol) ☕
Just another promotional piece for my other story "I Feel The Light, You Calling My Name" 🎹😏
This is my first attempt at a Soulmate AU story, and there's a lot of original lore created so I could make the story my own (which I was super nervous about hehe) 😊📚 but I had so much fun with it!
If you like any of my additional works on here, please feel free to read the story!
"I Feel The Light, You Calling My Name" AO3 Link
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okskz · 1 year
elsy + chan
chan and elsy hit a point in their relationship that they never imagined, causing them to start having conflict.
this is part 1 of this elsy series. not too sure how many parts I’ll have but in the mean time just enjoy :) please feel free to leave feedback because it is always appreciated!
[8th member of got7/soloist]
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elsy stood eagerly in the elevator as she waited for it to get on the floor chan’s dorm was in. it had been awhile since the two had seen each other, chan being busy with his schedule and traveling all over. but now, chan had a bit of free time to spend with the girl.
elsy had took a break from music after leaving her company. she left mainly at the fact she wasn’t given the proper support as she had in the beginning. she hadn’t been able to release new music and her only option was to leave. elsy felt as if she was letting her career go to waste if she continued to stay.
elsy was now walking fast and she was almost to chan’s dorm but before she could make it, chan was already walking out. “bang chan!” she exclaimed, smiling brightly at him. chan turned to her direction and instantly smiled when seeing elsy. the girl jumped on chan, wrapping her legs around his waist. “elsy! my love.” elsy hugged chan tighter, not saying a word. she missed being around him and it felt nice having him right in front of her.
chan put elsy down, the two going in for a kiss. “I’ve missed you so much.” she said, kissing him again. “it’s so nice to finally spend time with you.”
chan giggled, kissing elsy on the forehead. “I’ve missed you way more.”
“how are you doing?”
“great.” chan answered. “very tired of doing these schedules though. but it’s all worth it.” he smiled. “and you? what have you been up to?”
elsy sighed, “nothing if I’m being honest.” she answered. “I‘ve mostly been home. and also been hanging with yugyeom.”
“no new music?”
elsy shook her head. “as of right now, no.” the girl sighed again. chan gave her a reassuring smile. he knew she wanted to make music and perform again, and he knew how unfairly she was getting treated. “it’ll be okay, els.” chan said, giving her forehead another kiss.
“enough about this.” elsy clapped. “what do you feel like doing? we can go out to eat, maybe catch a movie, go shopping. you name it. I just want to spend time with you.” she smiled, wrapping her arms around chan’s neck.
“I’d love to do any of that stuff with you, els. but I have to work on new music. care to join me?” chan smiled.
elsy felt her smile drop. “you have to work on new music already?” she asked. “don’t you want a little break?”
“I can never take a break on music, els.” chan chuckled. “I enjoy it too much.”
elsy sighed. “you’ve been sighing a lot.” chan pointed out. “it’s okay if you don’t want to join me, els.”
“I haven’t seen you in awhile, of course I want to join you. but I was thinking we do other things besides being in the studio.”
elsy has always supported chan with everything he did, from work and just the person he is. she was always in the studio with him when he’s by himself and it’s late at night. she was always there for him. but recently, she felt like that’s all they ever do now. she wanted to do other things besides sitting in a studio all day or night.
elsy never said anything though, knowing how dedicated chan was to his work. but she knew she had to at least tell him how she felt.
and after spending almost all day there with him, elsy was growing a bit inpatient. “bang chan.” elsy said. the boy was too focused on his laptop to even pay attention. “bang chan.” she said again. still no answer. elsy sighed, walking over to him from the couch. “christopher.” he shook his shoulder finally getting his attention.
“w-what.” he said startled. “something wrong, els?”
“no. not exactly.”
elsy closed her eyes for a second, gathering her thoughts before talking again. “it’s just, we’ve been here all day. don’t you think we can do something else?”
“but I’m not done-“
“I know you’re not done, chan, but we can’t just always hang around in the studio. I don’t mind doing it once in awhile but all the time? you just have me here and we don’t do much.”
chan sat there, blank expression on his face. he wasn’t understanding. and that made elsy a bit ticked off with him. she missed the times where they would actually go out, not just sitting around while chan worked. “look, I’ll just go-“
“no!” chan shouted, startling the girl. “we can do something after I’m finished.”
“bang chan, we’ve been here for hours, let’s go out right now. you can save the work for later.” elsy said. she checked the time, seeing it was night time already. meaning she had wasted an afternoon.
“okay, at least let me finish-“
elsy shook her head. “no, chan.” this time she sounded stern. and chan took notice of her voice changing, staring back at elsy. “what’s wrong? you’re never like this, you’ve never had a problem being here with me-“
“because I keep it all to myself to not make you upset.” elsy cut in.
chan was taken back from elsy’s outburst. the girl could see how slightly upset how her boyfriend got. “what are you saying?”
elsy closed her eyes, sighing heavily as she opened her eyes. “what I’m saying is, I’m tired of being in the studio with you chan.” elsy answered. “this is all we do now, and I’m getting tired of it. I want to do more than just this. I enjoyed it the first couple of times but I don’t want to do this all the time.”
“but elsy, it’s my job.”
“I know it’s your job! but for once can you put your job to the side and put me first? you’re either away traveling or preparing for something. and the times you finally have some free time you just want to do this, chan.” elsy said, she stared into chan’s eyes intensely. “when’s the last time we’ve been on a date?”
chan was silent.
and that made elsy let out a small laugh of frustration. “wow, you can’t even name the last time we’ve had a date.” elsy could feel tears wanting to come down her eyes but she held them back as much as she could.
“I just care for my job elsy.”
“yeah, a little too much.”
“you just don’t understand.” chan said. elsy raised an eyebrow. “what do you mean I don’t understand?”
chan was silent again, eyeing everything but elsy. he knew she was staring at him, wanting an explanation of what he meant. and chan let the words slip out of his mouth. “you don’t understand because you haven’t been doing anything.”
elsy furrowed her brows. “what?” she said. “did I just hear you correctly?” it felt like a slap in the face for elsy, she knew chan knew her situation on why she wasn’t working.
“no, that’s not what I meant, that came out wrong-“
“so what exactly did you mean, bang chan?!”
chan could see the hurt in elsy’s eyes. but chan just couldn’t back himself up. he stood there, hesitating which only hurt elsy more. “please, elsy. I don’t need this right now.”
“oh poor you bang chan.” elsy shook her head in disbelief. “I’m so sorry I just want to spend time with my boyfriend. but I guess you’re not on the same page since all you care about is your job.” elsy knew how much chan put effort into his work, and she didn’t want to sound selfish. but she missed chan. she missed how things were.
“I’m sorry too elsy, but I just can’t have distractions right now.”
“oh my god?!” elsy exclaimed. “so now I’m a distraction?” tears began to fall down elsy’s face. “I can’t believe you right now.”
chan realized he screwed up more as he was mentally face palming himself. “no, no-“
“I don’t want to hear it.” elsy grabbed her purse and keys to get away from chan.
“elsy, come back please.” chan grabbed her wrist but elsy shook him away. “let’s talk this out.”
“no! you said what you said bang chan.” elsy snapped. “I’m leaving since you don’t want any distractions. have a nice night.” elsy slammed the door shut, leaving chan inside the studio alone.
and he was pissed and frustrated, more at himself for not thinking everything he said through. because now he hurt elsy, and hurting elsy was something he never wanted to do now that he was in a relationship with her.
elsy on the other hand, went inside her car crying her eyes out. her and chan never really argued in their relationship so this was a first one. she didn’t know what to do.
she was confused and hurt. how did her wanting to spend time with chan and letting him now end up to this?
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
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➳ paring: Bambam x Reader
➳ genre/au/rating: 16+, Arranged Marriage, Angst, Unrequited Love, Drabble
➳ warnings: Physical Abuse, Crying, Yelling, Not a Happy Ending
➳ word count: 316
a/n: Don’t ask where this came from...I have no idea. 
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The slap sent her tumbling to the floor, not having ever been struck before. Her cheek was sore, the skin heated as if she sat too close to an open flame. Bambam was above her, fisting her hair in his hand before he yanked her up upright. She hissed as her scalp throbbed from the sudden force. His eyes, blacker than any ocean, held no ounce of sanity as he glared down at her.
“Why?!” Spit flew from his mouth as he screamed in her face. “Why can’t you love me like you love him? I-I can give you everything! I have given you everything!” His eyes were wild, caging her soul like a bird. 
“You are mine!” Bambam sneered as her face pinched in pain. “This is what you wanted, right? A monster! A cruel heartless monster!”
The humor in his voice was flat, dull...anything but comforting as he gripped her face harshly in his free hand. He forced her to stare into his eyes, his tears now dripping onto her cheek as he stared at her.
His gold jewelry suddenly felt so heavy around his neck as he watched tears slide down her face silently. Burning his skin as they followed his veins like a map on his hands to his heart. 
“You belong to me...d-does that mean nothing to you?” He leaned in closer and inhaled the sweet aroma of her hair before he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “I love you. I love you so much that it hurts.”
Their tears mingled and she hesitated to place her shaking hands on his wrist. He inhaled sharply at the touch, “I don’t want your love.” Her eyes were narrowed, watery and bloodshot as she struggled to keep herself together. “Love me?” She yanked her face free from his hold and spit at his feet. “I never wanted your love!”
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daintydoie · 2 years
right where you left me
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pairing: im jaebeom × park jinyoung (got7/jjp)
wc: 10.3k || 4/4 chapters
tags: post-break up, exes, friends to lovers, past relationship(s), flashbacks, fluff and angst
language: english
excerpt from chapter 1
The sun reaches its highest point on this chilly Saturday afternoon. Although there aren’t an overwhelming number of cars today, Jinyoung makes an effort to leave his house earlier than usual. He hasn’t seen his family in around 4 months due to his incredibly busy job, and him and his sisters made a bet on who could get to their parents’ house first. With an overnight bag in the passenger seat and his hands on the steering wheel, Jinyoung drives through the high rise buildings and billboards.
He reaches the main bridge that connects the city to the small towns in the countryside. It’s been a while since he passed this bridge, fewer cars here than he expected. After a couple more minutes, he sees his old hometown.
Although Jinyoung came to visit many times before, his hometown still gives off a timeless feel. The grass green and well kept, the simple rustic style of the houses, the neighbourhood children biking with their friends outside. It seemed like most of it stayed the same, minus the residents perhaps. Jinyoung drives past the other houses, as if he was in his school bus coming back home. He finds a house with a dark brown exterior and parks in front of it. Even though his parents are planning to have it repainted, he’ll miss the old brown wood color of their house. He takes his bag from the passenger seat and exits the car. The path leading to the door has small weeds, and his mother’s outdoor plants still look very much alive. He lifts his hand to ring the doorbell, but he hears someone opening the front door.
“The dishwasher has finally arrived!” His oldest sister, Minyoung, answers the door. Jinyoung looks at her, confused. While leaving his shoes near the doorway, he sees his other sister, Hwayoung, in the middle of eating lunch. “Huh? Since when did both of you get here?” “Half an hour ago.” Hwayoung answers while moving to the side and patting the seat next to her. “You guys left earlier, didn’t you?” He puts his bag down. “We left at noon, you’re just salty that you lost the bet!” Minyoung sticks her tongue at him while walking back to the dining table.
“Jinyoung, my son!” His mother gives him a warm hug and kisses his cheek. “I hope the dishes aren’t too much for you.” “Don’t worry mom, I’ll wash them all.” He side eyes his sisters, snickering while shoving kimchi rice in their mouths. “Jinyoung!” His dad calls him over. “Sit down and eat before Minyoung and Hwayoung finish it all.” Jinyoung hangs his coat and sits next to Hwayoung at the table. His mother hands him a bowl of kimchi stew and puts bulgogi on his plate. He takes a spoonful of the stew, still tastes the same even after so long, like the times he requested his mother to make it while he does his homework.
While he catches up with the rest of his family, they hear the doorbell ring. His mom stands up and goes to answer the door. “Oh, Mrs. Im!” The siblings look to the door. “Oh! I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” “No, don’t worry!” The rest of the family politely greet Mrs. Im. “Nice to know the kids came to visit. Um, could I ask for some extra ingredients? I’ll pay you back after today.” “Yes, of course! What do you need?” “Just some tofu. My son decided to surprise me with a visit today!”
Jinyoung suddenly stops eating. Jaebeom’s back? Why would he be back?
Minyoung and Hwayoung notice, and they look at their little brother worryingly. Hwayoung gently places her hand on Jinyoung’s shoulder to try and comfort him.
“Jaebeom? Isn’t he supposed to be in America?” “That’s what I thought too! When I saw him at the doorstep, I told him: What are you doing here?!” Mrs. Im laughs at her own story. “Turns out they gave him a week off, and he flew all the way here! He’s staying at some hotel but he dropped by earlier. He’ll come back here again since I’m preparing dinner for him.”
Jinyoung stands up from the table and goes to the fridge to look for tofu. He finds it and gives it to Mrs. Im. “Oh, thank you Jinyoung!” She takes it from him. “Wow! You look so mature! And so do Minyoung and Hwayoung!” She turns to his mother. “You raised such diligent adults.” His mother proudly smiles at her children. “Oh, Jinyoung! Jaebeom is just walking around in this area, do you want me to call him and tell him you’re here too?”
“Oh no, you don’t have to.” Jinyoung hesitates a bit with his answer. “I’ll just find him and surprise him myself.”
They wave Mrs. Im goodbye and return to the table. Minyoung and Hwayoung give each other a look, surprised with Jinyoung’s answer. They say nothing and continue eating, occasionally glancing at their brother.
continue reading!
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kwanisms · 2 years
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most works are 18+ (minors dni)
♤ - angst | ♡ - fluff | ♧ - smut
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✧ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ✧
➵ seventeen
💌 | gf singing with BTS vocal line ♡
➵ monsta x
💌 | receiving oral under the table ♧
💌 | gf wants more attention ♡
💌 | gf is loud when she orgasms ♧
💌 | kind of lingerie MX would buy their gf ♧
💌 | gf getting turned on by their new mv ♧
💌 | gf saying she likes it when they moan ♧
💌 | gf wanted them to watch 50 shades of gray ♧
💌 | idol!Crush doesn't want to be with them ♤
➵ bangtan sonyeondan
💌 | gf tries to order at a cafe in Korean ♡
💌 | gf welcomes them home with a heated make-up session ♧
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✧ 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✧
➵ got7
Pampering JB - Jaebeom ♡
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me.
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